#randle about to make his son cry
jrueships · 1 year
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demar bam and jabari all thinking the same thing
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cherryvalances · 5 years
Canon Characters (Part Three)
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Steven ‘Steve’ Lucas Randle is seventeen, and Soda’s best buddy since grade school.
“ What was silent in the father speaks in the son, and often I found in the son the unveiled secret of the father. ”
His Daddy was an American soldier, his Momma a Korean village girl, and though they didn’t experience the war, the conflict plays over his life. He’ll always be a child of war, of destruction and anger.
He was born in South Korea, under the American flag.
He’s got a coldness about him, one he might’ve had since infancy. His Daddy says it’s why he never loved him, they both know that’s a lie.
Ponyboy says Steve hates him, it’s more like envy. More like wanting, his childhood was never as nice as the Curtis boys’.
He’s loyal, too loyal, and honest, carrying a dark kind of passion.
Holds parts of his Momma and parts of his Daddy. He bares his mother’s complexion: the shape of her eyes, her nose, her full lips – and his Daddy’s size. Pure American muscle. He’ll never pass off as white, no matter how much he tries.
Most of him works in extremes.
His Daddy taught him how to be a man. Tough, rough, and sturdy. Maybe he taught him too well, Steve’s masculinity is toxic. He puts women in their place, reminds them who’s in charge. Like his Daddy should’ve done when his Momma left. He was only ten, then.
Broad shouldered and muscled arms, but the rest of him is long and lean and complicated.
He has a rose tattooed on his thick bicep. And hands so rough and calloused, he can’t touch anything nice for fear of ruining it.
Reads the newspaper every morning with a cup of black coffee.
He’s pure energy, pure power, and on good days, his Daddy says he’s proud of raising a man like him. Then gets drunk and smacks him around.
Steve thinks every day is war, he’s vigilant, bright, and ready. Nobody, except his Daddy, will ever touch him, ever push him around. Every now and then someone tries and gets beat to a bloody pulp.
He’s got great aim, for carnival games, football, and punches.
A skilled dancer, he loves doing flips and tricks and showing off, especially if he’s got a cute girl in his arms.
That’s another thing, he likes the attention, the praise. Knows he deserves it, too.
Steve Randle, so smart, so strong, so cool. Nothing can touch you. But sometimes he wishes someone would, tenderly. Like his Momma used to. So gentle, maybe it’d calm all the fire and hate and passion in him.
He kisses girls till they’re breathless and loves likes it’s the last time. It usually is.
Commitment scares him and he never falls hard.
He has a soft, bitter voice, an irony broadened by his sharp words and rough mouth.
Doesn’t know much of kindness, or much of sorrow before his Daddy’s teachings kick in and turn it into anger. Boys like him will always find something to be angry about, it’s what keeps them alive.
Has too much feeling, too much emotion, and not the good kind.
Maybe if he didn’t have so much anger and tragedy inside of him, he could be something great. But he’s bound to this life till the next.
Grinds his teeth and rolls his shoulders when he’s stressed or mad with no way of releasing it.
Easily fired up, defends his high principles with ardor. His ego is tied to his actions.
He offers a sense of stability to those he cares for. He’s solid, and a good listener. It’s a rare softness.
A smooth talker with a skilled intuition. He’s good at putting things in perspective.
Finds security in the little things.
He’s energetic and turbulent, always looking for speed and competition, the next burst of life. Few awaken an easyness, a playfulness, but it’s not rare.
Enjoys a good laugh.
Hard-working, determined and dedicated. Independent, in many aspects. Sticks to his morals and principles. Skeptical and critical. Reserved.
Usually a good judge of character.
Has a very good memory.
He’s got a bad temper that few can soothe. His Momma and Mrs. Curtis. Both are gone now.
His father’s son.
Moody and impulsive. Blunt and domineering. Arrogant – Makes the girls wonder how such a pretty face can be so mean, so cruel. He calls it survival.
Soda’s the only one who’s seen him cry, raw and vulnerable. The only one Steve really trusts. They compliment each other in a way that’s almost like magic. A once in a lifetime friendship. Soda’s his best buddy, till the end.
He sees details and patterns, notices what others don’t and has a gift for mechanics and math. A mind as commanding as it’s body.
He hates his Daddy, hates him with perfect hatred, but the words will never leave his lips.
He’s cold and hardened, almost as much as Dallas, and he thrives in chaos, but beneath the layers of muscle and bone, something searches for warmth, for love, perpetually seeking peace. A tender touch, a soft word, things he never asks for. He’s scared he has too much hate in him to ever find it. And too much hate for himself to deserve it. And when it finds him, it’s like he can finally put all that emotion to good use.
But is love ever enough? After all, his momma had loved him.
author’s note: I’m still not entirely confident with this, I feel like it’s missing something but I have no clue know what…
I hope you guys enjoyed! Feel free to request more information or writing on Steve, or any other character!
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changesxnight · 6 years
1-50 Steve Randle for the the excessively detailed headcanons
What does their bedroom look like?- messy as hell- he never makes his bed - his desk is the only thing that’s organized because that’s where he does homework
Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?- playing football with the gang is his favorite - the gang just does athleticy things at least twice a week- any day that it’s sunny, they’ll go out and do something
What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?- the kitchen is never busy at his house - but if somehow his father was making dinner for himself of course, cause fuck Steve, Steve would just go out to eat or to the Curtises’ house
Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.) - the office at the DX is a mess, no thanks to Soda- so he tries to clean it up- he’s usually a tidy guy but laziness overpowers his will to clean - there’s a method to his madness - for example, his clothes aren’t in his closet but rather on a chair in his room but he’s meticulous about where the groceries and dishes go  
Eating habits and sample daily menu- he eats when he’s hungry - which is all the fucking time - he loves burgers and fries - will never admit how much he loves milkshakes
Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time- he loves to go bowling with Dallas- and play pool. they’re both amazing at the game - if he’s not blowing off smoke with Soda, he’s messing around with Two-Bit and/or Dallas
Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging - milkshakes - he doesn’t care about indulging. he works too damn hard to not treat himself well
Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?- he lives with Dick Randle - what do you think - Evie thinks he’s mentally ill but he doesn’t wanna hear it - “I already knows there’s something wrong with me” “Steve, that’s not what I said!” “but it’s what you meant, isn’t it?” - half the gang is traumatized by their parents’ actions can you guess which three
Intellectual pursuits?- he wanted to join the math club but didn’t cause the gang would never let him hear the end of it- could totally go to college but didn’t have the money - he’s insanely smart and would win the spelling bee or geography bee if he wasn’t so ashamed of being smart - he’s a genius. but he’s a greaser. those two things shouldn’t go together, as his father would tell him. so Steve’s always kept his intelligence a secret - teachers hate this though because he’ll get As on his homework and then randomly choose answers on the test and end up with a C
Favorite book genre?- he loves to read, surprise surprise - like Soda has almost caught him with a book at the DX a million times - like now, Steve just reads with the owner’s manual in front so it looks like he’s reading about cars - Soda’s like “hey buddy…what ya doin’? you know everything about cars, more than I do.”- he prefers non-fiction or really old stories - Mythology and lore are his favorites
Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?- a closeted bisexual - he doesn’t have a problem with anyone who doesn’t cause him harm so if someone’s gay and a decent human being, he’s fine with them
Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.) - his nose is chronically broken - he’s allergic to crying, jerks and bullshit
Biggest and smallest short term goal?- biggest: win a game of chess against Ponyboy because the cocky son of a bitch…- smallest: doing inventory. it’s so boring
Biggest and smallest long term goal?- biggest: own his own auto body shop. or marry Evie - smallest: get through high school. it’s easy but it’s taking forever. senior year sucks  
Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress- clad in denim 24/7- if he’s not in jeans, he’s not Steve Randle - he doesn’t mind his uniform. he wears it proudly because he’s paid to do what he loves
Favorite beverage?- we all know he loves beer - but he also loves coffee
What do they think about before falling asleep at night?- he thinks of Evie and of his mother. would they’ve gotten along? of course they would’ve. would Dad be a different man if Lily died and Mom lived? what would life be like with his sister? what would life be like with his mom? - the “what if"s torture him
Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them?- if he got sick, his father wouldn’t take care of him - so he tried his damnedest to not get sick- he’d get colds on purpose cause he knew he could defeat them- but let’s say strep throats was going around school. he’d avoid everyone like the plague. he doesn’t have that kinda money to buy antibiotics
Turn-ons? Turn-offs?- turn ons: confidence, standing up for what you believe in, musicians, just Evelyn Green in general… - turn offs: nothing this horndog will find anything sexy
Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?- he’d probably start doodling - or write a love letter to Evie because he loves her more than words can say. xxx ooo xxx
How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?- he’s actually very organized- he couldn’t stand a mess but he got used to messiness since Soda can’t keep anything in one place
Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?- he loves history - he’s amazing at math shh don’t tell anyone - and of course, English class
How do they see themselves 5 years from today?- at 17, he wants to be married to Evie by 25. she’s the love of his life - again, he wants to have his own auto body repair shop that he shares with Soda- he wants to be stable and away from his father. maybe even emancipated from his dad
Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?- marry Evie - open up his own auto repair shop- have a family and be a good dad- be financially stable - die happy
What is their biggest regret?- after years of his father convincing him he killed his sister, he regrets that- as he gets older, he regrets not applying himself in school- he’s very smart and pays attention. he does his homework but never hands it in. he aces his tests but because he doesn’t do his homework, he averages out with a C
Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?- Soda is clearly his best friend- aside from him, I think Two is his other best friend - he’s his own worst enemy
Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?)- if Evie is there, he gets her out - if a dog is there, he gets them out - if Ponyboy is there, he gets them out - basically, he makes sure that everyone is safe before he worries about himself
Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)- numbness and drinking to keep the numb feeling - he just loses it - angry and fighting - he can’t process his emotions
Most prized possession?- either his switchblade or his car
Thoughts on material possessions in general?- he’s not very religious so he doesn’t have that “why gain the whole world and lose your soul” mentality- he’d love to be rich. never have to worry about money or paying bills or anything - he isn’t a hoarder but he definitely has possessions he couldn’t live without and doesn’t see any harm in it
Concept of home and family? - if it weren’t for the gang and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, he wouldn’t know what family is - Evie is where he feels at home
Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?)- with Soda or Dallas or Two, he gives too much information - around people he doesn’t fully trust, he barely gives any information out at all
What activities do they enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time?- like Dallas, he loves to bowl and play pool- he considers homework a waste of time so he doesn’t do it - he doesn’t consider reading a waste of time, per se, but he loves it and won’t ever admit it
What makes them feel guilty?- thinking about his mother and sister- it’s my fault. I fucked up. I didn’t protect them. - his father is an evil, twisted man that can’t take responsibility and now Steve is more mentally fucked up than anyone could ever believe
Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making?- he tries to be analytical, thinking of Soda, Evie and the rest of the gang - he doesn’t do anything too stupid because he doesn’t want to die - but sometimes he’s impulsive and does what he wants in the moment
Would they consider themselves a Type A or Type B personality? - type a- he takes his work very seriously, whether it’s for school or auto body repairs - he’s an organized leader, when given the chance - feels and fights violently and aggressively  
What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?- sex- coffee - hot showers
Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex? Neither?- well after a lifetime of being told he’s a murderer, Steve hates himself - but he also hates his father - he hates being oppressed by Socs and wants to fight back (and does)
How misanthropic are they? - he only truly hates his father and Socs
Hobbies?- aside from cars cause that isn’t all Steve does - he’s on the football team - he loves to go fishing and bowling with Dallas - badass at pool, taught by Dallas Winston himself - pulling pranks with Soda is the best - he’s a champ at beer pong
How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?- he loves going to school and he loves to learn. but he hates the peer pressure, he hates the stress and he hates the judgement - he’s learned a lot on his own and from his friends; he has to, he’s a greaser.
Religion?- introduced to Christianity by the Curtises - but after Mom and Dad 2 died, he’s been losing his faith - now he’s just angry at God and doesn’t know what to do- and when he reads the Old Testament, it seems like there isn’t a single thing he and God can agree on
Superstitions or views on the occult?- claims he’s not superstitious but totally is - except he picks and chooses which he follows and when it’s convenient - stays away from black cats but walks under ladders like it’s no big deal
Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds?- deeds, for sure- when it comes to the people he loves, especially Evie, he can’t form a coherent sentence while making eye contact - so he writes what he truly means - and shows how he feels through actions
If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal?- a hardworking, loving woman. he wants someone who’s earned what they have and they stand up for themselves. a woman who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty or her voice heard. someone who isn’t too dependent or easily offended. a strong woman who’s been through some shit and is understanding- so Evelyn Rose Green
How do they express love?- aggressively and passionately - he’ll take Evie out on random dates, either it’s a romantic candle lit dinner at his place or just stare gazing in the back of his truck - he writes the most beautiful love letters - when he’s scared, he’ll try to act tougher. so when he senses danger, his grip on Evie’s hand gets tighter
If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?- he’s always fighting, let’s be honest - it’s the only way he’ll feel anything
- he’s an honest greaser and he fights fair- but he always wins - fighting gives him this kinda rush that just can’t be replaced - he’s stealthy and always makes sure that he knows the terrain and uses it to his advantage - he likes to get hyped up before a fight but not so that his senses are outta wack
Is this person afraid of dying? Why or why not? - he’s only afraid of dying because he’s got people to take care of - but he also knows that getting into a serious fight could end fatally- so he’s smart with who he fights and who he keeps his mouth shut around
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changesxnight · 7 years
write about steve evie and their kids
this got too long I’m sorry I kinda exploded 
- so they have like, four kids - maybe more
- the first time Evie got pregnant, Steve was hoping for a son- not cause he wanted to name the son after him or anything- but he was so scared that he’d make the same mistakes with his daughter that he did with his sister
- but guess what- they had a baby girl - her name is Lillian Rose, after his mother and sister - and she looks just like Steve’s mother - he’s so conflicted with his emotions, but it’s mostly joy- he just ends up crying and whispering to his baby, “I’m not gonna mess up. Not now, not ever. I love you and I’m gonna protect you.”
- they have two sons and two daughters
- they’re kids are involved in so many extracurricular activities - the Randles are always busy - but they always focus on their schoolwork and get good grades
- Steve and Evie always had their kids go to the park when they were younger - their kids were always perfectly tanned due to all the time spent in the sun - they’re amazing swimmers- and their kids’ brown hair is always naturally highlighted by the sun
- are these modern?- there’s a tire swing in the front yard of their house- and a swing set in the back - with a sandbox
- Steve and Evie have the American dream - and they wouldn’t want it any other way
- they don’t move out of Tulsa- but Steve buys the DX and a different auto body shop- they’re middle class citizens - and Evie is a nurse and the best one, at that
- did I mention there’s dogs everywhere?- honestly, just pets everywhere - they’ve got a rabbit in the backyard - a couple cats- so many dogs I lost count
- Evie loves baking with the kids - Steve will come home from work and try to eat the too hot cookies and burn his tongue - his sons like baking more than their sisters do, actually
- Evie teaches her kids who to take care of someone - they all have their own first aid kits and practice one one another - and Steve teaches them about cars - Evie hates it when her daughters come in, hands stained with grease and they get everything dirty
- one time, one of the dogs had puppies - the Randle house was utter chaos - if the toddlers weren’t ruining everything, the puppies were - Evie had an emotional breakdown - Darry lived with them until they got the puppies homes at eight weeks or so because it was too much for just two adults
- one of Steve’s girls falls for Soda’s son and it’s the cutest thing - Evie and Patty totally approve, but Steve and Soda don’t - “he can’t date her!” “she can’t date him!”- and Patty and Evie are all like “…why?”- and they’re like “she’s my best friend’s daughter!” “he’s my best friend’s son!”- so Patty and Evie remind them that they’ll be related if the two get married - so they’re cool after that
- okay so it’s pretty obvious that Steve wants to be the opposite of his father - so he’s always encouraging his kids- and so like, their fridge is covered in school work and good grades- Evie has scrapbooks for the kids- she gives all these photos and projects to Kathy and Kathy makes the Best��� scrapbooks
I could go on don’t encourage me but this is too long I’m sorry 
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