#rangers are cool | Hal (Halbarad)
rangers-arecool · 19 days
What is the best way to deal with getting picked on by the elder rangers? (Halbarad to Hal)
Hal tilts her head slightly, thinking for a brief moment. "If it's a certain elder Ranger, all you need to say are the words fire salamanders and Taladir then he should back off. If it's the others, then just ask them to stop."
"But then again," And now, all of the older Rangers both visible and not visible winces as her cool words sounds clearly across Esteldin without even raising her voice. "if I hear that ANYONE is being picked on, the Ranger doing it will be cleaning the sheep pens for two weeks."
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For Legolas | @cfmirkwood :
“Sacrifice, that is what we do for the people we love.”
“Strider! We have to find shelter soon as Hal’s not going to make it!” Thankfully despite the driving wind and rain of the thunderstorm they were only just managing to keep ahead of, his Captain heard him. Concern and the need to get out of the storm gave Saeradan the energy to catch up with him. They couldn’t really communicate out loud due to the thunder but that didn’t matter.
A single glance at the semi conscious Ranger that Saeradan was carrying, had Aragorn making a quick decision. He didn’t want to enter Mirkwood but the storm and with the life of one of his Rangers in the balance, he had no other option. Even though it meant ignoring the on request Hal had made before collapsing: To avoid the forest. Or more specifically, the residents of Mirkwood. Legolas and his kin.
The Bree Ranger easily kept up with his leader, remaining alert in case they were attacked by the less liked residents of the former Greenwood. The spiders. But the route they took towards the Elven king’s home remained blessedly clear of the nightmarish creatures. Or they thought it had been until they heard Hal’s whisper.
“Spiders... Put me.. down or they’ll.. catch us before.. we reach the Halls...” Years of fighting sleep and his own stubbornness, along with a ingrained sense of alertness kept the Esteldin commander on the edge of consciousness. Hal didn’t fault his two kinsmen for pausing momentarily at the request since his injuries prevented him from escaping if necessary. Pain shot through him when he was leant against a tree and darkness threatened his vision yet he remained standing.
Given the lack of colour in Hal’s features and the wavering on his feet, both of the other Rangers knew they couldn’t afford to waste time for long. “You know this forest better then I do, Strider. Go and get help. I’ll remain with Hal.” ‘A Ranger always keeps their calm no matter what happens.’ It was a saying that Saeradan had become familiar with in training and one that ran through his head during situations like these.
“I’m not leav-” The piercingly sharp glare from his second in command shut him up in seconds. Aragorn vanished into the trees, while the other two covered his back.  He didn’t want to leave his Rangers but Hal hadn’t give him much choice. His footsteps slowed as slate grey eyes scanned his surroundings and realised that he was nearly at the entrance to Thranduil’s Halls. 
Time wasn’t on their side though and he just hoped that the older Rangers, would still standing when he returned. Hopefully with assistance, although the Dúnedain Chieftain knew it would be far more likely that a patrol would find Saeradan and Hal first. A fact which became clearer when one of the guards told him that Prince Legolas was out in the forest with one of the patrols.
‘At least Aragorn’s safe.’ Was the gender fluid Dúnedan’s main thought when he could no longer find the strength in him to fight. Although dark grey eyes opened again when a elvish made arrow passed over his shoulder and into a approaching spider. “Saeradan... Elves.” Right before he wavered on his feet and dropped into his friend’s arms. There was something kind of recognisable about one of them though... “Prince Legolas?”
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elerondo · 3 years
@rangers-are-cool (x)
     Hal’s words were that of a commander, one Elrond was in an age not too long ago for the race of the Elves. ( he still was, but covertly. ) The Lord seemed to have found himself an ally of more than just swords. ❝In you Halbarad, the blood of the West still runs strong.❞ Elrond spoke an affirmation he seldom gave, for his words could both be weapon or shield as the Valar willed. Wisdom casts greater shadows than folks might imagine. Halbarad seemed to be one with the Truth.
     His brows furrowed over cosmic eyes, a mar on a gentle and wizened face that masked bitter past. A ripple in the waters of streams that flowed endlessly forward, ❝Forward unto the victory of the end will we go, carrying the souls of those laid to unrest.❞ Whether those who have passed on really found peace somewhere, Elrond wasn’t sure. ❛Unrest❜ might just be describing his own soul. Lord Elrond nodded slow, in respect of their missions for the sake of the greater good. For a moment he thought if only the South could be as grateful, but he split himself from that thought just as quickly. What use was there? Faint hearts won’t change his fire.
     ❝Well, Hope finds a way, doesn’t it?❞ Elrond quipped back easily, teasing of what they just spoke and showing just how both humour and tact ran in the Rivendell family. ❝I’m sure you’ll find plenty fight dealing in logistics and papers.❞
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orcristwielder · 2 years
‘  do  you  ever  wish  you  could  just  .  .  .  restart  ?  ’
// have a wandering ranger xD
• MISC SENTENCE STARTERS • @rangers-are-cool — accepting!
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EVERYONE ALWAYS WISHED THEY COULD RESTART. But Thorin believed there was no choice in restarting for him, in anything. Did he had some regrets? Of course, everyone did and no; he was not going to admit this outloud. The dwarf merely turned his head and tilted it slightly, long dark hair hanging over his shoulder as bright blues gazed upon the ranger for a few moments. Hal had asked a very thought provoking question, one that really had the royal repeatedly coming up with answers and still not being happy with what he came up with.
Silence filled the space between them as his gaze shifted, pulling from the ranger and up towards the sky above them. To answer that question honestly: yes. He did wish he could restart — have an opportunity to do things a bit different. "That, Master Halbarad, is a loaded question." Thorin responded, deep voice rumbling softly "I can wish to restart all I want, but would it be worth anything?" The dwarf asked in kind, head turning and gaze looking upon the other briefly.
"Do you wish to restart?"
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"Don't" Hal (Halbarad)
Send “DONT” to pin my muse against the wall to prevent them from LEAVING @rangers-are-cool
Glorfindel took a deep breath and fought the urge to fight free of Halbarad’s grasp. “Give me a good reason why I shouldn’t,” he demanded. “I can be of more use out there than just sitting around here waiting.”
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elerondo · 3 years
❝ there’s a price to be paid for the things we do. ❞ | Hal (Halbarad)
@rangers-are-cool sent A PROMPT.
     THERE CERTAINLY IS, and Elrond has paid a hefty price for being the Lord of Imladris, the Master of Eriador. He has paid for being a warlord of yore. He shall continue paying until victory has been secured and the foundations of Angband blown so infinitesimal its atomic structure can never form again.
     ❝It will be worth it.❞ There was no smile in his words, no kindness from the fountain of life. He sounds exactly like the commander of armies, the one who brought cities down. It was what the divine kings of both sides of the divide tell everyone, to keep them going ; he who is last of the Feanorians was forged from the fires of war, the divine flame that drives progress forward. War for peace has to be worth it.
( but would it? be worth it? ❛it has to be worth it. or else what did everyone die for?❜ )
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❛ i found this cool rock that made me think of you. ❜ (for Halbarad)
Hal shouldn't have even been in Europe, let alone anywhere near England or St Mungo's Hospital. But it wasn't her first visit here. She looked nothing like a normal witch, due to wearing her casual Army Ranger kit and her magic hidden from being sensed. As she had been requested to look at the Longbottoms, the young Commander had become well known to both their son and his grandmother.
"Hey Nev." She looked up from her studies for her international exams and gave a small smile as he spoke. Before eyeing the rock. "Looks like you found a piece of Amethyst. It reflects light really well and is also known for being a powerful and protective stone."
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