#«ELVES ARE YET SINGING» — third age
elerondo · 2 years
In the midst of the Angmar War, after the Second Siege of Imladris, Elrond sends Arwen to Lorien to summon the Galadhrim.
A THICK AND STIFLING ATMOSPHERE HAD SETTLED OVER RIVENDELL . No elves sang in the Hall of Fire, they were all mailed from top to toe. Various temporary barracks were set up for the cleaning and polishing of armaments, and to suit up at a moment’s notice. Some of them did not even bother to change out of their bottom plates when they were recalled from the borders.
Elrond held an audience under a converted canopy. Its usual fair and wooded scenery now adorned in the rich colours of the House of Fingolfin, with royal blue painting the satin cloth under the roof. On the top of the shelter flew two flags; one was the gold trimmed flag of Gil-galad’s Radiant Star, the other was the House of the White Wing, symbolising the seat of Tuor of fallen Gondolin. A staunch reminder that the race of the Elves would protect the race of Man, whatever the costs.
Its space was now occupied by an oak desk, and its side benches were filled with an assortment of items. Wine, files, and leftover bread to name a few. It was guarded by two elven warriors all day and night, rotating in the evening. Those chosen were from a select few who had sworn their allegiance to Elrond in secret after the Last Alliance. They saw the Lord as High King, surviving Gil-galad, but this was only known to those closest to Elrond. In public, they were simply Wardens of the Vale. They were styled by one brown feather aside their sharp helmets, like hawks.
Runaduin, the captain of them, bellowed out the latest visitor. ❝ Hail, Maethedir, second captain of Lindon’s guards! ❞
Maethedir nodded his regards quickly, holding his helmet at the side of his hip. ❝ Lord Elrond, the North Downs are overrun, as you know. My lord Cirdan requests for an additional sortie from Imladris, ❞ Maethedir bowed his head and looked to his feet. ❝ Fornost will be lost very soon, my lord. ❞
❝ I hold the borders of Arthedain in my palms, and Rivendell has just come out of a siege. Why does Cirdan ask this? I can spare no more captains. ❞ Elrond knew that he would answer it regardless. But, with how stretched the resources were on all fronts, he needed to know just how dire the situation was. ❝ Can lord Cirdan answer for the borders of Arthedain? Can you? ❞
Already Elrond was looking back at the map on his desk. He had always tried to keep the shuffling of the troops balanced, making sure that the Valley was still adequately defended despite the aid that he had sent out. No decisions were made without surety, or with only emotions clouding his judgement.
❝ No, my lord. We have lost two contingents at the North Downs and the men are losing. We are outnumbered. ❞
❝ And you have lost also the captains of those two contingents? ❞
Elrond stood with worry visibly creasing his brows, but he did not wish to give an answer. ❝ I will consider my options. ❞ No definite response, no false hopes.
Maethedir insisted on staying, wanting to convince. ❝ Please, lord Elrond— ❞ but Runaduin bellowed out, ❝ Assembly finished! ❞ and Elrond raised a hand, waving Maethedir away. Heightened frustration clung to his shoulders as he saw the white coat of arms of Gondor enter Rivendell. Was it fell news, or was it aid? He could only wait and see now, but Elrond turned his back for a short moment, needing a breath of fresh air as he scanned the encampment and buildings.
❝ Hail, lady Arwen of Rivendell! ❞ Runaduin spoke up then, to Elrond’s surprise.
❝ What…? ❞ he turned quickly. ❝ Arwen…! ❞ it was a half greeting, half defeated sigh as the frown on his countenance remained. His shoulders slouched. She should not be seeing him this way.
❝ Adar, ❞ Arwen came up the steps and greeted Elrond with a hand on his arm. ❝ It pains me that the lands are so troubled, but you must remember to be gentle to yourself. ❞
The machinations of his mind paused only slightly at her soft words, and he was reminded to keep his composure. It was all he could do after all, amidst the war and death flooding into Eriador once more. His expression softened, but no less worried. For his daughter, he would try.
Elrond pulled her into the shelter quickly, father and daughter like magnets to each other really. But, there was some business he needed to take care of before anything else, and so he stepped towards the entrance while keeping Arwen’s hand firmly in his. Elrond addressed one of the Wardens, ❝ Sadorel, summon Elladan to the War room and have him ready my armour. Sound the alarm to muster the remaining cavalry. ❞ The warden turned to Elrond, bowed, and made haste to his mission.
❝ Runaduin, I am in private audience. ❞
The captain nodded, and then assumed a position in the middle of the stairway as a block to any potential interruptions. There were little emergencies considered to be more important than his daughter.
When Elrond turned back to face her, his eyes were of firesmoke and resolution, having come to the conclusion of what he must do. ❝ Forgive me, Arwen. You must go to Lorien. ❞ Aid must be sought from the Galadhrim, and the best representative he could send in his stead was his dear, sweet daughter. Elladan must hold the ring when Elrond marches against Angmar. ❝ The hawks will ride with you. ❞
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elerondo · 2 years
LAUGHTER SPRINGS FORTH , Lord Elrond unable to hold back the mirth of which was carved out of Elladan’s plight. ❝ I COULD NOT HELP IT— ❞ Indeed, seeing as the Elvenlord’s chest shakes with laughter continually while a hand holds his abdomen ! And it was such a multi - faceted prank as well. Elrond had succeeded in luring his son to the grove on the vague promise of sweetness, however the apples could not be picked at all. ❝ You looked so distracted ! Poor you. ❞
Elrond dove a hand into the inner pocket of his robes to retrieve what he had initially prepared; Two packs of salted tangerines, one he pushes into son’s arm while giggling, ❝ You really need to work on your reflexes, Elladan. ❞ Well, one can’t really defend themselves from family, could they ? Hah !
@peredhellen   /   continued.
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elerondo · 3 years
Sometimes, Elrond sits at his desk alone, leaning his chin on crossed arms and says her name for the sake of it. He says her name for the sake of how it sounds on his lips, a name he has said for two thousand years and suddenly, he can’t hear her name anymore. Nobody dares to say her name around him.
And they are right in being afraid of saying her name around him. Nobody has loved her more than he has loved her. Not even Celeborn and Galadriel, he thinks, and he will fight the both of them and the world to prove that.
But he has to admit that Valinor could be a much better place for her, than him.
It is a fact that is so hard to swallow at times, that he has to leave the love of his life in someone else’s hands.
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elerondo · 3 years
@elrohirofimladris  &  sc
❝ There's a surprise for you in the forge. ❞ the lord announced casually, when he deliberate searched for and found his son. A new pair of daggers to replace the ones that were broken. The works explained Elrond’s frequent disappearance right after councils in the past month.
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elerondo · 3 years
@storiedocs (x)
     In contrast to her rigidity, Elrond was completely relaxed. Returning to the work table, he pushed away some pouches so that he could lean against the edge, turning towards Eruingil. In the midst of singular company, not too many eyes on his lack of grace, the Lord loosed his shoulders and slackened his back. He is just a scholar, enjoying a moment of breeze. He tilts his head, lips pulled a soft edge smiling at the paradox presented. Nice play on words.
     ❝Then, you are not looking at the right place.❞ star eyes were knowing, realising, she must be up this late often. Elrond kept that information in his mind as he stretched a hand to swipe the cup of tea from the tray.
     Reminder of rest almost lured his spirit away, but a deep breath and a swallow of piping hot beverage steadied him well enough. He wasn’t done with the batches, thus he didn’t wish to stop. ❝You have my gratitude, child Please, dispense with the formalities.❞ he nodded to her. ❝What else do you get up to, other than attempt to lure a hardworking elf from his work?❞
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elerondo · 3 years
@rangers-are-cool (x)
     Hal’s words were that of a commander, one Elrond was in an age not too long ago for the race of the Elves. ( he still was, but covertly. ) The Lord seemed to have found himself an ally of more than just swords. ❝In you Halbarad, the blood of the West still runs strong.❞ Elrond spoke an affirmation he seldom gave, for his words could both be weapon or shield as the Valar willed. Wisdom casts greater shadows than folks might imagine. Halbarad seemed to be one with the Truth.
     His brows furrowed over cosmic eyes, a mar on a gentle and wizened face that masked bitter past. A ripple in the waters of streams that flowed endlessly forward, ❝Forward unto the victory of the end will we go, carrying the souls of those laid to unrest.❞ Whether those who have passed on really found peace somewhere, Elrond wasn’t sure. ❛Unrest❜ might just be describing his own soul. Lord Elrond nodded slow, in respect of their missions for the sake of the greater good. For a moment he thought if only the South could be as grateful, but he split himself from that thought just as quickly. What use was there? Faint hearts won’t change his fire.
     ❝Well, Hope finds a way, doesn’t it?❞ Elrond quipped back easily, teasing of what they just spoke and showing just how both humour and tact ran in the Rivendell family. ❝I’m sure you’ll find plenty fight dealing in logistics and papers.❞
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elerondo · 3 years
@storiedocs (x)
     The shuffle of mortal emotions was a familiar lull on the elflord’s senses ; he understood them wholly but remained far and detached. Elrond could wield them as a seasoned warrior at any moment, but if she wished not to pursue the matter, then he won’t as well. All in all, the Lord thought this rather semantical. Yet, it would not do for a capable warrior to lose sight of the greater purpose in the midst of such wallowing — at least, that was the concern on the forefront of Elrond’s mind.
     ❝Lord Cirdan is very wise.❞ Elrond affirmed. ❝I suppose if you should seek wisdom, you would do well to follow it. Otherwise, wouldn’t it defeat the purpose?❞ The Lord’s question was meant to be rhetorical, seeking to wake the feeble mind from its own self pity. He chuckled softly at her next words. ❝Well, don’t let the petty things make you lose out. The world is at your feet. The only ones who defend the free folk, are folks who are not free. We are purposeful, and we are bound by duty. Evil can scarcely care who you are. Arda Marred needs saviours, in any shape or form.❞
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elerondo · 3 years
((Storiedocs Eruingil again)) ‘ I got you some tea, sir. ’
@storiedocs sent A PROMPT.
     Before she entered, Lord Elrond had already dusted off the herbs left on his fingers from securing many pouches, and turned to her direction. His senses were dialed down, but the happenings of the Valley were never far from her Master. That was why he knew that she was coming towards the healing house, though he found it odd that she was still awake at an hour most mortals would deem ❛ungodly❜.
     Elrond nodded at her offer, palm a gentle gesture to set the tray aside ere he went off to a basin to wash his hands properly.
     ❝Did the day prove uneventful, that the ranger finds no sleep?❞
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elerondo · 3 years
❝ there’s a price to be paid for the things we do. ❞ | Hal (Halbarad)
@rangers-are-cool sent A PROMPT.
     THERE CERTAINLY IS, and Elrond has paid a hefty price for being the Lord of Imladris, the Master of Eriador. He has paid for being a warlord of yore. He shall continue paying until victory has been secured and the foundations of Angband blown so infinitesimal its atomic structure can never form again.
     ❝It will be worth it.❞ There was no smile in his words, no kindness from the fountain of life. He sounds exactly like the commander of armies, the one who brought cities down. It was what the divine kings of both sides of the divide tell everyone, to keep them going ; he who is last of the Feanorians was forged from the fires of war, the divine flame that drives progress forward. War for peace has to be worth it.
( but would it? be worth it? ❛it has to be worth it. or else what did everyone die for?❜ )
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elerondo · 3 years
((From storiedocs Eruingil, with a minor edit)) ‘  when  i  imagine  myself ,  i  am  always  leaving .  i  couldn’t  draw  my  own  face  if  eru  asked .  ’
@storiedocs sent A PROMPT.
    She speaks of a fate that drew near to his spirit. Hadn’t Elrond’s life been full of people leaving? A sage’s face showed not the years that had passed under the currents, and even his words do not reveal wisdom until the time was ripe. Until they could move worlds. The elflord opens his hands, but never reveals himself. No matter how he felt about the past repeating itself constantly in his life, no matter if his heart broke as the world broke, he never showed it.
    Elrond suspects that she was lamenting, yet he was careful to allow her to reveal it than himself. ❝Is that not favourable to you?❞ He asked in a mellow voice, for he found no alarm in the nature of the statement. Countless have painted different faces to the Lord of Rivendell, the Master of Eriador ━ the lot of them won't even survive long enough to matter to an elf of his stature.
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elerondo · 4 years
@ramblingsofamoonwatcher / cont
          Those who wish to see you dead love their country, he wants to say. But, it didn’t mean that she loved her country any less than they. Everyone was just built differently ; Everyone was dealt a different hand of fate.
( had Elrond been raised differently, he would have been just like his fathers. )
          ❝You King loves you.❞ the Lord tells her as an encouragement. Elrond wanted to believe that, but more so he wanted Hithfaeril to believe that. Thranduil must love every one of his people very much, and it must pain him that he did not possess the means to heal her. ❝That is why he had sent you to me.❞ and with that, Thranduil had put the sword in Elrond’s hand as well. ❝I am determined to see you through this ordeal.❞ come what may.
          ❝Is there anything in the diet that you’re not used to?❞ She was from the Woodland Realm after all, Elrond would try his best to make things comfortable for the duration of her stay in Imladris.
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elerondo · 4 years
it is hard to sleep when your heart is at war with your mind.
@elvcnson sent A PROMPT.
          The Fates were never kind to the Elves, lest the world turns to dust ; enslaved by the Darkness sudden and fell. We must fight for Arda, because we are the few left who are willing to. There are things ( KNOWLEDGE ) that have plagued the elflord since this Age began, and sleep has always eluded him even before now. Elrond can only reckon what must trouble one so young in elven years to bear such an ill. Elrond knows well being saddled with the responsibility of an entire realm. One could say such was put upon him the moment he was born, though it was something he counted as a blessing as he grew with the years and humbled himself. He wondered if Legolas would think the same.
          ❝What plagues you, Legolas Thranduilion?❞ Elrond asked the piercing question, never one to shun the difficult topics. But there was a smile to soften his sagely countenance as he lowered himself to seat beside the ellon, sharing a warmth so natural to the Lord. ❝There is counsel or a listening ear to be found in the Vale.❞ He said in offer, not ascribing himself any role just yet, until the elf in question said so.
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elerondo · 4 years
sc » @weheirsofdurin : Fili
     ❝In you I see the hardiness of the mighty sons of the Edain, a race of Man whose steps once frequented the valleys of Rivendell.❞
     Elrond could feel the soul of a brotherly kindred in the dwarf—the elder of Kili. One who rises to the occasion by necessity and spirit, and the Elvenlord knew well how it feels to be young and burdened. Though as he grew older, the weight of responsibility became more and more like a blessing.
     ❝The honour of being a protector ; its nectar is sweet to us, yet bitter to others who find themselves on the receiving end of our wrath.❞
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elerondo · 4 years
"i could never hate you. ever." From Elspeth
@athellas sent A PROMPT.
     He, surrounded by the RISE AND FALL of Man, knew well the concept of death and lost time. 
     ❝Runaduin reported that there was a rough burial mound when his platoon reached the reported area of attack. I challenged him multiple times as he knelt there, if there was any other life perhaps in the forests, or the cliffs.❞
     ELROND COULD HEAR THE DARK ONE MOCKING HIM EVEN NOW. MOCKING THE FAMILIARITY OF AN ASSAULT OVER THE HITHAEGLIR. Missives of emergency from Thranduil also crossed his mind’s eye. Elrond remembers every loss ; names carved by gold into deific bones, melted and mixed into the liquid fire within a venerated elven fea. For a long time, Elspeth’s name was part of that list.
     No amount of warriors, even her own parents skilled and talented they were, could have saved them. Part of that fault was going to be on Elrond for not maintaining the Misty Mountains as well as he should have. ❝Thank you for saying that.❞ he uttered heavily.
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elerondo · 4 years
"you don’t hate me for what i’ve done?" 
@ramblingsofamoonwatcher sent A PROMPT.
     Lord Elrond seldom dealt in extremes, but on the topic of death, it was better to be clear and concise. Hate and malice has always went hand in hand with death ; for it belonged solely to the realm of gods and monsters as Elrond knew it.
     ❝Every thing I hate is dead or soon to be, which you are not counted as one of them.❞ by soon Elrond did mean the eventual downfall of the Dark One. There wasn’t a clear timeline in his mind, but it will happen because it HAS TO. Elrond will make it so, by all paths opened to him and by him. ❝That position may be reconsidered if you birth a sure desire of malice against the Free People which cannot be turned back.❞ If it was taken as a threat, the Elvenlord didn’t care. He needed to be clear. He has always been for the good of the people, bar few exceptions.
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elerondo · 4 years
"If I tread around you", he begins in thoughtful manner, slow paced speech perfectly in tune with his fluid stride. Yes, around the other. "Would that mean I make an elround?" Not even a single muscle's twitch would distort the nonchalance Thranduil wears.
@tharanduil TROLLING
     THE LORD TOOK THE CHANCE TO PREEN whilst the Elvenking prances around him. Elrond’s expression haughty and bright as like his river blue robes that echoed the noble House of Fingolfin. The Elf Lord feels the mirth easily, and as he took in Thranduil’s dry joke, he only met his friend with a barely controlled giggle at the end of the circle.... ...ere he launches himself at Thranduil, shoving the full weight of a Noldor smith onto Thranduil as they hit the ground with a loud thunder clap. But his arm did hold onto Thranduil’s back to slightly cushion the fall.
     ❝Thran...down?❞ and Elrond bellowed in laughter once he got off his friend and sat up.
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