#rangiku when she met ikkaku and yumichika for the first time
kuronanox · 4 years
Reminiscing - Izuru Kira
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3 years ago
"Drinking tonight? But it's Thursday." Kira blandly says as he hands in his reports to Hisagi, but the older man just pats his back with excitement. "Ma! Don't feel so down! It's (Your Name) birthday dinner! Rangiku is setting everything up!" He cheers with a blushing face after closing his nose from bleeding.
"Why is your nose bleeding Hisagi San?"
"Be-be-because the theme is erotica."
"EHH?! I mean I don't really know (Your Name)!" Kira defends trying get away from such crowds, he rather be writing some haiku or a small gathering. "I already RSVP you Kira!"
He sighs and recalls that (Your Name) had been promoted 3rd seat recently for squad 10. "Don't tell me she is another Matsumoto San?"
Hisagi walks Kira off and bids a farewell until tonight.
(Your Name) agreed for Rangiku to throw her a birthday dinner because she was busy finishing all the paper work that her lieutenant absolutely refused to do. "Good job (Your Name) you can get off early since it is your birthday." Hitsugaya slightly smiles at her as she smiles back.
"Really Taicho?!"
"Yeah just make sure to get Matsumoto to wake up tomorrow so she can help you." Hitsugaya says returning to his paperwork.
(Your Name) smiles and runs out to her room to get changed and apply some make up. On her bed was a present already left from Rangiku it was a short kimono. "It's pretty revealing." She happily accepts it and wears it for the dinner because it was the only 'nice' thing she actually had to wear since she grew up poor.
"I wonder who Rangiku invited? She has a lot of friends and I'm pretty new. Hopefully Ikkaku and Yumichika are there because we are pretty close." She adds tying the kimono tightly and adding some lipstick before smiling at herself in the mirror. "Whatever, I'll have fun either way!"
Kira was pretty dead set about not going but Hisagi knew him to well and pulled the blonde man out of his own room as they walked to the restaurant together. "Did you get her anything?" Kira asks Hisagi as he happily hums some song from the world of living. "She didn't want anything!" He says back as Kira shakes his head in embarrassment.
"At least get her something if we go to her dinner."
"Well what did you give her?"
Kira sulking looks down at a wrapped rectangle and sighs. "Nothing much."
Hisagi notices and holds it. "Don't worry Kira! She's really friendly! She doesn't really want anything but if you don't want to show up empty handed then she will appreciate anything she receives."
By the time they arrived it was already rowdy inside, it was screaming from Ikkaku and Renji fighting over the last piece of gyoza on the plate. "DAMN RED HEADED PINEAPPLE THIS PIECE IS MINE!"
"THE LAST PIECE WILL BE GONE BY THE TIME YOU GROW HAIR!" Renji defends as they held each other in a lock as Yumichika protects (Your Name) by putting her by his side. "Insolent behavior, it's (Your Name) day have some manners." He stinkingly looks at the men and flips his hair.
"There's more coming out guys." Hinamori awkwardly says taking the last piece and places it on (Your Name) plate.
"Shuhei!" (Your Name) says running towards the taller man. "Oh is this Kira?" She says tilting her head. "Hi! I've heard so much good things about you! My name is (Your Name)." She introduces herself as Kira tried to smile and bow his head.
"Izuru Kira."
"Oi Kira!" Rangiku calls out patting the seat next to her! "Sake is on the house!" She screams already tipsy as he contemplated if he should drink or not tonight.
(Your Name) was happy tonight she was surrounded by so many friends.
"Your clothes (Your Name)." Shuhei says holding his nose. "What? I guess it goes with the theme Rangiku picked it out!"
Kira looks around, Renji and Ikkaku were shirtless while Yumichika wore a thin robe. Hinamori was wearing a short kimono but nothing to revealing like Rangiku and (Your Name). "Sorry we aren't dressed according to theme." Kira apologizes as he took a sip of the sake poured out for him.
"It's okay! Let's all have fun!" (Your Name) shouts with a sake bottle in her hand. The night was filled with laughter, food and lots of drinks. They played a numerous amount of drinking games so it led to drunken words and an excessive amount of compliments.
"We all know Shuhei jerks off to those magazines Ichigo's sister found one time!" Yumichika states as a matter of fact. "I-I do not!"
"Sounds like Hisagi San." Kira agrees blushing at the details.
"I forgot to tell you (Your Name) I knew the kimono would look good on you." Rangiku brings up as a drunken Kira looks up and watched the way it hugs her body showing every inch of legs and chest.
"WE COULD HAVE PICKED A DIFFERENT THEME!" Shuhei yells from the other side of the table stuffing his face with rice trying to ignore the two busty women infront of him. "Oh please, we can all appreciate women's beauty." Yumichika cooly says catching a drunken Ikkaku from falling.
"I agree! It's so pretty!" Hinamori chimes in with a giggle. "Right Kira kun?"
Kira turned a whole 360 when he was drunk he thought (Your Name) was beautiful already from first glance so he was already nervous to even attend the dinner.
(Your Name) couldn't help but get embarrassed and blush, she looked away from Kira and drowned it by chugging down water.
"Ayy! Kira! You actually like girls? WAIT WAIT TAKE YOUR BABIES?!" Renji blurts laughing as the blonde man flicks Renjis forehead. "Kira! Did you just confess!" Rangiku yells pushing him closer to (Your Name).
"NO!" He screams trying to get away and endlessly starts ranting about how he didn't want Rose as the captain of the 3rd squad to cover up his embarrassment.
Present day
Kira rarely smiled but thinking about how he met her was a fond memory he liked to think about sometimes. That night he ended up throwing up in the grass along side Ikkaku. They have been dating for 2 and half years already. It was a huge shock for everyone when news got out that Kira had a girlfriend.
After the night of (Your Name) birthday party she and Kira would often hang out if they weren't busy and she initiated the first date between them because he was to shy to even admit to liking her. "Kira what are you smiling about?" His captain asks from across the room. "U-Um nothing, if you will excuse me." He tells Rose hiding the tint of red in his face.
Rose could only admire the couple. Rose knew from the start that Kira didn't fully accept him as Captain yet because he was still mourning over Gin, but over time (Your Name) kept telling Kira to give Rose a chance so Kira decided to give it a chance and recently the relationship has gotten better so far.
Kira waits for (Your Name) patiently to return from a mission that night. He cleaned her room and folded left over laundry she had tossed around in her room. He was trying to make time pass by faster. The mission was longer then he expected it to be. She was gone for almost a week, and he was starting to get gloomy again because her cheerfully presence wasn't around.
After about an hour he was falling asleep on her futon that he had laid out for her. Hearing footsteps coming closer to the room he gets up and stretches before opening the door.
"Kira? I didn't expect to see you tonight? You miss me that much already?" She teased him as he welcomes her in. "How was the mission?"
"Ehh, just tedious." She answers back falling into the futon dragging him with her. "Oi!"
"Mm I miss cuddles." She smiles rubbing her face into his chest as he caresses her hair. "Did you miss me Kira?"
"A little bit." He admits kissing her head softly as she looks up to him and smiles. "What are you thinking about Kira?"
"Old memories. Remember for your birthday I got you a haiku book while everyone else got you something better."
(Your Name) rolls her eyes at Kira. "Why is he always a downer."
Walking to her desk she shows Kira that the book is placed as decoration. "Shut up, I loved it."
He laughs lightly and pulls her back to him. "I'm so embarrassing when I'm drunk, I can't believe I said for you to take my babies."
"Oh my gosh, I remember you did yell that. It's not like we aren't doing that stuff now."
Kira blushes lightly and scoffs before laying her down on the futon and climbing on top.
"(Your Name) if you insist, I don't mind making it happen soon." He jokes connecting their lips together as she pulls him closer holding his head lovingly.
"Sure, make this night promising." (Your Name) deviously smirks.
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euphemeria · 5 years
Silence (YR 1) - WRN: anxiety triggers
I wrote a thing for clumsychappy’s work. It’s at 42k right now, but I’m lacking motivation to finish it so I’m just gonna excerpt some of the parts that are decent until I can find the resolve and time to finish it.
I did so much research into this fic that it’s pretty sad that it’s so shit. I wish I was a better writer. These things all sound better in your head than on paper or word documents.
Between accompanying Orihime and bothering Rukia, Ichigo finds his time preoccupied compared to his first week of summer vacation. Ichigo refuses to admit brooding those first few days after Mizuiro and Keigo left, but will honestly admit bored the last few days after aimlessly wandering Tokyo and listlessly staring at his apartment ceiling. Although his promenading in Tokyo wasn't completely wasted since he discovers a bar that he actually doesn't mind too much.
The Black Cat is situated at the end of a cloister of stores and restaurants, almost blending in with the shops surrounding it if Ichigo didn't notice the pulse of music coming from it one night. Inside, the bar's dim, color-alternating lighting sets the atmosphere, exuding class and secrecy. Even from just one look, no touching, Ichigo can tell the bar is made from real mahogany wood, glinting dangerously underneath the low lighting. But for looking so sophisticated, the price is pretty reasonable and it attracts a variety of people with the thrumming music felt from below the establishment, where the later night activities tend to occur.
Yoruichi, the manager, knows Ichigo by name, not because he frequents the place that often but because he literally and accidentally stepped on the black cat his first night there. Yowling, the feline had darted up the hidden stairs behind the bar, notifying Yoruichi of the incident when she caught sight of the cat's tail. He almost got thrown out for that, but after tiring of his apologies she plied him with drinks to shut him up. After that--which Ichigo can't recall for the life of him--she always teases him like they have been good friends for years. 
Ichigo also hasn't seen that black cat no matter how many times he's gone back.
He can't get it out of his mind either since Rukia likes to remind him of his cat murderer status, every time. Yoruichi assures him that it’s doing fine too, "It'll show up when it wants to."
Which is how he finds himself heading out to the Black Cat every night just to prove his point to Rukia, oftentimes dragging her along to bear witness to his innocence. Rukia puts up a fight every time, kicking and digging her heels in, but surrenders once they're around the corner. Ichigo likes to think it's because she gets to pet and feed the other stray cats that hang around the establishment.
"You play with the cats and I'll be inside." Ichigo tells her every time they do this. Rukia simply sticks her tongue out at him, then resumes her deadly rub down on the furry victim of the night.
'Those poor cats.' Ichigo can't help thinking as he slips back through the backdoor of the Black Cat, heading towards the stairs that lead down to the lower floor, dubbed 'Grounds' by the regulars, whom Ichigo has slowly become acquainted with:
There's Matsumoto Rangiku, a third year in Sociology, who's more like a resident than a customer. From what he hears, Yoruichi always finds her in the morning passed out in random places of the Black Cat. There's even a small room built for her in the bar now, for her to properly pass out in. Ichigo suspects the bedding is still brand new.
Hitsugaya Toshiro, a third year in Mathematics. He doesn't speak often and tends to occupy the least crowded space in the Grounds.
Madarame Ikkaku, a second year in Engineering, that likes to butt heads with Ichigo constantly. One time they nearly drank down Yoruichi's entire bar, almost forcing her to close for the night. When they kept going at it though, she billed their open tab plus collateral damage for all their drunken shenanigans to their respective address. Upon receiving it, they both understood it was a threat. Ichigo's tried behaving ever since, but sometimes Ikkaku makes it too easy to be destructive.
Ayasegawa Yumichika, a second year in Oriental History with eccentric tastes and a narcissistic personality. When Ichigo first met Yumichika, the vain male had commented on Ichigo's drool-worthy form and firmness that Ichigo's been unable to erase from his memories. So, he avoids being alone with the upperclassmen. Based on their interactions though, Ichigo assumes Ikkaku and Yumichika have a history together. They bicker like an old married couple.
And then there's Hirako Shinji and his gang of friends that Ikkaku cautions against associating with, but doesn't explain why. Regardless, Ichigo gives them a wide berth. Although, when he catches Hirako talking to a frozen, wide-eyed Rukia in her usual spot of the alleyway, Ichigo throws a punch at the blonde without thinking. Perceptive, Hirako dodges it easily with a mocking laugh and biting words, "Want to try that again, boy?"
Provoked, Ichigo prepares to throw another punch but stops when Rukia's own fist flies past him, landing squarely on the side Hirako’s face. Stunned, Ichigo and Shinji remain fixed in their position, Ichigo with his fist still in mid-air and Hirako on the concrete with his hand accessing the damage. From this angle, Ichigo can't see what is happening, if anything is happening at all, but something must be if Rukia's clenching hands at her sides and Shinji's resigned expression are any indication.
"Did that idiot do something stupid again?" A voice from behind Ichigo asks.
Looking over his shoulders, Ichigo sees the short, pigtail pipsqueak that's always hanging around Hirako. Ichigo remembers Hirako calling out her name on several occasions, Hiyori or Hiyoko*?
"I deserved it this time." Hirako divulges, allowing Hiyori to help him up.
"You deserve it every time." Hiyori corrects with a scowl, poking the bruise that's already starting to form on Hirako’s face.
"Oooowwww oww! Not the face!" Hirako pleads, his screams cut off when the resounding shut of the back door to the Black Cat closes.
Left alone now, Ichigo approaches Rukia, coming around her so she can see him, not wanting to alarm her. They stand like that for what seems like the end of the hour, Ichigo waiting and Rukia agitated. With a deep, long exhale though, Rukia's tension slowly begins to ebb. Only when Rukia finally untucks her chin, meeting Ichigo's eyes, does Ichigo ask, "You alright?"
Rukia closes her eyes briefly, as if thinking of the answer. It's slow to come, but the unconscious subtle bob of her head answers Ichigo's concerns for her and they leave it at that. Ichigo should've known better than to accept that as her answer though.
Especially when the subsequent nights at the Black Cat start changing Ichigo and Rukia's routine.
Rukia no longer plays with the cats in the alleyway instead mingles with the crowds in the Grounds. Although she doesn't mingle so much as stand next to Toshiro or is hauled to the dance floor by a drunk Rangiku, only to be promptly abandoned after the busty woman finds her next prey. Sometimes Ichigo will catch her talking to Shinji or his friends, her lips appearing to move as if she were actually conversating, but Ichigo blames it on the flashing lights or alcohol in his system. There is no way Rukia is actually speaking to someone, let alone someone she just punched by way of introduction.
It takes Urahara, the owner of the bar who appears and disappears randomly, pulling Ichigo aside before he starts realizing something is off.
"Kurosaki-kun! You're practically here every night now, you know?" Urahara emerges from a random sliding door next to the wall Ichigo is leaning on, nearly scaring the younger man.
"What the hell, Urahara!" Ichigo yells, backing away from the enigmatic bar-owner. Ichigo could've sworn that wall he was previously leaning against was as smooth as his last drink.
"I can't but notice that Kuchiki-san is spending more time down here than outside with the cats."
"I guess. Maybe she wanted a change in scenery?" Ichigo scoffs, searching the said woman out in the swarm of bodies and bright lights. Rangiku pulled her into the middle of the floor earlier with promises of showing her the proper moves of the hips.
Ichigo finds it difficult to immerse himself into the sway of the music, company of his friends, and drinking games when he knows Rukia is nearby. So, the past few days have been spent sulking like Toshiro while keeping his eyes trained on Rukia. Eyes that Rukia sense even in the intensity of the Grounds or feel dancing on her skin amid a throng of people. Rukia's berated him about it several times, comparing him to a guard dog to drive her point across.
Still, Ichigo couldn’t shake off the urge to seek her out. In fact, he’s never been able to since the start.
"I don't know Kuchiki-san personally, but I hardly think this is her kind of scene." Urahara frowns at Ichigo's nonchalance.
"I thought so too until a few days ago when she wanted to join me down here." Ichigo defends himself at Urahara's accusative look.
"And you weren't curious about the sudden change of heart?"
"Of course I was!" Ichigo retorts in annoyance at Urahara's persistence about this, "But I didn't think to ask her becau--"
"Because she probably wouldn't have told you." Urahara finishes for him as if he was privy to their relationship from just one glance.
"If you know then why are you asking, shaggy-clogs?"
"I don't know." Urahara smiles mysteriously at Ichigo before becoming the most serious Ichigo has ever seen, "But I do know where she goes two times a night when she's down her in the Ground."
"What?" Ichigo’s eyes widen.
"Don't you ever notice how she disappears around the same time? How pale and sweaty she looks afterwards? The way she smells sometimes, and I'm not talking about the alcohol." Urahara hints and with each observation he lists Ichigo's head starts thinking instead of noticing and feeling.
"Shit." Ichigo curses, having pieced it all together.
"Yoruichi has already secured the ladies room." Urahara imparts to Ichigo who has already taken off.
While pushing his way through the sweaty bodies of the Ground, Ichigo can't help admonishing himself,
'How stupid of you.'
'Why did it take this long for you to realize?'
'When did Urahara notice? Yoruichi?'
And specifically, 'Why didn't she say anything?'
Finally, out of the fog of the Grounds and in the lull of Black Cat's main room, Ichigo's head starts spinning from the sudden expend in energy and shift in his surroundings, but he doesn't take a moment for himself at all, only thinking of Rukia.
"Ichigo! Wait!" Yoruichi attempts to stop the younger man, but Ichigo ignores her pleas, brushing her off as he pushes open the door to the lady's lavatory.
It's eerily quiet and spotless as if there's no one in here, but Ichigo already knows once he steps into the restroom that someone is in here. Ichigo doesn't have to look into every stall to know where Rukia is, his feet already taking him to the one she's hiding in: the one furthest from the entrance.
With shaky hands and trepidation, Ichigo knocks lightly on the unlocked door of the stall. He doesn't want to enter without Rukia's permission, but he's also too anxious to just stand around that he starts speaking without realizing it, "Rukia. Rukia? Are you ok? Talk to me? ...Just say something if you're fine so I know, un?"
Ichigo almost feels his heart stop when he hears slight movement from behind the door and then a cry of anguish that steals his breath and thoughts.
"I'm sorry, Rukia. I'm coming in." Ichigo announces before cracking the door wide enough to slide through.
The first thing Ichigo notices in the dark stall is the smell, poignant enough to halt him. Closer to the source now, it smells of putrid acid with a heavy air of self-doubt and self-contempt, with all of it coming from the wretched form draped over the toilet.
"Rukia!" Ichigo calls out, kneeling on the floor to take a better look at his friend. Lifting Rukia's head, Ichigo sweeps her hair back from her face while wiping her face with the hem of his shirt. She looks out of it from what little light filters in from over the stall. Fearing for the worst, Ichigo promptly checks her vitals while supporting her neck. From Rukia’s erratic breathing, her airways aren’t blocked. Feeling her pulse, Ichigo confirms that she’s in no danger, even if her pulse is slower than normal. Her hands are cold, but her face is warm: signs of a panic attack passing. Upon closer inspection too, she's so very pale and perspiring.
Ichigo concedes to call for medical emergency if Rukia doesn’t rouse within a few minutes.
“Rukia.” Ichigo whispers as if he’s afraid of the quiet.
“Rukia.” Ichigo tries again, this time louder.
When that doesn’t seem to work, he tries a more physical approach: shaking her gently, pinching the pads of her fingers, rubbing the warmth back into her body, and unconsciously stroking her pulse points as if that would be enough to shock the life back into her.
After having done everything in his ability and training, Ichigo succumbs to his emotions and as a [last ditch] effort collapses back against the wall of the stall with Rukia. Tucked in between his arms and legs, Ichigo keeps repeating her name, hoping it would rouse her. Only when his lips are almost brushing the pinna of her left ear does Rukia start to stir, mumbling incoherently, except her noises quickly dissolve into broken garbling cries as she tries to claw out from within Ichigo's body caging her in.
Heart seizing, Ichigo struggles to remain the calm one all through the noises escaping Rukia like gurgling glass. He tries to calm her first by reassuring her that she's fine, that there's no danger, that it's just him--Ichigo--but when her movements grow even more frantic, he worries she'll hurt herself if she keeps struggling. So, he does the only thing sure enough to stop her: Ichigo clamps his legs together, tighter, restricting Rukia's thrashing then cups Rukia's face between his hands and leans forward, sealing his lips over hers.
Rukia stills instantly, eyes flying open in surprise as chaotic violets finally meet honey amber.
When they part, eyes still on each other, Rukia's expression morphs in inconsolable anguish. So close to each other, Ichigo sees it all, her fall from grace: in the way the light dies in her eyes, the way her brows crease severely, the way the lines around her eyes sink further into her skin, the way the bottom of her lips glisten, wet from his kiss, and quiver. Tormented, Ichigo tucks her further into his arms while trying to erase her expression from his mind before his heart is crushed against it.
Nestled against chest, with her breath against his neck, Rukia mouths apologies into Ichigo's skin. Ichigo's only reply is to hold her even tighter like the vice around his heart, suffocating him and rendering him broken.
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volcanofireflame150 · 5 years
A Soul meets another Seoul *An EXO and Bleach mash up story*
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I was in the middle of brainstorming of a story that no one has EVER done, thankfully one day, I stumbled back into the world of this anime show called Bleach, now for those who don’t know Bleach, you might be confused on what is going to happen in this story of mine. I went straight to brainstorming when I was watching a few episodes of Bleach and I searched up if there were anything Soul Reaper AU of EXO, turns out that there is none, so I’m going to be the first one to do this. So if Bleach fans out there sees an error in the chapters, don’t judge me I only know on what’s going on and my brain just does the creative on what happened so don’t do that. It’s been a while since I’ve seen the show and I’m so glad to finally show people on how creative I can be.
Main Bleach Characters: Ichigo Kurosaki, Rukia Kuchiki, Renji Abarai, Shuhei Hisagi, Akari Itsuki Hitsugaya/Kurosaki, Uryu Ishida, Orihime Inoue, and Chad Sado
Minor Bleach Characters: Toshiro Hitsugaya, Rangiku Matsumoto, Mayuri, Byakuya Kuchiki, Soi Fon, Yoruichi, Kisuke Urahara, Ganju Shiba, Kukaku Shiba, Isshin Kurosaki, Ikkaku Madarame, Yumichika Ayasegawa
EXO members: Kim Minseok, Luhan, Kris Wu Yifan, Kim Junmyeon, Yixing Zhang, Byun Baekhyun, Kim Jongdae, Park Chanyeol, Do Kyungsoo, Huang Zitao, Kim Jongin, and Oh Sehun
Akari’s Zanpakuto and the EXO members Zanpakuto’s: This one right here
Genres: Humor, Fluff, Action, Adventure, Kpop, Anime, Mature, Violence
Any AUs: Soul Reaper AU and EXO Mafia AU (because why not?)
Warnings: Strong Language, mention of blood, killing, and gore, also and possible mature scenes
Itsuki is always wanted to live in the world of the living but she ends up in a situation that she's not a familiar with at all, though she is smart enough to bring a phone with her so she can keep in touch with the Soul Society whenever she wants. She always like getting in situations that are tough but easy for her to get through it without a problem, she's been known to never give up on any challenge. Her Captain used to be Kenpachi Zaraki, then she was switched to different captains, now she is content with her new captain, Toshiro Hitsugaya. She ends up in a situation that is tougher than she thought it was going to be, she finds herself asking for advice from Renji, Rangiku, Ikkaku, Yumichika, Rukia, Toshiro, Kukaku, Ichigo, possibly Uryu, Rukia, and Yoruichi, basically she calls anyone that she has on that phone. But she soon finds out that she can no longer escape from whoever she's running away from, though she kept promising herself that she would never tell anyone in the world of the living that she is a Soul Reaper and she came from the Soul Society. Toshiro, she sees him as a brother to her, and Toshiro always seems to like her looking him up as a brother. Itsuki has never met her parents, so basically she was left all alone, Toshiro was actually given her the permission to go into the world of the living. Kenpachi terrified her, Kyoraku weirded her out, Byakuya was never an option for her, Sui-Feng was too pushy, so she took her chances with Toshiro, she fit in his squad because she wanted to switch to another captain then Toshiro gave her a chance that she is trying to fit in a squad that she considers a family. So basically, her full name is now Itsuki Akari Hitsugaya, she looks up to Rangiku as a mother because Toshiro wanted Itsuki to feel wanted and accepted. Her Zanpakuto is called Shadow Phoenix, the first stage which is Shikai is Burst Shadow Phoenix and the second stage which is Bankai is Faint Flame Beast Attack Shadow Phoenix. Her Zanpakuto is a Scythe, she always fights with the scythe, Shadow Phoenix would always let her fight with the Scythe. But anywho that's her life in the Soul Society whenever night falls in the world of the living, every time when night falls that's her cue to get some work done in the Soul Society. Toshiro would always let her come back whenever she wants because she was born in the Soul Society. She lands in a garden filled with flowers that were so beautiful that she was actually invading someone's territory, so she was knocked out before she sensed someone. Watch and find out on what happens next.
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volcanofireflame150 · 5 years
A Soul meets another Seoul
Prologue; Ch2
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Chapter 1
I can't believe I am stuck in this weird room after the fact I just came from the Soul Society, tied up and gagged, I am certain that Toshiro has never told me to watch out for dangers in the world of the living. I woke up finally thinking that if I stayed quiet maybe who captured me can let me go, or so I thought that was going to happen when the person in front of me said to me, "You are going to be here until you give us answers on who sent you." I was confused, who sent me? No one but Toshiro, I can't give the information that I came from the Soul Society they are gonna think that I'm nuts. The gag was removed, I asked, "Can I know your name?" "Sure, my name is Park Chanyeol," he said, "The one behind me is Byun Baekhyun." "My name is Itsuki Akari," I said, "I don't know what you are talking about, I just moved here to live in peace." "There must be a mistake," said another voice, "Let her go for now." Baekhyun listened and untied me, I need to give Toshiro a talking to when night falls here, I stood up and was escorted out I was feeling frightened by so many people, Zaraki alone is not enough to make me feel this way.
I was led to an empty room, I looked at the person and he said, "You'll be staying here until further notice." "Thanks, I guess," I said, trying to sound calm in this situation. I walked in the room, closed the door, then wondering if Renji, Rangiku, Toshiro, or Ichigo are awake at this time, then again Ichigo is from the world of the living so he should be awake at this time. I sat on the bed, crossed my legs, and began to meditate, it's a way for me to connect with my Zanpakuto, Shadow Phoenix, we are at the level where she mothers me to no end which is what I need. Then my door opened, I looked at who was there, I was expecting that guy who led me here but, it was another guy, he said, "Come on, we're going out to eat." "You guys can go without me," I said, "I'm in the middle of meditation." With that, he left me alone, then Mister Park Chanyeol opened my door and shouted, "You have been given a direct order!" I sighed, this is what I get for ignoring Kenpachi, I said, "I'll be down." "Good, don't make me come back here and drag you out," he said. Alright, he may be like Kenpachi but now he's reminding me of Ichigo when he don't get his way with the enemy, geez, I would hate to see Ichigo yelling at me, so I got ready, I walked down and Chanyeol said, "Finally you decided to join us." I was avoiding eye contact like any smart soul reaper would do if they feel unwelcomed, then a soft voice raised his voice at Chanyeol, "She was in the middle of meditation, she does not want to be disturbed." "So? She is acting like she has never seen our faces around before," I hear Chanyeol. I couldn't take it and went straight back into my room and locked it, I took out my phone and called Renji. I got startled when I heard, "I knew you would call me, Akari." "Renji," I softly said, I always feel safe with Renji, "How is Toshiro doing?" "He's holding up, I told him that you would go back when night falls," said Renji, "Because it's night there and here is day. If you are wondering if Ichigo is awake, you should've called him first before you called me. So, my answer is yes, he is awake." "I'm not that stupid Renji," I said, "It's just I just came from there to live here, it's sounding like I'm not welcomed here at all." "You'll get through this, you like any situation that comes your way," said Renji. I told him, "Yeah, but this is a tougher situation, I met a guy that terrifies me more than Kenpachi." "Whoa, now that's different," said Renji. It feels nice that Renji is here, we were having a pleasant conversation when there was a knock on the door, Renji asked, "Should I get it?" "No, because only I can see you, you would be like a ghost if you opened that door," I said to him quietly. I went to the door and asked, "Who is it?" "It's me, Byun Baekhyun," I hear Baekhyun, I asked, "What do you want this time?" "It's just I know that we got off on the wrong foot," said Baekhyun. Renji asked, "What is he talking about?" "Let me think about that," I said to Baekhyun, "Just respect that I want to be alone." "We will leave you to what you always do," said Baekhyun. I heard him leave, then I told Renji, "They thought that I was going to hurt them even though we kill different enemies." "Yeah, which are Hollows," said Renji. I also told him, "Though I'm keeping my promise to never reveal on where I came from, they are going to think that I am crazy and might send me somewhere that would drive me crazy." "You mean an Insane Asylum?" we heard a soft voice asked. We looked and it was the guy who let me go, I asked, "Can I know your name?" "Kim Jongin, but everyone calls me Kai," he said. Renji said, "Oh great first Shikai and Bankai, now his nickname is Kai?" I looked at him and told him, "Oh shut up will you?" "What'd you say?" they both asked. I looked at Jongin and told him, "Oh I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to someone else." "Oh so you see ghosts?" asked Kai. I nodded, Renji looked offended well I needed to lie, I'm afraid he wouldn't believe me, I need to build a trust in order for me to tell him I mean that's what Ichigo, Uryu, Orihime, and Chad did with Rukia right? I hope that I am right on that part, Renji was going to touch me but then Kai said, "Well then, keep those ghosts in check." "They only go away when I want them to," I said to him, "But I need a certain ghost to make me feel wanted here." "I see, well, I'll try to convince my boss to let you continue on what you love doing," he said. Then he left, Renji said, "I see on what your plan is, you are going to trust him first before telling him on who you really are." I nodded, "But first I need that glove Rukia used on Ichigo." "You still don't know do you?" Renji asked. I tilted my head, Rangiku showed up and said, "You can pull them out when they are asleep." "Oh, wait I can do that?" I asked. Renji said, "You were gifted with that, I mean, you did it Kris Wu, Luhan, and Tao." "Yeah, it was an accident I didn't mean to make them lose their lives of what I did," I said. "That was when you were cursed with the lips of death," said Rangiku, "We lifted that curse and you were given something else." "I see," I said, "So I can use this gift whenever I want to." "Of course," she said, "By the way, how is Shadow Phoenix doing?" "She's excellent I'm so glad to finally have someone to is treating me like a child because I never knew my parents were," I said, "Sadly, I'm afraid she won't be enough for much longer." "Aww, don't say that," said Renji, "Shadow Phoenix will never give up on you." "Yeah, but what if I was given the choice of giving my Zanpakuto up or keep being treated like the outsider I always am," I said, "I would choose my sword over anything." "What is a Zanpakuto?" we 3 hear Kai asked. I looked and said, "It's a sword, I call my sword that to make sure that I don't forget on what I named it." Shadow Phoenix HATES being called 'it' but she's making an exception, Rangiku distracted me by saying, "Also, I can't believe that I am saying this but someone misses you." I gave her a questioning look, knowing that it's probably Toshiro, I got the shock of my life when Renji said, "Of all people, Yumichika and Ikkaku misses you." Flower boy and Chrome dome misses me? I asked quietly, "What about Captain Kenpachi Zaraki?" Rangiku shrugged, same with Renji, Rangiku said, "For all we know, both me, Renji, Yumichika, and Ikkaku are proud that you didn't stick with Zaraki and stick with Hitsugaya." After her talk and Renji's talk, my focused was back to Kai and his boss, his boss came to me and asked, "What were you looking at?" "Just my ghost friends," I said, "They are chatter boxes so I'm choosing to ignore them." I'm afraid that he knows that I am not from this world, I hope not, cause I do not want to be seen as a threat to them. Then Renji's phone rang, same with mine, I answered, "This is Akari." "Itsuki, come to the Soul Society whenever you get the chance," said Toshiro, "We got a situation and we might need your help." "Right," I said, hung up. Then suddenly felt tired, Kai and his boss noticed this then left me alone, I fell asleep and out I came, Renji said, "Wow, now that's awesome on how you did it without saying a thing." I giggled, "Now let's go." I could feel the pressure fade away from my body, we went to the Soul Society, I asked, "Should we alert Ichigo and his friends?" "We are already here," I hear Ichigo say. I looked at him then smiled at him, I gave him a welcoming hug, Toshiro came and said, "Itsuki Akari, welcome back, it's weird saying that." "So, what is going on?" I asked. Toshiro asked, "Do you know what happened with Kris, Luhan, and Tao?" "Uh, last time I saw them I left them with the Shiba's," I said, "I trusted Kukaku that she will train them to go back to the world of the living because of my curse." "Yeah, well, about that I think they are choosing to stay in the Soul Society," said Toshiro, "But enough about that I was reported that you are having a tough situation that you are not familiar with." "Yeah, I guess you can say that," I said, "All they did was knock me, tie my hands together and gagged me." "Oh wow," said Ikkaku, "Sounds like you ran into people that Toshiro should've warned you about." "Nah, I figured that all on my own," I said, "By the way, shortie." I looked at Toshiro, he looked at me and knows that he should've told me from the beginning, he shouted, "Look I was going to but you left before I even said anything." "Oh," I said, I am now embarrassed. "Anywho, Captain, tell her on why you only called her," said Rangiku. I looked at her and said, "But, Renji's phone was going off." "Byakuya was calling him," said Toshiro, "But now, I'm going to the world of the living with you-" "Wait, I'm fine with choosing on who comes with me," I said, "Remember, we are only related by bond you know." "Right, alright, you can chose," said Toshiro. I said, "I choose Renji Abarai." "Aw man, I was hoping you would choose me," said Yumichika. I sassed him, "Sorry, Flower boy, but there are more handsome guys that are way handsome than you, Renji is one of them." "How dare you!" he yelled. I giggled, I realized and shouted at Toshiro, "Did you seriously told me that there is no threat?!" "That was the only way to get you over here," said Rangiku. After all of that was said and done, Renji and I returned to the world of the living, I had my arms crossed and steaming because I got tricked by my own captain. I was sitting on my bed same with Renji, I didn't go into my body yet, Renji said, "Calm down, at least he knows that you are willing to release Shadow Phoenix at any enemy with all your might." "Of course," I said to him. Once again, Renji and I were having a heart-to-heart conversation then we got interruptted by Kai's opening up the door once again, I groaned and asked, "What do you want this time?" "Wow, someone is grouchy when they woke up from their nap," he said, "You got a visitor." I looked to where Renji was and he was no longer there, I went to where the front door was at, there I saw Renji Abarai in the flesh, which is good that everyone can see him but they don't know on what level our relationship is at. Chanyeol asked, "Who is this dude?" "I'm Renji Abarai, a friend of Itsuki Akari," said Renji, "I'll try to not to be anyone's way." "Execpt mine, you are always in my way," I whispered. He whispered back, "At least I'm trying to." I led Renji to my room, I was told that Renji will stay in the room right next to mine until further notice, I'm guessing that I'm staying here and can no longer go to the Soul Society, the place where I came from, that's my only worry. Renji sees the look on my face, "I hope that they will let you go back to the Soul Society whenever you want because we will miss you, especially Shuhei." My face turned red, "I'm not his girlfriend, Renji!" "Yet, there is still time for you two to mingle up," Renji teased, "For all I know you don't want to admit it." "That's not it at all, Renji," I said, "I mean, sure, Shuhei has been sending me countless of red roses but that's only because they are one of my favorite flowers." "Yet, you continue to accept them," said Renji, "Face it, you are only in the world of living to find someone that can fight with him over you." "As if," I shouted, "I have too much chaos happening in my life right now." "Oh yeah, and what's that?" Renji asked. I told him, "Was I really born in the Soul Society or Are my parents in the world of the living?" "That is one hell of a thought that is going through your head," said Renji, "Thankfully you have me and Zabimaru to protect you." "Don't forget Shadow Phoenix," I told him, "Remember that our fight, Shadow Phoenix whooped your ass." "Yes, I know, don't remind me," he said. Then we walked out, Renji suggested, "I wonder if there is a kitchen or a dining room because I am hungry." "You are not the only one," I said, "Let's go and find the locations." "Thankfully no one is around," said Renji, "Then again, I do not want to speak too soon." "Yeah, otherwise my nickname for you would be Ichigo 2.0," I said. Renji shouted, "Don't name me after him!" "Keep it up and I will," I said. We finally moved forward, we went to find the locations of the Kitchen and the Dining Room, though I have a really bad feeling that a Hollow might show up, I looked at Renji in total fear, Renji was never seen me so scared before. Then he went ahead and called Ichigo over, he came over and I calmed down instantly, we made our way towards the Kitchen, then we heard a voice ask, "What are you 2 doing?" We looked, there 9 people at, I'm assuming the dining table, Kai said, "Come on before it gets cold." "Ah, sweet!" shouted Renji. I yanked him back over to me and threatened him, "Don't act so reckless right now or I swear I will cut you in half!!! Do I make myself clear?" He nodded, both Ichigo and Renji knew if I use that tone of voice meaning that I sense a Hollow nearby. I sat right next to Renji who is now on the alert and terrified of what I just said to him, we were in the middle of eating, Suho asked, "So what do you guys do?" "Um, we don't know," said Renji, "It's kinda hard to say on what we do." "Say it and you can say goodbye to having children in the future," I whispered in a very menace voice. Renji looked at me, I was being serious on what I said, I may be little but oh boy do I carry a deadly weapon, Sehun asked, "Why are you looking like you are terrified of her?" "She's my big sister," he said, "I may be taller than her but she can beat my ass whenever I question her skills." I nodded, it's true, I've knocked his ass down 50 times, Renji knows on when not to mess with me, same with Ichigo but he's not Renji. Then our phones went off, we looked at each other, I said, "We need to get going." "Already, you should eat first," said Xiumin. Then we got a message saying 'Eat first then Hollow.' I said, "A meal wouldn't hurt." "Yep," said Renji. We ate, then I told Renji, "I'll meet up with you and Ichigo, I need to grab Shadow Phoenix." "Ah, I forgot that when you meditate, you are making her exposed to humans and us, good thinking," said Renji, "I'll see ya later." He left, I grabbed Shadow Phoenix, I went into my Soul Reaper form, and went to fight the Hollow with Ichigo and Renji.
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