#ranna seneschal
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Sanctuary + Text Posts 2/?
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lanistas · 1 year
I love how Helen and Ranna are "same person, different fonts".
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tinknevertalks · 5 months
10 characters:
Helen Magnus
Kate Freelander
Ashley Magnus
Abby Corrigan
Ranna Seneschal
Sam Carter
Vala Mal Doran
Janet Frasier
Cassandra Frasier
I don’t remember what the options were or if these are even compatible but have fun I suppose😅
Lol, thanks lovely! These are... yeah. 😅😂
Marry - Abby. She's my girl.
Drink tea with - Cassandra - she'd have the tea on the whole Sam/Jack thing.
Party with - Kate, I think she'd be great at a party.
Kiss - Helen. Unf.
Go out on a date with - Janet. I think she'd be a good date.
Push down the stairs - Ashley with her vamp powers, to see how awesome the powers are.
Slap - Ranna. Just coz.
Invade the dreams of - Vala, just to help chill some of them out. :)
Take a nap with - Sam. I'd be the big spoon if she wants. XD
Rob - Afina. She was a queen, she'd have swag somewhere. 😂
This was haaaaaaard! 😂😂😂
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romanaisalive · 7 months
CU camp nano (Ranna storyline) for the WIP tag game, please! :)
Hi, thanks for the ask!
CU stands for Concerning Us, a long-running Sanctuary fic that morphed into several versions, has about 70k words and still nowhere to completion. I think it's old enough to be in elementary school now.
It's an OC/Ranna (and OC&Five) story, following them on their respective storylines as they influence each other's lives unknowingly, then they meet about the 80% mark. The Ranna storyline has ridiculous amounts of Praxis OCs and worldbuilding, but mostly follows her as she goes from an aspiring young trainee to Seneschal and how she appears in canon.
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This is Hollow Earth. It snows nine months of the year, and hails the other three. Any food that grows here is tough and tasteless. The people that grow here are even more so. The only upsides are the pets. While other places have ponies or parrots, we have… dragons.
Ranna Seneschal, probably
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magnass · 13 years
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Because Jessica was talking about Helen/Ranna, here's some Helen/Ranna eye-sex.
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Sanctuary + Text Posts 6/?
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
(Fourth picture of this post may need to be zoomed in on/clicked on to be read)
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romanaisalive · 5 years
Whumptober 2019, No.9 - prompt: shackled
Sanctuary AU, Ranna, 223 words, tw: torture/execution
Backstory to this ghost AU
I’m going to die, she thought as the shackles clicked around her wrists.
I’m going to die.
The face snarling at her only enforced the knowledge.
They dragged her out of the house, through the garden. The metal dug into her wrists, the gravel scraping her legs as she stumbled over rocks, then the leftover spikes of the fence. Blood tickled down her ankles.
They threw her to the ground, into grass mixed with stone. A hand closed around her throat, the former vengeful face blocking out the view of the night sky.
“Look at it closely, Seneschal,” they whispered. “It’ll be the last thing you see of this world.”
I’m going to die.
Something stabbed into her chest, she drew a deep breath as the pain shot through her body. Her muscles cramped, and she had to gather every last drop of defiance to stop herself from screaming.
I’m going to die.
I don’t want to die.
I don’t want to die!
She heard their voices from far away, and gritted her teeth. She won’t give them this - not this. They could have their revenge, but not her dignity. They won’t get to tell tales about a Seneschal forced to her knees.
Her shoulders twisted, unable to move with her wrists secured to her back, and she screamed.
And screamed.
And screamed.
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The leader of the Sanctuary network and the leader of Praxis...Who's going to win the battle of wills?
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Sanctuary + Epic the Musical for you all.
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I have a very bad feeling about Sanctuary today... Seriously bad feeling.
Dear Writers,
If you kill any of the characters, I AM COMING FOR YOU. 
 A threesome between Ranna/Helen/John would be good though... just sayin. Hell just all the characters randomly hooking-up would be good. They're just so pretty.  
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romanaisalive · 6 years
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Ghost Ranna moodboard for my Sanctuary AU
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chaos-hope-love · 13 years
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Parallels between Helen and Ranna.
S2E2: End of Nights Part 2 S3E11: Pax Romana
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