#rantyrant time
lapeaudelamemoire · 2 years
Chinese drama thoughts/rant time
Just finished watching Miss Truth and I like her way better with Su Fu even if he was getting close to her with an ulterior motive at first. Anyone who fucking gouges out a piece of their heart (literally) to save my life is kind of - you can't really outdo that??? And they didn't even give him a chance to explain to her - or rather she didn't even give him a chance to explain to her and literally left him to be killed by his people. I don't care how hurt you are or how disbelieving they didn't even like make a thing out of 'You saved my life' like he saved you multiple times. I know she's unconventional but usually saving someone's life counts for at least some currency/to be taken into consideration.
On the other hand Xiao Song (the male lead) literally humiliates her on multiple occasions 'in the name of being good to her secretly' and at one point has her in chains and threatens her non-stop. Fuck off how is that better.
If I had the time and Did These Things I would write a fic where she doesn't abandon Su Fu to the assassins surrounding him that he's literally cutting down because she has a fucking conscience, gives him a chance to fucking explain, is maybe conflicted about it for a while before trying to mend their relationship maybe and they are honest and truthful with each other and open up.
The writing of emotional turns was abysmal in this and they really didn't earn or show enough to really get an emotional investment, things just Happened.
Also, Sang Chen totally did not have to lose his hand at the end uselessly and they could have been much better with the whole relationship dynamic engagement with the female lead, again.
Was she a strong-willed character? Yeah. But she also was not very likable and although I get that not all women need to be Good and Nurturing and Virtuous in all the 'right ways' like I mean honestly though?? The relationship she had with Su Fu was transactional from the beginning to some extent so a) I don't know why she's so surprised or betrayed, b) she knew he's an assassin who belongs to an organisation which almost always and presumably has its own rules etc. so again, why so surprised or betrayed, the first time she met him she already literally caused him to get stabbed, what the fuck, come on. Can't you even just count that as 'I owe you my life x2 (at least), I caused you to get hurt x idek how many times, let's call this even even though I clearly owe my life to you in multiple ways' like so Xiao Song can be awful to you in the name of not telling you things for your own good and doing stuff for you behind your back but this guy who has been trained as a cold assassin since young and isn't loved or valued by his family and the court can't be a cold assassin keeping you alive in the name of using you while he finds himself inexorably saving you and doing extra shit that he doesn't actually need to be doing in the name of making the trap more believable every time, like killing people from his own assassins' society? He could well have been written as actually the double agent he's supposed to be.
P.S. Su Fu also proved to be pretty good at crime-solving as well so he could, again, well have been written into a decent enough partner for her on the work front as well and Xiao Song written to be 'I think we work great together but I love this guy actually sorry let's be friends'.
P.P.S. If Su Fu doesn't say a lot to Ran Yan (female lead) at all about what his motives are, that's easily explained by the fact that the leader of the society is constantly around and comes into the room from wherever she was hiding in the back or out of sight as soon as Ran Yan leaves.
Just because the good court-appointed guy doesn't mean he has to be the one the female lead ends up with, ffs.
Addendum: I haven't been in much contact with any fiction anything at all for a while and thinking about all this is really hammering home how much it really is a matter of just choosing to write something a certain way; that you in fact choose the path your characters take. Thinking about this in the context of people arguing about HP the series when the many ethical issues were written into it that way completely by the author.
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uimo · 6 years
Sometimes i just get fed up of some of my friends, I have a couple of them that I play overwatch with regularly, and one of them really likes to meme anytime he can, you could say “ree” is one of his catch phrases.
Makes me so tired just playing with them sometimes, like i’m mainly a tank player and i’m jus doin tank things, staying on the frontline, and I can just hear them behind me and I want to whip around and backhand them.
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walkingmygarg0yle · 7 years
With this whole Greg and Billie thing happening, I decided to bring it up to a friend. They told me that it sounds like me because I make my partners give up weed. Here's the thing. I have never ever told anyone I've dated to quit smoking pot. It has always been their decision and I supported it. One said he would give it up if I would try to stop self harming (while doing it behind my back for two years when I was actually making an effort to quit) and another who said he wouldn't do it because he wanted to be on good terms with my parents (because as long as it's illegal, they're against it. Even though they do way worse stuff but whatever). I don't give a fuck if someone smokes pot. Shit, I might try it one day if I ever get the balls. But I don't flat out ask people to quit. If they want to, I will support them, but I've never demanded someone quit for me. The only thing I've ever asked one of my partners to quit was with my current boyfriend, because he was doing something that was hurting him and has killed a lot of my family members and I continue to watch it eat away at people like my father and my uncle. It will actually benefit his life to quit because he's not going to die from mouth or lung cancer. Pot doesn't hurt anyone, so why would I care if my S/O does it? The only time I care is when someone promises to quit and doesn't keep it and doesn't bother trying to. But that's just because it hurts me. And even then, I'll get over it.
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catghoul · 11 years
I mean patti stanger has some one liners that might be somewhat true if taken completely out of context but the whole show is a crock of shit. Also the way that it takes advantage of people who are obviously a little unhinged with deeper issues than just "they cannot find love" and then berates them. 
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