wizofreuse · 1 year
Try the mint
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could you do some headcanons of the obey me characters with a cat hybrid S/O?
You got it, Anon. Thank you for the request! I decided to be different than some other Obey Me! Writers and I will start from the bottom of the brothers and work to the top. Then add our extra interests~ I WILL NOT INCLUDE LUKE IN THIS. IDC, IF HE IS AN ANCIENT ANGEL, HE IS PORTRAYED AS A CHILD; THEREFORE, HE IS A CHILD IN MY EYES By the way, if you haven't seen my Obey Me response that I answered a few weeks ago, I don't know anything about Rapeheal or Methostopoliese because I haven't progressed far in the original Obey Me or played the new Nightbringer Obey Me!
~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~
Obey Me! Brothers x Neko!Reader
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Belphie was never a fan of cats or dogs. He preferred cows or bulls. Big animals could do whatever they wanted because they were big.
However, cat naps were something he related to, the ability to fall asleep anywhere and everywhere.
That day, though, when he first met you, he couldn't take his eyes off your Purple ears or tail.
He could read your emotions almost clearly as day, even if your face was stoic. Your ears or tail would always give you away.
You entranced him even more when he was freed and allowed back out with the family again.
One night, when you all were watching a movie together, he chose to curl up on the side of the couch next to you. When he arose, your pretty tail was languidly swaying on top of him.
The day you allowed him to touch your tail or ears was quite eventful. You explained to him how sensitive they were; of course, you never let someone you had a crush on touch your ears or tail.
Imagine the shock on both your faces when you purred so loudly that people down the hall heard you. Let's just say he was so disappointed when you avoided him for the rest of the week.
Whenever you two would nap from the day you got together, he never let you go; your head rested on his chest, and your tail wrapped gently around his waist.
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Beel didn't really have a favorite animal; they all kind of just digested down to food in the end. If he had to pick one, though, he definitely would choose a mouse. Maybe they weren't strong, but they were really good at evading him.
Beel loved food more than anything so a quick bite was all on his mind till you came along.
When you came to the house with your Orange tail and ears he was smitten, like a kitten. ( I love puns okay)
You were super emotional, and he never knew how to help until one day, he gave you some of his food.
Like him, your anger, sadness, frustration, happiness, and all emotions were cured with yummy food.
Beel began to monitor your reaction to food and how your ears would move around to the noises of sizzling or popping. Or how your tail would swish or wriggle when you had a particular meal.
Soon, Beel became more concerned about what food to get and what to give you to see your cute emotions over his hunger.
Beel also loved to take you to work out with him. You were powerful and unique at climbing. You could do some of the more advanced level climbing boards that he was not even a pro at.
When you two finally got together, Beel made it a habit to take you out to eat before a workout, then have you and him race on an obstacle course, only to end the night with more food and cuddles.
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Asmo really loved Bunnies. I mean, come on, they were so cute and adorable. They had perfect pink noses and beautiful coats of fur, and a bonus was that they weren't loud or obnoxious.
However, he made an exception to his animal choices when you came around.
Your Pink tail and ears were the icing on the cake, matching your cute gestures and aesthetics.
Asmo couldn't wait to dress you up and make you the object of others' desires, especially his.
You spent most of your days in his room, trying on clothes and being measured for new outfits to accentuate your cat-like features.
The one-time Asmo got too close to your tail while measuring you interested him. You wrapped your tail around his arm without realizing it, only for him to point it out and you to run away.
From then on, Asmo was cautious until you let him touch your cat-like appendages.
Once you two finally got together, the outfits became less cute, and Kawai, as Levi would put it, they became more lustful and sexy.
Asmo enjoyed showing you off to everyone and letting them all know you were his beautiful kitty.
His new favorite accessory when you would accompany him to fashion shows or influencer events was your pretty tail wrapped around his wrist just like before.
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Satan loved cats. They were perfect creatures—big cats, small cats, kittens—all cats were amazing.
When you came to the house, he had a hard time keeping his distance. Due to this, he became very angry and wrathful all the time.
You had gorgeous Green ears and a fluffy tail. He was in love at first sight. He was so mad at himself and then, in turn, you.
It wasn't until he finally started to accept you that he saw your ears upright and your tail not rigid.
Once you two found common ground in reading and writing, he often had you in his library.
You two would share book suggestions, and he could always tell how well you liked the literature he offered based on how your ears or tail would move.
Due to his extensive knowledge of cats, he tried to go waaaaaay too overboard on impressing you.
You had to remind him you are still human, so eating raw mice wasn't your go-to.
However, the day he pulled out a red laser pointer, you were hooked, and even while you were trying to be mad at him for abusing your cat-like mind, you couldn't help but play chase.
When you two finally got together, you could be found lying on his lap with your head on his shoulder, getting the best pets while Satan was content with the world for once.
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Levi was obsessed with snakes. He had many of them throughout his life and was very fond of them.
When you came to the house, not only did he find a passion for cats, but he also had all his Otaku dreams fulfilled.
You were every anime boy's wet dream, and especially Levi's. He could only imagine how your soft Blue ears and tail felt.
Levi was always very shy, so it took a long time before he approached you. Though you were less shy than him, you also had your reservations.
The night you two finally bonded, you were talking to Mammon about going to a convention in town.
Due to your appearance, you thought you could make some quick money and enjoy meeting some artists you had grown to like.
Levi begged Mammon to let him go in his place, leaving you two to enjoy the con.
Levi was enamored with your cute maid outfit that perfectly matched your tail and ears.
When the con ended, he found out you two had a lot in common, so most afternoons from then on were spent in his room playing games and watching anime.
While looking for his controller one night, he accidentally grabbed your tail, which really upset you.
He spent all week apologizing and buying you figurines to make it up to you for invading your space.
When you two finally got together, he always loved it when you took his body pillows place and slept with him in his tub.
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Mammon preferred money over anything but an expensive animal that would look cool now he could get behind that. He always thought the pet monkeys celebs had were hot and wanted one.
When you come to the Devildom, and became his problem, he realized why his younger brother is obsessed with cats.
Your Yellow ears and tail were fascinating and honestly hot af.
He wanted to touch them so badly the man was greedy to see what would happen.
When he touched your ears, he realized how elegant you were. Though you showed disinterest in the touch, you held your ground with him.
Soon, Mammon witnessed your spending habits; you were one boujee kitty.
As a joke, Mammon bought you a real gold bell to wear with one of his yellow ties, which he fashioned into a collar. He never expected you to actually wear it or keep it.
The man was hooked from then on and did everything in his power to make you love him.
You had him spending all the money on Goldie and all his payback on you to gain your love.
You two were on the prowl when you finally caved in and accepted Mammon's desires.
While you swindled money from people with your looks and poise, he was spending the money on you two.
You two were the hottest cats in town.
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Lucifer was a dog person through and through. They were trainable, obedient, and loyal. He didn't want any other animal because none would ever follow as directly as a dog would.
He was apprehensive when he heard from Dia about your appearance in the Devildom. A half-cat half-human would not be controllable and only cause him more headaches.
When he finally met you, he was taken aback by your elegant beauty. Your Black ears and tail suited your regal face.
He still didn't like cats, but he could get behind in liking you over time if you proved yourself.
You were bold and strong. You stood up for yourself and others. You could take no for an answer but make things work your way.
Lucifer was getting hooked, and it was terrible. He needed control.
When you two were alone, he slowly started implementing rules and guidelines. You always followed them, well, to an extent.
Lucifer found your boldness to disobey him at times almost thrilling. You showed no fear and no hesitance.
When Lucifer finally accepted his feelings for you and went to confess, you already beat him to the punch. You took control of him and planned the dates and events.
Once officially dating Lucifer only found peace when you were with him, you were intelligent, cunning, and a go getter. You also were very cooperative about getting him to take a break. Why would he give up a chance to have you resting against him while he got to pet your head?
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Barbatos was very fond of birds. He often found them beautiful in their patterns and voices when he went on errands for Dia.
When you came to the Devildom, he was mildly put off by you. He figured you would eat the birds he was so fond of.
Course, he couldn't lie; the Gray fur of your tail and ears was attractive.
Over time, Barbatos grew used to your presence with the brothers. You posed no real threat or harm to the things he enjoyed.
He liked how aloof you were. You kept to yourself day in and day out, giving him time to deal with other matters.
However, over time, he grew worried about you. Yes, you communicated with others when needed, but you looked lonely.
Barbatos made the first contact, inviting you to assist him with cooking, which you were exceptionally skilled.
Soon, he invited you on errands through the realms, and you also assisted him with Dia's antics.
As you grew warmer with him and showed him more emotions, he couldn't help but grow attached to you lovingly.
One night, while on the castle's balcony, he finally asked you if he could touch your extra appendages. He was curious if, like demons, they were sensitive too.
When you allowed him, he felt very connected to you. Before him, another person who was withdrawn from society and was only close to those deemed worthy.
Barbatos, not too long after, asked you out, and soon you two were inseparable.
You made his life more manageable, and if he ever got too overwhelmed, you were wrapping your tail around some part of him to remind him you two have got this.
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Diaovlo related hardest to a Hedgehog, he was pokey in the eyes of others, being the big boss of hell, but he was also warm and kind on the inside once you actually met him.
People were afraid to get close to him except for the few who knew him from the get-go; being a royal can be pretty lonely.
When you came to the Devildon, Dia was enamored by all the outsiders, but you particularly struck him.
Your Red ears and tail looked nothing like he had seen before. You definitely were special.
Dia fell for you from the sidelines as you studied and learned, grew with the brothers, and helped them bond.
When you officially met Dia outside of school, he had already learned all your tail and ear patterns. He knew upon your arrival in his home you were nervous.
Realizing your apprehension about being there, he was saddened by your worries and nerves. You expected him to be some giant mean demon.
When you reached out to Dia to ask him why he was so down, he was honestly touched. He was great at putting on a mask, so how did you know?
When you explained to Dia you weren't afraid of him but of someone breaking something in his home, he was relieved and taken aback.
That night, Dia laughed a full laugh. He found someone truly unafraid of him.
Dia often invited you around the castle, showing you ancient texts and helping you with your studies.
When you finally admitted your feelings to one another, it was soft and gentle. The only time any fangs were bared was whenever you or he heard someone talking bad to one of you two.
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Solomon loved goats, not only because they were perfect for his witchcraft but also because they were just so darn adorable before they got big.
For some reason, there weren't many animals to really use as sacrifices, and cats—well, they were pretty sacred creatures.
When Solomon met you during the program, he was enamored. You were beautiful, with gorgeous Creme-colored ears and tail. You looked ethereal.
Solomon made it his goal to get to know the human anomaly. He had heard of nekotism but only from spell casting, not from birth.
He was interested in your past, present, and future. He took on an extra workload next to school to research your condition.
When you caught him in the middle of research one day, you weren't offended like he thought you would be. Instead, you just laughed and offered to answer any questions he had.
He was internally grateful and began researching with you by his side.
What was initially learning about you soon became you two learning spells and other crafts together.
Each day, Solomon felt closer and closer to you, like he could finally open up more about himself.
One day, while working on a project together, you grew frustrated. Solomon was in awe when you openly asked him to play with your ears and tail to help you relax.
When Solomon worked up the courage to ask you out, he was pleasantly surprised to find you in your shared study spot working on an elaborate potion to spew out the words "let's go out."
Once official, you two worked hard to learn more about each realm and all it had to offer. You two never left each other's side.
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Simeon loved foxes. They were such cute, cunning creatures. Foxes are eager to get their little jobs done and protect their young.
When Simeon goes to Hell to learn more about demons and sees his fallen brethren, he is soon distracted by a cute little cat girl.
When he met you, he was obsessed with your Brown ears and tail and asked you over and over how this anomaly came to be.
While he constantly called you out to ask about your condition, he was pleasantly surprised by how caring and calm you were with Luke.
You looked like a mother, a beautiful, graceful, angelic mother. He was so in love but didn't know what love indeed was.
Simeon soon learned about your hobbies and activities. For example, when he discovered that you liked to climb high places, he would help you find the tallest trees.
Simeon loved to cook for you to ensure you were full and happy; seeing your tail swish just mesmerized him.
Over time, Simeon began asking the brothers about his plight whenever he was with you. You sparked so many feelings in him, but to love you would be wrong.
Eventually with encouragement from others Simeon caved in and one moon lit night while you two lounged on the grass him caressing your ears he finally confessed.
Once officially dating, Simeon found any excuse to visit you in Hell. From bringing paperwork to Dia to checking on the brothers for Micahel to even just saying he wanted to see more of what Hell had changed, he was down there with you.
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This morning I decided to go on a psychedelic journey with mushrooms, with the intention to explore ideas (personal & universal) and to connect with nature. 🍄🌿💫 I enjoyed being fully present in the moment, breathing deeply, appreciating life, gazing at the trees and the sky, releasing stuck energies, rolling around, drawing, singing, dancing, reflecting and feeling deeply connected. I wrote down many interesting insights and messages, you can read through some of them at the end of the post (last 2 slides). The journey lasted 3 hours and I ended it with rapeh to ground myself. This is not my first psychedelic experience & I do not recommend trying it alone if you are not experienced. You can take my ideas as an inspiration to expand your own consciousness. Grateful for the Medicine & it's teachings 🙏🏼🥰
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janedoe-ing · 1 year
i just discovered rapeh literally sleeps with a transformers blanket and doraemon pillow 😭😭
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the-hem · 7 months
Who are the Host of Heaven?
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There are Four Pillars of Judaism, the Four Directions of Creation, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel.
Michael is the god of the Question.
Gabriel is the god of the Answer.
Raphael is the god of our ancestors. The verb רפה (rapa) means to lower, sink down, let drop or be slack, whether literally or figuratively. Since healing often had to do with bringing a fever down, this verb and the previous are obviously akin. Adjective רפה (rapeh) means slack or weak.
The difficult noun רפאים (repai'm) refers to the "sunken ones," i.e. ghosts or shadows of people that are no longer alive. This is probably best understood as the waning legacy of foregone generations that still influence and shape our world today, even though the members of that generation are dead, inert and decomposing in the ground.
The archangel Uriel, whose name means “light of God,” was the messenger sent to Noah to announce the coming of the Flood. Uriel is recognized as the god of knowledge.
He has also been variously identified in Jewish traditions as an angel of thunder and earthquake, as the wielder of the fiery sword in driving Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, as the destroyer of the hosts of Sennacherib, as the figure who enlightens Ezra with visions, and, generally, as an angel of terror, prophecy, or mystery. 
The Four Archangels together represent the following rune:
"1) Who is God? 2) He is the Almighty, the Most High 3) Who are your Ancestors? 4) Do you understand?"
Who grasps the might of the Four Directions no longer has to observe Kosher but is Kosher himself. In Genesis 18 Abraham fed the angels meat mixed with milk, a sign only those possesses of the Chabad of the angels, their Avihud, is capable of eating food on his own.
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thegenealogy · 1 year
1 Chronicles 14: 8-17. "The Poplar Trees."
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David Defeats the Philistines
8 When the Philistines heard that David had been anointed king over all Israel, they went up in full force to search for him, but David heard about it and went out to meet them. 9 Now the Philistines had come and raided the Valley of Rephaim; 10 so David inquired of God: “Shall I go and attack the Philistines? Will you deliver them into my hands?”
The Lord answered him, “Go, I will deliver them into your hands.”
Valley of Rephaim= Valley of Resurrection
The verb רפא (rapa') means to heal or rather to restore or even repair. Noun רפאה (repu'a) describes a remedy, and nouns רפאות (rip'ut), מרפא (marpe') and מרפה (marpe) mean a healing or a restoration.
The verb רפה (rapa) means to lower, sink down, let drop or be slack, whether literally or figuratively. Since healing often had to do with bringing a fever down, this verb and the previous are obviously akin. Adjective רפה (rapeh) means slack or weak.
The difficult noun רפאים (repai'm) refers to the "sunken ones," i.e. ghosts or shadows of people that are no longer alive. This is probably best understood as the waning legacy of foregone generations that still influence and shape our world today, even though the members of that generation are dead, inert and decomposing in the ground.
11 So David and his men went up to Baal Perazim, and there he defeated them. He said, “As waters break out, God has broken out against my enemies by my hand.” So that place was called Baal Perazim.[b] 12 The Philistines had abandoned their gods there, and David gave orders to burn them in the fire.
13 Once more the Philistines raided the valley; 14 so David inquired of God again, and God answered him, “Do not go directly after them, but circle around them and attack them in front of the poplar trees. 
15 As soon as you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the poplar trees, move out to battle, because that will mean God has gone out in front of you to strike the Philistine army.” 
16 So David did as God commanded him, and they struck down the Philistine army, all the way from Gibeon to Gezer, "to dig for the Balsam of God."
17 So David’s fame spread throughout every land, and the Lord made all the nations fear him.
Poplars are a type of fig tree that only grow near water sources in the deserts of the Middle East. Anytime water "reflective surface" is mentioned, growth of a poplar is the expectations. One of the results of such growth is the Dominion of David "a beauty that stirs".
The dominion of poverty is the opposite- it causes slums, disease, significant losses of human happiness and it is the direct result of dissent in the government over its value. To be the Lord of Poverty is a sin. Every holy book says poverty is a sin. There can be no policies, no spokespersons, no outspokenness, no rationale for the existence of poverty. Almost every country has a legislated directive not to allow poverty.
To replace the ugliness of poverty with the beauty of prosperity is intelligent and wise and that is why it is prescribed by the Tanakh:
Baal Perazim means "dominion over the complainers."
The verb בעל (ba'al) means to exercise dominion over; to own, control or be lord over. The ubiquitous noun בעל (ba'al) means lord, master and even husband, and its feminine counterpart בעלה (ba'ala) means mistress or landlady.
God is obviously called 'lord' all over the Bible and the sin of the Baal priests (1 Kings 18:40) was not that they called upon some other deity but rather their incessant howling of the word 'lord' without any further responsibility or effects (see Matthew 7:21 and 11:4-5).
Every time the low born - those that reject the tenets of civilization and insist on a way of life that is proven to be retrograde to the mutual safety, success, and happiness of the rest of the world, as the Tanakh says, they have to be torched and the world has to be washed, rinsed off, till it can flower without worry once again.
David's victory from Gibeah to Gezer is the preventive- to farm the Balsam out of humanity is more than just a police action against the dipshitz. It is the establishment of a global attitude of "beauty is best."
Just as God told David, brace what is detestable between itself and what is gorgeous and fruitful, and the world will see. It will accept what it sees and move on.
And where to?
If a nation can muster the manpower, money and materials to positively wreck Ukraine, Damascus, Aleppo, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia, all the slums and ghettos in the world for that matter, it can undertake their beautification again too.
This is the lesson behind the Divine Engineering that is called the "King David and the Poplar Trees" that flourish in the desert in the most likely of circumstances. If you want to build a Palace, pay attention to what kind of forest from which you harvest the timber.
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babyawacs · 1 year
#to #them #it #is #ok #to #root #for #scum #germanscum # is #theirscum #thats #good #enough #then .@law @law .@judge @judges .@harvard_law .@s un @ap @reuters @bbc_whys  @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom @ deutschland @dw @phoenix_de @bild @sz lawyers banks insurances: what germans donot do i s state the obvious: yes the government enabled us to rapeh im and we raped for our lustgain what we wanted thanks tothe government and system repe ated unpunished as often as we wanted weonly had to returnhim and reinstallthe barricad es. the obvious we mercy and wedonot doom but we very serio usly serotolerance the facts this is germany itwill a l w a y s lead to germans deserv ing once one trickawayfrom or toss minors into harms which german trickflip becomes the and ifnot nutting the charging because itis the m i l d e s t c r i m e of countless how them rule makesuremykidsareok so personsof interest espec germanexposure duress peril etc
#to #them #it #is #ok #to #root #for #scum #germanscum #is #theirscum #thats #good #enough #then .@law @law .@judge @judges .@harvard_law .@sun @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom @deutschland @dw @phoenix_de @bild @sz lawyers banks insurances: what germans donot do is state the obvious: yes the government enabled us to rapehim and we raped for our lustgain what we wanted thanks…
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auroradivine · 3 years
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I absolutely adore this company. I only ordered the first rapè blend but they sent me THREE samples 🥰
Rapé, pronounced ‘ha-pey’ is a tradition used by various indigenous tribes of South America, predominantly from the tribes people of Brazil and Peru. Rapé is a snuff which is blown into each nostril through a pipe known as a ‘Tepi’. Which is either made from a hollow bone or bamboo. Each tribe has their own formula of plants, trees, seeds, most commonly combined with a pure form from the Amazon and an ash called tsunu, or others like Murici, Yarumo, or Inga. The rapé is prepared in a ritualistic way by specific members of the tribe.
In some tribes, it is the women who gather the ingredients and make the Rapé, and others are made by the healer of the tribe. Typically they are made in small batches with specific intentions for the ceremony or person being treated. These are very powerful, profoundly healing and cleansing on many levels. The use of Rapé aims to connect one to the spirits of nature while invoking that power to bring about physical and spiritual healing.
Traditionally, it is administered through either the Tepi or Kuripe. The Kuripe is a for self-administration and the Tepi is used when blowing the snuff for another person. The V-shaped applicator or Kuripe, connects the nostril to the mouth. The Tepi is a long blow pipe that connects the nostril of the receiver with the mouth of the blower, who then blows the rapé into the nose of the receiver.
In general, the tribes believe Rapé facilitates the opening and clearing of the chakras, facilitates a sense of grounding and connection to the earth. Some think it supports the release of disease from the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Furthermore some say that using rapé opens the third-eye chakra, decalcifies the pineal gland, clears mental fog and confusion. Finally it releases negative thought patterns and most of all it supports our connection to the breath and expands our connection to Spirit.
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sacredvalleysoul · 4 years
Yawanawá – Tsunu Rapé
Traditional Yawanawá Tsunu snuff is always made from the ashes of the tsunu shell. Yawanawa Tsunu has female energy, opens and harmonizes the chakras, helps to eliminate the blocked energy. Tsunu is a tall and majestic tree that is considered one of the holiest of the Yawanawá people. This handmade rope was made with tobacco.
There are many features related to the benefits of taking snuff with tsunu, as healing and spiritual strength are given, helping to fight physical fatigue from energetic cleansing.
In some cases, it clears the digestive system (this may be vomiting or diarrhea). Tsunu grains, one of the main components of these mixtures, are known as a medicinal plant that supports digestion.
Please contact us for your wholesale purchases. We will offer you special prices Rapé
Rapé – is a very sacred shamanic medicine, made by indigenous tribes of South America, primarily found in in Brazil and Peru. Rapé is pronounced ‘haa-pay’ in English. Indigenous Rapé is a rare medicine to come by and very sacred to the tribes of South America. It is used for deep connection to the spirits, animals and Mother Nature, it is very cleansing and powerfully healing.
This sacred medicine takes days to make and is a very labor intensive process made in a ceremonial way, out of various Amazonian healing medicinal plants, leaves, trees and seeds from Amazonian rainforest. Calling in the spirits to help assist those who come to this medicine for deep healing and connection to the source of the creator.
Traditionally, this medicine is applied by using a pipe made from bamboo or bone, which is blown through each nostril on both sides. This can be self-administered using a V-shaped self-applicator pipe, known as a ‘Kuripe’ pipe which connects the mouth to the nostrils. It can also be administered by another person using a large blow pipe, which connects the blower’s mouth to the other person’s nostrils. This blow pipe is known as a ‘Tepi’ pipe.
Use a pea sized amount in each nostril of this medicine for beginners. Dosages can be increased after prolonged use once one becomes more accustom to working with this medicine and has built a relationship to the spirit of the plant and specific rapé.
Please use this medicine in a sacred manner within a quiet space without any interruptions, play relaxing healing music or sit in silence with legs crossed. Call upon your spirit and animal helpers, thank the the tribes , the plants and the spirit of this sacred medicine. Place the pipe over your heart and set an intention and prayer. Apply the medicine in each nostril. Close your eyes after application, breath slowly and calmly then sit and receive the healing benefits of this beautiful medicine throughout your whole being.
In general, Rapé has the following effects: it deeply helps to reconcile and open all your chakras, improves your grounding, releases any illness on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, opens the third eye, decalcifies the pineal gland, removes any mental confusion, it releases any negative thoughts, removes all negative entities, connects you with your divine breath and enhances your connection with the Spirit.
Please note that after application of Rapé, you may experience cleansing, vomiting, bowel movements and increased saliva, which is a normal reaction when your energy and physical body releases blocked energy, toxins and diseases. It is good to have a bucket, toilet paper and drinking water at hand.
Each Rapé has different vibrations, different properties, carries different information, differs in subtlety and has very different effects on the energy field. In addition, after you build a deeper relationship with each Rapé – She becomes a powerful plant teacher for you to ask any questions or go to any sacred ceremony with a specific purpose.
During the Ayahuasca ceremony, Rapé is commonly used by the Yawanawa, Kaxinawa-Huni Kuin and Katukina (Brazilian tribes) to relieve illnesses, dissolve blocked energies, find visions and look clearly.
Each type of hapé has different qualities, vibrations, subtleties and different effects upon the energetic field.
Please keep them in the airtight containers they come in, keep away from wet, damp and humid conditions, and store away from direct sunlight.
The use and application of our products is solely at the customer’s responsibility.
Our products are not certified by the FDA or by Health Canada for human or animal consumption. They are sold for incense and soap They are for purposes, decorative purposes and / or legitimate ethnobotanical research.
The information given about the plants is for academic purposes only and is not intended to be used medically. snuffsoul.com, its suppliers, agents, employees and distributors can not be responsible for any misuse of the products offered.
All Products are sold only as botanical samples with no expressed or implied claims for a specific purpose or use. All information provided is for educational, scientific, ethnographic and historical research purposes only.
Customers must be over 18 years of age to purchase anything from this site. Research all items and consult your doctor before using.
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snuffsoul24 · 4 years
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Kuntanawa – Heart of the Boa Rapé
This Rapé was made with organic Moi, Mapacho, ashes of the Sapota tree and a vine called “heart of the boa constrictor” because of its heart shaped leaves. The vine is also known as “Veia de Pajé” (Pajé=medicine man – shaman).
In the words of the maker, this is a very reserved and powerful blend. For that reason those who use this medicine must do so with clarity and intention, in order to achieve the spiritual alchemy in a good dimension. In their tradition the medicine is known to keep at bay the negative and attract the positive. It is used to protect against jealousy and spiritual persecution. Most of the medicines used in Rapé are also used to make herbal baths and medicinal teas. This particular one is used to attract good things, love, and success hunting and in general to bring luck and prosperity? However it is advised to firm and focus the mind on the good intentions that one wants to achieve and not call what one doesn´t want.
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msbanananaaa · 4 years
Ada sesetengah org bila baruk masok kerja, dgn higher gred drpd kita, atau setaraf, atau corak krja nya yg jauh lebih mencabar / feminin dr kita, limpas kita dgn palak yg mndongak. Sng pdh, nya rasa krja nya lbh bgs dr kita n nya lebih busy dr kita. Dengan gaya yg macho / feminin, makin kuat gk "alasan" nya jalan mendongak palak kedak ya. Senyum x,tegur pun x. Sekali duak xhal. Kali ng busy bena. Tok tiap kali limpas dik. Awak polah muka sombong dhya xnegor senior. Senior sik kisah awak mpun gred dik. What they want to c is how you gon' respect them.
Bukan tujuan nak membuli tp yala adat dalam kerja esp yg baruk masok kerja. Tegor senior senyum gn senior bkn bmksd awak tnduk dgn sidak atau berlagak awak tek rapeh. Tp as a sign of u respect seniors. Show lah 1st appearance yg bagus bukan nak suruh awak fake. Moral of the story, its not about "they donno me so dont judge me". Ala bnda xprlu jadikan red tags la. This is common sense. Perlu ka awak nyombong dirik kedak ya.
Takut dudi ari org xmaok berik kerjasama gn awak.
Kali kita nisik kesah xda org mok kwn tp bila part krja,kita patut kesah mun org xmaok merik krjasama. Jd in order to get krjasama dr staff lain, u have to be good in PR lah. Tp igt, ya bukan lah atas dasar fake utk dpt kawan rami. Mun paham bisa.
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janedoe-ing · 1 year
we had a vc last night till 3 am and oh boy it sure did released all the demons inside of me like i was just relieved to spill what i was feeling the whole time.... ok but that's not it, so we played this one random quiz rapeh chose and it has some questions yang involve sex tau and it was so awkward at first but we chose to laugh it off LMAO and surprisingly it went well after that.. like when we encountered such questions everyone was like thinking logically (i mean obviously) but idk it just felt funny and good to know i can trust them LOL
there's this one question it asked: how frequent would you (as in the person answering the quiz) have sex in a week and we were like what the hell JSOCJDK IT WAS SO AWKWARD but still we literally had a discussion and chose "2-8 times per month" as the answer 😭 maybe what im trying to say doesn't make sense since i haven't slept till yesterday but yep
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perfectlyjovialfun · 3 years
Церемония рапэ - Священный ритуал шаманов https://katukin.ru/ceremonija-rapeh/ #рапэ #купить рапэ #рапе #купить рапе #сананга
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thegenealogy · 1 year
1 Chronicles 8: 1-8. "The Rooftop."
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The Genealogy of Saul the Benjamite
The Gematria for Saul, from Mish'ala, "the petition", is "Gog Magog":
The noun גג (gag) means rooftop, but since a society was a "house," its "rooftop" referred to that society's governing council. Note that the information technology that currently drives our society began in the Bronze Age with the invention of the alphabet and hyper-complex fractalic narration.
Humanity should be well beyond the troubles it is having with literacy with the law and what kinds of reasonable expectations should be set for governments by their citizens and vice versa.
It's not going to be fun to clear a few things up, but it is needed and then some very high standards, quite in line with our capabilties need to be established and communicated to the public.
This is what is meant by Gog-Magog, the Rooftop and it is the nature of the Petition we make of God during practice, the achievement of peak performance.
8 Benjamin was the father of Bela his firstborn,Ashbel the second son, Aharah the third, 2 Nohah the fourth and Rapha the fifth.
Benjamin= kindness
Bela= destruction
Ashbel=the Fire Lord
The verb בעל (ba'al) means to exercise dominion over; to own, control or be lord over. The ubiquitous noun בעל (ba'al) means lord, master and even husband, and its feminine counterpart בעלה (ba'ala) means mistress or landlady.
The verb אחר ('ahar) means to come after or later, to derive or even to delay (to make to come after or later). Adjective אחר (aher) means another, adjective אחרי (aharay) means afterwards, and adjective אחרון (aharon) means hindermost. Noun אחרית (aharit) refers to some after part and noun אחור (ahor) to some back part. Adverb אחרנית (ahoranit) means backwards. Preposition אחר (ahar) means behind.
The verb נוח (nuah) means to come to rest or to cease interference. Noun נחת (nahat) means quietness or a quiet attitude. Noun ניחח (nihoah) or ניחוח (nihoah) means a quieting or soothing. Noun הנחה (hanaha) means a giving of rest. Noun מנוח (manoah) describes a place or condition of rest. Noun מנוחה (menuha) or מנחה (menuha) means resting place, or quietness.
Verb נחת (nahet) means to descend or go down. Noun נחת (nahat) means descent, and is identical to the noun meaning quietness (see above). Adjective נחת (nahet) means descending.
Verb נחה (naha) means to lead or guide. This verb has no derivatives.
The verb רפא (rapa') means to heal or rather to restore or even repair. Noun רפאה (repu'a) describes a remedy, and nouns רפאות (rip'ut), מרפא (marpe') and מרפה (marpe) mean a healing or a restoration.
The verb רפה (rapa) means to lower, sink down, let drop or be slack, whether literally or figuratively. Since healing often had to do with bringing a fever down, this verb and the previous are obviously akin. Adjective רפה (rapeh) means slack or weak.
"The Right Hand of Kindness is the father of the destruction of that which interferes with the peace, the Fire Lord. To end his power and restore life, , petition the Guide, Yah-Shual."
3 The sons of Bela were:
Addar, Gera, Abihud,[a] 4 Abishua, Naaman, Ahoah, 5 Gera, Shephuphan and Huram.
Addar=wide open place, honorable, majestic
Gera=to drag away, as in a circular argument or grudge.
The verb גרר (garar) means to drag or drag away, mostly in a circular or repetitive motion. Noun גרה (gera) means cud, or food that's dragged back up, chewed again and sent back down
Abihud=Father worthy of praise
Naaman=nice guy, delightful one
Ahoah=to unite in one living culture
Scholars insist that the form חוה (hwh) occurs over three separate roots, which have nothing to do with each other. But anyone with some poetic merit will notice that the most fundamental idea beneath all three of these is the act of investing one's personal sovereignty into a living collective in order to form a symbiotic whole.
In nature this phenomenon occurs when molecules cluster up "voluntarily" to form living cells, or when many living cells form one organism or when many human minds form one living culture.
Gera=to chew on an argument
Shephuphan=the formation of a palisade, to encircle like skin circles a person
Huram=his father's nobility
The earth has these plentiful wide open majestic spaces. God insists we populate with similar majesty the cities and communities we make with nice people that are able to easily distance themselves from circular arguments and crappy cuddy worthless beliefs that detract from the vitality of life.
Parents can teach their kids how to do this, apparently.
6 These were the descendants of Ehud, who were heads of families of those living in Geba and were deported to Manahath:
7 Naaman, Ahijah, and Gera, who deported them and who was the father of Uzza and Ahihud.
Ehud=to be worthy of praise
Geba=the hill but one that is stripped bare
Manahath=to come to rest, to be free of interference
Ahihud=brother of praise, brother of majesty
Naaman= nice guy
Ahijah=brothers of God
"Contention deports the peace, strips it bare of its strength, majesty and brotherhood. It causes the nice guys to flee."
8 Sons were born to Shaharaim in Moab after he had divorced his wives Hushim and Baara. 
Shaharaim in Moab=double darkness in the place of traditions; meaning the human condition is not transparent to our hearts when cultural dictates insist it remain invisible due to oppression.
Divorced Hushim and Baara= chaff that is removed quickly, cleaned out:
The verb חשש (hashash) means to hurry, or rather to be light-footed and hence quickly moved. Noun חשש (hashash) describes chaff, which proverbially is so light that a breath of wind carries it off swiftly.
Likewise, verb חוש (hush) means to hurry or hasten. Adverb חיש (hish) means quickly.
The verb בער (ba'ar) seems to essentially mean to consume or clean out. Noun בערה (be'era) is a rare word for fire; it literally means consumer or that which consumes. Noun בעיר (be'ir) denotes cattle, and particularly cattle that would graze whole fields clean.
"Clear the city of all chaff and obscurity about the needs other people have for happiness."
To lock one's heart away from the possible goodness that can be done on this earth for the sake of continual conflicts between superstitions is unacceptable. To teach one's children how to lose their empathy is a grievous sin. It causes their downfall and with them the decline of society and culture.
This section which explains how to handle things when the roof starts to cave in due to an excess of strife continues in the next frame.
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kvantaspa · 3 years
Церемония рапэ - Священный ритуал шаманов https://katukin.ru/ceremonija-rapeh/ #рапэ #купить рапэ #рапе #купить рапе #сананга
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sacredvalleysoul · 4 years
Huni Kuin – Cacau Rapé
Theobroma Cacao is the scientific name of the cacao tree, in Brazil cacau. It is native to Amazon basin from where it spread out to other parts of the Americas and from there around the world. The name of the genus comes from greek and means food of the gods. Teobromina is an alkaloid present in cacao and is a vasodilator, diuretic and heart stimulant.
Mainly the Huni Kuin or Kaxinawá, but also other tribes, have used the bark of the tree to burn ashes for their Rapé Snuff. Sometimes the fruit pods are used as well.
This very strong Rapé is blended with ashes from the wild natural cacao from the region. Cacao is a native plant from this part of the Amazon and grows wild by the riverside. This beautiful recipe is from the Huni Kuin tradition, it is usually a reddish colored medicine. This particular one is extra strong, a medicine with less ashes that has an earthy grounding caracter.
Please contact us for your wholesale purchases. We will offer you special prices Rapé
Rapé – is a very sacred shamanic medicine, made by indigenous tribes of South America, primarily found in in Brazil and Peru. Rapé is pronounced ‘haa-pay’ in English. Indigenous Rapé is a rare medicine to come by and very sacred to the tribes of South America. It is used for deep connection to the spirits, animals and Mother Nature, it is very cleansing and powerfully healing.
This sacred medicine takes days to make and is a very labor intensive process made in a ceremonial way, out of various Amazonian healing medicinal plants, leaves, trees and seeds from Amazonian rainforest. Calling in the spirits to help assist those who come to this medicine for deep healing and connection to the source of the creator.
Traditionally, this medicine is applied by using a pipe made from bamboo or bone, which is blown through each nostril on both sides. This can be self-administered using a V-shaped self-applicator pipe, known as a ‘Kuripe’ pipe which connects the mouth to the nostrils. It can also be administered by another person using a large blow pipe, which connects the blower’s mouth to the other person’s nostrils. This blow pipe is known as a ‘Tepi’ pipe.
Use a pea sized amount in each nostril of this medicine for beginners. Dosages can be increased after prolonged use once one becomes more accustom to working with this medicine and has built a relationship to the spirit of the plant and specific rapé.
Please use this medicine in a sacred manner within a quiet space without any interruptions, play relaxing healing music or sit in silence with legs crossed. Call upon your spirit and animal helpers, thank the the tribes , the plants and the spirit of this sacred medicine. Place the pipe over your heart and set an intention and prayer. Apply the medicine in each nostril. Close your eyes after application, breath slowly and calmly then sit and receive the healing benefits of this beautiful medicine throughout your whole being.
In general, Rapé has the following effects: it deeply helps to reconcile and open all your chakras, improves your grounding, releases any illness on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, opens the third eye, decalcifies the pineal gland, removes any mental confusion, it releases any negative thoughts, removes all negative entities, connects you with your divine breath and enhances your connection with the Spirit.
Please note that after application of Rapé, you may experience cleansing, vomiting, bowel movements and increased saliva, which is a normal reaction when your energy and physical body releases blocked energy, toxins and diseases. It is good to have a bucket, toilet paper and drinking water at hand.
Each Rapé has different vibrations, different properties, carries different information, differs in subtlety and has very different effects on the energy field. In addition, after you build a deeper relationship with each Rapé – She becomes a powerful plant teacher for you to ask any questions or go to any sacred ceremony with a specific purpose.
During the Ayahuasca ceremony, Rapé is commonly used by the Yawanawa, Kaxinawa-Huni Kuin and Katukina (Brazilian tribes) to relieve illnesses, dissolve blocked energies, find visions and look clearly.
Each type of hapé has different qualities, vibrations, subtleties and different effects upon the energetic field.
Please keep them in the airtight containers they come in, keep away from wet, damp and humid conditions, and store away from direct sunlight.
The use and application of our products is solely at the customer’s responsibility.
Our products are not certified by the FDA or by Health Canada for human or animal consumption. They are sold for incense and soap They are for purposes, decorative purposes and / or legitimate ethnobotanical research.
The information given about the plants is for academic purposes only and is not intended to be used medically. snuffsoul.com, its suppliers, agents, employees and distributors can not be responsible for any misuse of the products offered.
All Products are sold only as botanical samples with no expressed or implied claims for a specific purpose or use. All information provided is for educational, scientific, ethnographic and historical research purposes only.
Customers must be over 18 years of age to purchase anything from this site. Research all items and consult your doctor before using.
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