#rapo rambles
raposarealm · 1 year
Man, I was so hoping Amaryllis would be from Victorian period because of her outfit, it really seems similar to that sort of style to me. Or maybe Edwardian, that's already fairly similar to begin with. I everyone so far has had era-related outfits, I'm kinda baffled on this one. On the other hand, the idea of her possibly being responsible for the eruption of Mount Vesuvius is actually really hilarious, I'll admit. And it gives the possibility for her to be a Void type, without violating the game's rules for what makes Void types, Void types (wishing for a curse or misfortune of some form.)
I don't know I have many Thoughts and not all of them are cohesive
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parab0mb · 3 months
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Fuck it we Moll(y)
Decided to break out my old DS and replay Drawn to Life, a game I haven't touched in literally over a decade (mostly just to see how it holds up). And since I used my OC Molly Majacqueline for the role of the hero when I last played it, I decided to keep her as the star for this go-around.
Of course, I pretty much completely overhauled Molly's character since then, so it's somewhat funny to imagine this bratty and self-absorbed little witch reluctantly fighting for the greater good just so she can go home faster (I'm sure she'd warm up to villagers eventually tho 😉).
Also it turns out I still have my old completed save file on the cartridge, so here's the old, not-rude Molly just for comparison's sake:
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sleepdeprived-rat · 2 months
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I recently got back from a summer camp, and while I was bored I sketched a lot of Drawn to Life stuff. Slowly but surely slipping into an art style I like!
I also finally drew stuff for an AU that I had in my head. I’ll try not to write too much, but it takes place after the events of the first game; instead of Wilfre fading away after his fight with the Hero, he just retreated. So the Shadow was never resolved that first time, only driven back.
As a sort of peace treaty between the Shadow and the raposa, Wilfre drew a Shadow Being for the new mayor of Rapoville, Mari, to care for.
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As long as the child stayed safe, Wilfre would keep the Shadow away from the village. Mari considered it a sacrifice worthy to make for the safety of the other raposa, so of course she accepted; even if she had a hard time looking at the thing, let alone raising it.
I think the whole story idea stemmed from the little shadow kids in the city levels, since those little guys got me thinking that the Shadow might be misunderstood. They just looked too innocent to be evil, you know?
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So I think the story’s purpose is to kind of have the raposa realize the the Shadow is not inherently evil, despite the actions of the rapo who created it.
Yeah, ramble over. Now that I’m sorta getting the hang of drawing raposa, I might make a comic about it. It could be fun.
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onefey · 2 years
if you include the tiny doodles on the last day, then i have drawn heather uuuh... 7 times this week.
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xackorizik · 4 years
Now that rapo has jumped off a cliff, all ba has to do now is not only make a public statement declaring their intent to compensate non white contributors fairly, but also their intent to provide back pay for all those videos they were not being paid for over the last 4ish years. Only then will it be good enough.
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bregee13 · 4 years
Hey does anyone else sometimes say/feel like saying "Rapo" in real life? Like, sometimes I just go "oh Rapo" and not even realize until after I said it.
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necromite · 5 years
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Quick lil somethin done last night of a new gal
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quercus-queer · 4 years
I'm happy Claire is no longer supporting BA. That's like the biggest thing for me. The fact she's creating content free from them is great but I'm also interested to hear criticism? I don't think she was completely "innocent" by benefitting from the racism there but Id like to believe she really did reflect on how she had more opportunities than others and how she contributed to the workplace culture there. So overall I don't think she should be penalized now and I'd like to support her
Yeah, she wasn’t innocent and I’ve been seeing some people a little to quick to jump to her defense at any minor criticism or mention of the reckoning. Like enjoy her content but be aware. She’s not an innocent soft girl you should put on a pedestal (not saying you or anyone I’ve actually interacted with do it but I’ve seen some things lol). And I’m not sure if she really reflected or not. Claire didn’t actually say much and that leaves quite a bit up to her fans to figure out with a lot of speculation, leaving me feeling unsure. Like that’s it, I’m just unsure.
Here are my ramblings on the matter, I’m sorry its very scattered:
Claire was very successful at BA which had an extremely toxic cliquey racist work environment so it does leave me to wonder a bit. But again, she wasn’t a full time employee and she never put on a front of really enjoying her job lol. But again, she was also a full time employee for years and chose to continue working there under a different label. But again, BA was a big company offering her a job how was she supposed to know when she first started and then she was stuck with Gourmet Makes. But again, I would probably get myself fired for being a bitch to Duckor or Rapo if I had an inkling of what was going on. But again, Claire did look ready to kill her cameraman and Rapo at any given moment...
Claire had a book coming out when it happened. Was she being genuine or was she saving face because unlike BA she actually KNEW what her fanbase wanted from her. And what we got was just enough to say she’s better than the rest. She didn’t name names, she didn’t give us her salary (which was such a big point of contention you’d think she’d want to clear the air), she didn’t speak about anything she had witnessed, she didn’t criticize anyone except Rapo.
Was she planning on staying at BA once her book released? Maybe, maybe not she clearly wasn’t happy at BA and was going to leave eventually so did she do it for the right reasons or just take advantage of the situation? Did she actually have a problem with the racism there or did she have a problem with how she was treated by the company? Which she hasn’t really talked about btw and I really think she should. Like she CLEARLY had problems with them and I’d like to hear it from her.
Idk if she’s under a contract to not say something or if her new management didn’t want her to say too much, but she should just lay everything out and move on. I know a lot of her old fans are sticking with her, but if she wants to win alot of BA fans back and then some she should really just clear the air with everything she knows/knew and move on. Even if it is bad stuff (which can’t be anything close to the shit from Chris, Brad, Duckor, or any of the higher ups) she needs to say things. Because she’s clearly not saying everything and it feels like she’s protecting her profits and popularity for her book release and new channel more than anything else.
I actually thought her statements were pretty good, obviously her ditching BA is fantastic, and Chaey supports Claire and the support of her nonwhite colleagues is what I think is the most important to consider in the situation. But this is also why I’m kinda iffy on Claire since no one else has spoken about her and I honestly want some more input on her especially from Sohla or Rick.
The takeaway from this spiel is that I’m not sure. Claire is the most tolerable of the white people from BA and the only one I’d ever want to watch again, but again, I’m not sure. If what’s been given is enough for you to feel confident in Claire and support her then do it lol. She’s a funky little pastry chef and I wish her well. I just don’t trust any successful white person from BA. 
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raposarealm · 2 years
A friend on Discord and I are chatting rambling about Starforce again, and two major points of the conversation so far:
1) I desperately need Akane to find out everything and break the genre-universal Parent Doesn’t Know rule, and then promptly have a massive mental breakdown, and
2) My friend, who’s known me for years, who introduced me to Starforce even, is surprised to hear that I classify Starforce as a magical boy series.
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raposarealm · 1 year
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But seriously they weren't that bad this time; those numbers could have been better if I'd actually bothered to change memos and avoided the bind and charm spam and whatnot. But I ran through all three in less than an hour so I. Did not want to spare the effort. I got the gems and that's all that important right now Alright back to Matching panic mode
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raposarealm · 2 years
Halloween Castle of Prayer and Funeral’s banner is being rerun, I called it!
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raposarealm · 1 year
I do not have the slightest clue what I'm gonna do for Ranked Match, gah For offense, I could run Oops All Blaster, with maybe Nanaka/Kyoko/Asuka, a blast combo would be almost guaranteed with all blast gorillas. But I doubt that'll score well, and I can't guarantee they'd even survive a true magia team, since we can't choose who we fight... On the other hand, I could try to throw together a magia team, probably using Haruka as the tank. I've got a full-ascended Ryuushinryu now, and that along with Transparent Feelings should let her tank the hits, but the charm might become an issue? It's a fairly low chance, and a number of units have anti-charm in their kits, so maybe it'll be fine. I know I'd lose some bonus for having a non-trifecta unit, but being able to, y'know, not die would make that worth the hit to the scoring. Mayu could be good, she can hit skill seal and mp down for a turn on someone, but auto is dumb and will probably just target whoever's in the top right corner. Which will probably be the tank. I could take in Nayumii and Karin maybe as well, for accele gorillas, though again Nayumii's charm on hit chance might be an issue. Karin could use a tanking memo along with a defensive mp up memo, maybe? Or I could slot her towards the front. Hell, the MasaKoko gatcha memo might even be okay for that? If I have nothing else, at least. Dunno who I'd slot into the fourth slot... Anirena would get magia by turn 2 between her active and mp memos even without using disks, but even though I'm sure she's do enough damage to knock out a non-wood unit, her magia's only single target. I do have a 1s Aniholmi, but I don't know if she can get enough mp to magia by t2 with the singular slot, since that means at most 12.5% mp up if I give her Iroha of the Midsummer Beach. I'll have to test it, but giving her SE without knowing if she'll be good to go isn't a pleasant idea... I'll have to crunch the numbers, I guess, thank goodness for the wiki? For defense, I'm guessing just Oops All Tanks would probably be best, just to try and stall long enough to maybe eek out a magia. Haruka again might be good to run there with an agro memo and an defensive mp memo, with enough hits she might get to magia fast enough. Natsuki's accele and defense up might be useful, but her lack of accele disks means she'll be crowding the pool. I'll have to poke through and see which support or magia units have two (or three!) accele disks that can tank, so I'll probably drag poor Karin out again. I have testing to do tonight, bah.
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raposarealm · 2 years
I’ve been very drowsy and lethargic recently, since my meds have to be titrated up in strength as fast as possible (they’re anxiolytics, and my mental state has been, like, dangerously unstable lately,) so:
Might be a bit slow on the draw for translating victory quotes
Magitober has pretty much become Magivember for me, sorry Link and also everyone else. Guess I’ll have to draw Ashley on Thanksgiving in addition to Karin on Halloween, huh?
Anyways, thanks for sticking ‘round, y’all~
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raposarealm · 2 years
oh also i’m still taking the chara bingos
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raposarealm · 2 years
Man, I haven’t logged onto KoL in forever
Just found out that semi-rares and clover adventures are a single thing now, and there’s a new eleven-leaf clover that triggers them, sold from The Hermit. Also there’s a new 1-per-type pull restriction from Hagnk’s now, which I guess isn’t too bad?
All my limited-time stuff is gonna be under Standard restrictions now, so maybe I oughta finally do a Hardcore run since I’d basically be back at square one again anyways.
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raposarealm · 2 years
got two pages left in this sketchbook let’s see if i can fill it in the next two hours
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