pcsitivibee · 3 years
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positivity for arachnrd / rapturcd : @arachnrd / @rapturcd nox is one of the sweetest muns on this platform! her peter parker is spot on. her take on peter deserves more attention than he gets. she isn’t afraid to show the human side of him, which i think a lot of people forget. her oc on rapturcd is so well thought out and well written. i’m honestly so blessed to write with her!
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brkfstgrrrls · 3 years
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@rapturcd - Where to start to describe a friend? Nox is a close online friend whom I’ve had the pleasure of following for the last few years now. We’ve been able to keep up with each other from blog to blog, and continued to do so when she revived this blog right here, a Bioshock oc. I’ll admit that when I saw her move here, I had no clue what the hell Bioshock was other than some video game. I’ve been graced with so many exciting details, passion has been poured into every message and post she makes upon the dash, it instantly made me a fan of this little franchise. Though the Bioshock rpc is small, Nox has found a way to make it her own. Her blog is filled with so much helpful information, and one look at her extremely well thought out, and detailed OC page will tell you all you need to know about this vast universe. With every OC she makes, it’s done with love and care, but something about Nicholas is truly special. Aside from being from one of the most interesting and unique fandoms, Nicholas was crafted with more detail than the gods could give any living being. Nox is also a plot driven writer, I know I am too so if that’s your thing, you’ll be glad to know not only is she a peach but she’s very fun to bounce ideas with! She helped me learn so much about Bioshock, it made plotting feel effortless and an overall thrill. If you don’t follow her, not only are you missing out, but I’ll personally be offended on her behalf.
@segadore - It’s been a few years now, and I have not been able to get Fawn off of my tail, damn you— I’M KIDDING, no but really, Fawn and I have been buddies for the last few years, and I started following her on her Steve Harrington blog. I’ve already gushed in the past about how much I love her Steve, so in the same way she’s so kindly embraced my OCs, I’d like to do the same with hers. Let’s start off with this: Fawn is the one person I see constantly and without a second thought embracing all writers, you could write an oc, canon muse from a different fandom, female oc, doesn’t matter– she will love them like her own. You speak with Fawn ooc, and you’ll feel at home, you’re never a bore nor bother. They’re one of the few people in this RPC I feel so genuinely safe around, and they make me feel like a valued writer even when I’m being ignored by others on the dash, I feel important, and it’s thanks to them. Fawn writes a very amazing muse named Mykah, from what can only be described as a non-existent fandom. I learned about Dead Like Me through her, and I’ve since been completely hooked on this concept and universe. Mykah is a very special, and well-thought out muse. He’s a soul collecting reaper from California, and he’s got so much wit, charm, and attitude, how could you not love the guy? He’s got a tough exterior, but he’s so funny as well, you can tell when you’re reading something Fawn wrote, they have such a unique tone, your eyes will be glued to the screen instantly as soon as you see a reply in your inbox. From the bottom of my heart, I hope we continue to write for years to come. If you want some fresh content you’ve never seen before, and perhaps one of the kindest friends, with the most goddamn creative mindset, please, go look at Fawn’s content. For the love of GOD go look.
@wyntered​ - You know how when your favorite musician or celebrity makes a post on Instagram or twitter, you go “Ah! There’s _____ again, classic ol’ _____, love them.” and you get all giddy in your seat, overwhelmed just by their presence even if it isn’t for you? That’s how I feel everytime I read each and everyone of Chantelle’s posts. I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t get to read all of my rp partners replies to other folks, sometimes I’m too busy, or honestly? I don’t feel like it. But the amount of effort and research they’ve put into this, how could I not? I love reading both her replies to myself and other people, I love reading her meta posts and headcanons, because I know it’ll not only be helpful but just wonderful. It’s also so nice to see how much care she’s put into writing such a complicated man like Bucky Barnes, her portrayal is uniquely her own, and she’s truly made sure to set a realistic example for others. I’ve learned so much, and it’s thanks to her. They’ve also been so gracious in writing with my own Marvel OC, Alice, and never act annoyed or bothered. That’s not something you often find with people who write popular canon muses, but it’s something I’ve been lucky enough to find with Chantelle. Do yourself a favor, buckle up, and get excited. Go and give her a follow, because I just know in my heart she’ll be more than happy to embrace you with open arms. Thanks for giving me the most iconic and kickass friendship for my daughter! It’s probably obvious to y’all by now that I love Chantelle’s work, so you know this message is genuine.
@capnsolo - I found out a few weeks ago that Kayla and I have been mutuals for years, and neither of us knew it. We’ll ignore that for now. I know Kayla as the most fantabulous Han Solo mun on the block, no really, she’s amazing. We found each other again because I writer princess Leia ( over on @/hopescorned ) and well… SCOUNDRESS! Together, we’ve managed to create our own little version of canon to their storyline, and we continue to develop it each time we speak. I’m not very good at articulating my thoughts, but my point is, Kayla is a very skilled, and creative woman. She’s smart, she knows how to use canon as a crutch, but doesn’t rely on it. She let’s her brain do the talking, and she knows how to collaborate well with others, and happens to be very open minded and flexible to other people’s muses. No matter how outlandish the idea might be for a story, Kayla will find a way to work with it. I’ve never seen someone capture Han’s tone so well, each time I read one of her replies, I can truly see and hear Harrison Ford acting each of the stories we create, out in my head. She has a way with her words, and she’s a true talent. Please, even if Star Wars isn’t your think, at least give her work a chance, it’ll be a pleasant surprise.
@nostlgic - Ash & I have been writing together since February, and the day we started speaking, they were one of the kindest souls I’ve been graced with speaking to. A passionate writer, you’ll be pleasured to see that their muse list is rather long, and diverse. Ash is the kind of writer that is always up for the challenge. You have an OC no one is interested? Cool, Ash is now interested in writing with them. You have a crazy rp idea you want to pursue? Ash is the first in line to give it a try. Whenever I write with Ash, I know it’s going to be a new and exciting adventure, each story is different from the next, and with each muse, they shift tones effortlessly; Stephen King would envy them. I made a post probably a month or two ago about how I wanted to write with an Edward Scissorhands, and within approximately 10 seconds, they volunteered to add him to her muse roster, and a mutual friend of ours even went to comment “I was going to tag Ash but it seems she’s already here” and why is that? That’s just the kind of person Ash is, and I truly love it. Go and peep her profile, because I can guarantee there’s at least one muse you’ll want to write with.
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            ・゚゚・*:༅。♡  SEND A 🥝 FOR A BLOG RECCOMENDATION
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@rapturcd​​   said   : 94  100 RANDOM CHARACTER QUESTIONS. || ACCEPTING.
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094. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to know.
 She can use a gun. In her main canon, after Salvatore gets shot in a failed assassination attempt and he's 'out of commission,' confined to resting at the house, Delores spent many hours of her day at the gun range. She wanted to protect herself. Her children. And Sal, whose post-surgery condition slowed him down. Afterwards, she carries a gun at all times on her. 
 She can play the piano. It's something Delores learned as a child because her surrogate grandmother thought it was a ladylike hobby. Honestly, she was learning to play the piano long before enrolling in any ballet class. However, she isn't interested in playing music as a hobby. Therefore making her [decent] ability to make a beautiful melody drift from the instrument a bit surprising.
She makes good Italian food from scratch, due to marrying Salvatore and associating with the likes of his aunt and grandmother, Delores was taught their family recipes. Though she’s reached a point where she no longer follows their recipes to a T and has her own personal substitutes. Which are, in her opinion, better. alt 3. In Picture Perfect, Delores is not only proficient in handling a gun, but she's good with {knives} and hand-to-hand combat. She's a woman, she stands at 5'4, she is capable of being very vulnerable in violent situations. As a result, to survive in her 'field of work' in worst case scenarios, she has to be able to fight, and fight well. Delores usually simply seems clever, swift, and like a good enough actor that she gets away with her crimes.
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murdcck · 3 years
Oh is this love on Nemo time? Which is always o'clock? The best Matt on this platform, periodt. You capture his voice, mannerisms, thoughts, everything about his character so well and expand even further on him in ways comic writers wished they had the talent to do. The only Matt for my Peter. Your portrayal is seriously amazing.
beep beep how’s my portrayal ?
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rosescut · 5 years
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              ‘ OW OW OW ! ’ she pulls her hand away with a harsh groan , knowing that he was only trying to help but disliking the pain it was causing . ‘ i thought you were a proffessional mister . ’ she murmured , looking over at him with soft eyes . ‘ i haven’t seen you with the doctors before though ... where you from ? ’ yes she’d met with some doctors , but not very important ones since she was just a mere scientist who wanted to help others . 
@rapturcd  /  my new favourite game tbh
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asilverjackal · 5 years
rapturcd replied to your post: earlier today i thought about making jack...
Your bioshock verse is p killer on its own tbh but we dyin over here so theres no such thing as too many bioshock blogs
i’ve had so many thoughts™ about jack over the years. he’s always been a character i wanted to write, but i always teetered away from doing so. BUT ALSO i would like to plot with you here 😘😘
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uncovereliminate · 5 years
15 questions, 15 mutuals
Are you named after anyone?
As is my family’s naming tradition,  I named myself after my father’s oldest brother.  And my second name is the masculine variant of my deadname,  which I was honestly very fond of.
When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday after a very unpleasant encounter with a drunk man on the street.  I’m alright now,  though.
Do you have kids?
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I enjoy dry humor and use sarcasm from time to time,  but when other people use it,  it generally goes right over my head.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
It feels almost bad to admit it,  but I don’t usually ... notice people ??  On here,  I notice their reading and when being at events,  I’m usually there as a cameraman,  so I’ll notice their costume or w/e.  Yeah...  I honestly don’t know how I ended up with the friends I have,  because I’m ...  kind of shit.
What’s your eye color?
Scary movie or happy ending?
I like psychological horror and monster movies a lot.
Any special talents?
I guess my talent is writing  ?? 
Where were you born?
The Netherlands.
What are your hobbies?
I must sound like such a broken record,  but uh...  writing.  I also like playing video- and tabletop games a lot, though!  Also if I could spend all my time taking care of dogs and / or farm animals,  I would.
Do you have any pets?
I ‘co-parent’ two dogs with my mom’s boyfriend.  They’re called Sem and Houdini and they’re honestly the best.   There’s also my other dog,  Azizam,  but he lives with my dad,  so I never see him.
What sports do you play/have played?
I used to play a lot of sports before I got sick.  Like korfball,  a lot of different styles of dancing,  I wanted to get into basketball,  swimming...  I still swim sometimes!  Swimming is so nice.
How tall are you?
I think I’m about 168ish cm.  I don’t know,  I always try to stand on my toes when people measure me,  because I have a height complex.
Dream job?
Writer.  Ssshh.
Favorite subject at school?
God.  I haven’t been to school in so long!  I really liked animal care,  but only when we were allowed to actually go to the animal enclosure.
Tagged by  @rapturerecordssilas
Tagging  @openensos,  @springloadedcorpse,  @timerotted,  @chainslost,  @rapturcd,  @southernsolutions,  @mutterliebe,  @irishparasite,  @sylphim
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There’s a sickly, hollow feeling in Hector’s chest, radiating out to the ends of his limbs. It’s all-consuming as he lays quietly in his cot, his eyes fixed to the tiled ceiling. There’s really nothing else to look at here. The blinds are drawn over the windows, blocking out a lackluster view of coral, seaweed, and the occasional glimmer of fish scales passing by in the dark. There’s a radio on the table beside his bed, set to its lowest volume as The Ink Spots croon gently into the evening. 
“Into each life, some rain must fall....     But too much is falling into mine.....         Into each heart, some tears must fall....               But someday the sun will shine....”
Hector’s too tired to reach and turn it off, and too depressed to call for any assistance. Somehow, it arrives anyway in the form of a young man, dressed in clean, crisp medical attire. He looks lost beyond anything--uncomfortable, and unsure of his own reasoning for being there. Hector offers a vaguely curious look, but says nothing. His voice hasn’t returned to him since arriving at the Pavilion, and it isn’t long before his gaze returns to the ceiling.
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horrorempathya · 5 years
@rapturcd :       ❛❛ Shh, shh. It’s okay. You’re alright. You’re safe now. ❜❜ for Eleanor?
there’s  a  lack  of  sympathy,  both  for  herself  and  the  graciousness  that  is a  stranger  helping  her.    especially  when  eleanor  is  simply  supposed  to  be  a  child :    but  they  all  know  the  little  sisters  aren’t  just  children.    they’re  tools,  stripped  of  childhood  and  left  to  the  madness  of  rapture.    eleanor  sits  with  her  hands�� in  her  lap,  fish  swimming  by  in  the  large  window  that  lends  them  a  view  of  their  ocean  home.    imagine  that,  neighbors  with  the  fish !     eleanor’s  dark  eyes  stare  at  the  shiny,  shiny  floor.   she  stopped  struggling  when  she  realized  this  one  is  not  one  of  Mother’s,  he  will  not  be  there  to  return  her  to  her  cold  mother.
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“   do  you  have  a  child ?   ”      eleanor  asks  in  a  soft  voice  that  isn’t  subjective  of  a  child’s  innocent  intonation.    the  hallways  and  rooms  of  rapture  aren’t  as  bright  as  they  once  were,  so  full  of  life,  torn  into  separate  pieces  from  a  war.    Ares,  The  God  of  War  doesn’t  isolate  war  only  to  some  place.    Ares  has  no  preference.     the  chair  she’s  sitting  in  swallows  her  whole,  yet  she  seems  to  have  a  commanding  presence.    the  body  and  dress  of  a  little  sister,  but  oh  her  eyes.    her  eyes  were  normal.    the  made  daughter  of  the  mother,  taken  back  from  the  Little  Sister’s  grasp  not  out  of  love  but  out  of  ability.    eleanor  was  the  heir  of  someone  else’s  dream  for  rapture.    rapture  was  already  dead  and  gone. 
❯ sad and soft  /  accepting :  @rapturcd .
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mvncesa · 5 years
❛  i thought this would be a better life for us. can you imagine a bigger fool than that?  ❜ for Jack
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“you aren’t a fool.”
voice was soft as jack glanced up from where he had been sorting through their supplies to look up at nick. he set the bag down to finally rise to his feet, taking a few couple of steps toward the other male. it was hard to survive in rapture as it was but he thought that he had done a good job- they had been pretty safe for a good few weeks. 
“and it is a better life. we’re not about to die at every second.”
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brkfstgrrrls · 3 years
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         Eyes  were  slightly  glossed  over.  Alice  was  a  tough  girl,  there  was  no  doubting  that,  and  though  the  pain  was  indescribable,  the  way  her  right  leg  was  contorted  on  her  shin,  dried  blood  where  where  the  accident  had  happened,  her  tears  weren’t  just  for  pain,  but  out  of  frustration  as  well.  How  had  she  managed  to  screw  up  this  badly?  The  hem  of  her  skirt  was  soiled  with  dirt  and  her  own  blood,  a  corner  of  it  even  torn  slightly  after  getting  caught  on  the  barbed  wire  fence  after  jumping  it,  and  tumbling  down  a  steep  hill  into  Apollo  Square  which  had  resulted  in  grizzly  fracture.
She  had  been  laying  in  the  dirt  for  a  solid  two  hours  before  anyone  found  her,  and  by  the  third  hour,  she  was  sitting  in  a  chair  in  an  unofficial  doctor’s  office.  She  couldn’t  go  see  a  real  doctor  anyway,  not  just  because  she  couldn’t  afford  it,  but  because  the  entire  reason  she’d  gotten  into  this  mess  was  her  poor  attempt  at  evading  the  police,  which  she  just  barely  managed  to  do.  Hey,  she  was  alive,  right?
Sniffling,  she  jumped  at  the  sudden  sound  of  a  door  opening,  quick  to  wipe  her  tears  and  put  on  the  an  attitude  to  show  that  she  was  completely  unfazed  by  the  situation.  She  was  fine,  everything  was  just  fine.
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                      ・゚゚・*:༅。♡ @rapturcd​​ - to Nicholas Gale Ripley
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@rapturcd​   said  :   9 / Del . 13 / Sal A Characterization Meme. Accepting.
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Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)?
          In regards to household items such as pieces of furniture or toys, yes. These feelings can be traced back to her childhood in which Delores was the sort of child who tried to fit all of her stuffed animals into her bed. She had the concern that to choose a favorite stuffed animal would be unfair. She also believed it would cause sorrow among the others!        As an adult, Delores knows that these objects do not feel as humans and animals do -- well, there is a tiny, tiny, tiny part of her that wouldn’t be surprised they did have a particular, almost spiritual energy, but she does believe that older items (hand-me-downs, antiques) hold a particular “essence” which ties in to their previous owners as well as how long they’ve existed.         As a result, Delores is very protective of these older items, practically feeling as though it is her duty to ensure they are given quality care. 
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Name one thing their parents taught them.
       Nothing. Sal’s father wasn’t around. When his mother was pregnant, he was locked up and once he was released? He left New York entirely. Therefore, Sal’s mother raised him alone and with a ton of resentment as, she was suppose to be a well-kept mistress, but now she was the single mother to a kid she didn’t want. All and all, Stefani Scozzari was a hands-off parent, which would cause Sal to inadvertently learn a sense of independence at a young age.
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finalfaked-blog · 5 years
rapturcd replied to your post “Out of the RPC for like a year - comes back and makes 4 blogs within...”
A true mood we stan
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asdjkf. Stan for more blogs with dumb ideas that are only active on the weekend and overuse Nina D.brev as the FC.
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rosescut · 5 years
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aesthetic for an aesthetic  /  selectively accepting  /  @rapturcd
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asilverjackal · 5 years
rapturcd replied to your post: Bioshock use to be the game I was great at. But...
Thats a mood. It takes some reacquainting but youll get the hang of it
i use to replay this game all the time - i remember having jack be SUPER STRONG - but now I’m in Fort Frolic thinking, ‘I’m about to get my ass kicked here too’
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tatemerlot-blog · 5 years
“ let me ”
That evening was a special release event at Worley Winery, and Ava Tate was not about to be late. Crowds trying to catch an eye of the walkway and sneak in be damned, she was going to make it fashionably late, and not a second after. But at the rate of these people making such a damn ruckus about the guest list, she wasn’t even going to be able to make it to the front door. Let alone the red carpet walkway they had set up. 
Finally catching a break amongst the throngs of citizens, Ava barely hears the ‘let me’ as someone clears a space for her to dart through. Thankfully she wore the lavender gown tonight, slim fit with a nice slit up the leg to allow her to duck under the velvet and gold rope blocking the carpet from the crowds. She catches his eyes as she stands up, curious about that almost familiar face as she heads the gruff grunt from the hired security. As they’re about to push her back under, Ava breaks eye contact with the young savior and turn on her heel to snap at them. 
“Guest list. VIP.” She points to herself, and then at one of the advertisements featuring their ‘Tate Merlow’ wines. Her words were sharp, the security guards backing up with an annoyed wave as she rolls her eyes and mutters, brushing off some barely there dust from the intricate beading on her gown. “Je jure que tout le monde ici est un crétin...” 
Looking back up, she catches the eye of her savior amongst the crowd of now yelling fans and paparazzi. Her brows furrow, wracking her mind on where she’s seen them before. Stagehand? Usher? Waiter? Bar back that picked up her drinks at the Kashmir every Thursday? Or maybe none of the above and she should stop drinking there so much.
“I haven’t gotten a chance to say thank you, darling.” The actress grins, her voice rising above the calls of the crowd “You look so familiar, have we met?” As she pauses for an answer, a camera is shoved in front of her face, and Ava bats it away, cursing loudly in french as she holds a hand out to him. 
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“Why don’t you join me, it’s the least I can do.”  
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