#rapunzel and belladonna are both mentioned
mb-blue-roses · 8 months
That reminds me rhat I wanted to post my fic - I don't feel like posting the Ao3 link, so I'll drop the fic under the cut!
Reunion of Fire and Ice
1.5k words
Summary: After the Fairytale Detective insists he goes and sits down with his sister like the adults they both are, Ross Red finally makes his way to the kingdom of Snowfall to reunite with Snow White.
Ross Red makes his way through the kingdom of Snowfall, a flame-red jacket pulled around his shoulders. Dark red fur rests around his shoulders, and he gazes at the city around him. Well, his sister's kingdom is certainly thriving. He can't help but be proud of his sister, seeing the people that mill about and chatter regarding anything and everything. A cool morning breeze blows through the town. Ross holds a bag of freshly-baked breads and other breakfast foods, recently purchased from a vendor in the city. He figures it isn't a good idea to show up to an impromptu family reunion without something on hand to make it smoother.
He raps on the castle's front door.
No answer.
He raps on the castle's front door again.
No answer.
He raises his hand to pound harder on the front door, trying to draw someone to open it. Then it creaks open.
"Who's knocking at this time of the morn-" the figure in the doorway snaps, before stuttering out- "R-ross?"
Snow White, the sister he hasn't spoken to in over a thousand years, is standing in the doorway. He can't help but flinch a bit under her cold stare. There's something unreadable in her eyes. Unable to find the words, he holds up the bag of fresh breakfast. Snow gapes at him for a moment, then turns around with a snap and jerks her head in a gesture to follow her. So he does.
His shoes squeak on the tile as he follows his sister through the elegant halls. Eventually, they end in a comfortable and less ornate dining room.
"What. Are. You. Doing. Here?" Snow asks sharply. Ross slams the food on the table defensively, hissing, "What? Can't I just try to see my sister?"
"It's been over a thousand years, Ross!"
"I know you want this reunion just as much as I do, Snow!"
Surprisingly enough, Snow is the one that backs down first. She hesitantly sighs, "You're right..."
Ross busies himself with spreading out the assorted foods, so that he doesn't have to look his sister in the eyes. He can't bring himself to look her in the eyes, as much as he wants to see her response. She remarks, "Let me guess. This was the detective's idea."
Involuntarily, Ross snorts.
"So that's a yes," she states in reply.
The room settles into an awkward silence. Snow's foot taps on the ground, and Ross shuffles thing around the table. He glances up, and looks out the window. The sunlight reflects off a little bit of snow, and the flourishing kingdom makes him smile at his sister's competence.
"Your kingdom seems to be flourishing," he remarks, "That's good."
Snow coughs, clearly trying to disguise a laugh, before she tells him, "I'm not the queen of Snowfall, Ross." "You... aren't?" he asks, startled. He would've expected her to be the ruler of this kingdom. He couldn't think of anyone else, there was no way their father was still in power.
"Who is, then? Surely not Dad?" Snow chuckles again, and then a voice rings out from the doorway.
"...Prince Ross? What are you doing here?"
Ross whirls around. Gerda, now a young woman, stands there. Her hair is loose, and she's wearing a night gown with a blanket around her shoulders. She rocks back and forth on her heels, watching Ross with a confused expression.
"What... what are you doing here, Gerda?" he asks in return. He can hear Snow snort in amusement before Gerda raises an eyebrow at him and says, "I... live here?"
He gapes at her for a moment, his jaw open as he tries to process. Gerda lives here? In the castle? Fascinating. He parses through his thoughts, attempting to form a response. He's saved from that by Gerda asking, "Anyways, how are Rapunzel and Belladonna doing?"
"They're doing well," he answers, "Belladonna has finally stopped insulting me when we are alone in the same room."
Gerda's face scrunches up in amusement. Ross offers her a hesitant smile. Then he asks, "Well, how are you doing then, Gerda?"
Gerda opens her mouth to reply, but then there's a rapping on the wall behind her. A young man, around Gerda's age, steps up to stand next to her. His hair is a soft blonde color, his eyes an icy blue. He presses a kiss to Gerda's cheek, and she blushes. The man asks, "May I ask how you know my wife, sir?"
By this point, Snow is doing nothing to stifle her laughter. The blonde man rolls his eyes, clearly amused by her reaction. Gerda's giggling as well, though it appears she doesn't have as much context for the situation as Snow does. Snow beckons the two of them further into the room, and they both move further in. The man leans on the counter, slotting himself easily in the corner of the small counter. Gerda, meanwhile, pulls out a stool and sits next to him. When both kids (they're adults, he knows this, but in his mind they're kids) are settled, Snow claps her hands. Ross can't help but stare. Gerda's married? He never knew her all that well, considering how little time they spent together and the fact that he was more focused on Rapunzel at that time, but it still surprises him. Nudging him to get his attention, Snow starts, "Ross, this is my son, Gwyn."
Ross is left speechless yet again, his head spinning. Based on Snow's movement, she's likely telling Gwyn that Ross is his uncle. He has a nephew?! He missed so much while was estranged. Likely, he was the king. Blinking away his thoughts he asks, "How long have you had a son?!"
"My entire life," Gwyn replies with a shit-eating grin. Gerda snorts loudly, before blushing and covering her face with her hand. Gwyn smiles and leans into her. Wait a minute...
"Does that make Gerda my niece-in-law?" he asks.
Gerda nods, taking Gwyn's hand.
"You also have a nephew-in-law. I'm married to them both, and them to each other," Gwyn says, at the same time Gerda mumbles, "Where is he? He's usually the first one up..."
Before Ross has a chance to process any of that, and almost as if mentioning him summoned him, another young man comes into the kitchen. The cane in his hand taps against the wooden floor as he sleepily enters, rubbing at his eyes. He approaches the table, saying, "G'morning everyone. Where'd this come from?"
"The uncle I just learned that I had," Gwyn answers, jerking his thumb to point at Ross. The man's head snaps up, and he looks at Ross with a startled expression. After staring blankly at Ross for a moment, he seems to make some sort of mental connection. He says, "Oh, you're the one who took Gerda to Floralia a few years ago. My name is Kai."
Kai offers Ross a handshake, which he respectfully accepts. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Kai, my name is Ro- Wait, how do you know about that?"
Kai chuckles awkwardly, his free hand finding its way to the back of his neck. He answers, "Well, Gerda's been my best friend for most of my life. When I saw you leaving the village with her, I wanted to make sure she was safe. So, I followed you. I... didn't get very far, and the detective saved me. She was at our wedding, actually."
So everything comes back to the detective, and an improbably tangled web of connections. Huh.
After a moment of awkward silence, Gerda hops off her stool. She strides over to the table, kissing her other husband on the cheek. Gwyn follows suit, and Kai turns bright red. Seeing the display of affection brings an uncharacteristically fond smile, unbidden, to his face. It reminds him of how he and Rapunzel were, in the early years. A small, but loud, part of him misses that. It also reminds him of how that frog prince (James, was his name?) and Snow acted before Ross left his family behind over it.
As the happy trio talks and serves themselves from the dishes Ross spread out on the table earlier, Ross himself turns to his sister. When she turns to him, he twists his head to look at Gwyn. The king is laughing, his face scrunched up in delight as his husband kisses some butter off his nose and his wife sneaks a sausage off his plate. Then he turns back to his sister and asks, "Was he with..."
"Yes. It didn't work out, and he's dead now. We were divorced for a few hundred years before that."
There's a lot of unanswered questions there, but she doesn't seem inclined to answer them. He can respect that. After all, he did show up at her house at eight in the morning after over a thousand years of no contact.
"We should join the kids," Snow says, and so they do. Questions can wait.
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daughter-of-melpomene · 8 months
you mentioned two more opla ocs on the discord, now im putting u on the spot! i wanna hear about em!! or whatever details/ideas you have currently ✨🩵 — @xoteajays
Ahhh, thank you so much for asking about my newest pirate show babies, TJ!! I definitely don’t mind being put on the spot if it’s for them <3. And I’m also gonna tag the One Piece gang @auxiliarydetective, @oneirataxia-girl, @starcrossedjedis, @supermarine-silvally, and @endless-oc-creations!!
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Now, first we have Morvant Bellatrix! She’s a former assassin, basically born and raised to kill (she was orphaned as a baby and the people who took her in were Not Great), and while she was doing this work she was one of the most feared people in the East Blue. This was mostly because of her incredible fighting skills and talent with almost every weapon you could think of, but it was also because she’d eaten a Devil Fruit as a child (the exact name of which is still pending) that granted her the ability to inflict pain on someone just by singing a specific song. Think a very twisted version of Rapunzel’s healing song from Tangled, that’s basically what she can do. Eventually, though, she got tired of killing all the time and decided to do the only thing she could think of to get out of it: she went back and killed the couple who had raised her (turns out they’d trained her a little too well) and eventually went on to become the captain of the Fatale Pirates, an all-female crew of fearsome pirates who sail on the ship Belladonna.
Bellatrix first meets the Straw Hats at Baratie, where her crew just happens to stop for some food at the same time they do, and takes an instant liking to all of them (even if she does persist in calling Zoro Green Bean after he sasses her). She makes a silent promise to protect them, and after their whole fight with Arlong and the other fishmen when Luffy finally gets a bounty placed on him, she does her best to use her terrifying reputation (which even if she isn’t an assassin anymore she still has due to her Devil Fruit power and penchant for ruthlessness in battles with other pirates) to keep bounty hunters and other, crueler pirates off the Straw Hats’ tails. It doesn’t always work, because you can’t ever fully control pirates, but she does her best because damn it, those are her children (that she’s adopted only in her head after exactly five minutes of knowing them).
She’s also a Mihawk ship! The two of them have known each other since Bellatrix’s assassin days, and Mihawk has even been asked by Garp to “neutralize” Bellatrix a time or two (which he’s never done and would never even try to do, because he both respects her too much and is just a tiny bit afraid of her). The two of them have never really officially gotten together or even put a label on their relationship, but they’ve spent a lot of nights together and you don’t have to know very much about either Mihawk or Bellatrix to know that they both have a weakness for the other. (Although if anyone ever tries to hurt Bellatrix in an attempt to get to Mihawk, they will find out just how dangerous she can be on her own.)
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And then we have Yami Corvo, my Shanks ship! Like Bellatrix, they also have assassin experience, but they’re currently participating in the art of killing, and one of the most feared killers in all four Blues. They’re also a Devil Fruit eater, and their power includes being able to manipulate their own blood and be able to solidify it into weapons (I’m pretty sure you mentioned you’ve seen Gen V, TJ, so just basically imagine Marie’s powers). Unlike Bellatrix, they were raised as an assassin or fed their Devil Fruit, they ate theirs by accident, but the powers it gave them made them such an outcast and lead even their own parents to believe they were a monster, so eventually they just decided that they might as well give in to what they saw as their “true nature” at that point, running away from their small village and seeking out various other assassins to teach them how to kill, and honing their powers so that it would be even easier for them.
And unlike a lot of other assassins, who might refuse to kill older people or poor people, Corvo has no such moral code; if you can pay the price they charge, they’ll go after anyone you want them too. Killing isn’t even really something they enjoy, but again, they see it as just being what they’re supposed to be, what those around them when they were a child always told them they were: a rabid dog, a monster to be unleashed. At some point, they just stop caring, growing completely numb and almost wishing that one of their targets would fight back and kill them so they could stop… which is probably why they accept money from an angry former pirate captain whose ship was destroyed by Mihawk to kill the dangerous War Lord.
They completely fail, of course, because there’s almost no one who can beat Mihawk in a fight no matter what kind of cool powers you have - but Mihawk, seeing an opportunity to have someone incredibly dangerous and powerful on his side, spares Corvo’s life and offers to bring them along with him on his travels. Originally Corvo is furious that Mihawk didn’t just kill them, but despite how awfully they think of themself they’re still absolutely desperate for companionship and anything at all like a friend, so they accept his offer and the two of them set off together, carrying out Mihawk’s little escapades and occasionally doing the bidding of the Marines - which is how Corvo finally meets Shanks, when Mihawk shows up to show him Luffy’s new wanted poster.
Honestly, they and Shanks are such an amazing and sweet couple; Shanks becomes interested in Corvo roughly five seconds after meeting them, and after realizing how terrible their self-esteem is and how much of a monster they think they are makes it his mission to get to know them and help them see that they really aren’t as bad as they believe themself to be. It takes them a good while to actually get together, because Corvo has to find who they actually are outside of killing and their Devil Fruit power and realize that they aren’t going to wind up killing anyone they dare to care about (and because Mihawk has actually become kind of a protective bestie over them and gives Shank several very intense shovel talks), but they’re amazing once they actually do get together and Luffy pretty much immediately sees Corvo as a stepparent when he and Shanks finally see each other again.
Anyways, thanks again for asking about my new babies!! Hope you’re doing well, love. <3 <3
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