dead--alias · 4 years
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Took some pointers from @scuttlebuttin for drawing sparring and martial arts posing because I absolutely love their work and how they draw Jedi Master Maul with is padawans.
So I have my ocs Rarik Kaal, Jasper Jakorr, Tashti La, and Kexu just trying to figure out movements and personality. I love drawing figures in motion so this was really fun for me to get back into drawing.
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illidariguarddog · 3 years
Send me ⚠ to find my muse at the end of a trail of blood.
Putting more bandages on at this point wouldn't do any good, and she couldn't drink any more health tonics for a bit, lest she wish to risk the nasty side effects of chugging too much in too short a time. The wound in her arm didn't seem to care much about any of that, though, and continued to leak big swollen drops of fel-blood in her wake through the small town.
She tried her best to sneak through it to the nearest medic. This was not a friendly area for her, but she doubted she'd survive the bleeding any better than she'd survive the town coming awake at once and attacking her. Might as well take the shot, right?
She ducked behind a building at the sound of footsteps. The slightly familiar aura and scent calmed her a touch. It was a friend of Veleanthe and a few others! Rarik, was it?
Ranek, you fool!
'Ah, yes. Thank you, Goltax, for not being a completely useless pain in my ass.'
Without entirely thinking, she held a hand out to stop the man's advances for the moment.
"Sit! Stay!" ... that was likely insulting at best, but it was the only Gilnean she knew. She had learned it from someone she later discovered was by far not a fan of Gilneans, but it would no doubt get Ranek's attention, right?
She switched to Common before whispering softly but urgently.
"Don't come any closer! You'll give away my position. We've met, right? We know each other a little? I'm no threat to you. I'm not an enemy. I just- I need help. Stitches. Glue. Will you help me?"
[ @ranekvilmas ]
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soulsxng--a · 4 years
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To say that Jaspern was confused when he opened his eyes again would have been an understatement. One moment, his powers had been coming back to him in one final rush, and then...
And then he’d blinked, and he was here. On the balcony of Ahnia’s palace, with his children beside him. Rourke, Phelan, and Nielis behind him. A near sea of people standing in the courtyard below, looking around in equal confusion and panic. Many of those whose eyes he met belonging to Ahniri that, by all means, should have been long since dead. A few others belonging to beings of other species, but whose souls, Jaspern recognized.
Reincarnations of former Ahniri, it looked like?
What...what was all this?
Above him, Innaius began to burst with light brighter than he’d ever seen before...and yet, it somehow didn’t hurt his eyes in the slightest. It only felt...warm, and protective.
At once, everything settled. Everything grew soft. It seemed as though as one, everybody in attendance knew exactly what they were there for.
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“People of Ahnia, hear me. I am your King; Rarik Laistrya Vir si Ahnia. But today, I speak to you from a role much more humble-- as the voice of Our Pillar, Innaius. As I address each of you now, a succession draws to a close. Innaius is meeting the ending of an era...as well as the beginning of a new one. A stronger one.”
Rarik turns his head to either side, meeting the gazes of each of his four children. Falling last to Jai, the heir apparent, who gave his father a small, encouraging nod. A smile came to pale lips, and he looked over his people once more.
“In the coming days, Ahnia will be closed off...and as such, we will all need to remain here. Innaius will be weak, and will need each and every one of us to aid him while he regains his strength once more. Strength that, long ago, was given readily to us in return for nothing more than our faith. Strength that, today, was released to allow us to be here now.”
“He needs us...and in my soul, I know that he can rely on us. And so, starting tonight, let us band together once more to rebuild our home. To fill it once more with light...that it may guide those souls in need to the rest that they deserve. That it may bring our offerings to Innaius...not only to restore what once was, but to grow, and evolve to something even greater than before.”
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thexuntamed · 5 years
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“I still love him...” Nielis dug his nails into his palms roughly, blood dripping down almost automatically. “He will move on. Rarik has Kalliah...Aile will have these two...I am fine.” He repeated the mantra to himself as he slowly walked away. “A beating...that’s what I need...”
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casualnepotism · 6 years
I’m not saying that the intros are my favorite part of the show I’m just saying that I replayed the debate between Nemo and Rarik like six times
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tagnoob · 5 years
EverQuest II at Fifteen and the Memories of What Could Have Been
EverQuest II at Fifteen and the Memories of What Could Have Been
I am sure I’ve told this tale before… probably several times… but playing EverQuest II back at launch was really a last minute decision for me.  Meclin… or Gaff… or Rarik…  or whatever I call him these days… Tim I guess… with whom I had played Sojourn/TorilMUD on and off for the previous decade, was suddenly taken with the idea of playing EverQuest II.
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An ad for EQII from the August 2004 issue of…
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moebiustheory · 6 years
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The Moebius Theory
The Moebius Theory was first hinted at by Greek philosopher Paramedes and developed into a comprehensive metaphysical theory by medieval monk Benedict de Mont Froi.  Mont Froi's treatise on the subject was a hidden work, for it would certainly have been considered heretical by the church.  Mont Froi's work was lost and rediscovered, and eventually landed in the hands of 1920's genius German scientist Dr. Wilhelm Rarik.  Rarik fled Germany when the Nazis rose to power.  He ended up working for the British.  He was the founding father of the modern science of Moebius.
The Moebius Theory is that history has defined patterns which repeat themselves over and over.  Space/Time is not linear in the 4th dimension.  Energy patterns which play out in one moment of time ripple or echo out across the 4th dimension, reoccurring in other periods of time.  The technology of being able to actually identify these energy patterns on a particle level is still primitive.  But more progress has been made on the research side, that of recognizing and cataloguing patterns.
Six modern governments have Moebius groups - the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, Israel, and Russia.  There are also rogue Moebius organizations.  The alleged aim of most of these groups is merely to recognize patterns and thus be able to provide intelligence on what is likely to 'happen next.'  But manipulation and attempted interference of the pattern does occur.
The knowledge of Moebius is top secret, rigorously kept off the web and out of mainstream universities.  It is extremely dangerous.
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web-series · 7 years
Ele é refrigerado, ele é quente;
Ele é gordinho, ele é magrelo;
Ele é branco, ele é preto;
Ele é sertanejo, ele é pop;
Ele é de exatas, ele é de humanas;
Ele é baixo, ele é alto;
Ele é loiro, ele é negão;
Ele é baixo, ele é alto;
Ele é do dia, ele é da noite;
Ele é da casa, ele é da night;
Ele sou eu e eu sou ele. Somos um. Mesmo diferentes, somos feitos um para o outro. Esse texto é mais uma prova de que o amor definitivamente não escolhe sexo, nem raça, nem cultura, nem modo de pensar. Ele acontece. Ponto final.
Rarike <3
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withscales-blog · 7 years
send this for a gif of how our muses would kiss
you know i’m eriven/rarik trash so u get multiple gifs
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soulsxng--a · 4 years
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“Don’t look so down, my Lerato...you are more ready for this that I could ever have hoped. You can do this, my soul song...” Innaius spoke softly to her son, floating upwards so that she could tuck a stray dreadlock back into the style she’d worked Lera’s hair into earlier that day. 
They were well into the succession by now-- far too late to go back now. His mother seeming to grow weaker and weaker by the second. Withering away. Had the procedure that Sivel had done before not worked? 
It was painful, to see his Mae like this...and yet he couldn’t let himself grow distracted by his emotions right now. If he didn’t complete the succession, and his mother did die...that would be enough to cause major imbalances throughout existence.
So he would do what he needed to. Whether she did live, or whether she was called into the Void...he would make her proud. 
Nearby, he could feel familiar souls clashing-- Saphre, Voliph, and...Benion, and Nuro? But he didn’t look back. He didn’t break his focus when he could feel his true form breaking free, or feel souls of all kinds joining in the steadily growing melody that only he, and Innaius, and Ber could hear.
A connection was made...or...changed, rather. Strengthened. First to the soul of Jaspern...no-- to Rarik. Then Jawyr. Next to Cirisa, and Aris, and Liuri. Ahnia’s royal family, that had sworn themselves to Innaius long ago. Then one by one, more were made. More were drawn in. And as they were, everything slowly faded into the background.
There was only the song. And it felt...right. For maybe the first time he could remember, he felt as though he truly fit here. He felt complete.
The succession was drawing to a close. The Pillar Innaius-- along with Lassis, Bralis, and Nereius-- a beacon that could be seen from each and every realm. It lasted no longer than a few minutes before fading. Before each of the Pillars of Creation began to close themselves out...and force out anyone else inside them.
Ber gasped as he staggered back, just barely managing to catch his grandmother as she fell unconscious. Falling back as the ground rumbled unsteadily beneath him, eyes wide. Starting to reach out for his father as he was thrown from Innaius. 
Lerato’s mouth didn’t move, but Ber could still hear his voice, soul deep, as the Ancient looked back over his shoulder at him.
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“I’m sorry...but don’t be afraid. This is only good night...”
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thexuntamed · 5 years
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“Netherin is king of the Aifaen. He is younger than Kade and myself, we raised him and his younger brother, Koza when their father left them. Nethe is a unique hybrid creature, part deer and feline. He is considered a prey animal but he is fierce when need be and has elemental abilities from being closer with nature than any other Aifaen. He is also part of a soul mate traid with Kamiiaria and Jaspern, but they are not mated yet. Though they were in the two’s previous lives as Kalliah and Rarik.”
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ereportsmarket-blog · 6 years
Global Geothermal Power Market 2018- Zorlu Energy, Fuji Electric, MHI, RARIK Turkison Enerji (RTE), Alterra Power, Mannvit
Global Geothermal Power Market 2018- Zorlu Energy, Fuji Electric, MHI, RARIK Turkison Enerji (RTE), Alterra Power, Mannvit
eReportsMarket has recently added a new Geothermal Power research report to its huge database of research studies. The research report, titled “Global Geothermal Power Industry 2018 Market Research Report,” provides a comprehensive analysis of the industry, including an overview, Geothermal Power market drivers and restraints, product segmentation, and major geographical segments.
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tagnoob · 5 years
EverQuest II at Fifteen and the Memories of What Could Have Been
EverQuest II at Fifteen and the Memories of What Could Have Been
I am sure I’ve told this tale before… probably several times… but playing EverQuest II back at launch was really a last minute decision for me.  Meclin… or Gaff… or Rarik…  or whatever I call him these days… Tim I guess… with whom I had played Sojourn/TorilMUD on and off for the previous decade, was suddenly taken with the idea of playing EverQuest II.
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An ad for EQII from the August 2004 issue of…
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l7nvofficial · 7 years
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Desain list menu untuk kantin kampus. Logo sepenuhnya milik RARIKES UNINUS.
Foto-foto makanan diambil dari berbagai sumber. *Sumber tercantum disetiap foto
Background gambar : https://www.pinterest.com/explore/chalkboard-background/
Referensi gaya layout : http://www.freepik.com/free-photos-vectors/menu-design
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jonviktor · 13 years
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how i spent my saturday night. well, it's more like how i spend my saturday nights. usually with these people. since last week was my birthday week, i've been out and about every single night from tuesday to saturday, sort of celebrating my birthday. haha
one more party this weekend then i'm officially saying goodbye to my birthday this year. haha
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web-series · 7 years
Estava ali, adormecido por alguns anos. O coração já estava pedindo por apelo, cansado de ter passado por inúmeras situações e sempre ser trocado por outras partes do corpo. Por que dão mais importância à luxúria e se esquecem de que o ser humano também precisa de amor? Não digo aquele amor fraternal, mas do conjugal, entre duas pessoas. Quando tudo parecia imerso, consigo ouvir o pulsar daquele que estivera em sono profundo por tanto tempo. Naquela bela tarde de primavera, a chegada de um outro coração machucado, solitário e cansado de sofrer, despertara o seu interesse. Será que havia alguma esperança pra ele? Assim, os corações, ainda tímidos, começaram a se relacionar. Meio receosos no início, claro. Afinal, é normal que estranhem aquela sensação maravilhosa de estarem amando, já que sempre eram passados pra trás e novamente trocados por outras partes do corpo. Mas os meses foram se passando e os corações, pouco a pouco, foram retomando os seus rumos, voltando a pulsar lentamente, dia após dia. Eles descobriram que juntos eram mais fortes. Receios? Havia. E ainda há. Mas quem se importa? Eram sensações tão gostosas que isso era o de menos no momento. Hoje os corações estão batendo mais forte do que nunca e adivinha? Sim, ainda estão juntos. Já não sofrem mais, já não choram. Eles se tornaram um só. Mais forte, cheio de vida, cheio de vontade de conquistar o mundo e de gritar pra todos que sobreviveram a constantes ataques que um dia fizeram-nos em vários pedaços. E o futuro? Ah, o futuro...deixa que Deus toma conta. No momento tá tão gostoso assim. O coração voltou a pulsar, cheio de amor. E nada mais importa agora que estão juntos. (O texto descrito acima é de minha autoria e dedico-o a uma pessoa extremamente especial. Ao meu segundo coração. Te amo <3)
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