#raspberry meadow oc
tobnikk · 2 months
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I made a new boy! Here’s Glowstick Wally, the lore of this au is partly intertwined with my Raspberry Meadow au. Also showing my bby Glow Walker whom is from the same au (but she’s lore wise in the rm au) he’s partly based on aspects from her and her other fandom designs. (She’s originally a sans fangirl oc).
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spotsupstuff · 10 months
Dyou associate any smells or tastes with your ocs?
I think caper would taste like pomegranates (or just capers lol)
And haboob looks cheesecake flavored
Sparrows smells like fresh cut grass and rain maybe
Spore is obvious
And I'm not sure about the others
hmm............ Euros keeps reminding me of either raspberry or strawberry jam, mostly cuz of his colors and cuz he's usually a sweet guy. also jams are hardwires into my brain as Slavic Things™ cuz of cartoons n technically speaking, with the RW map over real world map thing, Euros n Sparrows r russian so like... brethren...... he'd ALSO smell like a strawberry/raspberry jam. really strong sweet smell
Sparrows is blueberry and her smell would be wind in meadows in early morning. something very timid that falls into the background of perception
Haboob is a green olive!!! or pears. both smell n taste
Boreas smells like thunder and lighting- basically rain but way more oppressive and powerful and electrified. taste would prolly be like licking keys or smth like that, no actual food
Zephyr smells like cut grass to me! combined with ferns and a little brook. OH also coniferous trees!!
Notos smells like the night or a cave. very cold. her taste is like bitter purple grapes that makes you scrunch up your face n everythin
Orion is obivous (milk Orion choclate but also this sweet called Mila actually), Spore is specifically champignons on a pizza, NAE smells like vanilla, Expiation is a bubbly grape soda, Gem like a forest full of water and her taste is like red semi-sweet wine and like Vinea (local soda drink that mimics wine with coloration so kids can join their parents in Them Cheers) when she's actually being nice
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roamingtigress · 11 months
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More things I learned playing Dutch on RDO:
-He'll SALIVATE (?) when he gets into something involving excitement; I just noticed this with the bounty role. Mind you it could have been from the wind while riding (realistic), or some anticipation of EXCITEMENT. It kind of ruined what I wanted to be a cool screenshot, turned out to be an 'oh wow, that's realistic, but ew' moment :P
-He'll look to the moon/stars for what I assume to be navigation, which seems very IMMERSIVE as it seems like something that'd happen in that era (maps are a bit tricky to read in the dark while on horseback). I've hit cinematic mode when he does this and it he usually keeps moving in that direction, very cool. He might not always follow the waypoint but he'll follow the moon/stars.
-He seems a bit . . . BOWLEGGED?? Like idk why I didn't notice it in single player but do notice it Online, particularly when watching him walk from behind.
-He has FACIAL TICS that come and go
-If I'm not careful, when there's a lot of excitement around he'll do things like pull lawmen off of their horses if he's close enough. Without my control. It's how he got his first bounty on his head. He requires ELITE HANDLING.
-He rides like an EXPERIENCED RIDER, with a nice straight, balanced posture, which seems realistic; lots of subtle little animations while he's riding too; swats to flies, rolls his head around to get rid of neck stiffness, occasionally adjusting/playing about with the reins, and sometimes fingernail chewing (?), but all the while keeping the horse balanced. My ponies generally have nice perky ears, and they rarely spook under him (not the case with me smh), particularly under gunfire. My horses would always dump my ass for gunfire. They think they're warhorses under him. He looks best IMO on taller horses like TBs, Standardbreds, Kladruber, and Turkoman, though I like him on Mustangs; I haven't tried him on an MFT and a few others); he's too leggy for the smaller horses like Morgans and Arabians and yet looks too small for the bigger draught breeds.
-WOLVES. I've never encountered so many wolves before. Is it the smell of hair pomade? My OC is a chonk and they didn't come after her as much. He's a magnet for them. I've never seen wolves in Scarlet Meadows before.
-I encountered a new (?) ambush; OIL REFINERY GUARDS. Never seen this before and I've been playing since 2020, never seen that one before.
-In addition to the spurs, you can hear the fabric of his clothes and even his chains crinkle as he moves, if the music is low/off. DETAILS! -SNOW DADDY DUTCH is sensibly so, the most cold-resistant Dutch. Colter!Dutch still isn't warm enough. Fancy Dutch, fuhgetaboutit. I still need to give Snow Daddy a tonic but he's like, w/e, I'll still get the bounty
(he and Johnny Marston had some funny back-to-back arguing in this family bounty hunting trip where they only managed to get one bounty because Snow Daddy drove in the wrong direction on Cinematic Mode (because waypoints are subjective even if they're drawn up apparently) and John kept ordering him to get back on the right path; nothing goes smoothly on the family bounty missions, I miss out on getting some screenshots featuring really funny family feud dialogue because I'm fully lmao because something always gets awry and usually involves Marston or Hosea killing the bounty; Arthur seems to target just the other raspberries and not the strawberries that are needed; good boah)
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angrelysimpping · 1 year
Man, this one is so fucking mushy
Also! This is Danny's biggest fantasy :3
Warnings: outdoor sex; extra mush; mentions of being caught; mentioned past: age gap relationships, cheating, death, abduction, noncon, possession
M!OC x friend's M!OC uwu
Aksel and Joaquim belong to 💜@inkyquince💜
Words: ~1.1k
Danny was young, in the grand scheme of things. He knew that. He knew that when he bedded a 60-year-old man. He knew that when his parents died and left him pretty much on his own. He knew that when he felt like his life was crashing down around him when he found his only monogamous relationship was crumbling because of cheating. 
He knew when he delved deep into the occult. He knew when a voice whispered in his ear how to carve out a better life for himself. He knew when he picked his target, when he lured that man into a secluded building, when he painted the room red with blood.  
Young. Too young. Too young to get possessed. Too young to get kidnapped. Too young to get tortured and assaulted, over and over. Too young to feel Aksel's teeth in his neck or cock carving out his insides. 
Just 22, whole life ahead of him. 
But, this was definitely the best fucking day of his life. 
"God, f-fuck, you feel so fucking good." Danny's words are slurred, legs locked around Joaquim’s hips and back pressed against cool grass as he's fucked into. 
One of those lovely hands is planted on either side of Danny’s head, loose strands of red hair brushing against his face and carrying the scent of raspberries. Beautiful, Danny thinks dimly, he’s so fucking beautiful. 
It’s then that the fat head of Joaquim’s cock hits his prostate, back arching sharply and a loud, unrestrained moan ripping from his throat.
"Dankovsky," Joaquim laughs, breathless, Danny's nails digging into his shoulders. "Get any louder and you'll attract an audience."
"I h-hope I draw a, fuck, a fucking crowd. Let them a-all see how, ah, g-good you fuck me.”
Joaquim laughs again, a sweet sound that rings like church bells in Danny’s head and makes him shiver in pleasure just as much as if Joa had wrapped a strong hand around Danny’s neglected, dribbling cock. Danny smiles himself, turning his head to press a kiss to Joa's wrist.
"H-hey, hold on a moment."
Joaquim stills, brows furrowing as he frowns. “Someone here?” He cocks his head to the side, listening. Even with the threat of being stumbled upon in an isolated, out-of-the-way meadow, Joaquim still stays pressed against him, cock keeping him so wonderfully full. 
“Nah, just hold still, Kimi.”
Smiling softly at the nickname, he keeps still as Danny shifts his weight, keeping one leg locked around his lover as he uses the other to leverage himself off the ground. Joaquim’s grin grows  as Danny flips their positions, now the smaller man sprawled on his back in the soft grass. 
Danny shudders, sun warming his back and Joaquim’s cock pressed deep. This is what he wants. Always. Warmth and…and him. Joaquim. Muscular chest damp with sweat, the golden undertones of his skin contrasting sharply with the nearly dead pale of Danny’s hands as he steadies himself. Danny pauses, staring at his hands pressed against Joaquim. 
Lucky. The thought reverberates in his head. He’s so incredibly lucky everything turned out like this. Captured by some power-hungry cultist wanting to break his spirit and give his body over to the entity he unwillingly housed, thrown into a cell with a blind man and left to rot together. How was he lucky enough that they ended up like this? Out of that horrid place, free. Or, free enough to hike out into the woods and fuck like idiot teens or something. Entwined together. Forever, as far as Danny was concerned. For as long as Joaquim wanted him.
A hand grips his hip, warmth alighting along the markings the entity gave him in a surprisingly pleasurable tingling sensation. Joa’s other hand slides up his side, almost cruelly grinding his thumb against Danny’s pierced nipple. 
“Fuck!” Danny hisses, head tilting back and cock twitching dangerously where it lays heavy against Joaquim’s stomach. 
“C’mon pretty boy,” Joaquim all but purrs, “ride my cock like you’re always begging to.”
“Ha, think you can handle it?”
The smile Joa gives Danny is sharp. It makes his stomach flip. “Oh, I know I can, loverboy. But do you think you can manage to not go overboard?” Joa's thumb grinds into his nipple again, making Danny jerk with a laugh. 
“D-don’t wanna carry me out of the forest?” Slowly, Danny rocks forward, grinding on Joa’s cock and making the tip press deliciously against his insides.  
“If you’re my eyes, I’ll be fine.”
With a sigh, Danny leans forward, chest to chest with his lover. Teasingly, his tongue flicks out, swiping over Joaquim’s lips. He doesn’t get a chance to pull away before a strong hand clamps onto the back of his neck, keeping him in place as Joaquim presses their mouth’s together, tongues twisting together as Danny starts to move his hips, humping Joa’s cock like his life depends upon it. His own cock is pressed between their stomachs, going from being ignored to almost overstimulated. Still, he humps away, fucking himself on Joaquim’s cock.
Even when Joa breaks the kiss, he doesn’t let go of the back of Danny’s neck. “My boy,” the redhead growls, mouth pressed against Danny’s ear. “My fucking boy, aren’t you?”  
“Y-yeah,” Dannay manages to moan out, “yours. A-Always.” 
“Good boy, Dankovsky.”
It’s with a hiss that Danny cums, making a mess out of both of them. Still, he keeps going, hips almost moving on their own.
“Wanna take a break, babe?”
“N-not until you f-fuck me f-full. Wa…want your cum. N-now.”
Danny doesn’t have time to think before he’s on his back again, legs getting pulled up over Joaquim’s shoulders.
“As you wish, princess.”
“My loyal knight, huh?”
Danny’s laugh gets cut off by a loud groan as Joaquim moves, fucking him deeper than before. 
“My love” Joaquim murmurs. “My love, my boy, my everything. Mine. Forever.”
“Yours,” Danny agrees, eyes starting to roll back into his head as he’s slam fucked into the soft ground. “Yours, yours, yours. F-forever.”
With a grunt, Joa cums, fucking Danny through his own orgasm as the taller man writhes under him. 
Slowly Joaquim starts to pull back, cock slipping free from Danny’s puffy hole. He doesn't make it far, though, Danny’s legs locking around him and pulling him back down. 
“Quick break, yeah? Then round two?” 
“You insatiable pervert.”
“Your insatiable pervert.”
Joaquim throws his head back, laughter shaking his body, and it’s all Danny can do not to jump him again, press him back into the grass and guide his still soft cock back inside. He promised a break, after all, and there was plenty of time for Joaquim to fuck the feeling out of his legs.
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paintedscales · 7 months
WoL questions if you're still taking them: 1. What bath & body works scent(s) would you associate with your OC/WoL?
Hihi, janzoo, thank you for the ask! Always open for asks, no matter when. If they're old, I just request that one tell me what list they're from so I can link it properly when I answer. XD They're all appreciated! ♥♥
WoL Questions
I'm not really all that familiar with Bath & Body Works and their fragrances, I won't lie. :O Looking at their website at this current time has a lot of seasonal fragrances. XD; I'm gonna look through these and see what I feel vibes with Nomin based on what I can remember of scents if they list what makes up the scent in some of their less obvious listings.
... Some of these fragrance notes are something. XD; But here are some that I vibed with that I can associate with and imagine Nomin being more keen to spritz on herself:
Moonlight Path :: "night-blooming jasmine, blue violet, sheer lavender, lily of the valley and soft musk."
Into the Night :: "raspberry noir, amber crystals, velvety rose petals, creamy patchouli and mocha musk."
Gingham Gorgeous :: "pink strawberries, peach nectar and peony blooms."
Renewing Meadow Walk :: "rose and magnolia essential oils."
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lunarfly-studios · 9 months
😊 + 🍰(Favourite muffins, cupcakes and ice cream) for Persephone Meadow
(Disclaimer: Character uses she/her pronouns)
😊 SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES — what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life?
Percy originally wanted to either become a musician or open a coffee house before she suffered her mutation.
She still currently operates as a freelance musician, selling her music online for profit, but she mainly operates as the group's home-maker.
She helps garden, organizes the family cook together, and helps ensure that the lair stays clean.
Her main priority is the security, happiness, and comfort of the small found family she was roped into by circumstance, but she also hopes they can get to a point where they're accepted by humanity so they can lead normal lives.
She hopes to advocate peace between humanity and mutants.
🍰 SHORTCAKE — what is/are your oc's favorite sweet(s)/dessert(s)?
Blueberry or Raspberry muffins, Red Velvet Cupcakes, and Chocolate Birthday Cake Ice Cream
She also loves Key Lime Pie, Coffee Cake, and Chocolate Cheesecake.
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wiispywitch · 3 months
Attack on Titan OC - Sara Weber🩵🦢💐
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♡. ToyHou.se | Instagram | AO3
Name: Sara Weber
Meaning: Sara- princess (pronounced as S-R-ra); Weber- weaver
Nickname(s): Blondie (by Nathanael), Princess (by Shadis)
Alias (if any): N/A
Age: 16 (850); 20 (854)
Gender: Female
Nationality: Eldian (French descent)
Birthday: October 9th, 834
Birthplace: Stohess District, Wall Rose
Current Residence: Trost District, Wall Rose; Pasture outside of Stohess District 
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Taken, later married
Language(s) spoken: Eldian
Life-Long Dream: To fulfill a purposeful life in helping others 
Goal(s): To expand her knowledge in the medical field, to protect her family, to marry Nathanael and have a family
Like(s): Flowers, cooking, children, helping those in need, long walks in the meadow, visiting the bakery, sewing and embroidery, girl time in the barracks 
Dislike(s): Rainy days, cats, Nathanael and Eren fighting, arrogant people, people who take advantage of others, messes 
Bad Habit(s): Taps her foot when she grows impatient, too nice for her own good, can come off as pompous
Hobbies: Flower-pressing, scrapbooking, horseback riding, embroidery, cooking 
Fear(s): The titans getting inside the walls, losing Nathanael and her friends in the battlefield, ending up alone, Elijah hurting her family, spiders 
Personality: Classy, calm, elegant, humble, enthusiastic, genuine, companionly, moralistic, well-mannered, polite
Favorites(not necessary)-
Food(s): Hazelnut soup, raspberries
Color(s): Light blue
Season(s): Spring
Activities: Reading, embroidery, sword-fighting, horseback-riding
Time of Day: Morning, midday
Extras: Animals- doves; Literature- romance, fantasy; Flower- Iris
Height: 5’3” (160 cm)
Weight: 107 lbs. (49 kg)
Hair style: Curly, pulled back into a bun, falls down past her shoulder
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Hazel
Skin Tone: Posy-pale
Body Shape/Build: Slightly muscular, slender, small hips, slim figure, pink lips
Birthmarks: N/A
Scar(s): N/A
Other: N/A
Memory: Normal, no issues
Sight (do you need glasses?): Normal
Mental: She has a fairly calm composure and can keep herself under control even under pressure
Physical: She takes care of her body very well, however she’s not the strongest in her squad
Sleep patterns (how you sleep and how much rest do you get?): She makes sure to have a fairly average sleep schedule. The only times she really breaks this is when she and the girls in the barracks stay up gossiping.
Allergies/Other: She’s allergic to cats. While she tries not to let this be an issue when she moves into the Schuyler household, who own a cat named Agatha, she can’t be near the cat for too long otherwise she will start sneezing and get irritation in her eyes and nose. Dr. Finch provides her with one of his remedies to help her manage her allergy.
Abilities/Statistics (1- lowly skilled, 10- highly skilled and tell why)-
3D Maneuvering Gear: 6/10
Intelligence: 8/10
Martial Arts: 7/10
Battle Skill: 4/10
Agility: 6.6/10
Strategy: 4/10
Teamwork: 9/10
Passion: 8/10
Affiliation: Retired, working as a nurse in Trost
Former Affiliation: 104th Cadet Corps 
Grad. Rank: 46th
Status (Alive, Missing, etc.): Alive
Parent(s): Michael Weber (father), Elsa Weber (mother)
Sibling(s): N/A
Other Relative(s): Nathanael Schuyler (husband), Alexandria Schuyler (daughter), Miriam Schuyler (mother-in-law), Jane Schuyler (sister-in-law), Corine Schuyler (sister-in-law), Clovis Schuyler (brother-in-law)
Love Interest: Melody Oglethorpe, Nathanael Schuyler 
Best Friend(s): Melody Oglethorpe, Jane Schuyler, Hanna Diament
Friend(s): Franz Kefka, Marco Bodt, Mina Caroline, Sasha Blouse, Krista Lenz
Enemy(ies): Titans, Kenny Ackerman, Elijah Kaufman
Hero(es): Dr. Finch
Rival(s): N/A
“I wouldn’t really consider myself a fighter, but I want to help people who have been through enough trouble these five years.”
“Nathanael, just promise me no matter what you'll come back home safe.”
“I don't care if you think I need to keep my mouth shut, you are not going to speak to me in that tone or treat me like I don't have a mind of my own.”
History/Life: Sara Weber is the daughter of Michael and Elsa Weber of Stohess District, two noble doctors of the town. Before the birth of their daughter, Michael worked as a medic within the military, although he never had any first-hand experience and mostly treated the injured soldiers from the various regiments (his highest number of patients being from the Survey Corps). He transferred out to work as the town's doctors as a way to stay closer to home and spend more time with his family. Elsa took time off to become a stay-at-home mom and focus on raising Sara, teaching her how to act as a proper and well-mannered young lady. Sara grew up having a happy childhood and a doting family, but they never spoiled her and taught her how to be humble towards others, hence her caring nature which made her very well-liked among her peers, and she even attracted some admirers. Even as a girl coming from such wealth, Sara never once let her wealth define her. However, as fulfilling as her life was, Sara couldn't help but feel that deep down something was missing; of course, she had everything a girl her age would desire, but deep down she wanted to do something meaningful that was outside of her comfort zone and use it as a way to help those who were less fortunate than her. This was a main factor that led her to sign up for the 104th Cadet Corps to find her purpose. Even if she didn't have a set goal as to why she signed up as of yet, what she did know is she still wanted to help others and this would be a great starting point.
The first few days of her training were rough for a girl of her status. The commandant didn't have high expectations from her given that she was seen as the "pretty rich girl of Stohess.” But it didn't take long for them to see that she was far more than a pretty face and she showed potential to be a great and resourceful soldier. While she wasn’t the most physically strongest cadet, she did prove to be an excellent martial artist and her ability to maneuver the gear was considered above average; there was also her knowledge in the medical field that showed to be useful in the case of an injury on-duty; she would even help out her fellow comrades that were injured during their training. She was very well-liked among her bunkmates and became part of Nathanael Schuyler's friend group—consisting of Sam Dossam, Jane Schuyler, and her old friend and past crush Mel Oglethorpe—and had even received a few admirers, among them being Mel and Nathanael. Sara and Mel pursued a romantic relationship for a short period of time, and they soon made a mutual understanding that they would remain as friends. Nathanael always had a crush on Sara since the moment he first met eyes with her the day they arrived at the camps, and they would often flirt with each other that it became an on-going joke that they acted like a married couple. They trained together frequently and on their off-days, they would go to town together and use this as an excuse to spend time together. A year into their studies, Nathanael and Sara officially became a couple. Nathanael’s family welcomed her with open arms almost immediately, yet her family wasn't too thrilled about this arrangement since he didn't come from a status of wealth much to Michael's standards. They couldn’t convince Sara otherwise as she didn't care about Nathanael’s status and loved him for him, nor did that stop her from continuing to see him.
Upon graduation, Sara had plans to join the medic squad. Nathanael was unsurprisingly hesitant of this idea as he feared she would be received first-handed to the battlefields, but he still wanted to support his girlfriend’s career. It wasn’t until the battle of Trost and the first-hand experience in what the titans are capable of that Sara changed her mind and backed out because she still desired to have a family and to someday marry Nathanael. She moved to Trost to live with Miriam and the twins, and got a job as a nurse alongside Dr. Finch, a close family friend of the Schuyler family, and helped aid the elderly doctor in tending to sick and injured patients. Sara would use her combat skills to protect her family from attackers, going as far as to shoot them with Miriam's rifle and taking the girls to safety. 
Nathanael and Sara were seen as the perfect couple, and there are times that Nathanael believes that he is not good enough to be with such a noble and charismatic young lady as her, even after his involvement with the Military Police during the uprising. Nathanael and Sara were married after the successful recovery mission of Wall Maria, and not long after they would have their daughter Alexandria. 
For years, Sara wanted nothing more but to have a good life that was fulfilling enough for her. Even though things turned out much different than she was expecting, she was able to achieve her goal of helping many people, and was blessed with a career that she was satisfied with and a beautiful family of her own. In the end, there was nothing more that she could ask for. 
Bonus Facts: 
-Her voice: Japanese- Akiko Yajima (Angela Blanc, Black Butler); English- Carrie Keranen (Mami Tomoe, Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
-Her name is pronounced "s-R-ra"
-She has the scent of lavender.
-She’s a Libra.
-Her alignment is neutral-good.
-In a modern AU, Sara gets a job working in a hospital as a nurse, and is often working alongside Dr. Finch. She is of course married to Nathanael and very close to his family, and they have their daughter Alexandria. She would have a combination of a sporty girly-girl and vintage aesthetic.
-In a Harry Potter AU, her Hogwarts House is Ravenclaw, and her Patronus is a swan.
-She is inspired by Fleur Delacour from Harry Potter (specifically the book variation)
-She wanted to name her first daughter Catherine after her grandmother but decided to make it her middle name
OC Profile Credit: AliceCantBeStopped
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chewyjellycable · 8 months
[OC List Compilation]
Every listing here will have a link in the name that leads to their Toyhouse page!! :]
Ackee Cookie - They/He, Minor, Epic Rank, Ovenbreak
Berry Crumble Cookie - They/It, Minor, Epic Rank, Ovenbreak, Fankid of C-4 and Raspberry Iced Tea Cookie [Designed by Yorryn]
Bleeding Heart Cookie - She/Her, Adult, NPC Rank, Cosmic Meadows Story Mode
Blue Suede Cookie - She/Her, Adult, Epic Rank, Ovenbreak
Boxcar Cookie - He/It, Adult, Epic Rank, Ovenbreak
Bredele De Cassonade Cookie - Any Pronouns, Adult, Epic Rank, Ovenbreak [Designed by Almond]
Burnt Waffle Cookie - He/Gore, Adult, NPC Rank, Unspecified Game [Designed by Eggs]
Cadbury Egg Cookie - He/Him, Minor, Rare Rank, Ovenbreak [Designed by Kabi]
Chair Cookie - They/Them, Adult, Epic Rank, Ovenbreak
Candy Wrapper Cookie - Any Pronouns, Adult, Epic Rank, Kingdom [Designed by Kit]
Caramel Mocha Vampire Cookie - They/He/It, Adult, Rare Rank, Kingdom [Designed by Sushi]
Chapstick Cookie - She/Her, Young Adult, Common Rank, Kingdom, Sprouting Seed Story Mode
Cherry Candy Cookie - She/They, Adult, Epic Rank, Kingdom [Designed by Almond]
Cherry Fizz Cookie - They/Them, Adult, NPC Rank, Unspecified Game
Chickpea Cookie - He/Him, Minor, Rare Rank, Ovenbreak, Fankid of Red Bean and Adventurer
Coconut Oil Cookie - They/Them, Adult, NPC Rank, Cosmic Meadows Story Mode
Cold Brew Frappe Cookie - They/He/She, Adult, Epic Rank, Ovenbreak
Cream Cheese Tea Cookie - They/It/He/Her, Young Adult, Epic Rank, Ovenbreak
Crystal Crab Apple Cookie - He/It, Minor, NPC Rank, Cosmic Meadows Story Mode
Dissonant Tune Cookie - She/They/It, Adult, Epic Rank, Kingdom
Energy Powder Cookie - He/It, Young Adult, Rare Rank, Kingdom, Sprouting Seed Story Mode
Fig Frosting Cookie - They/Zem, Young Adult, Epic Rank, Ovenbreak, Fankid of Fig Cookie and Whipped Cream Cookie
Honey Lemon Pudding Cookie - They/It, Minor, NPC Rank, Cosmic Meadows Story Mode
Honeyfloss Bee Cookie - They/She/It, Minor, Epic Rank, Kingdom, Sprouting Seed Story Mode
Jostaberry Cookie - They/Them, Adult, Rare Rank, Ovenbreak
Macchiato Vera Cookie - They/He, Young Adult, Rare Rank, Ovenbreak, Fankid of Espresso Cookie and Aloe Cookie [Designed by Linus]
Milk Choco Cookie - He/Him, Adult, Epic Rank, Ovenbreak/Kingdom, Fankid of Dark Choco Cookie and Pomegranate Cookie* [Designed by Kris]
Nettle Cookie - They/Em, Minor, Epic Rank, Kingdom, Sprouting Seed Story Mode
Night Stroll Cookie - Any Pronouns, Adult, Epic Rank, Ovenbreak [Designed by Red_Studios]
Pencil Shaving Cookie - She/He, Adult, Epic Rank, Unspecified Game [Designed by Shyft]
Pickle Cheesecake Cookie - He/She/Lab, Adult, Epic Rank, Kingdom [Designed by Shyft]
Pizza Delivery Cookie - He/Him, Young Adult, Epic Rank, Ovenbreak
Rainbow Mousse Cookie - They/She, Adult, Epic Rank, Ovenbreak
Rainbow Poptart Cookie - She/They/Sprinkle, Adult, NPC Rank, Unspecified Game [Designed by Eggs]
Rainbow Sherbet Cookie - She/Her, Minor, Rare Rank, Ovenbreak
Roasted Pumpkin Seed Cookie - Any Pronouns, Super Epic Rank, Kingdom
Rubber Band Cookie - He/They, Minor, Ancient Rank, Kingdom, Sprouting Seed Story Mode
Sanitizer Cookie - They/Them, Adult, Epic Rank, Ovenbreak, Fankid of Aloe Cookie and Mint Choco Cookie**
Silver Star Shortcake Cookie - He/Him, Young Adult, NPC Rank, Unspecified Game
Sorbet Icing Fish Cookie - It/Zem, Minor, Rare Rank, Kingdom
String Bean Cookie - Any Pronouns, Adult, Super Epic Rank, Kingdom
Tangulu Leaf Cookie - They/He, Minor, NPC Rank, Ovenbreak, Fankid of Aloe Cookie, Rock Candy Cookie, and Motherboard Cookie [Designed by Linus and Kris]
Vanilla Chai Cookie - She/They, Young Adult, (Super) Epic Rank, Ovenbreak/Kingdom, Fankid of Pure Vanilla Cookie and Earl Grey Cookie***
Wilt Cookie - He/They, Young Adult, Epic Rank, Kingdom [Designed by Raven]
Worm Jelly Cookie - Any Pronouns, Young Adult, Epic Rank, Ovenbreak
Yuzu Cookie - He/Ze/It, Adult, Epic Rank, Kingdom
Xylitol Gallium Cookie - It/Its, Minor, Epic Rank, Ovenbreak, Xylitol Nova's Adopted Child
* Made by magic, Dark Choco has no knowledge they're related ** Made by experimentation, Mint has no knowledge they're related *** Made by magic, VC has no idea Earl and Pure Vanilla are blood relatives
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q-gorgeous · 4 years
Crayon Asks
in honor of my love for crayons and my need for ask games i made my own ask game using the 152 box of crayons that i have and theyre on a color spectrum of some sort sdgvyj
Purple mountains majesty: what mythical creature would you want to exist?
Deep space sparkle: how do you feel about SPACE?
Purple heart: who's your best friend?
Blue violet: have you ever dyed your hair?
Glitter purple 1: favorite gemstone?
Eggplant: do u like eggplant?
Royal purple: are you a queen?
Cyber grape: are you tech savvy?
Violet (purple): how are ya?
Glitter purple 2: how do you feel about glitter?
Vivid violet: red or green grapes?
Plum: are you plumtastic?
Razzmic berry: strawberries or raspberries?
Wisteria: do you think magic exists?
White: ghost?
Glitter white 1: how old are you?
Glitter white 2: do you have immense power?
Black: are you an eldritch being?
Shadow: are you afraid of the dark?
Gray: have you ever done a warrior cats roleplay?
Sonic silver: gotta go fast?
Timberwolf: have you ever done a wolf pack roleplay?
Silver: favorite song?
Manatee: favorite animal?
Cadet blue: do you paint your nails?
Wild blue yonder: do you yearn to run into the wild and never return?
Periwinkle: favorite flower?
Sky blue: do you go cloud gazing?
Glitter blue 1: do you take lots of pictures?
Cornflower: do you like baking?
Blue bell: do you like cows?
Cerulean: do you like to sing?
Glitter blue 2: what did you want to be when you were younger?
Glitter blue 3: do you like to draw?
Blue: what's your favorite word?
Glitter blue 4: do you like makeup?
Denim: jeans or khakis/whatever aren’t jeans?
Outer space: favorite planet?
Navy blue: do you like boats?
Indigo: are you a morning or a night person?
Midnight blue: what's your aesthetic?
Pacific blue: can you swim?
Blue green: do you like to read?
Steel blue: do you have nerves of steel?
Turquoise blue: what's your favorite tv show?
Aquamarine: have you been to the ocean?
Metallic seaweed: do you like sushi?
Robin’s blue egg: have you ever had a pet bird?
Illuminating emerald: what's the first fandom you were in?
Caribbean green: have you ever been on a plane? Where to?
Sea green: favorite oc?
Jungle green: do you ever go exploring in the woods?
Shamrock: lucky number?
Glitter green 1: favorite food?
Pine green: favorite kind of tree?
Tropical rain forest: earliest childhood memory?
Asparagus: do you like vegetables?
Green: feelings about grass?
Mountain meadow: have you ever been in the mountains?
Forest green: where have you always wanted to go?
Granny smith apple: favorite kind of apple?
Sheen green: are you squeamish?
Screamin’ green: do you need to scream?
Yellow green: favorite holiday?
Fern: do you like the person you've grown into?
Glitter green 2: cooked or uncooked vegetables?
Electric lime: do you drink energy drinks?
Inchworm: do you like bugs?
Glitter yellow 1: do you sunburn easily?
Green yellow: do you like the rain?
Spring green: favorite thing about springtime?
Olive green: is there anything that you regret?
Gold fusion: do you watch steven universe?
Gold: best brand of peanut butter?
Goldenrod: What's an animal that you've always wanted?
Metallic sunburst: do you like knick knacks?
Laser lemon: do you like lemonade?
Canary: favorite kind of bird?
Yellow: here comes the sun?
Almond: do you collect things?
Dandelion: are they weeds?
Banana melon: tell us what you're thinking of right now
Unmellow yellow: how chill are you?
Sunglow: what's your favorite time of day?
Macaroni and cheese: favorite restaurant? 
Atomic tangerine: do you like soda?
Yellow orange: how long is your longest friendship?
Neon carrot: do you have laser vision?
Orange: are you a creative person?
Vivid tangerine: is there anyone that you miss?
Outrageous orange: what's the most outrageous thing you've ever done?
Mango tango: do you like to dance?
Sunset orange: favorite part of the sunset? 
Red orange: cats or dogs?
Scarlet: the most badass thing you’ve ever done?
Shimmering blush: last embarrassing thing you did?
Bittersweet shimmer: do you know what you're doing?
Razzmatazz: jazz hands?
Glitter red 1: hand holding or hugs?
Red: Do you have a crush?
Big dip o’ ruby: how big is your crush on your crush?
Brick red: when did you start liking your crush?
Maroon: dream date?
Cerise: is your crush the coolest?
Glitter red 2: how does your crush make you feel?
Glitter red violet 1: something you are looking forward to?
Red violet: can I hold your hand?
Fuchsia: what do you want to do right now?
Jazzberry jam: strawberry or grape jelly?
Purple pizzazz: pizzazz is close to pizza, pineapple on pizza?
Magenta: Am I real?
Hot magenta: fear level?
Violet red: most romantic thing you've ever done?
Wild strawberry: who was your first crush?
Pink sherbert: favorite ice cream flavor?
Radical red: have you ever surfed before?
Wild watermelon: send me your own question about my crush!
Salmon: what's your favorite kind of pet fish?
shocking pink: do you think your crush likes you back?
Carnation pink: what's the longest relationship you've ever been in?
Glitter pink 1: are you still friends with your exs?
Tickle me pink: how ticklish are you?
Razzle dazzle rose: will you confess to your crush?
Cotton candy: how do you plan to confess to your crush?
Pink flamingo: do you like live action or animated shows/movies better?
Blush: what makes you happy?
Orchid: gender?
Glitter pink 2: sexuality?
Mauvelous: are you marvelous?
Lavender: what about yourself do you like?
Piggy pink: do you have a piggy bank? Do you use it?
Melon: are you worried about anything right now?
Apricot: what do you want to do for a career?
Peach: what's one goal you have?
Glitter tan 1: do you have long or short hair?
Alloy orange: favorite time of year?
Burnt orange: if there's one thing you could change about yourself what would it be?
Tan: favorite color?
Bittersweet: favorite memory?
Mahogany: do you like to write?
Chestnut: roasting on an open fire?
Fuzzy wuzzy: do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
Burnt sienna: what's the last thing you ate?
Brown: are you procrastinating on anything right now?
Sepia: send a sneak peek of whatever you're working on!
Beaver: do you have good teeth?
Raw sienna: do you like to paint?
Blast off bronze: would you ever want to go to space?
Antique brass: do you have any pets?
Copper: SLEEP!
Desert sand: do you play minecraft?
Tumbleweed: have you ever been to the desert?
208 notes · View notes
gardenofdelight · 3 years
✨OC Questionnaire: Peaseblossom✨
a.k.a. Pixie Reader from Fairies May Cry
Full name
Preferred name/nickname
Lil Pea, Lil Blossom, Sweet Pea
Generally referred to as
FACECLAIM: Here’s a portrait I made using Artbreeder:
Tumblr media
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: Just barely 5 inches in pixie form, 5 feet in human form.
WEIGHT: Light as a feather in pixie form, lightweight in human form.
BUILD: Lithe and slender.
HAIR: long, soft, and platinum blond. Usually braided with tiny flowers, but it comes down past her bottom when loose. 
SKIN: White. Smooth and sunkissed from daily naps under the sun. 
EYES: Purple like lilac flowers.They’re a bit wide and always seem to sparkle with mirth and mischief. Long eyelashes.
MOUTH: Small mouth with plump lips. Perfectly straight teeth and pure white. 
NOSE: Small and rounded with a cute point at the tip and small nostrils.
HANDS: Small with short fingernails.
FEET: Small and dainty with short nails. 
SCARS: None.
CLOTHES: Colorful dresses handmade from real flowers, but she prefers to be nude with a sprinkling of her fairy dust on her body most of the time
OTHER FEATURES: She has 2 pairs of iridescent wings much like a dragonfly.
OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES: She has a “fairy light” that changes color depending on her current mood.
VOICECLAIM: To be determined.
ACCENT: Fairly neutral.
VERBAL TICS: She has a tendency to repeat words when she’s overly excited about something. And she stumbles over her words when taken by surprise. 
LANGUAGE: She can speak all known languages so long as she can hear it verbally first thanks to a little fairy magic.
ARTICULATION: She can be a little clumsy with words while explaining things but she does so on purpose sometimes if she’s hoping to get the upper hand in a deal. 
EDUCATION: She prefers to use short and simple words but she’s learned a few big words that are hard for her to pronounce correctly.
LAUGHTER: Sounds like the tinkling of tiny bells in the wind, and she laughs and giggles a lot everyday.
GRUMP: She pouts, grumbles, and sneers whenever she’s annoyed or angry.
BREATHING: She gasps, humphs, and sighs a lot.
FACE: She has a very expressive face and has a hard time hiding emotions on her face unless she’s working out a deal...then she has the best damn poker face in existence. 
HANDS: She makes a lot of hand gestures whenever she’s excited or mad. Lots of arm crossing, finger wagging, curious poking, and happy clapping.
LEGS/FEET: She kicks her feet sometimes while flying and stomps her foot down when she’s angry.
EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: Her capricious nature makes her very prone to emotional outbursts. Crying and yelling when she’s upset and laughing and bouncing around when she’s happy.
HABITS: She likes to hum sometimes while hunting for lost trinkets and sing lullabies while making flower dresses. 
POSTURE: She tends to slump a little while standing or sitting, but her posture straightens out whenever she’s very happy, angry, or taken by surprise.
WALKING POSTURE: She skips around gleefully when she’s in good, but she tends to stomp around when she’s in a bad mood. 
SITTING POSTURE: She likes to sit with her legs crossed beneath her with a slouched posture. 
PERSONAL SPACE: She doesn't have much of a personal bubble and tends to encroach on others’ personal space without realizing it.
SPACIAL AWARENESS: She’s really good at noticing what’s around her thanks to her constant hunt for the next best trinket.
OTHER: Her fairy light changes color depending on her mood. And her fairy wings tend to snap out when she’s surprised, droop when she’s feeling down, and flutter faster when they're buzzing with rage.
DIET: Two words: liqueur and sweets! She loves fruity wines and sugary treats...it’s not really healthy and definitely not a well-balanced diet but pixies have an extremely high metabolism. She rarely eats vegetables and scoffs at anything boring and bitter.
SLEEP: She takes a lot of short naps throughout the day. Pixies don’t sleep for very long unless they’re completely exhausted. Many of her dreams consist of brave adventures with her trusty steed (a rat named Sir Hawthrone) and romantic dances with Pretty Boy (Vergil). 
EXERCISE: Not very much but flying around and searching through all the nooks and crannies for lost trinkets is a bit of an exercise! 
ACTIVITY: She works hard when she wants to, especially if she’s really excited about something...that’s usually when she pushes herself to exhaustion. But she can be pretty lazy some days...it all just depends on her mood at the moment.
CLEANLINESS: She bathes in the morning dew she creates every morning for her flowers. But sometimes she takes a shower with Pretty Boy when he’s not looking…!
ODOUR: Like a meadow of sweet flowers by a tranquil pond.
ADDICTIONS: No...unless you count the obsessive need to make deals and having a sweet tooth as an addiction. 
OTHER: To be determined.
INTROVERT/EXTROVERT?: She’s an exuberant extrovert. Lil Pea doesn’t let her small size get in the way of being social and outgoing, especially when it comes to things that pique her curiosity.
OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: Definitely an optimist. 
GENDER: Female.
SEXUALITY: She has no set preference in regards to sex and/or gender. So long as they’re a very nice person with a kind soul. Any display of intentional cruelty or just general “meanie-ness” will make her look the other way.
ROMANTIC: Absolutely loves all the romance! 
MEMORY: She has a very chaotic memory, usually wavering between highly accurate to absurdly silly.
PLANNING: She’s a terrible planner and just leaps right into things with a wide grin.
PENSIVE: She doesn’t spend a lot of time pondering about life...she’d much rather live in the now and not then or yet to come.
INTUITION: She has really good intuition so long as she isn’t figuring things out on an empty stomach.
PROBLEM SOLVING: She’s very good at solving puzzles and problems so long as it's very clever or in rhyming form.
GOALS: To find the greatest lost trinket in the world! 
INSECURITIES: She thinks her wings aren’t as pretty as some of the other fairies with their beautiful butterfly wings. But she hides her insecurities well behind her cute and bubbly personality.
ACHIEVEMENTS: She’s very proud of her trinket collection and her ability to make Pretty Boy blush!
ANXIETY: Being trapped like a bug in a jar and Pretty Boy being in danger makes her super anxious.
OVERWHELMED: She only feels like things are too much when she’s stressed out.
SELF-HELP: She simply ignores her problems and moves on with life.
COMFORTS: Liquor, sweet treats, naps among the flowers, and Pretty Boy kisses.
BAD HABITS: She tends to exaggerate a lot which sometimes leads to more problems.
PHILOSOPHY: Not religious but does follow the creed of all fairies: always seek to make clever deals through trickery and under no circumstances are you to break a deal.  
TRIGGERS: Glass jars and bird cages.
The Past
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: She doesn’t have parents per se...more like a mysterious guardian who brought her into existence with powerful magic. And they get along very well but haven’t seen each other in over a millennium.
SCHOOL: She never went to school...unless you count causing mischief a few times during some classes to make children laugh at the teacher’s expense.  
ADOLESCENCE: She was never an adolescent. 
LEAVING HOME: It was very exciting for her the first time since she’s always heard how much the mortal realm can be! But then she became a permanent resident when she escaped from the mages holding her captive. 
FURTHER EDUCATION: She never went to college but wouldn’t mind causing some mischief there too.
FIRST JOB: She helped her guardian with his garden by tending to the flowers. She enjoyed putting dew on the blooms every morning and healing to sickly buds with her bell-like singing. 
LIFE EVENTS: Making a deal with one of the Princes of the Seelie Court definitely brought more cheer into her life. But having that same Prince fail to protect her when she got captured by mages and enduring captivity brought pain and sorrow. And now finding a new protector has renewed her hope and continues to bring her joy every day.
WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: She was captured by mage and held prisoner for various vile experiments.
BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: Pretty Boy kissed her back.
LESSONS: Never trust someone solely on their looks...you must peer into their soul and judge them by their spirit. Never hide in the dark alone. Don’t eat too much strawberry ice cream or else you’ll suffer from the worst stomach EVER! And it only takes one fairy’s sugar to make Pretty Boy smile and sometimes blush!
LOOKING BACK: If Lil Pea could re-play her life and do something differently, she would’ve not joined the Prince’s revelry in the mortal world that fateful day.
FAMILY: The crew at Devil May Cry are pretty much her family now.
FRIENDSHIPS: She has a lot of friends! Most of them are critters living in and around the shop...but they’re very loyal and love to go on adventures with her.
FRIENDS IN NEED: She will always be there for her friends with fairy dust to cheer them up...she’ll also offer to even the score if someone is the source of her friend’s troubles. This usually involves some elaborate pranks and tiny raspberries right in their face.
NEEDING A FRIEND: She usually seeks the comfort of her flowers and critter friends first...but sometimes she’ll go to her human friends when she needs help or advice. It just depends on her mood at the time. 
ANNOYANCES: She gets annoyed very easily but reciprocates with swift pranks and raspberries right in the face when really irked.
ROMANCE: She’s a bit overt with her advances and has no problem giving her romantic interest pretty gifts. She’s attracted to people with a good and just soul...and being tall and strong doesn’t hurt either.
MARITAL PROBLEMS: She’s not married but she’d probably ignore the problem until forced to deal with it...and then her capriciousness would take over and it’ll either turn out very good or very bad but confusing nonetheless.
ADVERSARIES: She doesn’t like big meanies who ruin all the fun! 
ENEMIES: Anyone who would hurt Pretty Boy or defenseless animals and children is an enemy to her. She also gets VERY angry when flowers are needlessly destroyed. 
STRANGERS: She tends to hide from strangers since you never know if they’re real nice or a big meanie!
FUN STUFF: She loves to sing, dance, pull pranks, hunt for lost trinkets, make pretty dresses, and feast on all the sweets and booze!
DATING: She loves to dance with her romantic partner and will always be ready for a feast with good booze. But she finds a stroll among the flowers and fireflies at night very romantic.
BEST FRIEND: Her trusty rat steed, Sir Hawthorne...but Scruffy Boy and Sweet Lady have become close friends too!
LOVE: Her devilish protector will always have her tiny heart.
WORST ENEMY: Anyone who has terrible manners and harms flowers or Pretty Boy.
MINGLING: She gets along with others so long as they have good manners and aren’t big meanies!
COMFORT LEVELS: She’s comfortable talking to people but will steer the conversation by any means necessary if they stumble upon a touchy subject. The only time she’s uncomfortable is when people ask too many questions or focus too much on the past and future.
PHYSICAL: She’s very touchy-feely! Loves to give hugs and poke noses no matter her size at the moment.
GROUPS: She’s comfortable in a big group so long as she knows everybody, but even that doesn’t stop her since she’s very good at hanging around while not being noticed. But sometimes she wants to spend time alone with one or two people who’ll give her plenty of attention. 
OPENNESS: She opens up very easily up to a certain extent. It’ll take some patience and gentle prying to get her to talk openly up about her past.
GENEROSITY: She likes to give gifts to those who prove a friend to the Fae. She’d gladly lend money to a friend...so long as they make a deal with her in return. And it makes her very happy to receive gifts from others. 
JEALOUSY: Anyone that takes her Pretty Boy’s attention away from her makes her feel incredibly jealous! But pulling a few pranks on the offender always makes her feel better.
TEMPER: She’s easily worked up thanks to the capricious nature of pixies.
EMPATHY: She can empathize but sometimes she doesn’t understand the reasons behind some mortal’s feelings, which leads to a misunderstanding if no one explains.
AFFECTION: Lots of hugs and “fairy’s sugar” with the occasional gift or helping hand with her fairy dust.
DISTASTE: Her fairy light will flash red as she blows many raspberries right in their face...and a few pranks if she REALLY dislikes someone.
ETIQUETTE: She has very good manners just like any fairy worth their salt! But most mortals don’t know the proper etiquette of the Fae...which may look very rude and inappropriate to them.
RESPONSIBILITY: She doesn’t like to admit when she’s wrong but will face the music when it all falls apart. Then, she’ll try to make up for her mistakes by any means possible.
SELF ESTEEM: She’s always had to stick up for herself until meeting the Prince since many of the Fae treat fairies born through non-fairy magic like her very poorly.
CONFIDENCE: She’s very confident in herself and her abilities despite being treated differently from her own kind.
HONESTY: She always speaks her mind unless she’s up to some mischief or feels that it might upset someone.
LEADER OR FOLLOWER: She’s a little of both. She usually follows but can take the lead if needed.
PARTY TRICKS: She’s an expert trinket finder, flower dressmaker, and can put dew on all the flowers in a meadow before the first ray of sunrise! And she also knows how to make pretty half devils blush.
PRAISE: Compliments and praise make her fairy light turn pink with joy.
FAILURES: Her capricious attitude can be irritating to some but her constant need to pull pranks is highly annoying.
CRITICISM: She doesn’t take criticism very well...she’d either burst into tears or swear pretty pixie vengeance on the unfortunate critic!
INSULTS: It depends on who’s insulting her. She’ll fire back with one of her inventive insults at some, but then get teary eyed at others.
EMBARRASSMENT: She’s not easily embarrassed but it still happens whenever she’s taken by surprise. Her fairy light turns pink and red as she scurries away to hide whenever she’s embarrassed.
FLIRTING: She’s VERY flirty...absolutely adores the way people light up and blush at her cute compliments.
ATTENTION SPAN: She has a very short attention span and tends to get  easily distracted.
SITUATIONS: She’s very good at breaking up difficult situations but has a hard time dealing with them through patient conversation.
CAREER: Expert trinket finder and very pretty pixie for Pretty Boy! It’s a very fulfilling career for a fairy.
PROMOTION: She’s eyeing the promotion known as “girlfriend” at the moment.
BOSS: She has a great relationship with her boss so long as she doesn’t tease him too much.
DUTY: She assists Pretty Boy with her unique talents and magical fairy dust.
TECH: She has no idea how to use modern technology but would find it very fascinating if she ever gave it a try!
POLITICS: Not political at all.
COMBAT SKILLS: She’s very good at blinding people with her fairy dust and is proficient in mounted combat on her ratty stead with her needle sword.
HOME: She keeps her personal space very tidy and filled with many different flowers.
DAILY LIFE: She goes through her day-to-day tasks with an eager wonder of unknown adventures that might happen along the way.
INDEPENDENCE: Very independent since escaping the mages to live in the human world.
COOKING: She can’t really cook but loves to help from time to time by sprinkling her fairy dust over food.
BUILDING: She can’t do basic DIY but she tries to help with her fairy magic!
CLEANING: She always tries to keep her personal space clean but her fairy dust remains always present all over her pile of flowers where she usually sleeps.
SHOPPING: She doesn’t really shop due to her small stature and shyness around a group of strangers, but she likes to accompany her friends on shopping trips. But if she ever got her hands on some funds while in her bigger form...Ooh she’d be the most impulsive buyer in the human world!
DRIVING: She doesn’t know how to drive but it always looked like so much fun whenever she rode in the van with Crazy Lady and Baby Boy!
FINANCES: She has the biggest trinket hoard in all the shop! But she doesn’t quite understand why mortals value pieces of paper with pictures of old people.
MARRIAGE: Not married. She doesn’t know why mortals need a huge ceremony to spend eternity together, but she loves all the pretty dresses and flowers at weddings!
KIDS: No kids. And she has no plans to have kids herself, but she loves to make children smile and laugh with her mischievous antics.
PETS: No pets. 
LAW: To human standards? Definitely. But to fairy standards? No.
COURT: She’s never been to court. 
TRAVELLING: She’s been to many places around various worlds and different realities.
MEDICAL: She doesn’t trust doctors and always makes sure to have an apple on hand whenever someone needs to keep them away.
WORRIES: She worries for Pretty Boy whenever nightmares plague his dreams at night.
PEACE: She doesn’t mind peace and quiet but there’s music in the air around her thanks to her own whimsical singing.
PARTYING: She LOVES to go out partying whenever possible! There’s nothing like a good revel with lively music and vast feasts!
HOBBIES: She collects lost trinkets, makes dresses out of flowers, and finds mischief in the unlikeliest places!
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timeforelfnonsense · 3 years
The Lusty Eladrin Maid
Rating: E (no smut yet but there will be in the update) || Ao3 ||  Sunshine & Starlight: My on going bg3 series || Author's tucked away at the end
It was a simple enough task to find Dafni in the little forest glade. He’d followed the trail of flowers left behind by her bare feet in the grass. The iridescent fabric of her skirt fluttered around her thighs as she twirled. Her nimble fingertips plucked berries, as red and ripe as her parted lips. She filled the woven basket hanging from the crook of her bent arm, singing softly to herself. A few rosy ringlets peak out of the front of her kerchief, framing her bespeckled cheeks. A smile tugged at Astarion’s lips, she looked like a storybook character come to life right off the page.
Silently, he crept further into the meadow watching her sway to her slivery, birdsong melody. Closer and closer until Dafni unknowingly spun herself into his embrace. Astarion pulled her into his chest, a baby pink flush spreading across the bridge of her freckled nose. Dafni glanced up at him, doe-eyed through her long, fluttering lashes. Daffodil cups unfurled themselves throughout the sea of curls flowing from her lacy kerchief. Their vibrant colors painting a sunset of yellow, cream, and peachy-pink in her tresses.
“It seems I’ve caught myself a faerie! ” Astarion murmured against her ear, toying with a stray tendril, twisting the curl around his index finger.
Dafni let out a chime of silver laughter before responding in an airy voice, “And what do you mean to do with me, good sir?”
“I mean to take you into my arms.” He said with a low chuckle, turning her so her chest was pressed to his own, “To kiss you and hold you.” He tilted her face upwards, finding her berry-stained lips with his own. Pulling away for a single torturous moment, he spoke once more, “I mean to make you mine.” 
He could taste the sweet tang of raspberry juice and honey on her tongue as he coaxed her deeper into the kiss. A contented sigh slipped from Dafni’s lungs. She nestled herself closer to his body, her full breasts pressed against his chest. He brought a hand to the base of her skull, gently cradling her head in his palm. He felt her lips curl into a smile under his kiss. 
He’d found himself rather enchanted by this little game of flirtatious make-believe. He’d perused the dog eared pages of her books out of equal parts boredom and curiosity. She’d only had the single faded pink leather volume in her bag when she’d been snatched, but over a few days, she’d been able to track down a trove of smutty literature. Through his investigation of the many, many volumes of romance and debauchery, Astarion had gathered some insight into the romantic workings of her mind. 
She dreamt of being swept off her feet. She wanted illicit midnight rendezvous. She longed for stolen kisses and tender words whispered between waltzes. To sneak away from a ballroom to some hidden alcove. He could picture it perfectly, her frilly skirts thrown over her back. His hand climbing its way up her stocking clad caves as she was bent over the nearest piece of furniture and tupped to oblivion.
What was the harm in indulging her whimsy for a little while? It would be easy enough to play the dashing rapscallion to her wayward debutante. 
 “I’ll happily surrender myself to you if you promise to kiss me like that again,” She said, her chest rising and falling with short breaths. A lopsided, sunny smile flashing across her mouth.
Dafni stood on her tiptoes as she threw her arms around his neck, drawing his lips to her own again and again and once more for good measure. Her hand cupped his face, her thumb stroking softly against the sharp line of his cheek. 
A shiver ran through her as he dragged the tips of his middle and index fingers down the sensitive flesh of her inner arm. His touch wandered along her bicep, carefully tracing the delicate outline of the hardy muscle beneath the trimmings of girlish fat. His hand wrapped around the outside of her arm next, giving her a gentle squeeze before continuing his exportation of the shaking limb. His thumb glided along the line of her vena amoris, strumming a soundless melody that reverberated against the walls of her heart. 
He followed the vein to the pulse point hammering at her wrist. Her breath caught in her throat as the warmth of his kiss slipped away. Dafni made a sour expression of protest but Astarion paid her no mind. Gingerly, he brought her wrist to his lips. A feather-light peck tickled her skin before he clasped her dainty hand in his own. The corners of his lips quirked up in a spellbinding grin. His head tilted ever so slightly to the side sending a singular ivory ringlet loose from that splendid head of hair. His left hand came to rest just above the small of her back. She leaned forward in a fruitless attempt to restore the kiss, but she was only able to catch the very corner of his roguish mouth.
“What happened to holding, and kissing and making me yours?” Dafni inquired in a playful mockery of his cadence.
“I am still holding you,” He reminded the hand on her back, pushing her closer for emphasis, “and I did kiss you. As for making you mine...All in good time, dear.” He purred, lips brushing the long line of her ear, “Tell me, sweet girl, do you know how to dance?”
“I- Yes, I know how to dance...”
“I thought so,” Astarion nodded thoughtfully. The hand on her back traveled up to the base of her shoulder blade. He gently nudged her arm upwards until to rest atop his. “ A pretty creature like you must be the star of all sorts of quaint fetes. I want to be certain that at the next little soirée you attend, you’ll spend the evening scanning the crowd for my face. And every time some brave young lord or lady plucks up the courage to ask for a dance, those perfect lips will turn ever so slightly upwards as you decline. Because every time you hear a waltz all you’ll be able to think of is the man in the glen and the passionate, consummate sex you had with him.” 
Dafni’s heart threatened to burst. There she was, Dafni Ríwen, Thesmia’s sheltered, unexceptional daughter of controversial paternity. The girl who sat on the sideline of every formal gathering she’d ever attended with an empty dance card and a sullen pout, seen as an unquestionable first water by the most gorgeous man she’d ever laid eyes on! She felt her footing wobble but Astarion’s confidence held her steady and sure. She knew it was only a bit of fun but she’d spent decades dreaming of finding herself in a situation very much like this one and by the hells she was going to enjoy it! 
Astarion was clearly versed in the art of ballroom seduction. He led her through the waltz as sure-footed as anything. Though there was no music, his rhythm never faulted. Moreover, he held her much closer than was proper. His hand had fallen to the curve of her waist rather than her shoulder. Her body felt as if it had been set alight at each point of contact. 
If they were truly in a ballroom some overzealous chaperone would have certainly made a fuss. While the fey were certainly creatures of revelry and carnal pleasure, they held a certain fondness for priority and decorum that seemed to outsiders rather contradictory. But, to the people of Faerie, it all made perfect sense. A chaperone scolds a young couple for improperly and perhaps the attention would incite a reaction from a rival suitor leading to a dispute of honor. Perhaps they proved the final push for a public delectation of love. Or, at the very least, the blushing lovers might seek out some secret place to continue their dalliance now colored with the excitement of rebellion.
The wicked curve of his smile and her previous encounter with him in these very woods, lead Dafni to believe that Astarion was exactly the sort of libertine who was all too thrilled to be given an excuse to sneak off for a bit of secret bedsport. A yearning sigh fell from her chest as she pictured herself laid for him in one of the Summer Queen’s manicured hedge mazes. She bit back a lewd noise as she pictured some hapless party goer stumbling across them still in the throes of amorous relations. 
All in good time, She repeated to herself as she picked her thighs together.
When I make a new OC, I always include a tiny piece of myself, a hobby, skill, or habit. It's always something small but acts as the proverbial  "baby's first laugh"  à la the fairies of Neverland for characters.  I don't usually share what that spark is, but rather keep them as little in-jokes for myself and those closest to me. As a little peek behind the curtain, I will share that Dafni inherited my love of romance novels. I'm sure it's no surprise to anyone who follows my tumblr I am a lover of smutty, historical, and fantasy literature. This fic is my love letter to Tessa Dare, Lisa Kleypas, and all of the other women whose stories provide me with a much-needed escape during an awful year as well as inspiring me to write once more. Part two coming soon! (Also yes, the vena amoris is an old wives tale BUT it's very romantic, and who's to say elves don't have the fictitious heart vein?)
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tobnikk · 2 months
This is FLUFF. Simply some comfort doodles.
I might just be the #1 RM Wally X RM Toby shipper lmao-
yall better keep my au sfw🤨📸
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ask-farmer-mona · 5 years
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it all started on nov 27th when i wanted to sketch out some different faces to break my same face syndrome and then i decided i was just gonna do 40 farmer sketches cuz i love all of u and ur ocs so much!! happy holidays yall <3
ainsley @clairdelune-farm aka @oxalisfarm amelia @ask-farmeramelia barclay/kelly @ask-blue-moon-farms basil @basil-and-honeydew bauti/red @buen-aire-farm bocci @ask-bungyfarm cherry @crop-bound clark/marm @stardeworanges clive @ask-angelwood-orchard coin @coindraws damien/pippa @fireside-farmers delaney/zeke @cotton-candy-farm edel @sonder-farm fae @remnant-farm gabriel @peterson-farm harley/rose @harley-farms immy @starlight-farm jenna @a-totally-legit-farm jinn @askfarmerjinn julien @elflion kath @stardropsongstress king/lloyd @nightlife-farm @ask-blossomfarm klaus @razzberry-farm lee @ask-starfruitfarmer lily/robin @ask-raspberry-acres naimah @starseer-orchard terry @ask-farmer-terry touma @farm-euphoria valentine @meadows-farm
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themadvigilantist · 4 years
Info Sheet
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Bold what best applies to your characters.
[ COLORS ]  red. crimson. vermilion. tomato. burgundy. brown. tan. beige. ochre. sienna. orange. peach. tangerine. marigold. amber. yellow. citrine. mustard. butter. daffodil. green. lime. mint. emerald. olive. blue. royal blue. teal. navy. sky. purple. lilac. mauve. plum. amethyst. pink. coral. magenta. rose. blush. black. jet. ebony. licorice. bistre. white. ivory. snow. vanilla. champagne. grey. dove grey. charcoal grey. slate. ash. pastels.jewel tones.
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost.lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. fog. wood.
[ BODY ]  claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canines. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. fur. feathers. scales. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. cheekbones.feline. pointed ears. chubby. curvy. short. tall. muscular. slender. trained. piercings. tattoos. strong. weak.struggling. athletic. lithe. curls.
[ WEAPONS ]   fists. sword. dagger. spear. scythe. bow and arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes.words. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. pistols. machine guns. slingshots. katana. maces. staff. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. peace. rifles. cannons. mind.
[ MATERIALS ]   gold. silver. platinum. copper. bronze. iron. rust. steel. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies.sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. quartz. metals. glass. shell. bone. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace.leather. silk. satin. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. ichor. dust.glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. vinyl. carbon nanotubes. circuits. vibranium. adamantium.
[ NATURE ]   grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. stream. roots. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rainforest. caves.underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. woods. hills. highlands. islands.
[ ANIMALS ]   lions. tigers. wolves. panthers. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. vultures. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. songbirds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. deer. dogs. rabbits. mantises. crows. ravens. mice. jackals. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. foxes. phoenixes. peacocks. coyote. bears.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ]   sugar. salt. candy. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. soda. spices. herbs. apple. citrus. raspberry. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. gingerbread. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. stew. venison. rice. ambrosia. bread.
[ HOBBIES ]   music. art. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. fencing. riding. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. technology. swimming. theater. libraries. magazines. piano. violin. cello. guitar. lute. mandolin. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. trumpet. flute. drums. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. eating. climbing. running. hiking. stargazing.
[ STYLE ]   lingerie. armor. cape. dress. suit. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. barefoot. heels. leggings. trousers. khakis. jeans. skirt. shorts. earrings. necklace. collar. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. neck tie. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. bracers. belt. layers. bandana. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. bracers. sweaters. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visors. eye contacts. makeup. implant. artificial parts. robes. t-shirts. henleys. athletic shirt. joggers. tennis shoes. cargo pants.
[ MISC ]   balloons. bubbles. cityscape. landscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. fatigue. energetic. manipulation. faith. optimism. pessimism. realism. loneliness. family. friends. chronic pain. assistants. somnambulism. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. devotion. smoking. drugs. drinking. kindness. love. hugs. time. questions.
Tagged by: @pi-jessicajones​
tagging: @paigeatyourservice​, @theserpentsjester, @strongcigarettesandliquor, @patrickoharaandco, @goddamnmuses, @cxmewhxtmxy, @brendan-block, @bartyjoonyah, @theoriginalbloodcountess​, @pilgrimageofthestars​, @summoner-rosenthal​, @isitrecording​, @belladonna-of-thraneal​, @city-full-of-ocs​, @goldenacolyte​, @lonelybxstards​ @madamromana​ @the-11-doctor​ @ladies-of-time​ @superlustersnew52​ @nytehavyn-circle​ & anybody else that want to
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words4bloghere · 6 years
Notice Me
So, a few weeks ago I wrote a little thing for MLP about Diamond Tiara and Apple Bloom. I would like to continue but as it directly uses/references the OCs of @lopoddityart I will absolutely NOT be doing so without her permission. So far, I don’t think she’s seen my requests? so I would like to show her that I will take care of her IP! (This will be my last attempt because she may also be trying to let me down easy and I don’t want to annoy her.)
Anyway, here is a more fleshed out piece that only uses canon characters.
The summers in Fillydelphia weren’t any hotter than the ones she had spent in Ponyville, but there was less of a breeze. The rows of tall buildings and the hilly terrain in general made the air pool and stagnate. It smelled, not of anything too bad, but even flowers can be nauseating if there are too many.
Luckily, Diamond Tiara lived in a nice enough building with air conditioning. She could see other windows across the street open, some with AC units screwed into the sills, some with billowing curtains that exposed electric fans inside.
Diamond Tiara settled down on the cushion, resting her chin on it and gazing up at the sky. A radio was on somewhere, and she could catch snatches of a popular Songbird Serenade song. There was an ambient heat in the apartment from the day’s baking, and she could feel the light currents of cold air falling down from the vents in the ceiling. 
Just as her eyelids started to get heavy, she heard hooffalls outside her door. She leaned her head over, bringing her eyelids down more, and saw from under her lashes as letters spilled through the slot in her door. There would be nothing important of course. Her bills were paid automatically from the account her father maintained. Her mother would have written, again, since they no longer spoke on the phone. Anything else would be flyers or coupons for a restaurant she would never eat at or a store she would never shop at. 
No one else really sought her out anymore. And oddly, she was okay with that.
With a groan, Diamond Tiara got up and stretched, feeling joints pop and muscles strain. She yawned as she ambled over to the door and pawed through the letters with a hoof. Mother’s letter, ad, ad, coupons for the takeout place that gave her boss food poisoning last week, a bill that was already paid, and another letter.
Diamond Tiara picked up the letter and brought it over to her desk. Dropping it, she picked up her opener with her mouth and sliced open the envelope. Getting out the letter, her face flickered with a bit of surprise.
Dear Diti,
I know it’s been awhile and we definitely need to catch up sometime, but I have something SO IMPORTANT TO TELL YOU.
It had been a long time since Silver Spoon had written. They had both moved out to Manehatten, but after the “incident” between Diamond Tiara and her mother, she had started to feel more uncomfortable being among the upper class. She didn’t resent the fashionable internships, the club parties, or the mimosas at brunch when they were all already hungover. It was more that she could no longer find the same meaning in them, and that bothered her, which made her angry.
Something had been severed and she didn’t know how to reconnect.
Tossing her mane, Diamond Tiara read the rest of the letter.
Planting her front hooves on the desk, she read it again.
With a confused noise growing in volume, she read it a third time.
It took her half an hour for her to call into work, pack a bag, and get a ticket back to Ponyville.
Apple Bloom slowly backed out into the hall as she shut the door to Granny’s bedroom. When it clicked shut, she let out a soft breath and turned, screaming as the looming mass next to her startled her. 
“Holy haystacks Big Mac! You scared the life outta me!” Apple Bloom whispered, loudly, and Big Mac snorted. 
“You should be resting.” He said sternly and Apple Bloom blew out a breath.
“I’m not even showing yet Big Mac. Plus, with Granny being, well.” Apple Bloom’s eyes shifted toward the door and quickly glided away. “I figure I can still do my chores and take hers over when it gets to be too much.” Big Mac only snorted again and walked past her toward the stairs. Apple Bloom sighed again before following him down. 
Cheerilee was in the kitchen and Big Mac nuzzled her neck as he passed while she giggled. When Apple Bloom stepped into the kitchen, Cheerilee brought a plate over to the table and nudged it over with her muzzle.
“Eat up sugar.” Cheerilee said and her eyes twinkled with amused brightness.
“Well gosh Miz Cheerilee, you sound like a regular Apple now.” Apple Bloom said with an exaggerated drawl. Cheerilee blew a raspberry and went over to the sink.
“After being on this farm for so long, I better.” She replied. Apple Bloom glanced down at the plate of Cheerilee’s Meadow Mix salad and wrinkled her muzzle. Pushing it away with a hoof, Apple Bloom leaned over the table.
“Where is everybody else?” She asked.
“Out.” Big Mac plodded over and shoved the plate back at her. “Eat.” Apple Bloom stuck out her tongue but at yet another snort from her brother, she took in a mouthful of salad.
“Applejack is out in the barn with the cows. Rarity has the girls in town for the day looking for yarn to make Granny a new shawl.” Cheerilee explained.
“Boaf of ‘em?” Apple Bloom asked and swallowed the salad. “That’s a lot.” 
“Wait till there’s three of ‘em.” Big Mac said and Cheerilee laughed. 
“Don’t act like you’re not pleased as punch about having another Apple.” She retorted.
“I was hoping the next one would be ours.” Big Mac countered.
“Oh hush and go help your sister.” Cheerilee snapped pleasantly. 
“Don’t strain yourself too much now.” Big Mac said and pressed his snout into Apple Bloom’s face.
“Yeah, yeah.” She mumbled.
“And eat your lunch.” He added as he walked to the front door.
“YEAH, YEAH.” Apple Bloom yelled. After the door closed, Apple Bloom took another bite. Cheerilee stayed quiet as she folded a towel and nosed it into place on the counter.
“I heard Snails stopped by this morning.” She finally said. Apple Bloom continued to chew, not wanting to say anything. When Cheerilee came to the table and sat down, she swallowed hard.
“He did.” Apple Bloom admitted. 
“You haven’t wanted to see him too much, are you both still friends?”
“Then what’s going on?”
Apple Bloom sighed and pushed her nose through the remains of the salad on her plate.
“Do you think I’m too young to have this foal?” Apple Bloom asked instead.
“I think that you’re awfully young to have your life be focused on a foal, but that doesn’t mean I think you’re going to be a bad mother.” Cheerilee answered.
“Granny says, she said that having a foal is a family thing. And that while we have a whole lotta family, it’s still important to have both parents around.” Apple Bloom continued.
“She wants you to get married.” Cheerilee said and Apple Bloom nodded.
“Snails’ parents said so too. Snails is willing but...” Apple Bloom drifted and Cheerilee came closer.
“You don’t want to.” She finished and Apple Bloom sighed.
“We’re friends. What happened wasn’t, you know, planned, but that isn’t a good enough reason to get hitched.” She said.
“Apple Bloom, I trust you. I trust in your judgement and just know that you do have your whole family right behind you to support you.” Cheerilee said and Apple Bloom leaned over to rest her head on the other mare’s haunch.
“Thanks Cheer.” Apple Bloom mumbled. Cheerilee pressed her muzzle to Apple Bloom’s head.
There was a knock at the door and Cheerilee edged away gently. As she walked to answer, Apple Bloom kept eating.
“Oh! Hello Diamond Tiara!” Cheerilee greeted.
“NNNG!” Apple Bloom choked on her salad and erupted into a coughing fit.
“Well don’t die after I came all this way.” The thin voice pierced the distance of the farmhouse. “That would be totally rude.”
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hoseokmylovesworld · 5 years
Picture of Love | 03
Pairing: Photographer!Hoseok x OC x Producer!Yoongi
Genre/Warnings: Hoseok AU/Yoongi AU/Includes strong language.
Words: 2,649
Summary: Charlotte Galloway is the leader of the up and coming girl band, “She-Bang”, with a side hustle as a photographer for anyone who will hire her.  She meets a fellow professional photographer named Jung Hoseok who helps “She-Bang” realize their dreams and Charlotte to make a love connection along the way.
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J-Hope and I continue to walk side by side down the street and away from the blues hall and my friends. I also continue to be a bit tipsy.
 I didn't drink that much, I should sober up up soon enough. I'm just worried about what might come out of my mouth. I got myself into enough trouble today as it is.
J-Hope looks down as we walk, but I notice him glance at me from time to time at my side. "So..." I start shakily. "So..." He replies finally looking at me expectantly. 
"Are you sure you weren't stalking me? Because I forgive you if you were." I chuckle trying to lighten up the mood. He almost snorts when he howls with laughter at my comment. 
Definitely, internally patting myself on the back for that one.
I nervously laugh along with him. "You shouldn't, but no, I was not stalking you, I swear." he sighs out his last bout of laughter. "Hey, no worries, like I said it's okay if you were." I say earning more laughter from J-Hope. 
"Ha ha. No. I guess the universe just keeps bringing us together." He side glances me and I could just punch him in his perfect face. "Boy I hope you're right." I whisper to myself. "What was that?" He craned his neck to hear me better. 
I freeze. Quick! think of something cool.
"I said in your dreams." Good one. Whew!
"Yeah, so far." He drawls smoothly. Fuck.
"So quick witted aren't you?" I half joke/half curse him while nudging his shoulder with mine, causing him to go slightly off balance. We laugh it off. "You're not so bad yourself." he replies, I just shrug, looking down at the side walk. At least he noticed.
"Yeah, but you perfected it so much it's basically a talent." I compliment him. "Some might say so." he played along. Hm.
"Oh? So what other talents so you have?" We're all alone and have time to spare. Might as well get to know the guy. That's what we said last time. Go away conscience.
"Oh me?" his eyes widened slightly  and his walking slowed a bit. "Yeah you." I mocked in a low voice. "Ha ha. Uh, well, I'm good at taking pictures..." "Yeah I kind of gathered that." What with the pictures of Selena fricken Gomez on your goddamn camera and shit.
"Aha. Um...Oh! My friends tell me I'm good at dancing." I stop walking. J-Hope stops as well.
I look J-Hope over. "You? Good at dancing?" I ask in disbelief. He spreads his arms and gives me a 'try me' look. "You don't believe me?" 
"No I don't actually." I answer immediately giving him a taste of his own medicine from earlier today. He realizes the reference I've made and narrows his eyes at me. "Show me something." I challenge him.
He doesn't seem like one to back down from a challenge. Or breakout in dance for that matter. 
He checks out his surroundings for some reason (Probably to make sure no one sees him embarrass himself) and then proceeds to 'show me something.' "Okay then. Here goes nothing." 
He starts to swivel his torso and legs in a way that is somehow impressive even though I know nothing about dance. I begin to feel amazed until he started swinging his arms in time with his hips while sporting jazz hands, his face contorting into a cheesy, blinding smile. And this has just become a ploy to make Charlotte laugh. And boy is it working. 
I think I'm sober now...Or am I still drunk? Who knows.
I end up putting one hand over my mouth, one hand over my stomach and shutting my eyes tight because I am doubled over in laughter and smiling hard as hell. I open my eyes to find a proud J-Hope with the most brilliant smile on his face. 
"You lied to me." I heave trying to catch my breath. "No I didn't." He chuckles. "You'll just have to see my actual skills another time." He wriggled his eyebrows and huffed out a laugh.
So he wants to see me again. Only if we don't fuck up tonight. 
"Ohhhh, he's cocky too?!" I place my right hand vertically above my o-shaped mouth in mock shock. "Hey! No,  just hopeful." he looks piercingly and honestly into my eyes. I am forced to look away first, I couldn't take his gaze any longer. I bite my lip out of anxiousness. 
Now I'm sober.
"And here we are." J-Hope announced as we came up on the ice cream parlor finally. J-Hope quickly hops in front of me to open the door of the parlor for me. "Smooth." I say as a matter of fact, making eye contact as I walk through the door. He shrugs, not-so-humbly, causing me to chuckle. We're the only customers.
We approach the counter, J-Hope turns to me and says "Choose whatever you want, it's on me." My head flicks in his direction. "That's okay, I can get it myself." I say trying to come off as polite and not some bitch that won't let anyone do anything for her. Well, that is what you are.
J-Hope looks befuddled, but pulls it together hastily. "No, no. Don't worry, I've got it." he assures, pulling out his wallet. I pull mine out as well. "And I'm telling you that it's okay." I drag out in a low tone, politeness fading. "But I'm sup-" 
"Vanilla cone dipped in raspberry syrup please." I step to the cashier, paying J-Hope no attention.  "Coming right up, that'll be $4.75." I pay the nice enough, Italian looking man promptly and step back to J-Hope, stuffing my wallet back into my jacket pocket. 
He looks down at me through narrowed eyes and a slight smirk. Now I'm feeling light headed. Someone catch me. "Well played." was all he said before he approached the cashier to take his give his order. I chose a table and just like that J-Hope is walking towards me with his cone and mine, he hands mine to me. He's gone with a plain chocolate, cone. Simple. Nice.
"Do you want to stay here a bit or just eat these on the way back?" He asks already digging into his, still standing. 
Hmm. Walk  back with J-Hope already without getting to know him or talk with him AND walk back with him? No-brainer. 
"I have no where to be. Let's stay here." J-Hope gave a little victory smile and nod and sat across form me. I attempt to start the conversation.
"So, what did-" "Uh-uh." He cuts me off and wags a finger at me. I scoff. "Excuse me?" My eyebrows damn near touch my hairline. 
"You've asked questions about me since we met. What about you?" He laughs and gestures towards me. "What about me?" I counter. He huffs out a breath. "Where are you from?"
Oh. He wants to get to know ME. Well shit, I wasn't expecting this. Just play it cool.
"Oh, um, San Diego. Born and raised." I shrug. He nods. 
"Any siblings?" he takes a lick of his ice cream while making eye contact, like it was nothing. I look away. 
"No. Had a close cousin though. We were always together." The smile on my face slowly faded into a solemn line at all the memories, good and bad, that flooded my mind in that moment. "You?" I ask attempting to redirect the conversation away from me, but I was genuinely interested.
"Oh-yeah, I heave an older sister." He stumbled, trying not to notice my little slip up. "That's nice." I lick my ice cream. 
"So...How in the world did you end up in San Franci-" 
"Can we talk about something else please?" I cut him off harshly. "Oh! of course, I was just try-" 
"No, I know. I'm sorry, it's just...maybe another time." I absolutely could not just talk about the things I literally only talk about with my crew to an almost stranger, but I feel like J-Hope might become one of those people I can share all my deep, dark secrets with, with time. "Yeah, no, of course. What do you want to talk about?" He asked, being considerate of my feelings.
I sigh. "Ummm. What's your favorite place to take pictures? Oh! Or what's your favorite thing to take pictures of?" I settled. "Wow." He sighed thoughtfully. 
"That's quite a question." He gazed up above my head in a trance. "Two actually." I added, smiling proudly at my diversion. "True." He points at me with wide eyes, I mimic him, we laugh.
"OH! I don't mean to brag, but I've been to India once or twice and the sights there are. To. Die. For." He stressed, talking with his hands. 
"Wow" was all that I could utter, expressionless. J-Hope continued to reminisce about his time spent in India while I tried to figure out why this man was even talking to me. He seems so cultured and well seasoned. He's been to foreign countries and I've never even been out of California. He probably has a group of 'important people' for friends and has had a slew of exotic girlfriends by now. No doubt he has a car...Or two. Why this man is talking to me, I will never know. 
He stops talking and I have to ask "How old are you again?" even though I know I never asked. Idiot.
"Oh, I'm 24." I almost choke on the breath entering my lungs. WHAT?! Who is doing this shit at 24 years old?! Now I'm just jealous.
"You?" He reflects with a smile. "Uh..." I get a hold of myself. "I'm 23." I swallow.
"Oh good." He said, almost relieved.
"Okay, so...favorite thing to shoot?" I get the conversation back on track. He groans and piers up at me from under his lashes. Fuck you Jung Hoseok.
"If I tell you, you have to promise not to laugh." He says serious as ever. Uhhh.
"Why? It's not like a nature meadow of exotic flowers after rain is it?" J-Hope's eyes widen and he looks down. "Noooooo." He trails off weakly. 
I can't help myself, I burst out laughing. "Seriously J-Hope? You've been to India and that's your favorite thing to shoot?" I ask out of breath from laughter. 
He whined, cracking a smile into his ice cream. "You promised you wouldn't laugh." He reminded. 
"I don't remember promising anything." I taunted. "Touche." he jokingly laments.
Our time at the ice cream parlor continued as such. Asking each other important and pointless questions and teasing each other or nodding in earnest. We told each other jokes and of course there was shameless flirting, mostly on J-Hope's part! This boy WILL be the death of me.
"You ready to go?" he asks as the clock strikes 2:30 AM.  I sigh before answering. "Yeah, I guess." No.
I stood from the table and was surprised to see J-Hope holding up my leather jacket to help me put it on. "Thanks." I said as I slipped it on.  J-Hope moved to get the door when I got a craving. "You know, I think I want a macaroon...or four." I chuckle as I dig in my jacket pocket for my wallet. 
The next thing I know, J-Hope has slapped the wallet from my hands and onto the floor. "J-Hope what the fuck?!" I nearly shout at him as he makes a run for the counter. 
"Can I have four macaroons please?" I hear J-Hope say to the cashier. "Of course." The man says. "Thanks." J-Hope pulls his wallet and pays for the treats and makes his way over to me. 
"Here you go." He hands them to me in a box with an expression of pride on his face. "Thank you." I grit, hiding a smile. "Since when has it ever been that serious?" I ask he holds the door open. 
"Since you wouldn't let me pay for your ice cream on a date." He gripes. Holy Tom Cruise.
He thinks this is a date. I haven't even told him I'm not ready to be in a serious relationship yet. I mean it was still a bit late to tell him that, we already lead him on enough. He definitely knows we like him.  How do we back off without backing off? 
Maybe we don't have to. This guy is gorgeous, generous, caring, talented and gorgeous. Did I say that twice?  Oh well, it's true.
Maybe giving this guy a chance won't be so bad. I just hope this doesn't end like it did last time. I pray I don't regret this. 
Be cool. BE COOL!
"A date huh?" I question innocently, looking forward, as he follows me down the street in the direction we came.
He realizes his slip up once he catches up with me. He bites his lip and looks at the side walk. 
"Uh, ha ha...I don't know, is it?" He said, the most unsure of himself I think I've ever heard him.
"And here I thought you were the one calling all the shots here." I eye him in a naughty way causing him to look away and swallow difficultly. 
"I guess not." He suddenly smiles playfully at the sidewalk and stuffs his hands in his pockets, content.
So not the response I was hoping for or expecting. Way to play along J-Hope, now my fun's ruined. 
I lead the way back to my hotel and J-Hope and I continue casual conversation, despite our previous topic. 
"Well, this is me." I say as we arrive arrive at the entrance of the building. Immediately I notice   J-Hope moving closer to me. I don't object. 
"I hope we can...do this again sometime." He says not an inch from my face. 
I go completely still, preparing myself for what's about to happen. My heart begins to pound in my chest, I can't calm it down. 
"Yeah me too." I say gazing up into his stunning brown eyes.
He leans in a smidgen closer and I am closing my eyes. I literally pucker my lips when I hear "Good night, Charlotte." I no longer feel J-Hope's warmth.
I instantly open my eyes to see J-Hope backing away from me with a wide smirk on his face. HUH?!
"What was that?" I have to ask because I'm trying to figure it out myself and can't come to a solid conclusion. 
"Oh, that was me calling the shots." He said lazily pointing in my direction,  still walking backwards away from me slowly. 
My mouth parts and a devastated, audible huff of air passes though. My right brow escalates and my  eyes involuntarily narrow. Overall, I now wear an expression that reads: 
'Holy fuckshit I've just been beaten at my own game, who knew this motherfucker was THIS smooth?!'  
He just smiles brighter and salutes me. "Goodnight Charlotte." he has to raise his voice, as he's farther away and has not stopped moving since he started.
I finally close my mouth and utter in an unstable sound. "Uh...G-Goodnight. J-Hope." He smirks sexily and turns around finally, he disappears into the shadows of San Francisco. 
I swallow thickly and look around to make sure no one saw that ordeal, composed myself and proceeded to make my way to my room. On the way I realized something.
It took me over a month to be able to allow my last boyfriend to kiss me. I've known J-Hope all of two days and I was ready to let him just...GO FOR IT FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!
I take a deep breath in the elevator and stare at nothing in particular. 
I so would have let him kiss me.
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