#rat detector’s mad scribblings on a abandoned wall
rat-detector · 2 days
Do you get paid for doing this?
We have no currency here. But I sometimes find coins within the dust.
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rat-detector · 3 days
what kinda pens do you use to be insane on the walls
I carve with my long crooked talon. The scratches sometimes attract unwanted attention from others within the ruins. So I make it quick.
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rat-detector · 2 days
I work at a hair salon (I'm pretty sure that's the term in English) and last week a mother and her kid came to get a haircut.
the kid got his haircut first and so he had to wait for his mother to be done. while waiting he was looking outside and he said he saw a rat next to their parked car.
I love rats so much so I wanted to look outside too to see the little guy but I was insecure people would think I'm weird. It didn't help that, besides the kid, everyone was acting like liking rats was the weirdest thing after the mother explained that he liked every animal, EVEN rats (she said that like liking rats was such a crazy idea). the kid didn't seem bothered by their comments so at least he didn't feel bad.
why did I let my insecurity win? I could've seen a cute little rat but no. I cared too much about what people had to say, about what people would think of me.
since I couldn't see the rat I wanted to ask you, rat detector: was there a rat? could you confirm that for me?
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Let not insecurities win. Do what your heart tells you. Not what those around you expect. Lest all that will remain of you is dust.
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rat-detector · 2 days
big tony here . any of the guys in my mob rats ?
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rat-detector · 2 days
Thoughts on cats?
I often find shadows and ghosts of them within the dust. They’re always doing cute things.
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rat-detector · 2 days
Ok so is there lore or not?
Only as much lore as you’re willing to find and accept. Maybe I’m just madly scribbling on a wall without reason, maybe there’s something more. Who knows.
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rat-detector · 2 days
Opinion on Dr Two Brains?
He’s like if a sweater was left out in a hurricane and left to dry in the soggiest marshland.
That man is a national treasure.
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rat-detector · 2 days
The dust is itchy, and the ruins are cold. But I persist.
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rat-detector · 1 day
is now really a good time for a new tattoo
Only if your heart desires it.
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rat-detector · 1 day
Have you ever found a... *looks afraid above the shoulders* real life human?
Only bones and dust of them.
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rat-detector · 2 days
Do swans have knees
What the fuck is a knee?
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rat-detector · 2 days
Rats are a delicacy
What is your opinion on that statement
I have not tasted a rat, so I cannot comment on such things.
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rat-detector · 21 hours
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who may or may not happen to be me : )
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rat-detector · 24 days
Are you really a twink like your banner claims?
It’s more of an accusation to all of you. But if you want to see me that way I won’t stop you.
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rat-detector · 7 days
I like the trend of calling “AI” dumb things that are more fitting like “the nonsense generator”
However I would like to put forth a term that the mechanicus in 40K use for AI. “Abominable Intelligence”. It just hits different.
Don’t try and downplay it like it’s some toy or game. Call it what it is, an abomination. It consumes so much and gives nothing but lies and false images. It has consumed so much and given nothing. Call the monster what it is.
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rat-detector · 12 days
I wish flavor was free. Like I just want the taste, you can keep the actual food.
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