#rata does anons
sgiandubh · 3 months
Anon rebelde.
Está vez voy a ser un poco 😈
RRPP de Sam o de ambos dos porque sabemos que Cait y el son socios en el crimen.
Chicos, lo siento pero toca la última anónima del mes de junio, julio ya tiene las suyas pero no os preocupéis, que después del fiasco de la escort, el filtro está activado,
pero está vez ¿ porque no hacemos la pantomima de otra manera ? La caminata JJ por el Soho ya no se la va a creer nadie después del desastre de la escort entonces ¿ que os parece un posado que aparezca por casualidad, en el vídeo de un evento de cierta clase para darle un poco de brillo ? ya sabemos que hay que subir la categoría. Solo tenemos que preguntar dónde estará enfocando la cámara oficial para asegurarnos de que el fandom os encuentre ya que sabemos, video de TS, que el fandom lo va a diseccionar como rata de laboratorio. La lejanía puede hacer circular el chisme que nos interesa y generar esa controversia en los fans de si son peras o manzanas y que siga siendo creíble en un 20% como mucho, ya sabeis, el roce corporal justo, un vestido de color llamativo y ya está echo y otra muesca en el revolver de Sam sin mucha sangre. Yo apostaría a que esto es real como la vida misma. ¿ Deberían pedir aumento de sueldo por lo listos que se creen que son ? Y mientras Mordor y sus palmeros encantados de ser las marionetas de la narrativa y encima gratis. Se puede ser más tonto...
Dear (returning) Anon Rebelde,
Si se trata de RRPP, deberían ser despedidos inmediatamente. Si esto es solo S, debería hacer un poco de examen de conciencia y darse cuenta de que los costos serán drásticos, ya que el fin de OL está a la vista. Pero primero traduzcamos:
EN: If this is PR, they should immediately be fired. If this is just S, he should do a bit of soul searching and realize the costs will be drastic, as the end of OL is now in sight. But first, let's translate:
'This time, I'm going to be a little 😈
Hey Sam's PR (or both of them, because we know he and Cait are partners in crime),
Guys, I'm sorry, but it's the last wannabe for the month of June, July already has its own. However, don't worry: after the escort fiasco, the filter is activated,
But this time, why don't we do a different pantomime ? A JJ walk through Soho will no longer be believed by anyone, after the escort disaster, so what do you think of a pose that appears by chance in the video of a classy event, just to give it a little extra shine? We already know that we have to upgrade the category. We just have to ask where the official camera will be placed, to make sure the fandom finds you since we know, since that TS video, that the fandom is going to dissect it like a lab rat. Distance can help circulate the gossip that interests us and generate that controversy among fans, potato/potahto, and that remains credible at 20% at most, you know, just the right amount of body friction, a bright colored dress and that's it. Another bullet in Sam's revolver, without much blood. I would bet this is real as life itself. Should they ask for a raise because of how smart they think they are? Meanwhile, Mordor and its clappers are delighted to be the puppets of the narrative, for free. Can you be more stupid…''
One thing to add, a tiny detail, really. It bothered me a LOT.
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as compared to this...
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Once the coin drops, you can't unsee it, dear Anon Rebelde.
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Both are all sorts of pathetic. That being said, I suspect Emily does it unprompted and for free. Joker's privilege.
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goron-king-darunia · 1 year
Anon-enthusiastic-about-Richter here (but no longer anon)
I should probably replay the game before deep diving on details like this, but there is something about Emil that confuses me -
So, as part of Rata, he took the body of Aster when Aster was 16, yeah? And in current times, Emil is said to be 16. Does that imply he cannot age? Essentially being frozen in time within another person's body, at the moment of their death :') talk about a ghost from the past.
Also, would you happen to have a link to where I could read the Aster + Richter manga in English? 👉👈
Sorry for the late reply! I figured it was you after seeing you digging through all the good Richter stuff on my blog!
To be honest, I should also replay the game soon too because I've gotten confused about some lore too. But as for Emil, I don't think that's the case. From what I know of the timeline, Richter and Aster met Ratatosk 2 years before the start of the game, when Richter was 18 and Aster was 16. Richter beat Ratatosk so hard he turned into a core and Tenebrae took that core. Richter and Aqua found Solum's core and used it to brainwash Brute and took over the Vanguard and militarized it, changing it from a charity to a major powerhouse faction. But this was mostly to get enough warm bodies out looking for Tenebrae so they could find Ratatosk's core. All of this apparently took 2 or so years. Maybe a year and a half. It seems like fairly soon after getting Ratatosk's core, Brute organized the Blood Purge to root out dissenters. So when Marta frees Tenebrae and wakes up Ratatosk, which leads to Emil being created and Aster's form being used.
The logic of the game lore. is that Ratatosk needed to blend in with humanity in order to recover, so he created his new form based on the last human he remembered seeing, which was Aster at age 16. Therefore, 2 years later, Emil's form is a recreation of that. Aster at age 16. The rest of the game where we start playing takes place about 6 months after the Blood Purge. So the youngest Emil could look is 16 and a half and the oldest he could look, assuming Aster was a day away from turning 17 when he died, would be 17 and a half. So the age range is really small. But the point is he would only look 6 months older than Aster himself would have looked if he had continued to age from age 16.
It's possible we're meant to interpret this as Emil/Ratatosk being unable to age or change form in a way that would resemble mortal aging. But I think the more likely explanation is that even if Ratatosk had considered trying to look older, it would be such a minor consideration to not even be worth the effort or, because Aster never reached age 18, it simply would not have been possible for him to predict what Aster would have looked like in 2 years.
The way I interpret it is that Ratatosk basically constructed a "mortal-looking" vessel so that he could blend in with humans and recover and to do that he just copied Aster's form. So he theoretically could age, he just doesn't get a chance to because he's only hiding in Luin for 6 months before Tenebrae and Richter and Marta show up.
So it isn't exactly that he's frozen in time, but he is picking a form that is an exact replica from Aster just before he died. So while Emil's journal in game suggests that Ratatosk picked the form at random because Aster just happened to be the last human he saw, I can definitely see Richter interpreting this as animosity on Ratatosk's part. We have no way of knowing because Ratatosk himself never explicitly says WHY he picked Aster's form. Maybe he really did want to give Richter maximum heartache. Maybe Emil is right and it was completely by chance. Maybe the only consideration was "pick a human that I can successfully impersonate" and Aster was the most recent dead person. Maybe Ratatosk knew he would be safer impersonating someone that Richter wouldn't want to hurt.
If we're meant to take the journal as canon and we want to believe Emil, it really was just happenstance. But there's interesting implications that can be explored in fanfic. But we never get an explanation if Ratatosk's form can age or change without him dying or changing it himself. The game never gives us a long enough canonical timeframe to see if Ratatosk and Emil are capable of aging. Or if they can grow facial hair. Or if Richter can. There's just game logic there of "we don't need to model that and no one will ask so..."
So as far as I know, it's free real-estate. Maybe he can age and the game just didn't give us enough time. Maybe he can't age and Richter's going to be stuck in the Ginnungagap for 900-1000 years with an ageless copy of Aster. Who knows? But it's juicy to think about.
As for the manga! It's called Onshuu no Richter. As far as I know, it's not hosted anywhere. But my partner @actualaster has a masterpost with links to download the chapters and the full work both raw and translated! Here's the link for ya!
It still breaks my heart to this day. I hope you enjoy!
Also I'm gonna tag the resident Ratatosk expert @aerypear just in case they know something about Ratatosk's ability or inability to age his form.
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bluebudgie · 1 year
Petthri 1, 12, 14, 16 and 17
(also technically 3, but I need too know if someone ever called him petri dish or joked about it, like it is for Lahpp)
Hi anon thank you for the questions!! Sorry for the wait I had to go sleep like the second I saw the ask notification pop up :D
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)?
So there's this mouse villager in Animal Crossing New Horizons called Petri (yes like the petri dish, she's got a labcoat and all) and I looked at her and thought "oh that's a cute name wouldn't it be funny if I had an Asura wh-"
And this is my PB in "stupid idea to actual creation" speedrun. This man was set up for disaster from the start.
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This pretty much answers 3) already I suppose?
But about your extra question: I haven't really thought about it happening (my comment on Lahpp's name was more about out-of-character jokes too rather than in-character) but I won't deny it never happened (more likely for Petthri; Lahpp's mostly referred to with his System ID number in most situations). I think Petthri would find the coincidence funny actually. Like in a "isn't it cool!" kinda way.
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 
His face can be hell to draw. I've lamented this in the past but because his eyes sit relatively high and he has a (by Asura standards) more or less narrow face he falls into the looks-too-human uncanny valley super fast. And when it happens I have the hardest time fixing it. It's a rollercoaster with him.
Somehow, that too fits his character.
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be? 
1) This man has more energy than I can ever even dream to possess. Like, physically, mentally, this dude's just everything everywhere all the time.
2) Keep him at least somewhat charismatic despite the chaos that surrounds him, otherwise the whole "he used to be really popular with everyone" doesn't really add up. Unless there's an inexplicable aura to him.
16. What is something about your OC can make you cry? 
I've not hit the big official angst arc for him yet but he must miss his family back in Rata Sum. Sometimes he wonders for how long they've been looking for him before they gave up. Or on worse days, he wonders if they ever bothered to find him at all. He was told the Inquest made sure he's considered officially dead, so he doesn't blame anyone for not coming to try and free him.... does he?
Probably tried talking about it to Lahpp but didn't find much understanding. Maybe one day.
17. Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story? 
None I can think of! If there was something I didn't like I must have scrapped it and forgotten about it but honestly... this guy is 90% random anecdotes of stupid shit he did, there isn't much to go wrong with.
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harryfeatgaga · 5 months
All I remember is yall sending angst when he tongue wrestled miss rata https://www.tumblr.com/harryfeatgaga/749420560945135617/does-anyone-remember-the-concepts-that-anons-would
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laratavoloira · 5 years
🏆 This is the Amazing Person Award 🏆 ✨💛 Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out 💛✨
awh! thank you dear xx
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pynkhues · 6 years
Anon, you asked this at my main, non-fandom blog, soooo I’m quoting you and answering you here haha:
Anon says: 
I agree with u on Rio not letting Beth go, not so soon! I wonder what u think about that bottle of Bourbon he left for her after taking all the money back? And Right after they had sex? Bc Giiirl I feel like that was one hell of a move in this chess game they are playing ( bc I feel like they are both in a complicated chess game here. He tried to take the kind down and win the game, but he surprised her with a move of his own)
Sophie says: 
Oh, anon, you have asked the question I have been waiting to answer. I have SO MANY THOUGHTS ON THIS.
After I watched the episode for the second time, I actually went back and watched the Shutdown episode again in Season 1, and as a result, I don’t think Rio ever actually gave her the money. Throughout the first season, the money they get from him is constantly tied to a job - the only time he actually ‘gives’ them money is when he waives what they owe him after Beth stands up to him in 1.02, but even then, they do the Canada job pro rata, so that’s debatable at best - I think he just took what was owed in a different way. I think that Beth views all those drops, logically, as a transaction. She does the work, and she gets the cut. When the shutdown happens; however, and he takes it back, he tells her explicitly - it’s his money. When he has closing costs, everyone feels the pain. It doesn’t matter what she does or what she’s done, if he needs it, he’s going to take back what’s his.
With this new round of cash, I think her logical, transactional mind thinks of it as ultimately payment for handling Boomer, but he never actually tells her that its hers (even when she tells Annie and Ruby and says he doesn’t want a cut, I think that’s her inferring. I mean, we never saw that conversation, and I don’t think they spoke again between the bar and that scene at the storage locker). What he gave her was, as he said, the keys to the kingdom. He wasn’t actually giving her the money, he was giving her access to the money to see what she’d do with it.
And when Beth pulled a classic Beth, turning that cash into a viable business model, he was all in.
As for him taking the cash back? Look, I’m in two minds about it. I think it might have been because he was all in, and figured the investment was too substantial for all that fake cash to be wasted by, ya know, Dean. Rio is obviously very strategic about money (unlike……..ya know……….Dean) But I also think that this season has spent a lot of time telling us how well Rio knows Beth - he knows her schedule, he knows her habits, he knows what she likes. I think he might have known that that bathroom fuck could’ve as easily been a goodbye as an I need this right now, and I think he knew that Beth would stew and then that she would try and destroy the money.
In that sense, I think the bourbon was a cheers - it was a celebratory, well-done bottle. It was also a nah, you don’t get out that easy bottle.
It was an I told you that I know you bottle.
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laratavoloira · 2 years
Green Day only for idiots and losers... da sfigati
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"I want you to��take this coin to market, and buy me a fuck to give."
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laratavoloira · 3 years
i had a dream where i found tiny kittens in my closet. i miss my cats. i miss them terribly.
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laratavoloira · 3 years
i think you're cool :)
awh! thank you, anon!
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