#ratioing dudebros on reddit is fun tho lol
page551 ยท 1 year
1. the character everyone gets wrong
dont hold back, give me your violence ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ
starting off quite strong aren't we ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ now i wouldn't say "everyone" that's a pretty massive crowd but so far every character that has fallen under the scope of silent, non-expressive/unemotional/anger issues (maybe some tsun here and there) etc etc is prone to mis-characterization to a certain degree. and since my current obsession is orv, i cannot possibly not mention yoo joonghyuk. you take one look at reddit and you will see people who are incapable of reading between the lines or discerning the subtle hints and even more incapable of not taking everything at face value.
also not sure how much of an unpopular opinion this is but if you are manhwa only you do not get to talk about characterization. period. then again, I don't seek guidance out of someone who films themselves sitting down on a chair, reading orv manhwa out loud, and the moment they see yjh glaring at kdj they call him an asshole. if they add some clickbait-ish title to their video the more unreliable they become.
it goes without saying, however, that there are also people who OVERanalyze him to the point of making him unrecognizable. a bunch of fans with superiority complex love to treat others, shippers specifically, as less literate and only people who are obsessed with putting every character within a trope box.
needless to say, had i read orv a few years ago I would've been more upset with the mis-characterizations that go around but after reading orv now and seeing how singshong wrote yhk to tell us that neither the writer nor the reader will ever have a perfect understanding of the characters. hsy thought that the protagonist is the incarnation of the author, but yjh proved to be a separate entity altogether. kdj was certain he Knew yjh best in the world and yet he couldn't understand him in multiple occasions. even in the new side story about lee hakhyun, there's a quiz like part where someone asks the audience "why did yjh regress 1863 times" and someone answered that's because the first train station opened in the year 1863. lee hakhyun, the "orv author" who was present thought to himself smth along the lines of "???? thats what it was??"
whatever the case, someone might read this and reblog it with smth along the lines of "you're mis-characterizing him too. yada yada did we read the same novel yada yada yada" and thats perfectly normal. except that i am competitive when it comes to my character analysis so i will actually argue with anyone who tells me im wrong (which is also why i rarely engage with meta lmao)
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