sunburst-healthcare · 2 years
Minimize Trips To Hospitals, Sunburst Brings you Healthcare At Home.
Many people are in the habit of commuting to hospitals at the drop of a hat.
The rising number of COVID cases mandate, that such behavior be curbed.
There is no need to expose ourselves to infection if we can access healthcare services from the comfort of the home.
Senior citizens, persons with long-term illnesses, and post-operative patients should avoid stepping out if avoidable.
It is estimated that about 60% of hospital visits are totally unnecessary.
Home healthcare brings down healthcare costs while at the same time, helps you avoid exposure to infections.
Sunburst Healthcare brings you a complete range of home healthcare services, provided by our professional and empathetic staff.
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paulrobertbowmanjr · 1 month
Cure or merely heal? Receive sufficient training. "Medician" or mere Physician. The choice is yours. #rationalhealthcare
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sunbursthealthcare · 3 years
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As the year 2020 draws to a close, it is time to look back and dwell on, what this year has taught us. Healthcare as an industry, went through a paradigm shift. For people in India, who never considered having a health insurance cover, suddenly a need was felt, to buy health insurance. Companies selling health insurance cover, saw quantum jump in new policies purchased. Elective procedures were relegated to the back burner. Suddenly, platforms offering Teleconsultations, remote monitoring and positive health messaging, became the flavour of the season. Home healthcare also got noticed as a mode of accessing healthcare. We feel this change in attitude, is here to stay, and it is not likely that people will go back to practices of earlier years. This for sure is a shining example of opportunity arising out of adversity. A Very Happy 2021 to the Healthcare Fraternity Across the Globe!!!
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sunburst-healthcare · 2 years
Home Monitoring And Care Package.
When we came out with our home monitoring package for COVID, little did we realize that it would be so useful to our patients. A daily consultation by an experienced physician, for 15 days, goes a long way to inspire confidence among COVID patients.
We also found that we were able to identify and address issues as they came up. Among our small series of 79 patients, we found only one patient had to be admitted to the hospital, for injectable medications.
She also did well and came home within a week.
All the others made a full recovery at home.
About 60% of our patients were senior citizens.
Here we are sharing a review received from one of our patients, which speaks volumes about the usefulness of our method of monitoring and managing patients with mild COVID at home.
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sunburst-healthcare · 2 years
Post Covid Recovery and Rehabilitation Package.
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COVID as we know has a long recovery period and there are many physical and mental sequelae, which need to be identified and addressed. Often the healthcare system is not geared to address these lingering problems, because they are hard-pressed to cater to the needs of the acutely ill. Sunburst Healthcare has therefore decided to step up and address the needs of these patients, who need to receive ongoing care, for some time after the acute phase of COVID is over. This led us to design our post COVID recovery and rehabilitation package. We hope we will be able to improve the quality of life of our patients recovering from COVID, through this endeavor.
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sunburst-healthcare · 2 years
Personalised Nutrionist Services- A PROMISE OF GOOD HEALTH.
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Health is a state of physical, mental, and social well-being and not just the absence of disease. A nutritious and personalized diet is key to sustained good health. We know that one size does not fit all, as far as diet is concerned. Sunburst Healthcare announces its professional Nutritionist Services, where patients are evaluated, and personalized dietary advice is provided specifically to the patient’s medical needs. Even so-called healthy people may benefit from a structured diet plan, created for their very own needs. With Metabolic Syndrome, a threat of colossal proportions, it is important for all to understand how their diet is impacting their health. The best part is that it can be done from the comfort of your home.
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sunburst-healthcare · 2 years
Sunburst Healthcare goes digital.
With immense pride, Sunburst Healthcare launches its technology platform Health Axis to support the ecosystem of Home Healthcare. Our mobile Apps are now live on Playstore and should be live on App Store with our IOS version, in a matter of days. Sunburst Viva is our patient App , which enables patients to register, enter medical information , buy services and do a video consultation. Our caregiver App is Sunburst Hygieia and our doctor’s App is Sunburst Aesclepius. We invite everyone to register on Sunburst Viva App, complete your medical information and get the first Teleconsultation with a senior MBBS doctor, absolutely free. Hurry, this an introductory offer. As we go digital, we look at the journey ahead, with a lot of excitement. Don’t wait, log in from here itself. https://bit.ly/3AVnFZd
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sunburst-healthcare · 2 years
Home Healthcare Makes Sense.. Compare cost of Extending Stay in Hospital.
In India, people are ready to spend on everything but healthcare. Going to restaurants, vacations, outings, buying cars, renovating and interiors, beauty treatments, spas, etc are all fine. When it comes to paying for healthcare…. It should be free or incredibly subsidized. What they don’t realize, is that these are qualified workforce who are spending their time and effort on doing a very valuable service. They cannot be bought off the shelf. It is years of hard work and sustained learning and effort which has brought them to this level. For home healthcare, there is an additional effort of spending time, fuel on commute. I have heard perfectly well to do clients with sufficient resources, say it is expensive. Well, compare it to the cost of an extended stay in hospitals or commuting to hospitals for minor requirements. It is the convenience of getting qualified people to visit at home, in your own time, you need to pay for their effort. Just a thought…..
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sunburst-healthcare · 2 years
Calling MBBS and Specialist Doctors, Nurses, physiotherapists, nutritionists, and psychologists in Pune and Mumbai.
Calling all nurses, doctors, physiotherapists, nutritionists, psychologists in Mumbai and Pune, to sign up with Sunburst Healthcare for a lucrative opportunity.
MBBS, DNB, and post-graduate students and specialist doctors willing to do some home visits in their vicinity, at their own convenience, can earn handsome amounts to supplement their full-time income.
Look forward to hearing from many of you to join hands for a mutually fulfilling partnership.
Very soon we will be in many other parts of the country as well.
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sunburst-healthcare · 2 years
For Palliative Care Remember Sunburst Healthcare..
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Palliative Care is one of the major facets of care which can be provided at home.
It is about living with care and dignity and not just waiting for death.
We feel privileged to be in a position to provide complete range of services to patients who have been informed that a complete cure is not possible.
Such patients don’t need to continue in hospitals for more time than necessary.
A familiar environment, being with loved ones, avoiding unnecessary trauma of futile and aggressive therapies ,much lower cost of care as compared to hospitalisation and better quality of life ,are the advantages that home healthcare can provide.
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sunburst-healthcare · 2 years
My entrepreneurial journey over the last four years, has been a thrilling experience
When I decided to foray into the healthtech zone, it was slightly unsettling for the community of healthcare providers on one side and the startup ecosystem, on the other.
A lady in her late fifties, with no business experience, a novice, as far as technology is concerned, trying to grapple with intricacies of company law and struggling to make sense of the startup ecosystem in the country.
Today I stand vindicated, having created a company of value at such a late stage in my career.
It was a major learning experience.
I look forward to learning a lot more and taking Sunburst Healthcare to new heights!
We are bootstrapped but are now on the lookout for strategic investors, to see how this company can go to the next level.
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sunburst-healthcare · 2 years
HEALTHCARE: Can technology replace the human touch
For healthcare, technology can only be an enabler. The moment healthcare loses its personal touch and becomes just Apps and algorithms, the human connection is lost. People still trust a human healthcare provider who they can identify and connect with.
Would love to hear from the community what is their opinion……..
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sunburst-healthcare · 2 years
Sunburst Healthcare Pvt. Ltd
ndia is the diabetes capital of the world . There are approximately 80 million living with diabetes in India which is a huge disease burden, by any yardstick. 11.2% of adult population suffers from diabetes. Another 10.3% are pre-diabetic.Diabetes leads to multiple target organ involvement and increases morbidity and mortality significantly.
The current exponential rise of diabetes in India is mainly attributed to lifestyle changes. The rapid change in dietary patterns, physical inactivity, and increased body weight, especially the accumulation of abdominal fat are some of the primary reasons for increased prevalence.
So if lifestyle has caused diabetes to increase to epidemic proportions, the answer lies in making the right lifestyle changes.
Sunburst Healthcare offers to its patients, a multi-disciplinary Diabetes Management Program.
This program is designed to prevent, control and mitigate the effects of diabetes.
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sunburst-healthcare · 2 years
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What better way to end 2021 , and get ready for the New Year, than to get a Comprehensive Preventive Healthcare Package done with us.
Reports available same evening. Doctor’s consultation free.
You don’t have to fall ill to seek healthcare.
Invest in a health check up to detect health problems early on.
At unbelievably low prices, our packages are simply unmatched!
What’s more, you don’t have to step out of your home.
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sunburst-healthcare · 2 years
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Doctors- General Practitioners and those belonging to all specialities and superspecialities, are invited to get empaneled with Sunburst Healthcare. You can now opt for home visits, Teleconsultations and offer Second Opinion to OUR patients. Our doctor App - Sunburst Aesclepius is now live on Playstore and AppStore. You can download App to enrol or call or WhatsApp us at 8446006390. This is a whole new era of collaboration for patient care. Let us make quality healthcare accessible to many more patients. Click here to download this app For Android User https://bit.ly/3sAGduc For an iOS User https://apple.co/3HWyAF2
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sunbursthealthcare · 3 years
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