#ravi panikkar blurb
shmaptainwrites · 1 year
Thank you 🥰🫨
Pairings: Ravi Panikkar x Erin Nash (OC)
Warnings: pregnancy and birth mentions
Note: so this is set in the same universe as the Bobby x Reader blurb “I Love You” but with a slight modification made so instead of Reader it’s an OC (Tamara). The plots are exactly the same just one allowed me to be more free with my image of the characters than the other
Adore (4+1)
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Ravi’s only plan that day after work was to come home, chuck his bag across the floor, flop onto his couch and fall asleep. He’d only just thrown his bag off to the side when there was a knock at his door and he groaned internally. He didn’t think there could possibly be anything enticing enough to rouse him away from his original plan, but when he opened the door and barely even had a chance to say hi before Erin walked right past him and into the kitchen with a big paper bag the thought crossed his mind that perhaps there was one thing.
“Hey I know you had a long shift today, but I figured you’d be starving since you got off before dinner and I know dad hasn’t been working so the food is probably questionable anyways, and you don’t ever eat nearly as much as you should with all the work that you’re doing,” Erin said without wasting a breath and unpacking the bag she had brought with her.
“Erin, slow down,” Ravi chuckled.
“Sorry,” she said, feeling her cheeks warm up in embarrassment due to her rambling. “I brought your burritos from your favourite place. I thought we could have dinner together.”
Ravi came over to his friend and wrapped her tightly in his arms.
“Erin, you are my favourite person in the world right now,” he said. “I was just going to come home and crash and I didn’t even realize how hungry I was until I smelt-oh my God is that the steak burrito?”
“Yep,” Erin laughed and handed it to him. “And your favourite drink to go with it,” she handed him a giant bottle of sparkling mango juice.
Ravi couldn’t help himself, he pressed a kiss to her cheek and dragged her and the food to the couch.
Ravi was so hungry he ate his first burrito before Erin could even get halfway through hers.
“Lucky I got you another one,” she chuckled and pulled more food out of the bag.
This time he ate a little more slowly as they chatted and caught up over the time they hadn’t seen each other. Erin opened the mango juice and took a sip straight from the bottle before passing it over to Ravi who laughed as she drank from the comically large bottle.
Erin told him about another odd thing her supervisor had done recently when she had gone in to look over some things for her thesis with her and Ravi just watched her with the sweetest look in his eyes.
“Ravi, why are you looking at me like that,” she chuckled.
“I just…adore you,” he smiled.
“Okay someone’s feeling a little sappy,” she playfully nudged him.
“No I mean it,” he sat up properly. “You know what I need before even I know it. You remember my favourite things, you come and tell me the most random stories about your supervisor, what more reason do I need?”
“Alright,” she smiled. “I’ll take your word for it Panikkar.”
“Ravi,” Erin stopped him quickly. “I don’t know if I can do this.”
“Of course you can, Erin your dad is my boss,” he emphasized. “If I can face him every day at work, you can meet my parents.”
“I know, I know,” she nodded but squirmed with stress. Ravi gently grabbed her wrists and got her to look him in the eye. “I just really want them to like me.”
“They’re going to love you,” he assured you. “That’s a Panikkar promise.”
Ravi gave her a quick kiss for comfort and she nodded once more, taking a deep breath before Ravi knocked on the door.
When the door opened, the couple barely had a moment to breathe before they were engulfed in warm hugs from both Ravi’s parents.
“Erin, it's so good to meet you,” his mother said. “You’re just as beautiful as he described.”
She came to gently cradle Erin’s face in a motherly way and Erin couldn’t help but smile, maybe Ravi was right this wouldn’t be so bad.
“Please let’s go inside, dinner is ready,” his father ushered them in and Erin admired the home her boyfriend had grown up in. It reminded her of her parents’ first house in Minnesota, a little bit on the smaller side, but not lacking in personality.
“Erin, I hope Ravi’s made you his favourite dish before,” his mother said.
“Barbecued chicken seasoned with some masala spices right?” she turned to Ravi and he nodded his head.
“Did he ever tell you how that came about?” his father asked.
“No I don’t think he has?” she shook her head while Ravi pulled out her chair for her.
“Must have slipped my mind,” he squeezed her shoulder. “I don’t know why mama finds it so funny.”
“I wouldn’t say it’s funny,” his mother offered, placing a dish full of chicken on the table while his dad brought the rice. “You’ll see why I like the story once I tell it,” she assured Erin. “Ravi’s father and I were always worried that since he was born here in LA, he wouldn’t appreciate the food we grew up on as much as the food all the other kids around him were eating, but one day he comes back from class and asks me if we can have barbecue for dinner. So I try to throw something together and decided to season the chicken with some masala spices. Lo and behold, Ravi becomes obsessed with the dish and we have it once a week for the rest of the year. He’d share it with his friends, ask for it on his birthday, anything, you name it.”
“Oh that is sweet,” Erin grinned. “I’m not sure how much Ravi’s told you about my family, but food is very big for us. My dad was training to become a chef before he was a firefighter. So I’m very glad you guys are sharing this with me.”
“Of course,” Ravi’s father nodded. “Anyone who’s important to our son is important to us.”
Erin smiled again and the two older Panikkar’s didn’t hesitate to begin to serve her food.
The conversation around the dinner table was lighthearted with lots of laughs. Erin knew Ravi was not easily embarrassed, but his parents seemed to know all the right stories to tell to make him hide his face in mortification.
After dinner was over, Ravi and Erin cleared the table together and Ravi asked Erin if she felt okay to spend some time with his parents without him while he washed the dishes.
“Yeah, I think I’ll be okay,” she nodded and they shared another quick kiss before parting ways.
Erin sat next to Ravi’s mother who took her hands in her own and began recounting stories of her son from his childhood.
“What was it like growing up in Minnesota?” his father asked.
“Cold,” Erin chuckled, “but it was home. I played hockey as a kid so I have a lot of memories from tournaments and games. My parents were my biggest cheerleaders. I think you guys would actually get along really well.”
“From what Ravi tells us I think so too,” Mr. Panikkar nodded.
“Ravi,” Erin called. “What’s a good story from my childhood that I can tell?”
“The one about when Mari was born,” he responded.
Of course he would pick that one. Erin chuckled and thought to herself.
“Alright, so my sister Mariella was born under pretty interesting circumstances. My mother’s pregnancy with her was quite difficult so my dad wanted to treat her to a weekend away before she was due. I stayed with my uncle during this time, but it turns out my sister had no intention of waiting until her due date and came early. My dad had to deliver her in the cabin they were staying in and it was a whole thing,” she waved her hand. “Anyways, when my parents came over to my uncle’s home with my baby sister I refused to believe she was my sister because I didn’t meet her at the hospital like my parents had promised. It took them a whole month to convince me that she was, in fact, my little sister and during that first month I made their life absolute hell because I thought she was some sort of imposter sent out to steal my parents from me.”
Erin could hear Ravi laughing from the kitchen and his parents joined in with him, the story was ridiculous but she was six and headstrong, it took a lot to deter her from her opinions.
When Ravi came back into the living room, he saw Erin squished between his parents, bent over a photo album, sharing stories and laughing together like they’d known each other for ages.
The night soon came to an end and Erin and Ravi were sent on their way with containers of food and dessert.
After the door closed behind them, Ravi pulled Erin close and pressed a firm kiss to her lips.
“I adore you,” he smiled. “And I think it’s safe to say my parents do too.”
Erin laughed and simply pressed another kiss to his lips.
“Good, because I love them.”
Ravi wrapped an arm around Erin’s waist and sighed contentedly when Erin rested her head against his shoulder as they walked to the car.
Erin yawned and stretched her arms out only to have her yawn stifled by a kiss.
“Good morning Mrs. Panikkar,” Ravi mumbled against her lips and she couldn’t help but grin.
“Morning, Mr. Panikkar.”
When her eyes finally adjusted to the warm morning light pouring into their room, she turned around to face her husband only to be pulled in close to his chest.
“How long have you been staring at me,” she asked with a chuckle.
“Oh not too long, just half an hour,” Ravi shrugged.
“Half an hour?!” Erin laughed. “Ravi, you should have woken me up!”
“You just looked so peaceful,” he tilted her chin up to look at him. “And I know better than to disturb the bride and her beauty sleep.”
“Says the guy who threw a fit when I woke him up at nine for a dentist appointment,” Erin rolled her eyes and Ravi laughed.
Erin let one of her hands rest against Ravi’s cheek before running her fingers through his hair. She couldn’t believe she was married, and lucky enough to be married to her best friend.
“I love you,” she smiled with a look of fondness in her eyes.
“I love you too,” Ravi leaned down and kissed her slowly, savouring every moment.
When they pulled apart he took her hand and pressed small kisses along the intricate designs so carefully drawn on them.
Ravi thought Erin had been a saint, listening to both of their parents and including them in the planning process while still making the wedding their own.
He promised himself he wouldn’t cry, but when he saw Erin walk out dressed in a beautiful flowing lehenga — at the insistence of his own mother — he couldn’t keep the tears at bay.
“What are you thinking about?” Erin asked, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Last night,” he tilted his head downwards so his forehead could rest against hers. “How lucky I am to have you in my life, how I just adore you.”
“I’m just as lucky,” Erin insisted. “I got to marry my best friend.”
“We’re both a little screwed for tonight though,” he chuckled. “Family dinner.”
“Oh God, Mari and Val are going to be relentless,” Erin groaned.
“Don’t worry I have a game plan,” Ravi assured Erin.
“Which is?”
“Tell on them. Specifically to your mother.”
Erin burst out laughing and nodded her head,
“A perfect plan,” she kissed him once more, thinking she’d never been happier in her whole life.
“Oh my goodness,” Tamara whispered. “She’s so-she’s so precious.”
Erin and Ravi smiled, looking down at the sweet little new born baby in their arms, the baby they had created.
“Everyone, this is Mina Panikkar,” Erin introduced. “Mina meet your grandparents and aunties.”
Ravi and Erin both gave their daughter a kiss before passing her first to Erin’s mother, Tamara, who was immediately crowded by the rest of the relatives.
Bobby quickly slipped away to give a kiss to his own daughter and remind her of how proud he and her mother were of her.
Ravi was glued to his wife’s side, unable to believe there was a time when he thought this wouldn’t be a good idea. The second Mina was born, any lingering remaining senses of doubt had vanished, all that mattered was her and Erin. It was that simple.
Ravi sat next to Erin on the hospital bed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her gently into his side.
“If you’re tired you can sleep,” he whispered to her.
“I’m okay,” she assured him. “Plus you think I’d miss this show?” she pointed to her parents and in-laws already smothering her child while her sisters stood annoyed in the back that they weren’t getting their turn.
“Hey Mari, where’s Buck?” Erin asked.
“He wanted to bring you guys something, he’s on his way,” she said. “How are you feeling?”
“Sore, a little dazed,” Erin admitted. “But happy. I’m very happy.”
“What about you, Ravi?” Valerie jumped in.
“I’m not gonna lie I freaked out when she went into labour, but now that Mina’s here and healthy and safe,” he shrugged, there wasn’t a word to encompass what he was feeling.
“You guys seem really at peace,” Mariella noted.
“Yeah,” Erin sighed. “It’s easy to feel that way when you know your baby’s going to be so loved.”
Ravi pressed a kiss to Erin’s temple as they watched the grandparents finally let Mariella and Valerie get a little closer and come say hi to their niece.
“Erin,” he whispered.
“Yeah, V?”
“I adore you.”
Erin smiled and curled in closer to her husband.
“Good. That’s the least I deserve after pushing a human out of my body after growing it for nine months.”
Ravi chuckled and kissed Erin once more.
“Yes, it definitely is.”
“Mommy! Mom! Psst!”
Erin blinked her eyes open and saw her daughter leaning forward on the edge of her bed.
“Wake up! Daddy’s coming with a surprise!”
Erin yawned with a small chuckle, it wasn’t much of a surprise now, but she listened to her daughter and sat up on the bed, pulling her up there with her.
“Did Daddy send you in here to see if I was awake?” Erin asked and Mina nodded.
“Daddy! Mommy’s awake!” she yelled and Erin laughed, this was definitely not the way Ravi wanted things to go.
The door opened to their room and Ravi came in with baby Anush strapped to his chest and a tray full of breakfast foods and coffee.
“I’m assuming there’s no point in saying surprise?” he asked and Erin nodded. “Happy anniversary sweetheart.”
“Happy anniversary, Ravi,” Erin and Ravi shared a sweet kiss before Mina decided to break them apart.
“Mommy look, I helped Daddy with the waffles,” she pointed and Erin gave her a smacking kiss on her cheek.
“I see that! Thank you my lovey,” Erin grinned. “And thank you too,” she held Ravi’s hand and looked at him fondly while her son lay fast asleep against his chest.
“There is one thing though that is really a surprise,” he pulled something out of his pocket. “Just a little present.”
She took the envelope from his hands and peeled it open only to see two seasons tickets to the Anaheim Ducks.
“What do you think? Date nights for the next little bit?” he asked.
“Ravi, I adore you,” she chuckled and brought him in for another kiss. “I adore how you know me, how you love me, how you love our children. I adore every single piece of you.”
A bright smile made its way to Ravi’s face and he easily slipped his hand into Erin’s.
“The feeling is mutual,” he kissed her hand. “Very much mutual.”
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Tags: @lostinthefandoms11 @honeybrowne
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ao3feed-chicagofire · 11 months
modern family aus
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QRj0tf
by firetruckstuckley
the one with the “talking heads” or interviews as well as blurbs based on modern family, 911 and one chicago. some prompts will be from modern family, or other shows or just random ones.
Words: 43, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of modern family aus
Fandoms: 9-1-1 (TV), Modern Family (TV 2009), Chicago Fire, Chicago PD (TV), Chicago Med
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Matthew Casey, Kelly Severide, Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, Karen Wilson, Evan “Buck” Buckley, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Athena Grant, Bobby Nash, Cindy Herrmann, Will Halstead, Connor Rhodes, Maddie Buckley, Howie “Chimney” Han, Jay Halstead, Wallace Boden, Ravi Panikkar, Sylvie Brett, Stella Kidd, Kim Burgess, Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz, April Sexton, Maggie Lockwood, Natalie Manning, Christopher Herrmann
Relationships: Matthew Casey/Kelly Severide, Henrietta "Hen" Wilson/Karen Wilson, Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Athena Grant/Bobby Nash, Christopher Herrmann/Cindy Herrmann, Will Halstead/Connor Rhodes, Maddie Buckley/Howie "Chimney" Han
Additional Tags: AU, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, married, bobby and athena are tired parents, Bobby and Athena are Buck’s parents, More tags to be added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QRj0tf
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shmaptainwrites · 1 year
❝𝟡-𝟙-𝟙 𝕓𝕝𝕦𝕣𝕓𝕤❞
- Legend -
☼ - Female Reader
☾ - Gender Neutral Reader
❆ - Headcanon
All mini blurbs
Bobby Nash
Not Like That ☾
Amateur Sleuth ☾
I Love You ☼
Appropriate ☾
Evan Buckley
Meet the Gang ☾
Sweaters ☾
Ravi Panikkar x Erin Nash (OC)
Adore (4+1)
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