#ray blackwell/lancelot kingsley
Ancestral Blood (Ikemen Revolution)
Ray and Lancelot decide to explore the ruins of the castle in the Forbidden Forest. What they find is a locked door that only their magic can open, revealing a secret lost to time itself.
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The castle in the forest had been relatively unexplored for centuries. Historians were the only visitors now, going through the place in their efforts to learn more about the country's history. However, such occasions had dwindled significantly in the past century or so. Stonework in the castle crumbled, blocking off stairwells and passageways. Animals had made their homes here, the remnants of nests scattered about. But these relics paled in comparison to the slight buzz still in the air from all the crystals that had occupied the building recently - a stockpile stashed away by the former head of the Magic Tower, Amon. While Alice the Second and both armies had located the crystals and rescued Cradle from near disaster, their ambient energy still charged the very air even after they had been removed. 
It was making the hair on the back of Ray's neck stand on end. 
"I'll get this next batch." The King of Hearts, Lancelot Kingsley, stepped out from his position alongside Ray and waved his hand. With a red glimmer in his eyes, the stones blocking the top of the third floor stairwell were slotted back into place within the ceiling above. Ray watched it with a careful gaze, taking in the way Lancelot utilized his magic with little effort. 
"Thanks, King Lancelot," he said as the path was cleared, taking tentative steps up the rest of the stairs, ready to cast a levitation spell at any moment. 
The two had come into the forest to practice magic, as had become routine after the two armies made peace. However, today, Lancelot and Ray both agreed to conduct a more practical lesson, combining it with their joint effort to examine the old fortress to ensure Amon had left no other surprises. 
“The upper floor’s definitely in better condition,” Ray noted. “That makes sense, given that animals probably couldn’t get up here as easily as downstairs.”
Lancelot nodded in agreement. “Indeed. Perhaps there will be more from Cradle’s history than we expect.”
“While I would love to believe that, too, this building has definitely been ransacked before. I’m sure any thief worth their salt would have found a way upstairs, especially back then. It will be a miracle if there is anything.”
Lancelot hummed thoughtfully. “This is only a practical lesson. It’s still worth exploring.”
Surprised at Lancelot’s excitement, concealed under the guise of a “lesson,” Ray continued to follow close behind. 
They investigated old guest rooms and sitting areas, a room that must have been a library - the sight of all books either gone or torn asunder broke Ray’s heart - and a couple of bedrooms, the beds stripped down to the frames for any cloth and ornamentation of value. 
But as they walked, Ray ahead of Lancelot, he paused, staring. 
It was a door that caught Ray’s attention. 
The paint had faded with time, most likely from the broken chunk of ceiling above that now cast light upon it. It almost beckoned him closer, and Ray allowed himself to be led by the siren’s call. 
The pair of double doors was tall – imposing. While some of the paint had faded with time, the blue and gold gilding was still brilliant. A heart, club, diamond, and spade trailed down on either side of the handles, an equal balance of Red and Black. Crystals were embedded into the wood and handles, and Ray reached out to take one in hand.
And a jolt ran through his body, snapping him back. Lancelot was at his side in an instant, but Ray shook his head.
“This door is locked with magic,” Ray stated.  “It felt like old magic.”
Lancelot placed his own on as well, tracing the designs gingerly before humming in agreement. “Old magic, indeed.” He stared up at the door as he drummed his fingers against it. “It’s sealed with two different kinds, I believe.” 
“You can tell?”
“You learn to sense these things. My father’s magic and I were quite similar, but when I work with you, King Ray… it is vastly different. And this magic… feels just like both of those.” 
Ray raised an eyebrow. “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“... Let’s see just what that means.” Lancelot gestured to the other door. “Time for a test. Put your hand on as well. This time, lean into the magic.” 
Still skeptical, Ray reached out, his fingers resting against the wood. This time, he allowed himself to sink into the sensation that crept along his arm, settling inside of him with a comforting hum.
“On three, ask it to open. One…”
Ray took a deep breath, his eyes fluttering shut.
There was crimson in his vision when he opened his eyes, letting out a sigh. 
“... Three.” 
Open. A command befitting a King resonated in his skull. It echoed powerfully, his magic harmonizing with the magic nestled within the door. 
The crystals on the door illuminated, and opened before them. A dark room lay beyond, but Lancelot smiled and stepped forward with confidence. The dim sunlight came with, shining on darkened corners. While still worn with age and time, the room had a majesty to it. 
“I do believe this room has never been explored before. I assume nobody has been able to open it.” Lancelot turned about. “This may be one of the rooms that only the first Red and Black Kings had access to.”
“What?!” Ray darted inside, casting his own ball of light – too quickly, and ambitious, as it flared up to a blinding glare, which immediately diminished when he cursed at it. 
“Patience,” Lancelot chided. “I’ll manage the light.” With ease and poise worthy of his many years of practice, he split his ball of light in two, casting them to each side of the room. 
They illuminated a pair of desks, facing one another. They were well-structured and elegantly carved, matched by two chairs that had seen better days. Fraying rugs covered the floorboards, with gaps visible here and there from age and decay. 
“A study, then,” Ray said aloud, taking the time to head over to the desk on the right. Curiosity got the better of him, and he started tugging at the drawers. Pines from quills and unopened ink bottles greeted him, along with a few yellowed pages in a more archaic form of their current language. Deciding to not parse them right now, he placed them on the desk and intended to keep going when Lancelot called out. 
“King Ray, come here.” 
The hitch in his voice made Ray pause, head shooting up to look. Lancelot was starting to step towards the back of the room, a seating area accompanied by two couches and a low table. However, that was not what had caught his interest. 
Ray hurried to join him, and his gaze caught the edges of gilded frames. Paintings.
The building had been ransacked over the years time and time again, so the thought of discovering anything new sent a shiver up Ray's spine. 
One ball of light moved closer when beckoned, and Ray and Lancelot stared up at the paintings.
While grime and dust coated the surface, the works of art had not lost their brilliance. They were taller than either man, declaring to the whole crumbling hall that they were the most important figures present. 
The man on the left had a stern gaze, light brown hair trimmed short and framing brilliant blue eyes. His chin was held aloft, proud and poised. 
But the painting on the right was much more interesting, due to the people that stood before it. 
"... That is the spitting image of you, King Ray."
Even when Lancelot whispered those words aloud, Ray could not believe it himself. A mischievous emerald gaze stared out across the room, but to Ray it felt as if he was looking at a mirror. It was as if someone had planted it here, for him to find. 
“... Must be a coincidence, a trick of the light,” Ray said, realizing his mouth was dry as he tried to speak. “There’s no way.”
“All kinds of things are possible given how long Cradle has been established.” Lancelot stood firm on his stance, still casting glances between Ray and the painting before them. 
Ray shook his head, as if to deny it. However, a small spark had lit up in his heart, growing warmer with each passing moment. His magic had reacted to the door. His abilities had allowed him to open it. And now, it was his image – his ancestor – that they found in the room before them. 
He reached out a hand to touch the painting, fingers barely grazing the surface out of fear he might damage it. Staring up at the figure once more, he could almost imagine what this man was scheming behind those glittering eyes. Surely, something that his brother would sigh and complain about. 
Lancelot left Ray a moment, pacing the room and casting more lights to illuminate the space. It was probably more brilliantly lit than it had ever been before, and revealed how truly ornate the room was. 
“This must have been their study,” Lancelot said aloud, having most likely come to the same conclusion as Ray. “Of the two kings of Cradle.”
“To think they used to work together like this…” Ray trailed off as he finally turned away from the paintings, staring out at the room before them. “When history tells us they fought against each other, but there was a time they worked together.”
“They were brothers.” Lancelot now went towards the desk on the other side, opening drawers the same way Ray had done minutes prior. “But we can certainly assume this room has not been opened since they parted ways.” 
Ray’s eyes widened. What Lancelot said was most likely true – the door had not obeyed when it was only his magic. It only reacted when both of them had opened it together, willing their magic to unlock the doors. 
“... So that makes us distant relatives?” Ray asked, a teasing tone to his voices, his eyes glittering the same as the painting behind him. 
Lancelot turned, chin raised high in perfect profile with the other painting. “So distant that it is barely worth a mention. You are no family of mine.”
Ray laughed then, grinning wide. “It has been centuries. But still, what a discovery. We’ll have to tell Blanc about it when we get back. This is amazing.”
“It truly is.” Lancelot gathered a few documents he had found in his hands. He doubted they would be worth anything of value, but any history from before the brothers’ war was vague at best. “Well worth our time today, indeed.”
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midwinterrmemento · 1 year
good afternoon, let’s talk about this official art again
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ragyragd0ll · 2 months
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ikemen-trifecta · 28 days
I'm very proud of the last one. –Edi
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
Ikerev & Zombie Apocalypse?
Of course, anon dear! I'm so, so sorry this took forever to get back to you but if you're still reading, I hope you'll enjoy the headcanons I thought of for this AU!
Okay, so we're going into this with me forewarning everyone. By it's very nature, a zombie apocalypse AU is going to get dark, gritty, angsty, and probably a little fucked up and as I love getting the chance to get angsty and dark, you know things might get fucked up here and there with some of these headcanons. If that is not your cup of tea or something you think might bother you, it might be better for you to stop reading.
So now that we have that out of the way, if you're still reading, let's get this all started. So, in my head, this AU is less of an actual alternate universe. I still very much see this set in Cradle, with the same universe existing of Magic and the Magic Tower and the different armies. However, I don't see the armies as still really fighting each other - they are at peace and the Magic Tower, though definitely still shady as fuck and definitely still up to no real good, isn't thought of as an absolute threat. Everything seems good and peaceful and that's part of the real set-up of this AU.
So, to get to the real meat of this AU. So, everything is nice and peaceful. Life seems idyllic. But then things start to change. The Magic Tower, still headed by Amon Jabberwock, is doing what the Magic Tower always does - experimenting with the Magic Crystals, seeing what can be done with them. Their latest experiment is working with the crystals and humans to see if, by ingesting bits of the crystals and thus integrating them into the human body, they can enhance the boundaries of what a human body and mind can do. The experiments seem to be well-meaning, are sold as looking to find cures for aging, for disabilities, for anything bad that can possibly happen to a human body or mind. What they're really after, or at least what Amon wants them for, is to create his own army of superhuman soldiers to conquer Cradle, though not even his followers are really privy to that fact.
Too bad the experiments seem to be failing. Most of the humans experimented on are dying…and then things seem to change. Things start to appear to be going well and the Magic Tower rejoices and gets inspired to really test even further limits of the experiment. The long and short of it though - these new Crystal infused humans? They're super-strong, seemingly impervious to all harm except complete decapitation to sever the connection of brain and body, with superhuman senses…oh, and they all go insane. Like, their brain goes bad - all limiters are taken off and they start to act solely on impulses and basic desires instead of any rational thoughts or logic. They're extremely violent if threatened at all or if something stands in the way of one of their wants. They experience extreme hunger at points and if food isn't readily available….well, humans are a source of meat too. They crave sex, food, shelter, warmth, liquid. Some of them retain enough of their personalities to have cravings for things they especially loved before the experiments as well.
The worst thing? Though they start as mindless, they quickly seem to link up into some sort of hive-mind and they start enhancing their numbers. If they don't outright kill, they forcibly turn others into beings like themselves by forcibly feeding them crystals. If the person survives this, they join The Hive.
It starts in the Tower. Amon willingly joins The Hive, makes himself the Head of it. Dalim, being a Disciple of the Tower, is in this initial first attack by these creatures. Terrified and no longer trusting in Amon, Dum does do the right thing in the end and tries to ensure that the experiment dies in the Tower, that none of the infected escape the Tower. He helps get other Disciples out but unfortunately, he succumbs to an attack by several of the infected and gets forcibly recruited into The Hive.
The infected surge out of the Tower and it's not too long before the peace of Cradle is completely shattered and things become a full out 'zombie apocalypse'. The armies each do their best to fight The Hive and protect the citizens but still steadfastly refuse to join forces with each other until much later on in the story.
I see Jonah as being one of the first to die. It's not because he's not strong and more than a capable fighter. It's because he's just genuinely someone who doesn't have a lot of common sense. His death comes in the first wave of the infected out of the Tower. He chose bravery and doing his duty but, after seeing other soldiers downed and even seeing some be forcibly infected, his ego and lack of common sense really did him in and he gets slaughtered and eaten.
Though he'll last throughout most of the story, I do see Lancelot dying. It's his death that inspires the two armies to join forces and come together, actually. The thing is, as a magically strong person already, the Hive (and Amon, their leader) didn't want to kill Lancelot. No, they became almost obsessed with changing him, with making him a part of the Hive. Though Lancelot was strong and clever enough to hold them off for a long time, while saving someone else whilst in the midst of battle, he was left vulnerable for long enough to be force fed what was needed to ensure he would eventually turn. Though the only one who was aware of this was Kyle, who steadfastly maintained that they would find a way to save Lance, Lancelot knew what needed to be done. He told Sirius and Harr the truth of what had happened and begged his two best friends to do what needed to be done - to kill him.
Sirius was the one to actually end up doing the deed. He'd already lost most of his family and by that point, had seen enough other people die. He'd been so strong up until that point and he'd inspired so many people to keep going with his never give up attitude, his optimism that things would get better, and his hard work. But after that, after being forced to kill one of his oldest and dearest friends? He sure kept trying, so hard, but the fact of the matter was that after that, Sirius really started to give up. Another major story event really did him in and he almost recklessly charged into the next major battle with The Hive and was taken down. Those close by at the time said he seemed almost relieved as The Hive killed him.
That other major story event? It has to do with Harr. Harr was a Magic Tower Disciple who had abducted his position the second the Tower started experimenting on humans. It was just something Harr could not handle, could not get behind, so he left. He did his best to keep his eye on things with the Tower though, worried about what might happen. When the worst does happen, Harr feels immense guilt for not having done more to stop this from happening. He becomes obsessed with finding a cure for those infected, with stopping this with as little bloodshed as possible. Loki helps him, as does Kyle, who also becomes obsessive about finding a cure.
As the days and weeks go by though and they seem to be getting nowhere, Kyle starts drinking harder and harder and becoming more and more reckless in his efforts to learn more about the infected. He needs test subjects and by the time the armies manage to trap and transport an infected person to him, not only have they suffered major casualties, but the infected in question is normally dead as well. Kyle becomes tired of seeing people die and being helpless to stop it and he directly goes out into the field. Dead infected specimens aren't helping; he needs a live one and becomes bound and determined to get one. While trying to do so, Kyle gets captured and changed.
The newly infected Kyle is feral and attacks his former comrades, killing Loki. Between Loki's death and Kyle's change, combined with watching Sirius kill Lancelot just the day before, Harr cannot handle things anymore. It's too much and his brain just can't deal. Harr takes a dive, head first, from the place this all started - the Tower itself. He's dead upon impact with the ground, quick and painless, but dead nonetheless.
Because the idea, while horrible, was too delicious to resist…I really do see Dean being brutally savaged and beaten to death by his own infected brother. The sibling rivalry had carried over enough in the infected Dalim's mind for the need to kill his brother to be a major desire of his.
Now, I have always kind of headcanoned that Mousse has narcolepsy. Obviously he doesn't have a route so I don't know for sure if that is canonically true but I see that being his undoing in this AU. He gets infected in his sleep very early on in the story.
Oliver becomes very useful though. He devotes himself to making weapons and traps and fortifying buildings to become shelters. Though he doesn't go into battles himself and is very protected, he's such an important and integral part of everything.
I do see Edgar, Fenrir, and Seth becoming rather famous as front line warriors against the Hive. All or any of them alone become major targets of the Hive because of how many infected they take out and how integral a part of survival in this new world they become.
After Lancelot's death, Blanc and Ray become co-leaders, trying everything they can to gather and ensure the safety of all non-infected individuals. Blanc keeps an eye and really dedicates himself to ensuring the non-infected are safe and taken care of and that shelter, food, water, and basic needs can be met for everyone while Ray leads the more military side of ensuring continued life and safety for the survivors.
Zero ends up specializing in rescue missions, in getting groups of non-infected people to safety, and really ends up becoming Blanc's second in command. Luka, meanwhile, stays under Ray and does fight…Luka's biggest regret in everything though? That he couldn't save his brother. So he becomes foolhardy and reckless at times, taking risks he shouldn't, because to him, if he can save even just one more person…maybe that will take some of the guilt away, absolve him even a little. Even just a smidge.
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shuubah · 1 year
When fluff is life, and Luka the angel stands above all! 💜😤
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rene-frog · 1 year
⚠️Bad english⚠️
Some headcanon that have have in my mind for while
Lancelot have an old photo with Sirius & Harr in their days at school hidden on one drawer of his desk
Edgar sometimes move thing of Jonah's desk to put in a different order to make fun of him when Jonah don't find the thing even if it are on the same desk
Zero likes take power naps in grass and is not often but not uncommon to see him resting on the yard
Sometimes Luka gets paranoid, feeling someone is looking him in the shadows
Sirius really wish to have a big family, but thinks that he is not prepared to get marry and forms a family
Fenrir and Ray have arguments about what is better cats or dogs
Oliver hate when adults talk cute to him when he is in his child form
Mousse someday fallen slept in middle of an important exam
Ray is a short king, literally the short in the black army quintet
Lancelot prefers home made food than fancy ones
Seth teached his sister pig's latin language to have secret conversations
Blanc know some song from land of reasons
Dean sometimes get in trouble when Dalim's exes confused with him
Luka have more rizz than he think he have, Fenri & Ray make fun of him when Luka is getting flirt and don't get it
Loki's begged Harr for a week to be able to adopt Cherry
Seth likes to eat most unknown brand of jam
Jonah often orders Zero to sneak in black army to keep informed about Luka
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chaosangel767 · 2 years
Pls some nsfw hcs with Lancelot, Ray, Jonah, Luka, and Edgar: they come back home and after taking a shower they go to their room to get some rest but surprisingly they find Alice waiting for them while she's wearing only one specific piece of their clothing for example Lancelot's cape or Jonah's pink shirt along with his red leg strap(≖‿≖) thanks!
Hey Darling! 💝💝 Thank you for your request. I had way to much fun writing this one.
Fandom: IkeRev
Suitors:Lancelot, Ray, Jonah, Luka, Edgar
Tagging:  @thewitchofbooks, @psychoangelinmydreams, @ikesimp100, @queen-dahlia , @canaria-blackwell , @citizensofcradle , @devildomwritersposts , @ikehoe , @littlewitty , @curious-skybunny , @kpop-and-otome , @aquagirl1978 ,@kissmetwicekissmedeadly , @lordsisterxotome , @tele86, @sarahann-1984 -If your name is crossed out I was unable to tag you. If you want to be tagged/untagged please let me know or fill out this form here.
Scenario NSFW - Suitor comes home and takes a shower. Leaving the bathroom he looks up to find Alice wearing only...
• Alice is sitting innocently on the edge of his bed. Her body is wrapped in Lancelots heavy mantle, but he can see hints of bare skin underneath.
• Approaching Alice while drying his hair, Lancelot raises a single eyebrow at her in question.
• "If I wear the mantle does that mean I am King?" The teasing note in her voice pairs well with the mischievous grin on her face. Lancelot grabs her chin, his fingers brushing along her skin.
• "Only if you can handle the burden the King bears" the whisper is centimeters from her lips, before Lancelot gives her a firm kiss. Lowering her back on the bed behind her he unwrap his mantle from around her body, peppering the skin as it's exposed in marks and kisses.
• His Alice, the sight of her in his mantle drives that fact home. Alice is his.
• Ray leaves the bathroom to see Alice leaning against his headboard lost in a book. Drawing closer to her, Ray quickly realizes that her 'blanket' is actually his cape.
• Laughter falls from his lips, startling Akice from her book. She smiles when she sees Ray, shifting a little.
• Looking down, Ray catches a hint of brown leather on her thigh.
• "Alice, Why are you in my cape?" Tilting his head crawls over her, straddling her hips.
• "Because it was comfy and you didn't need it in the shower" her innocent smile is at odds with the twinkle in her eye.
• Ray kisses her, hus hands going under the cape, only to realize there was nothing underneath.
• "Naughty Alice" his voice drops as his pants tighten. He is quick to bear her body, not wanting her to be hidden from his gaze.
• He soaks in the image of her laying on his bed, the cape in question sprawled out under her.
• His fingers use his leg strap as leverage to keep her against him as he presses their bodies together, he makes a mental note to buy her more garters.
• When he exits the shower, Alice is sitting in the window. As he draws nearer to her, he realizes she is wearing only his pale pink shirt.
• "Alice" whispering her name, his hands reach out to her, but when his hand carresses her thigh, he feels smooth fabric. Looking down he realizes that long with his shirt, she is wearing his leg strap.
• Feeling suddenly flustered, Jonah slips a finger under one of the buttons on her shirt.
• "You are beautiful" his simple praise does its job as he watches the blush fall over Alice's cheeks. Scooping her up in his arms, he carries her to the bed, laying her down against his pillows.
• Purposely leaving his strap on her thigh, he deftly unbuttons her shirt, watching her skin be revealed. Trailing his finger across her stomach he loves the way she trembles, goosebumps rising in defense of his ghosting touch.
• Keeping the focus on Alice his fingers finally make their way down to his leg strap. Slipping a finger under it, he eases it down her leg. His lips follow it in kisses, the mewls and whimpers are a melody for him alone.
• Luka's eyes widen when he sees Alice sitting on the bed, his casual jacket is buttoned up, but he can't see anything else on.
• "Alice-" her name leaves his lips in a whisper as he draws near. His face breaks out in a blush.
• "Where are your clothes?" His fingers touch her chin and she looks up with innocent eyes.
• "I got cold while I was waiting for you so I wore your jacket. It smells good." Bringing her hand up, she smells the sleeve with a smile. The raising of the jacket reveals her thigh and hip.
• "Stop that," Luka tugs down the jacket, trying to make sense of the situation. His fingers brush her warm skin and more heat spreads throughout her body. Sitting down on the bed he pulls her into his lap. His finger seeks out the warm skin on her hips. Lowering his gaze, his eyes meet her desire filled one's and he can't hold back his desires anymore.
• Pressing his lips to hers, he hungrily kisses her, his fingers teasing thier way down to her core. As his fingers slip into her core he watches them, set on bringing Alice the same urging desire as he is feeling.
• "My beautiful Alice" his murmur is barely heard above her whimpers as he draws an orgasm, coating his fingers. Pressing a kiss to her lips, he smiles, set to let the heat consume them.
• Alice was waiting up for Edgar when he exits the shower. Surprised to not see her on the bed like usual, he looks around the room for her.
• An amused smile finds his face as a figure at his desk is bathed in moonlight. Drawing closer Edgar recognizes the white and red pattern of his uniform jacket. Approaching almost silently he peers over her shoulder to see what she is doing.
• "Hello Jack of Hearts" watching the way she jumps, twirling around with a startled look Edgar can't help the delighted laugh.
• Pouting, Alice blushes at being caught, she was hoping to get one up on the mischievous Jack. Edgar scoops her up and places her on top of his desk. He can't help but admire her in his jacket, his beautiful Alice. Trailing his finger along her jaw, he pictures her in a full red army uniform and his pants tighten. Massaging her thighs he notices that all she is wearing is his officer jacket and a wicked smile graces his face.
• Slipping his hand in between her legs, he teases her, keeping the jacket on. The stiff uniform fabric brushing against her sensitive skin, the way she arches her back and her nipples brush the fabric. He can't free his cock fast enough, set on making a mess on his desk and on his jacket. After all it isn't the first time.
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queen-dahlia · 2 years
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Cradle is Your Canvas
Lancelot: EN 2022 (obviously)
Ray: JP 2021
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peachyotome · 1 year
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I’m slowly getting through all the IkeRev routes that interested me!
Can't wait to share my thoughts with everyone for the other stories!
-Daisy 🌼
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yukkins64 · 1 year
I'm not crying
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youreawizardharr · 3 months
(Harr Silver x Eirene Chapman)
Fandom: Ikemen Revolution
Characters: Harr Silver
Genre: ---
Prompt: ---
Pairing: Harr Silver x Eirene Chapman
Warnings: Mentions of Blood and Violence
Tagging: @rairahime
Disclaimer: I do not create Harr, credits to Cybird for creating a character I love so much
Notes: Thank you @otomememento  for beta reading this story. I’m sorry for bothering you. This took me a long time to write and finish. I'm not confident with this little fic, but here it is. I hope you enjoy. This is my first attempt at writing something like this. I'm used to writing with another person, you see. So writing in this format is complicated for me. And while constructive criticism is very much appreciated, you don't have to be rude about it.
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Harr sensed the soldiers the moment they stepped through the treeline, lifting the hood of his cloak to conceal himself from view as he casted a simple teleportation spell. The area was bathed in a light blue illumination, leaving no traces that he had been there at all. Arriving at his destination, peeking over the side of a tree, the wizard eyed the group of soldiers, his ears picking up on their conversation.
"Where do you think the girl is? This forest doesn't appear to be ending anytime soon." The lone soldier complained, following the others. He stepped over a fallen log in the middle of the man-made trail, readjusting his anti-magic rifle. "The Magic Tower gave us clues about where to find the girl. That clue led us here, so she's somewhere in this forest." The captain responded calmly, then glared down at the low ranking soldier. "If the Commander heard you complaining, he'd punish you severely for your insubordination. He wants her alive, so make sure you don't harm her. Accidentally, or otherwise. Do I make myself perfectly clear? He already has plans for her." The other soldiers saluted their captain in response, pressing onward with renewed vigor, intending to carry out the commander's orders even if it meant their deaths.
As Harr stepped backwards, he made the simple mistake of snapping a twig in half with his left boot. The noise alerted the small group of soldiers. "Aye, it appears we have some company." The captain silently made a command with a hand gesture, walking in the direction where the noise came from. Harr gritted his teeth as he attempted to get away from the soldiers before they noticed his presence, however, a hand grabbed his upper arm, the expression on Harr's face contorted in pain as the fingers of the soldier keeping him in place dug into the fabric of his cloak. The skin along that area felt tender the longer the other man continued to grip him firmly. Harr was pulled and shoved along before he made eye contact with whom he assumed was the leader of the group, pressing his lips into a thin line, schooling the expression on his face as not to give them the satisfaction of showing emotion.
"Well, well, well." The captain approached Harr, his lips forming a wicked grin, forcing the wizard down onto his knees on the ground, while a soldier kept Harr in place. "The Magic Tower told us about a wizard living out here. I never thought one of our targets would make the job easier. Isn't this a nice surprise?" The man was given incoherent, verbal agreement from his subordinates. "Since you so kindly offered yourself without any trouble, I'm going to give you a chance to tell us where the girl is." Harr refused to bargain with them. He loved Eirene too much to give her up. The captain frowned, clearly displeased. "Don't make this any harder for yourself. All we want is the girl. Our Commander harbors no ill will towards you people. He just has some unfinished business and it involves that girl. Now, tell us where she is." Callous fingers quickly removed the hood to forcefully yank Harr's head back by his hair. The pain along his scalp caused the muscles in his face to twitch in response to the harsh treatment. The eye that wasn't obscurred by a silver mask weaved back and forth, studying the captain's oily and sweaty features.
"The sooner you give us her location, the sooner all of this mayhem will end."
Harr remained silent, which angered the captain, grunting when the older man sent a balled fist against the left side of his face. The wizard fell backwards onto the ground due to the force of the blow, his left ear ringing, as a seering pain emitted along his bottom lip where he must have accidentally bitten down from the impact of the punch. With his eye squeezed shut, Harr shifted slightly, the scent of moist dirt, leaves and iron reached his nose, pain radiating in the left side of his jaw. A bruise was likely forming. That much was obvious by how much his face swelled up in a matter of moments. Though all he could focus on was the pain and how disoriented he felt.
Before long, the sensation of two hands grabbing a hold of his cloak made Harr open his eye in time to watch the soldier who captured him minutes ago force him to sit upright, releasing his cloak to step away. The captain impatiently paced back and forth, feeling the wizard's gaze following him. "Why are you refusing to give her up? Don't you want this war to end? Don't you want peace to be returned?" The man stopped pacing to coldly regard Harr. "We know you have her hidden somewhere; the Magic Tower was forthcoming with information, after all. So staying quiet won't help you, wizard." While his silence could be taken for defiance, Harr was actually contemplating his next move, eyeing the soldiers while gauging the chances of defeating them. There were at least five in total. All were carrying weapons made to be utilized against magic wielders. He's heard of the term anti-magic through his dealings with merchants from overseas. If these Glassian soldiers were to use these anti-magic weapons, his magic would be useless against them. It didn't mean he was powerless, though. He just had to be patient and coordinate accordingly.
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corpiote · 3 months
ray: magic can't stop time
lancelot: watch me
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The King and Queen’s Nakedness (Cradle’s Hot Springs Bonus Story)
Aight so there’s a hot springs collection event going on in Ikerev TW rn, and guess what one of the bonus stories were?
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The characters, of course, involve our lovely Kings and Queens of Cradle and their trip to the hot springs. The term “坦诚相见” here, translated literally, means “to see each other honestly.” However, over the years, it’s become a polite euphemism for nakedness in the presence of others ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The moment I saw that title I knew I absolutely HAD to get it. It costs 400 hearts on the TW version (probably more in the ENG version), and it was absolutely worth the story tickets I used. I had a lotta Jonah-centered thoughts after reading it, so...here goes.
Ships mentioned: Lancelot x Jonah, Sirius x Jonah
So basically a new hot springs was discovered in Cradle, and the officials from both armies are there to inspect it and the resort that was built around it. We start off with our K and Q of Hearts riding to the new resort, and Jonah mentions that it sounds barbaric to bathe in the open (he’s so prim and prissy uwu). Lancelot, being the fair King, tells Jonah that they shouldn’t comment on something they haven’t yet seen, and Jonah agrees. 
Then, Jonah puffs out his chest and mentions that Edgar and the others had wanted to come along too, but apparently he stopped them because:
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[Jonah: The only one allowed to see King Lancelot naked is me, the Queen of Hearts--your right arm!] 
Jonah, I--
(I had to punch a desk while reading that line to calm down)
I have no idea how one man can make me squeal and cringe at the same time, but THIS MAN I STG
And I was also kinda worried abt how Lancelot would react bc it would break both my heart and Jonah’s heart if he reacts negatively. But I never should’ve underestimated this smug bastard bc:
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[Lancelot: ...Yeah.]
Aaaaaand Lancelot just casually confirms that Jonah’s the only one who gets to see him naked.
...Cybird are u sure there isn’t anything going on between them.
And then this dude has the nerve to SMILE after that entirely platonic exchange:
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[The corner of Lancelot’s lips turned up in a smile, but at the same time, as if noticing something, he reined in his horse slightly]
And this is when Ray and Sirius come into the scene!
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[Sirius: If only we could’ve brought the brats along.]
Unlike Jonah and Lancelot (who secretly hate their kids), Sirius and Ray are sad bc they couldn’t take the kids along awwwwwww.
So apparently neither group knew the other would be inspecting the hot springs at this time, too, so it turns into a happy coincidence and they go to the hot springs together. 
Well, maybe not so happy for Jonah...
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[Sirius: Ah. This seems pretty nice. Isn’t that right, Jonah.
Jonah: Don’t talk to me. Why am I so unfortunate that I have to be naked with you people?]
And he’s so overdramatic abt it too??? Going all “don’t talk to me” and “I’m so unfortunate woe is me” bc he’s sharing a hot spring with “you people.” But I can kinda understand how he feels bc he probably wants to be alone with Lancelot...naked...in the hot springs...
And I love how Sirius addresses him first too, probably bc he knows it’s gonna make Jonah all grumpy and indignant. 
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[Sirius: If you’re so fired up it’ll be easy for you to faint from the heat. Did you drink water before coming in?
Jonah: Of course I did. I drank a whole cup...no, I don’t need your concern. I told you not to talk to me!]
I never thought I’d see the day when Sirius parents Jonah, too, but here we are ig. Granted, it’s more in a teasing way than an actual fatherly way, but still. And Jonah is receptive to it too! He subconsciously replies to Sirius’s question before he catches himself and remembers that he’s supposed to hate the dude.
I genuinely think that, if circumstances were different, Jonah and Sirius would probably get along pretty well. Sirius doesn’t get easily offended by Jonah’s prickly nature (in fact there are times where he seems amused by it), and Jonah would appreciate having someone around who can ground him and take care of him and take him down a few notches. If only Jonah would stop thinking of Sirius as the person who “stole” his King and his brother XD
But yeah while that’s going down the Kings are just chilling:
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[A bit further away from the two noisy people, Lancelot and Ray soaked in the hot springs side by side.]
U know, just two Kings, chillin in a hot spring, two feet apart bc this is an otome game.
And yeah. They go on to talk about making the hot springs available to everyone in Cradle, regardless of the territory they belong in, and also about how MC would be happy to see that happen. Sirius and Jonah then comes over, still bickering (I thought u weren’t talking to him Jonah), and the four of them enjoys the hot springs together!
I love this story so much!!! 1000000000/10 would recommend to anyone thinking about getting it when the event rolls around.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
i wanna send an ask but i don’t exactly know what to ask, so i’m going to use one of the prompts you have provided. can i request #7 for ikemen revolution? Thank you so much!! <3
No, thank you so much, my lovely anon! I so appreciate the ask and I always love the chance to write for IkeRev! And please use the prompts – that’s what they’re there for!! I hope you’ll enjoy, dear!
Send me a fandom and I’ll tell you:
Which character is the most punctual
I have this headcanon that both Sirius and Lancelot are really punctual, have been for most of their lives, but that Harr really does easily lose track of time and back in school, both men were the ones to make sure that Harr didn’t get too wrapped up in something and that he made it to all his classes or appointments or such on time.
Which character is the most political
Both Kings want what is best for Cradle and its citizens. It comes with their positions and they both have strong ideas on how that should be accomplished, as far as how much sacrifice is acceptable to achieve that peace.
Which character is the most likely to want children
You can bet your sweet asses that Sirius has such a huge breeding kink. That man will rest his hands on his partner’s stomach and tell them how he can’t wait for their belly to grow all nice and round with his children before making sure it does. I think part of it is purely a sexual kink but at the same time, he’s definitely interested in making a family of his own and would love to have kids, plural, since his own upbringing included having so many brothers and sisters.
Which character likes pineapple on their pizza
Now, he’d never be so crass as to actually eat something as inelegant as pizza (in public at least and even in private, he’s totally one of those people who eat pizza with a knife and a fork), but it’s Jonah. I think he really loves pineapple in general and he’d like the mix of sweet and savory that pineapple on pizza gives.
Which character drives too fast
If Cradle had cars, I feel like Fenrir would be a speed-demon, but a responsible driver. Seth drives too fast sometimes but his real danger is that he’s such an irresponsible driver who steers with his knees while he reaches for something in the passenger seat or who would talk on his phone while driving and who gets minor road rage.
Which character is the most likely to be a smoker
I do strongly headcanon Dalim smoking cigarettes. Blanc prefers a pipe every now and again and I think Claudius smoked both cigarettes and cigars. I actually have a pretty strong headcanon that Edgar would have some issues with lovers or close friends smoking around him because the smell takes him right back to Claudius and everything about his past with his uncle.
Which character would go vegan
I feel like Blanc doesn’t eat a lot of meat and neither does Harr. Harr eats a lot of fish so he couldn’t go vegan, but I feel like Blanc probably could if he ever chose to.
Which character is a pop music fan
I think, out of the Black Army, Seth and Luka would be bubblegum pop fans, while in the Red Army, it would be Jonah and, surprisingly, Edgar who really took to pop music. Seth definitely sings along to pop music while doing his hair and skin routines.
Which character is a showoff
Both Jonah and Seth, to me, come off as men who can be quite the show-offs, given that both are very dramatic and both of them do quite like attention. Loki can also be somewhat of a show-off at times, because again – attention, please. Fenrir, meanwhile, comes off as a show-off but he really isn’t because he doesn’t do a lot of what he does for attention, but rather because it seemed fun.
Which character is the most religious/spiritual
I don’t think Cradle has the same religions as our universe does, but I do think Amon is religious, in a very cultish way, and that that could be part of what is driving him to do what he does.
Which character skips/skipped classes often
I honestly feel like, though they both tried really hard to be good students, there are times when Ray and Fenrir ended up skipping class and it was probably more frequent than it should have been. Both were just not made to be cooped up at a desk and when a better adventure presented itself, I feel like these two had to take that adventure no matter what.
Which character is the meanest
Have any of you met Oliver? Like, that boy/man has such an acerbic wit and he’s really bad at holding them in. While he is perfectly capable of feeling bad if he does end up hurting someone, he doesn’t pull punches and his words and attitude can cause a lot of people some emotional pain and offense.
Which character can’t swallow pills
I actually have a really strong headcanon that Loki, to go along with his other cat-like features, can’t swallow pills and is really bad at taking any medicine, to the point where Harr has to hide his medication in food or drink whenever Loki gets sick.
Which character takes the scenic route more often than the most direct route
I feel like both Blanc and Mousse are really bad for this. Blanc just gets lost in his thoughts easily and he just kind of idles along, thinking about this and that and taking in the pretty scenery and while he’d meant to take the most direct route, he gets a little turned around and lost and ends up almost having to loop around Cradle just to get where he’s going. Mousse, meanwhile, just likes a slow life without much pressure or stress and he wants the time to stop and smell the flowers and gaze at a really pretty tree or take a nap by a stream. The direct route just seems too impatient, almost, to him.
Which character has the most irrational fears
Ghosts, monsters, and scary stories tend to freak Fenrir the fuck out. Seriously. Does he know those things aren’t real? Does he know there’s no monster in the closet or under the bed and that haunted houses don’t come to life and gush blood from their walls? Yes, logically he knows all of this. But they feel so real whenever he hears one of those stories and he will have some nightmares about them.
Which character has the most sexual experience
I think both Blanc and Dalim have a fair amount of sexual experience, honestly. It’s hinted that Blanc is very old, much older than he looks, and that he’s a bit of a ladies’ man and I do feel like he’s had a sexual affair here and there. I also see Dalim as being a ladies’ man, but he’s more of a playboy who likes casual one-night stands.
Which character is the most fearful of commitment
So, those sexual affairs I mentioned Blanc has? They’re almost entirely with women who are of higher status and thus wouldn’t be allowed to commit to him or to women who are otherwise betrothed or even married and it’s all very hush-hush. He doesn’t want to be with women who could entangle themselves in his life, could push him for commitment because I do feel like he had commitment once, it ended up in some serious heartache for him, and he’s now very trigger-shy about any future commitment.
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🌼 How do they view their significant other? Are they the light in their life? Best friend? Savior, etc.?
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Ikemen Revolution
Ray Blackwell: “The thought of being with you is the only thing that gets me through a rough day”. You’ve become Ray’s personal sanctuary where no matter what’s going on or what problems he has to face he can always come back to you.
Sirius Oswald: “It’s difficult to put into words how much i love you”. Normally he’s very stoic but he’s actually very soft and kind mainly just between the two of you, He’s the other dude who has to know what’s going on and how it’s going to happen so he has be tough but he looks forward when it’s just you with him.
Lancelot Kingsley: “Everything about you captivates me and all i want to do is make you happy”. Before you he had no real reason to look at the world in wonder especially as the leader to the white army and of course it took you loads of time to break through his walls but once you did he can’t even think about what life was life before you.
Fenrir Godspeed: “You helped me discover pieces of myself i never knew existed”. Adorable golden retriever that is always hyper and ready to go on to the next thing, After some time with each other he’s learned to balance out his moods thanks to you he doesn’t always like it but knows it’s better for him and nobody is really annoyed anymore.
Jonah Clemence: “I’m so grateful for you and all that you do for me”. Also known for being cold and not really wanting to deal with you when he first met you but he’s somewhat easier to get to know no matter how much he annoys you by being rude, Once your dating he’s all for you since you got past his walls he realized just how happy you made him and how much did just for him to feel special.
Luka Clemence: “You’re my dream person when i’m with you, everything feels right”. Luka is much more quiet and distant but when you started dating he noticed things were different, Colors seemed brighter and he had much more pep in his step so now he carries on with a smile especially if your around.
Oliver Knight: “I know you love me because you put up with me even when i’m at my worst”. He’s quite actually prince charming when he wants to be but doesn’t have much of a dating past but he’s learned let you know what he’s thinking now he’ll just whisper to you how he thinks of you.
Kyle Ash: “I’m really glad you chose me out of everyone else”. He’s normally very easy-going but he loves and adores a great joke now since dating each other puts you through so many puns and dad jokes but his favorite is telling you corny ways that you matter to him while giving you a cheesy grin.
Edger Bright: “Thank you for always being there for me”. He’s known for being snarky and tends to come off as a sneaky snake but he just really likes plotting and being a smartass but since dating you normally you either take on alot of his teasing or help him but he’s calm down and just simply plays a few jokes on people while smiling innocently next to you.
Zero: “I’ll always be there for you”. Going into the army so young and seeming stoic took a toll on sweet Zero since he’s actually a big sweetheart but being with you made things so much easier and helped him get hobbies that help bring out his more gentle side.
Seth Hyde: “If my life was a puzzle, You’d be the final piece that ties everything together”. He’s in trouble now your in trouble even if your the one in trouble he’s quick to join in but he does it to let loose and have fun with you he always makes sure to let you know with a wink and blown kiss towards you.
Harr Sliver: “Know that no matter where life takes us, You’ll always be the one for me”. This dude is tired but adores having you in his life no matter what he’s going through he sees light where he couldn’t because of you and he’s grateful for you.
Loki Genetta: “I feel at ease whenever i’m with you”. This adorable son of a bitch of course loves you but acts more like a gossipy best friend who wants to be wine drunk on a tuesday at 5 but he always makes sure your comfortable until you let that wall down then he’s jokes galore happily teasing and toying with you.
Blanc Lapin: “You’re the answer to all my prayers”. He’s waited a very long time to have you in his arm and now that he does he’ll do what he can to make sure your happy and content letting you know just much he loves you.
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