#rayon fabric good for summer
tradeunofabrics · 1 year
Explore the enchanting world of rayon fabrics and discover its fascinating history, versatile applications, and myriad benefits. Read our informative blog today!
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Gold Rush
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pronouns: she/her warnings: angst, mentions & depictions of alcoholism, car crash, fluff summary: Aegon didn’t like most people but he liked you until it tore him from the inside out. You’re perfect, his gold and shimmering light. The problem? He’s not perfect. He’s not even a third of what you will one day amount to and everybody knows it…even him. verrryyy loosely based on Gold Rush by Taylor Swift. dividers: firefly-graphic wordcount: 4,039 A/N: i hope my favourite aegon girlie @adelusionalwriter enjoys!
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Aegon’s eyes sparkle as they watch your figure embrace his mother. His suit is uncomfortably tight and he doesn’t understand why the collar is pointy but a sly grin spreads up his face at the sight of his sunshine…at the sight of you. His perfect golden girl, the one who lights the remaining warmth of his heart and strengthens his overworked jaw until he’s turned into a bumbling mess. His mother would argue that that is his natural state but even she can’t ignore the glow you permeate onto him when you are near. Every sunday she slides a porcelain plate, her muscle memory too deep to forget you. It hasn’t even been a year yet, he thinks to himself as his hands hesitate on the flute of champagne beside him. Only seven months by now, he’s sure. Gods, why does it feel like he’s known you all his life? He supposes that’s ridiculous, if he had known you all his life then perhaps he would not have been so miserable in his teen years. His touch lingers on the tall glass then snaps away. The heat of your memory turns into a scalding burn at the temptation. He tucks his hands into his pockets and smiles at you across the room. Your soft features turn up at him like the pour of glitter–smooth and sparkling. You make him feel like summer. As if summoned, the chandelier catches its outstretching beams and it feels as though it has changed nothing because there you are smiling at him. He thinks that you’re the only light he will ever need. You’re as kind as a gleam, reflecting his best qualities into him. He’s still Aegon but people enjoy his company now, seek him out even. His own father comments on it sometimes. That might be the only thing Aegon dislikes about you, how easily you collect the affection of others, faster than he, Aegon himself, ever could, you have garnered the affection of even his father. He wishes sometimes that he could keep you locked up in a little box to preserve forever but that would be selfish and he promised himself that this time would be different. It had to be. He will be good enough for you, he knows it. 
So he dismisses the champagne and tentative curling fingers wave at you across the room. Gods, his heart starts thrumming gently again at the sight of your smile. When your feet patter softly in shining shoes, his arms are already outstretched and waiting. A soft giggle slips from your lips like the purest wine–the one that replaces his damnable urges–and your hands glide up his neck to wrap him in an embrace so tight, his breath catches. His eyes flutter like a dandelion loses its seed, alongside the flow of gentle wind; it’s with careful tandem with your own closing lashes. “My sweet girl,” He breathes as his lips dip his head of their own desperate volition. They coax your own so his tongue can sail at the seam of your silken lips. He drinks in your hot breath as if it’s the antidote to all ills and fuck, he thinks he’d be dying without it. He wants to drown in you, he decides, hands pressing so carefully on your hips as he draws you close. Aegon worries that if he presses too hard you will flow away into the air like dust. Your mouth coaxes him into a world beyond his own–instead of cruelty and pain, it is filled with replenishment and golden sunlight. He wants to conquer your lips in that moment or any part that you’ll give him, his brows scrunching in need and fingers rolling the rayon fabric of your dress back and forth between them. It’s not enough to have you in his arms, he wants to commit every part of today into his memory so he can replay it over and over in his mind’s eye until it fries like the computer his sister Rhaenyra fixed for you. He was embarrassed at the time that he couldn’t do it himself but his fears quelled the moment your darling tongue descended on his own. 
Panic ebbs at him whenever you look at him like this, when your dilated pupils are so wide they consume him. A rosy blush invades his face; his nose, his cheeks, even his neck and ears are pink. He jumps when a firm hand lands along his back and shakes him out of this fantasy. It’s his brother Aemond giving him a pointed stare. Aegon caves in on himself as quick as a frightened rabbit though he is not so harmless. His blue eyes flicker up at him through shielding eyelashes, anticipating the worst. Instead, Aemond is reaching across to introduce himself to you, having missed the initial family hounding while on a business trip. His face is stoic as always with a straightened back and hair slicked back behind him so unlike Aegon’s messy brush of gilded curls. Unsavoury tastes climb up to his throat before stuffing his cheeks with foul-tasting cotton. “I apologise for our late meeting…” Aemond says, wet tongue gliding the words like prayer through his white teeth. Aegon swallows and looks at the floor. He doesn’t like who he feels like in his brother’s sight. An intruder. A ruiner. A failure. Oh Gods how he wishes for once in his life he could be like you. He wants to be your sunlight as much as you are his forever. But you don’t know this and he would never dream of tainting your sweet gaze for anybody nor any selfish emotions. You won’t be him, you won’t be him. Aegon reminds himself, determined to disrupt all of him if it means keeping you, of being a man you deserve. “I was otherwise engaged and my brother has seemingly ignored the pleasure of my company.” Suddenly a tunnelled light is all that he can see of you, and darkness circles his vision like a deranged tunnel. His fists dig sharp nails into his soft palms. His eyes squeeze shut briefly at the hum of your sweet laugh. A laugh reserved for him. He sucks in an unsteady breath but then your reassuring hand squeezes his bicep just as tightly before releasing with care. Even your hands feel like silk. 
Helaena suddenly springs to your side with wide excited eyes and practically begs you to dance, which you eagerly accept even though no one is dancing at all. Aegon watches with a grin rivalling the sun’s bright intensity though he would not think such a comparison would be worthy of him. He’ll keep that reserved for you, for now. Aemond hums from beside him, tapping his fingers against the table. Aegon grinds his teeth. He loves his brother, he loves his brother, he– “A sweet girl, isn’t she?” Aemond asks to which Aegon groans heartily. Normally he’s the one bringing you up at any available opportunity but he knows this isn’t going to be a conversation he likes. Aegon clenches his jaw and remembers what his therapist told him, think of something else…the trees, the sun…her…her smile…her laugh. His lips twitch upward but then the blow comes full force and barrelling. “A shame she’s picked the wrong brother.” Aemond spoke with such vindication before slipping away to engage with another one of their grandsire’s businessmen. 
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It’s nine weeks later when the panic sets in again, he’s running around a supermarket frantically in search of a birthday card, clutching a (mostly) fresh bouquet of asters and anemone in his grasp. His breathing heavies, sweat collecting on his pale brows and desperately trying to hide his dilated pupils. His hands shake as he thrusts the card at the cashier–he can tell they’re slightly scared as they scan it with flickering wide eyes. “T-Two seventy five.” They inform him and he snatches it with one hand, the other casting coins at her hurriedly. He needs to be out as soon as possible. Aegon sprints faster than he ever did in cross-country and then shoots into his car with a relieved sigh. He checks his phone and smacks a hand over his forehead, groaning. 16:43 pm. He was supposed to be there at three. God damn it why wasn’t he there at three. His heart beats against the concrete wall of his skull. His hand clutch the steering wheel like a lifeline and his foot presses so low on the revs that he’s probably 20 miles past the speed limit. Of course this doesn’t end well, he rushes through a red light. A screeching alerts him first at what’s happening before the weight of a 2010 toyota prius smacks hard into his own car which is sent spinning across the road, hitting another car as it goes. Aegon is sent flying in his drunken haze across the car and burning shards dig through his skin but he doesn’t know what they’re looking for. His ears beat with a deafness he’s never felt, urging his mouth to spew vomit out of his broken window. Aegon’s already throbbing head strikes against the rough tarmac, blood seeping across the mud and dirt that infects his insides. A jagged wedge of glass rummages easily through his pale skin but he doesn’t have it in him to scream as his eyes drop shut. He feels like he hasn’t slept for days…he probably hasn’t as he lets the pain suck him into the dark void. 
The flowers and their pathetic petals skid like an empty promise beside him–they infiltrate his nose like a lie. 
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You don’t like hospitals, you decide, as you try to stop the sobbing that gyrates your body as strong as a vice and as cruel as the wicked world around you. A warm hand is wrapped comfortingly around your waist but it’s awkward because as much as you love Helaena, you don’t want her. You want Aegon. You want your sweet stupid boyfriend who you’re not sure you’re going to ever forgive for making you love him this much. For making you hurt so badly as you sit desperately awaiting a doctor or nurse or someone. You didn’t even know you were his emergency contact until yesterday. Your weary eyes stand red and puffy as you finally settle. You can’t rest–no–you will not. Helaena sighs in relief when Alicent arrives with the coffee and takes her place beside you. The loud footsteps approaching are what snap your head up and send your coffee flying to the floor. A couple opposite you gasp but you ignore them, fixing interrogatory sights on the nurse before you. They lick their lips and you already know they’re hesitant. Their head leans slightly and double checks the papers. “Aegon Targaryen’s fa–?” “Yes.” You say instantaneously, playing with the ring you moved onto your engagement-finger. Aegon hasn’t proposed but you’re not about to let some half-pint tell you you can’t see the love of your life based on a technicality. Your tongue darts to wet your stark lips. “What is it?” For once you don’t have the time to be polite. 
Aegon smiles weakly when you jog in, not even exposing his teeth like he’s trained since birth. His voice is drained and devoid of his vibrant heart. It’s quick when you latch your teeth on your lower lip, sucking it to soothe your ever-growing nerves. You hold back from launching yourself at him and instead settle for gently embracing him, tears collecting on that stupid itchy gown they forced upon him, as he says so eloquently. You can barely choke a laugh. Even now, he can’t be serious for too long, you should have expected it. You’re scared to look at him, instead burrowing your face into his smooth neck even though now it’s gash laced and a thick goo seeps from it. Dainty and beaten hands tremble as they try to guide through your hair but you hear the hiss that tears through his teeth. It’s reflexive when you jump away but he whines. “P-please, baby,” He simpers. You want to slap the stupid grin off his face, instead you tuck your hands beneath your chin and reluctantly let him try again but his eyes twitch and squeeze, veins jutting at even this. Your own face crumples at the sight and even more when tears wet his eyes, as overcoming as a tidal wave. “I’m sorry.” He whispers, breath hitches. “I tried, I promise, I-I-” You shake your head, fingers twitching to hold his hand but you force them away. “Sh, sh,” You soothe. “That doesn’t matter right now. I’m here to take care of you, nothing else.” He lets out a whimper and you swear someone has punched your intestines. “It’s not fair to you.” Aegon argues uselessly against himself. “This isn’t fair. If I wasn’t so fucking drunk all the time–” You shush him again but it doesn’t calm him this time, instead it only intensifies his inner guilt and turmoil. “No, stop, I don’t want to be coddled…Please. This isn’t good for you. I’m not good for you.” Your brows knit, your mouth parting but he slides a shaking finger in front of you. “No.” He repeats. “I want you to leave me.” Aegon sniffles now, trying hard not to let the wave win but he’s tired, so exhausted of trying. “I want you to go!” He spits like poison. You reel back as though he had stabbed you. “What? No.” You snap back but the dam has finally broken. “Just go!” “Just talk to me!” You plead, reaching to grasp him but he dodges like a cat in water. “Go.” He grinds out. “Please,” he sniffles again, vulnerability engulfing his tortured tongue. “I want you to spread those beautiful wings of yours.”  You shake your head. “You’ve been doing better!” “Not better enough!” “I don’t care; we both knew something would happen and I’m here because I love you, not for what you can give me.” He huffs at the resolute tone flying through his ears at your voice. He refuses to look at you now. 
Instead his eyes snap to the door where a familiar face stares back at him with concern embedded in his lone eye. You’ve switched places with him, this time you’re the one desperate for him. Unlikely but in truth , however, you both still move in perfect, infuriating tandem. He’s okay with dying if the cost of living is you remaining trapped in this little bubble of life beside him. He finally decides with the words of others ringing in his head. He can’t keep doing this, he won’t let himself. He can’t keep you if this is what it means. He wants you to fly–no–he wants you to soar, above him, above everybody. Always. His curled hand reaches to brush back your hair but he holds off the begging flinch this time as he rests his forehead against your own. He’s done trying. “I’m sorry.” he whispers to you before kissing your forehead. “I’ve already had you for far too long, as long as I could but I won’t keep doing this to you.” Neither of you care as chalked and decaying blood snaps from his wounds onto you. Selfish. Aegon Targaryen has always been selfish. That’s what he’s sure they will one day sear on his tombstone once his miserable life comes to an end. You’ll be there too, he knows it. His eyes lock on the flowered vase behind your head and which rests like a threat on the window sill. Begonias, he almost laughs aloud at the irony of it all. 
When you leave, he expects to see that familiar smirk on his brother’s face but instead the expression is tight and not even a hint of guilty glee threads through his lips. 
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Your eyes glimmer when you embrace Alicent as tight as possible without cutting off her circulation. It’s been a month and four days and you still wake up with the sick feeling in your stomach before work. The dread that tears into your open wound because you can’t bring yourself to close it…not yet, it’s too soon. Instead you accept the sweet advances of your ex-boyfriend’s family. You move into Helaena’s apartment with her, you befriend her roommate and cousin, Baela. You start tutoring Daeron on the weekends. You even agree to meet Baela’s friends and go to the parties her girlfriend arranges every Friday. They mean well and so you agree. You want to feel better, you swear you do but everyone sees the look on your face when someone says his name. Part of you worries sometimes that he was a figment of your imagination at the sheer concern they express but you're moving on, you promise. Or at least trying to. It doesn’t feel enough because as always, you’re all or nothing. He liked that. Fuck, no. He doesn’t exist, just tell yourself he doesn’t exist. You take a deep breath and step out of the bathroom and into the blaring loud hallway. You jump when your head makes contact with a hard figure who struggles to keep liquid in his scarlet cup. The masculine voice chuckles and when you meet eyes, you remember why you came and give him a tight-lipped smile. “You enjoying the party?” CCregan Stark asks–the kind stoic boy in one of your uni classes. You lick your lips while taking in his dark curly hair and stubble, he brushes it out of his face awkwardly. You’ve replayed the story in your head a million times; his barber thought he said jaw instead of chin somehow so now it’s cut just a bit too short to comb behind his ears like he used to and prefers. You smile up at him but as you part your lips, he shakes his head softly. “You’re not, are you?” His playful voice rings in your ear. 
Your laugh comes out forced but there all the same and nod reluctantly. “I hate it.” You answer, words spilling like leftover wine. He chuckles again and curses when his hand tilts his cup again. He steadies himself, rising back to his towering height. It almost feels weird that he’s not leaning over you, he’s like the empire state building or something. Your eyes lift up to his steel grey ones but they don’t sparkle like Aegon’s did. They don’t have the same warmth, he doesn’t give you flowers between classes, he doesn’t collapse on you in bed because he needs to know you’re still there, he doesn’t make false promises either though,…He doesn’t beg you to change your own mind about him no matter how many times you tell him you want him. “You okay?” Cregan asks, tongue darting to wet his cracked lips.You briefly recall the lip balm Aegon used to steal off of you at home–no. Not home. Not anymore. You look up at him, barely nodding with a jut of your chin. “Yeah. Perfect.” You let the poison slip over your tongue, the taste too bitter to ingest. It’s okay. So long as other people believe you then it’s alright. Cregan bites his lip and glances behind him then leans down to your ear. “You don’t have to stay here if you don’t want to.” Your face erupts in crimson embarrassment. He knows, of course he knows. You aren’t deaf to the whispers of class so why should he? “No one’s by the backdoor right now, I’ll pretend I gave you a ride home if you want to tell Baela. She’s worried but you don’t need me to tell you that.” He takes a sip of his cup and reluctantly you let out a suffocating breath. 
You wish you could call Helaena. Instead you nod and thank Cregan quietly before sneaking outside and into the cold air but even that feels stale somehow. You feel sick. More sick than you’ve ever felt since seeing him in that stupid hospital bed, that stuffy room clutching you like a child does their barbie. When you finally stumble into your apartment again, it feels as empty as ever. Bare, stripped, motionless. You can almost trick yourself into thinking that it’s a photograph. In your mind you can pretend you’re on the sofa, the one that’s caked in memories and late-night conversations. “You’re so wonderful,” He had said the first time you visited, long before it had become your own. He had pressed soft, warm lips to each of your cold knuckles and grinned at the gentle laughter that poured between your own. You feel dizzy as you let your feet guide you through the door of your painfully new bedroom. You slip onto the covers, feeling too trapped to go beneath them. You don’t like this feeling, this loneliness. You want to feel those comforting arms again without the fear of waking up, of knowing what is awaiting you. It’s not healthy, you know that, but it still hurts. 
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Three months. You both wake up. You both lose your keys before letting them rattle between either palm. You both feel the dull ache when you turn around to call out a name you want to forget. Aegon swallows the words while you let them out with a mere breath. You both go to uni with a sour face. You’re walking through the lengthy hallway when you hear the collapse of the heaviest binder you’ve ever seen. Your head snaps up, expecting to see a first year or awkward collection of joking friends. Instead your eyes meet familiar watered pools of soft blue. His lips are tugging downward but his hair is styled and his sweater clean. He looks good. He looks like Aeg. You swallow but don’t lose eye contact and neither does he–binder forgotten. Neither of you move at first but then his hand twitches and instead of avoiding you like all the times before, he breaks out into a run and you eagerly meet his pace. His hands reach out, fingers spread and waiting to lock with yours, entangling once they do. They squeeze tight, refusing to let go as you breathe out in mutual relief. It’s been so long. Too long, too far, too much. Blood thumps loudly, hearts connecting. “Oh thank fuck.” Aegon chokes out. His breath stutters and he ruefully pulls away his finger to wrap one along your back and another in your hair. You look up at him, the students around you melting from your vision because nothing matters anymore now that you can see his rosy cheeks again. Your eyes roam his face. “You look good.” You whisper after about half an hour passes with him leaning against the wall with you head lost in his shoulder, your lips just barely ghosting his neck. He smiles but there’s a hardness in his face. Something beneath the irises of his eyes. “I wanted to be good for myself, for you, for my mum.” He says then gently shakes his head. “I didn’t want people to remember me like that, I want you to be happy when you see me.” He bites his lip then sighs. Your brows twitch and your hand carefully cups his face. “I just wanted you.” You respond, voice soft and lips curling. “I just want you to be happy…Are you?” Aegon swallows. “Mostly.” He whispers. His thumb runs over your palm. “I’m getting better but-” He wets his lips. “It’s hard. I’m gonna do it this time though, I promise.” He turns to press a chaste kiss to your palm and smiles. “Aemond’s been visiting.” Your brows shoot up. “Really?” He nods. “And he’s…?” “He’s actually helping.” He chuckles then breaks out into a grin. “Of course mum is, as well. She had to practically chain me down to get me to stop asking about you. Helaena’s sick of my shit by now.” He seems so much warmer now than he was before. He feels like Aeg. “Oh!” He snaps his fingers. “Get this, I make tea now.” His stupid grin is like a beam of gold. “Tea!” Your giggles echo around the large now long-empty hallway. 
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As someone who can't wear fabrics that are itchy, (rough) even if it washed in softener. Can you give advice on what to look for? I need more business clothes but it seems all the work pants I find for the office is made of that fabric.
Oh this is a tough one. Unfortunately, you might have to go for a higher price point. A fix that worked for an actress I used to work with was wearing satiny cuddl duds in the winter and tights in the summer under all of her pants but YMMV.
(this next part assumes you're US American but I think the idea is applicable everywhere)
First, I would recommend going a slightly fancy department store like Nordstroms. You don't have to buy anything, just feel some clothing to figure out what fabrics you like and write it down. I would recommend going to a higher end store vs like JC Pennys because manufactures like to lie about fabric content and in my personal experience it's less of an issue if you go to a more expensive store. If you're like me, anything rayon, wool, or polyester is a no-go. Semi synthetic fabrics are hit or miss. I'm personally good with silks, satins, linens, and cottons. (If you're not allergic to wool, apparently merino wool is great)
If you're close to a bigger city, you'll probably be good to shop in store. Smaller towns you'll probably have to do online shoping in order to avoid certain fabrics. I haven't shopped at all these but off the top of my head some good stores to check out might be: Quince, Universal Standard, Good American, Amour Vet, Madewell, and Macy's but be real vigilant about checking the fabric content. Rich People Goodwill can have some great stuff but with the rise of thrifting it can be a slog (and real frustrating depending on your size)
May the odds be in your favor on the hunt for non scratchy clothes <3
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professorpski · 1 year
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BurdaStyle April 2023
This issue has us moving into the summer season, so if you are not already sewing for hotter weather, you will start thinking you should be. There are sleeveless tops and a fuller skirt and pants for the seasonal look.
See Skirt 127 for one with a shaped and fitted yoke and then gathered below the show it in a striped terra cotta print, and various border prints might work well too. Since gathers can create mass, a rayon challis or a silk crepe or some other fabric with lots of drape would be a good idea. Trousers 125 A and 125 B would also work well in drapey fabrics as they have multiple pleats. You do want to wear them cropped as they show you as very wide legs worn long will catch on your feet at you walk.
You can always shorten Maxi Dress 119 if you don’t want such a long hemline. In fact, they shortened it into Top 120. Both have little pleats at the front neckline, and then gathers at both the collar and the waistline which has a drawstring. Again, gathers mean that a soft fabric with drape will work nest and also show off the little flounce in the sleeve. The pleats and the sleeve flounce do not exactly harmonize, so you might want to swap out a different sleeve, or simply take the sleeve and use it elsewhere.
There are sleeker looks as well as you can see in the sketches knit Dress 111, pleated Dress 116, and Top 109.
All of these patterns are included in this issue, printed out in overlapping lines on the pattern sheets. You then copy your garment and your size onto your own paper. Most of these come in sizes from 36-44 and some come in a few more sizes on either end of the size scale.
You can find it at your local newsstand or fabric store or online here: https://www.burdastyle.com/subscription-burda-style.html
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munderwood · 3 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 📚 CUDDL DUDS Comfort Wear Southwestern Print Hooded Cardigan.
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salygirl · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Breezy summer dress.
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Discover the Elegance of Olive Floral Digital Printed Crepe Fabric at Fabnic Online Store
Crepe fabric is renowned for its distinct texture and versatility. It is characterized by a slightly crinkled or pebbled surface, which adds a unique dimension to any garment. Crepe can be made from various fibres, including silk, wool, polyester, and rayon, each offering different properties.
Types of Crepe
There are several types of crepe, each with distinct characteristics:
Silk Crepe: Luxurious and elegant, with a smooth, lustrous finish.
Polyester Crepe: Durable, easy to care for, and often more affordable.
Wool Crepe: Warm and resilient, perfect for cooler climates.
Georgette Crepe: Lightweight and sheer, ideal for delicate garments.
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Applications of Olive Floral Digital Printed Crepe Fabric
The Olive Floral Digital Printed Crepe Fabric is perfect for creating stylish and elegant clothing items. Its soft texture and beautiful drape make it ideal for a variety of garments.
Possible Fashion Applications:
Dresses: From casual summer dresses to elegant evening gowns, this fabric can be tailored to suit any occasion.
Blouses and Tops: Create chic blouses that can be dressed up or down, depending on the accessories and occasion.
Skirts and Pants: The fluidity of crepe makes it perfect for skirts and wide-leg pants that require a good drape and flow.
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citymousesd · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: OFF SHOULDER Tiered Sleeve Top.
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Short Kurtas for Women: A Stylish Essential
India's tradition and modernity both lie in this attire - Kurtas. Our ladies' favorite kurtas can be worn at functions, events, or offices. Kurtas, long or short, look ravishing on women. Ajio's kurta collection for women has colorful, practical, and varied options for all women. Ajio has kurtas from some of the most loved international and Indian brands for women. It has brands like FabIndia, W, Anandita, Gulmohar Jaipur, and Gorgone with exciting offers.
Ajio has different styles of kurtas for women, from Anarkali, Floral Print Kurtas, and Asymmetrical Kurtas to Ikat style kurtas. We ensure handpicked and best-price kurtas at one shopping destination for all our lovely women.
Short Kurtas Short kurtas make for an effortless look for ladies. They can go well during office wear, movie dates, or family functions. Ajio has short kurtas in cotton, embroidered, printed, and rayon. Cotton short kurtas are breathable and easy on the skin for women. Embroidered kurtas are colorful and give a unique appearance. Sleeveless kurtas or shirt-style short kurtas are the go-to option for women, especially during the summer season. They can be paired with pajamas or jeans. They generally look good with jewelry like Jhumkas or scarves. Style your wardrobe from Ajio's range of fashion at an affordable price range.
Kurtas with Patterns Short kurtas like straight-cut kurtas are great for office wear. They give an elegant yet simple look. They look good with jeans or pajama pants. A-Line kurtas are fitted at the top and widen to the hem. Anarkali kurtas are ideated from princess outfits. The dress flows out beautifully, and the fitted bodice displays a flattering form. Flared kurtas come in various patterns, printed, floral, and various colors. Ajio has flared kurtas in cotton, rayon, and linen fabrics for all your choices. Flare short kurtas look good with pants, palazzo pants, or fitted bottoms.
Short kurtas. Elaborated Styling. Ajio makes short kurtas for women available in a variety of patterns of your choice, ensuring you look elegant and beautiful for every occasion. Short kurtas come in zari, zardoshi, embroidered, floral, and in many other styles. The balloon sleeves and kurtas with pleated details can look good with harem pants or even denim shorts, or Patiala pants. You can pair these with jutis, mojaris, sneakers, wedges, or even pumps. Check out Ajio's accessories and footwear section to see what matches your favorite kurtas.
These versatile short kurtas are appropriate for any occasion. Kurtas will always be timeless and elegant for our lovely women. Ajio has various cuts, colors, and fabrics for short kurtas that go well with every woman's style. Vibrant prints are loved and preferred by women for short kurtas. Ethnic prints like Badhni, Batik, Ikat, Ajrakh, and Kalamkari to geometric prints have been in trend. These colorful, traditional, and modern prints are available on Ajio at affordable rates for casual or festival wear.
Whether you want kurtas in vibrant patterns or in detailing, we have them all available from your favorite brands at Ajio. Shop now.
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tradeunofabrics · 1 year
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Rayon fabric is a versatile and widely used textile that offers various advantages in terms of comfort, drape, and aesthetics. It is a popular choice in the fashion industry and is known for its unique characteristics. Here's a description of rayon fabrics:
Natural origin: Rayon is a semi-synthetic fabric that is derived from natural sources, primarily cellulose from wood pulp. It is considered a regenerated fiber because it undergoes a chemical process to transform the raw materials into a usable fabric.
Soft and comfortable: One of the standout features of rayon fabric is its softness. It has a smooth and silky texture that feels pleasant against the skin, making it a comfortable choice for clothing. Rayon also has excellent breathability, allowing air to flow through the fabric and keeping the body cool.
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robertnelson2-blog · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide for a Long Sleeve Aloha Shirt
Aloha! If you're looking to add a splash of vibrant island vibes to your wardrobe, then a long-sleeved Hawaiian shirt is just what you need. These shirts are not just for the beach; they're versatile, comfortable, and perfect for making a bold fashion statement.
Whether you're attending a casual gathering or a themed party, these shirts have got you covered. Let's dive into everything you need to know about styling and enjoying these tropical treasures. Rayon shirt mens
Why Choose a Long Sleeve Aloha Shirt?
Long sleeve Hawaiian shirts aren't just for summer. Their breathable makes them an excellent inclusion in your closet all year long. You can roll up the sleeves for a laid-back look on warm days or keep them down for cooler evenings. Pair them with shorts, jeans, or chinos to fit any occasion.
Designers created these shirts for comfort, utilizing lightweight and breathable fabrics such as cotton and rayon. The long sleeves offer a bit more coverage while still keeping you cool and relaxed. Whether you're lounging at a beach bar or attending a casual Friday at work, you'll stay comfortable all day long.
Bold Prints
One of the best things about Hawaiian shirts is their eye-catching prints. From classic floral patterns to more modern designs, there's a print for everyone. The vibrant colors and intricate designs can instantly elevate your outfit and make you stand out in a crowd.
How to Style Your Long Sleeve Hawaiian Aloha Shirt
Casual Look
For a casual look, pair your long sleeve Hawaiian shirt with shorts and flip-flops. This combo is perfect for a day at the beach or a backyard barbecue. Choose lighter, pastel colors for a relaxed vibe, and don't be afraid to roll up the sleeves.
To achieve a smart-casual look, tuck your Hawaiian shirt into a pair of chinos or tailored shorts. Add loafers or boat shoes to complete the outfit. Opt for a shirt with a more subdued print or darker colors to keep the look sophisticated.
Layering your Hawaiian shirt can add depth to your outfit. Wear it open over a plain white t-shirt or under a lightweight blazer. This is a great way to transition your shirt from day to night or from summer to fall.
Picking the Right Long Sleeve Hawaiian Shirt
Fabric Matters
When choosing a long sleeve Hawaiian shirt, pay attention to the fabric. Cotton is breathable and perfect for warm weather, while rayon offers a silky feel and drapes nicely. Linen is another good option for its lightweight and airy qualities.
Fit and Size
You want a shirt that's relaxed but not too baggy. Look for a fit that allows for easy movement without being overly loose. Pay attention to the shoulder seams and sleeve length to ensure a comfortable fit.
Patterns and Colors
Consider your style when choosing patterns and colors. If you're new to Hawaiian shirts, start with classic floral designs in muted tones. As you get more comfortable, you can experiment with bolder prints and brighter colors.
Where to Wear Your Long Sleeve Aloha Shirt
Beach and Vacation
Of course, Hawaiian shirts are a natural fit for the beach and vacations. Ideal for weddings, cruising by the beach or enjoying a puahana drink in your favorite restaurant or bar.
Casual Fridays and Social Events
Long sleeve Hawaiian shirts are perfect for casual Fridays at the office or weekend social events. They offer a fun and relaxed alternative to traditional business casual attire.
Themed Parties and Festivals
If you're heading to a themed party or music festival, a long sleeve Hawaiian shirt is a fantastic choice. Its bold print will fit right in with the festive atmosphere and keep you comfortable as you dance the night away. Brown hawaiian shirt
Caring for Your Hawaiian Shirt
To keep your Hawaiian shirt looking vibrant, wash it in cold water with a gentle detergent. Avoid using bleach, as it can damage the colors and fabric. Turn the shirt inside out before washing it to protect the print.
Air drying is the best way to preserve your shirt's fabric and colors. Lay it flat on a clean towel or hang it on a clothesline. Avoid using a dryer, as the heat can cause shrinkage and fade the colors.
If your shirt gets wrinkled, use a low heat setting on your iron. It best to iron while still slightly damp to remove wrinkles easily or use a steamer to get rid of creases without direct heat.
Long sleeve Hawaiian shirts are a fantastic addition to any wardrobe. Their comfort, and bold prints make them suitable for various occasions, from beach days to casual Fridays at work.
By choosing the right fabric, fit, and pattern, you can rock a Hawaiian shirt with confidence and style.
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showbizwhizz · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: J Jill Flutter Sleeve Floral Print Blouse Size Medium Flirty Boho Breezy Summer.
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1. Bluetime Women's Crew Neck 3/4 Sleeve Tops
Fabric and Care
Fabric: 60% Rayon, 35% Polyester, 5% Spandex
Care Instructions: Machine wash
Origin: Imported from China
Features and Style
This top is made from a lightweight and stretchy knit fabric. It has a subtle burnout effect, making it suitable for wearing alone in spring, summer, and fall. You can also layer it under a jacket in winter. The 3/4 sleeve tops have a flattering scoop neckline and wide smocked cuffs. The relaxed bodice and rounded hems make it a comfortable and stylish choice. The exposed seam details at the smocked cuffs add an edgy touch.
You can dress up this classic basic top with boots or heels, or dress it down with sneakers. Tucking it into high-waisted bottoms gives a trendy look. Whether trends change, this top remains a timeless piece.
This top is perfect for casual outings, work, office, vacations, date nights, parties, travel, holidays, and daily wear. It's a versatile piece that you can wear any time of the day.
Care Tips
Washing: It can be machine washed or hand washed.
Drying: Hang it to dry or line dry it to keep it in good condition.
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1997clothes · 3 months
What Makes Summer Clothing Special Compared to Other Types of Apparel?
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Summer clothing always brings a sense of coolness, comfort, and diverse styles to the wearer. So, what makes summer clothing special compared to other types of apparel? Let's explore this topic in detail to get a comprehensive view of summer attire.
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1. Cool and Breathable Fabrics
One of the most prominent features of summer clothing is the fabric. To ensure comfort and coolness during hot days, summer attire is usually made from lightweight and breathable materials such as cotton, linen, and rayon.
Cotton: The most popular fabric for summer clothing, cotton is highly absorbent, keeping the body cool and comfortable.
Linen: Known for its breathability and lightness, linen is an ideal choice for sweltering summer days. It helps the body release heat easily and avoids feeling stuffy.
Rayon: Although synthetic, rayon offers good breathability and moisture-wicking properties, making it suitable for summer fashion.
2. Diverse Designs and Styles
Summer clothing offers a variety of styles and designs, providing a wide range of options for the wearer. From flowy maxi dresses to sporty shorts, each type of clothing has its unique appeal.
Maxi Dresses: Long, lightweight, and breezy, maxi dresses are perfect for summer, providing a feminine and comfortable feel.
Shorts: The quintessential summer garment, shorts offer comfort and a youthful, energetic look.
Crop Tops: Crop tops highlight a slim waist, providing a cool and comfortable fit for hot days.
Short-Sleeve Shirts: With their simple and airy design, short-sleeve shirts are an ideal choice for both men and women in summer.
3. Bright Colors and Vibrant Patterns
Summer clothing is often designed with bright colors and vibrant patterns, creating a fresh and youthful appearance.
Bright Colors: Shades like white, light blue, pink, and pale yellow are popular in summer, reflecting light and keeping the body cool.
Vibrant Patterns: Floral prints, stripes, polka dots, and whimsical drawings add a lively and unique touch to summer outfits.
4. Convenience and Ease of Coordination
Summer clothing is not only comfortable but also highly convenient and easy to coordinate. Basic items like T-shirts, shorts, and skirts can be effortlessly mixed and matched to create stylish outfits suitable for various occasions.
White T-Shirt: A must-have in any summer wardrobe, the white T-shirt can be paired with shorts, skirts, or jeans, offering a simple yet appealing look.
Denim Shorts: Timeless and versatile, denim shorts are perfect for active summer days.
5. Skin Protection
Besides being stylish and comfortable, summer clothing also has the added benefit of protecting the skin from UV rays. Many modern summer garments are designed with UV-protective materials, enhancing skin protection.
Sun-Protective Shirts: Made from special fabrics, these shirts not only shield the skin but also keep the body cool.
Wide-Brim Hats: An essential summer accessory, wide-brim hats provide shade for the face and neck from direct sunlight.
Summer clothing has numerous distinctive features compared to other types of apparel. From cool fabrics, diverse designs, bright colors, and convenience to skin protection, all these elements contribute to the unique appeal of summer attire. If you are looking for comfortable, stylish, and suitable clothing for the summer season, consider the suggestions above to make the perfect choice for yourself.
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Rayon or Cotton: Which is the Better Fabric for Clothing
It totally depends on fibre fabric when it comes to selecting fabric for clothing, both rayon and cotton have distinct advantages and characteristics that cater to different needs and preferences. The properties, benefits, and potential drawbacks of each fabric can help you make an informed decision about which is better suited for our specific clothing requirements.
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Cotton: The Natural Choice
1. Origin and Production
Pure linen fabric as cotton is a natural fibre harvested from the cotton plant. It has been used for thousands of years and is known for its comfort, breathability, and versatility. The production process involves picking the cotton, cleaning it to remove seeds, and spinning it into yarn, which is then woven or knitted into fabric.
2. Comfort and Breathability
Cotton is renowned for its softness and breathability. It allows air to circulate freely, making it an excellent choice for warm weather and everyday wear. The natural fibers are gentle on the skin, reducing the likelihood of irritation and allergies.
3. Durability
Cotton fabrics are generally durable and can withstand frequent washing and wear. High-quality cotton garments can last for many years, making them a worthwhile investment. However, cotton can shrink when washed in hot water, so it's important to follow care instructions.
4. Absorbency
Cotton is highly absorbent, which is beneficial for sweat absorption and maintaining comfort in hot climates. However, this property also means that cotton can become heavy and take longer to dry when wet.
5. Environmental Impact
Conventional cotton farming requires significant water and pesticide use, which can have environmental implications. However, organic cotton is grown without synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, making it a more sustainable option.
6. Applications
Cotton is incredibly versatile and is used in a wide range of clothing items, from T-shirts and jeans to underwear and bed linens. Its natural properties make it suitable for both casual and formal wear.
Rayon: The Semi-Synthetic Alternative
1. Origin and Production
Rayon is a semi-synthetic fiber made from cellulose, typically derived from wood pulp. It was developed as a cheaper alternative to silk and mimics the feel and drape of natural fibers. The production process involves dissolving cellulose in chemicals and then extruding it into fibers.
2. Softness and Drape
Rayon is prized for its luxurious softness and excellent drape, making it ideal for garments that require a fluid silhouette. It feels smooth against the skin and adds an element of elegance to clothing.
3. Breathability and Comfort
Rayon is breathable and comfortable to wear, although not as breathable as cotton. It is suitable for warm weather but may not perform as well as cotton in extremely hot conditions.
4. Moisture Absorbency
Rayon is moderately absorbent and dries faster than cotton. This makes it a good choice for activewear and summer clothing, as it can wick moisture away from the body more efficiently.
5. Care and Maintenance
Rayon requires more delicate care compared to cotton. It can weaken when wet and may shrink or lose its shape if washed in hot water or dried at high temperatures. Hand washing or using the gentle cycle on a washing machine and air drying is recommended.
6. Environmental Impact
The production of rayon involves significant chemical processing, which can have environmental impacts. However, newer methods like Lyocell (a type of rayon) use more eco-friendly processes and are biodegradable, offering a more sustainable option.
7. Applications
Rayon is often used in clothing that requires a soft, flowing drape, such as dresses, blouses, and skirts. Its ability to mimic the feel of silk and other luxurious fabrics makes it a popular choice for evening wear and formal attire.
Comparison: Rayon vs. Cotton
1. Comfort
Cotton: Offers superior comfort due to its softness, breathability, and hypoallergenic properties. Ideal for everyday casual wear and activewear.
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Rayon: Provides a luxurious feel and excellent drape, making it perfect for dressier garments and evening wear. Comfortable but may not be as breathable as cotton.
2. Durability
Cotton: Generally more durable and can withstand frequent washing and wear. High-quality cotton garments can last for many years.
Rayon: Requires more delicate care and is prone to weakening when wet. Not as durable as cotton but can be long-lasting if properly maintained.
3. Care and Maintenance
Cotton: Easier to care for, with most garments being machine washable and dryer-friendly. Care must be taken to avoid shrinking.
Rayon: Requires delicate handling, including hand washing or using the gentle cycle on a washing machine and air drying. More susceptible to damage from high temperatures.
4. Environmental Considerations
Cotton: Organic cotton is a sustainable option, but conventional cotton farming has significant environmental impacts due to water and pesticide use.
Rayon: The production process involves chemicals, but newer eco-friendly methods like Lyocell offer a more sustainable alternative. Generally less sustainable than organic cotton.
5. Applications
Cotton: Suitable for a wide range of clothing items, from casual to formal wear. Ideal for everyday garments like T-shirts, jeans, and underwear.
Rayon: Best for garments that require a soft, flowing drape, such as dresses, blouses, and evening wear. Mimics the feel of luxurious fabrics like silk.
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citymousesd · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: OFF SHOULDER Tiered Sleeve Top.
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