#rbing an ask meme designed to torture me by making me have to use my memory
zeta-male · 6 months
7, 18, 19, and 23!
7. Favorite actor of the year?
Stop I can barely name any actors and I want to keep it that way LMAO. i can probably give it to mr. lillard though. just because.
18. A memorable meal this year?
So so many. Every meal in Bellingham including the loaf of bread we ripped up by the water. Mussels with my sister (weird acidic sauce did not like), beach picnic with a friend (cheese with cumin, strawberry sake, marinated olives).
19. What’re you excited about for next year?
Last fall semester of my undergrad :') (and a longest johns concert with my sister I forgot abt until I checked my calendar <3)
23. If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
She did such a good job she doesn't need my help!! .... but buy the hadestown tickets for a different day there's a fob concert on that one and you can't do both
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