#re : derby evans.
sharpaymichelle · 6 months
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VOGUE meets with sharpay evans to discuss her life and family!
interviewer : you're known as a triple threat. a singer, dancer, actress - what can't you do!
sharpay evans : yeah, it's definitely been amazing having the recognition for all my hard work ... but i can't cook. i literally almost burned down my kitchen once, fun fact.
interviewer : before we talk about your rise to fame, you lived in albuquerque, new mexico briefly. what was that like?
sharpay evans : i did. when i moved there when i was sixteen and was there till i graduated from high school.
interviewer : what made you end up in new mexico?
sharpay evans : my past really isn't super hidden. i was just hanging around the wrong crowds and getting into trouble in my early teens. everyone thought it would be best that i just get a break from the nepo scene so was sent to live with my uncle vincent, aunt charlotte and cousin tiara.
interview : you boomed into the spotlight at the age of eighteen with your debut album, the new classic, and became known as the pop princess. what was that like?
sharpay evans : you know, i grew up in this industry. my parents really guided me every step of the way once they knew i was serious about my career. i'm really appreciative of my fans and even being given that title is such an honor.
interviewer : speaking of your parents, you're the daughter of hollywood actress derby evans and musician and producer vance evans?
sharpay evans : does this count towards one of the questions?
interviewer : yes, i guess it does, haha. what was it like being raised by them?
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sharpay evans: my mother, oh my mother. she is an amazing human being and dealt with so much between me and ry. again, i caused a lot of trouble for her and she wore my trouble on her sleeves while still being a famous, well-known actress providing for us. growing up, she would take us to set with her and we'd be playing on the lot or in set school. if we were lucky, we were able to watch her scenes and i still remember being constantly fascinated by everything she did. if you didn't know, there's an indie film she did once where she had to have a kid casted and my mom advocated so hard to have me play her daughter because she knew i had the talent to be an actress even at such a young age. my mom has always believed in me. i won't lie about the fact we went through a rough patch during my teens and briefly after i broke up with my ex but i admire who that woman is every single day. i mean, there's a reason i wrote don't tell my mom on heartbreak/her and included one of her voicemails. if i ever have kids, i hope to be half as patient and loving as she is. i also just hope i don't have menaces like i was, haha.
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sharpay evans : now my father, he is the reason i developed such a passion for music. looking back, i was so in awe of his life touring and him making music in the studios. i don't know how but like my mom he just saw a natural talent in me. i mean, he was gone a decent amount growing up but that was his career and he did what he needed to do to provide for us and i think that also took a toll out of him especially once i started rebelling. i remember when i came back from new mexico essentially a new person he just held me for a really long time and cried. mind you, this is a rock singer who i don't even think i had seen him cry before that very moment. my dad struggled with his own demons for years because of the industry but never really talks about it even with me till this day. i think for us, we just have a mutual understanding that, no matter what, we're here to lean on one another for support and that at the end of the day we're family. he has guided me in so many ways in life and that memory is probably, if not, my favorite of ours. i know he is proud of me.
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interviewer : do you think there was anything they could have done differently?
sharpay evans : i think they did the best with what they were equipped to do. they were first time parents dealing with a kid who liked to party and you know... participate in not so great things. i struggled sharing my parents with the world as i got older and really was having a hard time understanding the nepo scene even though i grew up in it. my dad constantly was on tours or my mom was filming movies so the attention was diverted away from me and ry. i now know i should have probably just verbalized my problems rather than defaulting to some ... illegal activities. although i don't necessarily agree with some of the choices they made, i don't hold them at fault for it.
interviewer : at least you're honest! well first, i hope your twin brother, ryan, is doing great! how did he handle all of this?
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sharpay evans : he is actually! he's currently doing some acting gigs on broadway right now. if you didn't know, he is actually older than me by one minute. but to answer your question, he took everything pretty hard. he came with me to new mexico for about a year but i told him to go back home to california. he found me on the floor one time after a situation and rushed me to the emergency room. like i think i traumatized him and i still feel so bad about it till this day. he's my heart that's walking on the outside of my body and the fact i hurt him so bad was devastating. ryan genuinely means everything to me. he suffered together, cried together, laughed together. we talk every day and even now, not living in the same state as one another is literally so difficult. he's just such an amazing person who dealt and cleaned up so much of my mess. i genuinely love him more than life itself.
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interviewer : if we can back track to new mexico. you mentioned an uncle, aunt and cousin , what were they like?
sharpay evans : oh they're everything i hope to have in a relationship. my cousin well... lets just say i understand.
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sharpay evans : my uncle vincent, i don't know if you know, was a child actor way back when but he met my aunt at a relatively young age and from what i'm told, knew from the very moment he laid his eyes on her that was his soulmate. she was just a waitress in los angeles living paycheck to paycheck wanting nothing to do with the celebrity lifestyle. when they turned eighteen, they got married but she was wanting to leave california and without hesitation, he followed her anywhere and left his career. he's now a criminal defense lawyer and is actually really happy doing it. crazy enough, the second i got to his front step i rolled my eyes at him and he literally locked me outside in the rain for twenty minutes and i had to sit on the curb until my aunt came home from work realizing what he had done. he was a strict man with me but i think i needed that type of role in my life. he wanted me to have structure and rules to know that every action and decision i made had consequences. i guess that was the lawyer in him. my uncle vincent really is such an amazing man and i'm really lucky to have a role model like him.
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sharpay evans : my aunt charlotte, again she was just a waitress when first meeting my uncle but now is a transplant coordinator at a hospital. i have never in a million years met a more down to earth and genuine human being before. we weren't really raised around my aunt or uncle and it wasn't because of any bad blood but really because of time scheduling. i mean, it worked out because i built a relationship with everyone on my own accord but i can genuinely say that my aunt charlotte is like a second mother to me. there's also a reason why her voicemail is on heartbreak/her. she was concerned about my well-being just as much as my mother and not hearing from me was extremely concerning. she knew i was okay but still wanted to hear from me. it was actually my aunt who convinced me to try out for drama club, get into choir and re-enroll in dance classes while i was in high school just to keep out of trouble and keep me pre-occupied. she always had my best interest at heart and knew that i needed compassion along with compassion.
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sharpay evans : tiara is my younger cousin. she is relatively ... similar to me in my personality. i think that's why we tend to buttheads frequently. i get it - i took a lot of her parents attention away when i moved to new mexico. it was exactly the problem i was facing with my own parents and hollywood. we just ran into issues when she constantly was trying to sabotage my life and that's not me being dramatic. she literally tried to steal my role in my play on opening night. thankfully, i managed to put a stop to it and we talked it out but i think when i left she was just excited to finally have her house back and be considered a single child again. i love her, i really do and i want her to have the best life possible but i hope she grows into herself just like i did at some point.
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interviewer : wow. it seems like new mexico really helped you, huh?
sharpay evans : honestly, i think i'll always have a deep appreciation for my aunt, uncle and even cousin. they molded me into who i am today. without them, i can genuinely say i don't think i'd be even here doing seventy - three questions with vogue.
interviewer : and what's it like being in the spotlight now compared to then?
sharpay evans : i wasn't prepared back then. i was literally a kid and the tabloids were absolutely ruthless towards me. i had no business being in the spotlight when i barely was in any projects and hadn't even released any music yet. thankfully, now, i have such an amazing support system between my mom, dad, ryan, my uncle vincent, aunt charlotte and even tiara and my pr team. everyone's primary goal is making sure not only myself but my image stays protected and safe. i feel so much more confident now being in the celebrity spotlight between making music and acting compared to back then.
interviewer : well, thank you so much for sharing yourself, your family and your house with vogue. is there anything else you want to share?
sharpay evans : yeah, stay tuned for my next album! now get out!
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kachinnate · 4 years
1, 14, 17? 👀
fanfic asks!
1. If you’re an author, how many WIPs do you currently have? (Be honest!)
six 👀 not counting drabble requests that i’m still workin on tho
14. (For authors) Post a line of dialogue few lines from one of your WIPs without context.
Setting the note aside, Evan picks up the box - it’s heavier than he thought it’d be - and sets it on his lap, fingers tentatively tracing along the edges of it. 
It’d be pointless to beat around the bush. He is almost certain that this is a Jared related box of some sort. 
17. Describe a fic that is still in the ‘ideas’ stage.
by law, i am legally obligated to remain quiet about faults
bUT okay lowkey i know it’s dumb and self indulgent but i am trying to make the poet evan/derby jared thing happen dsngkjdsgsg here’s some points from my psuedo outline:
- takes place in texas (i usually place deh in ny but there are plAUSIBLE reasons to believe it’s in texas too re: larry’s business card)  - ev is a new student who is transferring from ny - jared gets tasked with like showing evan around bc their schedules end up almost being identical  - jared and connor are buds, and alana and jared are buds, both for derby related reasons, however connor doesn’t do derby anymore and quit like a few years ago and alana is the captain for an all girls (or unisex i haven’t decided) team -jared gets kicked off his team -ev is actually doing the scholarship writing essay things here, and like feverishly  -lowkey don’t think ev and jared are going to like each other at first bc jared thinks ev is an edgy ass ripped off character from dead poet’s society and evan thinks jared is just Really annoying  -the reason that ev moved in the first place was bc his mom got a paralegal job in texas,, i bet u can guess working under whom -evan and connor kind of become friends through the weirdness of that situation -alana and evan also become quick friends bc she’s actually willing to help him out with things not begrudgingly like jared (also they bond over poetry/writing/english v fun v wholesome) -jared, lowkey being irritated/jealous that this fuckin edgelord is suddenly all buddy-buddy with his friends now -also ev’s house is right next to a skate park which will come in handy later 
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Ever increasing emphasis on the mental side of golf
Training techniques such as visualization, mental rehearsal, and mental imagery have become common terms on golf courses and used frequently among commentators on television. While many are aware of these mental training techniques, most are unaware that the key ingredient that supercharges these techniques is actually hypnosis. hypnosis The point most often left out of the majority of golf psychology books and discussions about these mental golf training techniques is the relaxed mental state the elite golfers get into before going through these processes.
Hypnosis is the secret ingredient to getting the true benefits of these techniques. Just like mental imagery and visualization, hypnosis is also rooted in science and has proven to be effective in a vast number of research studies including golf performance. This article was written to shed a light a truth on what hypnosis really is. You will discover the science behind hypnosis, what a hypnotist really does to a golfer when hypnotizing them, and what effects hypnosis had on a Senior European Tour player.
To understand how hypnosis works you must first understand a little bit about your brainwaves. Research using an electroencephalography, or EEG, has revealed that the human mind oscillates between 4 predominate brainwaves; beta, alpha, theta, and delta. Beta brainwaves, which are short and fast, occur when you are fully awake and alert. On the opposite end of the spectrum there are delta brainwaves which occur when you are deep asleep and unconscious. In between these two are alpha and theta brainwaves. Alpha brainwaves are associated with relaxed awareness similar to daydreaming or performing in the zone on the golf course. While theta brainwaves are connected with light stages of sleep, deep hypnosis, and meditation. Research has also shown that alpha and theta brainwaves are the ones associated with learning, and the predominate brainwaves we used as children when we achieved big feats of learning like how to speak a language.
Contrary to what Hollywood wants you to think, hypnosis is not some alternate reality a person slips into. EEG research has proven that the electrical currents (brainwaves) in the brain during hypnosis are the same as meditation, deep prayer states, lucid dreaming, and deep relaxation to name a few. All of these natural mental states are the same in their essence which is experiencing alpha and theta brainwaves, but each method achieves these states and makes use of these brainwaves differently.
For example, what separates hypnosis from meditation, is not the state of mind, which is the same, but how the state of mind is achieved and is being used. Since hypnosis is deliberately using alpha and theta brainwaves to elicit changes in behavior and accelerate learning, it is easy to understand that hypnosis is a communication process that takes place while in these naturally occurring brainwaves.
It is important to understand that hypnosis is not a state of mind, but a powerful communication process that has three distinct purposes.
First, to deliberately slow down the brainwaves to alpha and theta through suggestions for physical and mental relaxation.
Second, to use suggestions to maintain these brainwave states in order to utilize more mental resources and functions not normally accessible while in a full waking state, or beta brainwaves.
Third, to communicate positive new suggestions and ideas to the subconscious mind while in this receptive state to accelerate learning and integrate new behaviors. Hypnosis Works because it is a communication process that guides people back into the natural super learning states of mind that everyone experienced as a child.
Hypnotists don't actually "do" anything to their clients. They can't force a person to change or possess the power to bestow people with special abilities they didn't have before. Hypnosis is a "Do With" process and not a "Do To." The way that hypnotists help people is by serving two important roles: a teacher and a guide.
Hypnotists teach people how to re-access the super learning states within them through agreed-upon suggestions in a deeply relaxed,"learning" state of mind. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, which means that even when being guided by a hypnotist, it is still a process of self-improvement that is generated from within the person and not from an outside source. Hypnotists teach people how they can use their minds more productively to create positive solutions in their life.
Hypnotists also act as guides in this self-improvement process. This is priceless because by having a skilled guide to assist with the communication, it allows the client to simply absorb information instead of having to consciously provide it to themselves, which could accelerate the brainwaves and take a person out of their relaxed, learning states of mind. A guide enables a person to learn through absorbing information like we all did as a child, which gives the person the power to once again experience accelerated learning without conscious effort.
When a person gets hypnotized, they aren't entering into a mystical place or an alternate reality where magical things happen and their life suddenly improves. What is really occurring when a person is hypnotized? They have simply relaxed their mind and body, which slowed down the electrical currents occurring in the brain. When the electrical currents are slowed and the brain is experiencing alpha and theta brainwaves, then more of the brain is active and in use as modern research suggests.
As the brainwaves reduce speed through the acceptance of suggestions for relaxation, left hemisphere mental activity like critical thinking and analysis decreases while right hemisphere mental activity such as creative thinking, creative problem-solving, and imagination increases. This allows a person to make use of their subconscious mind and apply more mental energy to the achievement of one specific goal.
Learning expert, Suzanne Evans Morris, echoes these points in her work and reports, "The presence of theta patterns in the brain has been associated with states of increased receptivity for learning and reduced filtering of information by the left hemisphere. This creates an internal physiological environment for learning which involves the whole brain. "(Evans Morris 1989)
It is no longer a question of "if" hypnosis works, we know that it does as confirmed by scientific research. Master hypnotist, Tom Silver and the legendary, Ormond McGill, supports this thought in their book, Hypnotism, saying, "It is important to realize that there is indeed a way of monitoring levels of hypnosis using scientific medical devices such as the EEG machine. This type of monitoring levels of hypnosis is factual science and validates the true reality of hypnosis."(Silver and McGill 2003)
John Pates of the University of Derby in the United Kingdom studied the effects of hypnosis on an elite Senior European Tour player. The participant in the study was a 52 year old male, with 2 years of Senior European Tour playing experience, but with no tour event wins and no previous mental training by a qualified practitioner. The golfer met with the hypnotist once a week for a live personal hypnosis session and was given an audio hypnosis session to listen to each day in between sessions. This was done each week and over the course of 11 tournaments.
The results of the study showed that the hypnosis sessions significantly effected performance in a positive way and lowered the golfer's scoring average from a mean score of 72.8 to a mean score of 68.6, which for a golfer at this elite of a level it is a tremendous difference. The results also showed that the hypnosis sessions consistently improved golf performance and intensity of the flow state during real competitions from a mean flow score of 119.3 to a mean flow score of 151.6 as measured by the Flow State Scale. In addition, the hypnosis interventions helped increased the participant's prize money and, after just 3 weeks into the study, the participant won his first Senior European Tour event. Pates reports, "The results of the study indicate that a hypnotic intervention may be an effective way of preparing professional golfers for significant competition.
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architectnews · 2 years
Ravine House, Chesterfield, Derbyshire
Ravine House Chesterfield, Modern Derbyshire Home, East Midlands Residence, English Property Award
Ravine House, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, UK
29 April 2022
Ravine House, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England, UK
Thursday 28th of April 2022 – five projects were selected by the expert jury, who visited all of the shortlisted projects.
Design: Chiles Evans + Care Architects
photograph © Dug Wilder
Ravine House, Chesterfield – Derbyshire Property
Jury Report
The decision to keep this 1967 house seems obvious following its restoration and extension, but you have to place yourselves in the clients’ shoes, who, for all its attributes, had been living in a damp and cold structure, seemingly beyond transformation. It is to the architects’ great credit that they saw the wonderful potential in this quirky experimental house and took it on with energy and great sincerity to bring it forward as an exemplar renovation for the 21st century.
photo © Dug Wilder
They have taken their clients on a journey of discovery, tracking construction details back to the direct influence of Frank Lloyd Wright, to the innovations of electric underfloor heating, to an early use of double glazing, and to the mid-century modern furniture and fittings. They have then taken the house off mains gas and water supply using a geothermal borehole, introducing MVHR within an airtight skin and solar panels to reduce electricity consumption.
The jury panel enjoyed the painstaking research into restoring or replacing appropriate door handles and light fittings, carefully restored wardrobes and ceilings in Parana pine, and the discovery of a scrap of original Wilton carpet that was analysed and re-woven for the bedroom wing.
photo © Dug Wilder
Faced with adding a new ‘garden’ room to the tour de force of the original design, the architects have risen to the challenge brilliantly, with one of the most enjoyable spaces in the house, creating a snug set down into the garden that looks over the mature designed landscape all around. This new room sits easily into the copper clad angles and undulating glazed bays of the original design, with a coherence that reflects a deep understanding of the construction and architectural intent of the trailblazing design.
This is a house that integrates sustainable practice with restoration and renewal as an exemplar of how an architect can approach their brief with both respect and invention. The jury are delighted to give this project a regional award.
photograph © Terry Huggett
Ravine House, Chesterfield, Derbyshire – Building Information
Title: Ravine House RIBA region: East Midlands Architect practice: Chiles Evans + Care Architects Ltd Date of completion: Dec 2020 Date of occupation: Aug 2020 Client: Confidential Project city/town: Chesterfield Contract value: Confidential Gross internal area: 410.00 m² Net internal area: 368.00 m² Cost per m²: Confidential Contractor company name: Terry Huggett Developments Ltd
photo © Terry Huggett
Structural Engineers: DYSE Quantity Surveyor / Cost Consultant: Overford
• RIBA Regional Award • Regional Project Architect of the Year • Regional Sustainability award
2022 RIBA East Midlands Award Winners
2022 RIBA East Midlands Award Winners
Ravine House, Chesterfield designed by Chiles Evans + Care Architects
Location: Charlesworth, Derbyshire, England, UK
Ravine House, Chesterfield, Derbyshire images / information from the Royal Institute of British Architects
Location: Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England, UK
Derbyshire Buildings
Derbyshire Architecture Designs – recent selection:
Derwent Valley Villa, Duffield, Derbyshire Design: Blee Halligan photos © Henry Woide Derwent Valley Villa, Duffield, Derbyshire
Charlesworth Passivhaus Design: Studio Tashkeel Architects image courtesy of architecture office Derby Swimming Pool Complex
Ada Belfield Centre and Belper Library, Belper Design: Glancy Nicholls Architects photos © Verity Milligan Ada Belfield Centre and Belper Library
Derby Swimming Pool Complex Design: FaulknerBrowns Architects image from architects practice Derby Swimming Pool Complex
Lilas Pavilion at Chatsworth House, Bakewell image from architects Zaha Hadid Pavilion at Chatsworth House
East Midlands Architecture
Nottingham Southside Property Development image from property developer St. Peter’s Gate HQ
St. Peter’s Gate HQ, Nottingham Interior Design: CPMG Architects image from architects office St. Peter’s Gate HQ
Isover House Contest – Nottingham Architecture Competition Design: Evgeni Leonov Architects Nottingham Architecture Competition
Nottingham Architecture
Nottinghamshire Buildings
Birmingham Architecture Designs – chronological list
Contemporary English Architectural Designs
English Architecture Designs – chronological list
English Architecture
Comments / photos for the Ravine House, Chesterfield, Derbyshire building design by Chiles Evans + Care Architects page welcome
The post Ravine House, Chesterfield, Derbyshire appeared first on e-architect.
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jrpneblog · 4 years
North End take point in dour derby stalemate
This was not one of those derby games that people will be talking about in 100 years, in fact based the general level of mediocrity shown I doubt very much if it will be being talked about in 100 hours. North End and Rovers served up some really average stuff to the 19,963 inside Ewood Park, 6,276 of which were located in the away end. Two goals in the first seventeen minutes was as good as it got really in a game that Rovers clearly looked the better side before the break with North End upping their game and their efforts somewhat in the second half. Both sides appeared to run out of steam early in the second period but from our perspective I find it worrying that we really didn`t get out of second gear all afternoon. Rovers scored first through Armstrong aided by a misplaced Clarke pass and some poor defending, only for North End to level after sixteen minutes with a superb half volley from Josh Harrop after a header down from Rafferty.
All the talk before the game was about Scott Sinclair but with the lad not having played much football recently Alex Neil resisted the temptation to throw him straight in and he had to settle for a place on the bench. Within three minutes Rovers were in the lead when a cross field pass from Clarke went woefully astray and Armstrong went down the left hand side and cut into the box. It looked like the chance had gone but a ricochet from two North End defenders left the ball right at Armstrongs feet and he made no mistake giving the home side the lead. North End responded and just past the quarter hour mark a Gallagher free kick was nodded down by Joe Rafferty right into the path of Harrop who made no mistake with a rasper of a shot that gave Walton no chance. Rovers looked the more likely after the North End goal but lost Evans with a head injury and North End went in at the break slightly relieved to be on level terms after a considerbly lack lustre first half performance.
Im sure Alex Neil gave the boys a piece of his mind at half time as they had not done themselves justice in front of another huge away following. North End did look better in the second period with Rovers slowing down a little after all the chasing and closing down that they had done in the first period. Play got lost in the middle of the park far too often, for both teams in fact, and when we got into the final third we just could make the telling pass or play the killer ball. Browne looked tired, Gally only influenced in patches and Harrop and Barkhuizen had run themselves to standstill chasing back and trying to close Rovers down. We did look better when Stockley came on for at least we had some presence against the Rovers centre halves which we had not had up to this point. The game got a little stretched in the final quarter and the biggest roar of the afternoon came when Sinclair enter proceedings with just ten minutes left on the clock. Rudd made a spectacular save late on but in all honesty neither team deserved to win and my guess is that Alex Neil will be the happier of the two managers.
A disappointing spectacle, then, but at least it was another point away and a glance at the league table will tell you that there was not too much damage done. Just how North End re-energise themselves must be the hot topic at Springfields this week and although the signing of Scott Sinclair has given the club a real lift we really have to start winning again if we want to stay in the play off race. Several players looked tired long before the end of the game and one or two looked completely burnt out. Whether there are anymore new faces to come in remains to be seen but on the evidence of Saturday and the two league games previous to this we do need a freshening up of things otherwise it will be also rans for another year. All is not lost yet and a win can give the squad a massive boost, I just hope it comes next Saturday at Deepdale when Charlton Athletic are the visitors.
MOTM: Joe Rafferty
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sharpaymichelle · 6 months
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SHARPAY EVANS and DERBY EVANS ... the study of a mothers and daughters bond based on don't tell my mom .
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eatbaketravel · 5 years
    Maker’s Mark Bourbon
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE 21 TO READ THIS POST. But you do to enter the distiller sites linked in this post. 
Two trips and two years in the making but we did it. We finally filled out our Kentucky Bourbon trail passport. Now we can claim our prize for our effort. The best part is having “family” living amongst the distillers, so it was not a hard decision to visit!
You could say the birth of bourbon is due to the Federal Government.  Many of the settlers were making rye whiskey in Pennsylvania with family recipes. Enter the Federal government, they offered incentives to grow corn and move to the western region of Virginia, also known as the Kentucky region. Many settlers moved to this area and one of those farmers was Jacob Beam.  Jacob Beam who, like others, used his father’s whiskey recipe to distill his excess corn into a new, sweeter kind of whiskey-voilà bourbon was born. His bourbon became a local favorite. By the early 1800s, Kentucky was home to about 2,000 distillers.  According to the website, he sold his first barrel of Old Jake Beam Sour mash in 1795.
Our very first stop was to the Four Roses Distillery and our first stamp in the passport. Wild Turkey  tastings overlook the rolling hills.  Woodford rounded out the first trip. Your tasting at Woodford Reserve is amongst the barrels in candle light. With tastings of the double oaked and single barrel. With a bit of chocolate to cleanse the pallet.
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Very first stop, sip and stamp
Silver julep cups
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Not a bad view to sip
History of Wild Turkey
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Sipping by candle light
Bourbon barrels
  Marker’s Mark and Chihuly glass
  The first trip included a trip to Makers Mark, a special dinner, and evening stroll around the grounds but with a twist, a Chihuly glass exhibit. What a treat. All the buildings were open and the glass was a lit up as the sun went down. You could even taste the sour mash if you wanted to. Yuck.
Jim Beam, Evan Williams, Town Branch, Angels Envy, Haven Hill Elijah Craig rounded out the second trip. I guess you could say we were determined to finish getting our stamps.
Town Branch
In a city once rich with distilleries, Town Branch Distillery is the first new distillery built in Lexington, Kentucky in over 100 years. Town Branch, named after the river that runs through Lexington, is unique to the Kentucky Bourbon Trail as it is the only combination distillery and brewery – If you prefer beer to bourbon this is the stop for you as it is the only stop on the trail in which you will get to sample beer as well as bourbon! Try the stout, and yes, it has bourbon in it. Town Branch not only distills bourbon, but an excellent Caribbean rum, and gin. I do not really like gin but I would by theirs.  Sundown is also produced there, and well it is hard to describe. It is a thick syrupy concoction, but with a Kentucky spin, it is infused with Kentucky bourbon and sugar. The Bluegrass Sundowner is made by adding boiling water to the liqueur to release the flavors and aromas. Topped with a dollop of whipped cream and there you have it.
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Jim Beam
While we were walking the grounds at Jim Beam, you cannot help but notice the black mold on the buildings and trees.  It is called by the common name distillery fungus, distilleries’ shadow, whiskey fungus, angels’ share fungus, and warehouse staining fungus. It really Baudoinia compniacensis is a fungus that resides near the distilleries. Spirits maturation facilities, bonded warehouses, and large bakeries. It may look gross but it is not harmful to animals for people.  What its presence really means is that nature is working as it should and that close-by, our spirit of choice is in the making.  THEREFORE, if you happen to come across black mold you just might just be in the vicinity of some  bourbon.
#gallery-0-30 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-30 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-30 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-30 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
  Jim Beam
Evan Williams opened Kentucky’s first distillery in 1783, along the banks of the Ohio River. They still make bourbon the same way. It is a pretty good interactive tour. You finish with a sample tasting in a re-creation of an old saloon.
I would never let my bourbon overflow
Angel’s Envy is a family run distillery. Grandpa started it and brought his son along to create a bourbon that is finished in port barrels. Chocolate is an added bonus to the tasting. It is from a local chocolate shop. This sample was infused with orange. It was so good we had to hunt down the chocolate shop.  This is the distillery I really learned how to sip and taste bourbon. So, next time you order your bourbon ask for two ice cubes on the side. You take your fist sip then add a ice cube and enjoy the rest!
  Bourbon and chocolates
Bulleit is actually distilled on the grounds of the STITZEL-WELLER DISTILLERY.  From their website: Originally opened on Derby Day in 1935 and reopened to the public in 2014, the historic Stitzel-Weller Distillery is one of the true cathedrals of the American whiskey industry. Located only five miles from downtown Louisville, the Stitzel Weller Experience is one of the most convenient and impressive stops along the Kentucky Bourbon Trail®. We are proud to invite guests to step foot on this hallowed ground and gain a unique perspective on the dichotomy of the historic contrasted with the innovations of tomorrow that include Bulleit Bourbon, Blade and Bow Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey and I.W. Harper Bourbon. Bulleit is still distilled according to Bulleit family tradition. It is a high rye content bourbon and has a spicy flavor. The bourbon is aged in charred oak barrels and uses the limestone-filleted water, Kentucky is famous for.
Ring the bell if you like bourbon
Recipe for a Manhattan and a my favorite fall bourbon cocktail the Bourbon Apple Cider Cocktail
Recipe for a Manhattan
2 parts Maker’s Mark 46 Bourbon
1 part sweet vermouth
2 dashes aromatic bitters
Cherry for garnish
Combine ingredients over ice in a mixing glass.
Stir and strain into a chilled cocktail glass neat or on the rocks.
Garnish with a cherry.
Bourbon Apple Cider (My favorite in the fall)
1 part Bourbon
3 part Apple Cider (fresh pressed preferable)
A splash of ginger beer
Garnish with cherries and apples
In a cocktail glass with ice, stir the bourbon and apple cider. Top with cold ginger beer. Garnish with cherries and a slice of apple.
                            Sippin’ Bourbon on the Kentucky Bourbon Trail YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE 21 TO READ THIS POST. But you do to enter the distiller sites linked in this post.
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tipsoctopus · 5 years
'Bring him home' - Loads of Villa fans want club to re-sign 49-goal ace following promotion
A number of Aston Villa fans have called for Christian Benteke to return to the club in this summer’s transfer window.
Villa secured a return to the Premier League for the 2019-20 campaign courtesy of a 2-1 win over Derby County in the Championship playoff final.
Benteke took to social media in the aftermath of the result to hail his former club.
And that led to a number of Villa fans urging the Belgium international to make the move back to Villa Park this summer.
Benteke, now with Crystal Palace, turned out for Villa between 2012 and 2015 – scoring 49 times in 101 appearances for the club.
Thogden has ranked his top 5 sets of Championship away fans for Pl>ymaker FC. Did your club make the list? Find out in the video below…
It has not happened for the 28-year-old over the last couple of seasons at Palace but he has proved that he can score goals in the top flight of English football.
Could Benteke now be heading back to the Villans?
A selection of the Twitter reaction can be seen below:
Come back xx
— David Farrell (@AvFc_faz) May 27, 2019
Time to come back big fella pic.twitter.com/k9QZNXm8NV
— Ashley Evans (@Ashley_2693) May 27, 2019
Wanna come back? We’d love to have you back
— Nimit Shah (@boondocknim) May 27, 2019
We want you back.
— Middle Finger (@Middle_Digital) May 27, 2019
Come home #avtv
— Jonny Pearce (@jpearce88) May 27, 2019
Would love to you see back in a Villa kit!
— Pete (@SetPieces) May 27, 2019
come back big man. the good times are back
— Conor Henebry (@Conorhen4) May 27, 2019
Come Home to where you’re loved
— Nick (@sandbrook10) May 27, 2019
You need to come home big man you know home is where the heart is.
— Stewart Cole (@stewartcole79) May 27, 2019
from FootballFanCast.com http://bit.ly/2wqwAle via IFTTT from Blogger http://bit.ly/2HZ0hPO via IFTTT
0 notes
architectnews · 3 years
Brutalist building in Derby set to be demolished without plans for replacement
The brutalist Derby Assembly Rooms venue in the East Midlands, England is set to be demolished by the local council, though plans for its replacement are yet to be put in place.
The concrete edifice, which is located in Derby's medieval market place, was completed by Casson, Conder & Partners in 1977 for use as an events venue.
It was due to be refurbished by Derby City Council after a fire forced its closure in 2014. However, officials recently scrapped these plans due to spiralling costs and turned their focus to building a new events venue elsewhere.
The announcement has sparked uproar from architects and heritage groups across the UK who share concerns that the demolition will negatively impact both the environment and the city.
Pop-up market will be short-term replacement
While the council's long-term plans for the site continue to be debated, officials have published a short-term vision for the site that imagines it as an outdoor, pop-up market.
According to the council, a pop-up market will prevent the site from becoming disused and ensure it contributes to the city "at the earliest opportunity" post-demolition.
"We are already working on options for permanent long term redevelopment but we also have exciting plans so that the site can be used until then for a range of uses including varied outdoor markets, pop up retail, green space, food, drink and events," said Matthew Holmes, deputy leader of Derby City Council.
"This will ensure, as we promised, that the site is not left as 'a hole in the ground' or boarded off, something that we know is a concern for local businesses and city residents and for the council."
Plans set back by objections
The council's application for demolition will come before the city's planning committee on Thursday 15 April. It was initially submitted in August 2020 but pushed back in response to a petition and substantial opposition, as reported by the Derby Telegraph.
Leading the petition is architect Robert Evans, who is the founding director of Derbyshire studio Evans Vettori.
"This building is arguably the finest 20th-century building in the City of Derby," Evans writes in the petition.
"Quite apart from the architectural quality of this important civic building there is a strong argument on environmental grounds for the re-use of buildings containing significant amounts of embodied energy," it continues.
"It would be simply disgraceful for this distinguished building to be destroyed."
Demolition would be "enormous cultural loss"
Nottingham and Derby Society of Architects has also shared its concerns, arguing that "the greenest building is the building already built".
The Twentieth Century Society, a charity that campaigns for the preservation of architectural heritage, also said the building should be preserved.
"This is a very well designed building which should be listed, it's nationally important and has strong local support from many who can see its great potential," wrote its director, Catherine Croft. "It would be an enormous cultural loss to Derby if it was demolished."
On Twitter, the Twentieth Century Society's trustee Otto Saumarez Smith also slated the plans, describing the demolition and pop-up market proposal as a "grotesque failure of imagination".
The Derby Assembly Rooms are the latest in a string of notable brutalist buildings from the 1960s and 1970s to face demolition over the last decade. Elsewhere in the UK, this includes the Robin Hood Gardens housing estate and the Welbeck Street car park, both in London.
In the US, Paul Rudolph's Shoreline Apartments in New York have also been demolished, as well as his Burroughs Wellcome building in North Carolina – despite attempts to save it.
Photo is courtesy of Derby City Council.
The post Brutalist building in Derby set to be demolished without plans for replacement appeared first on Dezeen.
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cynthiajayusa · 6 years
What’s Hot South Florida Nov. 15 – Nov. 21
Thursday, November 15
Give Miami Day is one of the biggest annual giving events in the United States. This year, it ignites Greater Miami for 24 hours, beginning at 12am on November 15th and ending at 12:00 am on November 16. Throughout the day, individuals may view online profiles of hundreds of nonprofit organizations serving Miami-Dade County and make a charitable gift. The Miami Foundation and their partners will maximize the community’s generosity by making a bonus gift for every donation between $25 and $10,000 received during this 24 hour period through givemiamiday.org.
Miami is hosting the first large-scale exhibition in North America by Danish artist collective, SUPERFLEX!  The exhibit, We Are All in the Same Boat, will be premiering at the Museum of Art and Design at Miami Dade College. From corruption schemes to a flooded McDonald’s, the works will reflect upon the situation of Miami from the perspectives of art, finance, climate, and a fictional, if plausible, future.
Friday, November 16
The Pub presents The Synergy Twins at 9:30pm, where the vibe and the violins are electric and the performance is one of a kind. Let twins Steve and Jeff take you on a feel good, high energy musical journey that seamlessly combines well known classics and the latest dance tunes.
The Ramrod presents their monthly Mandance (3rd Friday of every month) starring DJ Herbie James.
Saturday, November 17
Let’s Get Artsy at the Wilton Manors Art & Entertainment Expo from 6-9pm up and down Wilton Drive. For more info, go to: WMAE.org. 
The Club Fort Lauderdale features their bi-monthly (1st and 3rd Saturday of the month) Res-Erection Naked Blackout event at 10p.m. This is always a sold-out event, so get there early!
W Fort Lauderdale and Ride Element invite you to: Glow Your Ride, a hi-energy sensory spinning experience taking place on the Wet Deck. There are 2 classes: at 7 and 8pm, and admission is $35, which includes the class, complimentary Valet, DJ Ricky Fatts, mini massages by Away Spa, Glowtasatic Body Art, workout cocktails, bites by Stephen Starr and a smoothie bar. Tickets are available at: theglowride.eventbrite.com.
Georgie’s Alibi/Monkey Bar presents “Beast,” their monthly fetish and gear party starring DJ/Producer Alex Ramos.
The Art & Design Gallery (8690 Biscayne Blvd #2, Miami) presents a pre-Art Basel art show for one night only featuring the Marcelo Holzinger in a special celebration of Art & Life at 6pm. The night will feature an art show, cocktails, music, performances and lots of fun!
Noche Latina Saturdays inside the Ivy Dance Room and patio at the Manor Complex celebrates the 15th anniversary of Female Impersonation for Viva Mirage. Viva would like to thank all her friends and supporters for 15 incredible years and would like to invite you all to come out And celebrate with her. She promises a fabulous show! The night will also star Taina Norell, DJ Cubano Miik, and sexy Latin Go-Go Papi’s. Saturdays at the Manor is from 11 pm to 4 am and feature NO COVER before midnight (FL Res) and only $7 for members after midnight and $10 for non-members (18-20 – $12 all night).
Sunday, November 18
The Pride Center at Equality Park presents: “Pride in the Park,” an informative workshop on PrEP and HIV for the community of Oakland and its neighbors at the Collins Community Center (3900 NE 3rd Avenue). To register of for more info contact PrEP specialist Ed Sparan at 954-463-9005 ext: 210 or [email protected]
Chris AbFab’s Sunday T Dance at Camelot in West Palm features a Trivia night with fabulous prizes and shows by Erika Norell and Kataleya Davenport Dupree.
Tuesday, November 20
The Greater Fort Lauderdale LGBT Chamber of Commerce presents their November Mixer at Xtreme Action Park (5300 Powerline Road) from 5:30-7:30pm. Admission in complimentary for GFLGLCC members and only $10 for future members. And includes one complimentary Reyka specialty cocktail and Hors D’oeuvres. 
Wednesday, November 21
Scandals Saloon presents DJ Frank Corr in a special Thanksgiving Eve Tea Dance on the patio from 7pm to late with free valet and free pool.
Georgie’s Alibi/Monkey Bar presents their annual pre-thanksgiving indoor/outdoor party starring DJ AJ Reddy. 
Hot Stuff
Fort Lauderdale is ready to welcome 55 teams from two nations and 17 cities to its 24th annual Hurricane Showdown international softball tournament during Thanksgiving weekend. Games will be played Nov. 23-25, with the Home Run Derby highlighting Friday night’s action at Mills Pond Park, and the championship games for all three divisions at Mills Pond on Sunday afternoon. Prizes will be raffled off to all participants and fans in attendance on Sunday afternoon at Mills. The evening activities will begin with the pre-registration party at Infinity Lounge on Wednesday night and conclude with the Closing Ceremony at Georgie’s Alibi/Monkey Bar on Sunday evening. In between, Matty’s, The Pub, GYM Bar, and Hunters, will host events Thursday-Saturday. For more information on the Showdown, please got to: hurricaneshowdown.net. 
This is HOT
“The Greatest Showman-Reimagined” comes accompanied by Kelly Clarkson’s stunning version of “Never Enough,” Panic! at the Disco’s “The Greatest Show,” P!nk’s rendition of “A Million Dreams,” as well as the “A Million Dreams (Reprise)” performed by her daughter Willow Sage Hart.
“The Greatest Showman-Reimagined sees songs from the film, all written by GRAMMY, Tony, and Academy Award-winning duo Benj Pasek & Justin Paul (La La Land, Dear Evan Hansen) covered by a remarkable cast of artists. The album is highlighted by a new version of the 3x platinum certified smash, “This Is Me,” performed by Keala Settle, Kesha and the legendary Missy Elliott. Other superstars contributing include Sara Bareilles, Years & Years and Jess Glynne, MAX and Ty Dolla $ign, James Arthur and Anne-Marie, and Zac Brown Band, among others. As if that weren’t enough, the album will include three bonus tracks, performed by Pentatonix, Craig David, and Kesha. See track listing below. 
The Greatest Show – Panic! At The Disco
A Million Dreams – P!nk
A Million Dreams (Reprise) – Willow Sage Hart
Come Alive – Years & Years and Jess Glynne
The Other Side – MAX and Ty Dolla $ign
Never Enough – Kelly Clarkson
This Is Me (The Reimagined Remix) –Keala Settle, Kesha and Missy Elliott
Rewrite The Stars – James Arthur and Anne-Marie
Tightrope – Sara Bareilles
From Now On – Zac Brown Band
The Greatest Show – Pentatonix
Come Alive – Craig David
This Is Me – Kesha
source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/11/14/whats-hot-south-florida-nov-15-nov-21/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2018/11/whats-hot-south-florida-nov-15-nov-21.html
0 notes
hotspotsmagazine · 6 years
What’s Hot South Florida Nov. 15 – Nov. 21
Thursday, November 15
Give Miami Day is one of the biggest annual giving events in the United States. This year, it ignites Greater Miami for 24 hours, beginning at 12am on November 15th and ending at 12:00 am on November 16. Throughout the day, individuals may view online profiles of hundreds of nonprofit organizations serving Miami-Dade County and make a charitable gift. The Miami Foundation and their partners will maximize the community’s generosity by making a bonus gift for every donation between $25 and $10,000 received during this 24 hour period through givemiamiday.org.
Miami is hosting the first large-scale exhibition in North America by Danish artist collective, SUPERFLEX!  The exhibit, We Are All in the Same Boat, will be premiering at the Museum of Art and Design at Miami Dade College. From corruption schemes to a flooded McDonald’s, the works will reflect upon the situation of Miami from the perspectives of art, finance, climate, and a fictional, if plausible, future.
Friday, November 16
The Pub presents The Synergy Twins at 9:30pm, where the vibe and the violins are electric and the performance is one of a kind. Let twins Steve and Jeff take you on a feel good, high energy musical journey that seamlessly combines well known classics and the latest dance tunes.
The Ramrod presents their monthly Mandance (3rd Friday of every month) starring DJ Herbie James.
Saturday, November 17
Let’s Get Artsy at the Wilton Manors Art & Entertainment Expo from 6-9pm up and down Wilton Drive. For more info, go to: WMAE.org. 
The Club Fort Lauderdale features their bi-monthly (1st and 3rd Saturday of the month) Res-Erection Naked Blackout event at 10p.m. This is always a sold-out event, so get there early!
W Fort Lauderdale and Ride Element invite you to: Glow Your Ride, a hi-energy sensory spinning experience taking place on the Wet Deck. There are 2 classes: at 7 and 8pm, and admission is $35, which includes the class, complimentary Valet, DJ Ricky Fatts, mini massages by Away Spa, Glowtasatic Body Art, workout cocktails, bites by Stephen Starr and a smoothie bar. Tickets are available at: theglowride.eventbrite.com.
Georgie’s Alibi/Monkey Bar presents “Beast,” their monthly fetish and gear party starring DJ/Producer Alex Ramos.
The Art & Design Gallery (8690 Biscayne Blvd #2, Miami) presents a pre-Art Basel art show for one night only featuring the Marcelo Holzinger in a special celebration of Art & Life at 6pm. The night will feature an art show, cocktails, music, performances and lots of fun!
Noche Latina Saturdays inside the Ivy Dance Room and patio at the Manor Complex celebrates the 15th anniversary of Female Impersonation for Viva Mirage. Viva would like to thank all her friends and supporters for 15 incredible years and would like to invite you all to come out And celebrate with her. She promises a fabulous show! The night will also star Taina Norell, DJ Cubano Miik, and sexy Latin Go-Go Papi’s. Saturdays at the Manor is from 11 pm to 4 am and feature NO COVER before midnight (FL Res) and only $7 for members after midnight and $10 for non-members (18-20 – $12 all night).
Sunday, November 18
The Pride Center at Equality Park presents: “Pride in the Park,” an informative workshop on PrEP and HIV for the community of Oakland and its neighbors at the Collins Community Center (3900 NE 3rd Avenue). To register of for more info contact PrEP specialist Ed Sparan at 954-463-9005 ext: 210 or [email protected]
Chris AbFab’s Sunday T Dance at Camelot in West Palm features a Trivia night with fabulous prizes and shows by Erika Norell and Kataleya Davenport Dupree.
Tuesday, November 20
The Greater Fort Lauderdale LGBT Chamber of Commerce presents their November Mixer at Xtreme Action Park (5300 Powerline Road) from 5:30-7:30pm. Admission in complimentary for GFLGLCC members and only $10 for future members. And includes one complimentary Reyka specialty cocktail and Hors D’oeuvres. 
Wednesday, November 21
Scandals Saloon presents DJ Frank Corr in a special Thanksgiving Eve Tea Dance on the patio from 7pm to late with free valet and free pool.
Georgie’s Alibi/Monkey Bar presents their annual pre-thanksgiving indoor/outdoor party starring DJ AJ Reddy. 
Hot Stuff
Fort Lauderdale is ready to welcome 55 teams from two nations and 17 cities to its 24th annual Hurricane Showdown international softball tournament during Thanksgiving weekend. Games will be played Nov. 23-25, with the Home Run Derby highlighting Friday night’s action at Mills Pond Park, and the championship games for all three divisions at Mills Pond on Sunday afternoon. Prizes will be raffled off to all participants and fans in attendance on Sunday afternoon at Mills. The evening activities will begin with the pre-registration party at Infinity Lounge on Wednesday night and conclude with the Closing Ceremony at Georgie’s Alibi/Monkey Bar on Sunday evening. In between, Matty’s, The Pub, GYM Bar, and Hunters, will host events Thursday-Saturday. For more information on the Showdown, please got to: hurricaneshowdown.net. 
This is HOT
“The Greatest Showman-Reimagined” comes accompanied by Kelly Clarkson’s stunning version of “Never Enough,” Panic! at the Disco’s “The Greatest Show,” P!nk’s rendition of “A Million Dreams,” as well as the “A Million Dreams (Reprise)” performed by her daughter Willow Sage Hart.
“The Greatest Showman-Reimagined sees songs from the film, all written by GRAMMY, Tony, and Academy Award-winning duo Benj Pasek & Justin Paul (La La Land, Dear Evan Hansen) covered by a remarkable cast of artists. The album is highlighted by a new version of the 3x platinum certified smash, “This Is Me,” performed by Keala Settle, Kesha and the legendary Missy Elliott. Other superstars contributing include Sara Bareilles, Years & Years and Jess Glynne, MAX and Ty Dolla $ign, James Arthur and Anne-Marie, and Zac Brown Band, among others. As if that weren’t enough, the album will include three bonus tracks, performed by Pentatonix, Craig David, and Kesha. See track listing below. 
The Greatest Show – Panic! At The Disco
A Million Dreams – P!nk
A Million Dreams (Reprise) – Willow Sage Hart
Come Alive – Years & Years and Jess Glynne
The Other Side – MAX and Ty Dolla $ign
Never Enough – Kelly Clarkson
This Is Me (The Reimagined Remix) –Keala Settle, Kesha and Missy Elliott
Rewrite The Stars – James Arthur and Anne-Marie
Tightrope – Sara Bareilles
From Now On – Zac Brown Band
The Greatest Show – Pentatonix
Come Alive – Craig David
This Is Me – Kesha
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2018/11/14/whats-hot-south-florida-nov-15-nov-21/
0 notes
ultrasfcb-blog · 6 years
Premier League transfers: Your guide to the window so far
Premier League transfers: Your guide to the window so far
Premier League transfers: Your guide to the window so far
There have been plenty of Premier League transfers you might have missed this summer during the World Cup. So who have each team signed and sold – and who do they need to bring in?
Remember, the transfer deadline for top-flight English clubs is Thursday, 9 August this season for the first time.
All transfers correct as of 18 July 2018
Manchester City
Riyad Mahrez is Manchester City’s record signing
Position last season: champions
Transfers in: Riyad Mahrez (Leicester) £60m
Transfers out: Angus Gunn (Southampton) £13.5m, Pablo Maffeo (Stuttgart) undisclosed, Angelino (PSV) undisclosed, Ashley Smith-Brown (Plymouth) undisclosed, Isaac Buckley-Ricketts (Peterborough) undisclosed, Matt Smith (Twente) loan, Edward Francis (Almere City) loan, Manu Garcia Alonso (Toulouse) loan, Paolo Fernandes (NAC Breda) loan, Yaya Toure (released)
BBC Radio Manchester’s Andy Buckley: “City were pipped by Chelsea for Jorginho from Napoli but still have lots of midfield options. Pep Guardiola will be heartened that captain Vincent Kompany came through the World Cup unscathed and the City boss has the buying power to bring in defensive cover and an extra front-line striker if required.
“Manchester City aim to become the first club in a decade to make a successful defence of the Premier League title. It will be a much harder task this time round, though the signing of Riyad Mahrez signals their intentions.”
Manchester United
Position last season: second
Transfers in: Fred (Shakhtar Donetsk) £47m, Diogo Dalot (Porto) £19m, Lee Grant (Stoke) £1.5m
Transfers out: Daley Blind (Ajax) £14m, Sam Johnstone (West Brom) £6.5m, Joe Riley (Bradford) undisclosed, Michael Carrick (retired), Dean Henderson (Sheff Utd) loan
BBC Radio Manchester’s Bill Rice: “The arrival of Brazilian midfielder Fred gives United added steel and grit in midfield, and should allow Paul Pogba to flourish further upfield on his return from a successful World Cup, while teenage full-back Diogo Dalot’s arrival led to Daley Blind’s departure after just four Premier League starts last season.
“A commanding central defender and another hardworking wide player are the areas manager Jose Mourinho will look to strengthen, with Tottenham’s Toby Alderweireld and Chelsea’s Willian among the names in the frame.
“Don’t rule out a statement signing too, United – having opted not to pursue re-signing Cristiano Ronaldo nine years after he left the club for Spain – would surely be near the front of the queue if Gareth Bale also decides to leave Real Madrid this summer.”
Position last season: third
Transfers in: None
Transfers out: Keanan Bennetts (Borussia Monchengladbach) undisclosed, Anton Walkes (Portsmouth) undisclosed
BBC Radio London’s Andy Rowley: “As usual Tottenham are taking their time in the transfer market. Spurs got their biggest deals done before the World Cup by securing striker Harry Kane and manager Mauricio Pochettino to new contracts.
“There might be some re-shaping of the squad to be done if they decide to sell Belgium internationals Mousa Dembele and Toby Alderweireld. Fernando Llorente, Moussa Sissoko, Danny Rose and Vincent Janssen may also be departing.
“Depending on departures they require wide attacking options and cover for Harry Kane.”
Switzerland’s Xherdan Shaqiri seals victory over Serbia
Position last season: fourth
Transfers in: Fabinho (Monaco) £39m, Naby Keita (RB Leipzig) £52.75m, Xherdan Shaqiri (Stoke City) £13m
Transfers out: Emre Can (Juventus) free, Jon Flanagan (Rangers) free, Yan Dhanda (Swansea) free, Ovie Ejaria (Rangers) loan, Adam Bogdan (Hibernian) loan, Harry Wilson (Derby) loan
BBC Radio Merseyside’s Ian Kennedy: “The position everyone is talking about is the goalkeeper, as Liverpool close in on a £66.8m move for Roma’s Alisson.
“Midfield has been been strengthened with Fabinho and Naby Keita, and now Xherdan Shaqiri too but many see Liverpool’s striking options needing a boost, if only in terms of experience – but anyone coming to the club will know they’ll have a job and half to play regularly ahead of Mohamed Salah, Sadio Mane and Roberto Firmino.”
Position last season: fifth
Transfers in: Jorginho (Napoli) £50m
Transfers out: Jonathan Panzo (Monaco) undisclosed, Mitchell Beeney (Sligo) free, Wallace Oliveira (released), Trevoh Chalobah (Ipswich) loan, Nathan Baxter (Yeovil) loan, Reece James (Wigan) loan, Dujon Sterling (Coventry) loan, Lewis Baker (Leeds) loan, Jake Clarke-Salter (Vitesse) loan, Danilo Pantic (Partizan) loan, Eduardo (Vitesse) loan, Kenedy (Newcastle) loan, Jhoao Rodriguez (Tenerife) loan, Jamal Blackman (Leeds) loan, Todd Kane (Hull) loan, Mason Mount (Derby) loan
BBC Radio London’s Nick Godwin: “New Chelsea boss Maurizio Sarri says the transfer market doesn’t really interest him and other people at the club will decide who comes in and goes out, although Jorginho has followed him from Napoli.
“However he may have to contend with some potential departures. The futures of Eden Hazard and Thibaut Courtois are far from certain.
“He did allow himself to suggest that he would like to see a bit more quality in midfield but that he could adapt players he currently has to do this.”
Position last season: sixth
Transfers in: Lucas Torreira (Sampdoria) £26m, Bernd Leno (Bayer Leverkusen) £19m, Sokratis Papastathopoulos (Borussia Dortmund) £16m, Matteo Guendouzi (Lorient) undisclosed, Stephan Lichtsteiner (Juventus) free
Transfers out: Per Mertesacker (retired), Jack Wilshere (West Ham) free, Santi Cazorla (Villarreal) free, Hugo Keto (Brighton) free, Tafari Moore (Plymouth) free, Chiori Johnson (Bolton) free, Yassin Fortune (Sion) free, Aaron Eyoma (Derby) free, Marc Bola (Blackpool) free, Vlad Dragomir, Ryan Huddart, Alex Crean (all released), Takuma Asano (Hannover) loan
BBC Radio London’s Phil Parry: “For the first time in over two decades Arsenal head into a new season without Arsene Wenger at the helm which makes predictions a little difficult. The last campaign for the Frenchman proved very disappointing and his successor takes over with the club at its lowest league ebb on the pitch in years.
“Unai Emery’s first objective will be to make the Gunners challenge for a top-four finish. The players who have left the squad are no major surprise while the business already done has started to fill a few of the cracks which have appeared in the last couple of years. Two experienced defenders will help and a new goalkeeper in Leno may signal a real challenge to Petr Cech in the battle for the gloves.
“Lucas Torreira looked impressive as a defensive midfielder for Uruguay in the World Cup and looks to be an astute acquisition. The front pair of Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang and Alexandre Lacazette have the potential to provide goals but the Gunners could still do with some potency out wide. And at the back another dominant central defender and left sided player would be on fans’ shopping lists. But perhaps after a stale end to the Wenger era this new direction will have an immediate impact.”
Position last season: seventh
Transfers in: None
Transfers out: Scott Arfield (Rangers) free, Tom Anderson (Doncaster) free, Josh Ginnelly (Walsall) free, Chris Long, Dean Marney (both released)
BBC Radio Lancashire’s Scott Read: “They look a central defender light, having not strengthened since the sale of Michael Keane 12 months ago. Kevin Long was an able deputy for Ben Mee and James Tarkowski, but injury to either would leave them stretched at the back. A little extra pace and mobility, out wide and/or up front could also be a priority.
“The longer Burnley remain in the Europa League, the tougher they’ll find the Premier League, at least that’s how the theory goes. However, the Championship title, two consecutive years in the top flight and then securing European football has told me that theories, where Sean Dyche is concerned, often go out of the window.”
Wayne Rooney on Everton, England and the MLS
Position last season: eighth
Transfers in: None
Transfers out: Ramiro Funes Mori (Villarreal) undisclosed, Wayne Rooney (DC United) undisclosed, Joel Robles (Real Betis) free, Jose Baxter (Oldham) free, David Henen (released), Luke Garbutt (Oxford) loan, Henry Onyekuru (Galatasaray) loan
BBC Radio Merseyside’s Ian Kennedy: “I think Marco Silva and new director of football Marcel Brands will be aware of the lack of depth in the striking department. Cenk Tosun has proved to be a good signing, but he’ll need support up top. Dominic Calvert-Lewin did well last season and we know Oumar Niasse can be a handful – but can Everton find an experienced top-class striker or two?
“Everton have holding midfielders – but may look for more creative midfielders. A fit again Gylfi Sigurdsson will be a bonus and it’ll be interesting to see if Ademola Lookman is given more opportunities after coming back from his loan spell in Germany. The Blues squad is big, and may well require trimming down before any new signings come in. Last season proved tough for the likes of Davy Klaassen and Nikola Vlasic – but will the new manager give them an opportunity to impress?”
Position last season: ninth
Transfers in: James Maddison (Norwich) £20m, Ricardo Pereira (Porto) £17.7m, Jonny Evans (West Brom) £3.5m
Transfers out: Riyad Mahrez (Man City) £60m, Connor Wood (Bradford) undisclosed, Ben Hamer (Huddersfield) free, Robert Huth (released), Elliott Moore (OH Leuven) loan
BBC Radio Leicester’s Ian Stringer: “The Foxes will only really know what they need when they’re sure the likes of Kasper Schmeichel, Harry Maguire, Wilfred NDidi and Jamie Vardy won’t be poached. Claude Puel may want another left back to assist youngster Ben Chilwell and Christian Fuchs.
“The central midfield is packed and there’s options on the wings but yet another ‘number 10’ or creative player wouldn’t surprise me.
“Jack Grealish was mentioned before Spurs showed interest but I’d expect the Foxes to spread their transfer tentacles far and wide. An overseas star wouldn’t be strange; let’s hope they’re more successful than Ahmed Musa and Islam Slimani.”
Position last season: 10th
Transfers in: Martin Dubravka (Sparta Prague) undisclosed, Ki Sung-yueng (Swansea) free, Kenedy (Chelsea) loan
Transfers out: Mikel Merino (Real Sociedad) undisclosed, Massadio Haidara (Lens) free, Stuart Findlay (Kilmarnock) free
BBC Radio Newcastle’s Matthew Raisbeck: “Rafael Benitez is again frustrated by Newcastle’s approach to transfers. He was hoping for more than the £45m that was spent last summer – but has again only been given a modest budget.
“The Spaniard knows he needs to sell players – and reduce the wage bill – in order to bring in more new faces; striker Aleksandar Mitrovic – wanted by Fulham – is his most saleable asset.
“Benitez needs at least one striker. West Brom’s Salomon Rondon is the Magpies’ top target after they missed out on Alassane Plea. The United boss also wants to re-sign winger Andros Townsend from Crystal Palace, and could finance that deal by allowing Matt Ritchie to join Stoke.
“Three players have arrived so far. But given that Kenedy and Martin Dubravka have returned after being on loan, and Ki Sung-yeung is a like-for-like replacement for Mikel Merino, Newcastle are effectively no stronger than they were last season.”
Crystal Palace
Position last season: 11th
Transfers in: Vicente Guaita (Getafe) free
Transfers out: Yohan Cabaye (Al Nasr) free, Damien Delaney (Cork) free, Diego Cavalieri, Lee Chung-yong (both released)
BBC Radio London’s Nick Godwin: “Things have been very quiet on the transfer front so far this summer which has alarmed some Palace supporters.
“Roy Hodgson produced a miracle last season given how lop-sided the squad was and the number of injuries suffered through the campaign.
“A new goalkeeper has finally been brought in [Guaita] but new recruits are required in midfield and up front.
“However most efforts are being targeted at keeping hold of Palace’s current stars – particularly Wilfried Zaha.”
Position last season: 12th
Transfers in: David Brooks (Sheffield United) undisclosed
Transfers out: Benik Afobe (Wolves) £10m, Lewis Grabban (Nottingham Forest) £6m, Max Gradel (Toulouse) undisclosed, Adam Federici (Stoke) undisclosed, Rhoys Wiggins (retired), Ryan Allsop (Wycombe) free, Ollie Harfield (Dag & Red) free, Sam Matthews (Bristol Rovers) free, Joe Quigley (Maidstone) free, Baily Cargill, Patrick O’Flaherty (both released), Mikael Ndjoli (Kilmarnock) loan
BBC Radio Solent’s Adam Blackmore: “It’s been a quiet summer so far, but the Cherries are chasing Uruguayan international left-back Diego Laxalt, and Colombian midfielder Jefferson Lerma.
“If Eddie Howe can persuade Lerma and Laxalt to come to the Vitality stadium, then two of their key needs will have been addressed. Centre-back and/or right-back could also be positions that give Eddie Howe more strength in depth and formation options.”
West Ham
Felipe Anderson is West Ham’s club record signing
Position last season: 13th
Transfers in: Felipe Anderson (Lazio) £36m, Issa Diop (Toulouse) £22m, Lukasz Fabianski (Swansea) £7m, Andriy Yarmolenko (Borussia Dortmund) undisclosed, Fabian Balbuena (Corinthians) undisclosed, Jack Wilshere (Arsenal) free, Ryan Fredericks (Fulham) free
Transfers out: Ben Wells (QPR) undisclosed, Reece Burke (Hull) undisclosed, James Collins, Patrice Evra (both released)
BBC Radio London’s Phil Parry: “Having appointed a new manager in the shape of Manuel Pellegrini the Hammers have done their transfer business early. And after calls from fans for the club to splash some of the Premier League cash the board have gone out and invested heavily this summer to strengthen areas identified by many observers as those needing to be addressed.
“Diop looks as a fine prospect in the heart of defence while Ryan Fredericks will match the energy and up and down style of Arthur Masuaku on the opposite full-back flank. With the arrival of Anderson and Yarmolenko the Irons’ front four looks very strong and Jack Wilshere has the qualities to unlock defences [providing those injury doubts don’t haunt him].
“I suppose there could still be a couple of exits if the squad seems a little too large and there’s a suggestion that Marko Arnautovic could attract attention from elsewhere. But based on what has been done so far the supporters will be expecting a top-10 finish, a push for possible European qualification and a cup run.”
Position last season: 14th
Transfers in: Gerard Deulofeu (Barcelona) £11.5m, Adam Masina (Bologna) £3.5m, Marc Navarro (Espanyol) £1.8m, Ben Wilmot (Stevenage) undisclosed, Ken Sema (Ostersund) undisclosed, Ben Foster (West Brom) undisclosed
Transfers out: Costel Pantilimon (Nottingham Forest) undisclosed, Mauro Zarate (Boca Juniors) undisclosed, Brandon Mason (Coventry) free
BBC Three Counties Radio’s Geoff Doyle: “It looks as though Watford have again been canny in the transfer market, not spending too much (about £25m so far) but bringing in players to strengthen last season’s problem areas to bolster a squad which is already pretty strong but which was badly hampered by injuries last campaign.
“Ben Foster is an excellent goalkeeper choice, two full-backs were required and were brought in early, Gerard Deulofeu will continue to get better and the others could also make their mark.
“A striker is the one area that probably still needs strengthening. Troy Deeney’s influence has lessened over the three Premier League years although injury hasn’t helped and Andre Gray didn’t quite hit the mark last season so proven back-up is probably needed if those two don’t fire.”
Position last season: 15th
Transfers in: Bernardo (RB Leipzig) £9m, Florin Andone (Deportivo) undisclosed, Jason Steele (Sunderland) undisclosed, David Button (Fulham) undisclosed, Yves Bissouma (Lille) undisclosed, Leon Balogun (Mainz) free, Joseph Tomlinson (Yeovil) free, Hugo Keto (Arsenal) free
Transfers out: Jamie Murphy (Rangers) undisclosed, Connor Goldson (Rangers) undisclosed, Bailey Vose (Colchester) undisclosed, Henrik Bjordal (Zulte Waregem) undisclosed, Uwe Huenemeier (Paderborn) free, Steve Sidwell, Liam Rosenior, Niki Maenpaa (all released), Robert Sanchez (Forest Green Rovers) loan, Ben Hall (Notts County) loan, Christian Walton (Wigan) loan, Steven Alzate (Swindon) loan, Ales Mateju (Brescia) loan
BBC Sussex’s Johnny Cantor: “The Seagulls moved quickly to secure long-term targets early in the window and opted for players with versatility like Leon Balogun and Bernardo who can play in a number of positions.
“Initially the main focus was on the defence and two new keepers but the spotlight has moved further up the pitch.
“The arrival of central midfielder Yves Bissouma may allow for different option of a 4-3-3 next season, a possible Plan B to improve on last year’s away from home [11 points] but a creative number 10 or another wide player may complete the squad alongside the cut-price capture of Florin Andone earlier in the summer.”
Position last season: 16th
Transfers in: Terence Kongolo (Monaco) £17m, Ramadan Sobhi (Stoke) £5.7m, Juninho Bacuna (Groningen) undisclosed, Jonas Lossl (Mainz) undisclosed, Erik Durm (Borussia Dortmund) undisclosed, Ben Hamer (Leicester) free
Transfers out: Dean Whitehead (retired), Dylan Cogill (Clyde) free, Jack Boyle (Clyde) free, Jack Payne (Bradford) loan, Robert Green, Denilson Carvalho, Luca Colville, Cameron Taylor (all released)
BBC Radio Leeds’ Paul Ogden: “So far, a classic modern-day Huddersfield Town transfer window, with a nod towards the financial reward for having stayed in the Premier League at the first attempt.
“A new club transfer record has been set by the permanent acquisition of Terence Kongolo from Monaco, accompanied by a handful of other, more obscure, and typically bold bargain-hunter’s captures.
“Egypt’s Ramadan Sobhi for example, salvaged from the rubble of Stoke’s relegation collapse, wouldn’t have interested many other Premier League clubs. Head coach David Wagner however, will have seen something he liked in Sobhi as an opponent last season and believe he can get much more from the player than others have.
“Equally original is the arrival of ex-Germany international Erik Durm to add some much-needed nous to Huddersfield’s left side. His low risk, short contract from Borussia Dortmund is a classic win-win.”
Position last season: 17th
Transfers in: Mohamed Elyounoussi (Basel) £16m, Angus Gunn (Man City) £13.5m, Stuart Armstrong (Celtic) £7m, Jannik Vestergaard (Borussia Monchengladbach) undisclosed
Transfers out: Dusan Tadic (Ajax) £10m, Olufela Olomola (Scunthorpe) free, Florin Gardos (Universitatea Craiova) free, Armani Little (Oxford) free, Will Wood (Accrington) free, Jeremy Pied, Ollie Cook, Richard Bakary, Stuart Taylor (all released), Guido Carrillo (Leganes) loan, Ryan Seager (Telstar) loan
BBC Radio Solent’s Adam Blackmore: “I expect further movement after a good summer so far for Saints. They could add a forward/winger but I suspect they will be keen to move Sofiane Boufal out on loan first. Goalkeeper Fraser Forster also looks set for a loan move away following the investment in Angus Gunn.
“Some supporters are calling for another striker, after struggling for goals in the last two seasons.”
Shades of Banks – Portugal keeper’s brilliant save
Position last season: champions (Championship)
Transfers in: Benik Afobe (Bournemouth) £10m, Willy Boly (Porto) £10m, Rui Patricio (Sporting Lisbon) fee not yet decided, Leo Bonatini (Al-Hilal) undisclosed, Ruben Vinagre (Monaco) undisclosed, Raul Jimenez (Benfica) loan, Diogo Jota (Atletico Madrid) undisclosed
Transfers out: Ben Marshall (Norwich) undisclosed, Duckens Nazon (STVV) undisclosed, Prince Oniangue (Caen) undisclosed, Jon Flatt (Scunthorpe) free, Hakeem Odoffin (Northampton) free, Jordan Allan, Dan Armstrong, Anthony Breslin, Nicu Carnat, Ross Finnie, Conor Levingston, Tomas Nogueira, Adam Osbourne, Ryan Rainey, Jose Xavier (all released), Benik Afobe (Stoke) loan, Christian Herc (Dunajska Streda) loan, Aaron Collins (Colchester) loan, Sherwin Seedorf (Bradford) loan, Roderick Miranda (Olympiakos) loan
BBC WM 95.6’s Mike Taylor: “Wolves supporters expecting a wild summer of spending from their wealthy owners following promotion have so far been left, if not disappointed, then maybe a little unfulfilled. It’s hard to believe that will stay the case for long. Much of the money so far laid out this summer has been to consolidate last year’s squad by turning loans into permanent deals, most notably for the hugely popular Willy Boly and Diogo Jota, and they didn’t come cheaply.
“The signing of the Portuguese goalkeeper Rui Patricio may have been a little opportunistic, Wolves plucking him out of Sporting Lisbon’s summer of chaos, to the clear annoyance of his former employers, who are determined to extract some sort of payment at least. There are suggestions that Sporting want £50m for the keeper! While his quality and value is beyond doubt, it could be argued that other areas of the squad more urgently require reinforcement.
“Raul Jimenez on loan is so far the forward new to the club, and although he’s enjoyed success with Benfica, they have used him sparingly in view of their total outlay for him. If he proves to be a success or is joined by another striker, Benik Afobe’s immediate departure to Stoke after signing a full deal will look less unusual. An additional central defender would seem to be a likely priority too, and it would be no surprise to see Wolves use the loan-with-a-view-to-permanent method extensively again in whatever remaining business they have in mind.”
Position last season: second (Championship)
Transfers in: Josh Murphy (Norwich) £11m, Bobby Reid (Bristol City) £10m, Greg Cunningham (Preston) £4m, Alex Smithies (QPR) £3.5m,
Transfers out: None
BBC Wales’ Dafydd Pritchard: “Owner Vincent Tan said Cardiff City would learn from their previous stint in the Premier League – which ended after a single tumultuous season in 2014 – and their spending this summer suggests they have done just that.
“Winger Josh Murphy, forward Bobby Reid, goalkeeper Alex Smithies and left-back Greg Cunningham have joined for less than £30m between them, adding quality to the squad which won promotion from the Championship in efficient fashion last season.
“Manager Neil Warnock has done his business early and with the exception of a few loan signings – Liverpool midfielder Marko Grujic is in the frame to return – he seems unlikely to make many more additions.”
Position last season: third, play-off winners (Championship)
Transfers in: Jean Michael Seri (Nice) undisclosed, Maxime le Marchand (Nice) undisclosed.
Transfers out: David Button (Brighton) undisclosed, Ryan Fredericks (West Ham) free, Stephen Humphrys (Scunthorpe) loan, Elijah Adebayo (Swindon) loan
BBC Radio London’s Andy Rowley: “Fulham fans are already hoping they have got the Ivorian Xavi as Jean Michael Seri has topped the Ligue 1 rankings for passes played and completed for the past two seasons. He should certainly fit in with the way they play their football under Slavisa Jokanovic, who will also be keen to bring Aleksandar Mitrovic and Matt Targett to Craven Cottage on permanent deals after the Southampton and Newcastle players impressed on loan in the second half of last season’s promotion campaign.
“Fulham have also been busy tying key players to long-term deals with captain Tom Cairney and influential USA defender Tim Ream extending their contracts. This is good news after losing full-back Ryan Fredericks, who ran down his contract and moved to West Ham on a free transfer.
“They need to strengthen in central defence, at left-back and up front.”
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getseriouser · 7 years
20 THOUGHTS: It’s still only March
A hotly contested Round One, lots of upsets and great narratives from the weekend which suggests the season ahead has great promise.
The Crows, Bombers and Power were the big winners from last weekend, whereas the Giants, Blues and Dockers didn’t show us much to get excited about.
Off-field the trade talk and free agency simmers in the background and the AFLW capped off a wonderful inaugural season with a stellar finale on the Gold Coast.
 1.   I know one event was free and a Grand Final, the other was paid-entry and a home and away fixture, but the fact the AFLW Grand Final Saturday afternoon attracted over 15,000 fans, a wonderful result for the women’s game, yet the Q-Clash that night, the Queensland derby, Round One to a new season, only got 12,000, is very disappointing.
 2.   Mark Evans will have his work cut out for him in South-East Queensland as Suns CEO. Their talent is coming through and eventually they will play finals and field a side worthy of decent crowds, but there seems to be considerable damage to the market appeal for both QLD clubs, especially on the Gold Coast. Crowds have never turned up for any sport on the tourist strip, the league will need to be patient and extremely hard-working to ever see that change.
 3.   Travis Cloke was booed on Friday night and that became an issue? He was booed taking a set shot but hardly for any other touch the rest of the night, so perhaps that had something to do with it? And where was the outrage when fellow 2010 Premiership player Dale Thomas received significantly more heat when Collingwood plays Carlton? Not quite sure why this became an issue at all.
 4.   Marcus Bontempelli has been many pundits Brownlow pick and even received some votes in Saturdays paper for his game last Friday. He is a star, a wonderful young player, and someone that Dogs’ fans can be extremely buoyant about. But here and now, in 2017, he arguably wouldn’t even be in Geelong’s best two midfielders, let alone top five players in the AFL like Mark Robinson suggests. Hold your horses a touch.
 5.   This Essendon side will be mighty this year, my only fear was a slow start given the circumstances of the last 18 months. The signs on Saturday night against a ‘decent’ Hawthorn suggest that they might be alright from the word go, which is good signs for those optimised Bomber fans thinking of September footy. They are a real show, promise you.
 6.   As for their opponent Saturday night, it’s not all doom and gloom but the Hawks sides of the last five years simply don’t drop that game at all, they find a way, have a purple patch kick three or four goals and turn the momentum – they just get up. This side now has a vulnerable underbelly and the idea of winning another 15-16 games just looks unlikely.
 7.   The Giants had a nervous Preliminary Final last year and it cost them. They were the better side but the Dogs played it better. That same mentality, the lack of aptitude when it really matters or allowing themselves to play below standard, that is the only thing that stops them this year. And whilst Leon Cameron and his staff are good operators, this team still might be too flimsy to take home the chocolates come year’s end despite how insane their team is.
 8.   On the other hand Adelaide had a wonderful start and they will be a top-four fancy for sure. To smash the Giants by ‘that’ much is indicative of how cohesive Don Pyke has them playing but also that they’ve got the mix just right. A lot of ‘no names’ in that side but it doesn’t matter to win a flag – who would know Josh Dunkley or Toby McLean if they walked past them in the street?
 9.   It won’t appear as such on the stat sheet but the return of Paddy Ryder to the Port side on the weekend made a huge difference. As a number one ruckman he is one of the better proponents of the craft in the game. So whilst we all see Max Gawn as the premier ruckman in the league, don’t discount Ryder as someone who could have a year to reconsider that belief – he is a star.
 10.        Nick Riewoldt, luckily it wasn’t curtains with that knee injury on the weekend. Even so, we shall see how his career pans out in his twilight years, but would he could go down as the greatest player to never have won a Premiership or a Brownlow. Walk up Hall of Famer for sure.
 11.        The Lions performance on the weekend was super encouraging for Chris Fagan and the rest of the club. Most notable, which won’t get the proper love down in Melbourne, was the games of Harris Andrews and Eric Hipwood. This column has highlighted these two already and their games on the weekend, especially when Andrews played on Suns-superstar Tom Lynch, show the impact they can have on a Brisbane resurgence.
 12.        How good was the AFLW? Great crowds, very encouraging TV ratings, good corporate support and all based on a season pretty hastily organised and with the stuff up of the Grand Final to boot. This will go from strength to strength and don’t underestimate the league’s potential when situated in the ‘clear air’ of February with very little other competition in the sporting calendar.
 13.        Carlton are in the complete rebuild phase and why they didn’t get good picks from the Crows for Bryce Gibbs I’ll never know. But the Dale Thomas conundrum is a big one – he has given them little to no value on real big coin. He is out of contract this year and whilst many are saying he will go on, remember this: none of the current coaching staff or list management were around when he joined the club, so any sort of new deal being elementary is far from a good thing.
 14.        Here’s an idea: why don’t once a year, when they play a game in Melbourne, don’t Sydney wear a South Melbourne strip, complete with a traditional red V, and Brisbane wear a Fitzroy strip, not just the colours as they do now but with the FFC monogram instead of the Lion. Sydney has almost 15,000 Melbourne-based members and I know Brisbane is looking to reconnect with more Fitzroy supporters, there’s a novel way to try and maintain and improve those Victorian membership bases.
 15.        A forgotten superstar of the game who could easily have an All-Australian year without us even noticing – Dayne Beams. He is that good that should he stay fit (the big question, no doubt) he is a walk-up to the All-Australian squad of 40. Towards the end of his time at Collingwood he was always at the level of Scott Pendlebury, and we know the heights to which the competition rates the Magpies skipper.
 16.        Before we look into some of the key matchups of Round Two, remember, it was just Round One. Last year Melbourne defeated the GWS in Round One and they went on to have very different years. The first game of the year is more about who is more ready than whose going to be the better side; always wait at least two to three weeks before we can settle on some proper judgements.
 17.        Big game for the Crows and Hawks this week at the MCG, if the Crows can get up here that’s two massive wins to start the season, validating what they are working with at West Lakes, and they after just two weeks look a candidate for the top four, perhaps even the top two.
 18.        For Hawthorn, this will be a stern test as Adelaide won’t be a pushover. To be 0-2 will be quite the setback and early season doubts after an off-season of change, and where so much experience left the club, will be hard to budge.
 19.        Tomorrow night is the Grand Final rematch, after a loss last week at home to the Power, this really means a lot more for Sydney than the Dogs. They need to get one back otherwise the season is off to a horrendous start. It won’t be all complete doom and gloom but there’ll be plenty of questions asked if they are winless after two, for a side so many pencilled into top two calculations.
 20.        Dustin Martin watch – we know Richmond will throw all the cash at him, and to be honest I don’t see why they can’t afford to re-sign him, money shouldn’t be too much an issue. But he will have so many other offers. St Kilda, Adelaide, at least one if not both Sydney clubs, they’re definitely throwing big coin. Talk of North and maybe Collingwood as well, and list management meetings in Perth and Queensland have raised the possibility too. He has already chosen a new club already from the numerous offers or has made up his mind to consider a new one, thus the flurry of interest.
(originally published March 30)
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sharpaymichelle · 6 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
SHARPAY EVANS ... a family debut !
staring in the big blockbuster movie ...
sharpay evans, portrayed by sabrina carpenter!
supporting roles ... ( by appearance )
ryan evans, the twin brother of sharpay, portrayed by logan shroyer! vance evans, the father of sharpay, portrayed by bradley cooper! boi, sharpay's dog, portrayed by the worlds most beloved yorkie terrior! derby evans, the mother of sharpay, portrayed by amanda seyfried! vincent evans, the uncle of sharpay, portrayed by matthew mcconaughey! tiara evans, the cousin of sharpay, portrayed by alissa skovbye! charlotte evans, the aunt by marriage of sharpay, portrayed by linda cardellini!
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aion-rsa · 7 years
The History of Mister Mxyzptlk, Superman’s Impish Frenemy
One of the most interesting balancing acts modern day comic books maintain is how to bring characters who existed in an era where comic books were mostly directed at children into the current era, where comics are aimed at an older audience. When your audience has been made to expect a certain style of comic book character, where does someone like Mister Mxyzptlk, the mischaevous imp from the 5th Dimension, fit into the DC Comics Universe? We’re finding that out right now, as Mxyzptlk is making his triumphant return in the DCU’s Rebirth era. While we celebrate his comeback, let’s look back at his impressively long comics career as one of the few Golden Age Superman characters to make it out of that era!
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Mister Mxyzptlk was first created by the same fellow who created Superman, Jerry Siegel, along with artist Ira Yarbrough, for 1944’s “Superman” #30. However, due to a delay in scheduling, the character actually first showed up in the “Superman” newspaper comic strip (by Whitney Ellsworth and Wayne Boring), as the strip and the comic book were often treated nearly interchangeably at the time, as they were both under the direction of Ellsworth, who was the editor of all “Superman” comic-related matters at the time (until he left the series in the hands of Mort Weisinger when Ellsworth began handling the famed television adaptation of Superman, “The Adventures of Superman”).
Here he is from the comic strip…
And here he is in what was supposed to be his comic debut, from “Superman” #30…
Note the spelling of his name. When he debuted, the P and the T were switched, so his name was Mister Mxyztplk.
When Mxyztplk first showed up, he was a good deal crueler than he would later become, but that, in a way, pretty much describes the sensibilities of the Golden Age period. The humor of the Golden Age was, generally speaking, cruder than the humor following the introduction of the Comics Code in the mid-1950s. At most companies, including DC Comics, things had toned down considerably by the end of the 1940s, even, on a voluntary basis. You only have to look at the early Joker appearances to see how the character was toned down within the first few years of his existence. In any event, when Mxyztplk first showed up, he got off on making people think he was dead repeatedly in his first appearance. Originally, his intent was to conquer Earth, but that quickly devolved to just wanting to irritate Superman. Initially, the way to get rid of him was for anyone to say his name backwards, Klptzyxm, but that also very quickly changed to specifically having it be he who would have to be the one to say the name backwards. Saying the name would force him to go back to his home dimension for 90 days. Back in the Golden Age, if they thought that they hit on a good character, they would use that guy over and over again and that’s what happened to Mxyztplk. He was possibly Superman’s most common enemy in the late 1940s/early 1950s.
RELATED: Action Comics’ Fake Clark Revelation Raises Even More Questions
Also note the original outfit that Mxyztplk wore. His original outfit was that suit and derby look. That look lasted until 1953, when Al Plastino gave him basically the most common outfit for Mxyztplk, but just not the right color yet…
That would happen four issues later, in “Superman” #86…
That would become his classic look. Now early on in Mort Weisinger’s tenure as “Superman” editor, Mxyztplk stopped showing up for a few years. By the time he showed up again in “Superman” #131, it sure appeared as though no one remembered how to spell his name, so he suddenly became Mister Mxyzptlk, the name that would stick from that point forward (note that years later, it was established that Mister Mxyztplk was from Earth Two and Mister Mxyzptlk was from Earth One)…
Mxyzptlk was popular in the Silver Age, but even by the 1970s, he had fallen out of favor a bit as a character, as the “Superman” titles were trying to be a bit more “modern” under the new editorial direction of Julius Schwartz.
Alan Moore famously used Mxyzptlk as the main villain of his “Farewell to the Pre-Crisis” Superman in 1986’s “Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow”…
After “Crisis on Infinite Earths” and the subsequent “Man of Steel” reboot of the “Superman” mythos, John Byrne actually brought Mister Mxyzptlk back into the fold a lot sooner than most people expected, re-introducing him in 1987’s “Superman” #8…
However, Post-Crisis, Mxyzptlk appearances were treated as very special occasions. Eventually, though, “Superman: The Man of Steel” artist Jon Bogdanove, clearly a fan of the character, began to work him into the comic with a little more frequency…
Meanwhile, Paul Dini and Bruce Timm brought the character into the “Superman: The Animated Series” cartoon, where he was depicted like his classic look and he was voiced by Gilbert Gottfried.
This take on the character proved to be very popular, which makes sense, as Mxyzptlk’s sensibilities really lend themselves to cartoons especially well (especially as that basic trope had been used in cartoons for years, like the Great Gazoo in “The Flinstones”). Mxyzptlk was also a popular character on the 1960s “Superman” animated series.
As the 21st Century began, Mxyzptlk got a special spotlight in a classic graphic novel by Evan Dorking, “Superman and Batman: Worlds Funnest” where Mxyzptlk and his Batman-counterpart, Bat-Mite, fight each other throughout the history of the DC Comics Universe.
Soon after, Mxyzptlk was at the center of a major “Superman” event when Mxyzptlk is tricked by the Joker into giving him his powers and, well, things don’t go very well for the world in “Emperor Joker.” Luckily, the heroes are able to stop the madman and get Mxy his powers back.
During the rest of the 2000s, writer didn’t seem to quite know what to do Mxyzptlk. For a time, he was split into a pair of vicious twins who were a lot more evil than annoying, but that was quickly dropped. During the “Countdown to Final Crisis,” Mxyzptlk was kidnapped by Superboy Prime and forced to use his powers under Superboy Prime’s service. However, since the New 52 occurred, Mxyzptlk had only made one appearance in a Grant Morrison-penned issue of “Action Comics,” but Morrison’s “Action Comics” was always a bit of a different animal than the rest of the New 52, so he didn’t really have a place in this new take on the DC Universe. With “Rebirth,” though, the very idea that the DC Universe has been changed has been a major plot point and thus, with the re-introduction of Mister Mxyzptlk, we are addressing head on the idea that there might be a very good reason why Superman hasn’t seemed to remember him anymore, even as we have learned that Mxyzptlk transcends the Multiverse itself.
Where we go next with Mxyzptlk looks to be a fascinating examination of the changing nature of the DC Universe, but wherever we go, it’s just fun to have this fun character back in play again.
The post The History of Mister Mxyzptlk, Superman’s Impish Frenemy appeared first on CBR.com.
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architectnews · 3 years
Brutalist building in Derby set to be demolished without plans for replacement
The brutalist Derby Assembly Rooms venue in the East Midlands, England is set to be demolished by the local council, though plans for its replacement are yet to be put in place.
The concrete edifice, which is located in Derby's medieval market place, was completed by Casson, Conder & Partners in 1977 for use as an events venue.
It was due to be refurbished by Derby City Council after a fire forced its closure in 2014. However, officials recently scrapped these plans due to spiralling costs and turned their focus to building a new events venue elsewhere.
The announcement has sparked uproar from architects and heritage groups across the UK who share concerns that the demolition will negatively impact both the environment and the city.
Pop-up market will be short-term replacement
While the council's long-term plans for the site continue to be debated, officials have published a short-term vision for the site that imagines it as an outdoor, pop-up market.
According to the council, a pop-up market will prevent the site from becoming disused and ensure it contributes to the city "at the earliest opportunity" post-demolition.
"We are already working on options for permanent long term redevelopment but we also have exciting plans so that the site can be used until then for a range of uses including varied outdoor markets, pop up retail, green space, food, drink and events," said Matthew Holmes, deputy leader of Derby City Council.
"This will ensure, as we promised, that the site is not left as 'a hole in the ground' or boarded off, something that we know is a concern for local businesses and city residents and for the council."
Plans set back by objections
The council's application for demolition will come before the city's planning committee on Thursday 15 April. It was initially submitted in August 2020 but pushed back in response to a petition and substantial opposition, as reported by the Derby Telegraph.
Leading the petition is architect Robert Evans, who is the founding director of Derbyshire studio Evans Vettori.
"This building is arguably the finest 20th-century building in the City of Derby," Evans writes in the petition.
"Quite apart from the architectural quality of this important civic building there is a strong argument on environmental grounds for the re-use of buildings containing significant amounts of embodied energy," it continues.
"It would be simply disgraceful for this distinguished building to be destroyed."
Demolition would be "enormous cultural loss"
Nottingham and Derby Society of Architects has also shared its concerns, arguing that "the greenest building is the building already built".
The Twentieth Century Society, a charity that campaigns for the preservation of architectural heritage, also said the building should be preserved.
"This is a very well designed building which should be listed, it's nationally important and has strong local support from many who can see its great potential," wrote its director, Catherine Croft. "It would be an enormous cultural loss to Derby if it was demolished."
On Twitter, the Twentieth Century Society's trustee Otto Saumarez Smith also slated the plans, describing the demolition and pop-up market proposal as a "grotesque failure of imagination".
The Derby Assembly Rooms are the latest in a string of notable brutalist buildings from the 1960s and 1970s to face demolition over the last decade. Elsewhere in the UK, this includes the Robin Hood Gardens housing estate and the Welbeck Street car park, both in London.
In the US, Paul Rudolph's Shoreline Apartments in New York have also been demolished, as well as his Burroughs Wellcome building in North Carolina – despite attempts to save it.
Photo is courtesy of Derby City Council.
The post Brutalist building in Derby set to be demolished without plans for replacement appeared first on Dezeen.
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