#re: dorothea arnault.
sburbanlegends · 9 months
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headcanons — dorothea arnault , modern verse.
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indigowallbreaker · 2 years
Ok but uh Dorothea so excited to have her gf Ingrid visiting? Like they’re long distance after school or w/e and now? Dorothea can take Ingrid to all her favorite cafés and give her all the treats she wants. Being proper gfs at long last
Love thissss. Back when I had a long distance relationship, I got to visit her once and it was so fun going to all the places my gf had talked to me about. Being taken to a place your loved one loves-- and if it's a place with food that's even better-- is the best. You can really feel how much they want to share that space with you and how much they enjoy having you at 'their' place.
But back to the gal pals.
Dorothea taking Ingrid everywhere. Breakfast is cozy and just the two of them in Dorothea's apartment-- but lunch is at That One Cafe With The Great Sandwiches and after a lengthy walk around the city they go to This Restaurant That Has My Favorite Drink and, for desert, they hit up The Bakery With Those Red Bean Filled Pastries I Told You About.
Ingrid's feet hurt at the end of the day but her belly is full of food and her heart is full of love and Dorothea has an itinerary for tomorrow she can't wait to experience.
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grinserabe · 3 years
apologies if you've already done this! but i am curious about a pallette swap for yuri and Dorothea!
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iubworks · 3 years
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Dorothea Arnault from Fire Emblem Three Houses.
Request for a Twitch patron! High-res and PSD file on Patreon!
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petraswyvern · 3 years
If Black Eagles Could Choose...
I’ve made a couple posts about how a cool mechanic in the game would be if the Black Eagles could make their own choice on who to side with when Edelgard declares war. I’ve mentioned that I think it would be a cool mechanic if your support with them could influence their choice, but I want to go out on a limb here and list some “defaults.”
What does this mean? Basically, this is the choice that the unit will make if their support with Byleth isn’t high enough. In practice, for example, if you side with Edelgard, characters who default to siding with the church will side with them, leave your party, and re-appear as enemies unless you’ve got high enough support with them. Reverse is also true for siding with the church. 
A third option, “avoids the conflict,” basically means that unless you have a high enough support with this character they leave the party and avoid the war entirely, meaning they will not appear as an enemy but will still leave you.
This post also got really wordy, so I put a read-more to explain my choice for each character, but TL;DR:
CHURCH FACTION: Ferdinand, Petra, Flayn (Flayn will never side with the Empire, but will shift to Avoids the Conflict if you didn’t do her paralogue)
AVOIDS THE CONFLICT: Dorothea, Linhardt, Flayn if you didn’t do her Paralogue
EMPIRE FACTION: Bernadetta, Caspar, Hubert (Hubert will never abandon Edelgard)
So let’s talk group-by-group and see why everyone is where they are!
PS: this isn’t discourse about if Edelgard or Rhea is “right.” It’s just a discussion of other characters. Feel free to disagree but I don’t want Edelgard discourse.
Ferdinand von Aegir arguably has the most to gain among the Black Eagles from things staying as they are. He is set to inherit great power, a large territory, and is very proud of these things. He is pious, thinks the system as it stands is good, and states, in Crimson Flower, that he still thinks he can change Edelgard’s mind about abolishing the current nobility system. I think, out of everyone, this choice is the least controversial, and therefore, I think that Ferdinand would need quite a bit of convincing to back Edelgard up in this war.
Petra Macneary is not in the Empire of her own volition. She is a political prisoner, per Hubert’s C  support with her. In Crimson Flower, she tells the player she only sided with Edelgard because it feels like there’s a knife against her throat and that she had no power to refuse. She openly resents the Empire’s dominion over her people. Even though Petra does not begrudge Hubert or Edelgard for this, I do not see her wanting to help the Empire become more powerful. In fact, in my mind, the most likely scenario is that she flees Fodlan when Edelgard declares war, returns to Brigid, and prepares her people for war. She would most likely try to protect the people of Brigid, and only get involved if Edelgard tried to invade Brigid. Regardless, she would need a lot of convincing to join Edelgard.
Flayn would obviously never side with Edelgard. However, given Seteth’s protectiveness of her, I think he might make her avoid the war altogether unless he knew she could hold her own. Because his only chances to do this are in the Battle of the Eagle and Lion and in Flayn’s paralogue, you must do the paralogue or else she will avoid the war per her father’s wishes.
Dorothea Arnault was very difficult to place. I think that she, on paper, would side with Edelgard. However, the horrors of war break Dorothea in canon. They absolutely devastate her. Therefore, I see her wanting to avoid the conflict. However, if the player chooses the Church and doesn’t have enough support with her, it’ll be implied that civilian intel is reaching Hubert via Dorothea. Similarly, if you choose to side with Edelgard and don’t have enough support with her, you will encounter Dorothea as a green unit protecting an orphanage in Derdriu and can convince her to re-join the army with a high enough Charm stat.
Linhardt von Hevring despises the feeling of harming others and wants to lead a simple, peaceful life. I see him wanting to avoid the war. He has familial ties to siding with Edelgard; in canon, Linhardt’s father sides with Edelgard after all. So, if the player sides with the church and doesn’t have enough support to keep Linhardt around, you’ll discover after hearing about Gronder from Seteth that Linhardt was seen leading the healing tents for the Imperial Army and that he seemed overwhelmed. If you choose to side with Edelgard, but don’t have enough support to keep Linhardt around, he will be doing medical research at home and can be encountered near the Great Bridge running a healing tent. If the player’s Faith skill is high enough, he can be convinced to rejoin you.
Hubert von Vestra...is Hubert. He’s staying. You can pry the Empire from his cold, dead hands.
Caspar von Bergliez has a great deal of respect for his father, and dislikes the idea of opposing him per his dialogue with Byleth in chapter 12. Caspar also shares Edelgard’s dislike for the idea of inherited titles, per his B support with her, but also doesn’t care much for nobles in general. These ideas combined make me think he’d default to siding with Edelgard.
I’ve saved my most controversial choice for last: 
Bernadetta von Varley has, aside from Hubert, the most to gain from siding with Edelgard. She is everything that the old system is supposed to love: A Crest bearing first born noble with a lot of money to her name. But in spite of that, she was violently abused by her father. Her status meant nothing--she wasn’t a good enough heir for him because she was a girl. Her father was the Minister of Religious Affairs, too. What kind of message must that have sent to Bernadetta about religion? Plus, Bernadetta was dragged to the monastery and forced to carry out the church’s bidding against her will, per her B support with Byleth. The system as it stands has hurt her so badly. She also has a very low opinion of most nobles, per her likes and dislikes card, but the main logic for her placement here is her history. Bernadetta was everything the system is supposed to love and was still treated with extreme cruelty. I think she’d side firmly against the church.
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sothisblessmysoul · 4 years
»» The roles are reversed, you are the character and the characters are the player ««
༓ʚ Route Unlocked II ɞ༓
Summary: How they react to you meeting them in the goddess’s tower. 
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༓Dorothea Arnault  Dorothea selects your avatar who would show up at the tower, she watches with excitement, waiting impatiently for your character to appear in front of her and talk to her because Dorothea knows that this scene is where the characters will share a special moment with the player. 
“Oh, this is where you are. I wanted to apologize for not getting a chance to dance with you. Can I be selfish to still ask for one?” 
Without hesitation Dorothea picks yes, not bothering to fight off a smile and blush after asking her. During the whole scene from beginning to end, Dorothea is giggling like a schoolgirl. The scene made her day so much better and whenever Dorothea remembered this moment, a smile always came to her face.
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༓Ferdinand von Aegir  As soon as your character became a choice to show up in the tower, Ferdinand was beyond excited but texted both Edelgard and Hubert about the situation to show off first before he said yes. He doesn’t mean to skip through the ballroom dance because the art is beautiful, however, Ferdinand wanted to talk with you.
“I didn’t know you were up here. I was hoping to be alone after dealing with people, but I’m happy to see you. Ferdinand, I love being around you.”
Ferdinand inhaled so sharply that he ended up choking a little much to his embarrassment but thankfully no one was around to see it. His attention was back to you, staring at your word text as his cheeks got pinkish. Ferdinand doesn’t take a picture or text Edelgard and Hubert again, no he calls them to talk about it, neither of them can understand him because he is speaking a little too fast that all of the words are blurring together
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༓Dedue Molinaro  He freezes up when he has the option to pick your character to spend time in the tower, not expecting you to show up because he didn’t think he got far in your support. But Dedue doesn’t want to miss this chance and starts to anxiously wait for you to show up.
“Are you here to gaze at the stars as well? It is a beautiful night, even more so when it’s with people that you like.”
Dedue’s hands are starting to sweat and freeze up once again, staring at the screen to make sure he isn’t seeing the text wrong, re-reading it. His lips twitch up a little, almost breaking out in a smile before Dedue catches himself. He puts the switch game for a moment to calm down for barely a second until he goes back to playing
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zoreyan · 2 years
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Every pose is a seductive pose if you're holding a sword.
Dorothea Arnault
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vraelgard · 4 years
Activity Check 11/3
Happy Pre-Halloween everyone - just one short year until next Halloween! We’ve gone door to door looking for candy, but everyone said Halloween is over, go home. So instead of candy, we gathered a list of the people found to be inactive whether from not making enough posts to meet the requirement, or not posting recently enough. You can see our clarification post here (and please check the rules page) if you’re unsure what counts as “meeting activity”!
If you find your muse on this list wrongfully, please let us know and we’ll fix that right away! Otherwise, feel free to send us a message of intent to re-app within 24 hours and you’ll be able to pick them back up no problem - if you miss that grace period, your muse will be up for grabs. Please note that if this is the second consecutive activity check you’ve been caught up in, you’ll have to wait one week before you’re allowed to reapp. If you have any questions, feel free to send us an ask, and we’ll answer as quickly as we can, as always.
After 24 hours have passed, we mean it this time. We’re shifting people around in the housing list and we’ll make an announcement post when we do! If you’ve reached Commoner rank, feel free to send us a message about moving in with someone or into a specific housing area before OR after we’ve moved you and we’ll get you all sorted.
♠ rook + ✎ Xevin.
Aegis Alver (Tales of)
Ahri (League of Legends)
Alfred Elliot Walker (Original Character)
Arturia Pendragon (Fate)
Briony of Mead (Long Live The Queen)
Cayde-6 (Destiny)
Dorothea Arnault (Fire Emblem)
Doppo Kannonzaka (Hypnosis Microphone)
Edelgard von Hresvelg (Fire Emblem)
Elodie (Long Live The Queen)
Feli (Puyo Puyo)
Galo Thymos (Promare)
Genjo Sanzo (Saiyuki)
Harley Quinn (DC Comics)
Ian (Siren’s Lament)
Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)
Isaac (Castlevania)
Jakurai Jinguji (Hypnosis Microphone)
Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives)
Kanata Hjuger (Tales of)
Kasper Martin (Identity V)
Kieran O’Sullivan (Original Character)
Lio Fotia (Promare)
Moonlight Cookie (Cookie Run)
Naib Sudebar (Identity V)
Oz Vessalius (Pandora Hearts)
Robin (F) (Fire Emblem)
Sypha (Castlevania)
Varian (Tangled)
Velvet Crowe (Tales of)
Vicious (Tales of)
Ysayle Dangoulain (Final Fantasy)
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isolaradiale · 4 years
Lost in Space 19
Hello, Isolans! We have conducted an activity check for the month of April!
If your character isn’t on this list, make sure to check this page to see how many stars that character has earned this month! Stars can be used for purchases at the marketplace.
The blogs that were removed from the Isola Radiale masterlist are under the cut. Note that both blogs with broken links and deactivated accounts will be included both at the top of this list and in their proper categories.
If you were removed in error, please simply send a re-application message. Several different people work on the activity checks, so it’s possible there are mistakes! If this happens to you, you will be able to keep everything you previously had, you just may be placed in a different residence.
Our general activity rules regarding checks are as follows:
Make at least two in-character posts during a calendar month (for instance, if the activity check is for January, have two in-character posts between the 1st and 31st of January).
Only one drabble and/or meme response of 300+ words counts as activity.
One-liners or minis not tagged #isola mini also do not count.
Please Note: Anyone removed during the activity check will have a 12-hour window from the time of posting to re-claim their character. Any character not reclaimed during that period will be open to the community at large.
Please send in your reapplications from the account of the character that was removed.
Broken URLs:
Space Hunter Drake Redcrest (CHIBI-ROBO (CAPTAIN RAINBOW))
Dahlia Hawthorne (TOWNHOUSE 220)
Rachel Gardner (HOUSE 103)
Ch'en (TOWNHOUSE 220)
Daryun (TOWNHOUSE 233)
Enterprise (CONDO 469)
The Penitent One (HOUSE 115)
Sakunosuke Oda (HOUSE 112)
Richter Belmont (APARTMENT 333)
Sypha Belnades (APARTMENT 331)
Trevor Belmont (TOWNHOUSE 213)
Space Hunter Drake Redcrest (HOUSE 175) *BROKEN URL
Aelita (APARTMENT 363)
Coco Bandicoot (APARTMENT 367)
Izuru Kamukura (CONDO 469)
Kiibo (CONDO 428)
Maki Harukawa (APARTMENT 365)
Miu Iruma (CONDO 421)
Raven (TOWNHOUSE 231)
The Joker (TOWNHOUSE 202)
Jonathan Crane (The Scarecrow) (HOUSE 125)
Minoru Tanaka (TOWNHOUSE 215)
Connor (TOWNHOUSE 220)
V (HOUSE 140)
Arianna (APARTMENT 320)
Cassandra (APARTMENT 333)
Aaravos (TOWNHOUSE 270)
Anzu (HOUSE 118)
Izumi Sena (CONDO 419)
Alphinaud Leveilleur (HOUSE 105)
Rain (CONDO 418)
Warrior of Light (Dancer - Khea'ra Rhaal) (TOWNHOUSE 272)
Warrior of Light (Dragoon - A'zin Easley) (APARTMENT 338)
Annette Fantine Dominic (HOUSE 123)
Dorothea Arnault (APARTMENT 306)
Hapi (HOUSE 148)
Hubert von Vestra (HOUSE 128)
Jeritza von Hrym (TOWNHOUSE 211)
Lucina (Lucina's House [Archimedes])
Marianne von Edmund (TOWNHOUSE 237)
Mercedes von Martriz (TOWNHOUSE 209)
Seteth (TOWNHOUSE 234)
Rin Sohma (CONDO 414)
Kamila (HOUSE 139)
Seox (TOWNHOUSE 203)
Elphelt Valentine (TOWNHOUSE 211)
Charun Krojib (HOUSE 141)
Clover (CONDO 413)
John Egbert (TOWNHOUSE 205)
Mallek Adalov (TOWNHOUSE 214)
Hifumi Izanami (TOWNHOUSE 236)
Ichiro Yamada (CONDO 417)
Dune (CONDO 471)
Kanao Tsuyuri (APARTMENT 319)
Benny (APARTMENT 366)
Lloyd Garmadon (HOUSE 121)
Klyntar Symbiote (APARTMENT 369)
All Might (TOWNHOUSE 232)
Katsuki Bakugou (TOWNHOUSE 227)
Ochaco Uraraka (HOUSE 103)
Shoto Todoroki (CONDO 429)
Lil Hunter (HOUSE 114) *BROKEN URL
Lucifer (TOWNHOUSE 223)
Alydia Skye (CONDO 413)
Amdusias (TOWNHOUSE 267)
Elysia Flores (HOUSE 126)
Noa Farrow (TOWNHOUSE 270)
Stolas (CONDO 426)
Tsukiyome (TOWNHOUSE 235)
Dr. Angela Ziegler (Mercy) (TOWNHOUSE 208)
Mikaela Hyakuya (HOUSE 119)
Makoto Niijima (CONDO 420)
Gengar (HOUSE 132)
Kaname Madoka (TOWNHOUSE 226)
Kyoko (TOWNHOUSE 232)
Aries Mu (TOWNHOUSE 268)
Sha Gojyo (TOWNHOUSE 203)
Entrapta (APARTMENT 310)
Mr. Hat (TOWNHOUSE 201)
Sonic the Hedgehog (live action) (TOWNHOUSE 229)
Al Simmons (Spawn) (TOWNHOUSE 221)
Pearl (APARTMENT 309)
Peridot (Marceline's House [Cotes])
Mario (TOWNHOUSE 229)
Alice (HOUSE 137)
Akane Aoi (HOUSE 129)
Aoi Akane (TOWNHOUSE 229)
Tsuchigomori (TOWNHOUSE 224)
Yako (Misaki Stairs) (HOUSE 107)
Eiki Shiki (TOWNHOUSE 244)
Optimus Prime (OUTSIDE)
Clementine (HOUSE 121)
Joe Tazuna (CONDO 404)
Sara Chidouin (APARTMENT 364)
Otabek Altin (CONDO 434)
Akane Kurashiki (APARTMENT 323)
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sburbanlegends · 1 year
you just have this glow about you. (Shez, or Claude for Dorothea?)
“ A glow? Well, somebody's turning up the charm. ” Dorothea says as looks over her shoulder at Claude. For the night, she figured she'd head out of the bridge leading into the cathedral. She just spent time, looking out at the water & forestry underneath. It reminded her of a song she sang once at the opera.
So she'd began humming. Even a few moments ago, belting out some parts. But when he'd approached, she was simply swaying to the music in her head. It was the first night of peace & quiet...the first time back at the monastery in so long... & not on the road from battlefield to battlefield. She didn't want to take that for granted.
" I'd thought you'd be spending your night back in the dining hall ... or holed up with the Professor working on the next plan. "
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vraelgard · 4 years
Happy August everyone - it’s almost time for Halloween! This one is a teensy bit late, but we’re back at it with another activity check, and you know what that means. We’ve searched through the masterlist, and while we didn’t find any treasure, we did find some people to be inactive whether from not making enough posts to meet the requirement, or not posting recently enough. You can see our clarification post here (and please check the rules page) if you’re unsure what counts as “meeting activity”!
If you find your muse on this list wrongfully, please let us know and we’ll fix that right away! Otherwise, feel free to send us a message of intent to re-app within 24 hours and you’ll be able to pick them back up no problem - if you miss that grace period, your muse will be up for grabs. Please note that if this is the second consecutive activity check you’ve been caught up in, you’ll have to wait one week before you’re allowed to reapp. If you have any questions, feel free to send us an ask, and we’ll answer as quickly as we can, as always. 
For the 24 hours following this post, the masterlist and housing list will stay the same just to avoid shuffling like crazy, and with all the names on this list there’s sure to be some housing adjustments! (Which is a great time to remind everyone that once you reach Commoner rank, one month of activity, you get a Travel Vista which will allow you to move to Blackgrove, or anywhere else you’d like!) If you have any housing concerns once the list is updated, just let us know and we’ll see what we can do.
As always, thank you everyone for your continued support and activity, and look forward to our upcoming event! It’s gonna be a real hoot as the kids say.
✎ Xevin.
Aiba (AI: The Somnum Files) 
Kaname Date (AI: The Somnum Files)
Lolly (Animal Crossing)
Marshal (Animal Crossing)
Raymond (Animal Crossing)
Luka Redgrave (Bayonetta)
Edea Lee (Bravely Default)
Isaac (Castlevania) 
Caleb Widogast (Critical Role)
Kaede Akamatsu (Danganronpa)
Kokichi Ouma (Danganronpa)
Komaeda Nagito (Danganronpa)
Maki Harukawa (Danganronpa)
Rantaro Amami (Danganronpa)
Toko Fukawa (Danganronpa)
Tanjiro Kamado (Demon Slayer) 
Dante Sparda (Devil May Cry)
Yui Komori (Diabolik Lovers)
Emiya [Archer] (Fate)
G'raha Tia (Final Fantasy)
Minfillia Warde (Final Fantasy)
SEPHIROTH ba ba ba baaaa SEPHIROTH (Final Fantasy)
Thancred Waters (Final Fantasy)
Ysayle Dinkleberg (Final Fantasy)
Byleth Eisner (Fire Emblem)
Claude von Riegan (Fire Emblem)
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiydiddy (Fire Emblem)
Dorothea Arnault (Fire Emblem)
Leonie Pinelli (Fire Emblem)
Robin [F] (Fire Emblem)
Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket)
Kite (Hunter x Hunter)
Doppo Kannonzaka (Hypnosis Mic)
Harai Kuko (Hypnosis Mic)
Ichiro Yamada (Hypnosis Mic)
Yumeno Gentaro (Hypnosis Mic)
Kagome Higurashi (Inuyasha)
Aqua (Kingdom Hearts)
Riku (Kingdom Hearts)
Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Ahri (League Of Legends)
Orianna Reveck (League Of Legends)
Link [BotW] (The Legend Of Zelda)
Yesod (Lobotomy Corporation)
Jiang Cheng (Mo Dao Zu Shi)
Wei Wuxian (Mo Dao Zu Shi)
Leslie Sperado (The Monster Duchess and the Contract Princess)
Koumori Amaka (My Hero Academia)
Lilith (Obey Me!)
Adriana Mayfield (Original Character) 
Amrita Dilan Nehra (Original Character)
Gwendolyn (Original Character)
Kyoya Saikai (Original Character)
Liu “Redbean” Canglong (Original Character)
Sylvia Stanwood (Original Character)
Oz Vessalius (Pandora Hearts)
Akihiko Sanada (Persona)
Akira Kurusu (Persona)
Alexis Farron (OC) (Persona)
Ann Takamaki (Persona)
Goro Akechi (Persona)
Haru Okumura (Persona)
Kasumi Yoshizawa (Persona)
Kotone Shiomi (Persona)
Naoto Shirogane (Persona)
Tohru Adachi (Persona)
Ryuji Sakamoto (Persona)
Ahiru (Princess Tutu)
Kyubey (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Oscar Pine (RWBY)
Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
Son Goku (Saiyuki)
Titus Ram (The Seven Princes of the Thousand Year Labyrinth)
Sly Cooper (Sly Cooper ...sly cooper)
Maka Albarn (Soul Eater)
Joshua Kiryu (The World Ends With You)
Neku Sakuraba (The World Ends With You)
Shiki Misaki (The World Ends With You)
Sara Chidouin (Your Turn To [DEMONITIZED])
Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Zen Kubota (Zanki Zero)
Zeno (Zatch Bell)
Junpei ...you know. (Zero Escape)
Phi (Zero Escape)
Snake (Zero Escape)
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