lola-rai · 3 years
Closed starter for @swearonstars​ - James
Lola lay in her hospital bed, having resigned herself to staring up at the ceiling. It wasn’t as stimulating as daytime television but also not as vapid. Perhaps because of her bored stiff state she felt attention on her. She turned her head, spotting James Binici standing in the doorway. “Oh goodie you’ve come to haunt me. I’m honored. Or did you make it out of that corn maze alive after all?”
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dreams-of-a-lark · 3 years
Date: ~ a week post-power surge Time: Midday Location: West Cove Closed Starter: BRÖTHER (@j-crain​)
It was a cruel irony that, after years of trying to learn how to fly, it would only come to Lark after the horrible ordeal of watching the person who mattered most to him get violently ripped away. In and by the very jungle they spent so much of their time in, no less. The stress of the aftermath and the lingering heightened abilities were what compelled him toward the cliffs of the west cove today.
As time passed he’d noticed the surge of power abate. While he could no longer fly per se, his control over floating was still enhanced and he was going to take advantage of it while he still could. Maybe it would help get his mind off things for a little while. If nothing else, at least the ocean mist in his face would be refreshing.
Taking a running start he leapt, unflinchingly off the cliff face. As he did so, the air caught and cradled him like a feather with little to no effort. Where the haphazard flight back in the jungle had been horrifying, this was exhilarating, a complete trust in his element to cooperate. A perfect balance he wished, but doubted he could maintain forever. He shifted his body to guide himself to the shore instead of the water, but as he turned toward the beach he saw a figure waiting at the base of the cliff.
The figure was familiar, but not from here, not even from New York. Impossible, he thought as he drifted down to meet them. But, drawing nearer, that face was unmistakable. Was this another trick of the island? As if he hadn’t been through enough. Was he hallucinating again?
The wind laid him gently down in the sand a few yards away and he hesitantly approached the spectre of his bröther. “Let me guess, the island’s playing mind games again, that it? You look like my brother, but that’s not…” he discarded the thought, “So who are you really? Iyaz maybe? The island would make him look like James just to fuck with both of us, wouldn’t it? Balance the scales or whatever. Right then, care to enlighten me?”
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sassyfrassboss · 2 years
Sorry i am mixing up where i heard/read this but wasn’t there a story that Meghan tried to make a pass on one of David Foster’s older wealthy friends and was rejected? So the asking Mariah Carey re:James Packer has some merit lol.
I thought it was she made a pass at David himself.
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will-o-the-witch · 3 years
Re:James Randi, he was more in the stage magician world, trying to be more a Houdini-style debunker than a practitioner of ritual magic or anything he went after people like uri geller and was he was mad about all the fraudulent/predatory tv psychics and faith healers in the 80’s. A bit too evangelical atheist for my taste but he was good at showing people how to spot a lot of deceptions and tricks and generally made a fun spectacle of it. idk I liked him back in the day.
Ah ok, very interesting! I can definitely agree with him about predatory TV "mediums" and televangelists for sure. I do find seeing stage magician tricks unpacked and explained really interesting though! (I used to be able to do the Criss Angel coin in a soda can trick pretty well)
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lostboycharlie-blog · 9 years
No. No, fuck you. 
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lostboycharlie-blog · 9 years
Right, well, if he doesn't try to contact me, I'm just going to pretend he's not even here.
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lostboycharlie-blog · 10 years
Fuck. I need to be better at this. I know I can be better at this. I don't want to disappoint him.
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