#re:s cliffnotes
wirrrp · 8 years
RE:S Cliffnotes : Sparks and Psii
GD: Hey have you heard how fine cae is? PC: ... I might have an inkling. GD: Did you kick his ass because he's an ex-slaver, hit on you, or possibly because he told you this really hilarious joke that you know triggers me? PC: ...Nnnno, GD: C'mon, spill PC: Okay.
GD: You already have two whole Jesus in your life, so have you considered drugs? PC: YOU'RE NOT TAKING ME ALIVE I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TRYING CAE'S BEHIND ALL OF THIS ISN'T HE I UNDERSTAND E V E R Y T H I N G GD: ... what the actual fuck?  You literally had to tell me what happened because he won't. PC: Oh, don't play coy, I GET IT NOW, ADMIT IT GD: ... ... ... ??????
GD: Okay, fuck this.
> Sparks : Throw a bucket of icewater on your dancestor
PC: ?!?!?!?!  FUCK YOU I'M STILL FINE GD: Bullshit! PC: SO WHAT?
> Sparks : Hug your dancestor. > Psii : Burst into tears.
PC: okay, so, I'm really sad and I love you and I appreciate everything you're doing here, but you're still definitely part of cae's plan and I wish you could see THE TRUTH(TM) like I do. GD: I really really wish I could explain to you all of the ways that is wrong and makes me want to cry, but I'm going to hand you off to one of your jesuses instead. PC: okay. GD: :c
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