Fic list
 Looks like I’ve written quite a lot of stuff. Here is a list. I’ll most likely add to the list as I write along. Pairings below the gen list.
Tokyo ghoul
Halcyon[Angst]: Urie and Saiko deal with Shirazu’s death.
A song of Haise and fire (AU//crack) : ASOIAF-AU one-shot.
Trash Prince (AU, Tsukiyama and Touka) : In which Tsukiyama writes a letter (drabble).
Garden [Eto, Kaneki// Angst]:  Out of all the flowers in her garden, the spiderlily is her favourite (drabble).
Pocket full of sunshine[Angsty-ish]: Kaneki’s gains his first friend when Nagachika Hideyoshi declares himself his best friend for their entire class to hear.
Requiem: Instead of a person who hurts others, become a person who gets hurt [Kaneki-centric. CW: child abuse , suicide, character death].
Masterpiece (Eto, Kanae) : Eto loves her needlework.[Angst// Torture]
Puriemotion: Urie doesn't think he has a problem, but he does. [Urie centric]
Echo [ Amon /Akira ] :  They dance back and forth across the sea of dead bodies, and she can’t help but think that there is something oddly familiar about his movements .[Angst] 
Scattered [Sasaki-centric] : “Shhhh,” the white haired child tells him, finger pressed against the lips. Don't tell. [Angst]
Martyr [Haise, Hinami]: He would save Hinami, no matter what.
Trash Prince [Touka/Tsukiyama, AU, crack] : Tsukiyama writes a letter. 
The many types of Shuus [Tsukiyama] : Once, Shuu got a shoe for his birthday.
This trash can [Tsukiyama]: Tsukiyama embarks on a journey to prove himself as the newest mop-boy of :re.
Salad King [Tsukiyama]: Tsukiyama has a plan to make :re great again.
Food for thought [Tsukiyama]: In which Tsukiyama flirts for all the wrong reasons.
Upside-down [Akira]: Akira isn’t sure who she is supposed to hate anymore.
Turning tides [Saiko// spoilers till :re 134]:  It just isn’t right. Saiko doesn’t understand how none of them can see it.
Parental Guidance: In which Ayato thinks he is an adult and Hinami is a good little girl.
Sayoshigure [Ayahina// Angst, character death and gore] (A collection of Ayahina one-shots)
Part i : I won’t be able to ask Nii-chan the meaning of the characters, she thinks dully,I’ll have to get a dictionary (In which Hinami joins Aogiri).
Part ii :  “What, we are recruiting preschoolers now?” he sneers. The girl looks like she is ten, standing in the courtyard with her arms around herself.
Part iii : They take her away, and he is powerless to stop it (post nutcracker arc)
Part iv:  People change- they move on and evolve, people forget, people become quinques- these were just facts of life you couldn’t argue with.
Part v: In the bellies of her underground prison, Hinami waits.
i. Canon complient:
(All stories are one-shots unless otherwise indicated.)
I knew you once : The rabbit stands before him, arms supporting an unconscious girl. [Angst]
Forget me not : How ironic was it that out of all the flowers in the world, he would bring her forget-me-nots?
Playdate : In which Haise asks Touka out, sort of. 
For better or worse [Cannon divergence from :re 42] :  It’s better to stay away, she tells herself, you’re not part of his life anymore[Angst//Dark] .
All part of the job :  “We’re not stalking her,” Haise tells Urie much more sharply than he intended, “That man she’s with looks suspicious.”
11 facts about Kirishima Touka [Angst, Character death// canon divergence]  they were doomed to live Shakespearean tragedy should they fall in love. (This contains two drabbles- unintentional and showdown. I compiled them after I’d written them because of a prompt)
Weltschmerz [Post-canon, slight Etoken// Some Angst] :  She refused to think of the smokey-grey eyes or the face that seemed so familiar and out of place at the same time [Spoilers till :re 66]
Wind[spoilers till :re 69//some angst] :  The blood pooling through their fingers looks black in the dark, and he can hear the drip, drip, drip of it onto the cement floor.
All the stars in the sky [Spoilers till :re 126// Character Death]: Sometimes, Kaneki wants so badly to have a chance to fight with Touka over something as silly as the TV.
Fragments [Spoilers till :re143// Character Death/Angst]:  A dream is the only hope she has. After all, you always wake up from dreams, don’t you?
ii. Alternate Universe
(All of the AUs are one-shots unless otherwise indicated.)
Parallel [AU, Canon Divergence] : Kaneki wasn’t taken in by Anteiku. [AU] where Kaneki makes a name for himself by hunting ghouls for a living. [Angst]
Centipede :  [Re-telling of the frog prince] In which Kaneki is a centipede and Touka finds him in the garden[AU].
Castles in the air :  Sometimes, dreams are meant to be just that; dreams. [AU where Touka and Kaneki meet as children, and Touka joins Aogiri] [Angst/Character Death]
Sugar, Spice and Everything nice [Post canon, Au-ish]:  Haise is weird but then again, what else is new?
Newton’s first law [AU, slight Akiramon]: All Haise needs is a huge shove and a lot of meddling for his love life to work out.
Let go [Human AU]: In which Touka goes to the local police station (and she most definitely is NOT a pedophile).
The Prize:  In which Touka rescues Kaneki from a tower guarded by a smelly dragon [Retelling of sleeping beauty].
Pie Day:  Because turning up at your neighbour’s apartment with pie at two a.m is a perfectly reasonable thing to do [Touken/ AU].
Oblivion [AU]: Do you remember the day I found out you were dying?[9000 words, some angst, character death]
iii. Drabbles: [AU drabbles are indicated]
Fellowship of the doves : Sometimes, Haise loves his job.
Birthday cake : Sasaki’s birthday (drabble, post-canon)
Warning signs : There is something familiar about the waitress at :re.
Date and dates  : The Quinx stalk Touka and Haise.
Of diaries stolen : Finders keepers, right?
Miss : She misses him.
Unintentional [Angst] : I never meant to fall in love with you.
Apparition [Angst] : “You’re not real,” he tells her, shaking his head.“Oh, but I am.”
Showdown [Angst] : “What are you waiting for?” she asks the man who does not know her. 
Proposals [Post-canon]: It takes Haise three months, two weeks and four days to pop the question.
Bubble bath : It is hard to mourn without any closure. [AU, warning: gore, character death]
Thankyou [AU, character death] : She is dying in his arms and he is helpless to stop it.
Familiar faces [Drabble, AU] In which the roles are reversed and Touka is the dove.
Poison [Spoilers for :re, Renji-centric]: History has a way of repeating itself, and love is a poison for which there is no cure.
Ghost [Spoilers till :re 132, Renji-centric]:  Renji does not approve.
Dear you [Spoilers for :re 150 ish//Implied Character Absence] : Ken writes a letter to his unborn child.
Ordinary [Post canon] :  He likes how normal their life has become, how ordinary.
Bad hair day [Spoilers for :re162 but not really] : “I can cut your hair,” she’d said, “It’ll be fine.”
iv. Series/ Semi-related one-shots: Post-canon.
Of running and other things: In which Touka is unhappy about Root A and Sasaki does what he does best.
Puddles of faith:  Who did she think he was? A child? He’d have her know that he’d taken care of four adolescents just a few years back. (In which Haise baby sits)
Uncle Ayato: Ayato is a champ.
The octopus and the fairy  : Touka’s daughter has questions.
The octopus and the fairy ii
The babysitter’s club : In which Haise babysits.
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