#read them i just <////3 and the instr as well is so <///3 in a good way i just
straykats · 1 year
given ramble hehe
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Easyquit System.
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Easyquit System.
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    If you are a smoker who wants to quit, this is the most important message you will ever read!
Are you tired of trying and failing to quit smoking by using bogus pills, sprays, gum or patches?
If you just can’t face the anguish of going through yet another quit attempt, you need to try the incredible EasyQuit System™!
With the EasyQuit System™, 96 percent of people don’t just learn how to stop smoking, they actually learn how to stop ever wanting to smoke ever again!
That is why more than 19 out of every 20 people who use the EasyQuit System™ to help them quit smoking succeed and become non-smokers!
Dear soon-to-be Ex-Smoker,
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Have you tried to quit smoking before? Did you fail to quit just like 19 out of 20 quitters do? Do you just seem to lack the ability or will-power to stop smoking those evil cancer sticks?
Well why not join the thousands of people who have already learned how to quit smoking without effort, uncontrollable cravings or will-power, using the amazing EasyQuit System™!
My name is Pete Howells and I am the author of the EasyQuit System™ for quitting smoking. Thank you for taking some time to read what I have to tell you – YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU HAVE!
Firstly, let me ask you; “quitting smoking is difficult right?” WRONG! Quitting smoking is only difficult if you don’t know how to do it.
For example, driving a car is only difficult to people who don’t know how to do it – but it is only a skill that most adults have to learn. It is the same with quitting smoking, YOU JUST HAVE TO LEARN THE SKILLS NEEDED TO DO IT!
The EasyQuit System™ is probably the simplest method available to overcome all the problems normally associated with quitting smoking – cravings, weight gain, anxiety, short-temper, hunger and discomfort. The incredible success of the EasyQuit System™ is because it is so effective at overcoming your desire to smoke.
So, if you want to quit smoking without using “will-power” OR feeling a sense of loss OR hunger OR experiencing any unnecessary stress; then read on because I guarantee the EasyQuit System™ is the answer that you are looking for.
You were a non-smoker once before and being a non-smoker again will only happen for you if you TAKE ACTION. So go on, ACT RIGHT NOW and read the rest of this important life-saving message.
The EasyQuit System™ will work for you just as it has for many others. Read some of the testimonials people have sent to me to express their gratitude after being liberated from smoking for ever!
Testimonial #1:
Dear Peter,
Your book has changed my life!!! I gave up smoking 8 years ago for 6 years and put on weight – just as you explained in the book I started smoking 2 years ago and was back up to 30 a day. I lost weight.
I read your book after Christmas and have not looked back. I have not put on weight and I never smoked that last cigarette, because I couldn’t face it and still can’t! – Is that how it works??? Your psychological approach is remarkably effective.
I went to the Doctor about giving up and was told to attend a group and to buy nicotine patches from the Chemist!!
Thank you, I respect myself for what I have been able to achieve thanks to your marvellous book and my sons aged 21 & 23, both of whom hate smoking, are proud of me, but, as you know, it wasn’t that hard to make the break from that horrible drug!
With kindest regards,
Fleur Wadley London, England
Testimonial #2:
Dear Peter,
I just wanted to thank you for your EasyQuit System™ book. I was a smoker for 20 years and quit 7 weeks ago right after I finished your book and I can’t believe how free I feel.
I knew that I had to quit, but I was terrified of my life without cigarettes. Before I discovered your book, I tried to quit cold turkey and was a total wreck – I felt like I was saying goodbye to my best friend. Thankfully, I found your online book and read it immediately.
I just can’t believe how easy it actually was to quit after I had my “epiphany” thanks to you. I guess all smokers do think alike because it felt like you wrote that book just for ME!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Kathy Conaty California
Testimonial #3:
Dear Peter,
I had my last cigarette on the 11th October 2006. It was the best thing I ever did.
I was busy reading your book and got as far as chapter 9. I had my last smoke, put it out and never felt like one again. And to top it all off it wasn’t even hard going!
Roman Gross Germany
Testimonial #4:
Dear Peter,
Your program was great. Thank you so much, I had smoked for about 34 years. I never really tried to quit smoking before, I tried your program and it was really easy for me. I smoked about 1-1-1/2 packs of cigarette’s a day. I would recommend this program to anyone.
Elaine Balmer Pennsylvania
With the EasyQuit System™, I can help you quit smoking in as little as three hours from now! This solution is guaranteed to show you everything you need to quit smoking without any of the usual hardships.
I can honestly say you will find it works like magic!
The EasyQuit System™ is so incredibly effective becasue it not only teaches you how you can quit smoking, it actually stops you ever wanting to smoke. It turns off your desire to smoke cigarettes! It isn’t aversion therapy or hypnotism or ‘Neuro-Linguistic Programming’. It is just a series of truths about the psychology of smoking that explain why you smoke and how you can overcome your habit.
Let me outline a few of the things that the EasyQuit System™ explains to you:
Just think, If you quit smoking you can start reversing the damage you have done to your body from inhaling that filthy tar laden tobacco smoke.
I am sure you know how bad smoking is for you. Smokers are bombarded with ‘health advice’ all the time and I am not here to berate you or belittle you for smoking cigarettes.
But all this advice on how harmful tobacco is only explains why you should quit. I am here to tell you how you can quit!
I want to help you learn how to go about quitting smoking in a way that is going to make it a genuine possibility for you… and that is what the EasyQuit System™ does!
When your house is burning down, you call the Fire Department because you need help and they know what to do. Learning how to quit smoking is just a bad as your house being on fire – you’re gonna need help from someone who knows just what to do!
Being stubborn about solving a problem and knowing when it is time to get help singles out clever people from the dummies!
Getting help now is the smart thing to do and that is where the EasyQuit System™ can help you. It is unlike any other quit smoking program available on the internet today – why?
Because the EasyQuit System™ is INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH
What do I mean? Well, for over 40 years now, there has been a method used by psychologists and psychiatrists to get patients off heroin, cocaine, alcohol and other highly addictive drugs. It has also been used to treat other problems other than addiction as well because it is so successful. The therapy is called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT and was developed in the 1960’s by a guy called Professor Aaron Beck who you can also read about here.
CBT is used to change the way someone thinks about what they do and why they do it. AND it is easy to follow because it breaks down a big or overwhelming problem – like smoking – into lots of easily solved parts (that’s why the book is in 30 small chapters over less than 100 pages).
In brief, virtually everything you do is based on what is called a “learned response” by those clever boffins in psychology . We smoke for all the wrong reasons as a result of a wrongful learned response.
We associate pleasure with smoking but that is not what is going on – it is subtley different from that and once you discover the differences, it becomes incredibly easy to stop smoking.
The problem is however, that the learned responses are so engrained in smokers and society in general, that there is no way of escaping the problem without help. This is where our EasyQuit system comes into its own – it reveals and overcomes all of the problems smokers face when quitting.
I know that all of these things will leave you slack-jawed once you have read the amazing EasyQuit System™, but right now, you are probably thinking that there must be some catches – well there aren’t any!
I am afraid I need to repeat that to make sure you got it…
The EasyQuit System™ is just a straightforward read of a book and then if, up to 8 weeks later, you are not satisfied or have not quit, you can get your money back. You have nothing to lose!
Think about it. If the average smoker shortens their life by 16 years, what would you pay for an extra 16 years years of life, let alone potentially twenty or thirty? Personally I would pay a lot – but I’m not asking or expecting you to!
For just $47, I am offering to give you the key to unlocking the door to your smoke free happiness, such that you haven’t experienced since you started smoking.
If you smoke 1 pack of cigarettes a day, $47 is what you spend on cigarettes in just over a week! Think about that – you save all of the money within a month of buying the product because you will save so much from NOT BUYING CIGARETTES anymore!
You have a full 8 week money back guarantee if you purchase this product. The guarantee is underwritten by Clickbank, one of the most trusted names on the net, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Don’t waste any more time killing yourself with tobacco or continuing financing the government and cigarette companies; Buy now with confidence!
No Risk Acceptance Form
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Yes Pete, I want to quit smoking for good in as little as 3 hours without any painstaking work, weight gain, will-power or impossible cravings to fight.
I want to place my order right now through Clickbank’s secure server and receive instant instructions on how to download the fully printable ‘EasyQuit System™’.
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Order Now, using any of these payment methods or PayPal, the number one payment system on the internet giving you 100% security.
As soon as your payment is authorized (this usually takes less than a minute), you will be taken to the download page and given instructions on how to download your book (1.5Mb) which should take no more than 5 minutes with a dial-up connection.
To your future non-smoking health,
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Pete Howells Author of EasyQuit System™
P.S. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll quit and the more LIFE and money you will save and the sooner you’ll stop paying people to kill you!
P.P.S. If after you have bought the product, you get stuck on something, there is a direct email address you can get me on and I will address anything you do not understand!
EasyQuit Blog | Quit Smoking Motivator | Please Quit Smoking | Quit Smoking Hypnosis
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If i get someone instred in it I may make a Rebellion/Hitoshura blog
full details under cut but there are a few users I want to aviod...mostly for my own personal helth.
So me and Angelic got to talking last night about the DMC timeline and how it actually omitted the novels and was a cut page because the DMC timelien was supose to be up to intrepretation just like the ages of voltron characters and this was done to aviod discorse on rather or not the books were legit since the novels that take place after he parts ways with Lady in the end of 3 and before he meets trish in begining of 1 around the time after Lucias death in 2. (lucia being hintead art as another one of his first demon hunting partners the other his canon feancee’ Beryl but shit goes down part of the plotline and they break up its a plot thing SO NO SPOILERS you really want to read the novel if your a BIG DMC fan. it will give you a better insite into Dantes mindset around women.)
well the “offical guyde book” was the smae deal with the timeline it was a headcanon that got published when it should not have because canon was open to individual influince (being rather or not you read the novels.
artists do this to aviod having to go into information they consider to be irrelivant and or self explanitory just liek its self explanitory that all the paladins were Students at the Garrison (under their real names at one point in time) so ergo however you see the garrison should be refelcted in how old you see the paladins. this has not happened for the very reason there was not a DMC timeline ever supose to be published.
I did some digging it turns out the misprint of the Dropped page in the DMC Trade Paperback was only printed in about 500 copies and most are listed as “destoryed” meaingn with a rateing of 2 or lower “missing pages, water damage, ripped covers and basicly a very poor quality not even useful as a reader but more as parts to repair other copies. soem were even traded in and destoryed by publisher, But GET THIS again here “Indago books” was said to have copies of this book but the book was missing the holografic centerfold the offical one had that was YOU GUESSD IT a nodd to the novel in the fact it had a full color image of Dante and his original two partners! Lucia and Beyrl in the background.
so thanks to soem fake distribtuors there are a list of 800 FALSE copies on the market.
We wager that Tay who is a advid Anti Danshura (Dante/Hitoshura) along with one of her friends more than liekly has a fake but it should benoted the fake is MISSING the holografic centerfold that is present in all the originals.so voltron fandom; Fam dont worry you arent teh only peeps to fall for that shit. Trolls been using fakes to herass amd poke peple in other fandoms for years.
In fact I even saw the nutral ending loop endind bad ending in nocturne and yep I can confrim Naoki’s (the original name for the protagonist of nocturne) computer does get a total of 5 e-mails but only 3 are of importance One indicated the School he attending is a Combined Highschool Univrsity (not entirely uncommon japan since you have to take a test before getting into hicgschool) one is a e-birthday card form Chikai along with a “still not a date” type invite (halarious and I wish they translated these in the english version) that confirm that the protagonist is 20 years old and thelast one recived CONFIRMS the nutral ending is a TIME LOOP and he was dropped off before hte meeting to visit his “sick teacher”
Now another confirmation form teh creators Piunpoint dantes age at this time to be 25. this means its canon that HItoshura is only 5 years younger than Dante UNLESS you go with teh SMT alt True Demon ending where Hitoshura runs off with Raidou and Has never meet Dante.
In this timeline for nocturne it’s 100% possible for Hitoshura to not only be older than Dante by literaly hundreds of years, its possibel for him to be a force behind rebellions power and That got me thinking that would be an awsome muse to do but the DMC community is another brand of toxic in most instances so only if I get a dante instred will I try that boat.
clearly I would prefer Tay’s influince free because I have seen peopel liek her and relitivly have no desire to even roleplay around them they are very toxic in nature and constantly degrigating people around them to minipluate their “favs” its destructive abusive (in the miniplitive since) and assinine.
I have enough shit form this dusty person (who im not suprised they know, still have no fucking clue why dutsty is so hellbent on makeing me look liek shit thou bitch allredy reeks of entitlement of the kind that I get triggered by and do my best to aviod STAY IN YOUR FUCKIN LANE WHORE not liek im intentionaly gogint o send you requests anytime soon or at all for that matter let me have my fuckign corner and stay in yours.) I do not need her firends startign shit with me too. (and yes im wawre its been a while since you poked a contact of mine and I know who you shat on me to so thanks for beign an asshole to Lance mun. you do not want to know how I found out you were behind that crap but dusty with all due respect leave my firends alone and FUCK YOU!
bottom lien tay and her retard group (that really just need to make their gettoh asses private since they are rather agressivly exclusive anyway) If I get a dante or sparda that is game (and willign to accept that theespellweaveris indeed a posychotic troll still talking shit about me behind my back and needs to be ignored in that regard) I may make a Rebellion/Hitoshura Side blog... thou I honestly doubt I will find them on tumblr anymore given again “agressivly exclusive” nature of the “popluar BITCH” (I shoudnt even have to have deal with dusty because the misgendering was form an anonmious using friend of Evans who DID APOLIGZE for it to spite beter judgement telling them it wouldnt matter for shit and it didn’t because dusty was being an entitleasit WHORE again of the likes that use their trans status to hurt other people. in case they were wondering THAT IS WHY PEOPEL QUESTION RATHER YOUR REALLY TRANS)
So clerification Dantes timelien literaly has NOTHING to do with HItosrua’s age ratio to him since its canon in the verse where Dante is the one he meets that they are only 5 years apart. the other timeline being one where he sncounters Raidou instead and inherits time traveling powers thrugh his “Bound By Fate” relationship with the Devil Summoner.
Dusty DID recive their apoligy form the person who did misgender them and Evan agreeed with their friend that Dusty was not goign to accept it in for of continueing to attack her with their trans status whocxh is exactly what happened and I have had really really negitive esperinces with people like dusty who use their trans status to attack others before and would favor avioding users like DUSTY who use their trans status as a means to intimidate or hertass other users. gender nutral promouns used for dusty in light ofher raseing hell with Lovceismysword who contridicted the first gender dusty was refered to by evans friend since dusty themself said they were the oppsite gender. this act confirms that dusty was indeed using their trans status to intimidate and herass users.
Dusty if you are really trans you need to stop this shit where you use the fact your trans to attack people; that is why your prefrence is not being belived (also your mini bio did apprintly say at the time you prefer Male pronouns you cant not stick a correction in your rules to “test people” because your just insulting people who do not want to roleplay with you at that point because you create DRAMA and bitch about the very drama you created.
and I just know you guys are goign to see this bitch whine fuss and complaign so FUCK YOU anyway because you are more willign to listen to a kown CYBERBULLY than their victim so tryign to talk since into your lot is useless. just stay in your fuckign lanes and Tay you getto ass needs to stop pretendin to be a ex roleplay partner of mine. (ya we notice the icon change to Shiro and the claim  you made with it too. congrats you exposed your own ass because that “fact” was a HC between me and Vaguely relitive to one of our ploted verses.)
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lindyhunt · 6 years
How to Write Good Instagram Captions: 8 Bookmarkable Tips for Perfecting Your Copy
Instagram marketing is all about the visuals. The quality of your photos will be the differentiating factor when it comes to gaining Instagram followers, getting them interested in your brand and what it's about, and showing off the human side of your business.
But the hard work doesn't end once you've taken that beautiful photo and edited it to perfection. The caption of your post is where you can give a voice to that visual content.
A good Instagram captions explains what the photo is about, tells your followers to take action, or cracks a joke that makes your content all the more delightful and shareable.
If you think of the caption on your Instagram posts as an afterthought, you're losing out on an opportunity to engage and delight your followers in ways you can't with just a visual. Here are some tips to help you write better Instagram captions.
How to Write Instagram Captions
Write several drafts first.
Front-load the important stuff.
Include a call-to-action.
Limit yourself to four hashtags.
Meld your brand voice with Instagram's lighthearted tone.
Use emojis.
Cross-promote your other social channels.
When in doubt, keep it brief.
1. Write several drafts first.
Ever thought of the perfect joke after it was a little too late to tell it? We've all had a similar feeling when we come up with the perfect Instagram caption once we've already published the post.
The lesson? Don't rush the process. Instead, write a few ideas for captions down, sit on them for a bit, poll coworkers on which one is best, and generally take your time.
You might be asking yourself at this point, "But aren't timeliness and chronology important on Instagram?" They can be, depending on the subject of your post. For example, professional Instagrammer Patrick Janelle says he uses Instagram as a kind of chronological journey of his activities and lifestyle. He likes to post in real time to document what he's doing at a given moment.
But thanks to the impending Instagram feed algorithm change, the level of engagement your posts receive will soon matter more than chronology. Soon, our Instagram feeds will be ordered to show the moments Instagram thinks we'll care about the most. The visibility of your posts in your followers' feeds will depend on the number of Likes and comments a post has, your relationship with the user posting, and other factors.
That's why it's important to take your time constructing a great caption that'll keep your followers around, delight them enough to share with their friends, and encourage them to engage with your content.
2. Front-load the important stuff.
The maximum character count for an Instagram caption (2,200 characters) is basically a formality. But the important thing to note is that captions cut off in users' feeds after three to four lines of text.
That doesn't mean you should keep your captions super short so users can see 100% of it without having to click "more." Instead, frontload your captions with the important content or text calls-to-action -- and leave any hashtags, @mentions, or extraneous information for the end.
Here's an example of an enticing, front-loaded caption from coffee-based skincare company Frank Body:
3. Include a call-to-action.
The best way to increase the share potential of your Instagram post and engage your followers is to have some sort of call-to-action in the captions of your photos. That means using action verbs to prompt people to do something, instead of just passively scrolling by. We found that verbs generate more shares on Twitter than nouns and adjectives -- the same can be true for Instagram.
For example, you might say, "double-tap if you find this funny" or "share your story in the comments."
Here are a few other action-based ideas to get you started:
Ask a question.
Encourage people to comment with their own experiences. You might be able to draw on these experiences to shape your Instagram strategy moving forward, or to come up with new content ideas. To increase engagement and delight your followers even more, respond to users' answers to make it like a conversation.
H&M: "All you need for a weekend get-away. Where would you go?"
Lorna Jane: "Be you, everyone else is taken. Today's inspo inspired by our leading lady @ljclarkson - how are you finding your BELIEVE today?"
Direct people to a link in your bio.
Clickable URLs aren't allowed anywhere except the single "website" box in your bio. That's why optimized Instagram profiles update that URL frequently to point to their latest blog content, YouTube videos, products, or offers -- and then refer to that link in their Instagram captions.
For example, are you running a contest, or want to increase subscribers to your blog? Just change the link, and then post a photo that mentions the new link in its caption.
Pro tip: Use shortened links that include UTM tracking codes so you can see how much of your traffic came from your Instagram page. (Learn how to create UTM codes to track your URLs here.)
To change the link in your bio, go to your profile page and click "Edit Profile."
Then, simply insert the URL of your choosing into the URL box.
Invite people to tag their friends.
Encourage your followers to share your post with friends by inviting them to tag their friends. Here are a few examples of fun, clever ways brands have asked followers to tag friends.
Frooti: "It's scrabble day! Tag some friends you'd like to play with."
H&M: "Planning for a luxe escape with your bestie? Tag your travel partner in crime!"
HubSpot: "Coffee with coworkers make Friday mornings that much brighter. Tag your office coffee buddy - and better yet, take a break!"
Invite people to enter a contest.
Contests are great for increasing engagement and brand exposure on Instagram.
Simply invite people to post their own pictures and tag them in the caption using a hashtag, like BuzzFeed Tasty does below.
Consider including the contest's official rules in your caption for folks who are interested, and even a link in your bio.
4. Limit yourself to four hashtags.
On Instagram, a hashtag behaves the same way as it does on Twitter and Facebook: It ties the conversations of different users into one stream. As long as your account is public, anyone who does a search for that hashtag may find your Instagram post. (Read this blog post to learn more about how hashtags work on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.)
Hashtags are great for connecting users who aren't otherwise connected to one another, but who are talking about -- and interested -- in the same topics, events, brands, and so on. They're also a great way to add some fun and coy humor to your posts, like FOMU did below.
But, use hashtags sparingly. Some Instagram users include a string of searchable hashtags as a way to get more followers -- but the fact is, it looks spammy to the followers you do have. If you use a ton of hashtags, people will notice, and they will think it's lame. Limit your hashtags to three or four, tops.
And remember, you don't have to include any at all if you don't want to. You don't need a hashtag to have an awesome Instagram caption. Here's an example of a good caption with no hashtag from Starbucks:
Use hashtags at the end of your caption.
Unless the hashtagged phrase fits naturally into a sentence, don't list any hashtags until the very end of the caption. That way, the part of your caption that's more appealing to humans will come first, making it more user-friendly.
Plus, if your caption is long enough to get cut off, the hashtags that are there to connect people (as opposed to delight people) will be hidden. So the hashtags in this caption ...
... will be hidden from folks scrolling by in their Instagram feeds -- which is totally fine, since they're just there for search reasons.
Pro tip: Need inspiration for a hashtag that's already popular? Instagram will suggest hashtags to you based on their popularity when you open up a new post and type out the # symbol followed by an incomplete search. Here's an example of that in action:
5. Meld your brand voice with Instagram's lighthearted tone.
Every social network has a different tone that works best. While serious, jargon-heavy copy may work well on LinkedIn, for example, that same copy won't work as well on Instagram. The best Instagram posts tend to have a lighthearted, fun tone, showing off the more authentic, human, and personable side of a brand.
That's why you'll want to adapt your brand voice for Instagram's more lighthearted tone. This'll be easier for brands whose brand voices are already lighthearted and fun, like Wistia's:
For others with a more serious brand voice, find a balance between sincerity and relatability.
Being relatively consistent in your Instagram voice can help you build your brand on the channel. For example, think about how long you'll typically want most of your posts to be. Do you want to be a storyteller who writes a paragraph or more?
  “I grew up in India where a woman got married, settled down, and kept a house. I never thought I’d do anything different. I lived a very sheltered existence. I went to a British school, then a women’s college, and then I met my husband. I assumed that I’d be taken care of for the rest of my life. But shortly after we came to America, my husband slipped into a coma and lingered for another fifteen years. We had a small child at the time. I’d never worked before, except for a part-time job in the bookshop at the Met. I was a very quiet person. And suddenly I had to make all of the decisions. I had to get a full time job. It was empowering. I learned that I could be fearless, I could be angry, and I could fight. These were three things that I’d never had to do before. I was thinking recently, that if my husband had lived, he might not have liked who I’ve become.”
A photo posted by Humans of New York (@humansofny) on May 3, 2016 at 9:15am PDT
Or do you need the space to write out instructions, or a recipe?
  Spinach And Artichoke Cups Here’s what you will need: Yields: About 16 Dip Cups For dip: * 8 oz cream cheese * 3/4 cup frozen spinach, defrosted and drained of excess liquid * 1/2 cup mozzarella * 1/2 cup romano * 1/2 cup parmesan * 14 oz can artichoke hearts, quartered * 1/4 cup chopped bacon * 1/4 cup sour cream * 1 tsp minced garlic * 1/2 tsp red pepper flakes * 1 tsp dried basil For Cups: * 1 box puff pastry, thawed according to box instructions For Toppings (Optional): * Parmesan cheese Instructions: 1. Preheat your oven to 400˚F/ 200˚C. 2. Combine cream cheese, drained spinach, mozzarella, romano, parmesan, artichoke hearts, bacon, sour cream, garlic, red pepper flakes, and dried basil in a large bowl. 3. Mix until the ingredients are well combined and set aside. 4. Roll out the puff pastry using a rolling pin. 5. Take a jar and press down on the dough to create perfect circles. 6. Once you have all your circles, remove excess dough and repeat steps four and five until you have enough to fill your muffin tin, or until you run out of dough! 7. Take your dough and place it in the muffin tin to create a cup for the dip. 8. Spoon the dip into each cup until they’re 3/4 full. 9. Top with parmesan cheese (optional). 10. Bake for 20 minutes at 400˚F/ 200˚C (temperature and time may vary based on the oven) 11. Remove from muffin tin and allow to cool for about 15 minutes. 12. Serve & Enjoy!
A video posted by Tasty (@buzzfeedtasty) on Feb 8, 2016 at 2:06pm PST
Or do you favor a minimalist approach with just a few words?
A video posted by New England Patriots (@patriots) on May 27, 2016 at 10:57am PDT
When in doubt, be punny. Cleverness tends to perform quite well on social media, especially Instagram. People love when brands crack a joke or include a play on words. JetBlue, for example, is always an excellent source of puns:
Here's another one from Chobani:
If you're experience caption writer's block, the Wall Street Journal's Elizabeth Holmes suggests playing a word association game or brainstorming with a friend.
6. Use emojis.
Emojis, the cartoon-like emoticons available to most smartphone users, can add some personality to an Instagram caption. That's why a lot of brands use them in their captions -- even the more "serious" brands.
There are a lot of different ways to use emojis in your posts. For example, you can use them at the beginning of post to catch people's eye, like this:
You can also use them in the middle of sentences to replace words, or at the end of a post as a sort of "punchline," like this:
7. Cross-promote your other social channels.
You can also use your caption to cross-promote your other social media accounts. This is a great way to let your followers know where else on social media they can find you -- so that your Instagram followers can become your Twitter followers, your Facebook fans, your Snapchat audience, and so on.
For example, you might promote a campaign that's taking place on another channel, like Coca-Cola did here:
Pro Tip: If you have a Snapchat account, Snapcodes are perfect for cross channel promotion on your other social media profiles. Every Snapchat user has a unique Snapcode, which is an image that looks like the Snapchat logo but with a unique pattern of dots. To follow you on Snapchat, all users will have to do to is open the Snapchat app, take a photo of your Snapcode, and tap their screen.
Here's an example from WeWork:
8. When in doubt, keep it brief.
Depending on your audience, your captions might need to be longer than a few words or a sentence. For example, if you're a food company, you might post entire recipes in your captions -- and that's OK, as long as you're front-loading the caption with the most important information (like the name of the recipe) so it doesn't get cut off.
But if you're not sure what your brand voice is yet, a good rule of thumb is to keep it brief. Some of the best Instagram captions are short punchlines, or in some way make their point quickly and let the visual content do most of the talking.
Coca-Cola: "Goodbye, tan lines. Hello #SpringBreak."
WeWork: "Every day."
BuzzFeed Tasty: "Whip it good."
  Whip it good.
A video posted by Tasty (@buzzfeedtasty) on Mar 2, 2016 at 6:15pm PST
Good Instagram Captions
So, what makes a good caption on Instagram? Let's recap:
Leading with the good stuff
A call-to-action (CTA)
A healthy number of hashtags
A lighthearted tone
Cross-promoting other social channels
The companies cited in the steps above all have their own way of engaging their followers on Instagram, but how can you apply their approach to captions of your own?
Let's take a look at some more Instagram captions that celebrate these important qualities and that you can apply to your business's Instagram strategy.
Captions that lead with the good stuff
"That's a wrap on [company event], day 1! It was a great day of good people, sessions, and keynotes..."
"[New product] is now live! Get your free 30-day demo right now and see for yourself..."
"We're working with [partner/company] on a new initiative to [shared goal]. Our staff can't wait to get started..."
"We're here at [industry event]! Come say hi at [booth #] and see our CEO before he takes the stage at [panel discussion]..."
"Congrats to our own [employee name] for winning [award]! A well-deserved honor for someone who crushed it this month..."
Captions with CTAs
The best [product] for this time of year. What's your favorite part of the fall? Let us know in the comments!
We'll be closed January 1, but back with an exciting announcement after New Years ... where will you be on New Years Eve? Share your plans, below!
[Podcast] episode 1 is now available for listening! Couldn't be happier with our guest, [name of guest]. Link in bio.
Team synergy is crucial to a great company culture. Tag a coworker you love working with in the comments below.
We're so excited to launch [new product], but every great [type of product] needs a great name. Submit your name suggestions and the best one wins a year of free service! Link in bio.
Captions with one to four hashtags
We're here at Mile 17 of the #NYCMarathon cheering on our company running club! Amazing day for 26.2. #ILoveNYC
[Event name] attendees: Join us at the 3 PM panel to learn how #NewTrend is changing the industry. #EventHashtag
Surprised the marketing team with donuts for hitting their #LeadGeneration goal and because they're free today! #FreeDonutDay #FridayFeeling
Captions with a lighthearted tone
High fives to everyone who hit their goal for the quarter! If not, get psyched to crush it this quarter. You're gonna' do great. #goals
Recycling isn't just a requirement in our office park -- it's the right thing to do. Happy Recycling Day! #RecyclingDay
Happy Monday! Don't dread the week, embrace it! Happy employees make for happy customers. :) #MondayMotivation
Captions with emojis
Spotted 👀 the [company name] logo downtown! Love seeing the community give us some love. ❤️
Everybody contributes to the health of our planet. To be successful at [company name], we need to be respectful of 🌎. Happy #EarthDay!
#MarchMadness has begun, and we're cheering for our state team at [name of college] tonight. Let's do it, [team mascot]! 🏀
🏆 ALERT! 🏆 Excited to be named in the Top 20 Best Places to Work in [State] for [year]! We owe it all to our hardworking employees and loyal customers. You all rock.
Captions that cross-promote other social channels
At 11 AM tomorrow, we'll be live tweeting from our CEO's keynote at [industry event]. Follow along on our Twitter page! Link in bio.
We're so sorry if you couldn't log in to your [company name] account yesterday, and want to make it right. Check in with us on Facebook Messenger and get your redeemable discount code.
We're up and running on LinkedIn, and so are our employees! Find and connect with us now (we don't bite). Link in bio.
Brief captions
New year, new logo.
We've moved! Check out our new office.
Happy #Thanksgiving! What are you thankful for?
Happy New Year!!
[Your slogan or tagline].
As you test out different types of posts on Instagram, keep track of how different post types work -- including your captions. Instagram doesn't have a whole lot to offer in terms of analytics, so you'll have to do this manually.
Try listing each post on a spreadsheet and keeping track of its URL, the time it was posted, how many Likes and comments it got, and the types of feedback you're getting from your followers.
0 notes
straykats · 2 years
kat talks: the world ep.1: movement
guerrilla has me lacking words and oxygen and im too scared to listen to the rest of the album
this reminds me of laser tag or smth akin to alien invasion games
this with earphones >>>
okay thats kinda all i gotta say
sector 1
OH WHY DOES THIS SOUND SO FAMILIAR is it bc of a teaser or what
edit: after my self-doubt being cured through reading other people's posts, i would like to say yes i did think it might have been the outro thingy from answer but i couldn't remember correctly so i was like hm more likely a teaser BUT I SHOULD HAVE GUESSED ugh ofc atz
oh my god izzy if u see this u were right this slaps and im only ,ike 5lines in
hongjoongs laugh <3
its a very 'wake up world' kind of song??? like. nice calm oncoming event kinda vibes. lengthening shadows as the sun rises, but timelapsed
i love the synth moving parralell with the melody? theres a term for it but i forgot VNJKSVFS
the bridge buildup is snazzy
i feel like that was a really calm intense song???? like if this was a war or smth this is the preparation and sharpening of weapons and stuff
oh this one is intense intense
THE BASS hehehehehehhee its so central and then the claps are further to each side and it sounds very nice
OOO i love how the bass/percussive synth sounds just disappear at mingi's 'fix on'
the change in texture is really nice!!
i'm getting the circus/clown theme in my head now.
funnky lil mashup potentially???
okay i really like this song and not just bc of the chrom descent
the percussive synth thingy ARGHHHH loml in this song
the descending vocals w the higher adlib thingies >>..
okay seatbelts on im gonna go crazy
this is mv commetary too!!
THE BASS heheheheheheh
the beat silence HHBD
god the lazy rap (?) >>
the drawling kinda "oHHHHhhh" synth after the yell
yunho and yeosang stop stop stopsotpsots
seonghwa beloved
are thsoe strings in the prechor??
whether or not it is i think an prchestral arrangment would be sexy af
the synth in the chorus tooo AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
haha very sane of me
upside down mingi good mingi
nah the directing for this mv is insane imo
the vocals during the upside down mingi bit that repeats his lines and then sings with >>>
seonghwa beloved pt2
key change again!!!! i think
cant wait to fiddle around to figure this out
drums and bass my most BELOVED i think an electric violin would be super sexy in the bridge
god i cant even articulate properly rn this song literally starts on a high and then gets better and better and better
the ring
the way the smile just slowly grew on my face is almost theatrical imo
i love the silences !!
0:55-2:05 is so scrumptious harmonically but i cant yet figure out why
the way each section sounds different is so cool to me
one ring to rule them all??? i knew i should have made a lotr joke at the beginning
also ive been fiddling around w an online keyboard as i listen along to this song which is why theres so few comments JNDFKSNVSK
oh wait. the organ???? sounds like an organ???
wdig (where do i go)
damn ngl thought this was gonna be a ballad-y slower song
@ 0:26 the chord goes. goes funky. i am once again harmonically intrigued (minor 3rd??? )
@ 0:48 @ 0:55 i am once again intrigued
wait is the chor a key chabge??? do i just sinply think everything is a keychange????
loving the tempo changeups as well!! or is it the same tempo.
new world
rhythm game vibes
do u think hognjoong records a new laugh in all the songs or does he use the same audio file
i am once again having harmonic feelings
can reacttothek react to this album pls
why does the chorus/hook remind me of one ok rock
2:34-2:39 is sure funking snazzy i love it
another prepare for war song i love it
this whole album gives 'prepare for war' kinda vibes i love it
4 notes · View notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Easyquit System.
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/easyquit-system/
Easyquit System.
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    If you are a smoker who wants to quit, this is the most important message you will ever read!
Are you tired of trying and failing to quit smoking by using bogus pills, sprays, gum or patches?
If you just can’t face the anguish of going through yet another quit attempt, you need to try the incredible EasyQuit System™!
With the EasyQuit System™, 96 percent of people don’t just learn how to stop smoking, they actually learn how to stop ever wanting to smoke ever again!
That is why more than 19 out of every 20 people who use the EasyQuit System™ to help them quit smoking succeed and become non-smokers!
Dear soon-to-be Ex-Smoker,
Tumblr media
Have you tried to quit smoking before? Did you fail to quit just like 19 out of 20 quitters do? Do you just seem to lack the ability or will-power to stop smoking those evil cancer sticks?
Well why not join the thousands of people who have already learned how to quit smoking without effort, uncontrollable cravings or will-power, using the amazing EasyQuit System™!
My name is Pete Howells and I am the author of the EasyQuit System™ for quitting smoking. Thank you for taking some time to read what I have to tell you – YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU HAVE!
Firstly, let me ask you; “quitting smoking is difficult right?” WRONG! Quitting smoking is only difficult if you don’t know how to do it.
For example, driving a car is only difficult to people who don’t know how to do it – but it is only a skill that most adults have to learn. It is the same with quitting smoking, YOU JUST HAVE TO LEARN THE SKILLS NEEDED TO DO IT!
The EasyQuit System™ is probably the simplest method available to overcome all the problems normally associated with quitting smoking – cravings, weight gain, anxiety, short-temper, hunger and discomfort. The incredible success of the EasyQuit System™ is because it is so effective at overcoming your desire to smoke.
So, if you want to quit smoking without using “will-power” OR feeling a sense of loss OR hunger OR experiencing any unnecessary stress; then read on because I guarantee the EasyQuit System™ is the answer that you are looking for.
You were a non-smoker once before and being a non-smoker again will only happen for you if you TAKE ACTION. So go on, ACT RIGHT NOW and read the rest of this important life-saving message.
The EasyQuit System™ will work for you just as it has for many others. Read some of the testimonials people have sent to me to express their gratitude after being liberated from smoking for ever!
Testimonial #1:
Dear Peter,
Your book has changed my life!!! I gave up smoking 8 years ago for 6 years and put on weight – just as you explained in the book I started smoking 2 years ago and was back up to 30 a day. I lost weight.
I read your book after Christmas and have not looked back. I have not put on weight and I never smoked that last cigarette, because I couldn’t face it and still can’t! – Is that how it works??? Your psychological approach is remarkably effective.
I went to the Doctor about giving up and was told to attend a group and to buy nicotine patches from the Chemist!!
Thank you, I respect myself for what I have been able to achieve thanks to your marvellous book and my sons aged 21 & 23, both of whom hate smoking, are proud of me, but, as you know, it wasn’t that hard to make the break from that horrible drug!
With kindest regards,
Fleur Wadley London, England
Testimonial #2:
Dear Peter,
I just wanted to thank you for your EasyQuit System™ book. I was a smoker for 20 years and quit 7 weeks ago right after I finished your book and I can’t believe how free I feel.
I knew that I had to quit, but I was terrified of my life without cigarettes. Before I discovered your book, I tried to quit cold turkey and was a total wreck – I felt like I was saying goodbye to my best friend. Thankfully, I found your online book and read it immediately.
I just can’t believe how easy it actually was to quit after I had my “epiphany” thanks to you. I guess all smokers do think alike because it felt like you wrote that book just for ME!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Kathy Conaty California
Testimonial #3:
Dear Peter,
I had my last cigarette on the 11th October 2006. It was the best thing I ever did.
I was busy reading your book and got as far as chapter 9. I had my last smoke, put it out and never felt like one again. And to top it all off it wasn’t even hard going!
Roman Gross Germany
Testimonial #4:
Dear Peter,
Your program was great. Thank you so much, I had smoked for about 34 years. I never really tried to quit smoking before, I tried your program and it was really easy for me. I smoked about 1-1-1/2 packs of cigarette’s a day. I would recommend this program to anyone.
Elaine Balmer Pennsylvania
With the EasyQuit System™, I can help you quit smoking in as little as three hours from now! This solution is guaranteed to show you everything you need to quit smoking without any of the usual hardships.
I can honestly say you will find it works like magic!
The EasyQuit System™ is so incredibly effective becasue it not only teaches you how you can quit smoking, it actually stops you ever wanting to smoke. It turns off your desire to smoke cigarettes! It isn’t aversion therapy or hypnotism or ‘Neuro-Linguistic Programming’. It is just a series of truths about the psychology of smoking that explain why you smoke and how you can overcome your habit.
Let me outline a few of the things that the EasyQuit System™ explains to you:
Just think, If you quit smoking you can start reversing the damage you have done to your body from inhaling that filthy tar laden tobacco smoke.
I am sure you know how bad smoking is for you. Smokers are bombarded with ‘health advice’ all the time and I am not here to berate you or belittle you for smoking cigarettes.
But all this advice on how harmful tobacco is only explains why you should quit. I am here to tell you how you can quit!
I want to help you learn how to go about quitting smoking in a way that is going to make it a genuine possibility for you… and that is what the EasyQuit System™ does!
When your house is burning down, you call the Fire Department because you need help and they know what to do. Learning how to quit smoking is just a bad as your house being on fire – you’re gonna need help from someone who knows just what to do!
Being stubborn about solving a problem and knowing when it is time to get help singles out clever people from the dummies!
Getting help now is the smart thing to do and that is where the EasyQuit System™ can help you. It is unlike any other quit smoking program available on the internet today – why?
Because the EasyQuit System™ is INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH
What do I mean? Well, for over 40 years now, there has been a method used by psychologists and psychiatrists to get patients off heroin, cocaine, alcohol and other highly addictive drugs. It has also been used to treat other problems other than addiction as well because it is so successful. The therapy is called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT and was developed in the 1960’s by a guy called Professor Aaron Beck who you can also read about here.
CBT is used to change the way someone thinks about what they do and why they do it. AND it is easy to follow because it breaks down a big or overwhelming problem – like smoking – into lots of easily solved parts (that’s why the book is in 30 small chapters over less than 100 pages).
In brief, virtually everything you do is based on what is called a “learned response” by those clever boffins in psychology . We smoke for all the wrong reasons as a result of a wrongful learned response.
We associate pleasure with smoking but that is not what is going on – it is subtley different from that and once you discover the differences, it becomes incredibly easy to stop smoking.
The problem is however, that the learned responses are so engrained in smokers and society in general, that there is no way of escaping the problem without help. This is where our EasyQuit system comes into its own – it reveals and overcomes all of the problems smokers face when quitting.
I know that all of these things will leave you slack-jawed once you have read the amazing EasyQuit System™, but right now, you are probably thinking that there must be some catches – well there aren’t any!
I am afraid I need to repeat that to make sure you got it…
The EasyQuit System™ is just a straightforward read of a book and then if, up to 8 weeks later, you are not satisfied or have not quit, you can get your money back. You have nothing to lose!
Think about it. If the average smoker shortens their life by 16 years, what would you pay for an extra 16 years years of life, let alone potentially twenty or thirty? Personally I would pay a lot – but I’m not asking or expecting you to!
For just $47, I am offering to give you the key to unlocking the door to your smoke free happiness, such that you haven’t experienced since you started smoking.
If you smoke 1 pack of cigarettes a day, $47 is what you spend on cigarettes in just over a week! Think about that – you save all of the money within a month of buying the product because you will save so much from NOT BUYING CIGARETTES anymore!
You have a full 8 week money back guarantee if you purchase this product. The guarantee is underwritten by Clickbank, one of the most trusted names on the net, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Don’t waste any more time killing yourself with tobacco or continuing financing the government and cigarette companies; Buy now with confidence!
No Risk Acceptance Form
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Yes Pete, I want to quit smoking for good in as little as 3 hours without any painstaking work, weight gain, will-power or impossible cravings to fight.
I want to place my order right now through Clickbank’s secure server and receive instant instructions on how to download the fully printable ‘EasyQuit System™’.
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Order Now, using any of these payment methods or PayPal, the number one payment system on the internet giving you 100% security.
As soon as your payment is authorized (this usually takes less than a minute), you will be taken to the download page and given instructions on how to download your book (1.5Mb) which should take no more than 5 minutes with a dial-up connection.
To your future non-smoking health,
Tumblr media
Pete Howells Author of EasyQuit System™
P.S. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll quit and the more LIFE and money you will save and the sooner you’ll stop paying people to kill you!
P.P.S. If after you have bought the product, you get stuck on something, there is a direct email address you can get me on and I will address anything you do not understand!
EasyQuit Blog | Quit Smoking Motivator | Please Quit Smoking | Quit Smoking Hypnosis
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Easyquit System.
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/easyquit-system/
Easyquit System.
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    If you are a smoker who wants to quit, this is the most important message you will ever read!
Are you tired of trying and failing to quit smoking by using bogus pills, sprays, gum or patches?
If you just can’t face the anguish of going through yet another quit attempt, you need to try the incredible EasyQuit System™!
With the EasyQuit System™, 96 percent of people don’t just learn how to stop smoking, they actually learn how to stop ever wanting to smoke ever again!
That is why more than 19 out of every 20 people who use the EasyQuit System™ to help them quit smoking succeed and become non-smokers!
Dear soon-to-be Ex-Smoker,
Tumblr media
Have you tried to quit smoking before? Did you fail to quit just like 19 out of 20 quitters do? Do you just seem to lack the ability or will-power to stop smoking those evil cancer sticks?
Well why not join the thousands of people who have already learned how to quit smoking without effort, uncontrollable cravings or will-power, using the amazing EasyQuit System™!
My name is Pete Howells and I am the author of the EasyQuit System™ for quitting smoking. Thank you for taking some time to read what I have to tell you – YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU HAVE!
Firstly, let me ask you; “quitting smoking is difficult right?” WRONG! Quitting smoking is only difficult if you don’t know how to do it.
For example, driving a car is only difficult to people who don’t know how to do it – but it is only a skill that most adults have to learn. It is the same with quitting smoking, YOU JUST HAVE TO LEARN THE SKILLS NEEDED TO DO IT!
The EasyQuit System™ is probably the simplest method available to overcome all the problems normally associated with quitting smoking – cravings, weight gain, anxiety, short-temper, hunger and discomfort. The incredible success of the EasyQuit System™ is because it is so effective at overcoming your desire to smoke.
So, if you want to quit smoking without using “will-power” OR feeling a sense of loss OR hunger OR experiencing any unnecessary stress; then read on because I guarantee the EasyQuit System™ is the answer that you are looking for.
You were a non-smoker once before and being a non-smoker again will only happen for you if you TAKE ACTION. So go on, ACT RIGHT NOW and read the rest of this important life-saving message.
The EasyQuit System™ will work for you just as it has for many others. Read some of the testimonials people have sent to me to express their gratitude after being liberated from smoking for ever!
Testimonial #1:
Dear Peter,
Your book has changed my life!!! I gave up smoking 8 years ago for 6 years and put on weight – just as you explained in the book I started smoking 2 years ago and was back up to 30 a day. I lost weight.
I read your book after Christmas and have not looked back. I have not put on weight and I never smoked that last cigarette, because I couldn’t face it and still can’t! – Is that how it works??? Your psychological approach is remarkably effective.
I went to the Doctor about giving up and was told to attend a group and to buy nicotine patches from the Chemist!!
Thank you, I respect myself for what I have been able to achieve thanks to your marvellous book and my sons aged 21 & 23, both of whom hate smoking, are proud of me, but, as you know, it wasn’t that hard to make the break from that horrible drug!
With kindest regards,
Fleur Wadley London, England
Testimonial #2:
Dear Peter,
I just wanted to thank you for your EasyQuit System™ book. I was a smoker for 20 years and quit 7 weeks ago right after I finished your book and I can’t believe how free I feel.
I knew that I had to quit, but I was terrified of my life without cigarettes. Before I discovered your book, I tried to quit cold turkey and was a total wreck – I felt like I was saying goodbye to my best friend. Thankfully, I found your online book and read it immediately.
I just can’t believe how easy it actually was to quit after I had my “epiphany” thanks to you. I guess all smokers do think alike because it felt like you wrote that book just for ME!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Kathy Conaty California
Testimonial #3:
Dear Peter,
I had my last cigarette on the 11th October 2006. It was the best thing I ever did.
I was busy reading your book and got as far as chapter 9. I had my last smoke, put it out and never felt like one again. And to top it all off it wasn’t even hard going!
Roman Gross Germany
Testimonial #4:
Dear Peter,
Your program was great. Thank you so much, I had smoked for about 34 years. I never really tried to quit smoking before, I tried your program and it was really easy for me. I smoked about 1-1-1/2 packs of cigarette’s a day. I would recommend this program to anyone.
Elaine Balmer Pennsylvania
With the EasyQuit System™, I can help you quit smoking in as little as three hours from now! This solution is guaranteed to show you everything you need to quit smoking without any of the usual hardships.
I can honestly say you will find it works like magic!
The EasyQuit System™ is so incredibly effective becasue it not only teaches you how you can quit smoking, it actually stops you ever wanting to smoke. It turns off your desire to smoke cigarettes! It isn’t aversion therapy or hypnotism or ‘Neuro-Linguistic Programming’. It is just a series of truths about the psychology of smoking that explain why you smoke and how you can overcome your habit.
Let me outline a few of the things that the EasyQuit System™ explains to you:
Just think, If you quit smoking you can start reversing the damage you have done to your body from inhaling that filthy tar laden tobacco smoke.
I am sure you know how bad smoking is for you. Smokers are bombarded with ‘health advice’ all the time and I am not here to berate you or belittle you for smoking cigarettes.
But all this advice on how harmful tobacco is only explains why you should quit. I am here to tell you how you can quit!
I want to help you learn how to go about quitting smoking in a way that is going to make it a genuine possibility for you… and that is what the EasyQuit System™ does!
When your house is burning down, you call the Fire Department because you need help and they know what to do. Learning how to quit smoking is just a bad as your house being on fire – you’re gonna need help from someone who knows just what to do!
Being stubborn about solving a problem and knowing when it is time to get help singles out clever people from the dummies!
Getting help now is the smart thing to do and that is where the EasyQuit System™ can help you. It is unlike any other quit smoking program available on the internet today – why?
Because the EasyQuit System™ is INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH
What do I mean? Well, for over 40 years now, there has been a method used by psychologists and psychiatrists to get patients off heroin, cocaine, alcohol and other highly addictive drugs. It has also been used to treat other problems other than addiction as well because it is so successful. The therapy is called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT and was developed in the 1960’s by a guy called Professor Aaron Beck who you can also read about here.
CBT is used to change the way someone thinks about what they do and why they do it. AND it is easy to follow because it breaks down a big or overwhelming problem – like smoking – into lots of easily solved parts (that’s why the book is in 30 small chapters over less than 100 pages).
In brief, virtually everything you do is based on what is called a “learned response” by those clever boffins in psychology . We smoke for all the wrong reasons as a result of a wrongful learned response.
We associate pleasure with smoking but that is not what is going on – it is subtley different from that and once you discover the differences, it becomes incredibly easy to stop smoking.
The problem is however, that the learned responses are so engrained in smokers and society in general, that there is no way of escaping the problem without help. This is where our EasyQuit system comes into its own – it reveals and overcomes all of the problems smokers face when quitting.
I know that all of these things will leave you slack-jawed once you have read the amazing EasyQuit System™, but right now, you are probably thinking that there must be some catches – well there aren’t any!
I am afraid I need to repeat that to make sure you got it…
The EasyQuit System™ is just a straightforward read of a book and then if, up to 8 weeks later, you are not satisfied or have not quit, you can get your money back. You have nothing to lose!
Think about it. If the average smoker shortens their life by 16 years, what would you pay for an extra 16 years years of life, let alone potentially twenty or thirty? Personally I would pay a lot – but I’m not asking or expecting you to!
For just $47, I am offering to give you the key to unlocking the door to your smoke free happiness, such that you haven’t experienced since you started smoking.
If you smoke 1 pack of cigarettes a day, $47 is what you spend on cigarettes in just over a week! Think about that – you save all of the money within a month of buying the product because you will save so much from NOT BUYING CIGARETTES anymore!
You have a full 8 week money back guarantee if you purchase this product. The guarantee is underwritten by Clickbank, one of the most trusted names on the net, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Don’t waste any more time killing yourself with tobacco or continuing financing the government and cigarette companies; Buy now with confidence!
No Risk Acceptance Form
Tumblr media
Yes Pete, I want to quit smoking for good in as little as 3 hours without any painstaking work, weight gain, will-power or impossible cravings to fight.
I want to place my order right now through Clickbank’s secure server and receive instant instructions on how to download the fully printable ‘EasyQuit System™’.
Tumblr media
Order Now, using any of these payment methods or PayPal, the number one payment system on the internet giving you 100% security.
As soon as your payment is authorized (this usually takes less than a minute), you will be taken to the download page and given instructions on how to download your book (1.5Mb) which should take no more than 5 minutes with a dial-up connection.
To your future non-smoking health,
Tumblr media
Pete Howells Author of EasyQuit System™
P.S. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll quit and the more LIFE and money you will save and the sooner you’ll stop paying people to kill you!
P.P.S. If after you have bought the product, you get stuck on something, there is a direct email address you can get me on and I will address anything you do not understand!
EasyQuit Blog | Quit Smoking Motivator | Please Quit Smoking | Quit Smoking Hypnosis
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Easyquit System.
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/easyquit-system/
Easyquit System.
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 Buy Now
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    If you are a smoker who wants to quit, this is the most important message you will ever read!
Are you tired of trying and failing to quit smoking by using bogus pills, sprays, gum or patches?
If you just can’t face the anguish of going through yet another quit attempt, you need to try the incredible EasyQuit System™!
With the EasyQuit System™, 96 percent of people don’t just learn how to stop smoking, they actually learn how to stop ever wanting to smoke ever again!
That is why more than 19 out of every 20 people who use the EasyQuit System™ to help them quit smoking succeed and become non-smokers!
Dear soon-to-be Ex-Smoker,
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Have you tried to quit smoking before? Did you fail to quit just like 19 out of 20 quitters do? Do you just seem to lack the ability or will-power to stop smoking those evil cancer sticks?
Well why not join the thousands of people who have already learned how to quit smoking without effort, uncontrollable cravings or will-power, using the amazing EasyQuit System™!
My name is Pete Howells and I am the author of the EasyQuit System™ for quitting smoking. Thank you for taking some time to read what I have to tell you – YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU HAVE!
Firstly, let me ask you; “quitting smoking is difficult right?” WRONG! Quitting smoking is only difficult if you don’t know how to do it.
For example, driving a car is only difficult to people who don’t know how to do it – but it is only a skill that most adults have to learn. It is the same with quitting smoking, YOU JUST HAVE TO LEARN THE SKILLS NEEDED TO DO IT!
The EasyQuit System™ is probably the simplest method available to overcome all the problems normally associated with quitting smoking – cravings, weight gain, anxiety, short-temper, hunger and discomfort. The incredible success of the EasyQuit System™ is because it is so effective at overcoming your desire to smoke.
So, if you want to quit smoking without using “will-power” OR feeling a sense of loss OR hunger OR experiencing any unnecessary stress; then read on because I guarantee the EasyQuit System™ is the answer that you are looking for.
You were a non-smoker once before and being a non-smoker again will only happen for you if you TAKE ACTION. So go on, ACT RIGHT NOW and read the rest of this important life-saving message.
The EasyQuit System™ will work for you just as it has for many others. Read some of the testimonials people have sent to me to express their gratitude after being liberated from smoking for ever!
Testimonial #1:
Dear Peter,
Your book has changed my life!!! I gave up smoking 8 years ago for 6 years and put on weight – just as you explained in the book I started smoking 2 years ago and was back up to 30 a day. I lost weight.
I read your book after Christmas and have not looked back. I have not put on weight and I never smoked that last cigarette, because I couldn’t face it and still can’t! – Is that how it works??? Your psychological approach is remarkably effective.
I went to the Doctor about giving up and was told to attend a group and to buy nicotine patches from the Chemist!!
Thank you, I respect myself for what I have been able to achieve thanks to your marvellous book and my sons aged 21 & 23, both of whom hate smoking, are proud of me, but, as you know, it wasn’t that hard to make the break from that horrible drug!
With kindest regards,
Fleur Wadley London, England
Testimonial #2:
Dear Peter,
I just wanted to thank you for your EasyQuit System™ book. I was a smoker for 20 years and quit 7 weeks ago right after I finished your book and I can’t believe how free I feel.
I knew that I had to quit, but I was terrified of my life without cigarettes. Before I discovered your book, I tried to quit cold turkey and was a total wreck – I felt like I was saying goodbye to my best friend. Thankfully, I found your online book and read it immediately.
I just can’t believe how easy it actually was to quit after I had my “epiphany” thanks to you. I guess all smokers do think alike because it felt like you wrote that book just for ME!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Kathy Conaty California
Testimonial #3:
Dear Peter,
I had my last cigarette on the 11th October 2006. It was the best thing I ever did.
I was busy reading your book and got as far as chapter 9. I had my last smoke, put it out and never felt like one again. And to top it all off it wasn’t even hard going!
Roman Gross Germany
Testimonial #4:
Dear Peter,
Your program was great. Thank you so much, I had smoked for about 34 years. I never really tried to quit smoking before, I tried your program and it was really easy for me. I smoked about 1-1-1/2 packs of cigarette’s a day. I would recommend this program to anyone.
Elaine Balmer Pennsylvania
With the EasyQuit System™, I can help you quit smoking in as little as three hours from now! This solution is guaranteed to show you everything you need to quit smoking without any of the usual hardships.
I can honestly say you will find it works like magic!
The EasyQuit System™ is so incredibly effective becasue it not only teaches you how you can quit smoking, it actually stops you ever wanting to smoke. It turns off your desire to smoke cigarettes! It isn’t aversion therapy or hypnotism or ‘Neuro-Linguistic Programming’. It is just a series of truths about the psychology of smoking that explain why you smoke and how you can overcome your habit.
Let me outline a few of the things that the EasyQuit System™ explains to you:
Just think, If you quit smoking you can start reversing the damage you have done to your body from inhaling that filthy tar laden tobacco smoke.
I am sure you know how bad smoking is for you. Smokers are bombarded with ‘health advice’ all the time and I am not here to berate you or belittle you for smoking cigarettes.
But all this advice on how harmful tobacco is only explains why you should quit. I am here to tell you how you can quit!
I want to help you learn how to go about quitting smoking in a way that is going to make it a genuine possibility for you… and that is what the EasyQuit System™ does!
When your house is burning down, you call the Fire Department because you need help and they know what to do. Learning how to quit smoking is just a bad as your house being on fire – you’re gonna need help from someone who knows just what to do!
Being stubborn about solving a problem and knowing when it is time to get help singles out clever people from the dummies!
Getting help now is the smart thing to do and that is where the EasyQuit System™ can help you. It is unlike any other quit smoking program available on the internet today – why?
Because the EasyQuit System™ is INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH
What do I mean? Well, for over 40 years now, there has been a method used by psychologists and psychiatrists to get patients off heroin, cocaine, alcohol and other highly addictive drugs. It has also been used to treat other problems other than addiction as well because it is so successful. The therapy is called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT and was developed in the 1960’s by a guy called Professor Aaron Beck who you can also read about here.
CBT is used to change the way someone thinks about what they do and why they do it. AND it is easy to follow because it breaks down a big or overwhelming problem – like smoking – into lots of easily solved parts (that’s why the book is in 30 small chapters over less than 100 pages).
In brief, virtually everything you do is based on what is called a “learned response” by those clever boffins in psychology . We smoke for all the wrong reasons as a result of a wrongful learned response.
We associate pleasure with smoking but that is not what is going on – it is subtley different from that and once you discover the differences, it becomes incredibly easy to stop smoking.
The problem is however, that the learned responses are so engrained in smokers and society in general, that there is no way of escaping the problem without help. This is where our EasyQuit system comes into its own – it reveals and overcomes all of the problems smokers face when quitting.
I know that all of these things will leave you slack-jawed once you have read the amazing EasyQuit System™, but right now, you are probably thinking that there must be some catches – well there aren’t any!
I am afraid I need to repeat that to make sure you got it…
The EasyQuit System™ is just a straightforward read of a book and then if, up to 8 weeks later, you are not satisfied or have not quit, you can get your money back. You have nothing to lose!
Think about it. If the average smoker shortens their life by 16 years, what would you pay for an extra 16 years years of life, let alone potentially twenty or thirty? Personally I would pay a lot – but I’m not asking or expecting you to!
For just $47, I am offering to give you the key to unlocking the door to your smoke free happiness, such that you haven’t experienced since you started smoking.
If you smoke 1 pack of cigarettes a day, $47 is what you spend on cigarettes in just over a week! Think about that – you save all of the money within a month of buying the product because you will save so much from NOT BUYING CIGARETTES anymore!
You have a full 8 week money back guarantee if you purchase this product. The guarantee is underwritten by Clickbank, one of the most trusted names on the net, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Don’t waste any more time killing yourself with tobacco or continuing financing the government and cigarette companies; Buy now with confidence!
No Risk Acceptance Form
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Yes Pete, I want to quit smoking for good in as little as 3 hours without any painstaking work, weight gain, will-power or impossible cravings to fight.
I want to place my order right now through Clickbank’s secure server and receive instant instructions on how to download the fully printable ‘EasyQuit System™’.
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Order Now, using any of these payment methods or PayPal, the number one payment system on the internet giving you 100% security.
As soon as your payment is authorized (this usually takes less than a minute), you will be taken to the download page and given instructions on how to download your book (1.5Mb) which should take no more than 5 minutes with a dial-up connection.
To your future non-smoking health,
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Pete Howells Author of EasyQuit System™
P.S. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll quit and the more LIFE and money you will save and the sooner you’ll stop paying people to kill you!
P.P.S. If after you have bought the product, you get stuck on something, there is a direct email address you can get me on and I will address anything you do not understand!
EasyQuit Blog | Quit Smoking Motivator | Please Quit Smoking | Quit Smoking Hypnosis
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Easyquit System.
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/easyquit-system/
Easyquit System.
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 Buy Now
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    If you are a smoker who wants to quit, this is the most important message you will ever read!
Are you tired of trying and failing to quit smoking by using bogus pills, sprays, gum or patches?
If you just can’t face the anguish of going through yet another quit attempt, you need to try the incredible EasyQuit System™!
With the EasyQuit System™, 96 percent of people don’t just learn how to stop smoking, they actually learn how to stop ever wanting to smoke ever again!
That is why more than 19 out of every 20 people who use the EasyQuit System™ to help them quit smoking succeed and become non-smokers!
Dear soon-to-be Ex-Smoker,
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Have you tried to quit smoking before? Did you fail to quit just like 19 out of 20 quitters do? Do you just seem to lack the ability or will-power to stop smoking those evil cancer sticks?
Well why not join the thousands of people who have already learned how to quit smoking without effort, uncontrollable cravings or will-power, using the amazing EasyQuit System™!
My name is Pete Howells and I am the author of the EasyQuit System™ for quitting smoking. Thank you for taking some time to read what I have to tell you – YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU HAVE!
Firstly, let me ask you; “quitting smoking is difficult right?” WRONG! Quitting smoking is only difficult if you don’t know how to do it.
For example, driving a car is only difficult to people who don’t know how to do it – but it is only a skill that most adults have to learn. It is the same with quitting smoking, YOU JUST HAVE TO LEARN THE SKILLS NEEDED TO DO IT!
The EasyQuit System™ is probably the simplest method available to overcome all the problems normally associated with quitting smoking – cravings, weight gain, anxiety, short-temper, hunger and discomfort. The incredible success of the EasyQuit System™ is because it is so effective at overcoming your desire to smoke.
So, if you want to quit smoking without using “will-power” OR feeling a sense of loss OR hunger OR experiencing any unnecessary stress; then read on because I guarantee the EasyQuit System™ is the answer that you are looking for.
You were a non-smoker once before and being a non-smoker again will only happen for you if you TAKE ACTION. So go on, ACT RIGHT NOW and read the rest of this important life-saving message.
The EasyQuit System™ will work for you just as it has for many others. Read some of the testimonials people have sent to me to express their gratitude after being liberated from smoking for ever!
Testimonial #1:
Dear Peter,
Your book has changed my life!!! I gave up smoking 8 years ago for 6 years and put on weight – just as you explained in the book I started smoking 2 years ago and was back up to 30 a day. I lost weight.
I read your book after Christmas and have not looked back. I have not put on weight and I never smoked that last cigarette, because I couldn’t face it and still can’t! – Is that how it works??? Your psychological approach is remarkably effective.
I went to the Doctor about giving up and was told to attend a group and to buy nicotine patches from the Chemist!!
Thank you, I respect myself for what I have been able to achieve thanks to your marvellous book and my sons aged 21 & 23, both of whom hate smoking, are proud of me, but, as you know, it wasn’t that hard to make the break from that horrible drug!
With kindest regards,
Fleur Wadley London, England
Testimonial #2:
Dear Peter,
I just wanted to thank you for your EasyQuit System™ book. I was a smoker for 20 years and quit 7 weeks ago right after I finished your book and I can’t believe how free I feel.
I knew that I had to quit, but I was terrified of my life without cigarettes. Before I discovered your book, I tried to quit cold turkey and was a total wreck – I felt like I was saying goodbye to my best friend. Thankfully, I found your online book and read it immediately.
I just can’t believe how easy it actually was to quit after I had my “epiphany” thanks to you. I guess all smokers do think alike because it felt like you wrote that book just for ME!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Kathy Conaty California
Testimonial #3:
Dear Peter,
I had my last cigarette on the 11th October 2006. It was the best thing I ever did.
I was busy reading your book and got as far as chapter 9. I had my last smoke, put it out and never felt like one again. And to top it all off it wasn’t even hard going!
Roman Gross Germany
Testimonial #4:
Dear Peter,
Your program was great. Thank you so much, I had smoked for about 34 years. I never really tried to quit smoking before, I tried your program and it was really easy for me. I smoked about 1-1-1/2 packs of cigarette’s a day. I would recommend this program to anyone.
Elaine Balmer Pennsylvania
With the EasyQuit System™, I can help you quit smoking in as little as three hours from now! This solution is guaranteed to show you everything you need to quit smoking without any of the usual hardships.
I can honestly say you will find it works like magic!
The EasyQuit System™ is so incredibly effective becasue it not only teaches you how you can quit smoking, it actually stops you ever wanting to smoke. It turns off your desire to smoke cigarettes! It isn’t aversion therapy or hypnotism or ‘Neuro-Linguistic Programming’. It is just a series of truths about the psychology of smoking that explain why you smoke and how you can overcome your habit.
Let me outline a few of the things that the EasyQuit System™ explains to you:
Just think, If you quit smoking you can start reversing the damage you have done to your body from inhaling that filthy tar laden tobacco smoke.
I am sure you know how bad smoking is for you. Smokers are bombarded with ‘health advice’ all the time and I am not here to berate you or belittle you for smoking cigarettes.
But all this advice on how harmful tobacco is only explains why you should quit. I am here to tell you how you can quit!
I want to help you learn how to go about quitting smoking in a way that is going to make it a genuine possibility for you… and that is what the EasyQuit System™ does!
When your house is burning down, you call the Fire Department because you need help and they know what to do. Learning how to quit smoking is just a bad as your house being on fire – you’re gonna need help from someone who knows just what to do!
Being stubborn about solving a problem and knowing when it is time to get help singles out clever people from the dummies!
Getting help now is the smart thing to do and that is where the EasyQuit System™ can help you. It is unlike any other quit smoking program available on the internet today – why?
Because the EasyQuit System™ is INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH
What do I mean? Well, for over 40 years now, there has been a method used by psychologists and psychiatrists to get patients off heroin, cocaine, alcohol and other highly addictive drugs. It has also been used to treat other problems other than addiction as well because it is so successful. The therapy is called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT and was developed in the 1960’s by a guy called Professor Aaron Beck who you can also read about here.
CBT is used to change the way someone thinks about what they do and why they do it. AND it is easy to follow because it breaks down a big or overwhelming problem – like smoking – into lots of easily solved parts (that’s why the book is in 30 small chapters over less than 100 pages).
In brief, virtually everything you do is based on what is called a “learned response” by those clever boffins in psychology . We smoke for all the wrong reasons as a result of a wrongful learned response.
We associate pleasure with smoking but that is not what is going on – it is subtley different from that and once you discover the differences, it becomes incredibly easy to stop smoking.
The problem is however, that the learned responses are so engrained in smokers and society in general, that there is no way of escaping the problem without help. This is where our EasyQuit system comes into its own – it reveals and overcomes all of the problems smokers face when quitting.
I know that all of these things will leave you slack-jawed once you have read the amazing EasyQuit System™, but right now, you are probably thinking that there must be some catches – well there aren’t any!
I am afraid I need to repeat that to make sure you got it…
The EasyQuit System™ is just a straightforward read of a book and then if, up to 8 weeks later, you are not satisfied or have not quit, you can get your money back. You have nothing to lose!
Think about it. If the average smoker shortens their life by 16 years, what would you pay for an extra 16 years years of life, let alone potentially twenty or thirty? Personally I would pay a lot – but I’m not asking or expecting you to!
For just $47, I am offering to give you the key to unlocking the door to your smoke free happiness, such that you haven’t experienced since you started smoking.
If you smoke 1 pack of cigarettes a day, $47 is what you spend on cigarettes in just over a week! Think about that – you save all of the money within a month of buying the product because you will save so much from NOT BUYING CIGARETTES anymore!
You have a full 8 week money back guarantee if you purchase this product. The guarantee is underwritten by Clickbank, one of the most trusted names on the net, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Don’t waste any more time killing yourself with tobacco or continuing financing the government and cigarette companies; Buy now with confidence!
No Risk Acceptance Form
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Yes Pete, I want to quit smoking for good in as little as 3 hours without any painstaking work, weight gain, will-power or impossible cravings to fight.
I want to place my order right now through Clickbank’s secure server and receive instant instructions on how to download the fully printable ‘EasyQuit System™’.
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Order Now, using any of these payment methods or PayPal, the number one payment system on the internet giving you 100% security.
As soon as your payment is authorized (this usually takes less than a minute), you will be taken to the download page and given instructions on how to download your book (1.5Mb) which should take no more than 5 minutes with a dial-up connection.
To your future non-smoking health,
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Pete Howells Author of EasyQuit System™
P.S. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll quit and the more LIFE and money you will save and the sooner you’ll stop paying people to kill you!
P.P.S. If after you have bought the product, you get stuck on something, there is a direct email address you can get me on and I will address anything you do not understand!
EasyQuit Blog | Quit Smoking Motivator | Please Quit Smoking | Quit Smoking Hypnosis
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Easyquit System.
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/easyquit-system/
Easyquit System.
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 Buy Now
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    If you are a smoker who wants to quit, this is the most important message you will ever read!
Are you tired of trying and failing to quit smoking by using bogus pills, sprays, gum or patches?
If you just can’t face the anguish of going through yet another quit attempt, you need to try the incredible EasyQuit System™!
With the EasyQuit System™, 96 percent of people don’t just learn how to stop smoking, they actually learn how to stop ever wanting to smoke ever again!
That is why more than 19 out of every 20 people who use the EasyQuit System™ to help them quit smoking succeed and become non-smokers!
Dear soon-to-be Ex-Smoker,
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Have you tried to quit smoking before? Did you fail to quit just like 19 out of 20 quitters do? Do you just seem to lack the ability or will-power to stop smoking those evil cancer sticks?
Well why not join the thousands of people who have already learned how to quit smoking without effort, uncontrollable cravings or will-power, using the amazing EasyQuit System™!
My name is Pete Howells and I am the author of the EasyQuit System™ for quitting smoking. Thank you for taking some time to read what I have to tell you – YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU HAVE!
Firstly, let me ask you; “quitting smoking is difficult right?” WRONG! Quitting smoking is only difficult if you don’t know how to do it.
For example, driving a car is only difficult to people who don’t know how to do it – but it is only a skill that most adults have to learn. It is the same with quitting smoking, YOU JUST HAVE TO LEARN THE SKILLS NEEDED TO DO IT!
The EasyQuit System™ is probably the simplest method available to overcome all the problems normally associated with quitting smoking – cravings, weight gain, anxiety, short-temper, hunger and discomfort. The incredible success of the EasyQuit System™ is because it is so effective at overcoming your desire to smoke.
So, if you want to quit smoking without using “will-power” OR feeling a sense of loss OR hunger OR experiencing any unnecessary stress; then read on because I guarantee the EasyQuit System™ is the answer that you are looking for.
You were a non-smoker once before and being a non-smoker again will only happen for you if you TAKE ACTION. So go on, ACT RIGHT NOW and read the rest of this important life-saving message.
The EasyQuit System™ will work for you just as it has for many others. Read some of the testimonials people have sent to me to express their gratitude after being liberated from smoking for ever!
Testimonial #1:
Dear Peter,
Your book has changed my life!!! I gave up smoking 8 years ago for 6 years and put on weight – just as you explained in the book I started smoking 2 years ago and was back up to 30 a day. I lost weight.
I read your book after Christmas and have not looked back. I have not put on weight and I never smoked that last cigarette, because I couldn’t face it and still can’t! – Is that how it works??? Your psychological approach is remarkably effective.
I went to the Doctor about giving up and was told to attend a group and to buy nicotine patches from the Chemist!!
Thank you, I respect myself for what I have been able to achieve thanks to your marvellous book and my sons aged 21 & 23, both of whom hate smoking, are proud of me, but, as you know, it wasn’t that hard to make the break from that horrible drug!
With kindest regards,
Fleur Wadley London, England
Testimonial #2:
Dear Peter,
I just wanted to thank you for your EasyQuit System™ book. I was a smoker for 20 years and quit 7 weeks ago right after I finished your book and I can’t believe how free I feel.
I knew that I had to quit, but I was terrified of my life without cigarettes. Before I discovered your book, I tried to quit cold turkey and was a total wreck – I felt like I was saying goodbye to my best friend. Thankfully, I found your online book and read it immediately.
I just can’t believe how easy it actually was to quit after I had my “epiphany” thanks to you. I guess all smokers do think alike because it felt like you wrote that book just for ME!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Kathy Conaty California
Testimonial #3:
Dear Peter,
I had my last cigarette on the 11th October 2006. It was the best thing I ever did.
I was busy reading your book and got as far as chapter 9. I had my last smoke, put it out and never felt like one again. And to top it all off it wasn’t even hard going!
Roman Gross Germany
Testimonial #4:
Dear Peter,
Your program was great. Thank you so much, I had smoked for about 34 years. I never really tried to quit smoking before, I tried your program and it was really easy for me. I smoked about 1-1-1/2 packs of cigarette’s a day. I would recommend this program to anyone.
Elaine Balmer Pennsylvania
With the EasyQuit System™, I can help you quit smoking in as little as three hours from now! This solution is guaranteed to show you everything you need to quit smoking without any of the usual hardships.
I can honestly say you will find it works like magic!
The EasyQuit System™ is so incredibly effective becasue it not only teaches you how you can quit smoking, it actually stops you ever wanting to smoke. It turns off your desire to smoke cigarettes! It isn’t aversion therapy or hypnotism or ‘Neuro-Linguistic Programming’. It is just a series of truths about the psychology of smoking that explain why you smoke and how you can overcome your habit.
Let me outline a few of the things that the EasyQuit System™ explains to you:
Just think, If you quit smoking you can start reversing the damage you have done to your body from inhaling that filthy tar laden tobacco smoke.
I am sure you know how bad smoking is for you. Smokers are bombarded with ‘health advice’ all the time and I am not here to berate you or belittle you for smoking cigarettes.
But all this advice on how harmful tobacco is only explains why you should quit. I am here to tell you how you can quit!
I want to help you learn how to go about quitting smoking in a way that is going to make it a genuine possibility for you… and that is what the EasyQuit System™ does!
When your house is burning down, you call the Fire Department because you need help and they know what to do. Learning how to quit smoking is just a bad as your house being on fire – you’re gonna need help from someone who knows just what to do!
Being stubborn about solving a problem and knowing when it is time to get help singles out clever people from the dummies!
Getting help now is the smart thing to do and that is where the EasyQuit System™ can help you. It is unlike any other quit smoking program available on the internet today – why?
Because the EasyQuit System™ is INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH
What do I mean? Well, for over 40 years now, there has been a method used by psychologists and psychiatrists to get patients off heroin, cocaine, alcohol and other highly addictive drugs. It has also been used to treat other problems other than addiction as well because it is so successful. The therapy is called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT and was developed in the 1960’s by a guy called Professor Aaron Beck who you can also read about here.
CBT is used to change the way someone thinks about what they do and why they do it. AND it is easy to follow because it breaks down a big or overwhelming problem – like smoking – into lots of easily solved parts (that’s why the book is in 30 small chapters over less than 100 pages).
In brief, virtually everything you do is based on what is called a “learned response” by those clever boffins in psychology . We smoke for all the wrong reasons as a result of a wrongful learned response.
We associate pleasure with smoking but that is not what is going on – it is subtley different from that and once you discover the differences, it becomes incredibly easy to stop smoking.
The problem is however, that the learned responses are so engrained in smokers and society in general, that there is no way of escaping the problem without help. This is where our EasyQuit system comes into its own – it reveals and overcomes all of the problems smokers face when quitting.
I know that all of these things will leave you slack-jawed once you have read the amazing EasyQuit System™, but right now, you are probably thinking that there must be some catches – well there aren’t any!
I am afraid I need to repeat that to make sure you got it…
The EasyQuit System™ is just a straightforward read of a book and then if, up to 8 weeks later, you are not satisfied or have not quit, you can get your money back. You have nothing to lose!
Think about it. If the average smoker shortens their life by 16 years, what would you pay for an extra 16 years years of life, let alone potentially twenty or thirty? Personally I would pay a lot – but I’m not asking or expecting you to!
For just $47, I am offering to give you the key to unlocking the door to your smoke free happiness, such that you haven’t experienced since you started smoking.
If you smoke 1 pack of cigarettes a day, $47 is what you spend on cigarettes in just over a week! Think about that – you save all of the money within a month of buying the product because you will save so much from NOT BUYING CIGARETTES anymore!
You have a full 8 week money back guarantee if you purchase this product. The guarantee is underwritten by Clickbank, one of the most trusted names on the net, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Don’t waste any more time killing yourself with tobacco or continuing financing the government and cigarette companies; Buy now with confidence!
No Risk Acceptance Form
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Yes Pete, I want to quit smoking for good in as little as 3 hours without any painstaking work, weight gain, will-power or impossible cravings to fight.
I want to place my order right now through Clickbank’s secure server and receive instant instructions on how to download the fully printable ‘EasyQuit System™’.
Tumblr media
Order Now, using any of these payment methods or PayPal, the number one payment system on the internet giving you 100% security.
As soon as your payment is authorized (this usually takes less than a minute), you will be taken to the download page and given instructions on how to download your book (1.5Mb) which should take no more than 5 minutes with a dial-up connection.
To your future non-smoking health,
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Pete Howells Author of EasyQuit System™
P.S. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll quit and the more LIFE and money you will save and the sooner you’ll stop paying people to kill you!
P.P.S. If after you have bought the product, you get stuck on something, there is a direct email address you can get me on and I will address anything you do not understand!
EasyQuit Blog | Quit Smoking Motivator | Please Quit Smoking | Quit Smoking Hypnosis
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Easyquit System.
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/easyquit-system/
Easyquit System.
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 Buy Now
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    If you are a smoker who wants to quit, this is the most important message you will ever read!
Are you tired of trying and failing to quit smoking by using bogus pills, sprays, gum or patches?
If you just can’t face the anguish of going through yet another quit attempt, you need to try the incredible EasyQuit System™!
With the EasyQuit System™, 96 percent of people don’t just learn how to stop smoking, they actually learn how to stop ever wanting to smoke ever again!
That is why more than 19 out of every 20 people who use the EasyQuit System™ to help them quit smoking succeed and become non-smokers!
Dear soon-to-be Ex-Smoker,
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Have you tried to quit smoking before? Did you fail to quit just like 19 out of 20 quitters do? Do you just seem to lack the ability or will-power to stop smoking those evil cancer sticks?
Well why not join the thousands of people who have already learned how to quit smoking without effort, uncontrollable cravings or will-power, using the amazing EasyQuit System™!
My name is Pete Howells and I am the author of the EasyQuit System™ for quitting smoking. Thank you for taking some time to read what I have to tell you – YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU HAVE!
Firstly, let me ask you; “quitting smoking is difficult right?” WRONG! Quitting smoking is only difficult if you don’t know how to do it.
For example, driving a car is only difficult to people who don’t know how to do it – but it is only a skill that most adults have to learn. It is the same with quitting smoking, YOU JUST HAVE TO LEARN THE SKILLS NEEDED TO DO IT!
The EasyQuit System™ is probably the simplest method available to overcome all the problems normally associated with quitting smoking – cravings, weight gain, anxiety, short-temper, hunger and discomfort. The incredible success of the EasyQuit System™ is because it is so effective at overcoming your desire to smoke.
So, if you want to quit smoking without using “will-power” OR feeling a sense of loss OR hunger OR experiencing any unnecessary stress; then read on because I guarantee the EasyQuit System™ is the answer that you are looking for.
You were a non-smoker once before and being a non-smoker again will only happen for you if you TAKE ACTION. So go on, ACT RIGHT NOW and read the rest of this important life-saving message.
The EasyQuit System™ will work for you just as it has for many others. Read some of the testimonials people have sent to me to express their gratitude after being liberated from smoking for ever!
Testimonial #1:
Dear Peter,
Your book has changed my life!!! I gave up smoking 8 years ago for 6 years and put on weight – just as you explained in the book I started smoking 2 years ago and was back up to 30 a day. I lost weight.
I read your book after Christmas and have not looked back. I have not put on weight and I never smoked that last cigarette, because I couldn’t face it and still can’t! – Is that how it works??? Your psychological approach is remarkably effective.
I went to the Doctor about giving up and was told to attend a group and to buy nicotine patches from the Chemist!!
Thank you, I respect myself for what I have been able to achieve thanks to your marvellous book and my sons aged 21 & 23, both of whom hate smoking, are proud of me, but, as you know, it wasn’t that hard to make the break from that horrible drug!
With kindest regards,
Fleur Wadley London, England
Testimonial #2:
Dear Peter,
I just wanted to thank you for your EasyQuit System™ book. I was a smoker for 20 years and quit 7 weeks ago right after I finished your book and I can’t believe how free I feel.
I knew that I had to quit, but I was terrified of my life without cigarettes. Before I discovered your book, I tried to quit cold turkey and was a total wreck – I felt like I was saying goodbye to my best friend. Thankfully, I found your online book and read it immediately.
I just can’t believe how easy it actually was to quit after I had my “epiphany” thanks to you. I guess all smokers do think alike because it felt like you wrote that book just for ME!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Kathy Conaty California
Testimonial #3:
Dear Peter,
I had my last cigarette on the 11th October 2006. It was the best thing I ever did.
I was busy reading your book and got as far as chapter 9. I had my last smoke, put it out and never felt like one again. And to top it all off it wasn’t even hard going!
Roman Gross Germany
Testimonial #4:
Dear Peter,
Your program was great. Thank you so much, I had smoked for about 34 years. I never really tried to quit smoking before, I tried your program and it was really easy for me. I smoked about 1-1-1/2 packs of cigarette’s a day. I would recommend this program to anyone.
Elaine Balmer Pennsylvania
With the EasyQuit System™, I can help you quit smoking in as little as three hours from now! This solution is guaranteed to show you everything you need to quit smoking without any of the usual hardships.
I can honestly say you will find it works like magic!
The EasyQuit System™ is so incredibly effective becasue it not only teaches you how you can quit smoking, it actually stops you ever wanting to smoke. It turns off your desire to smoke cigarettes! It isn’t aversion therapy or hypnotism or ‘Neuro-Linguistic Programming’. It is just a series of truths about the psychology of smoking that explain why you smoke and how you can overcome your habit.
Let me outline a few of the things that the EasyQuit System™ explains to you:
Just think, If you quit smoking you can start reversing the damage you have done to your body from inhaling that filthy tar laden tobacco smoke.
I am sure you know how bad smoking is for you. Smokers are bombarded with ‘health advice’ all the time and I am not here to berate you or belittle you for smoking cigarettes.
But all this advice on how harmful tobacco is only explains why you should quit. I am here to tell you how you can quit!
I want to help you learn how to go about quitting smoking in a way that is going to make it a genuine possibility for you… and that is what the EasyQuit System™ does!
When your house is burning down, you call the Fire Department because you need help and they know what to do. Learning how to quit smoking is just a bad as your house being on fire – you’re gonna need help from someone who knows just what to do!
Being stubborn about solving a problem and knowing when it is time to get help singles out clever people from the dummies!
Getting help now is the smart thing to do and that is where the EasyQuit System™ can help you. It is unlike any other quit smoking program available on the internet today – why?
Because the EasyQuit System™ is INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH
What do I mean? Well, for over 40 years now, there has been a method used by psychologists and psychiatrists to get patients off heroin, cocaine, alcohol and other highly addictive drugs. It has also been used to treat other problems other than addiction as well because it is so successful. The therapy is called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT and was developed in the 1960’s by a guy called Professor Aaron Beck who you can also read about here.
CBT is used to change the way someone thinks about what they do and why they do it. AND it is easy to follow because it breaks down a big or overwhelming problem – like smoking – into lots of easily solved parts (that’s why the book is in 30 small chapters over less than 100 pages).
In brief, virtually everything you do is based on what is called a “learned response” by those clever boffins in psychology . We smoke for all the wrong reasons as a result of a wrongful learned response.
We associate pleasure with smoking but that is not what is going on – it is subtley different from that and once you discover the differences, it becomes incredibly easy to stop smoking.
The problem is however, that the learned responses are so engrained in smokers and society in general, that there is no way of escaping the problem without help. This is where our EasyQuit system comes into its own – it reveals and overcomes all of the problems smokers face when quitting.
I know that all of these things will leave you slack-jawed once you have read the amazing EasyQuit System™, but right now, you are probably thinking that there must be some catches – well there aren’t any!
I am afraid I need to repeat that to make sure you got it…
The EasyQuit System™ is just a straightforward read of a book and then if, up to 8 weeks later, you are not satisfied or have not quit, you can get your money back. You have nothing to lose!
Think about it. If the average smoker shortens their life by 16 years, what would you pay for an extra 16 years years of life, let alone potentially twenty or thirty? Personally I would pay a lot – but I’m not asking or expecting you to!
For just $47, I am offering to give you the key to unlocking the door to your smoke free happiness, such that you haven’t experienced since you started smoking.
If you smoke 1 pack of cigarettes a day, $47 is what you spend on cigarettes in just over a week! Think about that – you save all of the money within a month of buying the product because you will save so much from NOT BUYING CIGARETTES anymore!
You have a full 8 week money back guarantee if you purchase this product. The guarantee is underwritten by Clickbank, one of the most trusted names on the net, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Don’t waste any more time killing yourself with tobacco or continuing financing the government and cigarette companies; Buy now with confidence!
No Risk Acceptance Form
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Yes Pete, I want to quit smoking for good in as little as 3 hours without any painstaking work, weight gain, will-power or impossible cravings to fight.
I want to place my order right now through Clickbank’s secure server and receive instant instructions on how to download the fully printable ‘EasyQuit System™’.
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Order Now, using any of these payment methods or PayPal, the number one payment system on the internet giving you 100% security.
As soon as your payment is authorized (this usually takes less than a minute), you will be taken to the download page and given instructions on how to download your book (1.5Mb) which should take no more than 5 minutes with a dial-up connection.
To your future non-smoking health,
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Pete Howells Author of EasyQuit System™
P.S. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll quit and the more LIFE and money you will save and the sooner you’ll stop paying people to kill you!
P.P.S. If after you have bought the product, you get stuck on something, there is a direct email address you can get me on and I will address anything you do not understand!
EasyQuit Blog | Quit Smoking Motivator | Please Quit Smoking | Quit Smoking Hypnosis
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Easyquit System.
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/easyquit-system/
Easyquit System.
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 Buy Now
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    If you are a smoker who wants to quit, this is the most important message you will ever read!
Are you tired of trying and failing to quit smoking by using bogus pills, sprays, gum or patches?
If you just can’t face the anguish of going through yet another quit attempt, you need to try the incredible EasyQuit System™!
With the EasyQuit System™, 96 percent of people don’t just learn how to stop smoking, they actually learn how to stop ever wanting to smoke ever again!
That is why more than 19 out of every 20 people who use the EasyQuit System™ to help them quit smoking succeed and become non-smokers!
Dear soon-to-be Ex-Smoker,
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Have you tried to quit smoking before? Did you fail to quit just like 19 out of 20 quitters do? Do you just seem to lack the ability or will-power to stop smoking those evil cancer sticks?
Well why not join the thousands of people who have already learned how to quit smoking without effort, uncontrollable cravings or will-power, using the amazing EasyQuit System™!
My name is Pete Howells and I am the author of the EasyQuit System™ for quitting smoking. Thank you for taking some time to read what I have to tell you – YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU HAVE!
Firstly, let me ask you; “quitting smoking is difficult right?” WRONG! Quitting smoking is only difficult if you don’t know how to do it.
For example, driving a car is only difficult to people who don’t know how to do it – but it is only a skill that most adults have to learn. It is the same with quitting smoking, YOU JUST HAVE TO LEARN THE SKILLS NEEDED TO DO IT!
The EasyQuit System™ is probably the simplest method available to overcome all the problems normally associated with quitting smoking – cravings, weight gain, anxiety, short-temper, hunger and discomfort. The incredible success of the EasyQuit System™ is because it is so effective at overcoming your desire to smoke.
So, if you want to quit smoking without using “will-power” OR feeling a sense of loss OR hunger OR experiencing any unnecessary stress; then read on because I guarantee the EasyQuit System™ is the answer that you are looking for.
You were a non-smoker once before and being a non-smoker again will only happen for you if you TAKE ACTION. So go on, ACT RIGHT NOW and read the rest of this important life-saving message.
The EasyQuit System™ will work for you just as it has for many others. Read some of the testimonials people have sent to me to express their gratitude after being liberated from smoking for ever!
Testimonial #1:
Dear Peter,
Your book has changed my life!!! I gave up smoking 8 years ago for 6 years and put on weight – just as you explained in the book I started smoking 2 years ago and was back up to 30 a day. I lost weight.
I read your book after Christmas and have not looked back. I have not put on weight and I never smoked that last cigarette, because I couldn’t face it and still can’t! – Is that how it works??? Your psychological approach is remarkably effective.
I went to the Doctor about giving up and was told to attend a group and to buy nicotine patches from the Chemist!!
Thank you, I respect myself for what I have been able to achieve thanks to your marvellous book and my sons aged 21 & 23, both of whom hate smoking, are proud of me, but, as you know, it wasn’t that hard to make the break from that horrible drug!
With kindest regards,
Fleur Wadley London, England
Testimonial #2:
Dear Peter,
I just wanted to thank you for your EasyQuit System™ book. I was a smoker for 20 years and quit 7 weeks ago right after I finished your book and I can’t believe how free I feel.
I knew that I had to quit, but I was terrified of my life without cigarettes. Before I discovered your book, I tried to quit cold turkey and was a total wreck – I felt like I was saying goodbye to my best friend. Thankfully, I found your online book and read it immediately.
I just can’t believe how easy it actually was to quit after I had my “epiphany” thanks to you. I guess all smokers do think alike because it felt like you wrote that book just for ME!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Kathy Conaty California
Testimonial #3:
Dear Peter,
I had my last cigarette on the 11th October 2006. It was the best thing I ever did.
I was busy reading your book and got as far as chapter 9. I had my last smoke, put it out and never felt like one again. And to top it all off it wasn’t even hard going!
Roman Gross Germany
Testimonial #4:
Dear Peter,
Your program was great. Thank you so much, I had smoked for about 34 years. I never really tried to quit smoking before, I tried your program and it was really easy for me. I smoked about 1-1-1/2 packs of cigarette’s a day. I would recommend this program to anyone.
Elaine Balmer Pennsylvania
With the EasyQuit System™, I can help you quit smoking in as little as three hours from now! This solution is guaranteed to show you everything you need to quit smoking without any of the usual hardships.
I can honestly say you will find it works like magic!
The EasyQuit System™ is so incredibly effective becasue it not only teaches you how you can quit smoking, it actually stops you ever wanting to smoke. It turns off your desire to smoke cigarettes! It isn’t aversion therapy or hypnotism or ‘Neuro-Linguistic Programming’. It is just a series of truths about the psychology of smoking that explain why you smoke and how you can overcome your habit.
Let me outline a few of the things that the EasyQuit System™ explains to you:
Just think, If you quit smoking you can start reversing the damage you have done to your body from inhaling that filthy tar laden tobacco smoke.
I am sure you know how bad smoking is for you. Smokers are bombarded with ‘health advice’ all the time and I am not here to berate you or belittle you for smoking cigarettes.
But all this advice on how harmful tobacco is only explains why you should quit. I am here to tell you how you can quit!
I want to help you learn how to go about quitting smoking in a way that is going to make it a genuine possibility for you… and that is what the EasyQuit System™ does!
When your house is burning down, you call the Fire Department because you need help and they know what to do. Learning how to quit smoking is just a bad as your house being on fire – you’re gonna need help from someone who knows just what to do!
Being stubborn about solving a problem and knowing when it is time to get help singles out clever people from the dummies!
Getting help now is the smart thing to do and that is where the EasyQuit System™ can help you. It is unlike any other quit smoking program available on the internet today – why?
Because the EasyQuit System™ is INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH
What do I mean? Well, for over 40 years now, there has been a method used by psychologists and psychiatrists to get patients off heroin, cocaine, alcohol and other highly addictive drugs. It has also been used to treat other problems other than addiction as well because it is so successful. The therapy is called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT and was developed in the 1960’s by a guy called Professor Aaron Beck who you can also read about here.
CBT is used to change the way someone thinks about what they do and why they do it. AND it is easy to follow because it breaks down a big or overwhelming problem – like smoking – into lots of easily solved parts (that’s why the book is in 30 small chapters over less than 100 pages).
In brief, virtually everything you do is based on what is called a “learned response” by those clever boffins in psychology . We smoke for all the wrong reasons as a result of a wrongful learned response.
We associate pleasure with smoking but that is not what is going on – it is subtley different from that and once you discover the differences, it becomes incredibly easy to stop smoking.
The problem is however, that the learned responses are so engrained in smokers and society in general, that there is no way of escaping the problem without help. This is where our EasyQuit system comes into its own – it reveals and overcomes all of the problems smokers face when quitting.
I know that all of these things will leave you slack-jawed once you have read the amazing EasyQuit System™, but right now, you are probably thinking that there must be some catches – well there aren’t any!
I am afraid I need to repeat that to make sure you got it…
The EasyQuit System™ is just a straightforward read of a book and then if, up to 8 weeks later, you are not satisfied or have not quit, you can get your money back. You have nothing to lose!
Think about it. If the average smoker shortens their life by 16 years, what would you pay for an extra 16 years years of life, let alone potentially twenty or thirty? Personally I would pay a lot – but I’m not asking or expecting you to!
For just $47, I am offering to give you the key to unlocking the door to your smoke free happiness, such that you haven’t experienced since you started smoking.
If you smoke 1 pack of cigarettes a day, $47 is what you spend on cigarettes in just over a week! Think about that – you save all of the money within a month of buying the product because you will save so much from NOT BUYING CIGARETTES anymore!
You have a full 8 week money back guarantee if you purchase this product. The guarantee is underwritten by Clickbank, one of the most trusted names on the net, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Don’t waste any more time killing yourself with tobacco or continuing financing the government and cigarette companies; Buy now with confidence!
No Risk Acceptance Form
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Yes Pete, I want to quit smoking for good in as little as 3 hours without any painstaking work, weight gain, will-power or impossible cravings to fight.
I want to place my order right now through Clickbank’s secure server and receive instant instructions on how to download the fully printable ‘EasyQuit System™’.
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Order Now, using any of these payment methods or PayPal, the number one payment system on the internet giving you 100% security.
As soon as your payment is authorized (this usually takes less than a minute), you will be taken to the download page and given instructions on how to download your book (1.5Mb) which should take no more than 5 minutes with a dial-up connection.
To your future non-smoking health,
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Pete Howells Author of EasyQuit System™
P.S. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll quit and the more LIFE and money you will save and the sooner you’ll stop paying people to kill you!
P.P.S. If after you have bought the product, you get stuck on something, there is a direct email address you can get me on and I will address anything you do not understand!
EasyQuit Blog | Quit Smoking Motivator | Please Quit Smoking | Quit Smoking Hypnosis
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Easyquit System.
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/easyquit-system/
Easyquit System.
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 Buy Now
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    If you are a smoker who wants to quit, this is the most important message you will ever read!
Are you tired of trying and failing to quit smoking by using bogus pills, sprays, gum or patches?
If you just can’t face the anguish of going through yet another quit attempt, you need to try the incredible EasyQuit System™!
With the EasyQuit System™, 96 percent of people don’t just learn how to stop smoking, they actually learn how to stop ever wanting to smoke ever again!
That is why more than 19 out of every 20 people who use the EasyQuit System™ to help them quit smoking succeed and become non-smokers!
Dear soon-to-be Ex-Smoker,
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Have you tried to quit smoking before? Did you fail to quit just like 19 out of 20 quitters do? Do you just seem to lack the ability or will-power to stop smoking those evil cancer sticks?
Well why not join the thousands of people who have already learned how to quit smoking without effort, uncontrollable cravings or will-power, using the amazing EasyQuit System™!
My name is Pete Howells and I am the author of the EasyQuit System™ for quitting smoking. Thank you for taking some time to read what I have to tell you – YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU HAVE!
Firstly, let me ask you; “quitting smoking is difficult right?” WRONG! Quitting smoking is only difficult if you don’t know how to do it.
For example, driving a car is only difficult to people who don’t know how to do it – but it is only a skill that most adults have to learn. It is the same with quitting smoking, YOU JUST HAVE TO LEARN THE SKILLS NEEDED TO DO IT!
The EasyQuit System™ is probably the simplest method available to overcome all the problems normally associated with quitting smoking – cravings, weight gain, anxiety, short-temper, hunger and discomfort. The incredible success of the EasyQuit System™ is because it is so effective at overcoming your desire to smoke.
So, if you want to quit smoking without using “will-power” OR feeling a sense of loss OR hunger OR experiencing any unnecessary stress; then read on because I guarantee the EasyQuit System™ is the answer that you are looking for.
You were a non-smoker once before and being a non-smoker again will only happen for you if you TAKE ACTION. So go on, ACT RIGHT NOW and read the rest of this important life-saving message.
The EasyQuit System™ will work for you just as it has for many others. Read some of the testimonials people have sent to me to express their gratitude after being liberated from smoking for ever!
Testimonial #1:
Dear Peter,
Your book has changed my life!!! I gave up smoking 8 years ago for 6 years and put on weight – just as you explained in the book I started smoking 2 years ago and was back up to 30 a day. I lost weight.
I read your book after Christmas and have not looked back. I have not put on weight and I never smoked that last cigarette, because I couldn’t face it and still can’t! – Is that how it works??? Your psychological approach is remarkably effective.
I went to the Doctor about giving up and was told to attend a group and to buy nicotine patches from the Chemist!!
Thank you, I respect myself for what I have been able to achieve thanks to your marvellous book and my sons aged 21 & 23, both of whom hate smoking, are proud of me, but, as you know, it wasn’t that hard to make the break from that horrible drug!
With kindest regards,
Fleur Wadley London, England
Testimonial #2:
Dear Peter,
I just wanted to thank you for your EasyQuit System™ book. I was a smoker for 20 years and quit 7 weeks ago right after I finished your book and I can’t believe how free I feel.
I knew that I had to quit, but I was terrified of my life without cigarettes. Before I discovered your book, I tried to quit cold turkey and was a total wreck – I felt like I was saying goodbye to my best friend. Thankfully, I found your online book and read it immediately.
I just can’t believe how easy it actually was to quit after I had my “epiphany” thanks to you. I guess all smokers do think alike because it felt like you wrote that book just for ME!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Kathy Conaty California
Testimonial #3:
Dear Peter,
I had my last cigarette on the 11th October 2006. It was the best thing I ever did.
I was busy reading your book and got as far as chapter 9. I had my last smoke, put it out and never felt like one again. And to top it all off it wasn’t even hard going!
Roman Gross Germany
Testimonial #4:
Dear Peter,
Your program was great. Thank you so much, I had smoked for about 34 years. I never really tried to quit smoking before, I tried your program and it was really easy for me. I smoked about 1-1-1/2 packs of cigarette’s a day. I would recommend this program to anyone.
Elaine Balmer Pennsylvania
With the EasyQuit System™, I can help you quit smoking in as little as three hours from now! This solution is guaranteed to show you everything you need to quit smoking without any of the usual hardships.
I can honestly say you will find it works like magic!
The EasyQuit System™ is so incredibly effective becasue it not only teaches you how you can quit smoking, it actually stops you ever wanting to smoke. It turns off your desire to smoke cigarettes! It isn’t aversion therapy or hypnotism or ‘Neuro-Linguistic Programming’. It is just a series of truths about the psychology of smoking that explain why you smoke and how you can overcome your habit.
Let me outline a few of the things that the EasyQuit System™ explains to you:
Just think, If you quit smoking you can start reversing the damage you have done to your body from inhaling that filthy tar laden tobacco smoke.
I am sure you know how bad smoking is for you. Smokers are bombarded with ‘health advice’ all the time and I am not here to berate you or belittle you for smoking cigarettes.
But all this advice on how harmful tobacco is only explains why you should quit. I am here to tell you how you can quit!
I want to help you learn how to go about quitting smoking in a way that is going to make it a genuine possibility for you… and that is what the EasyQuit System™ does!
When your house is burning down, you call the Fire Department because you need help and they know what to do. Learning how to quit smoking is just a bad as your house being on fire – you’re gonna need help from someone who knows just what to do!
Being stubborn about solving a problem and knowing when it is time to get help singles out clever people from the dummies!
Getting help now is the smart thing to do and that is where the EasyQuit System™ can help you. It is unlike any other quit smoking program available on the internet today – why?
Because the EasyQuit System™ is INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH
What do I mean? Well, for over 40 years now, there has been a method used by psychologists and psychiatrists to get patients off heroin, cocaine, alcohol and other highly addictive drugs. It has also been used to treat other problems other than addiction as well because it is so successful. The therapy is called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT and was developed in the 1960’s by a guy called Professor Aaron Beck who you can also read about here.
CBT is used to change the way someone thinks about what they do and why they do it. AND it is easy to follow because it breaks down a big or overwhelming problem – like smoking – into lots of easily solved parts (that’s why the book is in 30 small chapters over less than 100 pages).
In brief, virtually everything you do is based on what is called a “learned response” by those clever boffins in psychology . We smoke for all the wrong reasons as a result of a wrongful learned response.
We associate pleasure with smoking but that is not what is going on – it is subtley different from that and once you discover the differences, it becomes incredibly easy to stop smoking.
The problem is however, that the learned responses are so engrained in smokers and society in general, that there is no way of escaping the problem without help. This is where our EasyQuit system comes into its own – it reveals and overcomes all of the problems smokers face when quitting.
I know that all of these things will leave you slack-jawed once you have read the amazing EasyQuit System™, but right now, you are probably thinking that there must be some catches – well there aren’t any!
I am afraid I need to repeat that to make sure you got it…
The EasyQuit System™ is just a straightforward read of a book and then if, up to 8 weeks later, you are not satisfied or have not quit, you can get your money back. You have nothing to lose!
Think about it. If the average smoker shortens their life by 16 years, what would you pay for an extra 16 years years of life, let alone potentially twenty or thirty? Personally I would pay a lot – but I’m not asking or expecting you to!
For just $47, I am offering to give you the key to unlocking the door to your smoke free happiness, such that you haven’t experienced since you started smoking.
If you smoke 1 pack of cigarettes a day, $47 is what you spend on cigarettes in just over a week! Think about that – you save all of the money within a month of buying the product because you will save so much from NOT BUYING CIGARETTES anymore!
You have a full 8 week money back guarantee if you purchase this product. The guarantee is underwritten by Clickbank, one of the most trusted names on the net, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Don’t waste any more time killing yourself with tobacco or continuing financing the government and cigarette companies; Buy now with confidence!
No Risk Acceptance Form
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Yes Pete, I want to quit smoking for good in as little as 3 hours without any painstaking work, weight gain, will-power or impossible cravings to fight.
I want to place my order right now through Clickbank’s secure server and receive instant instructions on how to download the fully printable ‘EasyQuit System™’.
Tumblr media
Order Now, using any of these payment methods or PayPal, the number one payment system on the internet giving you 100% security.
As soon as your payment is authorized (this usually takes less than a minute), you will be taken to the download page and given instructions on how to download your book (1.5Mb) which should take no more than 5 minutes with a dial-up connection.
To your future non-smoking health,
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Pete Howells Author of EasyQuit System™
P.S. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll quit and the more LIFE and money you will save and the sooner you’ll stop paying people to kill you!
P.P.S. If after you have bought the product, you get stuck on something, there is a direct email address you can get me on and I will address anything you do not understand!
EasyQuit Blog | Quit Smoking Motivator | Please Quit Smoking | Quit Smoking Hypnosis
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Easyquit System.
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/easyquit-system/
Easyquit System.
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 Buy Now
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    If you are a smoker who wants to quit, this is the most important message you will ever read!
Are you tired of trying and failing to quit smoking by using bogus pills, sprays, gum or patches?
If you just can’t face the anguish of going through yet another quit attempt, you need to try the incredible EasyQuit System™!
With the EasyQuit System™, 96 percent of people don’t just learn how to stop smoking, they actually learn how to stop ever wanting to smoke ever again!
That is why more than 19 out of every 20 people who use the EasyQuit System™ to help them quit smoking succeed and become non-smokers!
Dear soon-to-be Ex-Smoker,
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Have you tried to quit smoking before? Did you fail to quit just like 19 out of 20 quitters do? Do you just seem to lack the ability or will-power to stop smoking those evil cancer sticks?
Well why not join the thousands of people who have already learned how to quit smoking without effort, uncontrollable cravings or will-power, using the amazing EasyQuit System™!
My name is Pete Howells and I am the author of the EasyQuit System™ for quitting smoking. Thank you for taking some time to read what I have to tell you – YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU HAVE!
Firstly, let me ask you; “quitting smoking is difficult right?” WRONG! Quitting smoking is only difficult if you don’t know how to do it.
For example, driving a car is only difficult to people who don’t know how to do it – but it is only a skill that most adults have to learn. It is the same with quitting smoking, YOU JUST HAVE TO LEARN THE SKILLS NEEDED TO DO IT!
The EasyQuit System™ is probably the simplest method available to overcome all the problems normally associated with quitting smoking – cravings, weight gain, anxiety, short-temper, hunger and discomfort. The incredible success of the EasyQuit System™ is because it is so effective at overcoming your desire to smoke.
So, if you want to quit smoking without using “will-power” OR feeling a sense of loss OR hunger OR experiencing any unnecessary stress; then read on because I guarantee the EasyQuit System™ is the answer that you are looking for.
You were a non-smoker once before and being a non-smoker again will only happen for you if you TAKE ACTION. So go on, ACT RIGHT NOW and read the rest of this important life-saving message.
The EasyQuit System™ will work for you just as it has for many others. Read some of the testimonials people have sent to me to express their gratitude after being liberated from smoking for ever!
Testimonial #1:
Dear Peter,
Your book has changed my life!!! I gave up smoking 8 years ago for 6 years and put on weight – just as you explained in the book I started smoking 2 years ago and was back up to 30 a day. I lost weight.
I read your book after Christmas and have not looked back. I have not put on weight and I never smoked that last cigarette, because I couldn’t face it and still can’t! – Is that how it works??? Your psychological approach is remarkably effective.
I went to the Doctor about giving up and was told to attend a group and to buy nicotine patches from the Chemist!!
Thank you, I respect myself for what I have been able to achieve thanks to your marvellous book and my sons aged 21 & 23, both of whom hate smoking, are proud of me, but, as you know, it wasn’t that hard to make the break from that horrible drug!
With kindest regards,
Fleur Wadley London, England
Testimonial #2:
Dear Peter,
I just wanted to thank you for your EasyQuit System™ book. I was a smoker for 20 years and quit 7 weeks ago right after I finished your book and I can’t believe how free I feel.
I knew that I had to quit, but I was terrified of my life without cigarettes. Before I discovered your book, I tried to quit cold turkey and was a total wreck – I felt like I was saying goodbye to my best friend. Thankfully, I found your online book and read it immediately.
I just can’t believe how easy it actually was to quit after I had my “epiphany” thanks to you. I guess all smokers do think alike because it felt like you wrote that book just for ME!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Kathy Conaty California
Testimonial #3:
Dear Peter,
I had my last cigarette on the 11th October 2006. It was the best thing I ever did.
I was busy reading your book and got as far as chapter 9. I had my last smoke, put it out and never felt like one again. And to top it all off it wasn’t even hard going!
Roman Gross Germany
Testimonial #4:
Dear Peter,
Your program was great. Thank you so much, I had smoked for about 34 years. I never really tried to quit smoking before, I tried your program and it was really easy for me. I smoked about 1-1-1/2 packs of cigarette’s a day. I would recommend this program to anyone.
Elaine Balmer Pennsylvania
With the EasyQuit System™, I can help you quit smoking in as little as three hours from now! This solution is guaranteed to show you everything you need to quit smoking without any of the usual hardships.
I can honestly say you will find it works like magic!
The EasyQuit System™ is so incredibly effective becasue it not only teaches you how you can quit smoking, it actually stops you ever wanting to smoke. It turns off your desire to smoke cigarettes! It isn’t aversion therapy or hypnotism or ‘Neuro-Linguistic Programming’. It is just a series of truths about the psychology of smoking that explain why you smoke and how you can overcome your habit.
Let me outline a few of the things that the EasyQuit System™ explains to you:
Just think, If you quit smoking you can start reversing the damage you have done to your body from inhaling that filthy tar laden tobacco smoke.
I am sure you know how bad smoking is for you. Smokers are bombarded with ‘health advice’ all the time and I am not here to berate you or belittle you for smoking cigarettes.
But all this advice on how harmful tobacco is only explains why you should quit. I am here to tell you how you can quit!
I want to help you learn how to go about quitting smoking in a way that is going to make it a genuine possibility for you… and that is what the EasyQuit System™ does!
When your house is burning down, you call the Fire Department because you need help and they know what to do. Learning how to quit smoking is just a bad as your house being on fire – you’re gonna need help from someone who knows just what to do!
Being stubborn about solving a problem and knowing when it is time to get help singles out clever people from the dummies!
Getting help now is the smart thing to do and that is where the EasyQuit System™ can help you. It is unlike any other quit smoking program available on the internet today – why?
Because the EasyQuit System™ is INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH
What do I mean? Well, for over 40 years now, there has been a method used by psychologists and psychiatrists to get patients off heroin, cocaine, alcohol and other highly addictive drugs. It has also been used to treat other problems other than addiction as well because it is so successful. The therapy is called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT and was developed in the 1960’s by a guy called Professor Aaron Beck who you can also read about here.
CBT is used to change the way someone thinks about what they do and why they do it. AND it is easy to follow because it breaks down a big or overwhelming problem – like smoking – into lots of easily solved parts (that’s why the book is in 30 small chapters over less than 100 pages).
In brief, virtually everything you do is based on what is called a “learned response” by those clever boffins in psychology . We smoke for all the wrong reasons as a result of a wrongful learned response.
We associate pleasure with smoking but that is not what is going on – it is subtley different from that and once you discover the differences, it becomes incredibly easy to stop smoking.
The problem is however, that the learned responses are so engrained in smokers and society in general, that there is no way of escaping the problem without help. This is where our EasyQuit system comes into its own – it reveals and overcomes all of the problems smokers face when quitting.
I know that all of these things will leave you slack-jawed once you have read the amazing EasyQuit System™, but right now, you are probably thinking that there must be some catches – well there aren’t any!
I am afraid I need to repeat that to make sure you got it…
The EasyQuit System™ is just a straightforward read of a book and then if, up to 8 weeks later, you are not satisfied or have not quit, you can get your money back. You have nothing to lose!
Think about it. If the average smoker shortens their life by 16 years, what would you pay for an extra 16 years years of life, let alone potentially twenty or thirty? Personally I would pay a lot – but I’m not asking or expecting you to!
For just $47, I am offering to give you the key to unlocking the door to your smoke free happiness, such that you haven’t experienced since you started smoking.
If you smoke 1 pack of cigarettes a day, $47 is what you spend on cigarettes in just over a week! Think about that – you save all of the money within a month of buying the product because you will save so much from NOT BUYING CIGARETTES anymore!
You have a full 8 week money back guarantee if you purchase this product. The guarantee is underwritten by Clickbank, one of the most trusted names on the net, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Don’t waste any more time killing yourself with tobacco or continuing financing the government and cigarette companies; Buy now with confidence!
No Risk Acceptance Form
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Yes Pete, I want to quit smoking for good in as little as 3 hours without any painstaking work, weight gain, will-power or impossible cravings to fight.
I want to place my order right now through Clickbank’s secure server and receive instant instructions on how to download the fully printable ‘EasyQuit System™’.
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Order Now, using any of these payment methods or PayPal, the number one payment system on the internet giving you 100% security.
As soon as your payment is authorized (this usually takes less than a minute), you will be taken to the download page and given instructions on how to download your book (1.5Mb) which should take no more than 5 minutes with a dial-up connection.
To your future non-smoking health,
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Pete Howells Author of EasyQuit System™
P.S. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll quit and the more LIFE and money you will save and the sooner you’ll stop paying people to kill you!
P.P.S. If after you have bought the product, you get stuck on something, there is a direct email address you can get me on and I will address anything you do not understand!
EasyQuit Blog | Quit Smoking Motivator | Please Quit Smoking | Quit Smoking Hypnosis
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
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    If you are a smoker who wants to quit, this is the most important message you will ever read!
Are you tired of trying and failing to quit smoking by using bogus pills, sprays, gum or patches?
If you just can’t face the anguish of going through yet another quit attempt, you need to try the incredible EasyQuit System™!
With the EasyQuit System™, 96 percent of people don’t just learn how to stop smoking, they actually learn how to stop ever wanting to smoke ever again!
That is why more than 19 out of every 20 people who use the EasyQuit System™ to help them quit smoking succeed and become non-smokers!
Dear soon-to-be Ex-Smoker,
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Have you tried to quit smoking before? Did you fail to quit just like 19 out of 20 quitters do? Do you just seem to lack the ability or will-power to stop smoking those evil cancer sticks?
Well why not join the thousands of people who have already learned how to quit smoking without effort, uncontrollable cravings or will-power, using the amazing EasyQuit System™!
My name is Pete Howells and I am the author of the EasyQuit System™ for quitting smoking. Thank you for taking some time to read what I have to tell you – YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU HAVE!
Firstly, let me ask you; “quitting smoking is difficult right?” WRONG! Quitting smoking is only difficult if you don’t know how to do it.
For example, driving a car is only difficult to people who don’t know how to do it – but it is only a skill that most adults have to learn. It is the same with quitting smoking, YOU JUST HAVE TO LEARN THE SKILLS NEEDED TO DO IT!
The EasyQuit System™ is probably the simplest method available to overcome all the problems normally associated with quitting smoking – cravings, weight gain, anxiety, short-temper, hunger and discomfort. The incredible success of the EasyQuit System™ is because it is so effective at overcoming your desire to smoke.
So, if you want to quit smoking without using “will-power” OR feeling a sense of loss OR hunger OR experiencing any unnecessary stress; then read on because I guarantee the EasyQuit System™ is the answer that you are looking for.
You were a non-smoker once before and being a non-smoker again will only happen for you if you TAKE ACTION. So go on, ACT RIGHT NOW and read the rest of this important life-saving message.
The EasyQuit System™ will work for you just as it has for many others. Read some of the testimonials people have sent to me to express their gratitude after being liberated from smoking for ever!
Testimonial #1:
Dear Peter,
Your book has changed my life!!! I gave up smoking 8 years ago for 6 years and put on weight – just as you explained in the book I started smoking 2 years ago and was back up to 30 a day. I lost weight.
I read your book after Christmas and have not looked back. I have not put on weight and I never smoked that last cigarette, because I couldn’t face it and still can’t! – Is that how it works??? Your psychological approach is remarkably effective.
I went to the Doctor about giving up and was told to attend a group and to buy nicotine patches from the Chemist!!
Thank you, I respect myself for what I have been able to achieve thanks to your marvellous book and my sons aged 21 & 23, both of whom hate smoking, are proud of me, but, as you know, it wasn’t that hard to make the break from that horrible drug!
With kindest regards,
Fleur Wadley London, England
Testimonial #2:
Dear Peter,
I just wanted to thank you for your EasyQuit System™ book. I was a smoker for 20 years and quit 7 weeks ago right after I finished your book and I can’t believe how free I feel.
I knew that I had to quit, but I was terrified of my life without cigarettes. Before I discovered your book, I tried to quit cold turkey and was a total wreck – I felt like I was saying goodbye to my best friend. Thankfully, I found your online book and read it immediately.
I just can’t believe how easy it actually was to quit after I had my “epiphany” thanks to you. I guess all smokers do think alike because it felt like you wrote that book just for ME!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Kathy Conaty California
Testimonial #3:
Dear Peter,
I had my last cigarette on the 11th October 2006. It was the best thing I ever did.
I was busy reading your book and got as far as chapter 9. I had my last smoke, put it out and never felt like one again. And to top it all off it wasn’t even hard going!
Roman Gross Germany
Testimonial #4:
Dear Peter,
Your program was great. Thank you so much, I had smoked for about 34 years. I never really tried to quit smoking before, I tried your program and it was really easy for me. I smoked about 1-1-1/2 packs of cigarette’s a day. I would recommend this program to anyone.
Elaine Balmer Pennsylvania
With the EasyQuit System™, I can help you quit smoking in as little as three hours from now! This solution is guaranteed to show you everything you need to quit smoking without any of the usual hardships.
I can honestly say you will find it works like magic!
The EasyQuit System™ is so incredibly effective becasue it not only teaches you how you can quit smoking, it actually stops you ever wanting to smoke. It turns off your desire to smoke cigarettes! It isn’t aversion therapy or hypnotism or ‘Neuro-Linguistic Programming’. It is just a series of truths about the psychology of smoking that explain why you smoke and how you can overcome your habit.
Let me outline a few of the things that the EasyQuit System™ explains to you:
Just think, If you quit smoking you can start reversing the damage you have done to your body from inhaling that filthy tar laden tobacco smoke.
I am sure you know how bad smoking is for you. Smokers are bombarded with ‘health advice’ all the time and I am not here to berate you or belittle you for smoking cigarettes.
But all this advice on how harmful tobacco is only explains why you should quit. I am here to tell you how you can quit!
I want to help you learn how to go about quitting smoking in a way that is going to make it a genuine possibility for you… and that is what the EasyQuit System™ does!
When your house is burning down, you call the Fire Department because you need help and they know what to do. Learning how to quit smoking is just a bad as your house being on fire – you’re gonna need help from someone who knows just what to do!
Being stubborn about solving a problem and knowing when it is time to get help singles out clever people from the dummies!
Getting help now is the smart thing to do and that is where the EasyQuit System™ can help you. It is unlike any other quit smoking program available on the internet today – why?
Because the EasyQuit System™ is INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH
What do I mean? Well, for over 40 years now, there has been a method used by psychologists and psychiatrists to get patients off heroin, cocaine, alcohol and other highly addictive drugs. It has also been used to treat other problems other than addiction as well because it is so successful. The therapy is called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT and was developed in the 1960’s by a guy called Professor Aaron Beck who you can also read about here.
CBT is used to change the way someone thinks about what they do and why they do it. AND it is easy to follow because it breaks down a big or overwhelming problem – like smoking – into lots of easily solved parts (that’s why the book is in 30 small chapters over less than 100 pages).
In brief, virtually everything you do is based on what is called a “learned response” by those clever boffins in psychology . We smoke for all the wrong reasons as a result of a wrongful learned response.
We associate pleasure with smoking but that is not what is going on – it is subtley different from that and once you discover the differences, it becomes incredibly easy to stop smoking.
The problem is however, that the learned responses are so engrained in smokers and society in general, that there is no way of escaping the problem without help. This is where our EasyQuit system comes into its own – it reveals and overcomes all of the problems smokers face when quitting.
I know that all of these things will leave you slack-jawed once you have read the amazing EasyQuit System™, but right now, you are probably thinking that there must be some catches – well there aren’t any!
I am afraid I need to repeat that to make sure you got it…
The EasyQuit System™ is just a straightforward read of a book and then if, up to 8 weeks later, you are not satisfied or have not quit, you can get your money back. You have nothing to lose!
Think about it. If the average smoker shortens their life by 16 years, what would you pay for an extra 16 years years of life, let alone potentially twenty or thirty? Personally I would pay a lot – but I’m not asking or expecting you to!
For just $47, I am offering to give you the key to unlocking the door to your smoke free happiness, such that you haven’t experienced since you started smoking.
If you smoke 1 pack of cigarettes a day, $47 is what you spend on cigarettes in just over a week! Think about that – you save all of the money within a month of buying the product because you will save so much from NOT BUYING CIGARETTES anymore!
You have a full 8 week money back guarantee if you purchase this product. The guarantee is underwritten by Clickbank, one of the most trusted names on the net, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Don’t waste any more time killing yourself with tobacco or continuing financing the government and cigarette companies; Buy now with confidence!
No Risk Acceptance Form
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Yes Pete, I want to quit smoking for good in as little as 3 hours without any painstaking work, weight gain, will-power or impossible cravings to fight.
I want to place my order right now through Clickbank’s secure server and receive instant instructions on how to download the fully printable ‘EasyQuit System™’.
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Order Now, using any of these payment methods or PayPal, the number one payment system on the internet giving you 100% security.
As soon as your payment is authorized (this usually takes less than a minute), you will be taken to the download page and given instructions on how to download your book (1.5Mb) which should take no more than 5 minutes with a dial-up connection.
To your future non-smoking health,
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Pete Howells Author of EasyQuit System™
P.S. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll quit and the more LIFE and money you will save and the sooner you’ll stop paying people to kill you!
P.P.S. If after you have bought the product, you get stuck on something, there is a direct email address you can get me on and I will address anything you do not understand!
EasyQuit Blog | Quit Smoking Motivator | Please Quit Smoking | Quit Smoking Hypnosis
0 notes