#readdea i will answer your ask next
pa-cha-ran · 7 years
(solaris fic) 2, 8, 17 :)
for this WIP ask thing game thing
2: Post a line from your WIP with no context.I’m currently suffering a bout of “everything I write is terrible”, so, here’s two lines to mutually apologize for each other until some day when I have the guts to reread what I’ve written for the fic so far.
“A Hunter manages beyond human limits. That’s why I haven’t doubted for a second the choice to send [Kurapika] there or anywhere else equally inhospitable. I knew he could manage it. And he has. A Hunter against nature is in his element, regardless of how perilous that nature can be.”
“Damn, 2.9 billion jenny? You know, you never expect the proverb ‘he who finds a friend finds a treasure’ to take such a literal turn.”
8: What is your biggest challenge?I’m a stickler for a touch more verisimilitude (thank you @sabre-fish for reminding me that word exists) than is truly necessary, which means I sink a lot of hours into researching topics backwards and forwards for the sake of a single scene. I need to accept that sometimes the truth can be fudged. While maybe not too evident in my fanfics, this tendency holds me way way back in writing original work. It’s rearing its head in the solaris fic, though, so I’ve been using the experience of writing the solaris fic to try out strategies to overcome this issue. With a fanfic, I won’t end up judging the end result too harshly.
17: Does your WIP have any themes or motifs?How you perceive things is never an accurate version of what they are.  People, places, your own life’s memories…. All of it.
Open-season on the rumored last Kurta alive might could be the inevitable result of taking all other Scarlet Eyes off the market?
I dunno…manipulation of public feeling, “the system ain’t exactly broken, but I’m pretty sure it’s not supposed to work like this, though”, and related axes to grind.
But honestly, when it comes to themes, I am just winging it over here.
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