spritepipis · 2 years
edstede study of "meeting on the turret stairs". didn't keep track hour by hour but it's gotta be around 20 at this point. hellelil and hildebrand is such a poignant story of forbidden love and this piece really taught me a lot as an artist haha
reference photo: meeting on the turret stairs, frederick william burton.
robe pattern credit to: loni_capri. that saved my sanity lol
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boldlyanxious · 1 year
Jason picking up Roy from a mission
Love it
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icharchivist · 6 years
In an ask you mentioned that Kurtas don’t pass on their red eyes if they breed with a non-Kurta person, which I find so interesting! Is this canon? If it is, it explains why the Kurtas remained isolated and so against Kpika going to the outside world. It also is much sadder to realize that Kpika is the last person to ever have the scarlet eyes. They are the only ones not currently suspended in liquid and put on display. The Kurtas existed during Kurapika’s lifetime, but they will die with him :(
Okay so i’ve checked again to make sure and actually now i’m confused, i don’t know how/where i got this information but there’s actually no mention of that exactly that i can find in canon. I suppose i must have read a meta that i took for canon
It’s not to be excluded, though, i’m re-reading, but the idea came from a conclusion that, considering there were 129 people in the Kurta clan, but only 37 pairs of red eyes being in the world, sold by the Troupe, that there must have been lesser “Kurta eyes” that we think in the clan. The manga mentions “pureblood Kurta” being the one with the eyes - in opposition to “those of the outside world who married to the clan”. I suppose the mention of “pureblood Kurta” arose the theory that children of Kurta & Non-Kurta wouldn’t be “pureblood” anymore, but now that i’m reading it i can see it being a stretch. As for the number of collected eyes, I wouldn’t be surprised the Troupe killed some pureblood Kurta before realizing their eyes would turn red, and would have probably tortured some to death before their eyes turned, especially considering it is said they did multiple experiments with tortures - that said ye i can see how therefore still getting only 28% of the Kurta’s eyes could raise the question of whenever the eyes can pass down to a child born with somene outside the clan.
So I apologize, I took those conclusion for canon and forgot it was mostly conjectures of some facts, we don’t have actual answers about it and the manga doesn’t elaborate to confirm or disprove it completely. Sorry for encouraging the confusion.
That said - i personally think it’s likely? It would explain even more of their isolation yes (although they did accept people from outside the clan, who married in the clan, and some people were allowed to leave from time to time, so probably came back with lovers and such) but yes, especially it would be really tragic for Kurapika - it would also exclude him being able in any way to continue the bloodline, so indeed he can only focus on revenge because there’s nothing else he could do?
There’s something so sad and fatalistic to me at the idea that Kurapika is really the Last One, and that he could be aware of that, that he’s holding the end of a legacy that people demonized and objectified all those years. It holds so much tragedy and adds even more to how little he cares about his own life since he has “nothing to pass down”. idk it makes me really sad.
But ye, I shouldn’t have worded it like it was confirmed by canon - it’s a theory, and however we decide to interpret it can add whatever level of sadness we want to Kurapika’s story.
Sorry again for the assumption, i should check up my sources again before making statements dkfjhdkjf
Take care!
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hunterxhell · 6 years
spritepipis replied to your post “morganthefae: Cheers to the Hunter X Hunter dub using they/them...”
is this true? from what i’ve seen, the dub uses he/him pronouns. can anybody else confirm?
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noirsvault · 7 years
can you draw kurapika with RIDICULOUSLY long hair a la Rapunzel or possibly in über tacky 90's clothes?? thank you!
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BTW I know nothing about fashion lol but I asked Google about the 90′s clothes stuff (yes, I didn’t even know about it) and try to make an outfit for him ~ Not sure if it’s what you want, actually I’d like to wear this style quite much lmao
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happy birthday!!
thank you! >
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pa-cha-ran · 7 years
(solaris fic) 2, 8, 17 :)
for this WIP ask thing game thing
2: Post a line from your WIP with no context.I’m currently suffering a bout of “everything I write is terrible”, so, here’s two lines to mutually apologize for each other until some day when I have the guts to reread what I’ve written for the fic so far.
“A Hunter manages beyond human limits. That’s why I haven’t doubted for a second the choice to send [Kurapika] there or anywhere else equally inhospitable. I knew he could manage it. And he has. A Hunter against nature is in his element, regardless of how perilous that nature can be.”
“Damn, 2.9 billion jenny? You know, you never expect the proverb ‘he who finds a friend finds a treasure’ to take such a literal turn.”
8: What is your biggest challenge?I’m a stickler for a touch more verisimilitude (thank you @sabre-fish for reminding me that word exists) than is truly necessary, which means I sink a lot of hours into researching topics backwards and forwards for the sake of a single scene. I need to accept that sometimes the truth can be fudged. While maybe not too evident in my fanfics, this tendency holds me way way back in writing original work. It’s rearing its head in the solaris fic, though, so I’ve been using the experience of writing the solaris fic to try out strategies to overcome this issue. With a fanfic, I won’t end up judging the end result too harshly.
17: Does your WIP have any themes or motifs?How you perceive things is never an accurate version of what they are.  People, places, your own life’s memories…. All of it.
Open-season on the rumored last Kurta alive might could be the inevitable result of taking all other Scarlet Eyes off the market?
I dunno…manipulation of public feeling, “the system ain’t exactly broken, but I’m pretty sure it’s not supposed to work like this, though”, and related axes to grind.
But honestly, when it comes to themes, I am just winging it over here.
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To: @spritepipis From: @terminallydepraved Message: I hope your holidays are as warm and jolly as the fic! Merry Christmas <3
The sizzle and scent of cooking food held a warmth to it that reminded Leorio entirely too much of home, back before when he was just a kid tripping up his mom in the kitchen as she filled the table with another meal that tasted too good to be true. He leaned in the doorway and took it all in, closing his eyes as he was transported back to those moments so long ago. He wasn’t that old really, but sometimes he felt like it. He opened his eyes with a sigh, looking at Kurapika and his apron. They had both aged a lot in recent years, but at least they still had moments like these to share. Quiet ones. Peaceful.
“Are you going to stare at me or help?”
Leorio blinked, smiling despite himself when he caught Kurapika glaring a little over his shoulder. He raised his hands up in surrender. “Sorry, sorry,” he laughed, moving into the kitchen proper to join Kurapika by the stove. There were four pots and pans cooking away already, rice and stir fry and dumplings all smelling amazing. “What is there to do? I feel like I turn around and you’ve already got a feast halfway to the table.”
Kurapika rolled his eyes, a smile teasing the frown still on his lips. “No thanks to you,” he muttered, bumping Leorio with his hip to move him a bit so he could stir one of the pans. “I need plates for serving, and you can go ahead and set the table for me while you’re at it.” He looked up, brushing a lock of blond hair from his eyes sternly. “Don’t forget the–”
“Don’t forget the glasses this time, I know,” Leorio said, bumping Kurapika back with a smile. “One time, I forget them one time and you never trust me again.”
“And for good reason,” Kurapika groused, busying himself with the food that really did smell like heaven. He peered over his shoulder and watched Leorio intently as he opened up the cabinets and began taking out the serving dishes and cups. “You’re hopeless without me. Completely hopeless.”
Leorio just rolled his eyes. The table was a small one, oak and rugged in a way that bespoke of its age. He began to set it up with four places, knowing Gon and Killua would be over soon with dessert, or what was left of dessert should Gon leave the handling up to Killua. “Not completely hopeless,” he said defensively, pointedly putting down the glasses under Kurapika’s watchful eye. “I do plenty right.”
“Name one thing you do without me reminding you.”
Frowning, Leorio bought himself a few seconds to think as he arranged the silverware just so. In his defense, he had a lot on his mind, so much that it made it hard to remember to take out the trash or check the mail. “I do plenty!” he blustered, looking up at the ceiling as if it might have written on it the answer to Kurapika’s question. “I do all kinds of things!”
“Uh-huh, I just bet you do. Why don’t you name a few then, if you do so many things?”
His shoulders stiffened. He felt a trickle of sweat roll down his cheek. Grinding his teeth, he fiddled with the table settings desperately. Paying the bills? No, those always got paid late if Kurapika didn’t write them down on the fridge calendar. Checking the milk? God, that was definitely not a good example. Leorio could recall one too many mornings of Kurapika shouting him awake after taking a big drink of sour, curdled milk that should have been thrown out days before. He scrunched up his face and turned on his heel, ready to lie his ass off. That was clearly the only way he was going to get out of this with his dignity in tact…
Leorio couldn’t even remember what he was going to say next. Some rebuttal, no doubt. Something pithy and clever and more than enough to win him an argument for once in this life, but he just… He just stopped, struck by the laugh in Kurapika’s eyes, the carefree smile on his gorgeous face as he stared at Leorio from his spot by the stove. Leorio covered his face with his hands, overcome with a feeling he knew all too well. God. God, how was he so lucky to have this as his life, curdled milk and all?
“Got nothing to say to that?” Kurapika jabbed, prodding Leorio’s ribs with the handle of his wooden spoon. “Thought so! You’re an idiot, Leorio, and there’s no cure for it.”
He dragged his hands down his face, artfully leaning away from the prodding, jabbing spoon. “I love you so much,” Leorio said, catching Kurapika by the wrist, spoon and all. He looked into Kurapika’s eyes, absolutely besotted. “We bicker like an old married couple, and I love it and you so much.”
Kurapika blinked once, twice, three times before sputtering, his blush violent. He yanked at his hand, but when Leorio only pulled him closer, he looked at the ground and grumbled. “Why are you being so embarrassing? Just admit you’re an idiot and–”
Leorio didn’t let him finish. Instead, he leaned down and kissed him, loosening his grip on Kurapika’s wrist to wrap his arms around him. Warm, soft, and so wonderfully perfect, Kurapika softened into the kiss, his hands settling on Leorio’s chest, the spoon coming along for the ride. Leorio smiled into it, only breaking it when he remembered the food still on the stove and the guests soon to be at the door.
“See?” he murmured, watching Kurapika slowly open his eyes, his cheeks a lovely shade of pink.
“See what?”
Leorio grinned. “I never need you to ask me to do that, now do I?” he said, patting Kurapika’s cheek before turning him back towards the dinner in need of rescue. As he watched Kurapika rush to turn off the stove, Leorio imprinted this moment in his mind. No, he wasn’t the most prompt, and he certainly could be forgetful, but this… At least he had this.
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jyuanka · 6 years
Thanks for writing that post about Leorio. I share your frustrations with the fandom’s sidelining or misunderstanding of his character. Leorio’s biggest flaw is that he can see evil in the world, but not in the individual, which means that even now as he is in a position of power, he won’t create any real change. I don’t think he’s naive, he’s idealistic, and wants to help people so badly that he can’t tell when something is a lost cause. He will forever be tortured by the people he can’t save.
Thank you!
Tbh, I share your ideas but in reverse, in that, I think Leorio is not idealistic but naive. He’s gonna shed that naivety eventually; right now his life is dangerous but also bright and full of possibilities and I honestly don’t blame him for thinking he can take on the world.
For why I don’t think of him as an idealist is that he’s very much openly contrasted to Kurapika who’s the actual idealist (I’ve written a little about that contrast before). Like, Leorio isn’t above being dirty and sketchy sometimes to get things done (and it doesn’t take a moral toll on him the way it does Kurapika) and I think his willingness to be that and do that will only increase as he wades deeper into the path he’s chosen.
You’re right that he sees evil in the world but he’s also not out to eradicate it. Leorio is very much concerned with the individual and the subjective, and that’s why I said before that he’s probably not really aware of how political his goal is, cause he is first and foremost driven by guilt, not altruism or a revolutionary ideology. He’s also driven by desires for significance and acknowledgement and importance, and those are other things that I think the fandom ignores about him.
And yeah his position of power is simultaneously one that’s gonna help him and complicate matters. Ultimately I do see him causing good change but not without costs to his person.
Tortured by what he couldn’t/can’t do is at the heart of his character, and why I think it matters that he comes to a point where he lets go of his accumulated guilt so he can face the world as it is, not as he wishes it to be. 
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spritepipis · 2 years
also y’all this is. very much a blog i haven’t Really touched since 2018. i gotta work on curating my dash so ignore,,, A Lot Of Things bdndndn
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hunterxhell · 6 years
kaleidcscopi replied to your post “spritepipis replied to your post “morganthefae: Cheers to the Hunter...”
so last episode they used “they,” but in previous episodes they used “he.” so ������
OH so they switchin it up???
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pa-cha-ran · 7 years
trans leorio?
So, if you only wanted my own headcanons or a simple “yay!/nay!” response from this, I’m super sorry, but I’ve actually never brought up trans headcanons or trans topics in general in my fanfiction work to date or on this blog. So, basically, I’m gonna over-explain.
Forgive me my–perhaps inevitable–lack of proper vernacular. I haven’t kept up with American English vocab for social issues as it’s evolved. I suspect I’m missing a significant amount of the current vocabulary, but I’m going to try to share my opinion to the best of my ability.
First, for my perspective on trans anyone, ever, in fanwork (bias to fanfiction):To me, at the end of the day, a writer will write a lot of themselves into their work. It’s an important step in development, especially if more character-driven stories are the goal, because it helps force you to reflect on yourself and your opinions and how they were formed so that you can create believable character depth. So like, you should include topics and themes that resonate with you, and which will motivate you to create and connect and reflect. If making a character trans is important to a writer, and it’s something they want to represent or work through in their writing, then they should go for it. Why should anyone stop that?
At the moment, tho, I approach a lot of trans centered work in fandom [as much as in real life] with kinda low initial expectations. Like a lot of social issues, trans headcanons got sorta trendy and performative on tumblr before, and there were some bad takes that got embedded in how some people without a ton of real life experience thought trans topics should be framed. Since fanwork tends be done by primarily amateur creators with varying levels of real-world experience in anything, it’s sometimes hard to tell until you’re reading/experiencing a fanwork if it’s actually going to be a worthwhile representation, straight up fetishization, or just another mediocre thing that is a repetition of everything that already exists and is popular and has unofficially become “the [safe?] way to write trans characters” for that a fandom. (The last one is what I mean when I say it feels like a performance sometimes–by performance I DO NOT mean that “kids/teens” are deluded or trying to be popular. It is more like you feel as a creator you are walking on eggshells, like you have look up the proper script of a group’s representation or you will be told you are representing that group wrong regardless of your own experience.)
This all said, I’ve mainly only had an issue with the tendency a while ago (dunno if this is still popular now) to get aggressive with headcanons (trans or otherwise–you guys gotta calm down) and impose them on others to try to get a rise out of them. (Or so I assume because I legit have no idea what the goal is when folks antagonize people for zero gain online except for like? In-group clout points?) I also get a bit wary when characters canonically possessing characteristics different from those assigned by [Western?] society to their canon specified gender are way widely headcanoned as trans. At its most harmless, it just gets very boring to see the exact same trans headcanon over and over, or the same exact character always trotted out as the fandom approved trans representation, so that every fic you see with trans themes has this one character in it, always the same.
Since you want to know my feelings on trans Leorio above all other trans characters:As long as Leorio’s still the loving, caring, “attacking an old lady and then goddamn Hisoka with sticks within the span of two days” character that we know and love, then I care just the same as always. It’s Leorio; whatever gender Leorio was assigned at birth is irrelevant to me personally. If he looks me in the eye and says he’s male and uses male pronouns, I don’t go splitting hairs over it. I’m not the one who gets to set the definitive verdict on allowable degrees of masculine and feminine in someone’s gender identity. If a fan makes a headcanon of Leorio as trans, then they can go ahead and do that, because ideally Leorio would be Leorio regardless. He’s not better or worse if he’s trans, he’s just altered to what a particular fan creator feels is valuable and worth representing in their own work, be that work art, fiction, or headcanon crafting.
If you are asking if I think trans!Leorio is canon, then well, for all fanon things, it isn’t until Togashi says it is. When it comes to anything related to fanwork, however, I don’t see canon as the be-and-end-all that must be aligned with perfectly, but rather more of a jumping off point or foundation for the fan creator’s own work. I come to fandom and fanworks for reflection and to explore things that the canon will never be able to freely to delve into. Adhering to the canon so closely would be boring, because if I want to experience the canon, I can just revisit the source material.
Would I read trans Leorio? Yeah, sure, every day of the week.
Would I write trans Leorio?If I did, I would want the representation to be a bit more nuanced than mentioning he has a binder and then tossing in a few micro aggressions or something of that nature. I’m against lazily using “trans” as a trait to add interest to a character, as if diversity is some kind of an accessory you add, throw a couple bones to, and then blow off. I get to see more than enough shallow, accessorized diversity from the mainstream media itself, so like, I’m good. 
Do I have any trans Leorio headcanons? No, but then, I don’t really have any specific headcanons besides what you could infer from my fanfics, and none of those headcanons are immutable anyway.
Do I mind if people share trans Leorio headcanons with me? Nope, I don’t mind.
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Mobile-Friendly Participants List
This is a list of people who are participating (an idea by this anon). This list will be updated as the season goes on! 
Main Secret Santa Participants
distressed-bisexual (hienoussparrow)
sionic (alacaxam)
Jaesti’s Secret Santa Participants
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pa-cha-ran · 7 years
@notichiman replied to my post to cast a vote for my next priority fic project:
I am totally for that Solaris fic, it sounds interesting and mysterious!!!
@katsintriis replied to my post to cast a vote for my next priority fic project:
I love all of those fic ideas BUT the Solaris one sounds especially interesting !!
awesome, because i’m already eight chapters in on that one…and lol still no sign of leorio yet, so you know, exactly like the hxh manga [ba dum tss!]
(also @spritepipis i remember your vote, and also @sabre-fish i’m still counting all your cats’ votes, too, so omg, please repoll them (re: esp. one Mister T) right away thanks)
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