goshdanghowdy · 7 months
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I'd like to thank the academy-
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nksistemas · 1 month
Cómo crear un README.md o documentar con Terraform-docs
En el mundo del desarrollo, la documentación es clave para mantener proyectos organizados y comprensibles. Si bien muchos están familiarizados con la creación de archivos README.md usando markdown, hoy exploraremos un paso adicional: cómo automatizar la documentación de desarrollos en Terraform utilizando terraform-docs. Este artículo te guiará a través del proceso, explicando qué es…
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corvuscorona · 4 months
akuse! on github. honestly i only use it for older anime which i cant source copies of both online and offline. really curious about the sources they use bc i searched extensively for some anime online and couldnt find it for years and they just. HAVE it. they dont have any appimages just a linux guide on how to build it yourself with the terminal. there's not that many steps but i'm so scared of messing up
hi. I went and looked at this github project the second I saw this ask & immediately went "OH I SEE" because oh my god the technical writing skills on display in that readme file are . let's call the overall effect "confusing". let's describe this situation like "the dev could follow the trail of breadcrumbs they left in there & they figured that pretty much was good enough." many such cases unfortunately but I THINK I have decoded it now.
here is what you're gonna do:
1. where it says "code" on the project page, click on that & yoink the zip file. you do not need to learn git today, so don't worry about "cloning" it. just download it.
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(that green fucker on the right.)
2. extract it. put the extracted folder wherever. I have a folder in my "home" directory called "Programz" where I put oddball stuff like this because it makes it easy to find later.
3. MAKE / LOG INTO AN ANILIST ACCOUNT, THEN go to the "developer settings" page they link in the readme file without telling you what it is (which redirects you unhelpfully to the homepage if you're not logged in. jesus christ)
4. I cannot see the form for this because I didn't try it myself, but you want to "create a new anilist API client." find whatever button does that. When you do that, there should be a "redirect URI" field. put "akuse://index,https://anilist.co/api/v2/oauth/pin" in it.
5. in the folder you extracted, go to the "src" subfolder and then the "modules" subfolder. make a new file in there called "clientData.js"
6. the readme explains this part okay. open clientData.js and put this stuff in it.
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7. open your package manager. you are going to search for 3 different things, and if any of them aren't installed, you're going to install them and any dependencies the package manager says you should also install. search for: npm, libcrypt, and rpmbuild.
8. now I am going to tell you to open a terminal window. inside the modules folder*, right-click and there should be a menu item that says "open terminal here". do that. then, in the terminal, type "npm run dist:linux rpm" and hit enter. (*I THINK? if this doesnt work try the top level folder maybe. it won't explode if you do it wrong just try stuff)
Theoretically, this should generate some kind of Something that you can run like you would run akuse on your Windows machine! I didn't get a chance to step through this process, so it's possible I am fucking something up, but I hope these instructions are at least clearer than whatever's going on in that readme file. it's worth a shot!
If you try this and it breaks down along the way somewhere, you are so totally welcome to report back here & tell me about it if you feel like it. maybe I can help! maybe I can't help but having an outlet to go "hey what the fuck" at will be nice for you anyway. either way this is awesome enrichment for me thank u
(& also I would like to thank minecraft modders for being the worst ever at documentation, instructions, and all related topics, because had I not been tried in those fires I would not be able to read shit like this at all.)
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hellsite-yano · 11 months
speaking of here's a curated list of open-source android apps which includes ad-free alternative clients for sites like youtube, twitter, and instagram, as well more lightweight email clients like FairEmail and much much more
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mcyt-archives · 19 days
How do you even save vods?
Do you just uh screen record it or is there a way to download them
It depends on which platform we save the vods from.
For Twitch we use a software called [Twitch Downloader]
The most recent release version of the software as of this post is version 1.55.0 which you can find on the release page here: https://github.com/lay295/TwitchDownloader/releases/tag/1.55.0
When you get to this page we recommend downloading the GUI version of the software if you have a Windows system. You can try using the CLI version of the software but I wouldn't recommend it if you aren't familiar with using command-line interfaces.
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If you do download the CLI and aren't familiar with the interface, you can search for basic command line tutorials based on your operating system to have that foundation. This documentation will also help guide you in using CLI for the downloader: https://github.com/lay295/TwitchDownloader/blob/master/TwitchDownloaderCLI/README.md
For YouTube we use a software called [Youtube Downloader]
The most recent release version is 1.13. Just select your computer's operating system and system type: https://github.com/Tyrrrz/YoutubeDownloader/releases/tag/1.13
Instructions on how to use each software should be listed on the ReadMe section for their respective home pages. If you or anyone else have any questions feel free to ask!
Happy vod downloading!
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utopicwork · 2 months
Sorry I keep going back to the docs, I want to do one last thing, a written description with some figures of the whole system at the bottom of the readme.md for the docs as Im seeing (and have received feedback, thank you) that the overview of the system isnt as intuitive as I assumed. I'll take tomorrow for that while the larger view is fresh in my mind and then back to cryptography > submessages > ranged tests.
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max--phillips · 1 year
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They're done! And they're lightened! So you can kinda see some of them! (Disclaimer: I do realize that Frankie and the thief are both still pretty dark, and I'm considering options so I'll probably have more icons in the near-ish future. I'm just done with the batch I wanted to get done this round lmao)
All of the icons are in my github repository here! (Pls read the readme.md file for more details!)
You can choose from 2 flavors of Din Djarin, 4 flavors of Dieter Bravo, Shane Dio Morrissey, Ezra, Frankie Morales, Javi Gutierrez, 3 flavors of Javier Peña, Joel Miller, Marcus Moreno, Marcus Pike, Max Phillips, 2 flavors of Maxwell Lord, Oberyn Martell, the thief, Tovar, Veracruz, and Whiskey.
Of those options, there are 13 flags of each: 7 stripe pride, ace, aro, Baker pride, bi, butch lesbian, genderqueer, intersex, lesbian, nonbinary, pan, Philly pride, and trans.
As always, requests, questions, concerns are always welcome!
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apas-95 · 8 months
"readme.md"....? he graduated?
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gender-trash · 11 months
as is tradition whenever we collectively receive worrying news about this webbed site's longterm health, here is my README with all my pointers to me-on-other-websites:
i'm almost certainly going to be posting here until the whole damn site 404s though :p
[EDIT, since this is my pinned post now: as a matter of longstanding blog policy i do not publish donation posts/asks. please do not send them to me.]
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Hi, I'm the rotomblr multiverse cataloguer. I'm here to figure out how many universes are connected to rotomblr and who lives in which one. After this there will be a list of them and their inhabitants, once I start acquiring data.
I have tried, but I can't find any better way of showing the graph than just having the obsidian files automatically added to a repository on github. I'm sure I've seen at some point that there is a way of showing the graph there too, but I can't find it now that it's connected. If I do, I'll change it, but for now you have to download it and place it in an obsidian vault if you want to see the graph and be able to click the links to get directly to the note they say they go to. Ignore the plugins installed if you do that, just delete the folder, none of them are used in the graph.
(( Also, blah blah blah, so many followers, what matters is that the cataloguer will answer Yes or No questions with the truth. Also, I didn't say it before, but pelipper mail and magic anons are on, but I will ignore magic anons if they go against what I want to do with the character (I don't think it will happen often, but still).))
Here's what I look like:
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Log of the changes and whatnot under the cut:
Ok, apparently github doesn't allow people to see private repositories, I should have checked that yesterday instead of today, but gitfront should fix that by allowing people to see, even if it means having to manually update the view, because I think that's one of the things it can't do. It should all be working now.
Added README.md to the repository to explain it a bit better.
Added CONTRIBUTING.md and made the repository public. I don't know why I kept insisting that it had to be private, as I see no actual reason to not make it public. I will update the gitfront thing to reflect this so people that look at it there know. Now, it should always be updated (every ten minutes).
Added a lot of tags so it's easier to search for some specific type of user, like those that research the multiverse or those that can timetravel.
Organized the universes in two folders, so it's easier to look for those that have or don't have rotomblr.
Organized the accounts and characters folders with a folder for every universe.
Added links to the blogs in their corresponding nodes.
//Added tags for the mains of those running the blogs
((I know that the profile picture and banner look bad, but I did my best.))
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goshdanghowdy · 1 year
Happy pride to my gf and my gf only, none of you others deserve it
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izicodes · 8 months
Mini React.js Tips #2 | Resources ✨
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Continuing the #mini react tips series, it's time to understand what is going on with the folders and files in the default React project - they can be a bit confusing as to what folder/file does what~!
What you'll need:
know how to create a React project >> click
already taken a look around the files and folders themselves
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What does the file structure look like?
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✤ node_modules folder: contains all the dependencies and packages (tools, resources, code, or software libraries created by others) needed for your project to run properly! These dependencies are usually managed by a package manager, such as npm (Node Package Manager)!
✤ public folder: Holds static assets (files that don't change dynamically and remain fixed) that don't require any special processing before using them! These assets are things like images, icons, or files that can be used directly without going through any additional steps.
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✤ src folder: This is where your main source code resides. 'src' is short for source.
✤ assets folder: This folder stores static assets such as images, logos, and similar files. This folder is handy for organizing and accessing these non-changing elements in your project.
✤ App.css: This file contains styles specific to the App component (we will learn what 'components' are in React in the next tips post~!).
✤ App.jsx: This is the main component of your React application. It's where you define the structure and behavior of your app. The .jsx extension means the file uses a mixture of both HTML and JavaScript - open the file and see for yourself~!
✤ index.css: This file contains global styles that apply to the entire project. Any styles defined in this file will be applied universally across different parts of your project, providing a consistent look and feel.
✤ main.jsx: This is the entry point of your application! In this file, the React app is rendered, meaning it's the starting point where the React components are translated into the actual HTML elements displayed in the browser. Would recommend not to delete as a beginner!!
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✤ .eslintrc.cjs: This file is the ESLint configuration. ESLint (one of the dependencies installed) is a tool that helps maintain coding standards and identifies common errors in your code. This configuration file contains rules and settings that define how ESLint should analyze and check your code.
✤ .gitignore: This file specifies which files and folders should be ignored by Git when version-controlling your project. It helps to avoid committing unnecessary files. The node_modules folder is typically ignored.
✤ index.html: This is the main HTML file that serves as the entry point for your React application. It includes the necessary scripts and links to load your app.
✤ package.json: A metadata file for your project. It includes essential information about the project, such as its name, version, description, and configuration details. Also, it holds a list of dependencies needed for the project to run - when someone else has the project on their local machine and wants to set it up, they can use the information in the file to install all the listed dependencies via npm install.
✤ package-lock.json: This file's purpose is to lock down and record the exact versions of each installed dependency/package in your project. This ensures consistency across different environments when other developers or systems install the dependencies.
✤ README.md: This file typically contains information about your project, including how to set it up, use it, and any other relevant details.
✤ vite.config.js: This file contains the configuration settings for Vite, the build tool used for this React project. It may include options for development and production builds, plugins, and other build-related configurations.
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Congratulations! You know what the default folders and files do! Have a play around and familiarise yourself with them~!
BroCode’s 'React Full Course for Free’ 2024 >> click
React Official Website >> click
React's JSX >> click
The basics of Package.json >> click
Previous Tip: Tip #1 Creating The Default React Project >> click
Stay tuned for the other posts I will make on this series #mini react tips~!
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kmclaude · 2 years
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Simple static site template (HTML/CSS/JS) is now available for artist homies looking to make a simple website and be free from social media (or at least less stuck.) All code is commented out and there's a README too: no HTML/CSS knowledge required.
Download the Template ZIP File, Unzip, and go!
Note: If you're using neocities.org to host then you can simply drag and drop all of those files once downloaded and use the in-browser HTML editor to edit your files, make changes, etc. (you'll need to make an account/login first.) However, those files will be live online. If you'd rather work on your own machine first (recommended so it won't be live), download a text editor such as Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text or Notepad++. Don't use Word, Google Docs, default Notepad, etc.
A thorough documentation can be found in the README.md file in the zip folder linked above and all files that need editing are thoroughly commented.
Any features you'd like to see, shoot me an ask and I'll see what I can do. This is my hobby not my job so, you know, caveat and all that
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bbhq · 6 months
I made a little panda3d program to view the supervisors w/ their animations and whatnot. You can pose em, move the camera, and take transparent screenshots.
All the information is in the README.md. I'll expand it to do more stuff EVENTUALLY....
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oxytosim · 2 years
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Sims 3 Pattern Recategorizer (S3PR) Tool
Organize your CC pattern files with ease!
Current version: v1.1.0.2
Recategorizes pattern .packages (overwrites those files upon recategorization)
Extracts ICON resources
Download: SFS | MTS (coming soon)
How to use this tool: extract the .zip file to a new directory and open the executable (.exe) to run the tool. Detailed steps in the README.md file included.
More information under the cut!
Credits: This tool’s utility was inspired by @ktarsims‘s pattern hoarder tutorial which suggested changing pattern categories to be more consistent and extracting icons for better organization. In addition, the source code for @chocochipsims‘s Pattern Preset Color Extractor tool (the tool can be found here) was monumental to helping me learn how to identify and extract pattern-specific resources within sims 3 .package files.
I’ve been sitting on this for a while! A while ago, I gauged interest for this tool that I had built for my own uses. With the help of @simlicious‘s vigorous testing and enthusiastic suggestions, this tool has been polished! Currently, it only supports .packages, but I am considering implementing .sims3pack support in the future. This tool does not modify any files that aren’t pattern .packages.
Potential feature roadmap:
Support pattern .sims3pack recategorization
Able to change surface material type
Able to change pattern description
Give TSRW patterns unique res keys (A.K.A. why some .sims3pack patterns cannot be converted to .package without manual editing)
I’m happy to take suggestions for future improvements!! I’m also happy to support any interested collaborators who want to work on this project! Working on it isn’t exactly my top priority — so I encourage any enthusiastic simmer to help make this a full-fledged tool! It’s coded in Python and uses Peter L Jones’ s3pi .NET library to work with Sims 3 .packages. I have already made some preliminary progress with .sims3pack files (message me if you want to know more!).
I sincerely hope you enjoy using this tool and that it makes your pattern CC organization a little easier! ✨
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abalidoth · 1 year
> git clone https://standard.gender/girl.git
> cd girl
> git checkout -b tesseract_gender
> rm pronouns/she.pn
> cp ~/they.pn pronouns/they.pn
> cp ~/ae.pn pronouns/ae.pn
> mkdir robot
> mkdir math
> mkdir other
> cd other
> echo "TODO: dragons????" > README.md
> cd ..
> echo "TODO: clean unwanted bloat out of /gender_roles, grep everything for 'woman' and get rid of it, figure out a way to stop the import errors when I use the beard module" >> README.md
> git add .
> git commit -m "Work in progress! Also, future Tessa: make this a fork and don't just leave it a branch forever like you KNOW we will."
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