#ready to dummify my brain and play sdv
swampstew · 11 months
Raven is ready to hibernate ~
I'll be queuing up my posts so I'll be active enough but as far as new content goes - its up in the air. I don't think I'll be doing any more events or requests for the year besides current obligations (of which I am SO CLOSE to finishing) and then I am giving my brain a nice lil break. Might update my theme/colors/banners but tbh not sure cause I really like my theme! So many things to consider but for now I need to rest and recharge♥
OC fanfics will be continued next year and there are very exciting developments with that coming!
My other fics will be updated as I feel inspired, so no real expectations or dates for when those will post.
Tumblr posts, I do other things than bedtime stories (such as crappy canva art, POV posts, welcome to the crew, etc) and like everything else, if I feel inspired, I will post.
If and when I have things to share, I will make a little announcement that outlines posting dates and times so no one misses anything, as I've done in the past under the tag #Raven Announces
Thanks for another amazing year on this blog! Please feel free to send me asks or chat me up, I'll still be here♥
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