#really fuk the zygotes
aalt-ctrl-del · 2 years
I am working on a "pro-choice" document for information and materials to assist with the movement of reproduction rights, and there are things on the narrative regarding the pro-choice movement I want to shift the perception of because the old narrative does fill constricted and outdated.
Constrictive in that it settles that promoting 'abortion' in unwanted pregnancies. A narrative that many '''''pro-lifers'''' latch onto, and is their only default. It's not the strongest counter argument, but it inserts negative connotations. As well, every person should have the right to cancel an unwanted or unplanned pregnancy for whatever reason. HIPPA should come foremost and protect that right.
Outdated in that is beyond the Roe V Wade timeline, wherein through scientific advancements, we know more about development through trimesters, the evolution process of a zygote (fuk them btw) and the fetus, and complications that can arise through the trimesters - OBYN doctors have better equipment for identifying a healthy fetus, for managing complications to preserve the fetus, and what to do when that fetus fails - what the body does with the material, and what becomes of that material. A "Stonebaby" or "reabsorption".
All pretty heavy stuff that ''''''pro-lifers'''' can't really comprehend.
There is also the misconception of "when life begins" as by scientific definition, life does not begin in the fetus until at least the 3 trimester. This date is important, because it is when the fetus is more likely to survive without life support - i.e., a preemie birth is no quite a miscarriage, but the 'birthed' fetus has the highest probability of survival without medical intervention. A preemie 'dropped' in the 2 trimester (3-4 months) has no chance of survival, this is still an underdeveloped fetus and requires oxygen feeding tools, and other specialized equipment to keep the fetus stable if not alive - even in those cases, the chance of survival is so low. In some cases, the doctors will allow the fetus to pass, since the mountain of complications that can come about are monumental, and the 'birthed' child is forever tethered to the medical service industry for their quality of life - which is denied by '''''pro-lifers'''''.
There is also the argument of humane treatment, or choice to 'self-terminate' that can be argued for fetus.
There is the whole and debate on quality of life for those already living, such as in the struggle of the dying process - terminally ill individuals. I want to add here that the process of hospice treatment and care for terminally ill, can endure for months, if not years. And it is a hot debate, because people ask about the ethical demands of allowing someone to end their life, when this process should be undertaken - when it is clear recovery is not possible, and the quality of life is in acute decline.
What does this have to do with a hypothetical human? A lot. Human biology is complicated, messy, and horrendous when it comes down to the process of conceiving a fetus. We have already seen the texas authoritarian government in heated pursuit of women with missed periods, women who need follow-up care following a miscarriage, and prosecutions - there is a critical lack of scientific comprehension from the governments part, in that those like abbot and private citizens do not understand the relationship between the biological functions of a living person and a zygote or zygotes - that the body itself WILL HAVE BEEF with the hypothetical human and decide to terminate naturally, if that zygote or fetus poses a threat or is not a viable cluster of cells.
It's all interesting stuff.
And what does that have to do with the quality of life and right to "self-terminate" or in this case, terminate the pregnancy. It falls under the persons choice to terminate an unwanted or nonviable pregnancy, in the privacy of a medical facility aimed at protecting the rights and fundamentals of those patients, and providing essential care in all situations, in an impartial environment. So if someone is told that the fetus has complications that will make the hypothetical child nonviable following birth, or other issues which will diminish or plateau a critical lack of life and quality to living, then the pregnant person is fully equipped to make the best and most humane decision for the child, if they wanted that child. Or if they wanted to continue the pregnancy, and care that this may require. A "wait and see" situation without threat of undermining the pause, because it goes beyond the marker for 'abortion", and which will leave the choice to the individual regardless unrealistic constraints.
This as well falls into the quality of life and critical plateau, in a situation where a person who is pregnant with an unwanted pregnancy, can decide that this is not the time for that - because situations in their environment and beyond their control and will disrupt the pregnancy - harm the fetus - or wherein bringing this hypothetical human into their home environment will not be safe; i.e., the environment is toxic, they live with hostile, and unstable individuals, the pregnant person has work full time and no assistance to provide care to the child - in the case of medical or food, or even shelter. A situation where resources divided between the child and its birther is not applicable, and one or the other must perish - usually the child.
A lot of complications which devalue and endanger the life of a child, and which results in a high infant fatality rate. Talk to a pediatrician who deals with "shaken babies" and you will immediately become pro-choicer.
Or if you have no soul and no morals, continue to be this delusional weirdo who gets off on taking care vulnerable individuals.
All of this cycles back to the human anatomy and biological process of forming the zygote, and all the drama that entails. Due to the """pro-lifers""" fixation with micromanaging a process that is both dangerous and life-threatening, to all those involved - the pregnant individual and zygote-fetus. Wherein some essential medications may become unavailable to the individual due to pregnancy or the chance of pregnancy - which falls into state management of rights and what medications can be allowed to a certain demographic, inducing violation of rights and freedoms. Which in turn endangers a pregnancy and those involved, based on medial issues the pregnant individual suffers (and a reason not to get pregnant).
"Well just don't have sex!" Again, a violation of basic human rights and privacy. None of this is anyone's business, aside from those involved. Stop state managing, stop with the authoritarian governing. You're supposed to be the "people of freedoms".
All of this narrative boils down to what is safe and humane to the individuals involved. In the medical field, there come tough choices which require technical training and an expertise into that field, in order to preserve the life and health, to the best of the physicians ability. Such elements are not really explored fully in the "pro-choice" movement, which - though it does outline the narrative fully - has an underlying distraction because of a negative perception that is "choice" versus "life", wherein the ideal of 'choice' is far more complex, involved, and messy (seriously, fuk zygotes).
Pro-choice should not be a single ideal of 'choice', it should be the inclusion of the practice of humane care and preservation of the individuals involved. It should be the acknowledgment that even in the medial field, despite the best efforts from the best doctors, the limitations and situations are beyond our control - in short, shit happens. This is a matter of "save all the babies" - as in the case of '''''pro-lifers''''''' wherein the narrative is ignorant, biased, and riddled with judgment for the persons involved. Whereas in the case of the "pro-choice" movement, difficult information is presented, and those involved make difficult choices to the best of their ability. The HUMANE choices, with intent for quality of life, and the idea that next time, better can be done.
If a person suffers multiple miscarriages, that they are not then ridiculed or prosecuted for "crimes" that are beyond their control. That this person - if they so choose - will retain the right to continue the pursuit of conceiving and bearing their own child.
That if someone is told that their fetus has no heartbeat, or the spine is exposed and the head is malformed, that when any complication arises that would either endanger the person pregnant, the fetus - that it can be canceled at any time, thus the process of healing and trying again, will be within reach. Or if a pregnancy results in the degradation of the pregnant individuals health, causes seizures, that a hormonal imbalance or multitude of other health issues arise from the current pregnancy - can be met with a choice to terminate - regardless who is in danger from the pregnancy. That if someone sees their future is bleak and they feel their life is in danger, for any reason, that terminating an unwanted condition can be within reach, and can be conducted in safety and privacy.
"Pro-lifers" want the preservation of judging and controlling other peoples bodies, with the stakes so high - it is a malicious cruelty these people relish in. It is their call to action and narrative. The concept of "all life is precious" is only spouted by these individuals, thus that ''''pro-lifers''''' can torture and mock those that they deem lesser. There is no kindness nor compassion among this group, there is only superiority.
Though I express that the "pro-choice" narrative needs fresh posturing in modern times, it should press upon that "choice" is conducted with the best information, with the best intentions, and with an ideal of humane and ethical pursuit. These values are not easy to meet, but they are the best argument. That the Hippocratic Oath will be upheld to the best of the abilities of the physician and the individuals involved. This narrative does not include ignorant and short lived Senators or Congressional representatives to the state, but should only involve the individuals with years if not decades of training.
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pengiesama · 8 years
and now i’m at the final dungeon in Berseria, ready to kneecap anyone who stands between me and my true goal of launching a spinning heel-kick at Innominat’s skull
as always, BIG TIME SPOILER EXTRAVAGANZA UNDER THE CUT, as i am at the endgame at this point
for the curious, per Eizen, a scarlet night happens when the moon and the earth line up such that the earthpulse gets drawn into the moon by gravity
"i'm a wicked little boy, doing this for my own selfish needs!" SWEET BABY!!!! SWEET BABY!!!!!!
it's such an understated character quirk but i love how huge of an appetite Laphi has and how much he zeros in on delicious things. in like two thousand years once your and Sorey's sleepover is concluded i'm sure Mikleo will make ice cream for the both of you
every time Eizen says shitty things about women or is creepy at Velvet, Edna adds another notch to the tally of times she needs to powerbomb him into the mountain. the tally is frustratingly high
bye shigure you're far more appealing than your brother and are one of like, four decent NPCs in the game *plays Taps on kazoo*
bye old fat man you sure were old and fat *plays Mambo No. 5 on kazoo*
Velvet projectile vomits the souls of the abbey bosses she ate into the volcano earthpulse, causing the elemental empyreans to awaken and literally dropkick Innominat into outer space. it is now up to us to get some golf clubs and finish the job of caving his skull in. and somehow steal a rocket ship to get up there; no one's really addressed that part yet
the best part of the empyreans awakening? because Innominat is now so weakened, his suppression on the malakhim/seraphim's free will is gone, meaning we got to see a bunch of malakhim ripping off their masks and loudly tell the abbey to fuck themselves sideways before poofing away.
so now i guess is the point where i would normally fuck around with so many endgame sidequests that i'd never wind up getting around to fighting the final boss, but i wanna break Innominat's kneecaps so bad that that's not gonna happen. the true Sweet Baby must take the throne
that's not to say i'll be skipping endgame sidequests entirely, such as the sidequest where i just fought the main guy from Xillia (?) who got turned into a penguin (???)
normin island is super cute and packed with Zestiria references, including but not limited to: 1) normins daydreaming about finding a nice master to serve, like "a pretty girl who makes terrible puns" 2) Zaveid arriving with little Dezel in tow, who he let wear his coat after saving him from daemons. i believe in Zestiria Dezel is said to be a fairly young seraph by seraphic standards, and Berseria takes place 1000 years in Zestiria's past -- if 1000 is "young" for a seraph, like, Mikleo must be considered a zygote
Zaveid loves kids so much that he and his now-dragonified girlfriend collect orphans and then kidnap random humans to help raise them. specifically he kidnapped some cooks bc he doesn't know how to
anyway we killed the dragonified girlfriend and now Zaveid and Eizen are friends and Zaveid promises to make Eizen's death wish a reality someday. once Eizen goes dragon Zaveid will run down the two-person list of people interested in having sex with him so i'm sure it'll be painful on his part as well *plays Single Ladies on kazoo*
and then we killed dragon-Silva again and confirmed he's the dragon skeleton on Hexen Isle. sometimes i feel Berseria tries a little too hard to shove LORE!!! LORE!!!! in our faces but i think that's just because i want it to focus entirely on lore that canonizes sormik more than it already is
hi other person from Xillia. is the penguin thing an in-joke i don't understand because i don't play Tales games that aren't gay
welcome to Katz Korner and here is where i remind you that Katz Korner explicitly has a sex club that you have to be 2000 years or older to enter and in Zestiria they state Zenrus was their most frequent guest
Laphi wants to enter the Katz wrestling championship where you make biscuits on your opponent and the first person who purrs loses. SWEET BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the final component of that legendary medicine we were gathering to save Laphi's Little Pal proves to be malakhim tears. can confirm that if Mikleo cried, i would gain the power to rend the earth in twain to annihilate the cause of his woes
Phoenix is here to fight again (pre-again? whatever prequels), and despite him putting forth the challenge only because he stalks Edna enough to know Eizen is deliberately avoiding her, he actually puts forth a remarkably coherent and comprehensive argument on how immature and horrible Eizen is being for keeping what he's truly doing a secret -- so much so that Eizen is basically sputtering red in the face in furious embarrassment towards the end and is all but screaming "FIGHT ME THO" to put a stop to it
anyway after all that Eizen sends Phoenix to watch over her and is convinced to come clean to Edna about being a pirate. you then receive a letter from her, in which she casually accepts the news in the traditional Edna Way ("well that was obvious. the new doll you sent isn't cute but i'll keep it since you sent it.") then Eizen starts crying and it made my dick stiff
i think the Seres = Lailah theory is dumb and very well-debunked at this point (considering Seres is like. very dead) but Velvet does state in an event skit that Celica loved to make puns so maybe Lailah helps carry on her purpose into the future
i poked my head into the Empyrean/Artorius' Throne area to clean up a hunt but i found a pair of freed malakhim there who stole the Water Divine Artifact (aka Mikleo's bow) from the Abbey and are planning on smoothing out the armatus arte to make it less dangerous and more of an even exchange of power than it is at that point -- as it is it's just exorcists flat out stealing malakhim power with zero consent and then melting from the strain. 
yet another chapter in the Who Fucking Edited This Game's Localization saga; localizing Glenwood as "Greenwood" because who cares about consistency in a pair of linked games. that might sound minor but, seriously, there are skits and dialogue that have complete gibberish as the subtitles/on-screen text. for example: Magilou has a line of dialogue: "That's a little goose I'm even by my standards." I was straight-up staring at my screen and eventually pieced together that they were going for "gruesome". i had a suspicion on how it happened, and checked out videos of the dub to confirm -- sure enough, Magilou's EN VA (who still sounds obnoxious lol i am so glad i changed to the sub so early) says the line, and if you were in fact a poor innocent speech-to-text converter software, used by a bunch of lazy localizers who decided to use a speech-to-text converter to automatically transcribe dialogue so you could whack off in the bathroom instead of doing work, it's very clear how you could parse the line reading as "goose I'm" instead of "gruesome". 
okay i think that metaphor might have gotten lost there. what i am saying is the lazy ass localization team clearly used speech-to-text converters to transcribe dialogue for subtitles, and couldn't be arsed to proofread the result. this happens CONSTANTLY in Berseria's subs/on-screen text. christ, what happened here? Zestiria didn't have this problem...
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