#really hope she'll randomly log on today and see this post. yeah i'm vague blogging so what)
rapha-reads · 9 months
Lmao, white women are sooooo fragile. Sent a couple of posts carefully selected for their tastes to my friends' group chat on Instagram, with Motaz's profile too, because none of them so-called activists have said a word about Palestine in 3 months. I immediately got accused of being aggressive, of being disdainful of them and looking down on them, of being selfish...
I'm done taking shit from anyone and making myself small to be palatable to people who never bother asking me how I am. I answered. Said that if there was any aggressivity or disdain, it was all in their minds, and I will not shoulder their own guilt. Said that they could totally have ignored my posts, there's no obligation, and in this group chat a lot of people ignore a lot of things posted when it's not their thing, so why immediately react to my posts when you could just ignore. Said that for three months that I have been constantly talking ONLY about Palestine liberation, only one of them has reached out to me to ask me how I'm doing. Said that they are constantly forgetting that I am not just French, that I did not grew up in France, that I am not white despite my skin color, and that the people being genocided right now was my people, looked like my family, my friends, my father. Started arguing that speaking up for Palestine was not only the most humanitarian thing to do, but also extremely important for all the world, because freeing Palestine is freeing every nations from white supremacy and fascism, and that this is THE test of humanity in this 21st century, this fight, this resistance is what will influence the future of the entire planet. Said a bunch more things.
You think they'd develop some compassion and understanding? Nah. It's still "you're being so aggressive, why are you doing this now, it's december 24th, you should question your own self". Yeah, no. I'm done always apologising for daring to be myself. I'm done bowing down to make sure people are not uncomfortable. I will have the uncomfortable discussions. I will speak my mind. Also, didn't you hear, Christmas is cancelled. And um, yeah, I don't celebrate Christmas, I couldn't care less and I'm not spending time with family today, but you are, so, girl, why are you on your phone? This is Insta, not a conference call, you could totally, AGAIN, ignore my texts until tomorrow.
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