#really love this photo. the light through the wisp of her bangs. her form & expression.
dozydawn · 1 year
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Julianne McNamara on the balance beam at the Summer Olympics, 1984. Photographed by David Madison.
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z3llous · 4 years
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This is my entry for Sanjifest! I started working on this in January, but it fit the prompt well (oof a few months put into this). It has both text and illustration (Lol I hope the difference in quality over time isn’t too bad). I hope you love it!
Prompt: “That is definitely not what I was expecting.”
I can't be late
They quickly rounded the corner only to crash into someone, the briefcase previously in their hand hitting the pavement and sliding away.
They scrambled to get up, looking to see an outstretched hand. Hesitating for a moment, they took it.
"You dropped this." The  pretty blond stranger said holding their briefcase.
"Yes, thank you. I'm sorry I really don't have time to talk." They grabbed it and turned to leave.
"Wait, what's your name?"
"It's Y/n!" They answered before rushing away.
He sighed watching them vanish in the distance.
"Y/n...Damn, they're beautiful. At least I got their name..."
Bright colors of flowers decorated the town. He was normally too busy to stop and smell the literal roses that florists put out during the first week of summer.
His eyes trailed aimlessly over the crowd and recognized a familiar form he'd been seeking every time he visited the area.
He couldn't miss such an opportunity.
"Y/n!" He waved excitedly catching their attention.
"Why hello, I didn't expect to see you again." Y/n said once they reached him.
"You remember me!"
"Of course, how could I forget. Your look is quite signature." They laughed.
"True, very true." He laughed in return and rubbed the back of his neck.
"I was in a bit of a hurry last time we met, so I didn't get a name."
"Oh, it's Sanji." He was sure they weren't from around there, but still hoped they wouldn't recognize it.
"Lovely to officially meet you, Sanji." They gently took his hand and placed a soft kiss upon his knuckles.
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 He froze. The gears had stopped turning in his mind, that was a first for him.
"Hello, Sanji?" Y/n tried not to laugh and snapped their fingers to bring him back to land of the living.
"Huh? Uh... Oh...OH! Yes?" His eyes flitted everywhere except them when he realized what happened.
"Would you like to join me for the rest of the evening?" They leaned in, looked up with a playful expression, and offered a hand.
"O-of course" He timidly accepted their hand.
I'm going to die of a heart attack before the sun sets.
Hues of pink and purple spread across the horizon, coating the atmosphere in serenity. A zephyr caressed their skin affectionately as they traversed toward the pier.
The remaining rays of the day highlighted his distant form in an ethereal manner. It left them frozen in an entranced state, thankfully he was yet to notice them.
Once Y/n returned they had to muster the confidence to approach him and begin their implied "date".
With my job you'd think this would be easy for me, but no I can't even walk up to him. Damn pretty boy, had to look angelic...
Fortunately, he turned to see them and the problem had been solved.
"Oh, Y/n! I hope your trip was pleasant. I wish you'd let me pick you up though." He said excitedly.
"Yes, the train ride was pleasant. I've told you before, the hotel I'm staying at is out of town. I'd rather not have you making such a trip over me." They stated calmly with a mild smile.
"But Y/n I want to~"
"I know you do. Alright, once I've finally quit my job and moved into a house I'll let you pick me up." They pretended to be deep in thought.
"I won't forget it!" He laughed.
"Yeah, yeah. Now, c'mon I'd like to start exploring before everything closes. I don't normally get to visit the seaside." Y/n held out their hand, trying not show the excitement bubbling within.
"I thought your job required travel." He grabbed their hand.
"It does, but not normally more relaxed areas, like here."
"You never told what you do." He thought aloud looking to the warm colored wisps of cloud.
"I would if I could.  My work often involves rich people, who don't like me talking about their business. I should be out of there soon, anyway." They sighed.
"Oh, that makes sense. I wouldn't want to get you in trouble." He lightly tightened his hold of their hand.
"Don't worry about it. Let's just enjoy the moment." They squeezed back.
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Their time spent in town was sweet and filled with playful teasing.
As the sun sunk into the sea they bought warm drinks from a cafe and decided to spend the remaining time together on the beach.
Sand underfoot made pleasant sound as they walked, steam from the cups swirled off into the cool night air.
"Y/n?" He stopped walking.
"I'm sure you've heard of the upcoming ball at the palace... Would you be my date?" He lifted their hand up, thumb rubbing their knuckles, and eyes glistening under moon light in anticipation.
"That's definitely not what I was expecting. Yes, of course, I'd love to be your date." Y/n gave him a soft smile.
Sanji set their drinks down carefully, before turning around to excitedly wrap his arms around and lift them slightly off the ground in an embrace. He was so happy he couldn't help but laugh a bit.
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you-" He chanted.
"Alright. Alright. I get it." They laughed.
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Piano wafted through the air seductively as they took sip of the golden fluid glowing under the citrine light above. 
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A figure dressed in auburn approached from behind to sit across from them. 
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"Rue, late as always." Y/n stated swishing their drink around to admire it.
"Yes, well one doesn't wake up looking this good." She joked, her ruby nails searched through her bag.
She pulled out and slid a sheet of paper across the table top.
Y/n's eyes trailed over the words taking in the information.
"So Mr. Zero wants me to go out with a bang, huh?" They mused glancing up to meet Rue's Amber eyes.
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"It would seem so. He doesn't want you to live to tell the tale." She laughed. Her burgundy lips slowly formed a devilish smirk and she leaned forward. "Surprise him." 
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Y/n stood outside staring at the paper.
"I might not be able to keep my promise. I don't know if I'll live long enough to have a home of my own. I'm sorry, Sanji."
They took one last look before setting the page alight.
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Text of page:
The sound their shoes hitting the marble floor echoed in Y/n's mind. The crowd surrounding was nothing more than background noise. The butterflies that fluttered about inside them were far too distracting. Tonight was the night. Be it the end or the beginning, They didn't know.
The people gathered around the stage hoping to sneak a glance of the royal family behind the curtain.
A man with spiked green hair walked up, introduced himself as Bartolomeo, and began a long fangirly speech about the royal family.
Y/n took this moment to look around for Sanji and Rue.
There She was sitting and sipping a glass of wine, classic Rue. She must've sensed Their eyes, for she gave them a smile and thumbs up.
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Sanji was no where to be seen, Crowd: nope, Tables: nothing, or maybe the food table? No, not there either.
They took a deep breath and chose not to worry about it.
Finally a  foot peaked out from under the curtain and kicked him, effectively causing the ball to begin. Piano played, Bartolomeo stepped off stage, and the curtains were drawn.
One by one each butterfly once aflutter now dropped dead and began to rot.
There he was, sitting on a throne with the rest of the Straw Hats.
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The blade grew warm as their stomach twisted itself into a tight knot. The joyful music felt to be coming from another room.
They were too dazed to notice the people preparing to dance and the royal family walking off stage to join in.
"Y/n?" Sanji called their name again. When he did he get so close?
"There you are. Sorry, was that too shocking? I didn't know how to tell you." He rubbed his neck, the tile below seemed rather interesting to him.
"That's...Alright. It's not like you could've brought it up easily." They too found the tile to be interesting.
As nice as the tile was, no solutions to the new problem could be found in it.
"Um, would you allow me a dance?" He offered his hand, glancing at them.
"How could I say no?" They took his hand and smiled, sweeping the dead butterflies under the rug to be dealt with later.
They gracefully swirled around and around, hands intertwined, hearts racing, and warmth rising to their faces. Though they tried to rid of it, a dull ache lingered deep beneath.
The song met its end which led to the beginning of another.
"C'mon follow me." He whispered as they slipped through a door and into a photo filled hallway.
Y/n paused for moment to look at a picture of Sanji running with who they thought to be King Luffy on his back. Many other pictures with others just as happy surrounded it.
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I wish I had something like that
He walked ahead and opened a door.
"Here it is." He motioned for them to step through.
"Oh my-" They had lost their words.
An intricate ebony fence wrapped around the garden keeping the delicate flowers safe as they admired the ivory fountain in the center.
"Beautiful isn't it? I often come here to escape the king's insatiable hunger." He joked taking their hand and leading them to the center. "Nothing compared to you though." He smiled and traced along their cheek to move a strand of hair behind their ear.
They grew flustered and took a step forward, only for their foot to be caught on a brick in the path. They both tumbled down.
Y/n had him pinned to the ground. The two stared at each other for a moment to take in what had just happened and then burst into laughter.
Their laughter died first. The pain quickly settled in.
I can't. I can't give him up.
He noticed their expression and panicked.
"Y/n, what's wrong? Are you alright? Did you get hurt?" Concern dripped from every word.
"I- I need to tell you something." Tears welled in their eyes.
"You know that job I've been trying to get out of?"
"It's Baroque Works. They're in the assassination business. They gave me a suicide mission yesterday. I'm supposed to kill your family. I- I can't do this, but they'll kill me if I don't. I can't I don't know what to do I'm-" Their words grew messier and more fearful the longer they talked, until he cut them off from anymore scared rambling.
"It's going to be alright. Everything is going to be ok. You are going to ok."
He lifted his free hand to wipe away the tears.
"It is?" They mumbled.
"Yes, I promise we'll help you. You're not alone anymore, alright?" He lowered his hand to gently hold their wrist and rub reassuringly with his thumb.
He smiled lovingly up at them.
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"Together." They whispered leaning down catching him in sweet kiss.
"Together." He responded going in for another.
Luffy, as always, was excited to have a new member of the family. Y/n quickly grew accustomed to the chaotic crew (Pun intended).
Rue was interrogated by Nami. Which, surprisingly, went smoothly. They got along quite well, too well. Within the month of them working together they were caught making out by the unfortunate Usopp.
He never forgot it.
"To the end of Baroque Works and the Freedom of  Y/n and Rue!" They Cheered holding up their glasses together in celebration.
Rue turned to Nami and pulled her in for a kiss.
"How did you two even get together?" Usopp groaned.
"Simple, I've always loved shrewd women." Rue joked and slid an arm around her girlfriend's waist.
The devilish couple laughed while Usopp died inside, now he had to deal with two of them.
Y/n sat at the bar where poor Sanji was most frequent the whole evening. He took every chance he got to stop by with a small treat and chat with them, but the demand was high and his visits were few and far between.
Finally the sun had set, everyone had turned in for the night, and Y/n finished helping Sanji clean up, regardless of his wishes.
After preparing for bed Y/n pulled him under the covers and turned off the light.
"Shhhh You've worked hard. You must be so tired. Let me take care of you." They whispered holding him close, placing a soft kiss on his forehead.
He mewled and nuzzled into their touch.
They mumbled sweet words and ran their fingers through his hair until they both fell into peaceful slumber.
The wattpad cover:
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All the illustrations: 
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