#really obsessed with autistic frank
bunisher · 1 month
just some autistic frank things and headcanons:
• one of his special interests is weapons, when he was a teen he developed one involving medieval torture. he’s known all the pressure points of where to hit someone in order to incapacitate them for years.
• he reads and writes more than he speaks. he often felt like an outsider growing up. he needs rules to function and many social situations are too complex. he likes when things are simple.
• goes nonverbal when he’s upset and starts stimming by tapping his fingers, walking around.
• general stims include his index finger tapping against his thumb, chewing the inside of his cheek, licking his lips, and rubbing the back of his head if it’s been shaved. he likes playing with his longer hair too but hardly anyone is around to see it.
• he stims every time he listens to music. he doesn’t listen to music very often. it’s distracting for him.
• he likes his long hair but it’s too noisy for him. he needs it out of his eyes and face to be able to focus.
• autistic rage is how he survives.
• safe foods include black coffee and breakfast foods. he likes trying new foods and recipes because he likes exploring different types of textures and flavors. he cooks for people to show that he cares because he’s not great with words.
• stims by cleaning his guns. he used to play with maria’s hair a lot. now he rubs the scar on the back of his head.
• extremely high pain tolerance from years of dissociating from his body. it was difficult when he was growing up. his mom would often find him injured and not saying anything or acting like there was something wrong. he once broke his finger and didn’t realize it until later when someone pointed it out.
• has to have everything extremely organized. as a child he lined things up and would get upset if people touched his stuff. he wasn’t good at playing with others.
• technology is overwhelming for him, he likes old fashioned things with physical parts.
• needs more information to assess a situation. whether that be for a mark or in personal situations. he would always ask “the wrong questions” and offer solutions instead of just listening. it was one of his main issues with maria. she thought he didn’t care about her feelings for years when he was trying to help.
• he did not realize maria was flirting with him at first. she was his first real relationship because all other people gave up when they assumed he wasn’t interested. he doesn’t know how to flirt.
• he’s obsessive. when it comes to his mission, nothing else matters. when he first got with maria, nothing else mattered. he needed to know everything about her.
• his autistic sense of justice is what drives him. he believes what he is doing is right and is firm in his beliefs. this also goes hand in hand with his black and white thinking.
• even before war, he was awkward in social situations. he’s always been quiet. he doesn’t like big settings of people, it’s too loud with too much going on. he prefers one on one interactions. it’s easier to focus when it’s just one person.
• he’s been told he struggles with empathy and has no emotions, but he feels so deeply despite not expressing it. he doesn’t understand how people don’t see it but it’s not something he can really explain. it’s always been like that.
• he was nonverbal for years as a child, which is why he was so used to the comments that were made at the construction site (nmcu specific) and he couldn’t understand why they gave a shit.
• in school, he was bullied, but he never really told his parents about it. he was always kinda different. always felt like he was faking the whole “being a human” thing, so in some ways what he does now is easier. he doesn’t have to pretend and put energy into things he’s bad at.
• lisa was kinda like him and it made him nervous. she was blunt and accused of being cold when he knew what she meant. maria had to explain why it was an issue, but all he could think about was the factual statements and how it’s good to pick things apart.
• he always has a plan, a backup plan, and a backup backup plan. it’s part of why he hates a lot of heroes that just go in with no plan. why don’t they have a plan? he’s gone on many tangents before. it’s one of the main reasons why he doesn’t do team ups. that, and other people are too unpredictable. he still doesn’t play well with others.
• when he was young, he really believed in god because god and catholicism has rules that you stick to. he never understood why god and the angels were allowed to kill people but he wasn’t. he went into seminary because he had a special interest in god. he can debate a lot but religious people rarely enjoy it. he’s now a lapsed catholic, mostly because of that.
• nowadays to him, heaven is just a fancy prison and free will is what’s important. he doesn’t like the idea of being a pawn. it’s why he told heaven to go fuck itself. if he has to sacrifice his beliefs then what does that say about him?
• part of why he went into the marines was because he dad always told him he needed to respect authority. he was pushed into it, told that maybe it would do him some good since he was constantly picking fights and not understanding why people behaved the way that they did.
• he likes dogs because dogs like routine. they’re always affectionate. he can also talk to them and they don’t judge or expect him to say the right words. they just like it when he talks.
• his punisher shirts are always a blend of cotton and polyester overtop kevlar. he has a stencil he carries in his bag. the skull is like the jacket he had in high school. it makes him feel comfortable and secure.
• he never wears cologne and doesn’t like things with a lot of scent.
• he was never too good at hygiene, even as a child. now he has an excuse, but really it’s just a lot of effort and he’s going to get dirty again so why does it matter?
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