#really tempted to buy it myself t b h
franeridart · 7 years
hi. hello. this is a bit embarrassing but i'm trying to buy my bf a tablet sort of thing so he can draw his arts. he's been wanting one forever but hasn't rly shown me which one he wants. i want to surprise him n buy a good one worth the money n was just curious if you had any suggestions. i've looked into wacom products, but i'm just such a noob to these things n was hoping you can help... i understand if this is silly, you don't have to reply! ur just so amazing, ur opinion is trustworthy 😅☺️
Okay, so, this is just my opinion and since it’s based completely on personal experiences it’s gonna possibly be incredibly different from other people’s opinions, so I just wanna make clear from the start that this is a personal preference and isn’t in any way meant as an absolute truth
Anyway, as far as I’m concerned when you’re just starting out you don’t need anything fancy at all. As an aspiring digital artist your bf might have looked up tablets and cried tears of blood over how much he’d like a cintiq or anything similar, but my very personal opinion is that fancy stuff is gonna be pretty much useless to you and be generally a waste of money? You’re just learning, you don’t need anything more than the basics. My suggestion is that you pick something simple and easy to use - I own this wacom intuos, had it for a long while and I like it a lot, but there’s also less expensive options you can go for too that people seem to like just as much! I’ve lately read on my dash about the Huion H610, they say it doesn’t cost much at all but it’s just as good as the Intuos, that could be a good option for you~
Anon said:  Hey!!! I was wondering if its ok to rb your oc art? I realized a lot less people rb those and i get anxious easily so... also i really don't want to disrespect either! But i always thought of rebloging as a way of saying "i appreciate your art" and i really really (really ) like yours (both the style and itself in general). (I hope you dont mind my bad english ha ha) i hope you don't mind this stupid ask! Im still kind of new to tumblr
It’s 100% okay!!!! *O* Thank you for liking them enough to want to reblog them ;A; !!!!
Anon said:i miss ur bokuroteru so much 😭💕 i love ur art but whenever i see ur header, i just remember ur bokuroteru comic and my heart cries storms for them to be seen again.
Aw anon I’m super happy you like my stuff for those three but as of now inspiration in that department is... super low... and tbh the haikyuu fandom is being incredibly unresponsive and non-vocal about their appreciation of fanworks in this period so even when I do have ideas for that fandom I sort of. Let them go. Or just sketch them out and never finish them.
Like, you know the whole deal about having to draw for yourself and not for others? That’s what I do 100% of the times when I’m starting a drawing, but to draw for myself I don’t exactly need to finish a drawing, you know? Sometimes there’s a scene I wanna see and I sketch it out in a super rough way and as far as my personal desire to see it goes I’m satisfied with that, and everything after that - the cleaning and lining and maybe even coloring - I put the effort in it because I want to share it with people. And the deal with the Hq!! fandom lately is that they don’t share my excitement for it. They either only like it, or don’t comment on it, or comment only to complain about this or that thing. In the worst case posting hq!! only ends up with people asking me to draw something else (ie I feel like drawing Karasuno so I draw it and post it and no one comments/rb/says anything about it but there’s 20 asks in my inbox asking me why I haven’t drawn any bok*ro lately)
When I think about posting stuff for hq lately I automatically compare it to posting stuff for bnha where I could draw a background character that appeared once 120 chapters ago and there’s still gonna be people that go “yes! that character!! I love that character!!! can’t believe there’s actual art for it oh my god!!!!” - that’s... that’s the sort of reaction that makes you wanna share stuff
I dunno, maybe I’m just expecting too much out of the hq fandom. But anyway, sharing for bnha makes me way happier and glad I decided to finish a drawing lately, so I guess that’s what’s happening there.
Anon said:Every time your soft doods art shows up on my dash I have to pause and take a deep breath and just thank god for all the good in the world because I'm blown away every single time
This is s o s w e e t oh my god ;A; thank you so much!!!!
Anon said:Johnny is a fucking angel dammit. Have you read the new DGM already?? I'm in tears. I love this manga so much. The frequency of the releases are killing me... it has such a great story and great characters. It needs more love
I did read it!!!! And yeah the fandom used to be way bigger, but honestly I’m glad it’s just the couple dozens people it is. Like a small town where everyone knows everyone else. No drama, no discourse. Everyone ships what they want and we all pass each other tissues to dry the tears. The only argument that happens regularly is people complaining about the relase schedule and the old fans telling them to let Hoshino live. A good place, this fandom’s a good place.
DGM was my playground for most of my experimenting as far as creating art goes, I really did reach in all directions with it through the years and it helped me shape myself a lot, so I really want it to stay quiet and nice and peaceful, that’s my dream for it haha smaller fandoms have a better chance to keep that freedom
Anon said: Oh man, I live for that Togata x Amajiki interaction
You talking about the color spread cause yes that was adorable!!! ;A;
Anon said:I look a little, and do you still draw Bakugo x Kirishima x Kaminari?
Sure, it’s still my main ship for Kaminari and my main ot3! Just wait for Denki to start being relevant in the manga again, I’ll probably fall headfirst into it all over again haha
Anon said:Your art is so wonderful you're wonderful everything's so wonderful i'm crying omg
SOB no anon you’re wonderful!!!!
Anon said:Due to my brain not wanting to cooperate with me (ever), Bakugou Katsuki is now Batsuki Katsuki in my head.
This is the funniest thing I’ve read today and I’m in t e a r s hahaha
Anon said:Artistic!Mina making pop art and colorful paintings :o what are ur thoughts
HELL YES that’s my main headcanon for Mina, she’s definitely an artsy girl!!! I like the idea of her sharing it with Bakugou t b h
Anon said:I'm still just repeatedly looking at your newest KiriBaku because hot damn.
I’m super glad you liked it!!!!!!! oh my gOD!!!!!!!
Anon said:Heyy please rec Kami comics please! I'm in a Kami art shortage and I currently can't find art as awesome as yours...
I’m so sorry I wish I could help you with this but I don’t know anyone who draws lotsa Kaminari either ;---;
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doctors-star · 5 years
all of them. A L L of them. A right through to Z. give me your book opinions
good lord, kit. but you know what sure.
already answered a and b
c: do you remember the first book you ever read?
my memory is [fingerguns] abysmal. i have been told, however, that i used to correct whoever was reading to me if they missed words from a very young age, at which point my mother decided that i could probably read for myself by this point. i can only imagine this was infuriating. shout out to my family for continuing to read to me anyway.
d: what book do you hate that most others love?
hmm. not sure i really hate anything i’ve read except of mice and men and i don’t know anyone who really likes that book but i never really got on with emma, by jane austen, so well as i felt i ought to. i just find emma herself exceptionally irritating and rather undeserving of a man so sensible as mr knightly. 
e. what are three book blogs (besides macrolit natch ;D) that I should follow?
i don’t follow any book blogs. macrolit may enjoy this free propaganda, if they like.
f: what’s your regular order at starbucks?
uhh latte. starbucks is so expensive and i never go there.
g: what’s your favourite reading spot?
there’s a two-person sofa at home that has, pretty much since we acquired it, been exclusively mine. people move off this seat at my approach. i have been known to sit on people sitting on my sofa. it’s by the fire and the window and it’s a very good spot.
h: what’s the longest book you’ve ever read?
i made it all the way through the brick. there’s really nothing quite like les mis to have you sitting still and staring into space for a little while after you’ve finished it, trying to figure out who you are now that this aspect of your life for however long is at an end.
i: do you have a favourite poet?
simon armitage. ooh, reference to a modern writer! what’s happened to me. really though i think he’s excellent, and his translation of sir gawain and the green knight is cracking. 
j: favourite woman writer?
is it obvious if i say jane austen? i’m going to anyway. she’s witty and charming and her storytelling is masterful. there’s a reason she’s iconic.
k: favourite male writer?
terry pratchett. his writing is hilarious and thought-provoking and emotional and just so funny! reading his books is like coming home. gnu.
l: what’s your favourite guilty-pleasure read?
can i give that popular cop-out answer of “i don’t believe in guilty pleasures :) :)”? no. there’s a series of books about a werewolf late-night radio host that are objectively. not great. bloody love em.
m: favourite classic?
uhhhh pride and prejudice. it’s great, there’s no misogyny, i want my own mr darcy. what more can i say.
special shout-out to north and south, for being similar but more northern and angry and concerned with trade unions. i also want a mr thornton.
n: favourite ya?
the whole percy jackson series. i have, admittedly, somewhat lost track of the various sequels, but they’re really excellent and i hear very representative now. my dad used to read them to us.
o: favourite contemporary novel?
oh god, modernity. is pratchett contemporary? sure. all the watch series are my favourites, but of these equals thud! is first.
p: what’s your favourite book by a person of colour?
beloved, by toni morrison. i’m going to think about that book for a good long while.
the problem with reading a lot of classics is it is very easy to have a rather white bookshelf. i am aware of this, and attempting to rectify it where possible.
q: what’s the first book you see with a yellow spine?
the diary of a nobody, by george and weedon grossmith. a gentle edwardian social satire. of course.
r: how many penguin books do you own?
six - five in that nice black classics binding, and a passage to india with it’s own thing going on.
answered s
t: used or new?
not very fussy - i like to keep my books in as good as possible condition, so as long as they aren’t too beaten and battered, i don’t mind. i tend to buy paperbacks new, and hardbacks used.
u: what’s your favourite used bookstore?
you really can’t beat the oxfam bookshop, wherever you are. there’s a bookshop here in bamberg, though, on one of the bridges that sells some really lovely stuff in full gothic typeface and in german. i’m tempted to buy a book as a project, rather than any kind of easy read.
v: what’s your reading goal for this year?
i don’t really have one. since starting uni, it’s rather hard to maintain enthusiasm for reading lengthy historic essays and then whatever fiction i think i ought to read. i think my goal, therefore, is to read if and when i can, around uni work and dissertation research and the desire to lie face down on the floor and not look at the written word, for a while.
w: if you had to eat the same thing every day for a week, what would you choose?
uhhhhhhhhhhh pasta, i guess. perhaps curry. this is not relevant.
answered x
y: do you have a favourite quote?
and this our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything. i would not change it. - william shakespeare, as you like it
z: if you wrote a book, what would it be about?
looking at my history, probably emotionally repressed men attempting to express affection. what setting beyond this, i couldn’t say - i long to write about history, but also dragons, so perhaps both.
“i don’t know how to tell you, but since there are half a hundred swords at the castle gates, i must-”
“SKEEAARRGHHHH” [sounds of dragon chomping an entire army, which i imagine is rather like stapling tin foil]
“...never mind.”
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wcsted-blog1 · 5 years
Tumblr media
        this is a long and somewhat emotional follow forever , as i feel it’s genuinely the most MEANINGFUL one i have done so far ?? like genuinely i did tear up a little writing this shit so .  .  . i just want to thank you all not gonna lie , simply because you guys are the best , and i mean it with all of my heart , some of you quite literally STOPPED ME from giving up writing as a whole without even realising , because yeah , early january i did think of quitting , i was so close to , it would’ve taken a little push and i would’ve quite literally deleted this and all of my previous accounts , but i can tell you right now - i am SO GLAD that i did not. it’s all because of you !!
      to be fair this follow forever is just an excuse to be able to thank you guys publicly. some of you already know how much i appreciate you , with the random I LOVE YOU ALL’s in group chats or just me genuinely being an annoying cunt and bugging you 24/7 , some others i’m may be more shy about or i just simply admire you from afar , - and regardless of whether we talk or not , if you’re on here it just means you’ve somehow helped me , to not quit , stopped me from doing so as a whole , and have helped me to keep doing this thing i’ve been doing for almost five years now. i have to say it would’ve probably been one of my biggest mistakes to just QUIT , so i am here to T H A N K Y O U , for inspiring me , for helping me grow as a writer , for helping me with my english ( which you all do ) , for dealing with my ass , for everything in general.
i feel as if this is the longest follow forever i have done in my life but really it doesn’t matter. this is here to show how much i appreciate you guys , to just thank you for absolutely everything. i’ll stop here and move on to the little paragraphs some are more personal others are more general ones but , whatever the case is you guys warm my fucking heart seriously.
* // ⊰  @pcrscphonie . ⊱ to the titsiana to my cumriana .  .  .                      emily , E M I L Y - what the fuck would i do without your ass ?? like i’m serious ?? i swear talking to you gives me life - genuinely , you make me crack the fuck up on a fucking daily basis. i don’t think i’ve laughed so much in a long time really , so i owe you BIG TIME. not gonna lie i’m fucking glad i managed to drag your ass and get you to join discord , because what would we now do without the sexting gc , our daddy akshay and the bonetown / house party calls ?? ;)) i don’t know but whatever the case is i am WET writing this ( bc i’m tearing up , pls stop being so dirty minded i swear ) . thank you for talking to me after that shit episode i had on a night out , or dealing with my annoying ass on a daily basis , what can i say ?? i actually fucking love you LMAO , as i said you’re the titsiana to my cumriana on a side note i genuinely think that your writing BLOWS my fucking mind , like - lowkey you’re definitely a ) one of my favourite people to write AND talk with and b ) one of the nicest and most talented ones on this hell of a fucking site. so yeah , thank you , thank you and THANK YOU BEBÉ.
* // ⊰  @wavesborn​​​ . ⊱  la bestia a mi bebesita .  .  .                        yadira , Y A D I R A , hostia PUTA done coño empiezo ?? meeting you has been one of the highlights of my year so far , and i am lowkey SERIOUS. our calls ?? me staying up until 3 - 5 a.m sometimes just to be talking to you , is literally one of the BEST THINGS EVER , even if i am not even alive the next day. and yes i might be a full on nerd but you know you love it ;)) GRACIAS por todo chica , te lo juro de verdad, i mean it when i say that you’ve quite literally saved my ass , you’re one of the people that have resurrected my muse for roleplaying in general. you’re an angel , literal eres un ANGEL tia , y no cambiaria nuestra amistad por NADA EN EL MUNDO. you’re one of my favourite people on this site , whether it is to talk or write to. eres la mejor colega , y me cago en todo lo que se mueve por que va en serio , ERES UN ANGEL CHICA. thank you for being one of my best mates , i really fucking love you. like stefan adores you too , we both adore you for reals afiashdgaiosi QUE HARIA YO SIN TI TIA. you’ve been one of the MAIN reasons for me to not have given up on writing in early january. you’ve pushed me , inspired me , have made me think creatively in different ways , and have made my muse reach new limits , which is DOPE AS FUCK. GRACIAS POR TODO , LITERAL QUE TE AMO.
* // ⊰  @giaawritess​​​​ . ⊱  un angel pero de verdad colega .  .  .                        gia , G I A , look you’re genuinely i just don’t even know where to begin with , one of the BEST people i have ever met in my life. you’re an angel  ( YOU LITERALLY ARE THO YOUR VOICE ?? OMFG LIKE ACTUALLY KILL ME , YOU SAW IT YESTERDAY , ME AND STEFAN FULL ON FANGIRLING ABOUT YOUR VOICE MATE AHSFOASHDGOIAS ) one of the kindest people i have ever met. you genuinely blow my mind in so many ways , like i look up to you so fucking much ?? it’s crazy really. when i tell you that i wish i were in the USA i literally mean it because you’ve just done so much for me the past three months , *// i’m crying now i- // you’ve been there for me , you’ve made me laugh like an idiot , fangirl the fuck out of myself with your singing , but you’ve also genuinely been one of the best things that have happened to me this year. literal , i look up to you so much ?? you’re like a bigger sister to me , 100%. thank you for being here , for existing , for just being y o u. like for reals gia. i just want you to know that if you ever need ANYTHING i will be there , because i want to give back - you’re an angel i swear , like a r e a l angel. MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS POR TODO , GRACIAS POR SER TU. TE QUIERO TANTO.
* // ⊰  @fircytragcdy​​​​​ . ⊱  plz don’t put me in the box of shame for this i sWEAR i ain’t a mess ( okay i might be but fhasiodghoashdg ) .  .  .                       lucy , L U C Y , idk how you deal with my annoying ass but , i genuinely am thankful as fuck for being able to write with you ?? but there’s something else i have to thank you for as well which is TEMPTING ME to return to indie , like - actually come back , and it took you nothing to convince me ?? from you first hand experiencing my drunk texting in the morning to writing - like you probably think i am a mess let’s be real , which i am but y’know , .  .  . i’m just here to say that i appreciate you A LOT. your writing blows my fucking mind too , like guao is this talent ?? if you write a book please link me , bc i’ll defo buy AND read it mate. whatever the case is , you know you’ve got me here no matter what , if you need anything - imma be there !! you ARE one of the most talented people on this site , your writing is GENUINE quality , and i’m just blessed to be able to write and talk to you fam. i just wanna than u for everything like legit , my messy ass is thankful AF. thank you for writing with me but also for inspiring me , because literally you’ve also helped me regain my muse , and just been one of the ones that stopped me from giving up on writing. thank you mate , for reals. GRAZIE MILLE , 4 REALS , GRAZIE MILLE.
* // ⊰  @rosychvrms  ; @nightinqale ; @prcsopa ; @trcnscendant ; @svnflowcr-s ; @darlingstm ;  @hvneymoons ; @dvstedgold ; @emptygcds ; @vuotriste ; @alittlewickcd ; @antisopa ; @pcrscphonie ; @wavesborn ; @giaawritess , @fircytragcdy *ik if i forgot peeps on this section but anyways i can’t remember the urls rn i’m just a crying emotional mess rn tbfh . ⊱  this is a special thank you to y’all .  .  .                     we might’ve chatted , we might’ve written , done both or neither of these , it doesn’t matter. we all were a part of the same thing , the same universe for several months. it’s why you are on here , because someway or another , seeing you on my dash , or getting to write with you whenever i was logged onto @bloodcvrsed , you managed to inspire me and bring back the muse i was on the verge of losing ( and giving up ) . it’s why i gotta thank you all *and i’m definitely missing people but i can’t remember the urls , so if you see this it’s also aimed at you* because you just stopped me from quitting the one thing that i’ve been doing so many years , and really it would’ve been one of the biggest mistakes of my life. i just want to say thank you , THANK YOU FOR STOPPING ME , FOR INSPIRING ME AND FOR BEING THE ONE OF THE MOST TALENTED PEOPLE I HAVE ENCOUNTERED ON THIS SHIT HOLE THAT IS TUMBLR !! THANK YOU GUYS SM ; ILY.
* // ⊰  @thefineartofbitchcraft , @serialqueen , @chrysalvsm , @artofbeingperfect , @wildtm . ⊱ to you who have stuck by my side for so many years .  .  .                            i have MISSED YOU ALL , so fucking much. i’ve missed writing with you , talking to you , just being here online. i almost made the mistake of quitting this thing , indie - which yes it’s a hell of a site and yes it’s quite literally full of drama *which is what almost drove me away* but to be fair , i am glad that i was able to see what i almost gave up on. it would’ve bee one of the BIGGEST mistakes i’d ever had made , quitting this - i’ve known you all for AT LEAST a year , with some of you guys i’ve been writing with since 2016 - that’s almost three years , considering i began writing mason in september of the same year - some of you i began writing with on this account , and whatever the case is - YOU ALL have inspired me , you all have made me fall in love with writing , back then , now - all over again really. being back and writing with you guys again made me realise just HOW MUCH i missed this , i missed you all , it made me realise why the past Y E A R i had been unhappy on here but also why my muse had been falling apart , because i wasn’t doing what i wanted , because i made a decision to please someone in fear of losing a friendship. i was unsure on how to turn back as soon as i realised , that i had made a mistake - and i am sorry for that , because - i know some of you missed mason as much as i missed writing him with you - i owe you this apology , and you need to hear it , that i missed this , that i missed it all. - so i am sorry. i’m here to say THANK YOU for having stuck with me for YEARS. i’m actually glad to have you all here i ain’t gonna fuckig lie.THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME LIFE , FOR JUST BEING SO SWEET AND GREAT AND ABSOLUTELY FUCKING TALENTED Y’ALL. i genuinely LOVE you all so fucking much it’s C R A Z Y.        you guys , i am so glad to be back - i am SO FUCKING GLAD TO BE BACK. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU AND THANK YOU.
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kris-side · 6 years
STOLEN from @skele8rity u vu (so many memes... im doing both just cause >:V) 
Nicknames: Chris! just chris lmao  Gender: Male  Star Sign: Pisces Height: 5′4! ish Sexuality: gay bc.. boys... definitely... but at the same time im still a little unsure :V (so bicurious perhaps???!??!?! who tf knows my guy) Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff!! Favorite Animal: so many (cats, dogs, ferrets, foxes, pandas, raccoons, rats, mice, birbs, just.. so many....) Average hours spent sleeping: hdshkjdsf 5-9 it depends Dogs or cats: cats.... cats Number of blankets: two or one really big one! Dream trip: japannnnnnn Dream job: c... cartoonist? or something??? let me art for a living When I made this account: pfffffff i dunno Why I made this account: i wanted a personal account!  Followers: 29 lol
and ABCs for the soul!
A - Age: 19 im a bab still B - Birthplace: Somewhere in Texassssssss where the weather is unpredictable and you gotta drive five hours to get anywhere ever  C - Current Time: 11:46 pm D - Drink You Last Had: water lol E - Easiest people to talk to: my friends! F - Favourite Song: too many, buuuuuut. Any linkin park song  G - Grossest Memory: one time, in middle school, some of my friends were grossing everyone out by eating gum from under the tables. i, like a dumbass, did the same :V (the girl next to me almost puked though and she’s a bitch so it was #worth) H - Horror yes or Horror no: horror maybe  I - In love?: haha god i wish??? J - Jealous of people?: oh definitely. absolutely it sucks K - Killed Someone?: i’ve been tempted L - Love at first sight or should I walk by again?: lets just say i would literally Never in my life date someone i didnt know. i would only really like people i’ve talked to quite a bit and know lmao (though being a hopeless romantic i fantasize a bunch oops)  M - Middle Name: ew N - # of siblings: 1 half sibling that i count and then i have other half siblings that i couldnt care less about (like maybe 4+) O - One Wish: infinite money. let me buy everything i want and support all my friends (or let me find someone i actually wanna date who wants to date me lmao)  P - Person You Called Last: my parents! Q - Question you are always asked: not. many? but my parents like to ask me if i have a boyfriend almost every time i see them so :V  R - Reason to Smile: my friends! good music, cute animals, nice art, delicious food S - Song You Last Sang: something from Heathers tbh T - Time You Woke Up: around 8:30 (for work)  U - Underwear colour: ew V - Vacation destination: JAPAN.... BLEASE.... W - Worst Habit: um too many???? i stay up too late and stress myself out and binge eat then make myself not eat and just there’s a lot  X - X-rays: y. yes??? Y - Your Favourite Food: many lmao. uh. sushi’s really good... ice cream. RICE. GIMMIE RICE... spam...  Z- Zodiac Sign: um well pisces and then i guess for the chinese zodiac im a bunny! (fitting huh) 
(i tag U. do it) 
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dustywings · 7 years
I was tagged by @perpetual159!  Thanks darling.
rules: copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, have fun!
a - age: 22.
b - biggest fear: being abandoned and/or becoming a failure in any aspect.
c - current time: 1505.
d - drink you last had: orange juice.
f - favourite song: at the moment, it’s california dreamin’ sung by diana krall. 

g - ghosts, are they real: yes.  we are made of energy, and our energy continues on even after our bodies have died.
h - hometown: for privacy’s sake, i won’t specify my hometown, but i’m from england.
i - in love with: several people, haha, but i am quite content with life at the moment.
j - jealous of: nobody.
k - killed someone: uh, no.  as tempting as it may be at times, no.
l - last time you cried: gosh, it’s been a very long time.  i think the last time i cried was several months ago.
m - middle name: clare.
n - number of siblings: two. 

o - one wish: that my parents eventually buy the cottage on the beach that they’ve always wanted.
p - person you last called/texted: my best friend from work.
q - question(s) you’re always asked: how do you pronounce your name?  this has happened a lot since starting work at the hotel.
r - reasons to smile: i am doing really well at work, and getting a good rapport with my colleagues––i am genuinely proud of myself.
s - refer back to question f.
t - time you woke up: 1300.  The consequences of working long, hard hours.
u - underwear colour: blue. 

v - vacation destination: a place with lovely sunsets.  somewhere peaceful and far away from civilisation––so, the highlands of scotland really.
w - worst habit: trying to be a perfectionist, and beating myself up over the smallest mistake.
x - x-rays you’ve had: for my jaw.  that’s it.
y - your favorite food: spicy indian curries.  any will do.
z - zodiac sign: sagittarius.
I tag: @ponderess, @sapphicxena, @remuslovestonks and @houseoftombombadil if they’re up to it!
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vicandsade · 4 years
1941-12-12 - Mr. Buller’s Christmas Gifts: (alternate titles: 34 Christmas Gifts for $20, Christmas Shopping for Mr. Buller)
[See additional commentary at The Crazy World of Vic and Sade]
[hear the episode here or here]
We have three familiar Vic & Sade tropes here: 1) an episode whose structure seems to be an excuse for Paul Rhymer to make up a list of hilarious names and addresses; 2) one of Vic’s bosses making an egregious violation of boundaries; and 3) Christmas as a source of social strain. We also have a theme that is less commented, but is something I remember talking about with my grandma when I interviewed her about Vic & Sade: it’s a show from the 1940s, a time when women were relegated to a few traditional roles, but were slowly beginning to challenge them. It’s a show written primarily for an audience of women, who were the ones at home during the day listening. And, while it was written by a man, he seemed to understand so much about what women were experiencing.
If your news feed is even a little feministy, like mine, you may have heard that “Society is finally beginning to notice the issue of mental load, and the very gendered nature of it”. Well, here, all the way back in 1941, we have an episode that is all about the unacknowledged mental load -- or "women’s work,” as it might’ve been called back then. Also known as “lady stuff.”
SADE: Nuisance? It’s a lot more than just a nuisance. It’s a big mean job of work.
VIC: Well, I didn’t know, kiddo.
SADE: No, you never know. That’s the “man” of it.
VIC: Most trivial thing in the world. Handed me a wad of bills and said, “Gook, here’s twenty dollars. Next time the missus goes shoppin’, ask her to pick me up a few Christmas presents and mail them.”
VIC: Well, that’s not much of a chore, is it?
SADE: I hafta pick out a buncha presents, wrap ‘em, address ‘em, mail ‘em, huh?
VIC: Well, I never thought anything about it, Sade. I imagined it was something you could maybe do in five minutes.
Mr. Buller is being really gross, Vic is being dense, and Sade is right to be wrathful. He shows a complete lack of awareness of a) what kinds of things his close relatives might like, b) how much stuff costs, c) how much time and effort and thought and personal knowledge Christmas shopping for this many people takes, d) and WRAPPING, e) and MAILING, f) and how much postage costs... This stuff isn’t trivial. And because Buller is unaware of what the work actually involves, he has not given Sade anywhere near enough information to complete the task well. Sade is supposed to know what to buy everyone based purely on their names and addresses, using her magical female brain, and be able to stretch $20 between 34 people (okay, so that’s about $350 in 2020 dollars, which sounds like a lot, but subtract a chunk for postage and you’re left with about ten bucks a person -- not nothing, but not much). 
But Vic is a good guy. As soon as he sees how mad Sade is, he admits he’s wrong (“Okay. I’m a fathead.”), even though he still doesn’t quite understand why. As Sade asks him pointed questions and he realizes how little he’s thought this through, he begins to see what he’s gotten her into. At the end, they are a perfect team again: Vic volunteers to do the mailing and wrapping, and Sade, her mood improved by the pure ridiculousness of some of the names on Buller’s list, accepts Vic’s suggestion to just buy everyone handkerchiefs. Problem solved.
Also of note: this is apparently the first use of the name Ishigan (Hishigan?) Fishigan from Sishigan Michigan, who will come up frequently later on as a personal friend of Uncle Fletcher’s. 
ANNOUNCER: Well sir, it’s early evening as we enter the small house halfway up in the next block now, and here in the living room we find Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gook. Vic has apparently said something to upset his wife, because she’s regarding him wrathfully. Listen.
SADE: Nuisance? It’s a lot more than just a nuisance. It’s a big mean job of work. 
VIC: Well, I didn’t know, kiddo.
SADE: No, you never know. That’s the “man” of it.
VIC: Most trivial thing in the world. Handed me a wad of bills and said, “Gook, here’s twenty dollars. Next time the missus goes shoppin’, ask her to pick me up a few Christmas presents and mail them.”
VIC: Well, that’s not much of a chore, is it?
SADE: I hafta pick out a buncha presents, wrap ‘em, address ‘em, mail ‘em, huh?
VIC: Well, I never thought anything about it, Sade. I imagined it was something you could maybe do in five minutes. 
SADE: Uh, that’s the “man” of it. I bet if somebody give you a bucket of paint and a brush and said “Next time the missus is down on Center Street, ask her to put a coupla coats of green paint on the People’s Bank Buildin’,” you’d take it.
VIC: Oh, hey! A ray of sunshine! Buller wants you to buy yourself a Christmas present. He’ll pay ya for your trouble.
SADE: What kind of a Christmas present?
VIC: Any kind you want, I guess. Take it out of the twenty dollars.
SADE: [disgusted] Oh, Vic.
VIC: Okay. I’m a fathead.
SADE: How many Christmas presents am I supposed to pick out?
VIC: I got a list here in my pocket.
SADE: Well, let’s see it.
VIC: Buller says, “I’m a bachelor, Gook. I don’t know what to buy for people. Think your missus’d help me out?”
SADE: Is that the list?
VIC: Yeah. Uh, “Mr. and Mis’ R.K. Lieferts, 1109 West Kilgore Avenue, Pittsburgh, Ohio.”
SADE: Well, who are Mr. and Mis’ R.K. Lieferts 1109 West Kilgore Avenue Pittsburgh Ohio?
VIC: I dunno.
SADE: Are they Mr. Buller’s cousins or uncles or in-laws or something?
VIC: [sheepish chuckle] I dunno.
SADE: What shall I buy for them?
VIC: Oh, heck.
SADE: How much shall I spend on them?
VIC: Well, have a heart, kiddo.
SADE: Read the next name.
VIC: If I’m to be tortured and made miserable over this, I’m almost tempted to take the job on myself.
SADE: [laughs] You go right ahead.
VIC: It don’t strike me as such a task, walkin’ in a department store and pickin’ up a few odds and ends.
SADE: Don’t it?
VIC: No.
SADE: Read the next name on the list.
VIC: Uh, “Cyril, May, Eugene, Agnes, Harry, and Edna Gooding, Rural Route 8, Minneapolis, Minnesota.”
SADE: Is that all one family? 
VIC: I s’pose. All got the same last name, Gooding.
SADE: Are they children?
VIC: I dunno.
SADE: Does Mr. Buller want 'em each to have a separate present, or does he want just a single present for the whole outfit?
VIC: I expect you can use your own judgment on that. ‘Cause he says, “Tell the missus she’s a free agent, Gook. Won’t make the slightest difference to me what she picks out.”
SADE: Read off them names again.
VIC:  “Cyril, May, Eugene, Agnes, Harry, and Edna Gooding.”
SADE: Six cigars, or shall I buy baby rattles?
VIC: Well, I imagine they’re children.
SADE: Do ya? What makes you imagine that?
VIC: They sound like children.
SADE: “Sound like”?
VIC: Oh, seven, maybe?
SADE: Brothers and sisters, you s’pose? 
VIC: Yeah. 
SADE: Six brothers and sisters, all age seven. Boy, there’s an outfit that’s got that Canadian family with their quintuplets backed off the map.
VIC: Send ‘em handkerchiefs. You can’t go wrong on handkerchiefs no matter what their age is.
SADE: Any others on your list?
VIC: Uh, quite a few more.
VIC: “Mr. and Mis’ Margaret Gack, 218 South Union Boulevard, [Humphrey Sidin’], Michigan.”
SADE: Mr. and Mrs. Margaret Gack?
VIC: That’s what Buller’s got jotted down here.
SADE: Is the man’s name Margaret?
VIC: I presume.
SADE: What kind of a Christmas present would you pick out for a Mr. Margaret Gack?
VIC: Handkerchief.
SADE: Handkerchief for Mrs. Margaret Gack too?
VIC: Sure.
VIC: “Miss Olive Soppers, 213,529 North Oak Street, Seattle, Iowa.” [quietly] That can’t be right...
SADE: Miss Olive Soppers lives at 213,529 North Oak Street.
VIC: [chuckles] That can’t be right.
SADE: Her home must be right near the edge of town.
VIC: Buller musta made a mistake.
SADE: When are you gonna see Buller again?
VIC: Sometime in January.
VIC: “Cora, Mildred, Arnold, Alan, and Bertie Feech. Anderson, Wyoming.”
SADE: Brothers and sisters?
VIC: I imagine.
SADE: What age do they sound like?
VIC: Oh, heck, kiddo...
SADE: Twenty-two?
VIC: My handkerchief idea is a solution to this whole business. Everybody uses handkerchiefs.
SADE: Read me some more nice names.
VIC: Uhh, “Reverend Griswold J. Fix...Fix...” Holy smoke. 
SADE: What’s the matter?
VIC: This name. I can’t pronounce it. F, I, X, O, L, M, H, T, H, R, Y. “Fixolmhthry,” I guess.  “Reverend Griswold J. Fixolmhthry.”
SADE: Where does he live? Nineteen million six hundred and eight thousand four hundred and two West Grove Street? 
VIC: Lives at 716 Creeper Boulevard, Yatchman, Texas.
SADE: Suppose he’d like a nice handkerchief?
VIC: Probably be charmed with a nice handkerchief.
SADE: Is that all the people?
VIC: No, uh... “Emmett Chindle, Jr. and Moses.”
SADE: Moses?
VIC: Yeah.
SADE: Who’s Moses?
VIC: Maybe his little boy.
SADE: Or his horse, or his dog, or his butler, or his uncle.
VIC: Well, it was awful sloppy, the way he jotted down these names. 
VIC: “Emmett Chindle, Jr. and Moses, Room 619, Indianapolis, Wisconsin.”
SADE: Room...619, Indianapolis, Wisconsin?
VIC: Yeah.
SADE: That’s some dandy address. 
VIC: Emmett Chindle, Jr. and Moses probably live in some hotel and Buller carelessly forgot to put it down.
SADE: Uh-huh.
VIC: “Cyril, May, Eugene, Agnes, Harry, and Edna Jackson, Rural Route Ten, Funnel Orchard, Montana.”
SADE: Well, that’s the same outfit you read before.
VIC: Uh-uh.
SADE: Well, sure it is! Look up at the top of your list there.
VIC: Oh, uh...
SADE: Well, I remember those names.
VIC: Oh, no, by George! 
SADE: Sure. Cyril, May, Eugene, Agnes, Harry...
VIC: Whoa, wait a minute. The people up at the top of the list are named Gooding. And they live in Minnesota. This other gang’s name is Jackson, and they live in Montana.
SADE: Both outfits got the same bunch of first names? 
VIC: Yeah. “Cyril, May, Eugene, Agnes, Harry, and Edna Gooding. Rural Route 8, Minneapolis, Minnesota.” And down here, “Cyril, May, Eugene, Agnes, Harry, and Edna Jackson. Rural Route 10, Funnel Orchard, Montana.”
SADE: Quite a coincidence.
VIC: Yeah. 
SADE: Any more nice people?
VIC: Uh, “Culvert C. Culvert, Culvert Culvert Company, Culvert Buildin’, 2126 Culvert Street, Culvert, Kentucky.”
SADE: Oh, come now!
VIC: No, that’s down here!
SADE: Let’s see once.
VIC: Hm.  “Culvert C. Culvert, Culvert Culvert Company, Culvert Buildin’, 2126 Culvert Street, Culvert, Kentucky.”
SADE: [gasp] Hey, look at all those names!
VIC: Is quite a few.
SADE: How much money did Mr. Buller give ya?
VIC: Twenty dollars.
SADE: And outta that twenty dollars’ll hafta come postage and everything.
VIC: Well, twenty dollars oughta stretch out okay if you buy handkerchiefs. I should think twenty dollars would last--
[telephone rings]
SADE: Telephone’s ringin’, telephone’s ringin’. I’ll get it.
VIC: Fred and Ruthie.
SADE: Wouldn’t be surprised. Feel like five hundred?
VIC: Sure. “Mr. and Mrs. Joel Eggwalk, Wilkers, South Dakota.”
SADE: Suppose those people are all Mr. Buller’s relations?
VIC: I imagine a good many are.
SADE: [answers phone] Yes? Oh, yes, Fred! Just had an idea it was you. [pause]  No, not a thing in the world. [pause] Why, I bet we’d jump at the chance. [pause] Sure. [pause] All right, Fred, we’ll be lookin’ for ya. [pause] You bet, Fred. You bet. [pause] Goodbye, Fred. [hangs up] He has to pump up a tire. They’ll be here in half an hour or so.
VIC: Uh-huh. Here’s some relations.
VIC: “Glenn, Stover, Helen, Willis, and Farstaw Buller, 560 West Wilk Street, Mexico City, Connecticut.”
VIC: Here’s the last name on the list.
VIC: “Ishigan Fishigan, Sishigan, Michigan.”
SADE: [bursts out laughing] What?
VIC: [laughing] The fella’s name is Fishigan. First name is Ishigan. Lives in a town called Sishigan. It’s in Michigan.
SADE: [laughing] Oh, no!
VIC: [laughing] Yeah! Ishigan Fishigan, Sishigan, Michigan! 
SADE: [laughing] Oh, my stars!
VIC: I’m glad to see your good humor’s restored, Sadie.
SADE: [laughing] Uh-huh. How many names on that list?
VIC: Uh, thirty-four. Can ya...get thirty-four good handkerchiefs for twenty bucks?
SADE: [still laughing] Oh, sure. 
VIC: How much you estimate the postage’ll cost?
SADE: Oh, say five dollars.
VIC: Leaves fifteen dollars for handkerchiefs.
SADE: Uh-huh.
VIC: Well, that’s in the neighborhood of, uh...forty-five cents per handkerchief. Can ya get a pretty good grade handkerchief for forty-five cents?
SADE: Oh, get wonderful handkerchiefs for forty-five cents. 
VIC: I’ll...handle the mailin’ and stuff.
SADE: All right.
VIC: I’ll help ya wrap the packages, too, if you’ll handle the addressin’.
SADE: [chuckles] All right.
VIC: I like to do favors for Buller, because after all, he’s a big shot in the company, and he can--
[telephone rings]
SADE: Telephone’s ringin’, telephone’s ringin’.
VIC: Eh. Good old “Kindly Keep Off The Grass,” “Never Look a Gift Horse In the Mouth,” trustworthy Bluetooth Johnson. 
SADE: Bluetooth is with Rush down at the YMCA. 
VIC: Hm.
SADE: [answers phone] Yes?  [pause] Oh, yes, Fred. [pause] Oh, now, hey! [pause] No, but you’re always treating! [pause] Well, all right. [chuckles] If you wanna throw your lovely spondulix to the four winds. [to VIC] What flavor ice cream ya want?
VIC: Maple.
SADE: Why do you constantly say maple? You appreciate Fred despises maple.
VIC: Tutti frutti.
SADE: He despises tutti frutti also. 
VIC: What don’t he despise?
SADE: Chocolate.
VIC: Okay. Chocolate. 
SADE: [on phone] Fred? [pause] Vic is shoutin’ and screamin’ his head off clamorin’ for chocolate flavor. [pause] Yes. [pause] Yes. [pause] Fine. [pause] All righty, Fred. [pause] Goodbye. [hangs up] “Maple!”
VIC: Well, heck!
SADE: [giggles] How’s that young lady’s address there on Mr. Buller’s list that lives so far out?
VIC: Uh, “Miss Olive Soppers, 213,529 North Oak Street, Seattle, Iowa.”
SADE: [chuckles] And who are the people who live in the room? 
VIC: “Emmett Chindle, Jr. and Moses, Room 619, Indianapolis, Wisconsin.”
SADE: [laughing] And the culvert fella?
VIC: “Culvert C. Culvert, Culvert Culvert Company, Culvert Building, 2126 Culvert Street, Culvert, Kentucky.”
SADE: [laughing] And the man that’s name and address and everything all rhyme?
VIC: “Mr. Ishigan Fishigan of Sishigan, Michigan.”
ANNOUNCER: Which concludes another brief interlude at that small house halfway up in the next block. But be sure to come along when we visit Vic and Sade the next time.
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