#really what pushes her over the edge from professional distaste to rage is that sia took regill with him
offsidekineticist ยท 6 months
(I wasn't sure if you were doing these but if so:) ๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž about Sia from your choice of OC please
I'm always doing these! This one is below a cut because of spoilers for the secret ending (let me know if you'd like a take without the secret ending stuff). Brief reminder that relations between the church of Irori and the church of Iomedae can be frosty because Irori sees the Starstone as cheating (he and his nephew both ascended through achieving perfection without the help of a magic rock).
Qweck's eyes flash in a vicious rage at the mention of Siavash. "That man is no god. He is a mortal playing with stolen powers. He lacks the wisdom and discipline godhood demands. I can name at least a dozen mortals off the top of my head who would be more worthy of godhood than he is, but not a single one would accept such power because they have the wisdom to recognize they are not worthy.
"And as if stealing his own place in the outer planes wasn't enough, he raised ten others with him, none of whom had even come close to proving themselves worthy of such power." Qweck's ears twitch. "Two of those he raised with him were hellknights. He claims to be a god of freedom, but he raised two hellknights. One of whom might have - " she stops herself. She takes a breath to steady herself, face smoothing as she reaches for that Irorian calm she has honed for so many years. "There are people - innocent people - that those men have brutalized and tortured in the name of their cause. And now those people have to live with the knowledge that their tormentors have the powers of the gods. But that's beneath the notice of the Almighty Lark. He's forgiven them, so surely those they've wronged can, too.
"His hubris will be his downfall. Mortals are easily charmed, but the forces he will have to contend with now that he's decided to play at godhood are, in many ways, immutable. He can't placate them with a smile and a song. Diplomatic duplicity will do him no good here. He will fall, and so will the false gods he raised with him. May they enjoy it while it lasts."
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