#rebelcaptain flangst weekend
Aaaand WE’RE LIVE!
Hello everyone!
Welcome to the RebelCaptain Flangst Weekend blog! Thank to those of you who weighed in on the RCSW blog about Flangst Weekend.
Before we start seriously planning something, we’d like to gauge interest here. This weekend is open to everyone in the RebelCaptain fandom who wants to write or create any rating of work, as long as it is fluffy, angsty, or flangsty. It’ll be a much more pared-down (and inclusive) version of RCSW, with just some themes for each day and reblogged prompts. There won’t be as much admin activity on it (this admin cannot keep up, haha). That being said, we are always, always open to ideas and happy to accept submitted posts.
What say you? Are you interested? No? Are we drunk and should go home? Honestly, we just want to have a fun weekend with y’all and see lots more great content. :)
Please reblog and spread the word! ❤️
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Woohoo! We have interest!
YAY!! Thanks to everyone for liking and reblogging! Please be sure to follow us, too!! We’ll be tagging #rebelcaptain flangst weekend. We’ll continue grinding here for ideas and themes, but for now, would anyone have a problem with this being the weekend before Thanksgiving? Or would you prefer the weekend after? December is dicey, so we’d rather keep it in November...plus we get to use the fluffy prompt “thankful” if so. 😉
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