#recent pr campaigns 2020
odinsblog · 7 months
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This is definitely a trend for the hateful, christofascist, religious reich. Hobby Lobby did the same thing at previous Super Bowls.
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It’s right wing, Islamophobic, homophobic, anti-abortion Christian nationalism, masquerading as “caring” religion.
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The Servant Foundation: the power behind the ads
The $20 million "He Gets Us" campaign about Jesus - is funded by an influential donor to some of the most active and litigious Shadow Network groups working to undermine church-state separation.
The Servant Foundation
The Servant Foundation, also known as The Signatry, is behind the “He Gets Us” ad campaign that debuted during the 2023 Super Bowl. Over the next three years, the Servant Foundation plans to spend “about a billion dollars” toward this public relations campaign. They’ve hired a PR firm to address, in the firm’s words, the problem of “How did the world’s greatest love story in Jesus become known as a hate group?”
Of course, they’re the cause of their own problem – not only has the Servant Foundation funded hate groups, but the PR firm, Haven, has represented these organizations. Key Shadow Network members Focus on the Family and Alliance Defending Freedom are in their portfolio. ADF is a noted anti-LGBTQ hate group that has argued repeatedly in courts that religion, and specifically Christianity, is a license to discriminate; they have one such case pending before the Supreme Court right now.
The money trail
The Servant Foundation is one of ADF’s biggest financial backers. A recent exposé reports that, “between 2018-20, the Servant Foundation donated more than $50 million to the Alliance Defending Freedom and that those contributions “were among the five largest donations given out by the foundation in each of those three years.”
Other recipients of the Servant Foundation’s billion dollars in assets include:
Nearly $8 million went to Answers in Genesis, creationist Ken Ham’s fundamentalist ministry behind the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter, an organization that has been championed by Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, a former ADF attorney.
Over $1 million was designated for the anti-LGBTQ Campus Crusade for Christ (rebranded as “Cru” since 2011).
$374,800 went to Al Hayat Ministries, an organization that seeks to “respectfully yet fearlessly unveil the deception of Islam,” and runs an Arabic-language Christian satellite TV station with the goal of converting Muslims to Christianity.
In 2020 alone, we found donations to prominent Shadow Network members American Center for Law and Justice, First Liberty Institute, and Liberty Counsel.
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Interesting proposal by Nate Loewentheil in a guest column in The New York Times. Not only was his proposal thought provoking, but two of the comments regarding it by readers were also worth contemplating. Below are some excerpts from the column, followed by the two comments.
Here is a proposal for the environmental movement: Pool philanthropic funds for a day, buy a small plot of land in Washington, D.C., and put up a tall marble wall to serve as a climate memorial. Carve on this memorial the names of public figures actively denying the existence of climate change. Carve the names so deep and large, our grandchildren and great-grandchildren need not search the archives. This is not a metaphor. The problem with climate change is the disconnect between action and impact. If politicians vote against construction standards and a school collapses, the next election will be their last. But with climate change, cause and effect are at a vast distance. We are already seeing the consequences of our past and present greenhouse gas emissions. In coming decades, those emissions will wreak their full havoc on the climate, and it will take hundreds, possibly thousands, of years for those pollutants to fully dissipate. But in the short term, the most immediate burdens are borne mostly by the poor in America and distant people in distant lands. Misaligned incentives are at the heart of why some political and business leaders deny and delay. [...] I would first nominate those who have sown confusion over climate science, like Myron Ebell, who recently retired as director of the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Center for Energy and Environment, where he sought to block climate change efforts in Congress, and served as the head of Donald Trump’s transition team for the Environmental Protection Agency. Mr. Ebell has argued that the idea that climate change is “an existential threat or even crisis is preposterous.” Then there are lawmakers who have consistently stood in the way of federal action, like the recently retired senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma, the author of the book “The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future.” [color emphasis added]
Below is the first thought provoking comment to this article:
There is, in Iceland, a memorial to a dead glacier - the Ok Glacier. It reads: "Ok is the first Icelandic glacier to lose its status as a glacier. In the next 200 years all our glaciers are expected to follow the same path. This monument is to acknowledge that we know what is happening and what needs to be done. Only you know if we did it." [color emphasis added] --Chris D., Colorado
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Photo of the plaque at the at the Okjökull (OK Glacier) memorial.
Here is the second thought provoking comment to this article:
For reference this graph https://i.redd.it/ljifc828iui31.jpg is from the Exxon internal scientific report on climate change, 1982, produced by scientists working for that fossil fuel corporation. Look at what their graph predicted for 2020. Approaching 420 ppm CO2 and a rise of 1.2 C degrees above pre-industrial temperature - very close to what we actually got in 2020. Then look at what the graph shows for later this century, based on not reducing emissions. Very serious temperature rises, that could make agriculture very difficult in many countries. Yes, and then Exxon, having seen this, got involved in PR campaigns to "cast doubt" on climate science, to protect their assets. [color emphasis added] --Erik Frederiksen, Ashville, NC
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1982 Exxon graph depicting average global temperature increases over time correlating with increases in atmospheric CO2. NOTE: Graph color was modified for greater clarity.
Fossil fuel companies like Exxon, and fossil fuel oligarchs like the Koch brothers should be included in any "Climate Wall of Shame."
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JAN 31, 2024
The Bulwark’s entertainment editor, Sonny Bunch, gets it right about this week’s MAGA brainfart over Taylor Swift:
“Of all the dumb things the nascent nouveau right has tried over the years, attempting to turn conservatives against the NFL is by far the dumbest.
“It’s a sort of brainwashing, like you see in 1984 or Scientology. Get people to say the dumbest shit imaginable (“Two hot celebrities dating is a psyop culm,inating in the Illuminati fixing the Super Bowl so you’ll have to get vaccinated!”) and they’ll believe anything.”
Singer-songwriter Taylor Swift hasn’t even endorsed President Joe Biden for reelection yet. That hasn’t stopped upper crust members of MAGAworld Inadequates Inc. from declaring a “holy war” on the pop mega-star, especially if she ends up publicly backing the Democrats in the 2024 election.
According to three people familiar with the matter, Trump loyalists working on or close to the former president’s campaign, longtime Trump allies in right-wing media, and an array of outside advisers to the ex-president have long taken it as a given that Swift will eventually endorse Biden, as she did in 2020. Indeed, several of these Republicans and conservative media figures have discussed the matter with Trump over the past few months. In recent weeks, the Inadequate-in-Chief has told people that no amount of A-list celebrity endorsements will save Biden. Trump has also privately claimed that he is “more popular” than Swift is and that he has more committed fans than she does. Last month, he said that it “obviously” made no sense that he was not named Time magazine’s 2023 Person of the Year,an honor that went to none other than Swift.
The state of affairs among MAGA Inadequates Inc. is truly remarkable. A subset of America actually purports to boycott Disney, the world's preeminent entertainment company; Bud Light, once America's most popular beer; Target, the quintessential brick-and-mortar shopping destination; Pfizer, the pharmaceutical company that produced life-saving Covid-19 vaccines; Major League Baseball, the nation's favorite pastime; and now Taylor Swift, a generational icon who is one of the most successful musical artists of all time.
It’s incredibly idiotic, but the online right-wing worldview ALWAYS chooses bizarre conspiracies as their default setting for any event that captures the public interest. As Jonah Goldberg put it at The Dispatch, “Now they declare war on the National Football League and Taylor Swift - what’s next, sunny days and hotdogs?”
World’s Dumbest Mick and Proof the English Were Right, Sean “Hammerhead” Hannity, running to not be late to the party, has concluded Taylor Swift was lied to and misled by the left, saying, “Maybe she just bought into all the lies about conservatives and Republicans, that they’re racist and sexist and homophobic, and xenophobic and transphobic and Islamophobic, that Republicans and conservatives want dirty air and water and a total ban on all abortion with no exceptions. If she believes all that, she is believing a lie because those talking points are simply untrue. Now, I’m just saying maybe she wants to think twice before making a decision About 2024.”
(Mmmm, Sean baby, I hate - no, I don’t, I love it! - being the guy to tell you that it’s you who have been misinformed. All you and the rest of the seething Inadequates ARE INDEED “racist and sexist and homophobic, and xenophobic, and transphobic, and Islamophobic, and want dirty air and water, and a total ban on all abortion with no exceptions.” IT’S YOU baby!!)
Every last one of the Inadequates - from The Inadequate-in-Chief, to Best-Dressed Turd Steve Bannon, to reincarnation of Reinhard Heydrich Steven Miller, through all the otherwise-unemployable grifters like junior college flunkout Charlie Kirk - knows in their heart that no matter what they ever do, nothing will ever lead to the glass door they have had their noses pressed to all their loser lives opening with an invitation to come inside.
Trump knows that all the famous golfers he invites to his courses tell everyone they know about how he cheats so obviously, and laugh at him.
Miller knows that the Cool Kidz at Santa Monica High who laughed at him for all those years won’t be inviting him to the After Party at his Twentieth Year Reunion next year.
Bannon knows that no one in Hollywood who matters is ever going to return his many phone calls.
Because They. Are. Losers.
It’s the knowledge of how Inadequate they all are and always have been that drives them, like the lost souls in “The Day of the Locust,” to want to knock down Taylor Swift - who has shattered virtually every major record in the music industry, as she lives her best life supporting her boyfriend, Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce, while she breaks the brains of each one of the Inadequates.
The digital fever swamps are where the boys no woman would ever touch gather to fume over everything and anything Swift-related. Her world-wide popularity, the success of the Eras Tour - which is so big that it has notably added to the country’s Gross National Product - her relationship, her appearances at NFL games, and especially her politics - all of that drives the losers crazy.
When the Chiefs won the AFC championship on Sunday, punching the team’s ticket to the Super Bowl (for the third time since t hey appeared in the first on), the Inadequates began shouting about long-standing conspiracy theories around the NFL’s “scriptwriting” for football seasons.
All that gets added to the river of shit pouring from the Inadequate conspiracy theorists who have been claiming since she was first spotted at a Chief’s game that Swift’s involvement with Kelce is part of a deep state plot to build support for President Biden in the 2024 election.
The result is as ugly as it is stupid.
Millenial We’d All Like To Throw From An Upper Story Window Head First, Inadequate blowhard Vivek Ramaswamy, tweeted last Monday that he wondered “who’s going to win the Super Bowl next month,” adding, “I wonder if there’s a major presidential endorsement coming from an artificially culturally propped-up couple this fall. Just some wild speculation over here, let’s see how it ages over the next 8 months.”
That was in response to Pizzagate conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec, who suggested there was a suspicious shift in Swift’s political leanings over the past several years.
Laura Loomer - who it’s rumored gives the worst blowjobs of any of the professional MAGA bimbos - wrote on Elmo’s Xitter (that’s pronounced, “shitter”) that “The Democrats’ Taylor Swift election interference psyop is happening in the open. They are going to use Taylor Swift as the poster child for their pro-abortion GOTV Campaign.”
Swift has not yet announced if she’ll attend the Super Bowl — as she has a concert in Tokyo, Japan the night before (Due to the International Date Line that allows her to leave Japan just before midnight of the day before the event and arrive in Las Vegas in the early afternoon of the day before the event, she’s pretty likely) Looney Loomer suggested in another post that Swift would be seated next to former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and California’s Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom at the game. “Just in time for 2024.”
Far-right influencer Rogan O’Handley posted a message on Xitter addressed to the San Francisco 49ers, in which he suggested that if the Chiefs won the Super Bowl, Swift and Kelce would trigger an apocalyptic chain of events that would kill millions. “You MUST defeat the Chiefs! If you don’t, Mr. Pfizer and his girlfriend are going to tour the country as ‘world champions’ helping elect Joe Biden WW3 will likely follow in a 2nd Biden term and millions will die. The fate of the free world rests upon your shoulders”
Failed GOP candidate Jack Lombardi II wrote on Xitter that he has “never been more convinced that the Super Bowl is rigged. With all the unneeded and unwanted Taylor coverage at the games. KC’s journey to the Superbowl – totally scripted … KC wins. And then later [they announce] their support for Biden. Coincidental? No. Bought and paid for couple. SMH.” He later posted that, “Taylor Swift is nothing more than a controlled influencer who has been put to work by those who seek to destroy America. She is a very talented operative working for the same group responsible for the timely and coincidental covid-19.”
Podcast host Mike Crispi raged that “The NFL is totally RIGGED for the Kansas City Chiefs, Taylor Swift, Mr. Pfizer (Travis Kelce). All to spread DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA. Calling it now: KC wins, goes to Super Bowl, Swift comes out at the halftime show and ‘endorses’ Joe Biden with Kelce at midfield.”
And just to prove that every part of MAGA Inadequates, Inc., is aboard for this shitshow, when I was in the grocery store this afternoon, I spotted the new issue of the National Inquirer in the rack by the checkout line. The third headline read” “CROOKED NFL REFS ALL IN FOR RIGGING SUPER BOWL.”
Republican Georgia politician Kandiss Taylor wrote that she “tried to warn yall back in October that the influence of [Taylor Swift] on our youth with witchcraft was demonic, evil, and Luciferian. Of course, Satan wants to use her now to elect Joe back into the White House to destroy what’s left of America.”
Conservative commentator Benny Johnson freaked out over a magazine stand at a Barnes & Noble that had been stocked exclusively with Taylor Swift covers. He posted on Xitter that “Taylor Swift is an op. It’s all fake. You’re being played.”
Charlie Warzel, staff writer at The Atlantic who covers the intersection of politics, technology, and culture, wrote, "There’s something striking about watching the far-right tying itself in knots and attacking Swift and Kelce that demonstrates how badly the far-right media has alienated itself from most of society. They’ve built out this alternate universe and reality of grievance and it feels like instead of using it to wage an effective culture war, they’re fully lost in it and can’t see that they’ve chosen as their primary enemy the person with the literal highest approval rating in American life right now."
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plethoraworldatlas · 3 months
Just weeks after blasting U.S. President Joe Biden's asylum ban as "a monstrosity" that echoed the approach of his predecessor, migrant rights advocates on Tuesday pointed to new executive action as proof that humane immigration policies are possible and necessary.
Biden announced that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will take action so that certain noncitizen spouses and children of U.S. citizens can "apply for lawful permanent residence—status that they are already eligible for—without leaving the country," which is expected to protect approximately half a million spouses and 50,000 children.
"Tackling the challenges faced by migrants and American families of mixed-immigration status requires bold and visionary leadership," declared Yareliz Mendez-Zamora, the Florida Immigrant Coalition (FLIC) federal campaign lead. "While his recent asylum ban order was the wrong approach, we commend President Biden for meeting the moment with this order."
"This proves that leading with morality, compassion, and a smart approach is possible," Mendez-Zamora stressed. "With this, he also starts fulfilling the promises he made to our communities during his 2020 campaign. More of this, please!"
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jewishbarbies · 11 months
Something that really annoys me about Taylor's whole PR thing right now (aside from everything) is how when a celeb (especially a male one) does something like get in a relationship with someone they don't like they start screaming PR! PR! But when actual PR shit is happening they fall for it hook line and sinker.
It reminds me of last year when Henry Cavill announced that he was leaving the Witcher, and there were these articles and speculation about how it was because the show was deviating from the books and he was just sO lOyAl to the source material and it's fans that he couldn't stick around. He even did some bullshit interview with that josh guy about how he recently made a very tough decision but he had to stay true to his heart yada yada yada. For me the very obvious reason he left was because he thought he was going to be playing Superman again and getting that big fat blockbuster paycheck but didn't want it to seem like he was chasing money because he'd gotten a little backlash before when he talked about how he liked getting paid ( I guess it shattered people's allusion of how Hollywood stars a benevolent artists). It was a good day for me when it was announced that he wouldn't be playing that role again and he'd probably burned his bridges with the Witcher creators after throwing them under the bus for nothing. (I haven't forgotten how he dated a teenager when he was in his 30s and his comments on me too)
The point of that whole deviation is that celebs PR moves are so obvious yet people are so fucking dumb. In 2020 Taylor was getting backlash from her fans for not speaking up enough during BLM, next thing you know folklore announcement. She gets backlash for not doing any campaigning for the election despite being from a swing state, Evermore announcement. She gets exposed for the jet thing, another shitty album announcement. So on and so on. At this point I can't even be all that mad at her or other celebs, I'm mad at people for falling for such bare minimum obvious shit.
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darkmaga-retard · 26 days
People who have been following international news closely in recent years might have noticed that Qatar keeps appearing in the headlines and clearly punches well above its weight in world affairs for a country with only 300,000 citizens. 
Lately, Qatar has been in the spotlight for housing the Hamas leadership while at the same time playing the role of the main negotiator, together with Egypt, for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. Qatar also served as a safe haven for the Taliban for many years, and in 2020, facilitated a peace agreement between the United States and the Islamist group.
In between, Doha has also managed to organize the World Cup in football and was behind the largest corruption scandal in the history of the European Parliament, known as “Qatargate.”
However, Qatar’s main influence operation is its decades-long campaign to sponsor the spread of radical Islamist movements and mosques in the Middle East and Europe. Apart from sponsoring the construction of huge mosques and associations, Qatar is running an advanced media and PR campaign, creating fertile ground for these foreign Islamist movements to take root in their new countries.
We all know about the violent Jihadist organizations such as al-Qaida, ISIS and Hamas. However, most people know very little about the most influential Islamist organization, the Muslim Brotherhood. 
Even fewer know that it has a patron state, and one that is broadcasting Muslim Brotherhood propaganda to hundreds of millions of homes across the world.
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thoughtportal · 1 year
More than 600 communities across the U.S. have decided to build their own broadband networks after decades of predatory behavior, slow speeds, and high prices by regional telecom monopolies.
That includes the city of Bountiful, Utah, which earlier this year voted to build a $48 million fiber network to deliver affordable, gigabit broadband to every business and residence in the city. The network is to be open access, meaning that multiple competitors can come in and compete on shared central infrastructure, driving down prices for locals (see our recent Copia study on this concept).
As you might expect, regional telecom monopolies hate this sort of thing. But because these networks are so popular among consumers, they’re generally afraid to speak out against them directly. So they usually employ the help of dodgy proxy lobbying and policy middlemen, who’ll then set upon any town or city contemplating such a network using a bunch of scary, misleading rhetoric.
Like in Bountiful, where the “Utah Taxpayers Association” (which has direct financial and even obvious managerial tethers to regional telecom giants CenturyLink (now Lumen) and Comcast) launched a petition trying to force a public vote on the $48 million in revenue bonds authorized for the project under the pretense that such a project would be an unmitigated disaster for the town. (Their effort didn’t work).
Big ISPs like to pretend they’re suddenly concerned about taxpayers and force entirely new votes on these kinds of projects because they know that with unlimited marketing budgets, they can usually flood less well funded towns or cities with misleading PR to sour the public on the idea.
But after the experience most Americans had with their existing broadband options during the peak COVID home education boom, it’s been much harder for telecom giants to bullshit the public. And the stone cold fact remains: these locally owned networks that wouldn’t even be considered if locals were happy with existing options.
You’ll notice these “taxpayer groups” exploited by big ISPs never criticize the untold billions federal and local governments throw at giant telecom monopolies for half-completed networks. Or the routine taxpayer fraud companies like AT&T, Frontier, CenturyLink (now Lumen) and others routinely engage in.
And it’s because such taxpayer protection groups are effectively industry-funded performance art; perhaps well intentioned at one point, but routinely hijacked, paid, and used as a prop by telecom monopolies looking to protect market dominance.
Gigi Sohn (who you’ll recall just had her nomination to the FCC scuttled by a sleazy telecom monopoly smear campaign) has shifted her focus heavily toward advocating for locally-owned, creative alternatives to telecom monopoly power. And in an op-ed to local Utah residents in the Salt Lake Tribune, she notes how telecom giants want to have their cake and eat it too.
They don’t want to provide affordable, evenly available next-generation broadband. But they don’t want long-neglected locals to, either:
Two huge cable and broadband companies, Comcast and CenturyLink/Lumen, have been members of UTA and have sponsored the UTA annual conference. They have been vocally opposed to community-owned broadband for decades and are well-known for providing organizations like the UTA with significant financial support in exchange for pushing policies that help maintain their market dominance. Yet when given the opportunity in 2020, before anyone else, to provide Bountiful City with affordable and robust broadband, the companies balked. So the dominant cable companies not only don’t want to provide the service Bountiful City needs, they also want to block others from doing so.
Big telecom giants like AT&T and Comcast (and all the consultants, think tankers, and academics they hire to defend their monopoly power) love to claim that community owned broadband networks are some kind of inherent boondoggle. But they’re just another business plan, dependent on the quality of the proposal and the individuals involved.
Even then, data consistently shows that community-owned broadband networks (whether municipal, cooperative, or built on the back of the city-owned utility) provide better, faster, cheaper service than regional monopolies. Such networks routinely not only provide the fastest service in the country, they do so while being immensely popular among consumers. They’re locally-owned and staffed, so they’re more accountable to locals. And they’re just looking to break even, not make a killing.
If I was a lumbering, apathetic, telecom monopoly solely fixated on cutting corners and raising rates to please myopic Wall Street investors, I’d be worried too.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Hong Kong —  Two former chief editors of a now-shuttered media outlet in Hong Kong went on trial Monday for publishing "seditious" content, the latest prosecution of journalists in the business hub.
Sedition, a once little-used hangover from the British colonial period, has been embraced by prosecutors alongside a new national security law as China cracks down on dissent after democracy protests three years ago.
Chung Pui-kuen, 52, and Patrick Lam, 34, were jointly charged alongside Stand News' parent company Best Pencil Limited, of "conspiracy to publish and reproduce seditious publications."
The two journalists, who have been detained for the last 10 months, have pleaded not guilty and face up to two years in jail if convicted.
Stand News was a popular online news portal that provided detailed and often sympathetic coverage of Hong Kong's democracy protests and the clampdown that followed.
National security police raided its offices late last year and froze HK$61 million (US$7.8 million) of the company's assets.
Stand News folded soon afterwards and deleted its content.
Prosecutors accuse Chung and Lam of "inciting hatred" against authorities with 17 articles and three videos published on Stand News.
The trial is being overseen by Kwok Wai-kin; a District Court judge handpicked by the government to try national security offences.
Sedition was wielded by Colonial Britain against pro-China leftist newspapers in the 1950s and 1960s during periods of social unrest.
It fell into disuse for decades afterwards until police dusted the law off in the aftermath of 2019's huge and sometimes violent democracy rallies.
More than 220 people — the bulk of them activists, former elected lawmakers, unionists and journalists — have been arrested on national security charges since Beijing imposed the sweeping law in mid-2020.
About one-fifth of those arrested have been hit with charges of sedition.
Recent jailings under sedition include a group of unionists who published a series of children's books about the democracy protests, two people who applauded and shouted slogans and a court hearing and an online radio host who broadcast fiery criticisms of the government.
National security charges, including sedition, were also brought against Apple Daily, a popular pro-democracy tabloid that also folded when its assets were frozen.
Senior executives, including its jailed owner Jimmy Lai, are set to go on trial in December.
Critics say Hong Kong's national security campaign has eviscerated freedoms and begun transforming the city's legal system.
Beijing says order has been restored in the wake of the demonstrations.
Earlier this year, Hong Kong plunged 68 places in an annual press freedom ranking by Reporters Without Borders to 148th, sandwiching the business hub between the Philippines and Turkey.
In RSF's first report in 2002, Hong Kong had some of the freest media in Asia and ranked 18th worldwide.
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pr-vistas-2022 · 2 years
Stage Round CSR- Corruption, Scandal, and Rancid
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The hallmark of a successful organization is not its profits or how many individuals they employ but rather the trust that the people have in them and the positive impact the companies have on society. Corporate Social Responsibility is undoubtedly one of the most popular and efficient tools to measure how companies have given back to society. In a nutshell, CSR is a model that helps a company be socially accountable to itself, its stakeholders, and the public. Companies can be conscious of the kind of impact they are having on all aspects of society, including economic, social, and environmental.
Companies like Infosys, Microsoft, The Tata group, and Rolex have proactively managed their reputation and delivered the messages their stakeholders were looking for via the right communication channels. By having done so, they can now enjoy the trust of their investors, employees, or customers, and they are seen as caring about many other issues apart from profit – like ethics, innovation, environmental causes, or well-being at the workplace.
While there are companies that have a good image in front of the public and are the torch bearers of the sound practices that an organization should follow, famous organizations like Uber, Meta, BMW, and others have come under scrutiny for following malpractices and exploiting their employees and the environment for their own benefits.
Take at hand You are required to make a Report and a PPT (of not more than 5 slides) consisting of
Executive summary
Defence strategies
PR strategies
A New CSR campaign for the company
A New product line to improve their public Image
Press release
SUBMISSION DEADLINE - 5:00 Am. Submit your Report and PPTs to [email protected]
Allegation 1 The Chinese government has held back more than one million Uyghur Muslims and other ethnic minorities against their will over the years in mass internment camps. In March 2020, a report from the Australian strategic policy institute revealed that hundreds of young Uyghur women were forced to produce Nike Shoes. Nike was aware about this yet they partnered with Chinese government run forced labour programs that are linked to crimes against humanity. After these workers finished stitching and gluing Nike shoes for the day, they would have to attend “patriotic education” night classes.
Allegation 2 Over the last 20 years, Nike has been consistently targeted regarding their poor labour conditions. These issues include forced labour, child labour, low wages, and horrific working conditions that were deemed “unsafe”. Most of their factories are in third world Asian countries like Vietnam, and Indonesia. Nike has been using sweatshops since the 1970s. In 2017, Nike severed its ties with the Worker Rights Consortium, which let labour rights experts monitor their factories. This was a huge disservice to the countless laborers who spend their days hunched over making their 200 dollar shoes. Their commitment to ethical labour practices is inconsistent at best. In 2017, they saw a new wave of protests organized by United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS). USAS spoke up against the mistreatment of workers in several of their sweatshops, including one in Vietnam where workers “suffered wage theft and verbal abuse, and laboured for hours in temperatures well over the legal limit of 90 degrees, to the point that they would collapse at their sewing machines.”
Allegation 3 Nike also has a bad track record for not hiring minority workers. In July 2020, about 30 demonstrators lined up outside the Nike headquarters near Beaverton, Oregon to protest. Oregon
Lives says that despite Black athletes and Black culture helping make Nike their money, people of colour are not welcomed into their corporate culture behind closed doors. Recently, a former employee accused Nike of discrimination based on his Croatian origin.
Allegation 4 Former female employees also pointed out that sexual harassment and misconduct was very common in the company. The New York Times conducted interviews with 50 former and present Nike employees to investigate the company culture. Through the interviews, it was established that Nike did have a toxic working environment, where sexual misconduct was rampant. Multiple female employees reported that they had complained to the HR but saw no action being taken from their part. The women were left devastated and felt unsafe while working at Nike. Some even left their jobs.
Allegation 1 We are aware that cars being sold in America had a "defeat device" - or software - in diesel engines that could detect when they were being tested, changing the performance accordingly to improve results. The German car giant has since admitted cheating emissions tests in the US.
Allegation 2 The company has also been accused by the EPA of modifying software on the 3 litre diesel engines fitted to some Porsche and Audi as well as VW models.
Allegation 3 EPA has said that the engines had computer software that could sense test scenarios by monitoring speed, engine operation, air pressure and even the position of the steering wheel. When the cars were operating under controlled laboratory conditions - which typically involve putting them on a stationary test rig - the device appears to have put the vehicle into a sort of
safety mode in which the engine ran below normal power and performance. Once on the road, the engines switched out of this test mode. The result? The engines emitted nitrogen oxide pollutants up to 40 times above what is allowed in the US.
Allegation 4 A peer-reviewed study published in Environmental Research Letters estimated that approximately 59 premature deaths will be caused by the excess pollution produced between 2008 and 2015 by vehicles equipped with the defeat device in the United States, the majority due to particulate pollution (87 percent) with the remainder due to ozone (13 percent). The study also found that making these vehicles emissions compliant by the end of 2016 would avert an additional 130 early deaths.
Allegation 1 H&M has tried to position itself as a brand that cares about the environment by installing in store recycle bins. But according to environmentalist Elizabeth Cline only 1% of the clothes are being collected out of which only 25% of the clothes end up going into sorting plants. And 35% of the clothes which are sorted only are recycled.
Allegation 2 H&M on its website states that their recycle bins are a way to ensure that customers textiles are reused and don’t end up in landfills. But not all the clothes that have been collected are recycled and people who live in these areas where clothes are dumped and manufactured are affected by H&M’s actions.
Allegation 3 H&M is also accused for failing to ensure living wage for supply chain workers. It has been accused of failing to fulfil a commitment to pay all garment workers enough to keep them above
the poverty line, a week after claiming that almost one-million employees are covered by its "fair living wage" approach.
Allegation 4 They are also accused for child labour. According to a book published by Sweden next week H&M worked with clothing factories in Myanmar where children as young as 14 were toiled for more than 12 hours a day. It was also found that high prevalence of forced overtime and low pay by the company. When confronted with these allegations, H&M replied that they don’t consider 14-18 years old working as child labor.
Allegation 5 Chelsea Commodore filed a complaint against fast-fashion giant H&M on July 22 in New York. In the complaint, Commodore accused H&M of greenwashing with “‘misleading’ environmental scorecards” associated with clothing in the brand’s Conscious Collection. Commodore noted that “a majority” of H&M products that are marketed as being sustainable are “no more sustainable. H&M responded as:  “We are taking the allegations very seriously and look into them thoroughly. We kindly ask for your understanding that we have no further comment to share at this point.”
Allegation 1 On February 25, 2010 a lawsuit was filed on behalf of eight plaintiffs in the Supreme Court of the State of New York against The Coca-Cola Co. and Coke processing and bottling plants in Guatemala. This case involves charges of murder, rape and torture. The plaintiffs include union leaders and family members.
Allegation 2
In a district court the company was accused for generating 2.9 million metric tons of plastic each year, which they claim is the biggest producer of plastic waste in the world and they also mentioned that in contrary to  Coca-Cola's representations, the company has made no significant effort" to transition to an economical system that would lead to less waste from plastic.
Allegation 3 In a article written by Paul Brown, an environment correspondent mentioned that Coca-Cola plant in India is being accused of putting thousands of farmers out of work by draining the water that feeds their wells, and poisoning the land with waste sludge that the company claims is fertiliser.
Allegation 4 The company was also accused for cheating their California workers out of overtime wages, rest and meal breaks, a class action lawsuit alleges. Plaintiff Brian Simmons filed the class action lawsuit in a California state court against The Coca-Cola Company, alleging violations of California wage laws
VER 3 - H&M
VER 1 - Nike
VER 10 - Volkswagon
VER 12 - Coca Cola
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madchatter · 2 years
These PR disasters defined the course for certain brands in 2019
No matter how many precautions you take, sometimes things go out of control. You cannot possibly prevent every single disaster that might come your way and PR campaigns are no exceptions. PR campaigns sometimes go wrong too, and sometimes you’re in the middle of a murky PR disaster with no scope of salvation. It is important to learn from mistakes (yours and others) to ensure your brand and organization is best prepared to save its reputation. And sometimes, it is best if we learn from other’s mistakes. With the year ending, here’s a look at some of the biggest PR mishaps of 2019:
Tesla’s Cybertruck launch
This goes up #1 because it’s my favourite fail of all times. Not only did Cybertruck’s unbreakable windows smash, leaving Elon Musk very red-faced, but also turned around the entire PR mishap into a unique sales opportunity for Tesla. The company now has more than 200,000 pre-orders, all through the window smashing incident.
While the initial incident dipped Tesla’s stock prices, the PR and media curiosity around Cybertruck eventually led to the huge spike in intrigue seen in the form of pre-orders. This is a one-off instance of “Any publicity is good publicity” that just turned out great for Cybertruck eventually.
The case of a split Nike shoe and a pregnancy debacle
The world’s largest and one of the most revered sports apparel brand suffered a major embarrassment this year when basketball player Zion Williamson’s Nike show fell apart during one of the biggest games of the year. He even ended up spraining his knee as a result of the mishap. This could have been a product liability case for Nike, let alone embarrassment in front of millions of views. The “Just Do It” brand has been known to be motivational and aspirational for people across the globe, this incident led to their stocks falling 1% on that trading date. Even with small incidents like a shoe breaking apart, it means a brand instantly loses an amount of trust and market cap among consumers.
Apart from that, the revered brand also was caught up in a compensation case around payments. It was reported that Nike would reduce the payments towards athletes if their performances fell short (even during pregnancy/childbirth). This opened a can of worms with regard of double standards. The company faced major backlash over cutting compensation during pregnancy and childbirth. Later, the company worked towards changing their policies.
Gillette’s “The Best Men Can Be” campaign
Admittedly, this campaign by Gillette has been one of the bravest and clutter breaking campaign in the post #MeToo era. While the intention of the popular razor company was to start a conversation about men holding each other accountable, the campaign did not go down too well with their core target audience – men. This ad campaign is split in half and half with its appraise as well as criticism. The internet is abuzz with equal amounts of praise and backlash. MarketingWeek claimed the ad backfired on the brand and affected sales metrics.
The Great Indian CAA-NRC Uproar
Closer home, nothing has hit the country like the recent uproar over the Citizenship Amendment Bill and National Registry of Citizens. With millions out on the roads protesting the government’s move, this has probably snowballed into the biggest PR crisis for Bharatiya Janata Party in a very long time. While the future of the act is undecided at the time of writing of this article, people will look back as this moment being a landmark positioning factor for the political party in coming elections.
With 2020 inching closer, let’s hope they find recourse that helps in rebuilding brand credibility and equity.
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atomxmedia · 3 months
Nubank Acquires Hyperplane To Supercharge AI-powered Banking
A sign of the increasing significance of artificial intelligence (AI) in the banking industry is the acquisition of San Francisco-based startup Hyperplane by Brazilian digital banking behemoth Nubank. The deal, which was revealed on June 26, 2024, combines Hyperplane’s foundation model development experience with Nubank’s vast client base and data repository.
Hyperplane: Building a Personalized Banking Experience
Hyperplane, which was founded in 2022 by a group with extensive experience in data science, came out of stealth mode last year with the audacious objective of enabling banks all over the world by constructing a data intelligence layer. With the help of this layer, banks would effectively be able to harness the power of their own client data and provide individualized banking services.
In other words, if banks all over the world have a ton of first-party data, what does it take to construct a data intelligence layer so that banks can plug in their data and use it effectively? This is the issue that Hyperplane is trying to answer, as co-founder Rohan Ramanath put it.
With the help of Hyperplane’s technology, banks can now train their own AI models to support a range of functions, including marketing campaigns, loan collections, and risk assessment. This method gave banks a great deal of flexibility and control over their AI-powered products.
Joining Forces with Nubank: A Match Made in AI
Hyperplane’s innovative approach has now landed them squarely within the walls of Nubank, the world’s largest digital banking platform outside of Asia. With over $2.7 billion in revenue reported last quarter and a customer base exceeding 100 million across Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, Nubank boasts a significant advantage: a massive amount of banking data.
This data is the lifeblood of AI-powered financial services. By acquiring Hyperplane, Nubank gains access to cutting-edge technology that will allow them to transform this data into personalized financial experiences for their customers.
“Nubank’s mission since its founding is to fight complexity and empower fanatical customers,” said Nubank CEO and founder David Velez. “Our early investments in AI, coupled with the impressive infrastructure and talent that Hyperplane team has been able to put together, will accelerate our mission.”
Velez’s statement underscores Nubank’s commitment to using AI to revolutionize banking. The acquisition of Hyperplane follows a series of tech-focused acquisitions by Nubank in recent years. These include Clojure consultancy Cognitect (2020), digital broker Easynvest (2020), and AI-powered financial management startup Olivia (2021).
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Read more: Marketing News, Advertising News, PR and Finance News, Digital News
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michaelnguyendotme · 1 year
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In this series of "Extreme Ads Makeover", I will be tearing down ads of Target and have them completely remodeled to have better targeting and ROI. Check out more ad makeover case studies such as Lexus, Chanel, Chase Bank, Amazon, Starbucks, Nike, Target, Home Depot, and Nature Made. About Target Revenue: In 2021, Target reported total revenue of $106 billion, up 15% from 2020. Growth: Over the past 5 years, Target's revenues have grown at a compound annual rate of over 5%. Profits: Target's net earnings for 2021 were $6 billion, representing a profit margin of around 5.7%. Their operating income was $9.3 billion. Customers: Target has over 100 million customers per year shop in their stores and online. On average, customers visited Target stores close to 24 times per year. Stores: Target operates 1,924 stores across the United States. They have plans to open 30-40 new small format stores per year. Ecommerce: Digital sales account for nearly 20% of Target's revenues. Their e-commerce growth was over 50% in 2020. Market Share: Target has around 3.7% market share in the US retail sector. In discount retail, they have over 20% share behind only Walmart. So in summary, Target is a retail giant with over $100 billion in annual revenue, 100 million customers, and growing ecommerce and in-store sales. They are one of the largest and most profitable retailers in the US. About Target's marketing agency Target works with multiple advertising and marketing agencies, with most major work handled by their in-house creative team and marketing department. Here are some key details on Target's agency relationships: Mono was named Target's Media Agency of Record in 2016. They handle major media planning and buying for Target in the US. Figliulo&Partners is Target's creative agency of record as of 2022. They develop Target's brand creative campaigns and marketing content. GALE Partners is Target's Multicultural Agency of Record focused on Hispanic and Black consumer marketing. Haworth handles PR and communications for Target. Target also works with digital agencies like Colle McVoy on ecommerce experience and development. For specialty initiatives, Target partners with specialized agencies on a project basis. Recent examples include Mother LA (2022 holiday campaign), Instrument (toys), and Hooray Agency (baby goods marketing). Target has an extensive in-house Creative and Marketing team that leads overall brand strategy and product marketing initiatives. They develop much of the creative work internally. So while Target has agency partners, their in-house team drives marketing strategy and creative. They leverage agencies for supplemental capabilities like media buying and niche campaigns. About Michael Nguyen - CEO of Produce Results Agency, aka the "Extreme Ads Makeover" Host Since 1999, Produce Results Agency has helped clients double assets from $5ooM to $1B and generated 4000% ROI for a regional bank turning their $66K marketing budget to $2.8M in revenue. In this post, I will perform an ad audit on Target's ads, analyze what's missing from the ads, come up with new ads, and eventually validate those new ads by running paid traffic on my own dime to see how new ads perform. I am using Meta Ads in this case study but the same principle applies to other mediums such as Google, Youtube, Programmatic Ads, and short forms. Table of Content 1. Ads Audit 2. Gaps Analysis 3. Ads Makeover 4. Validate New Ads 5. Insights/Takeaways 6. Next Steps Ads Audit Promoted Product: Listerine mouthwash Landing page: https://www.target.com/b/listerine/-/N-5tcm7?ref=tgt_soc_pdl&afid=FB_br&fndsrc=tmntga&DFA=%7B%7Bcampaign.id%7D%7D&cid=%7B%7Bad.id%7D%7D&fbclid=IwAR2_isL7Rsfhx-sqDIcNfWy2DzepOXBY7xysT2f6KMMM1j-_CLyhRHrpWcY Facebook Ads:  Ad Set #1 (link) Analysis What I like: Obviously, external agencies supporting Target are experienced teams and their experience is reflected in how they structure the landing page to promote tracking.
You notice the landing page for 2 ad sets points to: https://www.target.com/b/listerine/-/N-5tcm7 Whatever after the URL are parameters set up for tracking purposes. Another plus point is the usage of a variety of creative assets. Specifically, in each ad set, a different image is used. Message-Creative matched: The message for each creative is matched. For example, the benefit of "promoting oral health white tackling bad breath, tartar & plaque" matches with the message in the creative "upgrade your oral health routine". Room for improvements: Do you notice the theme in the 2 ad sets? If you said "feature/benefit", you would get a gold star ⭐️ With $1.5B in advertising budget, I would expect ads for Target would go beyond the boring "feature/benefit" because everyone can do it and the information of feature/benefit is widely available. Target Lisa Roath Chief Marketing Officer would probably expect to see more depth in ads for high-margin products like Listerine. The lack of ad ideas besides just pure "feature/benefit" concerns me because of the increased competition from others such as Target, Whole Foods, Costco, etc. The boring "feature/benefit" ad will soon hit the following limitations: Lack of A/B Testing Limited Insights: With only one ad, you won't be able to perform A/B tests, which are essential for determining what aspects of the ad are working and what aren't. Targeting Limitations Missed Opportunities for Segmentation: Different ad sets can target different customer segments. A single ad may not be as effective across all segments, missing out on some potentially lucrative opportunities. Reduced Personalization: Multiple ad sets allow you to customize messages based on user behavior, geography, or other demographics. A single ad will be less personalized and potentially less effective (more on this below when I do an ad makeover) Creativity and Message Fatigue Ad Fatigue: Over time, the same ad is likely to become less effective as users get tired of seeing it. Multiple ad sets can help mitigate this effect. Limited Creative Testing: Having multiple ads allows for testing different creative elements like headlines, images, and call-to-actions. A single ad limits this flexibility. Risk Management Higher Risk: If your one ad doesn't perform well, you don't have other ad sets to fall back on. This all-or-nothing approach can be riskier. Budget Allocation: With multiple ad sets, you can allocate more budget to higher-performing ads. A single ad does not offer this flexibility. Optimization Challenges Limited Learning: If your single ad isn't performing well, it's harder to pinpoint what exactly is going wrong. Multiple ad sets can provide you with more data, making it easier to optimize. Inability to Leverage Platform Algorithms: Many advertising platforms use machine learning algorithms to automatically allocate budget to the best-performing ads in a campaign. With just one ad, you can't take advantage of this feature. Data and Analytics Limited Data for Analytics: Having only one ad will provide you less data, reducing the reliability and validity of your performance metrics. Attention: If you had multiple product lines and currently ran paid ads, there's a 97% chance that you had less than 3 ads based on my experiences of remodeling ads from Lexus, Chanel, Chase Bank, Amazon, Starbucks, Nike, Target, Home Depot, and Nature Made. Maybe you are perfectly okay with one control ad and burn your ad budget without ROI. But if you would like to have a second-opinion ads critique so that you can see the gaps and areas where you can extract MORE juice out of your ads, click on the link below to have me critique your ads. Gaps Analysis The Landing Page (see link ) Audience avatar: Based on the landing page, I can draw some conclusions about the target audience: Daily Oral Care Routine: The mention of "Swish,
rinse & feel refreshed every day" and "Everyday Use" suggests that the target customer values daily oral hygiene and is looking for products that can be incorporated into their daily routine. Variety Seekers: The mention of "Explore formulas for every need" and "Fun flavors in alcohol-free formulas" indicates that the target audience might be looking for variety in their oral care products, both in terms of flavor and benefits. Health-Conscious: The emphasis on "Zero Alcohol" suggests that the target customer is health-conscious and prefers products without alcohol, possibly due to concerns about its effects or personal preferences. On-the-Go Lifestyle: The mention of "On the Go" indicates that the target audience leads a busy lifestyle and values products that can be used on the move, ensuring fresh breath throughout the day. Family-Oriented: The specific mention of products "Specially formulated for the little ones" suggests that Listerine is targeting families, especially parents who are concerned about their children's oral hygiene. Supports Diversity and Art: The mention of "Listerine supports increasing diversity in dentistry" and the collaboration with King Saladeen for the "Listerine Whoa Collection" indicates that the brand values diversity and art, and this might resonate with a customer base that shares similar values. In other words, the target avatar for this product would be: Health-conscious individuals who values daily oral hygiene and is open to exploring a variety of oral care products. They lead a busy, on-the-go lifestyle but also prioritize the oral health of their family, especially their children. This customer appreciates brands that support diversity and artistic collaborations, reflecting a modern, inclusive mindset. Ads Makeover Here's the disease that most marketing agencies and businesses running paid ads: "They think they've tested 20 ads but they really just tested 2 ads 10 different times." Using the proprietary Bionic Framework leveraging 17-layer analysis to come up with ad ideas touching different aspects of human relationships, fears, shame, language structures, and pop culture rather than the boring feature/benefit-driven ads that most marketing agencies default to. Here are possibilities for ad makeovers: Headline Options "Elevate Your Daily Ritual with Listerine!" "From Morning Rush to Bedtime Stories: Listerine's Got You Covered!" "Everyday Freshness, Zero Alcohol: Dive into Listerine's Range!" "For the Busy Bee to the Little Ones: Listerine's All-Day Freshness!" "Ever Felt the Blues of Bad Breath? " "Guess What's Shaking Up Oral Care? " "Tired of Mouthwashes That Just Don't Cut It?" "Green with Envy Over Others' Fresh Breath? " "Dare to Defy the Mundane in Oral Care?" Body Copy Options "Swish and rinse to kickstart your day with a refreshing feel! With Listerine, enjoy the benefits of zero alcohol and fun flavors tailored for every family member. Plus, embrace diversity with our exclusive Whoa Collection by King Saladeen. " Models Applied: Relationships (Your customer), Imagery (Visual, Auditory), Emotions (Joy, Ambition, Creativity), Time (Present), Capability (Can, Is), Proof (Credibility - Powerful Associations), Numbers (Savings), Language Devices (Alliteration, Rhythm), Locations (Conceptual - "Cyberspace"). "On the move? Keep your breath fresh anytime, anywhere with Listerine. Dive into our alcohol-free formulas, perfect for every family member. And don't miss our artistic collaboration, celebrating diversity in dentistry!" Models Applied: Relationships (Your customer), Imagery (Visual), Emotions (Joy, Ambition, Creativity), Time (Present), Towards/Away From (Desire), Capability (Can, Does), Proof (Credibility - Powerful Associations), Numbers (Savings), Language Devices (Alliteration), Locations (Conceptual - "Cyberspace"). "Why settle for ordinary when you can upgrade? Listerine offers a symphony of flavors without the alcohol.
Perfect for your daily routine and specially crafted for the little ones. Celebrate diversity with our unique Whoa Collection!" Models Applied: Relationships (Your customer), Imagery (Auditory), Emotions (Joy, Ambition, Excellence), Time (Present), Capability (Can, Does), Proof (Credibility - Powerful Associations), Numbers (Savings), Language Devices (Simile, Rhythm), Locations (Conceptual - "Cyberspace"). "Your day is packed, but your oral care doesn't have to take a backseat. With Listerine, experience freshness on the go. Dive into our diverse range, from zero alcohol to fun flavors. And, make a statement with our Whoa Collection, designed by King Saladeen." Models Applied: Relationships (Your customer), Imagery (Visual), Emotions (Joy, Ambition, Excellence), Time (Present), Capability (Can, Does), Proof (Credibility - Powerful Associations), Numbers (Savings), Language Devices (Alliteration, Rhythm), Locations (Conceptual - "Cyberspace"). "Tired of those sad moments when bad breath hits you outta nowhere? Listerine's got your back. Our prediction? No more unexpected downers. Keep your chin up and swish away the blues with us. No more facepalms, just freshness! " Models Applied: Emotions (Sadness, Anticipation), Types of Statements (Question), Future (Prediction), Language Devices (Slang, Tragedy), Shame (Stupidity, Vulnerability). "What if we told you there's a plot twist in your oral care routine? Listerine's bringing the unexpected to the table. Our promise? A surprise in every swish. Don't be that last one to catch the wave. Get on board and ride the freshness tide!" Models Applied: Emotions (Surprise, Anticipation), Types of Statements (Question), Future (Promise), Language Devices (Slang), Shame (Stupidity, Vulnerability). "If you're fed up with mouthwashes that promise the world but deliver zilch, it's time for a change. If you don't switch to Listerine, you're setting yourself up for a tragic tale of defeat. Don't let subpar products get the best of you. Choose Listerine and show 'em who's boss! " Models Applied: Emotions (Anger, Disgust), Types of Statements (Condition), Future (Warning), Language Devices (Slang, Tragedy), Shame (Defeat). "Ever looked at someone and thought, 'Why can't my breath be that fresh?' If you're not using Listerine, you're just playing yourself. A word of warning: envy's a tough pill to swallow. Don't be left in the shadows. Step up and grab the spotlight with Listerine's unmatched freshness! " Models Applied: Emotions (Envy, Defiance), Types of Statements (Condition), Future (Warning), Language Devices (Slang, Tragedy), Shame (Defeat). "Ready to challenge the status quo? If you're still stuck with that old-school mouthwash, brace yourself for a downfall. But here's the tea: with Listerine, you can defy the norms and elevate your game. Don't settle for less when you can have the best. Dive into the Listerine revolution now! " Models Applied: Emotions (Defiance, Disgust), Types of Statements (Condition), Future (Warning), Language Devices (Slang, Tragedy), Shame (Defeat). Validate New Ads This is where the rubber meets the road as I am going to validate ad concepts from the previous step by running paid traffic to see which ad concepts would resonate most with the customers. Here's how I set the adset on Facebook Budget: $10 Lifetime Product/Service: Mouthwash Targeted audience: Target with interest in Target with women from 25-60 in Texas Placement: News Feed Optimization: Optimized for Traffic Here are all the 9 ads being launched. Fast-forwarding 24 hours to let the ads run. Here's the results Campaign Numbers: Ad budget: $14.60 Total Impressions: 2,333 Total Reach: 2,044 Total Clicks: 16 Cost Per Click (CPC): $0.91 CTR (all): 0.69% Ad results Summary Reach and Impressions: 'Headline 3' has the highest reach with 540 and the highest impressions with 573.
'Headline 9' has the lowest reach with 25, and also the lowest impressions with 27. Amount Spent: 'Headline 7' had the highest amount spent at $3.73. 'Headline 9' had the least amount spent at $0.13. CPM (Cost per 1,000 Impressions): 'Headline 7' has the highest CPM at $11.00, indicating it's the most expensive ad per 1000 impressions. 'Headline 1' has the lowest CPM at $3.19. Link Clicks and CTR (Click-Through Rate): 'Headline 3' has the highest number of link clicks at 5. 'Headline 4' stands out with a CTR of 1.37%, making it the most effective ad in terms of engagement. 'Headline 1' has the lowest CTR at 0.47%. CPC (Cost per Link Click): 'Headline 2' has the highest CPC at $1.28. 'Headline 4' has the lowest CPC at $0.42, making it the most cost-effective ad in terms of link clicks. Ad Performance: 'Headline 3', despite not having the highest CPM, stands out with the highest reach and impressions. It also has a reasonable CTR and CPC, indicating a good balance between reach and cost-effectiveness. 'Headline 9' has the lowest reach, impressions, and amount spent. It might be worth investigating why this ad is underperforming compared to others. In conclusion, while 'Headline 3' reached the most people, 'Headline 4' was the most effective in terms of engagement and cost-effectiveness for link clicks. It's essential to consider both reach and engagement metrics when evaluating the performance of ads. Winning Ads:  If the goal is to get maximum reach and impressions, 'Headline 3' is the top performer. Headline: "Everyday Freshness, Zero Alcohol: Dive into Listerine's Range!" Ad body: "Why settle for ordinary when you can upgrade? Listerine offers a symphony of flavors without the alcohol. Perfect for your daily routine and specially crafted for the little ones. Celebrate diversity with our unique Whoa Collection!" Models Applied: Relationships (Your customer), Imagery (Auditory), Emotions (Joy, Ambition, Excellence), Time (Present), Capability (Can, Does), Proof (Credibility - Powerful Associations), Numbers (Savings), Language Devices (Simile, Rhythm), Locations (Conceptual - "Cyberspace"). Total Impressions: 573 Total Reach: 540 Clicks: 5 CPC: $0.58 If the objective is to get the most clicks at the lowest cost, 'Headline 4' stands out. Headline: "For the Busy Bee to the Little Ones: Listerine's All-Day Freshness!" Ad Body: "Your day is packed, but your oral care doesn't have to take a backseat. With Listerine, experience freshness on the go. Dive into our diverse range, from zero alcohol to fun flavors. And, make a statement with our Whoa Collection, designed by King Saladeen." Models Applied: Relationships (Your customer), Imagery (Visual), Emotions (Joy, Ambition, Excellence), Time (Present), Capability (Can, Does), Proof (Credibility - Powerful Associations), Numbers (Savings), Language Devices (Alliteration, Rhythm), Locations (Conceptual - "Cyberspace"). Total Impressions: 73 Total Reach: 69 Clicks: 1 CPC: $0.42 Analytics:       Takeaways/Insights So in this thorough case study, I extensively analyze, examine, and audit Target's ads relating to the mouthwash, then come up with new ad ideas based on 17 analysis "lenses", and finally validate ad ideas by running them through paid FB traffic to determine the winning ad. Similar to Starbucks case, it appears the usage of complex human emotions doesn't drive attention. In contrast, when I look closely, the mechanic behind ad 3 & 4 is almost the same. But consumers tend to favor ad #3's rhyming headline. To utilize human emotions effectively, I'd suggest changing the creatives to match the emotions. In this case study, I intentionally kept the landing page + creatives the same to reduce the number of variations and focus on the ad copy instead. As a result, our ads
7-9 could have suffered the message mismatched not only on the creative but also on the landing page. That explains why ads #7-9 don't gain the anticipated traction Use bundling to increase the AOV instead of one bottle. For example, Target can offer a bundle of 3 bottles or a family bundle with 2 bottles: one for parents + one for kids. My assumption is the buyer can stay subscribed for 3 months. With my Churn Buster Kit system to minimize churns and bring back lost customers, we can stretch the customer LTV to 20-50%. Having only one control ad can seriously underperform your entire campaign because of the lack of A/B Testing, targeting limitations, ad fatigue, risk management, and optimization challenges. Having multiple analysis "lenses" is the foundation to come up with ad ideas addressing customers' needs, wants, objections, pains, and frustrations. Without additional analysis "lenses", you are more likely to get "stuck" with boring and mediocre "features & benefits" angle. Ideas & creatives are the name of the game. I'd recommend Target team create more ad angles for each of its products. The path of "Extreme Ads Makeover" doesn't stop and should be continuously evolving with the market. What-If Revenue Impact Analysis What If Target went ahead and doubled down on ad #3 with the highest reach, more clicks, and a little higher CPC,  what would be the revenue impact? Let's make some assumptions: For the well-known mouthwash of Listerine, the conversion rate should be 10%+ The avg price of one bottle of Listerine: $8 Double down on ad #3 by increasing the number of clicks to 10,000 clicks (Cost = 10,000 clicks x $0.58 = $5,800) Let's calculate the potential revenues At 10% conversion rate, 10,000 x 10% = 1000 shoppers buy Revenue = 1000 x $8 = $8000 ROI = 38%  ($8000- $5800) / $5800) Next Step Double down on the winning ad and amp up the budget on it because I've done the homework for you, all you need is to increase the ad budget. I share with you the 17 proprietary models I used to create ad ideas. While those 17 models appear easy for me because I've used them to generate thousands of ad ideas, for you, generating ideas may not come easily. That's why I want to introduce the... "Second Opinion" Package If you are a 7-figure business owner and already run paid ads and need someone to critique your ads for a potential makeover, go ahead and order my "Second Opinion" package.   https://michaelnguyen.me/extreme-ads-makeover-target/?feed_id=342&_unique_id=64fc91195a706
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msclaritea · 1 year
"If Republicans win the race for Oregon governor, it will be down to one man: Phil Knight.
Knight, of course, is the 84-year-old co-founder and chair emeritus of Nike, the house that Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods built. And in this race to govern Oregon, a bastion of west coast liberalism, Knight has thrown full support behind the Republican Christine Drazan, an anti-abortion, tough-on-crime former lobbyist pushing “election integrity”. In a rare interview with the New York Times, Knight made his motive clear: Oregon’s next governor can be anyone but the Democratic nominee, Tina Kotek.
Knight’s lavish support of the right would seem to betray Nike’s own pursuit of social equality and environmental protection. After all, this is the “Just Do It” brand that champions Serena Williams, that kneels with Colin Kaepernick, that featured Argentina’s first trans female soccer player in a recent advertisement.
Over the years, the company has pledged millions to organizations dedicated to leveling the playing field in all spheres of life. But it has also come under fire for crafting a progressive PR image as cover while manufacturing products in Asian sweatshops with forced labor practices. A 2019 study by the Clean Clothes Campaign gave Nike its worst rating, stating: “The brand can show no evidence of a living wage being paid to any workers.” Worse, a 2020 Washington Post report sourced some Nike products to a Chinese factory “under conditions that strongly suggest forced labor” among Uyghurs, according to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute thinktank..."
Not surprised that Nike is two-faced, just like some of their spokesman or that they pulled the Trans person as spokesperson crap that Budweiser and Oil of Olay also pulled. In the current environment the only possible reaction is going to be loudly AGAINST. Fuck Nike, and their shoes.
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CSR- Corruption, Scandal, and Rancid
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The hallmark of a successful organization is not its profits or how many individuals they employ but rather the trust that the people have in them and the positive impact the companies have on society. Corporate Social Responsibility is undoubtedly one of the most popular and efficient tools to measure how companies have given back to society. In a nutshell, CSR is a model that helps a company be socially accountable to itself, its stakeholders, and the public. Companies can be conscious of the kind of impact they are having on all aspects of society, including economic, social, and environmental.
Companies like Infosys, Microsoft, The Tata group and Rolex have proactively managed their reputation and delivered the messages their stakeholders were looking for via the right communication channels. By having done so, they can now enjoy the trust of their investors, employees or customers and they are seen as caring about many other issues apart from profit – like ethics, innovation, environmental causes or well-being at the workplace.
While there are companies that have a good image in front of the public and are the torch bearers of the sound practices that an organization should follow, famous organizations like Uber, Meta, BMW, and others have come under scrutiny for following malpractices and exploiting their employees and the environment for their own benefits.
Take at hand
Deliverables - You are required to make a Report and a PPT (of not more than 5 slides) consisting of
Defence strategies
PR strategies
A New CSR campaign for the company
A New product line to improve their public Image
Press release
Kindly submit all the deliverables to [email protected] by 5:00 Am sharp
Allegation 1
The Chinese government has held back more than one million Uyghur Muslims and other ethnic minorities against their will over the years in mass internment camps. In March 2020, a report from the Australian strategic policy institute revealed that hundreds of young Uyghur women were forced to produce Nike Shoes. Nike was aware about this yet they partnered with Chinese government run forced labour programs that are linked to crimes against humanity. After these workers finished stitching and gluing Nike shoes for the day, they would have to attend “patriotic education” night classes.
Allegation 2
Over the last 20 years, Nike has been consistently targeted regarding their poor labour conditions. These issues include forced labour, child labour, low wages, and horrific working conditions that were deemed “unsafe”. Most of their factories are in third world Asian countries like Vietnam, and Indonesia. Nike has been using sweatshops since the 1970s. In 2017, Nike severed its ties with the Worker Rights Consortium, which let labour rights experts monitor their factories. This was a huge disservice to the countless laborers who spend their days hunched over making their 200 dollar shoes. Their commitment to ethical labour practices is inconsistent at best. In 2017, they saw a new wave of protests organized by United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS). USAS spoke up against the mistreatment of workers in several of their sweatshops, including one in Vietnam where workers “suffered wage theft and verbal abuse, and laboured for hours in temperatures well over the legal limit of 90 degrees, to the point that they would collapse at their sewing machines.”
Allegation 3
Nike also has a bad track record for not hiring minority workers. In July 2020, about 30 demonstrators lined up outside the Nike headquarters near Beaverton, Oregon to protest. Oregon Lives says that despite Black athletes and Black culture helping make Nike their money, people of colour are not welcomed into their corporate culture behind closed doors. Recently, a former employee accused Nike of discrimination based on his Croatian origin.
Allegation 4
Former female employees also pointed out that sexual harassment and misconduct was very common in the company. The New York Times conducted interviews with 50 former and present Nike employees to investigate the company culture. Through the interviews, it was established that Nike did have a toxic working environment, where sexual misconduct was rampant. Multiple female employees reported that they had complained to the HR but saw no action being taken from their part. The women were left devastated and felt unsafe while working at Nike. Some even left their jobs.
Allegation 1
We are aware that cars being sold in America had a "defeat device" - or software - in diesel engines that could detect when they were being tested, changing the performance accordingly to improve results. The German car giant has since admitted cheating emissions tests in the US.
Allegation 2
The company has also been accused by the EPA of modifying software on the 3 litre diesel engines fitted to some Porsche and Audi as well as VW models.
Allegation 3
EPA has said that the engines had computer software that could sense test scenarios by monitoring speed, engine operation, air pressure and even the position of the steering wheel.
When the cars were operating under controlled laboratory conditions - which typically involve putting them on a stationary test rig - the device appears to have put the vehicle into a sort of safety mode in which the engine ran below normal power and performance. Once on the road, the engines switched out of this test mode.
The result? The engines emitted nitrogen oxide pollutants up to 40 times above what is allowed in the US.
Allegation 4
A peer-reviewed study published in Environmental Research Letters estimated that approximately 59 premature deaths will be caused by the excess pollution produced between 2008 and 2015 by vehicles equipped with the defeat device in the United States, the majority due to particulate pollution (87 percent) with the remainder due to ozone (13 percent). The study also found that making these vehicles emissions compliant by the end of 2016 would avert an additional 130 early deaths.
Allegation 1
H&M has tried to position itself as a brand that cares about the environment by installing in store recycle bins. But according to environmentalist Elizabeth Cline only 1% of the clothes are being collected out of which only 25% of the clothes end up going into sorting plants. And 35% of the clothes which are sorted only are recycled.
Allegation 2
H&M on its website states that their recycle bins are a way to ensure that customers textiles are reused and don’t end up in landfills. But not all the clothes that have been collected are recycled and people who live in these areas where clothes are dumped and manufactured are affected by H&M’s actions.
Allegation 3
H&M is also accused for failing to ensure living wage for supply chain workers. It has been accused of failing to fulfil a commitment to pay all garment workers enough to keep them above the poverty line, a week after claiming that almost one-million employees are covered by its "fair living wage" approach.
Allegation 4
They are also accused for child labour. According to a book published by Sweden next week H&M worked with clothing factories in Myanmar where children as young as 14 were toiled for more than 12 hours a day. It was also found that high prevalence of forced overtime and low pay by the company. When confronted with these allegations, H&M replied that they don’t consider 14-18 years old working as child labor.
Allegation 5
Chelsea Commodore filed a complaint against fast-fashion giant H&M on July 22 in New York. In the complaint, Commodore accused H&M of greenwashing with “‘misleading’ environmental scorecards” associated with clothing in the brand’s Conscious Collection. Commodore noted that “a majority” of H&M products that are marketed as being sustainable are “no more sustainable.
H&M responded as:  “We are taking the allegations very seriously and look into them thoroughly. We kindly ask for your understanding that we have no further comment to share at this point.”
Allegation 1
Facebook has faced a number of privacy concerns; for instance, in August 2019, it was revealed that the company had enlisted contractors to generate transcripts of users' audio chats. The contractors were tasked with re-transcribing the conversations in order to gauge the accuracy of the automatic transcription tool. In addition, employers and other organizations and individuals have been known to use Facebook data for their own purposes. As a result peoples' identities have sometimes been revealed without their permission.
Allegation 2 
Facebook often simply copies products or features to get to the market faster. Internal emails have shown that Facebook's leadership, including Mark Zuckerberg were frustrated by the time the company spends on prototyping, and suggested to explore copying entire products. In June 2014, Facebook launched Slingshot, an app for sending ephemeral photos like Snapchat does. In August 2016, the company released Facebook Stories, which is a copy of Snapchat's most popular feature. In August 2020, Facebook built Instagram Reels, a feature that functioned and looked similar to TikTok. In the summer of 2021, Facebook started to roll out Live Audio Rooms, which resembles Clubhouse. 
Allegation 3
In what is known as the Facebook-Cambridge Analytical data scandal, Facebook users were targeted with political advertising without informed consent in an attempt to promote right-wing causes, including the presidential election of DonaldTrump. In addition to elections in the United States, Facebook has been implicated in electoral influence campaigns in places like Argentina, Kenya, Malaysia, the United Kingdom, and South Africa. 
Allegation 4 
The company puts profits before efforts to fight hate speech and misinformation on its platform. The allegation was that, there were differences between Facebook’s public statements and internal decision-making in other areas. They say that the Internet.org project to connect people in the “developing world” had internal messaging that the goal was to give Facebook an impenetrable foothold and become the “sole source of news” so they could harvest data from untapped markets.
PR 002 - H&M
PR 005 - Volkswagen
PR 007 - Nike
PR 008 - Facebook
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opedguy · 2 years
Special Counsel Jack Smith’s Dilemma
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Jan. 8, 2023.--Special Counsel Jack Smith, 54, thinks he’ll have all the facts soon on whether or not to charge 76-year-old President Donald Trump with any crimes related to the Jan. 6 riots and the Aug. 8, 2022 FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago to confiscate classified White House documents.  Even if Smith urges Atty. Gen. Merrick Garland to charge Trump with various crimes, there’s no guarantee Garland with follow through, knowing the political  fallout of divided government.  Nothing would create more revolutionary fervor than charging the former president.  Besides charging Trump doesn’t mean, just like his two impeachment trials, he would be convicted.  When it comes to the FBI, does Garland really want to open that can of worms to a good defense attorneys to pick apart the Department of Justice? Garland know the FBI’s past abusive treatment of Trump’s 2016 campaign and presidency.
Trump should actually welcome the charges especially on the FBI’s Aug. 8, 2022 raid on Mar-a-Lago. When it comes to the Jan. 6 House Select Committee, their charges are so vague, so generalized, so beyond any criminal statutes that Smith would be laughed out of court.  Charged with (a) aid and comfort to the mob, (b) obstructing Congress Jan. 6 joint session, (c) conspiracy to make false statements to the National Archives and (d) conspiracy to defraud the United States, all of which are not criminal acts but a political wish list for the Trump-hating Democrats and Republicans on the House Select Committee.  Can you imagine any U.S. prosecutor proving “conspiracy to defraud the United States?  Smith knows as a prosecutor he’s dead-in-the water from the get-go, not able to trust so-called evidence provided to the highly partisan and politically biased House Committee.
Lead Jan. 6 House Committee prosecutor 60-year-old Rep. Jamie Rasikin (D-Md.) said recently that Trump has led a “misanthropic life,” showing for all to see the kind of vicious partisanship and bias on the Committee.  Who is Raskin to say Trump led a “misanthropic life?”  House Jan. 6 Select Committee Co-Chair 56-year-old former Rep. Liz Cheney(R-Wy.) has told the public from Day One, over a year-and-a-half ago, that Trump organized and planned the Jan. 6 Capitol riots.  She cites as proof his Jan. 6 speech on Washington, D.C’s Ellipse that Trump incited a mob to attack the Capitol.  Trump told his audience to peacefully protest at the Capitol.  Cheney knows Trump was acquitted Feb. 13, 2021 in the U.S. Senate of his impeachment charge “incitement of insurrection.” Cheney knows the FBI gave the Committee proof that the Jan. 6 riots were planned by months by various groups.
Cheney and her former Co-Chair Rep. Bernie Thomson (D-Miss.) said Trump “incited an insurrection” without any proof that Trump had any involvement in the Jan. 6 riot.  Cheney and Thomson cited Trump’s inaction on Jan. 6 as proof that he conspired with the Proud Boys and Oathkeepers to overthrow the U.S. government.  Smith knows that Cheney and Thomson refer to the Jan. 6 Capitol rioters as “Trump supporters,” something also biased, partisan description, knowing the Jan. 6 Committee did not prove that Trump had anything to do with the planning the rabble-rousing on Jan. 6.  Whether Trump complained about a “rigged election” or not or had supporters that questioned election officials is not a crime.  Even coming up with alternative lists of electors is not a crime because they’re not certified by the Electoral College, so totally invalid, just a PR stunt for Trump backers.
Smith doesn’t have any evidence that Trump defrauded the United States, one of the most meaningless, vague charges imaginable.  How did Trump obstruct Congress when the Jan. 6 Committee did not provide Smith with any evidence that Trump planned, orchestrated or supported the criminals that ransacked the Capitol.  All Smith can say is that Trump held strong views about the Nov. 8, 2020 election but not evidence that he in any way participated in the criminal acts.  When 57-year-old Oathkeeper founder Stewart  Rhodes was convicted Nov. 29, 2022 of “seditious conspiracy,” it settled the legal question of who’s responsible for the Jan. 6 riots.  How can Smith charge Trump with aid-and-abetting the mob, when he wasn’t involved with the criminal any criminal activity Jan. 6?  When you look at all the cherry picked evidence, Smith can’t rely on anything supplied by the Jan. 6 House Committee.        
Smith has his work cut out for him tying to piece together a criminal case against Trump with all the biased and partisan evidence compiled by the Jan. 6 House Committee.  Democrats wasted millions, spending a year-and-a-half continuing Trump’s impeachment trial of “incitement of insurrection.”  When does delivering a speech prove that Trump told right wing groups to ransack the Capitol Jan. 6?   If you listen to Cheney and Thomson, the Jan. 6 criminals were all “Trump supporters,” when, in fact, they were part of the lunatic fringe that though they could take the law into their own hands.  Vigilante justice doesn’t pay off in a nation based on the Constitution and rule of law.  No matter what the pressure on Smith faces from Democrats and the press, he must resist the anti-Trump mob no matter how convinced Trump was responsible for Jan. 6.  Smith can only look at the facts.
About the Author
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.
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trbcard89 · 2 years
TRB Card Reviews, Trump Product TBR System, Official Price, Benefits, How to Use, Buy
TRB Card Reviews - Generally, the presidential election of 2020 made history for millions of people. As per the study, more than 74 million Americans were dissatisfied to see Donald Trump leave the White House. It was an awkward moment for everyone and most Americans were not satisfied with the decision.
Click Here To Buy Now From Official Website of TRB Card
What is the TRB System Card? Numerous people believe that the 2020 presidential election altered the course of history. A recent study found out that Donald Trump’s leaving of the White House upset more than 74 million Americans. The decision made everyone uneasy, and the majority of Americans disapproved of the decision.
But the next election won’t happen for a few years, and Donald Trump has a sizable following. He is also being prepared to go back to the White House. If you consider yourself a true patriot, a TRB System Card is the best way to show it. You can use this card to show Trump your admiration and allegiance. You may support him in the forthcoming election by doing this as well.
According to the makers of the TRB System Card, every Patriot has been overjoyed to receive this card. It is worth noting that the card cannot be found anywhere else apart from the official store. from online stores. This is strong evidence that it is only purchased by true patriots.
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How the TRB system card works The TRB System Card allows users to send gifts to Trump’s supporters. However, buying this card will not directly contribute to Trump’s 2024 campaign in any tangible way. Furthermore, it cannot be used as money because it cannot store value. In contrast to its potential as an investment, this is more frequently referred to as memorabilia. Thanks to this card, everyone will be aware of your outstanding strength among the patriots. In essence, this card passes the message that it is the right time to support Trump.
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