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When the 80s was the 80s
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thebreakfastbandit · 11 days
Brother!! How are you?
It's been so long since your last letter; care to fill me in?
- @major-mancake
Myles!! You- You're here!!
It's been so long!! Its so good to hear from you!!
Come to Reckess, meet me at the train station; I'll swing by and grab you, and you can come to my boyfriends place!! He's been hosting me lately. :)
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lokalokas · 9 months
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Taylor Momsen The Pretty Reckess
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janexasaris · 1 year
Renegade jane and Tela vasir flirting and dating
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Jane would flirt with tela when their on a mission murdering people,tela enjoyed the insane women's flirtatious acts but hides a smile when drinking,she grabbed the hand of jane and pulled the human spector to her,kissing her without hesitation on her part.
Jane always take tela out for dancing,but jane was always good at group danci g when in paired with someone ever since tela showed her how to.
Some of their dates have been on their missions,either it be espionage or assassinations contracts or a few full scale masscures on gangs or pirates.
Rnegade jane and shiala flirting and dating amd clone sex
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Jane held shiala closed kissing the neck,calling her the rarest asari in the galaxy,earining a smile from shiala.
Shiala is ticklish in her stomach and side of her belly and giggled as jane kisses it,,she doesnt mind sharing with other asaris as long shile has her fill.
During their time in their on reserch staion they used the throain to produce the clones of shiala and jane decided to get readybfor some fun
Jane convinces tevos
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The asari leader feeling stress from the constant actions of Jane's reckess style around the citadel,the moment she saw jane coming in with a grin she started chastising her for her said actions,but jane knew how to shut her up and plants a kiss on tevos's lips,tevos looked shocked at Jane's actions a hit of anger,,but pleasure not haven't been kissed like that in a centuries since being a councilor.
She took jane to the chair and locked her office as she kissed jane slowly passionately.
Jane's masochism
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Aira was annoyed my Jane's passes towards the omega queen,each time jane flirted she git hit with either her hands or biotics,which only turned jane on more,until the next day she knocked jane on the floor and started to punching her.
But jane was laughing,begging airia for more,aira statted to choke jane out but jane begged aira to squeezed her harder.
Aria began smirked amd took her to her private quarters
Getting samara loosened up.
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Jane has been flirting with samara while the justicar resists the urge,ignoring jane,some times eaven hitting jane with a biotic punch which jane shrugged it of with her masochism,jane place two fingernon the thigh of samara and walked her fingers closelyto the side of the stomach.
Samara smiled with one eye open while meditating, samara would let go for once as she cupped Jane's chin,jane careesed the back of samara and she burried her face in the breast blof samara.
Predators sex
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The thrashing across the room as the teo renegades struggled and kissed each other,the asari moaned with pleasure as she stroked the slick muscles of the human female and thrust her, the redhead grabbed the asari by the throat and gets up and tosses to the wall and moved twords her lover and kisses her more,the two moaned loudly,sweating drenching their bodies tas they embrace each other
Interrogation sex
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Wasea grinned at the redhead specter,knowing jane who entered the police interrogation room on ilium.
With jane smiling at wasea shebdecided to sit on the lap,flirting with wasea shebbegan with kisses to the lips,and than the neck before grabbing the back as wasea moaned and giggled.
Wasea was fighting the urged to cave in but the pleasure was unbearable until jane started to dig in the armor and caressed the breast,wasea began to squeal as jane got up.,smirking at the smiling crime leader.
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mrkoa28 · 11 months
This is michael, a troll, hopes being a knigth or an pro-athlete, he has been passing it rough tho...
Secretly gay in christian family in the eigthies, a little bit traumatized by the dead of one of his mentor's dreamer (as all the rest of the party) he is a himbo, with a -5 spine and a very angry temperament, he does not have his real name yet....
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His best art is primal with two level one treasures of dragons ire and skycraft.
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He is half-mexican, and the oldest brother of 4, whith a very alpha male father that does not want his son to be a pussy.
I like him so much just because he is one of the greatest concept spins i have done, he is not really that chivalrous, he is kind and strong that goes to protect his friends when in need, kinda reckess to any physical confrontation, but he is extremely afraid of his own strengh and emotions, and being a changeling has strangely freed him and worried him even more, he has some conflicting feelings wanting to be changeling but struggling with the implication of his feelings of fear.
Apearence wise he is a green nature troll like those from celtic myth, being not really a great mean ugly giant but a nature force (having a powerful a giant body in the dreaming gives him more insecurities on his self control).
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Some drawings made by his clurichaun friend a nerd named vincent
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Context: he was triying to calm down this asshole named william (part of the party) while in crysallis but he got kinda angry so....he punched him, pretty hard, like many times, he feels awful.
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This is sir benjamin, an asshole of a quimera with everyone except with the sidhe, michael has been pestering him for a year to be friends with no avail, this is a discussion they had like so many times, because benjamin hates real food since he cant eat it and michael does not understand that and tries to fees him a churro every now and then...
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howlingmoonradio · 6 months
March 14th Playlist
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We did a little archive scrape and utilized the new curated collection from our friends at Uncut Magazine to put together this week’s episode, some good stuff here, let us know if any of it hits for ya!
Side A
Howling at the Moon-Hank Williams
Messing With the Settings-Craig Finn
A Wave Across a Bay-Frank Turner
You Will Never Work in Television Again-The Smile
Reckess Driving-Lizzie McAlpine (featuring Ben Kessler)
Up the Mountain-Regina Spektor
We Let it In-Brian Eno
Blues Look the Same-Eve Adams
Side B
Jamcod-Jesus and Mary Chain
Wrong Way Round-Bevis Frond
Sadness as a Gift-Adrianne Lenker
Toriafan-High Llamas
Moonstruck-Sheer Mag
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graylinesspam · 9 months
April was good in a crisis. She had to be. Her entire life was shaping up to be an endless series of crises. What she was not good in was a fight. Out of all of their little band of friends, she was the only one who was practically useless in a fight. At least Casey had been an athlete and had been in and out of fights and juive since he was a kid
So he didn't measure up to the guys and their decade of martial arts training? He could still take a hit and give as good as he got. Being the only chick in the group also didn't help her reputation or her feelings on the matter.
She could take up some self-defense classes, in fact, she would. But at the community center or something because the thought of trying to train in front of the guys kinda made her want to shrivel up and hide in her own skin.
But none of that was helping her now; pinned down behind the counter of her favorite noodle shop as the purple dragons ransacked the place and she needed to hit her damn panic button....again...for the third time this month.
If she was gonna be such a damn chaos magnet she really needed to develop literally any fighting abilities. If the guys were here these guys would be down already, not pointing weapons at customers while they hassled the poor older-man that had come out of the back office. If Casey were here he'd probably break a vase over the closest goons head and then lead the fight outside.
But it was just April. And she couldn't fight anyone without being immediately outmatched. then probably get chewed out for being reckess.
But she refused to be useless.
She hadn't contacted the police, didn't want them to get in the guy's way. But she had quickly pulled down a three-ring binder from a shelf under the register, she'd worked in enough restaurants to know that they were legally required to keep hard copies of Evacuation Maps and post them in the employee break rooms.
A quick scan of the map lets her see the red and blue highlighted routes with the exits and security system check points clearly labeled. She could already see people crawling across the floor into the back rooms and the kitchen. If she could get enough people back there she could lead them out as soon as the guys got there and distracted the goons.
She didn't have long now. Her watch vibrated in confirmation that her emergency alert was received and the guys were on their way.
As the patrons were still scrambling around on the floor trying to crawl out of the line of sight of the gang members before they could get the hostages properly rounded up, April beckoned them over to join her behind the counter.
There was already an armed goon headed to the kitchen, he shouldered the door open long enough for her to see others fleeing down the hall to the emergency exit. As they escaped the alarm system was triggered and a shrill noise added to the choas unfolding around her.
Just stay calm, she reminded herself. There were four other people huddled with her all clinging to the shelves or gripping their own heads in stress.
"Listen" she said sternly to get all of their attention over the alarm and the shouting. "When I give the signal we're all going to run for the kitchen doors. I know the way out from there."
At first the others looked bewildered but April held each of their gazes and repeated, "I know how to get out of here, trust me."
There was the sound of the front doors of the shop busting open and the shouting got louder. The urge to run was coiling in her leg muscles but she held still.
"Everyone grab hands." She instructed as she grabbed the hand of the man crouching beside her. As soon as they were chained in a ingle file line by their clasped hands April turned her attention to the kitchen door.
A smoke bomb had been used she could smell it, soon more smoke would fill the air, if she knew anything about how the guys fought in crowded places.
As soon as the goon from the back came running back through the door and passed the counter April jumped to her feet dragging the man behind her who in turn pulled the others along.
The air grew thick with smoke and her eyes stung but she pushed forward in a slightly hindered sprint. As soon as they were through the doors and the air was clear enough to see through April dropped the man's hand and picked up her speed instead. Footsteps pounded behind her as the others strugged to keep up.
"It's just up here!" She called leading them left down the hall and full sprints to the end. She shoves the door open and holds it as the others filter out.
Mission accomplished April slips through the quickly darkening streets to even an even shadier alley.
She'd definitely need to make new dinner plans now that noodles were off the table, and also call the community center about those self-defense lessons.
But first, she pulled out her shellphone and texted D her location and a quick assurance that she was unharmed.
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yloiseconeillants · 3 years
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Squadron recruited a new lancer and she is SO TALL oh my god 😳😳😳
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nostradamousse · 2 years
I promised myself that this was the month of recklessly spending money for stuff I need/want and yet here I am with cartfulls of stuff on different websites not spending the fucking money.
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fuckyeahtaymom · 4 years
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They said the world does not belong to you You are not the king, I am not the fool They said the world does not belong to you It don't belong to you It belongs to me
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queenslasharchive · 7 years
Stage Fright
Author: reckess Pairing: Freddie/John Rating: General audiences Summary: John is nervous about an upcoming concert
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lokalokas · 9 months
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Taylor Momsen The Pretty Reckess
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bespectacledeyes · 7 years
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a-polvora-blog · 7 years
You don't know me, no You don't need me Like I want you, oh Like I need you
Pretty Reckless
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bloodstrength · 3 years
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Anonymous asked:
Can Ryuko work that pole?
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...If you’re askin’ she can go up an’ down, yes. If you’re asking if she can dance on a pole?
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Hell no -- she has two left feet and is very uncoordinated in anything that doesn’t involve fighting. Ryuko is kinda reckess, and much to Satsuki’s dismay, would fail a ballroom dance class because she’d start purposely trying to step on her partner’s toes. 
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oswincoleman · 5 years
What is the central theme of the 12th Doctor’s era?
Is there one at all? Well, I would argue that there are several themes that could qualify. There is the teacher-student relationship, the blurring of borders between good and evil, the attempts by Missy and the Doctor to make each more like themselves... 
But I think the most definitive theme for the overarching storylines of these three series is the question: what does it mean to be the Doctor? This question is posed three times, once in each series, every time by a different character. Meet the “holy trinity”: 
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In series 8, the Doctor tries to find himself again, and attempts to determine who he really is. He struggles with what he can and cannot do, where to draw the line between good and evil, and whether such a line exists at all. Whether a good Dalek can exist, or whether summoning an army of Cybermen to to save prisoners in a Dalek prison camp is morally the right thing to do. He struggles with how much he should intervene in the lives of others, and whether he has an innate responsibility to help out, or not. He isn’t always right, and makes mistakes in several instances, but always learns from them, until finally he has found a definition for being “The Doctor” that he is happy with: 
I am an idiot, with a box and a screwdriver. Just passing through, helping out, learning. I don't need an army. I never have, because I've got them. Always them. Because love, it's not an emotion. Love is a promise.
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But even after he has found himself in this description, his journey is far from complete, and series 9 shows that this definition has its pitfalls as well. He refines this definition based on new experiences, and by the end of series 9 has found a description that he is willing to pass on. His final speech to Clara, and his speech to his future incarnation are almost identical. It is the same speech he gives to the two characters to succeed in his role after him. It is both his advice to them, and a summary of what it truly means to be the Doctor: 
Run like hell, because you always need to. Laugh at everything, because it's always funny. Never be cruel and never be cowardly. And if you ever are, always make amends. Never eat pears. They're too squishy and they always make your chin wet. That one's quite important. Write it down.
Never be cruel, never be cowardly, and never, ever eat pears! Remember, hate is always foolish, and love is always wise. Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind. Laugh hard, run fast, be kind.
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In series 9, Clara is the one who asks this very question. She has grown in confidence and skill over the years. She doesn’t like relying on others, and is naturally a carer; she always seeks out anyone in need of help, and does whatever it takes to assist them, regardless of the cost to her. This is Clara’s driving force. It doesn’t take long for her to notice that she can learn a lot from the Doctor, who has centuries of experience of doing just that. First, she experienced 2000 years of the Doctor’s past actions. Then she tried emulating the Doctor, and pretended to be him. But by the time series 9 comes along, she no longer needs to pretend, she has become incredibly similar to the Doctor in almost all regards. But there is still a lot that she, as “The Magician’s Apprentice” still has to learn. In this process she faces several tough questions, when faced with some of the Doctor’s negative character traits, and her own mortality. Is it right to manipulate others, and put some people in danger for the benefit of others? Yet she keeps learning, keeps seeking out new opportunities. She constantly willingly puts herself to the test, uses what worked before, and discardes what didn’t work as well. Incrementally she takes up a more and more dominant role. Series 9 very often features essentially two Doctors at two different locations, each working towards the solution independently, while fully trusting one another to always do the right thing. 
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Clara acquires nearly all of the Doctor’s traits throughout this series, while still maintinaing her individuality. But there is one last hurdle that seems to be out of reach for her; she is still very mortal, and depends on the Doctor for access to time travel. In the end, the Doctor gives her these final puzzle pieces as well, allowing her to achieve her ambitions, and complete her progression to really become a second Doctor. 
In series 10, we get the third character who is faced with this question: Missy. Unlike the Doctor and Clara, she at first feels forced to ponder this topic, as the Doctor wants her to be more like him. But as time goes on, as she is still trapped in the Vault, she starts taking it a bit more seriously. What started out as mere pretense becomes genuine consideration. Despite her attempts to make fun of, and downplay the Doctor’s efforts, it does have a noticeable effect on her. She doesn’t escape when she gets the chance to, she helps Nardole pilot the TARDIS, and provides assistance in copying with an alien invasion. In the end, she is confronted by two opposites; should she go down the destructive path of her younger self, or instead try something else, something that she realizes was lingering deep down in her all along, which the Doctor has tried to nurture? Her story ends with a disguise towards the Doctor, only revealing her true colours to herself. In her betrayal of the Master, she too has completed this arc, and embraced the concept of being the Doctor. 
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This trinity; the Doctor, his apprentice, and his nemesis, all look towards the same ideal; the ideal that is the Doctor. The stories of these three characters defines this era (sorry Bill and Nardole), and are incredibly intertwined. Missy brings Clara and the Doctor together. She also probably has a hand in Danny’s death, which causes Clara’s breakdown, and increased reckessness. This in turn leads to her death, which is completely devastating for the Doctor. Yet instead of having his revenge, the Doctor saves Missy from her execution, and tries to make her a better person. 
All three of them suffer quite a bit along the way, but learn a lot from it, which ends up being essential for their understanding of what it truly means to be the Doctor. They all end up understanding, and being the Doctor. And they all die because of it. They all sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. Yet all (at least Clara and the Doctor, but possibly also Missy, as the Master always cheats death) live to tell the tale, and possibly have grown because of it. 
There is no definitive answer to this question, and each of them finds their own approach. And yet series 8-10 predominantly features the quest to find an answer, and to embrace it. 
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