rjzimmerman · 4 months
How a simple fix could double the size of the U.S. electricity grid. (Washington Post)
There is one big thing holding the United States back from a pollution-free electricity grid running on wind, solar and battery power: not enough power lines.
As developers rush to install wind farms and solar plants to power data centers, artificial intelligence systems and electric vehicles, the nation’s sagging, out-of-date power lines are being overwhelmed — slowing the transition to clean energy and the fight against climate change.
But experts say that there is a remarkably simple fix: installing new wires on the high-voltage lines that alreadycarry power hundreds of miles across the United States. Just upgrading those wires, new reports show, could double the amount of power that can flow through America’s electricity grid.
“This is something that could be a triple win,” said Brian Deese, an innovation fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who headed the White House National Economic Council under President Biden until early last year. “A win for the electricity system, a win for utilities and a win for consumers.”
Since Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act in August 2022 — pouring hundreds of billions of dollars toward the build-out of clean energy — experts have warned that without a dramatic increase in the size of the electricity grid, most of those new wind and solar farms won’t be able to plug in.
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Many renewables are stuck in the “interconnection queue,” a long line of projects waiting to get connected to the grid. According to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, more than 1,500 gigawatts of power, mostly renewables, are waiting for approval to connect. (That’s more than one-third of all the power produced in the United States.)
One of the main reasons for that long wait is that the nation builds transmission lines — those giant, high-voltage wires that carry power across large distances — extremely slowly. The average transmission line takes about 10 years to complete, and the country has been building even fewer lines recently than it did a decade ago.
Without enough power lines, there is nowhere for new solar, wind and battery power to go.
“We have to be able to integrate all this low-cost, renewable energy fast,” said Amol Phadke, a scientist at the University of California at Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
That’s where replacing the country’s power lines — or “reconductoring,” as engineers call it — comes in.
Most of America’s lines are wired with a technology that has been around since the early 1900s — a core steel wire surrounded by strands of aluminum. When those old wires heat up — whether from power passing through them or warm outdoor temperatures — they sag. Too much sag in a transmission line can be dangerous, causing fires or outages. As a result, grid operators have to be careful not to allow too much power through the lines.
But a couple of decades ago, engineers designed a new type of wire: a core made of carbon fiber, surrounded by trapezoidal pieces of aluminum. Those new, carbon-fiber wires don’t sag as much in the heat. That means that they can take up to double the amount of power as the old lines.
According to the recent study from researchers at UC-Berkeley and GridLab, replacing these older steel wires could provide up to 80 percent of the new transmission needed on the electricity grid — without building anything new. It could also cost half as much as building an entirely new line and avoid the headaches of trying to get every state, city and even landowner along the route to agree to a new project.
“You’re not acquiring a new right of way; you’re not building new towers,” Phadke said. “So it can be done much faster.”
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lu-s-energy · 2 months
HVDC, Reconductoring, & Smart Balls Supercharge Grids
HVDC, Reconductoring, & Smart Balls Supercharge Grids
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southjerseyweb · 4 months
More Juice for the Power Grid via Reconductoring | Sierra Club
New Jersey is on its way to becoming a clean, green state, as we start buying electric vehicles, heat pumps, and other energy saving devices, …
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hackernewsrobot · 7 months
Reconductoring: An easy way to expand the grid
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stanfave2 · 7 months
There Is a Stupidly Easy Way To Expand the Grid - Heatmap News
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blueindigosan · 8 months
Taimei 体冥 - "El Cuerpo Sombra"
Durante muchos años, a los seres humanos se les ha inculcado la castracion emocional de su parte negativa. Mediante terapias alternativas, corrientes espirituales, o pseudofilosofias que malguiaron indirecta/directamente al ser humano, se le enseño a reuir de su lado negativo o sombrio, y al hacerlo, este no lo ha conocido, y creen que conocerlo es dejarse corromper por el mismo. Este metodo es el metodo que, inconscientemente, me ha ocurrido a mi durante centenares de veces cuando algo malo ha ocurrido o cuando una mala emocion ha tomado posesion de mi alma y mente. Hoy traigo esto al mundo como mi aporte personal sobre como "dominar la oscuridad" del ser humano y como entenderla. Inspirado en el arte del Tai Chi (太極拳), el Taimei busca evitar la bastardizacion animica, mental y corporal de un ser vivo, para su posterior reciclaje del lado negativo ("La Sombra", como se define en los arquetipos de Carl Gustav Jung), del ser humano. Este elemento incorpora aspectos como el ego, los pensamientos intrusivos, violentos, degenerativos, derrogativos, malignos, nocivos, agresivos o abusivos, entre otros. Estos son usados para ejercitar cuerpo y alma, "pacificandolos" mediante la accion, el verbo (la mente) y el sentimiento, expulsandolos del cuerpo y proyectandolos hacia fuera. Este metodo es conocido tambien como "reciclaje reconductor", usando la adaptacion de dichos desvios hacia la corrupcion del ser en favor del ser puro o neutro.
El Taimei, encapsulado en el proceso Enmei, presenta un intrigante ciclo de transformación psicológica y espiritual que aborda las sombras internas de manera estructurada y evolutiva:
1. Rakumei 落冥 (Caida en la Sombra): En esta fase inicial, se experimenta el estado gradual de corrupcion al manifestar las emociones o pensamientos negativos mediante actos o comportamientos resonantes con los mismos. El ser se sumerge en dichos aspectos oscuros, experimentando directamente estos episodios violentos y caoticos. Puede ser por que ocurrio repentinamente por sobrecarga al no darle salida, o bien pudo ocurrir gradualmente por origen de un elemento constante. Esta fase es donde se expresan comportamientos como el enfado, la tristeza, o mas lejanamente, la obsesion, la impulsividad, la insensatez y la aceptacion a la corrupcion indirectamente consciente o directamente consciente.
2. Shizumei 静冥 (Calma en la Sombra): La segunda fase implica alcanzar la calma en medio de la tormenta emocional. Aquí, se busca el reconocimiento de los elementos negativos sin ser arrastrado por ellos. Es el arte de mantener la serenidad, la paciencia, el temple y la estabilidad interna incluso cuando se enfrenta a la oscuridad emocional. Una vez expresados y manifestados dichos estimulos negativos, la actividad e intensidad baja gradualmente hasta volver a la consciencia directa de lo que esta ocurriendo en el presente. En este momento uno se suele dar cuenta de que ha ocurrido o que ha hecho y suele cargarse con el arrepentimiento de lo acaecido o los efectos de su experimentacion con la zona negativa de su ser. Enfriar la mente gradualmente, asi como al corazon y el destensamiento de los musculos son los sintomas de que esta fase esta ocurriendo.
3. Genmei 見冥 (Observar la Sombra): En la tercera fase, se inicia una búsqueda profunda para entender el origen de estos elementos negativos. Es un proceso de introspección y autoexploración destinado a descubrir las raíces de la sombra, identificando el elemento emisor de los pensamientos o emociones sombrías. Una vez se comprende el origen o el punto emisor de donde ha procedido la emocion o el pensamiento y, por consiguiente, el acto, se entiende y razona sobre el mismo, adquiriendose dimensionalidad sobre dicho aspecto. Este es el punto de inflexion donde uno puede aprender a transformar los elementos perjudicialmente negativos en elementos positivos. No se debe confundir con llevar a un extremo los elementos positivos e ignorar los negativos, ya que eso llevaria a cabo que la persona ignorase su lado negativo y abrazase solo su lado positivo, lo que equivale a yacer en un extremo y, por tanto, desequilibrarse. La comprension del origen de dichas emociones y pensamientos ayuda a su comprension y, por tanto, a su aplicacion.
4. Kadomei 門冥 (Puerta de la Sombra): La cuarta fase marca un punto crucial de aceptación. Aquí, se reconoce la existencia de la sombra como un elemento con un propósito o motivo específico. Abrir la "Puerta de la Sombra" implica aceptar la coexistencia de la luz y la oscuridad dentro de uno mismo, sin juicio ni resistencia. En lugar de ignorar los sentimientos o pensamientos negativos, se entienden de donde vienen, por que vienen, a que vienen, y a partir de ello, "pesarlos", si vale tanto como pretenden aparentar, o si realmente tienen un peso real para ti, el individuo. Se trata de afrontar como tal el lado negativo, no como un enfrentamiento, sino como un proceso de introduccion a la comprension correcta del mismo y sus umbrales limitantes de hasta que punto pueden empezar a corromper. Es el proceso homologo de encender un fuego y calentarse con el mismo, en lugar de quemarse con este al comprenderlo. Usar los pensamientos y sentimientos negativos como una herramienta benefica y no un elemento corruptible del ser en su lado mas primitivo y negativo. Toda sombra se origina desde un motivo, y al comprender ese motivo, se comprende como tal la naturaleza de la sombra.
5. Gyakumei 逆冥 (Sombra Invertida): La quinta y última fase es la culminación del proceso, donde los elementos negativos son transformados en fuerzas positivas. Aquí se produce el reciclaje y la inversión de la naturaleza negativa de la sombra en algo beneficioso. Es el uso consciente y constructivo de estos elementos oscuros para contribuir al crecimiento personal. El reciclaje de la naturaleza negativa en algo positivo se lleva a cabo. Es asi como se sustrae de los elementos negativos mentales y animicos y se produce un elemento benefico al aprender a usarlos en esa via, alejandose de las vias de corrupcion del ser en si. En este punto se aprende de dichos pensamientos y sentimientos para aplicarlos de forma positiva en la vida de uno.
El término "Enmei 円冥", o "Círculo de la Sombra", representa la comprensión de este proceso como un ciclo continuo y cíclico. Cada fase contribuye a la evolución del individuo, permitiéndole comprender más profundamente los efectos, elementos, naturaleza y contribución de su sombra. Este enfoque proporciona una guía clara y detallada para abordar la complejidad de la psique humana, transformando la sombra en un aliado para el crecimiento y el bienestar personal.
Cuando se hace referencia a la "sombra", se está aludiendo al arquetipo propuesto por el psicólogo suizo Carl Gustav Jung. La sombra, en el contexto de la psicología junguiana, representa los aspectos ocultos, reprimidos o menos conocidos de la psique humana. Estos pueden incluir pensamientos, emociones, impulsos y características que el individuo tiende a evitar o negar conscientemente.
En contraste con una aproximación que busca suprimir o ignorar estos aspectos negativos, la filosofía del Taimei propone un enfoque más profundo y transformador. La analogía se presenta al imaginar castrar nuestra reacción ante lo negativo como equivalente a ignorar por completo el fuego sin entender su naturaleza y cómo manejarlo. En lugar de evitar los aspectos oscuros del alma, el Taimei propone aprender de ellos y profundizar en su comprensión.
El proceso implica utilizar la sombra con fines benéficos en lugar de permitir que nos domine o corrompa de manera perjudicial. En lugar de dejarse llevar por los elementos negativos de la psique, el individuo busca entender y utilizar conscientemente esos aspectos oscuros para propósitos constructivos. La idea es evitar la supresión completa, la pseudo corrupción o la corrupción total, y en su lugar, transformar la energía de la sombra en una fuerza positiva para el crecimiento personal y el bienestar.
En esencia, este enfoque sugiere que al enfrentar y comprender la sombra, se puede alcanzar una mayor integración psicológica y espiritual, permitiendo que estos aspectos aparentemente negativos se conviertan en herramientas valiosas para el autoconocimiento y el desarrollo personal.
La concepción de Taimei se sumerge en los kanjis que vinculan al cuerpo y al inframundo, sugiriendo la noción de un "cuerpo oscuro" o un cuerpo dominado por bajos instintos. Este término hace alusión a la contaminación animica, mental o personal que puede manifestarse a través de diversos factores como el vampirismo energético, experiencias traumáticas, o la falta de procesamiento de eventos complejos, entre otros.
En el marco del sintoísmo, la práctica del Misogi Harae se emplea para purificar la vuelta del inframundo, un proceso destinado a limpiar y renovar las energías espirituales. En este contexto, Taimei se presenta como la aplicación psicológica, animica y personal de dicha purificación, aunque con un enfoque único. A diferencia de poner énfasis exclusivamente en aspectos positivos y su amplificación, Taimei destaca por utilizar los aspectos negativos para su reincorporación como elementos beneficiosos, después de haber sido reciclados en su naturaleza.
Este proceso de reciclaje animico se revela como una estrategia consciente para abordar el lado sombrío de las personas. A través de Taimei, se busca la posibilidad de disfrutar de estos aspectos oscuros de manera controlada, evitando los efectos negativos asociados. La analogía con el control del fuego ilustra esta idea: al igual que los humanos manejan el fuego para evitar quemarse, pero al mismo tiempo aprovechan su calor, Taimei propone un enfoque equilibrado hacia los elementos sombríos de la psique humana. De esta forma, se conocen las luces y sombras del ser humano, y se mezclan formando eclipses, que ayudan a comprender ambas partes y a convivir con dichas al completo.
Taimei 体冥 - "The Shadow Body"
For many years, human beings have been instilled with emotional castration of their negative side. Through alternative therapies, spiritual currents, or pseudophilosophies that indirectly/directly misguided human beings, they were taught to escape from their negative or shadowy side, and in doing so, they have not known it, and they believe that to know it is to allow themselves to be corrupted by it. . This method is the method that has unconsciously occurred to me hundreds of times when something bad has happened or when a bad emotion has taken possession of my soul and mind. Today I bring this to the world as my personal contribution on how to "master the darkness" of the human being and how to understand it. Inspired by the art of Tai Chi (太極拳), Taimei seeks to avoid the spiritual, mental and physical bastardization of a living being, for its subsequent recycling of the negative side ("The Shadow", as defined in the archetypes of Carl Gustav Jung), of the human being. This element incorporates aspects such as the ego, intrusive, violent, degenerative, derogatory, malignant, harmful, aggressive or abusive thoughts, among others. These are used to exercise body and soul, "pacifying" them through action, word (mind) and feeling, expelling them from the body and projecting them outward. This method is also known as "reconductive recycling", using the adaptation of said deviations towards the corruption of the being in favor of the pure or neutral being.
The Taimei, encapsulated in the Enmei process, presents an intriguing cycle of psychological and spiritual transformation that addresses inner shadows in a structured and evolutionary way:
Rakumei 落冥 (Fall into Shadow): In this initial phase, the gradual state of corruption is experienced by manifesting negative emotions or thoughts through actions or behaviors resonant with them. The being immerses itself in these dark aspects, directly experiencing these violent and chaotic episodes. It may be because it occurred suddenly due to overload due to no output, or it could have occurred gradually due to the origin of a constant element. This phase is where behaviors such as anger, sadness, or more distantly, obsession, impulsiveness, foolishness, and acceptance of indirect or directly conscious corruption are expressed.
Shizumei 静冥 (Calm in the Shadow): The second phase involves achieving calm in the midst of the emotional storm. Here, the recognition of negative elements is sought without being dragged by them. It is the art of maintaining serenity, patience, temper and inner stability even when faced with emotional darkness. Once these negative stimuli are expressed and manifested, the activity and intensity gradually decreases until returning to direct awareness of what is happening in the present. At this moment one usually realizes what has happened or what they have done and is usually burdened with regret for what happened or the effects of their experimentation with the negative area of their being. Gradually cooling the mind, as well as the heart and loosening of the muscles are the symptoms that this phase is occurring.
Genmei 見冥 (Observing the Shadow): In the third phase, a deep search begins to understand the origin of these negative elements. It is a process of introspection and self-exploration aimed at discovering the roots of the shadow, identifying the element that emits dark thoughts or emotions. Once the origin or the emitting point from which the emotion or thought came and, consequently, the act, is understood, it is understood and reasoned about, acquiring dimensionality on said aspect. This is the turning point where one can learn to transform detrimentally negative elements into positive elements. It should not be confused with taking the positive elements to an extreme and ignoring the negative ones, since that would cause the person to ignore their negative side and embrace only their positive side, which is equivalent to lying at an extreme and, therefore, become unbalanced. Understanding the origin of these emotions and thoughts helps their understanding and, therefore, their application.
Kadomei 門冥 (Shadow Gate): The fourth phase marks a crucial point of acceptance. Here, the existence of the shadow is recognized as an element with a specific purpose or motive. Opening the "Shadow Door" involves accepting the coexistence of light and darkness within oneself, without judgment or resistance. Instead of ignoring negative feelings or thoughts, understand where they come from, why they come, why they come, and from that, "weigh" them, if they are worth as much as they pretend to be, or if they really have real weight for you, the individual. It is about facing the negative side as such, not as a confrontation, but as a process of introduction to the correct understanding of it and its limit thresholds.
You know to what extent they can begin to corrupt. It is the homologous process of lighting a fire and warming yourself with it, instead of getting burned by it when you understand it. Use negative thoughts and feelings as a beneficial tool and not a corruptible element of the being in its most primitive and negative side. Every shadow originates from a reason, and by understanding that reason, the nature of the shadow is understood as such.
Gyakumei 逆冥 (Inverted Shadow): The fifth and final phase is the culmination of the process, where negative elements are transformed into positive forces. Here recycling and reversing the negative nature of the shadow into something beneficial occurs. It is the conscious and constructive use of these dark elements to contribute to personal growth. Recycling of negative nature into something positive takes place. This is how negative mental and emotional elements are removed and a beneficial element is produced by learning to use them in that way, moving away from the ways of corruption of the being itself. At this point you learn from these thoughts and feelings to apply them positively in your life.
The term "Enmei 円冥", or "Shadow Circle", represents the understanding of this process as a continuous, cyclical cycle. Each phase contributes to the evolution of the individual, allowing him to more deeply understand the effects, elements, nature and contribution of his shadow. This approach provides a clear and detailed guide to addressing the complexity of the human psyche, transforming the shadow into an ally for personal growth and well-being.
When reference is made to the "shadow", we are alluding to the archetype proposed by the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. The shadow, in the context of Jungian psychology, represents the hidden, repressed or lesser known aspects of the human psyche. These may include thoughts, emotions, impulses, and characteristics that the individual tends to consciously avoid or deny.
In contrast to an approach that seeks to suppress or ignore these negative aspects, the Taimei philosophy proposes a deeper and more transformative approach. The analogy is presented by imagining castrating our reaction to the negative as equivalent to completely ignoring fire without understanding its nature and how to handle it. Instead of avoiding the dark aspects of the soul, Taimei proposes learning from them and deepening their understanding.
The process involves using the shadow for beneficial purposes rather than allowing it to dominate or corrupt us in harmful ways. Instead of being carried away by the negative elements of the psyche, the individual seeks to understand and consciously use these dark aspects for constructive purposes. The idea is to avoid complete suppression, pseudo corruption, or outright corruption, and instead transform shadow energy into a positive force for personal growth and well-being.
In essence, this approach suggests that by facing and understanding the shadow, greater psychological and spiritual integration can be achieved, allowing these seemingly negative aspects to become valuable tools for self-knowledge and personal development.
Taimei's conception delves into the kanji that link the body and the underworld, suggesting the notion of a "dark body" or a body dominated by lower instincts. This term refers to emotional, mental or personal contamination that can manifest itself through various factors such as energy vampirism, traumatic experiences, or lack of processing of complex events, among others.
Within the framework of Shintoism, the practice of Misogi Harae is used to purify the return of the underworld, a process intended to cleanse and renew spiritual energies. In this context, Taimei is presented as the psychological, emotional and personal application of said purification, although with a unique approach. Unlike placing emphasis exclusively on positive aspects and their amplification, Taimei stands out for using negative aspects for their reincorporation as beneficial elements, after having been recycled in their nature.
This process of mental recycling is revealed as a conscious strategy to address the shadow side of people. Through Taimei, the possibility of enjoying these dark aspects in a controlled manner is sought, avoiding the associated negative effects. The analogy with fire control illustrates this idea: just as humans control fire to avoid getting burned, but at the same time take advantage of its heat, Taimei proposes a balanced approach towards the shadow elements of the human psyche. In this way, the lights and shadows of the human being are known, and they mix forming eclipses, which help to understand both parts and to live with them completely.
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volot · 3 years
what got you to pick up volo as a muse? :)
›   ❝   munday questions.
thought he was a very beautiful man and much like a man from the victorian days of olde i simply could not tear my eyes away from such temptation... like the sight of a bare ankle on mid-summer's morn.
okay but more seriously.
i started getting vibes from volo the minute he dropped in the character trailer, right? i read his description on the website and thought to myself 'oh, hmm, he's curious about people and things...? seems to follow you where ever you go? very suspicious. it reminds me of colress. wonder if they'll do a second coming of that.', but i left it alone because i decided, well, let's see how the game handles him. it could be a fluke and a red herring, he is cynthia's ancestor, for as much as that sets up the possibility that cynthia's ancestor might be fucked up.
fast-forward. i don't think about him again until the pla leaks start surfacing. the leak of That Famous Scene drops, as well as the script, and my jaw is on the floor. i immediately run to my friends and start going off about how the madmen actually did it. i don't use the term brainrot too loosely, but i mean it when i say like i could not stop thinking about volo for hours and days upon days. when the video dropped of the mt. coronet confrontation, i watched it multiple times until it got removed. like, i couldn't stop thinking about this stupid yellow komaeda anime man. i was so fascinated and pulled in by his motivations, i was so enamored with his whole ordeal of being like that.
i love characters who are too curious to the point of self-destruction, and lead to live a cautionary tale. i love characters with heavy religious themery and complicated relationships with religious figures in their lives. i love characters who are ruthlessly ambitious and will do whatever is necessary to ensure their goals, and who don't give up when they've been beaten down. i love characters who are manipulative and surprise you by getting you in the back, and a twist villain that at least i think, personally, is good, because they really play upon the trust you're meant to have in a cynthia-esque figure because of gen 4 nostalgia. i love a good villain/antagonist who has just reasons and is tragic, but they don't get woobified and magically changed at the end, who have good reasons for doing what they do but the execution is horrible. i love characters who are full of grief and rage at the world and channel it in the worst possible ways.
he's very much a cocktail of my favorite things in a character, and someone i knew i would have such a blast exploring and writing and figuring out on paper. he's a very easy muse for me, both in voice and thoughts, aside from how i pick at my brain constantly to try and decide which headcanons i like most for him. he's just very fun!! i enjoy him, and i knew i could at least do an okay enough job at writing someone like him, so here i am.
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It’s not murder if you paint runes on people before stabbing them.
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karaktcrs · 3 years
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@reconductor asked: 👤+ Ingo and Emmet :)
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x // also tagging @zeconductor​ because referring to your Emmet :D
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“Oh, those two are very dear to me for sure. I really enjoy spending time with them.” There’s noticeable warmth in her voice as she speaks.
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“I met Ingo first. He was so different from the way he is here! But I suppose that’s what losing your memories can do to you. The thing is, he was already very impressive back then with the way he bonded with pokémon, especially Sneasler. . . and I think that’s a very big sign of empathy. Ingo wasn’t incredibly expressive and that’s okay! One doesn’t need to be! What matters is the heart and I could already see when he was in that state that he has a very big one.”
Mai moves to pick up Minccino and let the pokémon sit on her shoulder. “And now that I know what he’s like here and with most of his memories returned. . . I think even more that he’s incredibly talented, smart, and kind. When I first got here, he dispersed a crowd with ease! Just had to use his voice! He’s got a strong bond with his pokémon too and it’s wonderful to watch. Truly, I’m happy I get to see him be the way he really is! Poor guy was so quiet and tired and clearly not entirely himself in Hisui!”
“Though, I do think he really needs to take more breaks-- take better care of himself. He deserves it. I understand and can see that he loves what he does, but everyone needs some time to relax and sleep, you know? You can have more fun when you take good care of yourself, too! Hopefully, I can help him see that, someday.”
She starts to gently pet Minccino, also scratching her behind one of her ears a little bit. “I met Emmet a little later than him.” A chuckle leaves her lips. “Almighty Dialga, he’s such an energetic guy! Such a wonderful presence! You simply can’t be bored with him around. Yes, he can be terribly rude and sometimes a bit difficult to handle. But that goes for everyone and you shouldn’t only look at that and completely ignore how wonderful and kind he is as well, especially towards Ingo and his pokémon.”
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“Just look at how upset he gets when someone bothers his older brother or is rude to him in general! Look at how hard he worked to get him back! It’s incredibly sweet. . . He’s wonderful to me too. The latest ‘mission’ he seems to have is finding a girlfriend for me in that chaotic way of his. A little overwhelming, for someone like me who is so awkward, but. . . I do genuinely appreciate it.”
“Emmet is so talented and smart too. I still remember how impressed and in awe I was the first time I saw him battle. You should see just how amazing he is at working together with his pokémon! And he’s such a powerful duo together with Ingo too! Those two are so talented!” 
Another chuckle leaves her lips. “For the longest time, I couldn’t understand what they meant with ‘trains’, ‘stations’, ‘tracks’ and ‘all aboard’. But I get it now and can listen to them talk about trains for hours. I may still have a hard time understanding a couple of things but. . . Seeing how happy they are when they get to talk about that subject is the best.”
The smile on Mai’s face widens. “I’m happy that I get to call them my little brothers!”
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arcechosen · 3 years
> @reconductor​ :  📜???
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Akari: *Kicks the door down looking panicked* Ingo: What did you do? Akari: Nobody died. Ingo: WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT?!
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permadesco · 2 years
kills ur inbox
ah yes my prayers have been answered
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rockheadcd · 2 years
@reconductor​ said: i grab u like a squeaky toy and shake you around.
you are literally doing god's work out here with your muses!!! i am gonna go insane!!!!!!
roark. roark my sweet little sunshine my little guy my ambiguous disaster. you give him SO MUCH depth for someone that in game is basically just there to introduce you to the gym challenge? i always felt it was a shame how little the gym leaders get explored in canon for how important they actually are, and also roark somehow always stuck out to me as one of those few gym leaders i would keep thinking back to- honestly ngl i got excited when you first followed bc i saw him there in your blog and i went THATS THE BOY!!! i just love how much you have worked on him and how much you have fleshed him out, even in the silly little details like his metal shirts and his music likes- it all just comes together so well and i love to read everything you're doing. and thats not even mentioning whatever the fuck is going on between him and volkner :) thats free serotonin right there thank u for indulging me and this mess it's a delight to even just talk it all out in discord!! so yes roark 10/10 perfect rock boy i would let him have a hug with volkner that will confuse the straights again
NOW STEVEN. i will admit i dont remember much from gen3, im not even sure if i played it in full and i still need to get to oras and finish xy? but my god how i fucking love to see your other silly rock man, it's just so much fun all around to read anything you write with him and see him lose it at the credit card fraud :) hes just so full of character beyond the rock love and you are doing such a good job at making him clearly steven the weird cryptid fucking off to caves for rocks while still having so much more to him than that- and his much clearer relationship with wallace is also just so good all around?? love to see the guncles. please adopt more kids that need it we got plenty of trauma going all around. another 10/10 hope volkner's box won't kill him
LASTLY BUT NOT LEAST ADAMAN YOU FUNNY DUMB CLAN MAN I LOVE ADAMAN. honestly i have to keep reminding myself that hes not? a rock man too technically i guess?? but you just got him nailed so well i see him in here and he just fits with roark and steven even when they have no fucking interactions whatsoever. he's just so great all around i am so so glad to see how you write him and the chaos that things turn into its so much fun. 10/10 again i hope dialga will show him the rest of crush 40's sonic hits
(zoroark is also nice i GUESS. fuck you. fuck you for that (affectionate) )
AND YOU. YOU ARE SO GOOD. YOU'RE SUCH A NICE PERSON AND IT'S SO FUN TO TALK TO YOU AND HAVE YOU AROUND AND ALSO YOUR ART GIVES ME LIFE DON'T FUCKING STOP!!! i will kill god for you that is a threat and a promise. / portrayal vibe check. | accepting.
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but you’re so right roark was made to get stomped on and be your tutorial buddy but like....i did not expect so many people to be like “no he’s a fave” and i be like WHERE WERE YOU WHEN I WAS LIKE 10 PLAYING THIS. idk he’s been. a muse i’ve kinda wanted to write and it’s buddies like you that can give him the environment to thrive and fit into. i can fit so many useless tidbits of info in mildly obscure characters i cannot be stopped. thank YOU for indulging me in whatever the fuck they’re doing rn bc i’m loving it and you’re ruining my spoofy wrapped this year.
i’m so appreciative that you enjoy steven’s absolutely chaotic life bc i have way too much fun with it.. we need to write more muses together bc it’s very fun. and adaman is just the only sane bitch on this blog i’m pretty sure HE’S LITERALLY HERE TO VIBE AND BE SEXY. i hope he gets hooked on crush 40 so any of his descendants have absolute garbo taste in music. :)
( we don’t talk about zoroark. except that we do. a lot. i can’t wait for him to stab the depresstie. ♥ ) BUT FOR REAL THANK YOU.... i’m just a tired dad but i’ve enjoyed every moment chatting with you and completely destroying my sleep schedule in the process. 
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normaliize-a · 2 years
allister vc ah there is a chocolate ghost now
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“Um...L-Like cho-chocolate shaped like a ghost...or the spirit of the c-chocolate rabbit I accidentally broke the h-head off of??” Please say the former she’s begging you
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willedwoods · 3 years
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“How are they not dead yet--?”
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gamenu · 3 years
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          A resounding yawn from the breeder as she slowly lifts herself off the floor. Honestly...there had to be much better places to take a nap. But...it was so cozy. The soft and gentle light from Chandelure who so caringly stayed beside her the whole time...and then the warmth. Wait, where did this come from? Turning so she was now sitting, she looks up to the Pokemon before sleepily blinking her eyes into focus to see what was covering her.
           Ingo’s coat. Huh, she didn’t even know he found her so soundly sleeping like that. Then again, if he was looking for his partner, it makes sense that he would find her here too. Oh no! She missed their story time! With a little assistance from Chandelure, she makes it up to her feet. Pulling Ingo’s coat off, Nicole makes sure to fold it neatly and tucks it beneath her arm as she waves the flaming ghost along.
           “C’mon, le’s go find him.” Luckily, it took next to no time. Not with a ghost that was all too happy to be back by his partner’s side. When she could see the conductor, there’s an enthusiastic wave utilizing her whole free arm as they came into view.
           “Ingo! I’m sorry I missed story time! I brough’ yer coa’ an’ yer par’dner!”
( @reconductor​ )
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volot · 2 years
instructions unclear stabbed the inbox
bro................. i just put new carpet down do you know how much that costs to replace in a tumblr inbox in 2022........ ):
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