brave-symphonia · 4 months
After being reminded of why I don't really go beyond my circle in regards to specifically FSN I've been thinking about Archer in UBW a bit.
Because I happen to have a very strong belief that Archer attacking Shirou had nothing to do with actually changing his fate.
Like, Shirou is given the choice to go back and fix the worst event in his life in the Fate route and he chooses not to because that's taking away the choices everyone has made, what they've all gone through. And I love the idea that maybe that part of Shirou is still in Archer.
That he wouldn't actually want to change his fate because he made his choices and he's willing to live with them. Like, yeah, it sucks, but he's not going to just click the undo button on what he did.
Also, I have to assume the Holy Grail would've been a much better way of accomplishing that than killing a Shirou of a different timeline and hoping that it might fix his timeline.
But in UBW, by doing his play against Caster, he ensures he has no Master and can't recontract with Rin. And that means there isn't really a way he is going to get the Holy Grail.
And that's in the route where he says he wants to kill Shirou to change his timeline, so if that's really what he wanted, I think that was a terrible way to go about it.
Edit: Somehow I had forgotten that Archer would know completely well that this Holy Grail was corrupted by Angra, so I take back that point.
I still stand by my other point, though. I don't think he actually thought killing Shirou would fix anything.
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allanbuzzy · 1 year
Welp, he’s fucked it.
How can you run a social media site, fire nearly dozens of your employees and yet forget to recontract with the two juggernauts of the internet, Google and Amazon, to keep your fucking website up? Elon would.
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avaetin · 4 months
Recontracted my phone plan and got myself a new phone. Now I can sin in HD, lol.
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frengles · 6 months
Idk I had done my research and conceptually I knew that the job I was signing up for had a high chance of being like, a relatively surplus position with a high amount of downtime but what I didn’t consider was that I could be in this surplus position with a high amount of downtime and be surrounded at all times by people who are Very Busy and all work as part of a Team while I’m kindof like. The weird guy that has to be there because the government said so and nobody really has much for them to do when English classes aren’t happening. It feels very demeaning at times (because it is) but in a different way than like a service industry job. Like nobody ever says anything to my face but sometimes I just feel discomfort in the air and that can be so crushing. I don’t need to be best friends with my coworkers but I feel sometimes like I’m trapped between a rock and a hard place because they either can ignore me or go out of their way to interact me in a way that feels put upon. Anyways I recontracted for another year because I wanted to keep being in Japan while I figure things out but after that I have to quit I understand why mainly only weirdos do this job long term you have to just like. Not care
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shint0buri · 1 year
I think it's good that some of them left cube actually. That fuckass company wasn't doing anything for them anyway. At best. At worst actively hindering them. I hope they take reigns of their own career as pentagon...
I agree, I think that Cube had not been a great company for them. It seemed like they would dangle recontracting over their heads, too. And I think a lot of the members really want to explore more musically, and being tied to Cube was hindering that. Kino has been particularly open about working with other producers of late, Yuto has always had his own music to the side, Yeo One also seems to want to make more solo stuff but wasn't given the chance? Wooseok I can see as someone who wants to challenge himself--and we already know he's capable of making music.
I believe too much in Pentagon and their love for each other to think that this is the end of Pentagon, but I do hope to see the members flex their creativity in the future, both as individuals and as a group
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Roo! I'm so disappointed right now. I just read my recontracting contract and after being the high performing employee, all I got was a little raise. 😔 I was told that the longer I stay to a company, the increase would be lower each year. 🤷🏼‍♀️
I need Lloyd to spoil me from this disappointment. 😩
I'm so sorry. That's cruddy. You definitely deserve a foot rub from the mustachioed menace.
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momens-work · 3 months
Discover the Future of Business Address Services with MomensWork
In today’s dynamic business environment, flexibility and innovation are essential for success. Traditional office spaces, while still valuable, are no longer the only option for establishing a professional presence. This is where MomensWork steps in, offering innovative business address solutions tailored to the needs of modern companies. Whether you're a startup aiming to impress potential clients, a freelancer seeking a prestigious address, or a global company expanding into new markets, MomensWork provides services that cater to your specific requirements.
What is MomensWork? MomensWork is a premier provider of non-resident (virtual) business address services in South Korea. Our mission is to empower businesses by offering a professional address without the significant costs and commitments tied to maintaining a physical office. Our array of services helps businesses project a professional image, efficiently manage their correspondence, and operate with greater flexibility.
Key Features of MomensWork Non-Resident Services (비상주 서비스): Professional Business Address: Gain a prestigious business address in prime locations for use in company registration, on marketing materials, and in client communications. This enhances your business’s image without the need for a physical presence. Mail Handling and Forwarding: Our reliable mail handling service ensures that your business correspondence is securely received and forwarded to you promptly, wherever you are in the world. Virtual Office Solutions: Enjoy the benefits of a premium office address without the overhead costs of a physical space. This service is ideal for businesses that operate remotely or are testing new markets. Flexible Contract Options (계약 안내): Customizable Plans: We offer a variety of contract options to suit different business needs, ranging from short-term arrangements to long-term commitments. Whether your requirement is brief or extended, we have a plan tailored for you. Transparent Pricing: Our pricing is straightforward and transparent, with no hidden fees. Choose the level of service that fits your budget and business objectives. Industry Registration Support (업종등록 이력): Expert Guidance: Registering your business in a new industry can be complex. MomensWork provides detailed guidance and support to help you navigate the regulatory requirements specific to your industry. Efficient Processes: Our experienced team simplifies the registration process, saving you time and minimizing the hassle associated with administrative tasks. Frequently Asked Questions (자주 묻는 질문): Comprehensive Information: Our FAQ section is designed to address common queries and provide clear, concise information about our services. This helps you understand how our solutions can benefit your business. Personalized Support: For more specific inquiries or tailored advice, our support team is always available to assist you. We’re dedicated to helping you find the best solutions for your business needs. Recontracting Services (재계약 안내): Easy Renewals: Renewing your contract with us is a seamless process. We ensure that there is no disruption to your services, allowing you to continue benefiting from our offerings without interruption. Ongoing Adaptability: As your business evolves, so do our services. We provide continuous support and adapt our solutions to meet your changing requirements. Why Choose MomensWork? Partnering with MomensWork means choosing a service that enhances your business’s professional image and operational efficiency. Here’s why businesses prefer our solutions:
Prestigious Business Presence: A reputable business address in a prime location can significantly elevate your company's image and credibility. Cost-Effective Alternatives: Avoid the high costs associated with renting or owning office space. Our services provide you with a professional address at a fraction of the expense. Flexibility and Convenience: Our services are designed to be flexible, accommodating the unique needs of each business. Whether you require mail forwarding or virtual office services, we offer solutions that are convenient and hassle-free. Expert Support Team: Our team of professionals is here to support you every step of the way—from setting up your business address to managing your mail and beyond. At MomensWork, our goal is to help businesses thrive in a competitive and ever-changing market. Explore how our non-resident business address services can give your company the professional edge it needs.
Visit our website today to learn more about how MomensWork can support your business. Whether you’re a startup, a freelancer, or an expanding company, we have the right solution for you. Contact us to get started.
Website: https://momenswork.kr/
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golden-----hour · 8 months
My stomach hurts while I lie in bed. It's hard to feel profoundly awful when physically discomfited. I feel trepidatious about being recontracted for the next school year since it would be both shameful and unfortunate to be in the measly portion of TA's not chosen for their second year. It would genuinely and profoundly hurt my character. I therefore must devise a secondary plan in the case it doesn't work. I will make considerations at a different time. Right now I want to check in about everything. Time moves with such pace that months are big huge steps I can fit over now. I get how someone works the same job for a while. The dynamic slows into what is static. (My stomach hurts a lot.) I lie down in silence and everything I feel and perceive becomes heightened by the nothing. We had earlier conversations, me, Andy, and Schuyler, about absence, and what language does when it finds a hole. I have already hidden 5 deaths in this writing and you can't tell, which should give you an idea about what language does. Schuyler seemed enthralled by my idea about absence. Just be afraid of what deserves it. But not right now. We are in a public park, and the sun is setting gloriously. Everything bad is later. What upsets me, I guess, is that what makes me most nervous is a fall of class- that is, being painfully uninteresting to others following this program. Won't fully cope with it, but will plan. Need to stop writing. The discomfort is mounting.
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parttimedragonslayer · 9 months
Day 40 (Day 53) - Incomplete 22 December 2023
I’d been expecting that I’d be allowed to leave work early today seeing as it’s the last day of work for the year, but no such luck. The cynic in me suspects that I’m not being given the lenience I once was because I’ve advised that I’m not recontracting for another year. I’m not sticking around so they’re not laying out the red carpet for me anymore. Or maybe just no one thought to say, “Hey, you can probably go home now”. I was thinking of going to the gym for weights after work, but I didn’t really have time in the end because I had to pack for our holiday! Yay! I’m very excited for our holiday, but I’m not sure if I’ll get much running done.
Day 40 (Day 54) - Complete 23 December 2023
I’m being a little lenient with what counts as cross training, but I’m going to count the hour plus walk around Fushimi Inari shrine. We went to Kyoto earlier this year but it was in the middle of summer so we didn’t do much sightseeing. I was disappointed I didn’t get to see this place so we stopped on our way through Kyoto this time around. It was packed with tourists, of course, but it was still amazing to see. I didn’t quite get to see it all, so I’d still like to go back again if I can, but I’m pretty stoked with what we got to visit anyway. 
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Day 43 (Day 55) - Complete 24 December 2023
We’re staying on Lake Biwa for this leg of the trip and we didn’t have any activities planned for the day so I got a run in along the lake. It was really cool to run in a new place and I’d love to be able to run on a lake everyday. 
The run was 5.5km, but I set out unsure if I would complete the full run. I didn’t really have a course planned or anything, I just set out to follow the lake. As usual, for the first km or so I thought there was no way I was going to make the full distance. Is that something that ever goes away?
Day 45 (Day 56) - Complete 25 December 2023
Rest day.
It took a bit longer than I had expected for us to drive to the next stop on our trip so there wasn’t really time for any sightseeing or running. 
Day 44 (Day 57) - Complete 26 December 2023
Today’s cross training was more walking while sightseeing. Today we went to see the snow monkeys! It was so awesome, one of the best things I’ve done while we’ve been here. It was about three hours walking around on icey, snowy trails and standing about watching snow monkeys jump in and out of the hot springs. Would absolutely recommend you go see them if you get the chance.
Day 47 (Days 58, 59, 60) - Incomplete 27, 28, 29 December 2023
Got caught up in holidaying and didn’t have time for running at all. Did lots of walking though so technically could count any of these days as cross training, but I have something else in mind for that. 
Day 47 (Day 61) - Complete 30 December 2023
We arrived home yesterday and this morning I had to return the rental car. The rental place is about 2.5km from us so I figured I would run home after dropping it off and that would be my easing back into running after nearly a week with no runs and it would count as cross training, since the schedule now says cross training OR running. The cross training day runs are much shorter than regular day runs though. 
I made the 2.5km in about 18 mins, but it felt pretty awful. I didn’t think I was going to make it without breaking for a walk, but I did. I did have to stop for traffic lights once, but it was for less than 10 seconds. My pace was quicker than usual though, so maybe that’s why it felt so hard. I still have a lot of trouble with knowing what my pace is.
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muscularpirateangel · 9 months
no you didn't see this
It's just one fucking thing after another today/this week between work and this flat I swear to fucking god
Half the people at work can't grasp simple concepts of things being renamed and decide to ask the same fucking question 2094399 times because they can't actually just pay attention for once in their life so I have to sit in a 90 minute training session when I already know all of what they're teaching us because I fucking paid attention in the 3 weeks we just spent doing training! And because of that I miss the time for a call back I'd scheduled despite the fact I'd repeatedly said to my managers that I had this scheduled and wanted to rebook it so the customer wasn't just left wandering what happened!
Then I'm having to deal with prick customers who think they can play the system and try and guilt trip me into shit then complain that I'm taking too long when THEY keep asking me to change shit and trying to game the system. Shut the fuck up Siraaj we both know you're going to recontract and the more you make it clear to me that you're a landlord the more I want to charge you as much as humanly possible, don't fucking bitch at me that this call is taking too long when you keep having a go at me for not applying manager offers or waiving your admin fees you fuck. Every fucking day is ending with an absolute ballache of a customer and they all keep being so fucking racist with it too. Is it fucking hard to just be a decent human being who can read a fucking contract???
Then I get home and every fucking day there's an issue with something in the flat. The boiler is leaking, the shower is leaking, the boiler is broken, the hobs are broken. Then there's upstairs playing their shit death metal as loud as possible while also stomping around like they're deliberately trying to shake the ceiling AND talking at such a volume I could weigh in on their conversations if I wanted.
I'm just so fucking tired and need a break and a hug and for things to just be stable for one fucking second this year please, I don't think that's too much to ask. I just want to be able to rest for a moment, that's all
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k-star-holic · 11 months
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BtoB ReContract was actually misfiring, not '6 billion payment' but 'trademark rights'
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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oaresearchpaper · 11 months
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biorg · 1 year
OOOHHH new pmmm thoughts: since it's implied that homura is the one contracting, maybe the costume changes are due to the fact that girls recontract with homura?
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feecarsazali · 2 years
mama feel sad today sayang. Mama received sad news that mama last day this month. they won't recontract mama.
mama feel lost and pressure. cause we getting house and your arrival soon. mama no job.
who want accept mama work? cause mama pregnant. Mama believe. rezeki kat tangan Allah swt. you are my rezeki. Rezeki you ada.
Yakin pada Allah swt
mama overwhelmed today. mama cry to ayah. we know ini ujian Allah swt. sb Allah swt sayang kita.
Ayah yakin you pembawa rezeki utk kita semua. kita menumpang rezeki you. Mama kena kuat untuk you sayang... Ayah and mama together with you.
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nazrisg · 2 years
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Fibre broadband recontract means new gadget goodies for the 🏠 #MeshWifi6 https://www.instagram.com/p/CkH_MJKLwfs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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monaut · 5 years
honestly amer*cans love ~dystopian fiction~ bc they want to believe that Americans aren’t already living in the worst possible situation
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