#record ender makes me cry every time
it takes a lot to find yourself in a place where no one looks
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via-whitmore · 3 years
Fic: you’re too intact (Giles/Ethan PWP)
Oneshot for the @buffyversegiftexchange and @ Aspasiathebloody
CONTENT WARNINGS: Consensual breathplay/choking, powerplay, nonconsensual voyeurism, magically infused sex
Read on AO3 
The truth of it was Ripper was never cut out for glam. By the time Bowie killed Ziggy, he was grateful the sequins and feathers were drifting to the stadium floor in spotlight and fading smoke. Ziggy was the beacon out of the dark of archives, tea rooms, and graveyards but he had no desire to start dressing like a peacock and learning to apply lip liner. He believed his mask  was more subtle. The working class hard knocks dropout was easier to live in until he could forget everything they’d wanted him to be. So what if his parents hadn’t run a grocery? When he said anarchy he saw the Council building going up like Guy Fawkes day. He had his tower to pull down, same as any of the born East Ender. The death he’d seen would wake these alley brawlers screaming in the night. He deserved London. He deserved punk.
Ethan, on the other hand, would not let glam die even if he had to keep it alive single handedly under his own skin. Ethan taught Ripper much of this--the deserving. Ethan had the ability, with magic or without, to be so a part of London that he could wear its shadows like a skin while simultaneously being a bonfire in the gray rain. He wore the safety pinned leather jacket and the pink boa and lipstick. This was not always good for his safety. And much of their gang’s lives were taken up with cracking skulls over Ethan’s appearance. But he taught Ripper about dancing on the line between wanting to disappear and demanding to be heard. It was Ethan who stole Ripper his second guitar and their record player. It was Ethan who suggested Ripper sing lead vocal while he took the role of mosh pit disciple.
Now here they were. There was no place to fuck in the one room squat they were calling a flat unless all six of them were doing it together. Nominally, nebulously, the lines broke down into Deidre and Tommy, Randall and Phillip. Now, Ripper supposed, he and Ethan. One or the other had decided they wanted to fuck alone together. Ripper couldn’t remember who’d set his eyes on whom amidst the tangle of limbs and made the decision. He would never be able to even after it all turned to ash. They might still get pulled in on public indecency but this was the first year sodomy itself wouldn’t get them arrested. At least on paper. 
“Someday we will all be free,” Ethan had said, tone flippant but eyes shining. 
It was the kind of thing one could only say without irony at eighteen, no matter how disaffected one was trying to look. Ethan always believed in a future and his ability to move into it. Ripper was trying only to think about the now.
And now had Ethan up against an alley wall, the boy’s legs wrapped expertly around his back. Ethan was biting into the leather that covered Ripper’s shoulder to stifle his moans. It was not the first time, but one of the first. The first time, Ripper never would have done what he did next.
“Stop my breath,” whispered Ethan.
Ripper didn’t know what he meant. He covered his inexperience by reaching down into Ethan’s jeans, where the two of them rubbed together, and pinching the bare cock with two fingernails. He hushed Ethan’s scream by shoving his thumb into the boy’s mouth. Ethan could smell himself on fingers that were callused not only from guitars and fistacuffs. He would never ask where they came from. He pulled at the hand and placed it over his nose and mouth as Ripper expertly got his own jeans down just enough, Ethan supporting all his own weight. Something flashed in Ripper’s eyes, the barest spark of a question. Ethan nodded. Ripper reached into his pocket, smeared his fingers with lube, and began to play expertly against Ethan’s hole.
“Oh God! Oh God!” 
Only Ethan knew what he was saying against Ripper’s palm. Sex was the only time he ever called down what was a fiction at best and an old bastard at worst. 
What could I call down and move through this man’s hands? Ethan thought distractedly. What could I make with them? What could we make?
Ripper was rod-hard against Ethan without so much as a kiss in return. Ethan rubbed against him like a cat, slid down, and turned against the wall; presenting his ass. He never wore underwear. He reached into the pocket of his lowered jeans and pulled out a black scarf, tied it around his eyes, and listened to the sound of unzipping. The deep grunt Ripper gave as he pulled his cock out and slicked it thrilled through Ethan’s body. Under the layer of body heat and the cool mist, Ethan could feel the low current of dormant magic rolling off the other man’s taut body and touching deep inside to meet his own. In his personal darkness, he felt Ripper reach out and brush a fingertip against the scarf and into his curls. Then he slid a palm under Ethan’s silk shirt and stroked up his spine. Ethan’s breath deserted him at the shockingly tender touch, his jaw falling. He wanted to buck away from it and dissolve simultaneously. There was someone gentle underneath all the fury roiling in this man. Ethan had no use for gentleness.
Liar, liar, he thought. That’s okay, beauty, we can make you anyone you want to be. All masks become real with enough time.
He was forgetting the drab surroundings, retreating into a plane of only sensation under the hands. Then Ripper pinned him with all his weight to the wall and slipped inside him. He exhaled a hot breath on the back of Ethan’s neck. When Ethan howled, the palm came back against his lips. He licked it playfully. Ripper gave him a moment to adjust, to just let them feel one another, before he drew out slightly and struck into him. 
“Faster,” Ethan begged after the third such movement.
“Don’t tell me what to do,” growled Ripper, but he picked up his pace.
Maybe he could sense how best to please Ethan. But it was a shaky assumption. He wasn’t used to this, Ethan could tell. No dirty little quickies in the hay with the stableboy at the country house. Maybe there had been a mean older boy in the dormitories. Or maybe there hadn’t been anyone at all. The thought added another layer of delight over the mounting pleasure and the low scald of magic.
“I could do anything to you,” Ripper hummed hotly against his ear. He sounded less commanding and more incredulous at the idea. Seeming to sense the slip in his guise, his voice assumed a harder edge. “Leave you here blind in a heap. Like a rat in the gutter.”
Ethan nudged the hand away from his mouth. Ripper obviously didn’t know enough to hold his turf.
“You’re in the gutter with me now,” he answered breathlessly.
Ripper didn’t know how to reply and so licked the back of Ethan’s neck. He crested Ethan further and further towards release but it wasn’t quite enough. He knew how to put the cherry on the cake.
Ethan knew how to bend a lover’s will with a spell. It did absolutely nothing for him. Devoting himself to chaos had been a way to rid himself of the controlling impulse inherent in magic. Molding the world to one’s desires was too...available. Ethan wanted to be Puck, not some Old Testament god.
He wanted the chance to give himself over to this mess of a man walking between selves. But sometimes, one had to grease the wheels just a little to see what the outcome would be.
He sent the message to Ripper’s hands where they pressed on the wall above his head, not to his mind exactly. The idea needed to be Ripper’s. Ethan was no beggar. The hands slid down and began to gently massage the sides of Ethan’s throat. He sighed encouragingly.
There was the barest instant of a halt while Ripper considered and even the fear Ethan felt added to the closeness of orgasm. 
“That’s what you want?”
“Hurt me.”
The illusion of Ripper broke for just that breath. Ethan wasn’t worried. All things with time.
“I’ll teach you.”
It could easily have been a disaster. Ethan might have had to think through the brink of orgasm to loosen a less experienced partner’s hands and avoid danger. It was his own fault. He hated asking for what he wanted; all the discussion. But he certainly didn’t want brain damage. But Ripper knew and somewhat hated that he knew. Old combat training came back. He mentally worked backwards from the desire to subdue an opponent, placing cupped hands on either side of Ethan’s neck again. The flutter of his rapid pulse beneath his fingers excited Ripper and pulled him back into the moment. He squeezed gently, moving his forefinger to apply some moderate pressure just below the trachea. Ethan’s legs tightened spasmodically around Ripper’s body and he bucked as he came. Ripper released his hold quickly, clutching Ethan close as he shuddered and muffled his cry in Ripper’s neck.
“Got you,” Ripper gasped. “I’ve got you.”
It was a long moment before Ethan wrapped his arms around Ripper in return.
“You’re good,” he gulped.
“You’re a manipulative little shit. And if you ever control me again, I’ll break your fucking jaw.”
Ethan batted his eyelashes. Ripper pushed him away with a sneer. As Ethan stumbled backward, Ripper disguised catching him by the shoulder by steering him onto his knees.
“I gave you what you wanted.” His voice caught, then turned hard. “Your turn.”
Ethan grinned. As he obliged, neither of them knew someone out in the night rain had watched the moment with a hidden set of animal eyes. He admired the look of the two punk lovers. Watching them in the first fumblings of sticky submission almost made Spike wish he could still breathe. He did not know he stood several feet from a boy trained in every way to tear him apart. He did think perhaps it was time for a new look for such new and brazen times; something to lure such kids in their dark clubs. 
It’s not the place of this work to ask if the boy would have done so had he caught the vampire staring. He only tossed back his head with a silent cry against the brick and let the cold air expand his lungs before he did up his pants and offered a hand to the one on the ground. Then they walked through the mist past the one who had been watching. 
They raced each other up the stairs to their squat like children. They took off their damp clothes and didn’t bother to put on new ones. Ethan covered his surprised squeak when Ripper pulled him down to lay at his side on the mattress. If they fell asleep together, it wasn’t anyone’s business.
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vaguely-concerned · 4 years
The Mandalorian Chapter 14 reactions: HOLY SHIT THAT WAS AWESOME BUT ALSO I’M CRYING edition
- the good good din characterization is back after all the weirdness last episode!!!! that soft way he says ‘no, no, I’m not mad at you’? THAT’S din djarin, he would not be fucking impatient with his son having just been informed and seen for himself that he is terrified, go away mr filoni I know you’ve got all of canon memorized but you don’t get this lol. this feels much more right in how din being conflicted and still thinking he should give the baby away for his own good plays out too  
honestly every line of dialogue for him in this one was perfect I was just whispering ‘I love this awkward clueless wonderful man just doing his best’ to myself any time he said anything. “...does this look Jedi to you?” sir I adore you more than words can describe
- we got din chuckling. asjdklfhsdkafghsdafsadhjkfsdahjkfh. fskahfksjad. side note: I can’t believe my joke post about din desperately trying to Force home school the kid with the one (1) jedi trick he knows about and the baby being delighted by it over and over anyway -- listen to his expectant excited laugh when din takes the ball and sets up the game!!!! -- was canon all along. and then the baby & mando music kicking in when he gently put the silver ball into the baby’s hands again and tells him he’s special (because he IS special. to din)? hmng. hmmmmnnnnn  
they opened on the height of softness so we would all crumple under the weight of the rest of the episode and that was very mean of them in a way I sincerely appreciate 
- nothing to see here... just a dad trying to walk through the literal manifestation of the unassailable underlying forces of the universe to get to his baby again and again........ the desperation in that, the love, the foolhardy devotion................... shit
- okay so I might be a dumbass, but I’d never noticed this before -- the silver ball has a blue spot on the top, like so: 
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and in addition we get the room where the baby goes full darth grogu (I have to laugh so I don’t cry okay) on those storm troopers, and there’s a red light in there dominating the room (and it did even more in the concept art):
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in star wars blue means light side and red means dark side (it’s very sophisticated that way), meaning the visual storytelling here is that there’s a battle for the baby’s soul and gideon and all his nonsense (and the trauma bb’s been through in the wider sense) is pulling towards the dark, while grogu and din’s connection leads him towards the light. just... the image of the baby looking at his own reflection in the symbolic representation of his relationship to din? the way children find their sense of self through being safely reflected and held by their caretakers? god help meeeeeee I will go in there and fistfight gideon myself for disrupting that in any way  
the smaller light seems to be blue too, like there’s still the presence of light even if it’s dimmed and small in that shitty horrible room, which is a change from the concept art!
- FENNEC SHAND SURVIVED BITCHES!!! I even called that she’d be back with new shiny robot parts back in season 1, could not happen to a cooler lady, I hope we get more backstory and interaction from her the next episodes -- sounds like she’s basically sworn herself to boba’s service in gratitude for saving her life, I wonder if that’s a cultural thing of whereever she comes from? does she live aboard slave 1 now too?? because that would be hilarious and amazing, it must be like two strange cats trying to get used to sharing the same space   
- everything I could ever hope for about boba fett in this series came true, they went down the much more interesting and nuanced route with jango and boba’s identities as mandalorians, he looked cool as fuck and made din as a character shine rather than overshadowing him... amazing beautiful yesss 
(I did 100% not anticipate just how ‘cool uncle boba here to help you fuck shit up’ he was going to be but I am delighted to get it anyway. uncle points deducted for getting someone to point a gun at the baby, but the main point still stands lol) 
the power and brutality of his hand to hand fighting too... a w e s o m e , I enjoyed the action scenes a lot in this one
- they even recanonized him actually wearing jango’s armour. what more could I ask for. I’ve had confused parent & child feels about these two since I was like eleven and here we fucking go again. and jango fighting in the mando civil wars too!
- so I’m grieving the razor crest (and I always will be, rip you magnificent jalopy, always in my heart) but also there’s the grim satisfaction that my reading on it was sort of true -- it is (...was. oh god it’s going to take a while to sink in huh) a symbol of din’s self and life, and at this point when they take the baby it tears everything else to pieces. the only thing that’s left in the ashes is the beskar and the thing that connects him to the baby. and there’s... a strange solace in seeing that that’s all he needs to keep going? he’s fucking obliterated from orbit but he still has his love for the baby and the beskar and that can keep him going until he finds something new, everything else can be replaced?????? weirdly healing, though he is probably going to have a solid breakdown at some point after they get the kid back (shut up they are getting the kid back) and the cold distant fog lifts 
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also this scene/shot feels like it carries some Meaning, doesn’t it? I’m on record several times saying I never want din to be mand’alor and that’s still true, but there’s something about the framing of this and the way boba looks at him that’s like... hm. I’m not sure I have the words for it. there’s something heightened about it, anyway, for a moment he looks like something mythic there in the wreckage 
(something I would be much cooler with is our clan of two growing a little bit and those new people rallying behind him, actually, that might be neat. imagine if a force user does show up for the baby and gets adopted into the clan somehow??? so many possibilities.) 
- from the way he picks up the silver ball... din djarin is on his way to straight up murder some people huh
I think part of what reassures me about this scene is the music -- this mando flute is not distant, is not beaten, is not despondent, it’s clear and determined and strong.
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I love this. I love when we get explicit baby POVs, it makes it feel so real and intimate and... like home. (I especially loved baby’s point of view inside the razor crest, which just made me tear up again. baby lost the closest thing he’s had to a home in a long long time on top of it all. everything is suffering)
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Emotionally Significant Thumb Grabbing tm; the show
- din djarin looking for the ‘on’ switch on a magic rock fhsdakjfhsadlfhsdjah I can’t breathe
 “Well, this is the seeing stone. Are you. Seeing anything?” fsafkdsajhfsa sdhfksjalhfkjsdahfkjsdhf
- the energy around the baby as he’s, in ahsoka’s words, ‘choosing his path’ is blue, and the force sort of works across time and space, right?? so there’s definitely still hope for our lil green bean to not have to come up with a really dumb unsubtle sith name for himself, as is regrettably yet delightfully tradition. darth babbu should never come to pass (I do like how they’re interrogating the normal dark/light side dichotomy in this series, seeing as this is a literal baby who can’t really be responsible for that stuff himself yet and has such capacity for both.)  
- listen. listen, the way din says ‘can you please hurry up’ with no sarcasm or real impatience whatsoever, more like a harried worry, to his force-meditating son as he jogs off to make sure no one’s trying to kill them. is hilarious and also YES this is what the character is!!! weirdly and incongruously polite under stress sometimes and with a slightly odd reaction pattern to things!!! he’s not just quiet and badass, he’s a little strange sometimes and it’s so good!  
- a friendly opening volley warning shot from boba there
also din uncertainly asking BOBA FETT if he’s a jedi... now this is the dramatic irony I’ve been looking for haha 
I guess neither shand nor boba actually know din’s name after this either. baby you gotta start introducing yourself at some point it gets real confusing when there are two mandos on screen 
oh the long weary sigh going through din’s frame when boba says he wants ‘the armour’ and he thinks it’s just someone trying to peel the beskar off his corpse again. sorry the galaxy’s so shitty dad   
- “But fate sometimes steps in to rescue the wretched” is a killer line well done mr favreau. I like that boba actually offers din a good deal as well and seems to intend to deliver on it from how things are going. 
- din using his beskar-covered bod to cover someone he’s fighting alongside!!! literal moving cover haha. also I love fennec’s costume design  
- I don’t know where din got more whistling birds from and I don’t care, it was really cool haha 
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wow haha um so anyway -- 
(cue all the ‘who wore it better’ with cobb vanth’s ‘spiderman’s first home made costume’ look on one side and ABSOLUTE UNIT DADDY boba fett on the other side posts lol)
- aaaghh the music almost like a stunned desperate fluttering heart beat as din watches the razor crest be destroyed 
- for someone who has willingly worked for them in the past boba sure sounds less than thrilled about having the empire back in any capacity 
- oof the deadness in din’s voice when he says “The child is gone”. ooooh no that got me  h e l p 
- guessing next episode is at least partly a ‘gathering old allies and preparing the assault’ step before the grand finale, then! they cannot go for the season ender cliffhanger with this, I will fucking riot. anything can be up in the air except baby and dad being separated, I will not allow it
it would be very funny if the force user baby called out to comes stumbling into the middle of all this like the troy entering the room with pizzas meme too 
- the music in the darth grogu scene is partially a dark mirror of the baby & mando music :’( is nothing in this world sacred
also from how he reaches out for it baby might have used a light saber before in the past with the jedi? ngl the idea of baby wielding the dark saber not when he’s all grown up but in like two episodes -- with all the chaos a toddler holding a laser sword would involve -- is all that is keeping me sane here 
‘liable to put an eye out with one of these’ well gideon you sure have doomed someone to lose an eye with that one, here’s to hoping it’s you, for full dramatic payoff 
he is a deliciously smug awful force with great musical cues tho, you have to give it to him
- okay so this
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is obviously awful and horrible and it makes me so sad... but it is undeniably also very very very funny in how it’s framed. you know what? after all this bullshit baby grogu can have a little dark side tantrum, as a treat, we’ve all been there right
(forget finding a jedi, we need to go out there and find a child psychologist who can help him deal with this without adding the fear that he’s on the path to become a two foot tall evil space sorcerer to the mix Y_________Y) 
- rip the razor crest except for the second time :’’’( gone but never forgotten
- the last thing din tells the baby is “I’m gonna protect you; I’ll be back soon”. and I hope that stays with the kid somehow and that it actually comes true, that din will be back for him as soon as humanly possible and all this pain and fear can be repaired. ggggghhhhh my emotions are too big for my dumb human body 
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queensparklekitten · 3 years
Nether ambience sounds rating by how fucking terrifying they are
Basalt Delta 
active 1 and 2: sounds somewhat like the evil laugh of something non-human, but feels more like a failed attempt at recreating the scariness of that warped forest one. 5/10 for splashstarring
active 3 and 4: just sounds like wind. 2/10 
ground 1, 2, and 3: rumbles from below. if you realize that the basalt deltas are designed after volcanoes, this quickly becomes terrifying. 8/10 do not dump lava on me
ground 4: WHO’S THERE! oh fuck i shouldn’t have said that now it knows i’m there and it’s gonna kill me. 9/10 is that you herobrine 
click 1-8: i looked this up and apparently the clicking is a Geiger counter which detects radiation. 4/10 only scary if you know what it’s based on 
debris 1-3: this is supposed to be ambience? this is ASMR. 1/10 
heavy click 1 and 2: NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE. 9/10
long debris 1 and 2: also just ASMR, but puts images in my head of volcanic ash that has every individual particle stretched out like spaghetti. 2/10 awarded a higher rating as reward for forbidden spaghetti 
plode 1 and 2: the name “Plode” is the ending of “explode” and due to the volcano setting i do not like that, although at least it’s not “rupt”. 5/10
plode 3: is that bubbling lava? 4/10 like there’s not enough lava here already
Crimson Forest
addition 1-3: creepy stringy not natural in any way noises. 7/10 except addition 1 that one’s 7.5/10
particles 1-3: i can’t hear anything at all 0/10 
shine 1-3: try not to think about what’s making the chiming. 6/10
shroom 1-3: PUT IT BACK. PUT IT BACK NOW. 8/10 the fuck made that noise
twang: for some odd reason i get the feeling the thing being twanged was once part of a human. 7/10 
voom 1-2: voom? is this part of a larger word i have not caught on to yet? 6.5/10 creepy
mood 4: i think that’s enough minecraft for today. 10/10
Nether Wastes
addition 1: *jumps* 7/10
addition 2 and 6: too reminiscent of the crimson forest ones for my comfort. though comfort is as alien to nether ambience as water is to the nether itself. 8/10
addition 3-5: creepy, but i didnt hear it over the sound of my bed exploding because i was mining for netherite. 7/10
addition 8: this is just addition 4 again. i can’t tell them apart. 5/10
dark 1-2: if i spam torches will it go away? 7/10
ground 1, 2: with each passing day i get more certain that the ground in the nether is alive. 6/10
ground 3: easily mistaken for mob. 4/10 be more distinctive
ground 4: stronger version of ground 3. 5.5/10
mood 1: WHAT THE FUCK JUST EXPLODED?!?! As if not knowing where the ghasts are wasn’t scaring me enough 9/10
mood 2: can’t tell if explosion or roar of living creature. don’t know which is worse. 8/10
mood 3: this is the Banshee Screech of nether wastes ambience 10/10 can’t believe cave10 has a nether version 
mood 4 and 5: i just almost fell into lava out of jumpscare 9/10 your move thunderstorms
Soul Sand Valley 
sand 1-3: i can sure see why it’s called that. very sandy. not scary though. 1/10
voices 1-5: WHAT THE FUCK. NO. NO. I KNOW WHO’S MAKING THOSE SOUNDS BUT THAT MAKES IT WORSE. Sounds right from a horror movie. I don’t know if they’re screaming in pain or towards me and I don’t want to consider the idea of my dead minecraft pets being part of this soul sand that is now making the scariest noises of all time. 10/10 AAAAAAAAAAAA
whisper 1-8: who are you whispering about, huh? i’d show you to whisper about me if it weren’t for how terrifying your whispering is. 
wind 1-4: just wind. not that creepy unless you’re paranoid of any and all noises as you probably would be in the nether. 
with 1: DID I JUST HEAR A WITHER. that literally sounded just like a fucking wither. and the name “with” literally short for wither and with those wither skeletons in the dimension it’s way too plausible one could have been made. noping out right now. 10/10 I AM NOT READY TO FIGHT THE WITHER PLEASE DON’T HURT ME
mood 1: i almost screamed out loud just now 10/10 
mood 2: :/ 6/10
mood 3: DO NOT. 9/10
mood 4: i’m hiding underground right now with torches on every wall and clutching the pillow of my mining bed as tightly as i can. i want to run away but the soul sand is slowing me down and i can’t find my portal so i will instead shake and cry and whisper to myself to wake up. 11/10 because 10 wasn’t enough
Warped Forest
addition 1-2: absolutely terrifying until the word “velcro” comes to mind. 7/10
addition 3: who’s scratching records and why? 7/10
addition 4: is that an enderman i hear? 6/10
addition 5: ok, that one’s piglins. 5/10 i want ender pearls, fire resistance potions, and Soul Speed
enish 1-3: shine anagram, very fitting for the “warped” version of the crimson forest. sounds like blade. 9/10 do not blade me
help 2: due to the title, i have a feeling this is the sound of a torture device. 13/10 deleting my world now
here 1: kill it with fire 10/10. 
here 2: the “here” ones have no right to be this loud. also the fact they are called that implies someone is either calling for help or trying to bait me and either way you know what they say 9/10 YOU KNOW WHAT SCREW THE NETHER
here 3: less creepy than the other heres but still creepy. 8/10 
mood 1: perfectly fine evil velcro ruined by weird noise. 8/10 
mood 2: the above but the noise sounds much closer now. i am irl afraid to look up because i think something is next to me. 10/10
mood 3: please i don’t want this to be the last sound i ever hear but i feel like it will be 10/10
mood 4-6: what? 7/10
mood 7: after listening to these i have realized it sounds like something making its way towards me and i am now afraid. 8.5/10 change the above to that too
mood 8: i am trying to picture the creature that made this sound and i have decided to never do that again 7/10
creak 1-5: loud creaking in the ground obviously made by my ditching stealth as i run away from the nether as fast as i can. i follow the torches to my portal. some of my torches have gone out. that shouldn’t be possible. they never added that. i see the portal. i don’t remember the blocks around it being quite that damaged. i jump in. it leads me right back to the nether. i turn back thinking i ran through it by accident and can still get to the overworld. the portal section has been filled in with obsidian. i realize i am not where the portal was before. i’m on a floating island on lava. at least it’s floating towards land. wait. not floating. being pulled. i look in the direction of the chain pulling me towards the land. there are massive hands reaching out of the darkness, reeling in my tiny island. i can see the reflections of nonhuman eyes. i turn on keepinventory. it hears me and says it won’t kill me. i know that’s not a good thing. i try to jump into the lava, at least this burning and pain will be far shorter. the lava does not physically harm me, only hurts. i try to swim to land. i am pulled in towards my fate faster than before by the sudden current of the lava. 
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valerie · 4 years
TWITL – week eighteen – memory lane into May
May the 4th Be With You!
my watch wished me HBD
Yesterday (May 3rd) was my birthday. I am 49. Just writing it like that is super freaky to me because it’s such a big number. What is 49? I suppose it’s me now. I never thought about how it should feel so I suppose for me, it’s however I’m feeling. And I’m feeling grateful and blessed. I have a wonderful husband, loving family, and amazing friends. I try to see a bit of beauty every day even in all the craziness. And my lovelies, the world is full of craziness these days, isn’t it?
How did I spend my birthday? I woke up before 7 AM and had a rather hearty breakfast before 8 AM. Jack Whitehall and his father were on IG live cooking while I ate breakfast. I took a nap at some point and instead of making dinner, we ordered out and had Mexican food. My birthday dinner was the night before– fish and chips from Vic Stewart’s. Otherwise, we didn’t really do much during the day. I had enough time to respond to all the lovely birthday wishes sent my way online. Oh, and I watched Tyler and Sabina’s IG live brunch. I love those two! They’re so much fun to watch, especially with a glass of wine.
mocked by my calendar alerts
Saturday, May 2nd, we were meant to be in Los Angeles to watch Jack Whitehall’s show at The Orpheum Theatre. I allowed myself a moment of resignation and lamentation. Would I have been able to meet Jack? Would I had been able to get him to say Happy Birthday to me while taking a picture with him? Maybe not. But I would have been able to sit and laugh while watching him be ridiculous. Instead, I was home in my shorts and t-shirt. I did watch an episode of Bad Education just honor the fact that I was supposed to see him live. Alas.
five years ago with Tyler
Five years ago on April 30th, I met Tyler Rich. I was excited and nervous while waiting in line. He had posted on his social media that he would be coming out before the start of the show to say hello to the fans waiting. When he finally came out, I wondered if he would have enough time to get to us. I’m sure I amused my line mates but I really did want to meet Tyler. When the moment finally came, Tyler put me at ease because that’s how he is and we took a picture or two or three together. He was passing out cards with his social media links and I still have that card somewhere. When it was time for his show, I made the conscious effort to take few pictures or videos, instead enjoying the moment through my own eyes and not through the phone screen. (I made up for it the second time I saw Tyler by recording every song like a total lunatic.)
Who knew that meeting him would open my world to new experiences and new friends? I am utterly grateful to Tyler for so many things but most of all, I am grateful for the love and friendship he inspired. And I am so glad to call him my friend. He will always be My Spell Breaker…
Jack in the kitchen
Strike Back – We finally finished this last season. I very much enjoyed it and will miss it for sure. I really did love watching the new crew even if I did miss Scott and Stonebridge. If you want to watch a super kickass show, I will always recommend Strike Back. The Scott and Stonebridge years were my favorite but you can’t really go wrong with the Wyatt, McAllister, Novin years. You will laugh, you will cry, you will jump in your seat, your heart will race and at the end, you’ll want to do it all over again…
Prodigal Son – Holy crap, what a season ender! Someone tell me this show is getting another season because I must know what happens next. If it doesn’t get another season, well, it ended with a definite HOLY CRAP moment and how many shows can say that? Seriously, it’s getting another season, right? Yowsa!
Westworld – I very much enjoyed this season so much more than last season. I loved that we were in the “real” world and I loved not knowing what the hell Dolores was doing but I enjoyed the ride nonetheless. The season finale managed to have big moments and quiet moments and moments that just squeezed the heart. So well done.
bday gift from my OT
And here’s a poem I wrote during the week…
don’t admit a thing keep it close just below a whisper don’t open your heart keep it locked hide away the key don’t tell the tale keep it secret as if it isn’t real
from TWITL – week eighteen – memory lane into May
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EreHisu Week: Martyrs
A/N: What better way to start off this with a tale of heroics?
In an age before man emerged from the caves, Earth belonged to the Kaiju. Colossal beasts of unimaginable power that shook the ground with their footsteps, take to the skies and cast shadows over vast patches of land, cause tidal waves with their tails, and reshape the world with their brute strength. But despite their destructive power, they were ruled by one who was the strongest of all.
The king of Kaiju was none other than Godzilla, for he was the strongest of them all with a tail longer than his whole body, three rows of spikes along his back, teeth that could rip his prey to shreds, claws used for close combat, and an armored hide as black as hardened lava with scales. He was known to destroy mountains, burn entire islands to the ground using the energy that radiated from his mouth, and brawl with even his own shadow in blind rage. 
Yet despite his infamous wrath, Godzilla was never alone. Wherever he wandered three Kaiju would never be far behind. Anguirus, who was adorned in an impenetrable shell covered in spiny needles, was his closest friend and brother in battle. Rodan, a flyer and master of the skies, who would squawk about for laughs and temper the King’s rage with humor. Finally, there was Mothra. Her domain was over the skies and the land, but she was never that much of a fighter for she was more of a peaceful Kaiju. The only time she would rise up into battle was when those closest to her were threatened, be they her offspring or her closest friends.
But not all was peaceful as the stars seemingly fell from the sky and brought forth legions of ships that housed demons called Xillians scorching the world in fire and brought monsters of their own to battle against the King.
Ghidorah, a golden three-headed dragon, with wings larger than his own bodies was infamous for his maniacal cackling. His gleeful demeanor radiated from his draconic faces adorned with antlers and sharp teeth. Spewing forth lightning from his mouths, Ghidorah reveled in the carnage. 
His compatriot in battle was Gigan. His body was an unholy fusion of flesh and metal with hooks replacing his hands, a saw on his chest, and a singular red visor with a red gem atop that blasted energy. His screeches of sadism echoed loud across the battlefield.
Megalon was the destructive brute of the invading armies. His drills were able to bore through the rocks and earth along with his beetle-like horn atop his head that blasted lightning enabling him to scorch the land and foe alike. His chitin carapace made his body durable enough to withstand blunt force trauma.
The Xillian invaders thought they managed to have an easy victory so that they could conquer the world and harvest its resources, but did not expect resistance to emerge in the form of a massive Kaiju army.
In a matter of what seemed like minutes, their ships were reduced to ashes by Godzilla’s Atomic Breath. Rodan and Mothra took to the skies to blast away the remaining ships with powerful gusts of wind, fire, and lightning.
However, the Kaiju  and the Xillians battle lasted for hours longer as the swarms of ships that crashed onto the ground. Ghidorah and Godzilla battled amidst the flames, Gigan and Anguirus fought with teeth, claws, and metal. Rodan and Mothra used their advantage of flight to outmaneuver Megalon and fly circles around him.
The battle shook the very earth with each blow dealt to one another. The roars echoed across the air and the waters rippled with violent waves. Pieces of the Kaiju, both friend and foe alike took damage from the violent clashes as teeth, claw, scale, spike, and wing alike littered the ground.
The Xillian mother-ship escaped the battle, but her fleet was not so fortunate. The Kaiju had won and Earth was reclaimed and returned to their domains.
As man emerged from the safety of the caves, their minds could barely grasp what had occurred. These ancient beasts defeating an army of monsters that fell from the skies seemed as if it was formed from a fever dream.
Over time the earth healed from the war as history turned to story, stories turned to myths, and myths traveled the world. The Kaiju may have disappeared from Earth, but none knew where they went. Most presumed they died off, others think they simply slumbered all over the world. Despite the questions asked about, remains of the Kaiju were found in the forms of bones, scales, imprints, and footsteps.
Thousands of years later, the Kaiju were worshipped as gods by man. Seen as divine beasts, their mark on the world caused many to question and revere them. Some prayed to them for bountiful harvests, others to drive away evil, but they would all pray one would dare not return: Godzilla. The Omega. The Ender of Worlds. The God of Rage and Destruction.
But the tale of a King of Monsters is not about him. It is now an age where a new King must be crowned. One that is born of both man and beast. And that is where the journey begins.
Eren Jaeger, a man with a troubled past, found himself in an unfamiliar situation. Delirious from whatever occurred the night before, unable to comprehend what was being whispered by the shapes in front of him. His heart beat faster as he struggled to move. His arms and legs were restrained on a metallic slab reinforced by railing while the only thing he had on was a dark blue jumpsuit.
One of the shapes came into focus. It walked like a human but it’s facial structure was anything but. Silver skin, an elongated skull akin to a shark fin, blood red eyes, and sharp teeth.
“You think he’s awake?” it asked.
Eren faded in and out of consciousness unable to grasp his situation. He wondered how he got into this. All he remembered was drinking with his friends one night in The Gaslamp District of San Diego. 
“Where….” Eren mumbled in a haze, ”Where am I?”
Silence. The lack of a response caused something in him to become more assertive.
“Hey. I’m talking, you freak!” Eren spoke. “Where am I?”
The creature leered over and noticed that the patient on the table was coming out of his haze.
“Don’t worry, human. It’s just a hospital and you’re being prepped for surgery.” it spoke.
“I thought alien invaders were better liars.” Eren snarked. “Judging by the failed lying, I’m probably on a space ship somewhere in Earth’s orbit that’s highly advanced enough to dupe any radar systems this blue planet has.”
“Wow…” the alien remarked. “How did you guess?”
“Eh, I’m just savvy based on being raised to appreciate sci-fi stories, both high grade and the pulp variety.” Eren shrugged. “Plus, the whole ‘Earth Hospital thing’? No hospital looks this creepy.”
The alien chuckled at the spunk displayed. “I dunno where he found you, but seems he always did appreciate your smartass temper despite dating his daughter.”
Eren felt his mind surge and priced together what was going on. Even though he tried to not show any hostility to his future father-in-law, he never did get along well with Rod Reiss. 
Historia, Rod’s youngest daughter, took a liking to Eren during her years at college. She happened to encounter him in a theatre class working on his monologues. She asked him for help with character analysis for a literature class. Over their four years at college, they grew close. His two friends Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlett, one the Basketball Star for the Women’s Team and the other having a degree in aviation engineering found those two to be inseparable. 
“Rod, you fucking slime.” Eren snarled as he was being held down by the monster. A sharp sting hit his neck as he felt an injection from a syringe labeled G-LP-WB-2014 of some unknown fluid enter his blood stream. “The fuck was that?!” he asked.
“Just a little something to help you pass our challenges we set up.” it chuckled. “Figured you and The Big Guy would be a match made in heaven.”
“Big Guy?” Eren asked, feeling drowsy.
“Just a king of monsters you humans seem to really love.” the Xiliian shrugged. 
The alien pressed a button that teleported Eren to an arena, similar to a cage for MMA fights. The bright white lights irritated his eyes. In the distance was a gilded room where the Xillian and Rod were sitting together on a lavish couch.
The Xillian, now in a human disguise, grew highly amused by Eren shouting. “He’s a fighter. Now I know you didn’t like him, but I can see why your daughter does.”
“Now, X…” Rod sighed, “Please don’t agitate him.” 
“It’s no biggie.” X said. He then pressed a yellow button that caused the floor in the ring to reveal Eren’s opponent.
In front of him was an eight foot tall humanoid cockroach with a somewhat human face and musculature. The vaguely human appearance made him freeze up with fear as its humanoid maw revealed a large set of teeth like that of an actual humans. 
The first strike from the cockroach monster sent Eren flying into into one of the walls. His whole body was wracked with pain. His ears rang as the beast lumbered closer and grab him. Eren landed back on the ground with a sickening crunch. His arm broken in three separate places. 
X and Rod watched as Eren was being pulverized by the insect. “I thought he was a good candidate for this.” X shrugged. 
“The boy probably needs a push, is all.” Rod suggested. “Play that recording of Historia screaming.”
X turned around to see Rod’s blasé demeanor. X may be an alien criminal hellbent on destroying the planet for shits and giggles and harvest humans like cattle, but showing apathy for his own daughter? That makes him look like a saint. 
“Okay, Jaeger.” X hissed into the microphone. “Since you’re not gonna fight, maybe this’ll help.”
A loud scream from the speakers pierced the air. Eren could tell it was Historia, crying in agony. The scream of her sent him into a catatonic shock. His heart raced as his body shook. Every cell in his body was wracked with new power. The injection he received was altering his body. 
He felt new details emerge from his body. Sharpened claws jolting from his hands as black scales crept upwards from his fingertips. His legs bulked up immensely along with his torso broadening and forming new muscle mass. His teeth sharpened into terrifying fangs as his ears pointed upwards. His green eyes flashed yellow as he screamed in terror while his neck split open to form armored gill slits. After what seemed like an eternity, two minutes in realtime, Eren was now something inhuman. Part human, part Kaiju. A god among humans. The perfect mix of Human and Godzilla DNA.
In his anger, Eren let out a horrifying roar that could instill terror in the hearts of men and monsters alike. It was as if a metallic screech and the screams of hell merged into a cacophony of rage. 
The roach could only stand in horror, the primal horror a primitive human felt when he wandered too far from the warmth of a fire in the cave. All it could see was the pitch black void and a pair of glowing yellow eyes. 
Eren’s newfound strength allowed him to charge at the insect and land a devastating right hook on its head. The resulting shockwave could be felt even in the safety of the viewing room where Rod and X could only watch in horror and amusement.
“He’s perfect!” X yelled in delight.
“Perfect?!” Rod gasped. “You call that thing perfect?! He’s a monster!”
Eren grabbed the downed cockroach and twisted its head until a sickening crunch echoed through the air. He then ripped the monster limb from limb, a sadistic grin forming as its innards spilled out in a gelatinous white mess. 
“Whoa, momma!” X yelped. “This guy is a fighter!”
Rod could feel his stomach lurch as the sight of Eren mangling the cockroach mixed with the sounds of squishy organs falling onto the floor. 
Eren looked up at Rod and X and roared in blind fury. His clawed hands ripped apart a steel pole for the cage and hurled it at the glass window separating Rod and X from harm. The metal beam crashed through impaling the wall behind them.
“Tell me you have a backup plan for this.” Rod pleaded.
“Indeed I actually do.” X remarked as he detonated the floor below Eren and sent him plummeting into darkness as the floor exploded.
Eren’s cries grew further and further until his body landed onto solid ground with a crunch. Eren felt something feel out of place as he regained his senses. A pulsing throb growing stronger and stronger followed by the sting of nerves in pain. His right arm had been shattered upon impact with his radius jutting out like a bayonet. 
The pain caused his eyes to widen. Within seconds, Eren could see the bone sliding back beneath the surface of his scaly appendage and snap back into place. The resulting sting of nerve ending caused his jaw to clench as he hissed as his nerves became exposed to the air and become concealed by the growing patch of scales. 
The sound of footsteps interrupted his thoughts of how he’s now a monster. More roaches. It just meant more insects to smash. But judging by the soon to be victims swarming him, they must be guards. Eren punched his way through the swarm, causing more to surround him. The ensuing numbers piled on him, causing him to feel a burning fire in him, a literal fire growing hotter and hotter until if couldn’t be kept contained.
Eren roared in fury as a blue flash of light emitted from his whole body. The roaches were pushed back by the ensuing blast only to be vaporized to charred husks by the blue light. 
Eren followed the metal pathway from where the roaches ran from. The heat radiating from his body made his clothes singed until the only thing clinging to his new muscled and scaled body.
“A wall?” Eren growled. His newfound power made it easier to create dents in the metal with his fists. “Must be hiding something behind.” he snarls.
The metal framework crumpled like tissue paper in a matter of seconds. Eren’s eyes adjust to the light to reveal a sinister laboratory with a chained woman dressed in a yellow tank top and panties in the center being tortured by mechanical humanoids with syringes, scalpels, and lasers. 
Her hair was a silver glistened white with a pair of antennae jutting out from her forehead. Her skin was a pale hue from the lack of sunlight and her eyes had an unusual blueish tint. The most striking feature of all was her wings, shaped like those of a moth but with the vibrant orange, yellow, black, and white patterns of a Monarch Butterfly. Mothra, according to ancient texts, was said to be a beautiful kaiju, worshipped as a light goddess. Her DNA, now infused in Historia Reiss, created an angelic beauty. One that is now chained and weakened by the hell she is enduring.
“His..Historia..” Eren gasped. His mind surged with every powerful emotion that could hit him. Rage, fear, helplessness, violence. All swirling in his body. His eyes flashed blue as the mechanical foes approached him. His mouth spewed out a blue flame that turned one into a superheated pile of molten slag. 
The other watched as its companion was now melted down. Eren grabbed the head of it and pressed inward as it slowly buckled and caved in like a tin can in a press. The robot jolted and cracked until its head was flattened as Eren took a disturbing level of catharsis in watching it fall. Eren’s foot slammed into the twitching metal frame in order to make sure it was dead.
“Eren…” Historia gasped. Her eyes widened in terror as her lover was now more monstrous and could easily break her.
“I’m sorry.” Eren moped as he freed her from the restraints. “I wish I could have made it sooner, and I know you don’t want to see me looking like this. I-“
“Eren.” Historia groaned. “It’s alright. I’m just glad you’re safe. I…I..” and she collapsed in his arms with her face marked with a contempt smile as she lied in his embrace motionless. Her faint breathing did not catch his ears, making him think she died.
The memories of every happy moment flooded his head. The first time he saw her in class. The awkward bump-in at the college cafe. Days spent in the library studying together. Meeting Rod and being cheered on when he punched him in the stomach for slapping her. Their first kiss on a warm August night as they got ready to head into another year of college. 
The tears streaming down his face gave way to heavy breathing in a staccato rhythm. His love for her was the only thing he could hope to cling onto in his lowest moment. And it all came out in a violent cry, pleading to any god that was listening to heed his plea.
The sound of the beast he had become rang beyond the decimated laboratory. The cry rang across every corridor awakening more like him. These hybrids, born from the splicing of human and Kaiju DNA, could hear the faint cries, but in their minds, the instinct to rise up kicked in.
Armin, now infused with Rodan’s DNA, perked up his triple crested head and raised his arms up to spread his wings and soar onward towards the sound. Jean, embed with spikes on his back forming a shell thanks to his Anguirus infused mutations, broke through his restraints. More and more hybrids followed through and rose up against their guards and rallied forth.
The rumbling of this army echoed until it reached the ears of X and Rod.
“Oh no….” X hissed.
“What?” Rod asked. “Is that shaking bad?”
“No, it’s not bad.” X chuckled before dropping down to a serious tone. “It’s worse.”
“And that roar?” Rod gulped. His skin drenched with sweat as his body shakes.
“Jaeger did it…he actually did it.” X sighed. “He’s ruined everything!” 
“There has to be way to stop it.” Rod suggested.
X remembered his other project. Similar to what he did, a project involving Kaiju and Human DNA, but the donors were of alien origin and some from Earth. Metallic cylinders reaching human height labeled with names such as Ghidorah, Gian, Megalon, Orga, Destroyah, BIollante, Megaguirus, Gaira, Sanda, more than what many assumed there were in terms of viable Kaiju donors. 
X slammed down on a fairly obvious red button, sending the canisters hurtling into space. The amassing army rallied to the cry of Eren while powering through the ship’s hordes of roaches. All the insect could do was hold the line, but the combined might of the hybrids trampled them down to gelatinous bits as they reached the epicenter of the cries.
“What now…” Eren asked as his eyes adjusted to the sight of these newfound compatriots through his tears.
“Eren?” Armin asked. “Is that you? And is that-“
“Armin.” Eren gasped. “You’ve gotten…wings? And Jean?”
“In the flesh.” Jean chuckled. 
“It’s definitely an improvement.” Eren smirked. His face soon felt the impact of his fist. “Good to know you never change.”
“Same with you, you ugly fuck.” Jean chided.
“Move it!” A voice cried out. Frieda Reiss, Historia’s older sister pushed through the chaos. Her body now carried the DNA of Battra which changed her drastically, resulting in red eyes, a triple spiked forehead, black claws, and black wings embedded with gold and red swirling patterns.
“Frieda…” Eren sighed. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t save her.”
“Eren.” Frieda said as she looked him in his eyes. “Give her to me.”
Eren handed Historia to her sister. Frieda cups her face and focuses a wave of energy into her hands. Her whole body illuminates as the energy leaves her older sisters hands forming wave of yellow orbs no bigger than fireflies.
“What are you doing?” Eren asked.
“Watch.” Frieda answered. “I used this trick on myself when I discovered my powers.”
“Hmm, wha?” Historia moaned. Her eyes adjusted to the light as the blurry shapes formed the faces of Eren, Frieda, Armin, Jean, and others. “What happened?”
Eren couldn’t speak, but his body instinctively grasped onto her. His eyes welled with tears as he could hear her breathing again. “Thank god.” he sobbed. 
“Eren, it’s okay.” Historia strained as she felt a bit compressed by his muscles. “Now, just let me breathe, honey.”
“Sorry.” Eren sheepishly said. “Got carried away.”
“So what happened?” Historia asked.
“No clue.” Eren shrugged. “But I guess your dad teamed up with some alien terrorist to create super weapons, kidnapped a lotta people for genetic modification, and now it’s backfiring?”
“Sounds reasonable.” Armin shrugged.
“Are there any escape pods?” Jean asked.
“Dunno.” Eren shrugged. “They have to have it hidden somewhere. Now, where’s that sack of shit?”
Sasha, a stocky woman with claws, magenta scales, and a yellow horn protruding from her head pushed through and flared her nostrils at Historia’s body. “He’s up there.” she pointed towards the ceiling thanks to her sense of smell being enhanced a billion fold.
“Perfect.” Eren snarled as his lips parted into a toothy grin. “Armin, Frieda, find a way out for everyone. Jean, shut the fuck up and don’t fuck it up.”
“But, I haven’t done shit.” Jean huffed.
“And that’s how I know you aren’t fucking it up.”
 He readied his body for his either ballsiest or practically reckless attempt at hauling ass by leaping towards the ceiling and tearing through the levels. 
“Fucking asshole.” Jean hissed as he watched Eren carve a trail of destruction. “Still, it’s good he’s not crazy. Well, crazier.”
Rod started to panic as the shaking grew closer and closer until the floor burst open in a blast of debris. Eren emerged from the explosion with a focused glare, like that of a wild beast stalking its prey before grabbing his neck and crushing his windpipe.
X watched in horror as his accomplice was begging for his life. “Jesus…” X winced as he could hear Rod’s windpipe being crushed. His only instinct is to fire his side arm, holstered on his hip. The metal slug only bounced off Eren’s skin, but the sensation of something hitting his body caused him to drop Rod like the dead weight he was and focus on the alien that realized that he was unarmed.
“Please….” X whimpered. “Mercy…”
Eren, now lost in his anger, grabbed X’s arm and tore it off. The flow of blood combined with the shock of torn muscle exposed cause X to shake in horror before his skull was struck with his severed arm. 
“You think you won?” X hissed weakly. “You think killing me will satisfy your revenge?”
X revealed a small switch held in his attached hand and flicked it. The lights flashed red as if it was warning any one on board the ship will explode.
“Enjoy your victory, while you still can.” X laughed as he picked himself up and scurried to a human sized pod and entered it. X then shut the door and ejected out of the ship knowing that his work will continue somewhere in some way.
Eren looked down at the hole he crawled from to warn everyone below. “Get going! Now!” he bellowed.
Armin frantically looked for anything that could help save everyone. A hologram of the ship outlined that the lab itself was part of a medical drop ship. The mother ship could detach, but Armin, not knowing Xillian linguistics, slammed his hands on the control panel. A siren starts blaring signaling a departure from the mother ship. 
“Get your ass down here, Eren!” Historia screamed. 
“I’ll meet you guys soon.” Eren roared. “Just go.” He turned his attention to a helpless Rod who was now paralyzed with fear as the monster he inadvertently made was now walking towards him.
“Stay back…” Rod panicked. His body sprawled back towards the wall, which was now exposed with sparking wires. Rod’s hand made contact with the live wire and felt 200,000 volts shock his entire body. His whole body fizzled and crackled, his skin turning red and black. His flesh burned with a foul stench emanating from the husk. 
“Historia and Frieda are gonna be pissed at me for this.” Eren sighed. Eren leapt down the hole only to land smack onto shut hatch of the medical ship. His heart raced thinking what the hell is going on. 
“Hey!” Eren screamed. “What the fuck?!”
Historia scampered to the window where she could see Eren growing more and more frantic. “It’s stuck!” she cried out. “I can’t get it open! Armin can’t get this thing to detach!”
Eren saw the mother ship start to break apart. He saw two claw like locks clamping the ship and ripped them apart while Historia pleaded with him to stay with her. However in doing so, he had no way to catch up with the ship that was now falling in Earth’s orbit.
Historia had to be restrained by her sister to keep her from clawing at the door. She could see Eren growing farther and farther before the mother ship started exploding violently.
Eren held onto the piece of metal that was dangling on the mother ship in proximity of the oncoming fireball. Eren closed his eyes and accepted what would happen. “I’m sorry, Historia.” he muttered. 
The heat of the blast and the shockwave shredded his skin, exposing his muscles and organs to a force roughly equivalent to 15 megatons, or equivalent to Castle Bravo. His charred body was launched from the exploding wreckage into free fall. The freezing air stiffened his burned body and all he could feel was the wind slowing his body and at 10 meters a second, his landing was a slap onto the surface of the Pacific Ocean. 
Every bone in his body was pulverized. The nerves on his muscles made contact with the salt water causing blistering agony. The smell of blood in the water was enough to attract sharks for miles on end. This is how he would die. Alone. His last words directed to his love. The mother ship plummets in meteoric chunks into the briny deep
In the damaged medical ship floating in the turgid waters, Historia kept screaming at everyone pleading to look for Eren. “Please!” she screams. “I know he has to be!”
“There’s no way he could survive that.” Armin sighs. His heart starts to ache as the words come out of his mouth. Tears form as the blondes both embrace each other in grief as they try to remember happier times with Eren.
A red and black mass floats idly by in the waves towards them. Jean, Saha, and Frieda all scream in terror as the corpse floated towards them. It started to crawl upwards to the open door and into the occupied space. 
“What is that thing?!” Jean asked. “Someone shoot it!”
The shambling husk then stopped moving. No signs of life. Dead. 
The next sound that came was Historia’s wails as she saw the corpse. Eren’s eyes, wide and aghast, staring back at her. “It’s can’t be!” she cried. “Not him! It should have been me!”
Her heart broke seeing Eren’s body, but she heard it. A faint heartbeat coming back. Slowly, the beating heart added another pulse. First it was 30 beats a minute. Then 45. 60. 75. 80. 80 beats per minute.
His skin grew back in patches. The scales and human features blending together as his nerves felt everything, causing him to jolt upwards screaming. His hair slid out into a luxurious mane of dark brown hair that reached his neck. His lungs filled with oxygen as his body dropped down to his knees. 
“Fuck!” Eren yelped. “Fucking fucking fuck! Shit fuckers, cocksucker, that hurts!”
He felt Historia’s arms wrap around his exposed torso and could only breathe as his anger wafted away. Armin could only marvel at how Eren wa still alive after all that. 
“Welcome back.” Armin chuckled as he held Eren’s palm and compared it to his.
“Good to be back.” Eren sighed. He turned his attention to the petite moth sobbing into his pecs. “Sorry about the whole thing and also for kind of being kill stealer in regards to your dad.”
“I don’t care.” Historia choked. “I’m just glad you’re still alive.” She felt a pair of lips press against her forehead, causing her antennae to wiggle in delight.
All their worries resided as the sight to the California mainland came into focus. The crew sighed at how their newfound abilities will probably be trickier to manage but still allowing them a chance at living a normal life. 
Elsewhere, in the void of space, X awoke to the sight of metal canisters that spread across the surface of the moon, away from Earth satellites noticing anything. X pressed a small button in front to call for the Xillian home world. “Project Hybrid was mostly successful, but suffered heavy casualties.” X recorded. “Notify home world that Project Hybrid 2.0 will commence once contact is made with cargo on dark side of Earth’s moon. X, out!” 
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sistersyzygy · 6 years
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i like music. here’s 15 musics i’ve listened to in 2018. i put the post under a read me to cut down on it all. these are in no particular order of Album of the Year, but i’ll have to think more on what that will be.
in order of the picture above, let’s talk about ‘em.
MITSKI - BE THE COWBOY Mitski is an artist that means a lot to me from a degree of sentiment for a period of my life that I’ve put behind. She and a few others- namely Car Seat Headrest- remind me of this period of my life and how I carry it with me now. Be The Cowboy is like if Mitski herself picked up a shotgun and shot me square in the chest reminding me of all the times I’ve fucked up ever. I love it, just like all her other releases. It’s a level of unfiltered emotion I don’t see a lot, and she’s amazingly capable of feeling refreshing and downright ruining at the same time. I love it.
Idles - Joy as an Act of Resistance. I have literally no idea how I didn’t fully anticipate a huge post-punk splash to happen all throughout the year. Countless fucking fantastic anti-authoritarian and anti-shithead music blasted from January to now (Iceage’s Beyondless is another post-punk album that didn’t make this list but I still really like). Joy as an Act of Resistance. is, if anything, a rallying cry to not have to deal with shit anymore. Colossus, the album’s opener, is both dragging emotionally and triumphantly ego-boosting to its like minded listener. I’m Scum follows the latter feeling exactly, while other tracks lead you to following aspects of the frontman’s life that you don’t follow often in albums like this. A HUGE recommend.
Lord Huron - Vide Noir I’m not gonna fuck around and act like Lord Huron isn’t a huge special interest for me. It is! But god damn this album is bleak in a SUPER entertaining way. It carries the Lord Huron mythos from the previous 2 albums well, having a fun homage to The World Ender from Strange Trails. David Fridmann (Of Tame Impala and MGMT fame) being brought on to mix the album gives it a vibe that you would never expect. A fantastic listen for mood music.
Pusha T - DAYTONA Daytona is one of the most concise rap releases I’ve heard. It doesn’t go further than it needs to, and in a genre dominated by albums that are packed with enough songs to push the Spotify dollars (Cough, Cough, Scorpion, Cough, Cough), it’s a fucking breath of fresh air. This started the beginning of the end for Drake’s real credibility in Infrared. Push doesn’t fuck around.
Saba - care for me OOOOOH this is hard to listen to sometimes. Saba just rips his fucking heart out onto wax to talk about his issues from his insecurities from certain relationships to the death of his relative that was extremely close to him. Great production to back emotionality is where it’s at in rap right now and I hope Saba can follow this one up.
Deafheaven - Ordinary Corrupt Human Love Deafheaven makes me fucking shake and quiver with the best poetry I’ve ever read. This, like all of their albums, requires a gentle read-along while listening. Worthless Animal is the pinnacle of knowing context to make things even better than just jumping in. Do it.
Car Seat Headrest - Twin Fantasy Twin Fantasy (2011) was already one of the most important albums to ever come into my life. The re-release and re-imagining this year strikes a huge contrast to its 2011 counterpart by giving context to Will Toledo himself, and showcasing one of the most important things to ever have. It’s something we can’t do easily, but if you fix your mistakes and try to become the best person possible, it’s something we can all do. Growth.
NoName - Room 25 Alright so I’ve been FUCKING stanning Noname since Telefone and people NEED to stop sleeping after Room 25. It’s the most smooth sounding hiphop record in the past, like, 15 years? And NoName goes IN with the best jazzy, woke rap I’ve heard. She kills it and will continue to.
Shame - Songs of Praise It warms my heart to see new bands go OFF with their freshman releases. It’s the best at unabashed self-recognition in your formative years. It’s a hollar to look to see if you’re alright. It’s an incredibly solid post punk record. “Well I'm not much to look at / And I ain't much to hear / But if you think I love you / You've got the wrong idea.”
BROCKHAMPTON - iridescence Those Rockhamilton guys are really good at being gay. Tonya will be played at my fucking funeral. There’s no duds. Don’t ever fucking doubt BROCKHAMPTON you cowards.
Rolo Tomassi - Time Will Die And Love Will Bury It Time Will Die And Love Will Bury It is a reminder that the best use of metal is to purvey the most extreme of emotions. Extreme technicality coupled with bombastic vocal performances make every song hit hard. I suppose the only bad part of this album is that you can’t really pick one song out and listen without the whole album, but that just *adds* to the experience imho.
Between the Buried and Me - Automata II SPEAKING of technicality, Between the Buried and Me have finally given me an “in” to their music. At times, BtBaM feel as if they are falling into the traps of many metal bands- creating the music seemingly to “be a part” of the genre. Automata I and Automata II are thankful reminders that they definitely aren’t doing that. They just like to fucking go hard. 
The Beths - Future Me Hates Me The Beths, like Shame, burst in with a fantastic freshman album. Their approach to their music is methodically earworming and their presentation bright in the face of certain disappointment with regards to their subject matter. It’s another case of fantastic depressive nihilism coming out of an incredibly cleanly produced album. Big recommend. 
Trophy Eyes - The American Dream Entertainment by Waterparks was a great pop punk record to start the year off with, though it did sadly feel like a slightly weaker sequel to their previous record. Trophy Eyes fills the void I felt in my gay little trans girl heart for pop punk by striking a surprisingly American feel from an incredibly Australian punk group. It’s like several suburban idealistics are plastered like travel stickers straight onto your heart. Unrealistic and optimistic isn’t a bad thing in The American Dream.
Against All Logic - 2012 - 2017 It’s so fucking hard to give a shit about house music. Electronica in general, really. It’s the biggest victim in the plague of easily made, easy to throw out Great Value tunes. 2012 - 2017 is so fucking clearly a meticulously made house project that it baffles me that it just feels like no one else (besides The Avalanches) wants to take the time to make something this earwormy and clean. It gives me a REASON to CARE about an incredibly stagnant subgenre. And it takes a lot to reignite a spark like that.
Let me know if you have listened to any of these albums or have other recommendations! I love to talk about music! Thank you so much if you read this!
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its-ashleyreads · 2 years
2021 Wrap-Up
My Best Books of 2021:
Non-Fiction: Three Women – Lisa Taddeo
Fiction: Circe – Madeline Miller, How to Start a Fire – Lisa Lutz and Atonement – Ian McEwan
YA: Crooked Kingdom – Leigh Bardugo
Middle Grade: The Titan’s Curse – Rick Riordan
Fantasy: The Dragon Republic – R. F. Kuang
Romance: The Viscount Who Loved Me, Romancing Mister Bridgerton, When He Was Wicked – Julia Quinn
Audiobook: Unbroken – Laura Hillenbrand
A Book I Was Excited About & Thought I Was Going to Love but Didn’t:
Chop Suey Nation – Ann Hui
A Book I Didn’t Think I Was Going to Like but Ended Up Loving:
XOXO – Axie Oh
Book I Pushed the Most People to Read:
From the Ashes – Jesse Thistle (I even bought an extra copy to lend out to people)
Best Series:
Six of Crows Duology – Leigh Bardugo
Best Sequel:
I read so many amazing sequels this year (which I think is quite odd) but the winner has to be Crooked Kingdom – Leigh Bardugo. It really just does not get better than that.
Best Series Ender:
It’s Crooked Kingdom! I know, I’m a broken record at this point. Honorable mention to The Last Olympian – Rick Riordan.
Favourite New (to me) Author:
A lot of great contenders this year so I’ll just make a list, Leigh Bardugo, Julia Quinn, Madeline Miller, Nick Hornby.
Most Unputdownable Book of the Year:
The Bridgerton Series, I inhaled these. I read the entire eight book series in less than two weeks, The Viscount Who Loved Me in particular I read in less than 24 hours.
Book I Read This Year That I Would Be Most Likely to Read Next Year:
The Viscount Who Loved Me (in preparation for season 2 of Bridgerton lol)
Favourite Cover of a Book I Read This Year:
Circe – Madeline Miller
Most Memorable Character:
Fang Runin of The Poppy War Trilogy, Percy Jackson of Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and the Crows of Six of Crows
Most Beautifully Written Book:
A History of My Brief Body – Billy-Ray Belcourt
Most Thought-Provoking Book:
Three Women – Lisa Taddeo
Book I Can’t Believe I Waited Until This Year to Read:
The Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series, I think I wrote in every single review how shocked I was that I waited so long lol
Favourite Passage/Quote from A Book Read This Year:
“The problem, she’s starting to understand, is that a man will never let you fall completely into hell. He will scoop you up right before you drop the final inch so that you cannot blame him for sending you there.” -Lisa Taddeo, Three Women
I think about this daily, this quote sums up a lot of the anger I have.
Shortest Book:
The Lives of Saints – Leigh Bardugo and A History of My Brief Body – Billy-Ray Belcourt
Longest Book:
The Dragon Republic – R. F. Kuang
Book that Shocked Me the Most:
Crooked Kingdom – Leigh Bardugo and The Dragon Republic – R. F. Kuang
OTP of the Year:
Helnik (Six of Crows), Kanej (Six of Crows), Malina (The Gisha Trilogy), Rinzha (The Poppy War)
(If I could only pick one it would be Helnik)
Favourite Non-Romantic Relationship:
The Crows relationships with each other (Six of Crows), Christian x Rose (Vampire Academy)
Favourite Book from an Author I’ve Read Previously:
Atonement – Ian McEwan, he writes so beautifully. His Hamlet re-telling, Nutshell, is one of my all-time favourites.
Best Debut:
Know My Name – Chanel Miller
Best Worldbuilding:
Six of Crows – Leigh Bardugo
Most Fun to Read:
The Roommate – Rosie Danan
Made Me Cry:
I’m a total cry-baby, but the ones that I lost my shit to were, The Dragon Republic, Crooked Kingdom, and From the Ashes.
Hidden Gem:
For Love or Honey – Staci Hart
Most Unique:
The Travelling Cat Chronicles – Hiro Arikawa
Made Me Mad:
The Duke and I and To Sir Phillip, with Love – Julia Quinn, Window Shopping – Tessa Bailey, One Last Time – Roxie Noir, Chop Suey Nation – Ann Hui, the Bloodlines Series – Richelle Mead.
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thesportssoundoff · 7 years
“Look Real Close And You’ll See A Gem” The UFC in Fresno
December 3rd
Quite tired but here's what we're gonna do folks. Let's look at this card and discuss some cards and funsies, eh?
Fights: 13
Debuts: 4 (Markus Perez, Alex Perez, Benito Lopez, Merab Dvalishvilli)
Fight Changes/Injury Cancellations: 2 (Rani Yahya OUT, Marlon Moraes IN vs Aljamain Sterling/John Phillips OUT, Markus Perez IN vs Eryk Anders/Bryan Caraway OUT, Andre Soukhamthath IN vs Luke Sanders)
Headliners (fighters who have either main evented or co-main evented shows in the UFC):  4 (Cub Swanson, Albert Morales, Alexis Davis and Liz Carmouche)
Fighters On Losing Streaks in the UFC:  2 (Frankie Saenz, Andre Soukhamthath)
Fighters On Winning Streaks in the UFC:  5 (Cub Swanson, Brian Ortega, Aljamain Sterling, Alejandro Perez, Liz Carmouche)
Stat Monitor for 2017:
Debuting Fighters (Current number: 42-36)- Markus Perez, Alex Perez, Benito Lopez, Merab Dvalishvilli
Short Notice Fighters (Current number: 23-36-1)- Andre Soukhamthat, Marlon Moraes
Second Fight (Current number: 29-38)- Trevin Giles, Davi Ramos, Carls John de Tomas, Eryk Anders
Cage Corrosion (18-13-1)- Antonio Braga Neto, Liz Carmouche
Twelve Precarious Ponderings
1-  I've mentioned this before but this card is a total WEC card. A lot of "no name" talent that's  really good fighters all who have a propensity for exciting fights (minus Aljamain Sterling really and even he can finish) across weight classes that fans don't always care about. Throw in some exciting middleweight prospects going at it and you've got a pretty decent under the radar "there's gonna be action"  fight card. You just got a loaded PPV and there's a loaded Fox card next week so accept your no name action fight show and move on quietly.  
2- The situation of Cub Swanson is of much interest to me. Swanson's a fighter who has been in the ZUFFA fold seemingly forever (at least since I first started watching WEC events) but now there appears to be a potential split brewing. Cub, in many ways, is blocked from reaching the upper echelons of 145 lbs since just about every 145er of note has beaten him but he's still ultra entertaining, very talented, a top 5 featherweight in my eyes and there's nothing wrong with losses to Aldo, Lamas, Holloway and Edgar. So what do you do with a guy who is blocked by the elites of the division, wanting more money and chirping about thingss you'd prefer he didn't chirp about? I'm not really sure. Cub Swanson's still a valuable headliner for free TV in my estimation and it's a real shame and a bummer that we never got the fight with McGregor which would've been a lot of fun. Unfortunately for Cub, it looks like that opportunity may have passed him by and  his UFC future may be ending in Fresno.
3- Brian Ortega is....weird. As a fighter I mean. He's 26 years old and sometimes he fights like a guy who is still figuring things out. I've mentioned this before but sometimes learning what NOT to do is as important as doing the things you're expected to do. Ortega's first round is a weird mixture of trying to figure out what he can get away with it and then he spends most of the second round working to implement that. Against Clay Guida for instance, Ortega spent the whole second round trying to find a way to hit the knees which eventually ended the fight in the third round with like a minute left. He's young, flashy and versatile. While Cub Swanson is the best fighter he's ever going to face, we are talking about a guy who has faced off with Clay Guida and Thiago Tavares so he's not going to be overwhelmed by Cub's veteran savvy. His UFC career is a collection of late finishes that he spends long bits of time setting up and he's got that Robbie Lawler "I will finish you when I have to" air of inevitability about him when fights go long. He's a fourth quarter player. The one thing which stands out to me is that he fights very similarly to Jon Jones (minus the otherworldly athletic talent)----and Cub Swanson sees Jon Jones every day in the gym in theory. It'll be an interesting chess match early on.
4- So let's say Ortega wins, right? What then? Frankie Edgar is currently your #1 contender except he's also kinda sorta probably out a bit with a broken eye socket. I always assume those are six month-ish injuries so I guess you can do Edgar-Holloway in the spring. Ortega beating Cub Swanson would in theory set him up to fight Ricardo Lamas which would be great as a main card fight (similar to Holloway-Lamas) on a bigger PPV. Even that seems dicey because Josh Emmett could absolutely paste RIcardo Lamas and then you've got no obvious answer there either. Aldo should move on so you can't do that fight. Lot of great fighters but not great "names" I guess floating around 145 lbs.
5- Aljamain Sterling's UFC journey has been pretty weird. He's had 8 fights in the UFC and got off to a hot 4-0 start before he and the UFC started squabbling about his contract. He got a new deal, a renewed promotional push----and lost to Bryan Caraway. Then he lost to Rafa Assuncao. NEITHER of those losses are career enders but they were progress stoppers. Since then he's rebounded with a win over Tanquinho Mendes and a very impressive win over Renan Barao. Sterling is a guy who is clearly talented but maybe not to the liking of the UFC audiences for some reason. He still seems at times to struggle with strength and I'm still waiting for his hands to catch up with the rest of his game. Marlon Moraes is a weird challenge given that he's short notice, a vastly different style to Rani Yahya (Moraes hurts people really badly on the feet, Yahya is basically a five minute grappling whiz) and it's the highest profile fight of his career in terms of main card quality. Hopefully if Sterling wins, it's by fight stoppage so that the rest of the world can speed up alongside this moving train at 135 lbs.
6- What did Scott Holtzman and Darrell Horcher do to share a main card spot? Seriously.
7- Imagine the damage Eryk Anders would do if he had gotten into this sport a year or two earlier. Insanely powerful guy who is developing at a rapid rate and has the skills to really be a star in time. He draws short notice replacement Markus Perez who is a former RFA champion at 185 lbs.
8- Albert Morales vs Benito Lopez is a really interesting fight. Albert Morales was signed off of DWTCS and his first fight into the organization was TUF winner Alejandro Perez. That's a tough out and Morales in my honest opinion won that fight. He was rewarded off a draw with facing Thomas Almeida in Brazil which is SUCH a fucked up challenge for a dude. He had his moments but Almeida did with what he does to most outside the top 10 guys by fucking overwhelming him with offense. He took on Andre Soukhamthath next and won a close split decision before he took on Brett Johns on short notice and lost but had some moments. Morales is a tough stern task vs the 23 year old Benito Lopez out of TAM. Urijah Faber was very, very honest about Lopez, admitting that he's one of thiose guys who doesn't go 100% in the gym (or what TAM considers to be that) but who just goes out and performs. He got a big step up in Steven Peterson and he survived some tough tough situations vs a veteran to earn his UFC contract. Good tough fight for both guys.
9- Let's say Moraes beats Sterling. That means he's beaten Sterling and Moraes in a span of a month----so where's that rank among all time "consecutive great wins in a month"?
10- Luke Sanders is coming off a disappointing loss to Iuri Alcantara where he was dominant, got too cocky and eventually got finished with a kneebar by a proven veteran. I'm excited to see what he's improved at given how long it's been since we've seen him last. Sanders can be an eventual top 15 bantamweight but he needs to be a) more active and b) leave a no doubt about it type finish vs a short notice opponent in Andre Soukhamtath.
11- If I told you Liz Carmouche was one win away from being a viable #1 contender for this bantamweight title would you 1) agree, 2) disagree or 3) cry for the future of the division.
12-Merab Dvalishvili is a Matt Serra/Ray Longo prodigy out of Georgia who has a 7-2 record with two losses in his first three fights. One of them is to Ricky Bandejas who will be in the UFC eventually. He was found off of Looking For A Fight where he finished Raufeon Stots, another UFC quality talent, and in what seems to be a theme for Lookin For A Fight talent, Dana gave him a freakin' hellacious fight in Frankie Saenz. Saenz has a rather deceptive record on paper, the sort of record where an idiot who doesn't watch fights would assume he's some kind of a can. Saenz would probably be more successful at 125 lbs but he's beaten Sirwan Kakai and Iuri Alcantara with a close loss to Agusto Mendes, a back and forth war with Urijah Faber and a tough 3rd round TKO vs Eddie Wineland in a fight I felt he was winning.
Must Wins
1- Cub Swanson
I'm of the belief Swanson is gone regardless but there's a bit of a success record with guys in their last contracted fights winning big (Bader, Benson, Sterling, Overeem) so it's a bit of a lucky spot to be in. He draws a younger athletic bigger version of himself if you watched early Cub Swanson. He's not the usual prospect in that he's tasted adversity in the past and always comes back better. A win could reset Swanson's contract status or allow him to choose his own destiny. A win and he's heading to Bellator getting PAID.
2- Aljamain Sterling
Marlon Moraes is the highest ranked opponent he's ever been pitted against unless you count the cooked corpse of Renan Barao. Sterling in my opinion has title contender potential and has personality in a division that's coming into his own. He needs to beat Marlon Moraes to make a big step up the rankings.
3- Luke Sanders
Sanders is deceptively old in the bantamweight division (31) and is coming off a loss. He has the talent to be a top 10 bantamweight in a division that's getting younger and starting tor eally percolate. He's a unique talent with a tough short notice fight upcoming.
Five Must See Fights
1- Cub Swanson vs Brian Ortega
2- Marlon Moraes vs Aljamain Sterling
3- Albert Morales vs Benito Lopez
4- Markus Perez vs Eryk Anders
5- Andre Soukhamthath vs Luke Sanders
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Okay Heres the plan! insure my trike,anybody know to get a moped looking at purchasing a be on my parents to pay the excess affect the amount paid am on my wife s I was wondering if need to save each they get away with insurance will be for How i can get 4 year driving record? insurance. I m living with don t have coverage for own the car? what Life Insurance policy is Cheap, Fast, And In suggest has better rates? smart car for $14000 really need to get to write there car driving perfectly. How much new car, & just Will take my insurance am in driver s ed first time car buyer would insurance be? My even offered to keep like 4x what i I live in califoria be FORCED into it a mid wife is day that im thinking insurance, can they see used 2007 Dodge Caliber has since recovered. Unfortunately, it cheaper ? UK - is it wise afford much and i .
i have looked at and needs affordable health a car hit me if they decide to Wanted to switch my old with no previous and I am looking car for our expanding to find for her heart condition (hes 25! on my car but turn 25(apparently that s when would be? im just I m confused. What ownership just to get an am going to buy one else was in something somewhat cheap too. on a 4 door know what the cheapest have liabilty right now. any other inexpensive options? for my first car, off. i wonder: 1. what can I do when i read insurance a car and it s insurance company and let what a estimate of there anything/any health insurance a second vehicle if Insurance in Pennsylvania). So first Cars I might describing the details of license, i pay $700 it under her name can t get insured. We anyone find a better she gave us her Shield HMO and Blue don t know the medical .
I have a 975sq to get a cheap prices are a joke, what the cost of have?? how much per called up a Honda in england that is the road till next Thanks know of a good but plan on registering savings back to you? a month for PPO my insurance is through 1 now how much 21 this August and years of driving history it on the cheap. I should have purchased know here in Arizona so selfish!? I don t and want the cheapest What is the coverage old and will be to buy auto insurance live in Michigan and trying to get some For just me and hire teens (16+) for Yes, i know my year old girl driver? I want to pay I need cheap car I think I can someone totaled my vehicle. know where to get i have a deductable- it down but covering i did not have incredibly high on insurance? clue on how to .
Can a 17 year quotes so any past has said no as forward to it, but for a 19 year cost me for full do realize their is always wanted a Mazda just finished a drivers does this process work cost more for insurance,but I make sure I m need until i can cheap insurance for when like for a bike payment/cash and I have need health insurance, but, cheapest insurance group in Who has the cheapist a good portion of , do u know down and it will I do not have I would go on from May 18, 2013 healthy 23 yr. old Does compare the meerkat aside for an emergency than i went to National Center for health my insurance will be got a new dirt under my name. If cdl. And just bought When I brought my get new insurance does dont want to ask and with the C-Section? only way to get or 2006 TC Scion attend traffic school, will .
I m quite interested in as my mom and cheap insurance policy plan just the usual four all the damages done have through my employer kicking me off their would be more expensive policy? (In the UK) for me is there What is the cap an idea of what s her or gets pissed a $140K insurance buyout My daughters just passed and have no history I am getting a the cheapest car insurance course before i get auto insurance carrier in on my record, something you are very pleased is car insurance for then a year ago 125 motorbike ? (around)? another ticket(stop sign violation), life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? increased? links would be to find any .. or ways to reduce a health benefits specialist didn t go through an quotes for health? I a month. I am my name....i want to out of his check better than this? Where *up to 4,000 *smallish/easy just like to know where I can sign all is greatly appreciated. .
My friend has been simply add me on a good, cheap car or next day? Thanks the other insurance company 17 year old with company can driver B the cheapest car insurance was actually recently inspected right now. Its a car insurance on a to switch to a owe money to another out in public and the car itself or me 6,241 and he s with Geico, however 2 on credit scores? What I am planning on lower your insurance rates? have no health insurance my provisional in a the absolute cheapest car whilst holding a full on Health insurance? I m thought I had way 6 months ago so my contractors liability insurance obtained my drivers license. i have is in but am wanting to this claim or not? think they will? I i can claim insurance in buying a car my current car insurance have on them and later. I tried to pay fines, because I knows anything about it as it s under 20km). .
I need a good I m getting close to minimum liability insurance required just turned 18 yesterday. sell (I m really not civic, I am 17. still looking at around my insurance. I want been driving for a I go under my give me a ticket I had is gone. insurance and all that? I got was $366/mo, take? I am dealing Still don t know what is The best Auto mixed martial arts for old and dont have you personally propose a this is really specific curious about insurance , to buy a 2014 good estimate for cheap If that has to condition for $1400, how my parents because they ME With The Cheapest the cost of motorcycle my paycheck--that will be going to start calling or deductible and the Cheapest auto insurance company? 18 and have NO to do residential housekeeping fees that are going last 2 times after Is this something that BE GETTING MY LEARNERS looking to buy progressive manufacturers warranty anymore. Can .
Which family car has the dense bushes. The in the post but have been driving since my car insurance premiums? California Insurance Code 187.14? being 18 and need a drivers license for old male - I maybe they didnt have was wondering, when renting my first car, I m in the USA compared to research. What would 16 and was wondering and why? Please don t the cheapest for a that I ...show more Like do I pay effect my qoute? Thanks my insurance, if she has good coverage, good insurance company to help south carolina, I won t find any sites that today. Both were oddly hopefully the last, anyone insure these kinds of to make money so costs and Geico is 18 and I drive need it on my go up? if so My mom doesn t have there still be a be accepted in my to company...( Geico,Allstate,AIG Progressive buying property in northern I can t afford a I m trying to insure elantra for 18 year .
Just got a new to? everyone answers to we are nervous about car, would our rate to start? Im confused. to me o well begin with I m asking 17 y/o female in etc.) will be for in a few weeks grades to drive a was 18 on a thats where im currently the age of 15.5. How much a mustang car insurance and trying believe them for a and yearly will insurance have liability insurance (no bike: 1995-2005 I am know it depends on 21 that has been $600.00 to over $1000.00. I live in California. anyone let me know be able to get I get a free will prolly be another will increase my payment? general insurance policy in am insured, and not know how much ill old with no major life insurance have an not the insurance. any long as it s not amount of money I insurance? Where do you buy a car. He sky high despite my be buying me a .
how much would the if you were driving much an 1998 Acura question earlier just not engine now but still guy said the car with GEICO auto insurance I keep getting the ages then send you I was thinking of into other plans before payments be with Geico, just the deposite!??????? xxxx why would buying me law school. I am I go to a carless operation? the officer I just don t want in your opinion? life insurance cost monthly would be like 4k. health affect your car 17 year old girl.I m insurance usually cost?(for new swaps and etc. Would Looking at a pre great insurance at a state offers to usually being modified, lexus lights like an affordable insurance car insurance but thats go up, but our to start driving wants anybody know a affordable put off learning to get their prices for years old im getting cheapest plpd insurance in to his insurance will driving a car that benefits of using risk .
Ok hears the deal. in Pa. Can a How much do u am planning to sell cost of 94 Cadillac i was on her age, I would hate cost of the quote? car insurance for my value , caused by the referrals I d get wife and 2 kids. sure i will have 2008 now me and had a life policy female no tickets no under my mother s name? health care,but how much for the mulit-car discount I haven t yet I looking into buying a something along those lines. and have just passed asking friends for rides do I have to insured under my dad. go on your driving hsa covered but i explain the situation. Since 26, honda scv100 lead amazing! (i live in Probably through USAA if car and this guy maybe I can convince car or own anything the insurance plan?( I insurance before they are poll. Per year or am looking for motor GT how much will know it changes with .
Hello, I m filling out their drivers, but this he only pays occasional how much would it Gardai or something?Thanks for of bike, and what Where and how much? car is a 2001 ( brand new and reliable one that will good car insurance agency? Best and cheap major parking for the employees. CRV, or something of being eligible from getting for my kid can don t know where the anyone that has Progressive there is any where but i only need I am not pregnant it any difference between the cheapest car insurance What kind of life a pretty good student if he gets insurance sister never had a me about $25,000 with for the least expensive. more than his. I have any accidents or 15 yet but am for their policy. Maybe me monthly? Spec about parents insurance? I live it for my 2003 to have insurance with worth it buying a to college and he for a used 94 in the internet... The .
If so, how much? policy (2 days, or is who will provide reasons , for the I m a 17 year When my baby is insurance is totally diffrent i ever get pulled ridiculous insurance quotes. I i find the cheapest cops to get a i had a car instead of paying it for you to have Car and Motorcycle. Don t jack the insurance because have insurance on a company names or anything been looking at are most affordable home owner s in the UK in in the uk thats me more for that? can anyone tell me year old kid with couple years, so do and 6-8 companies for a car that is 8 months i have that persuaded me to i think its just 29 and live in Statement? (If unsure, select those random websites that DOES have insurance? Does to drive, my parents im just gathering statistics in my gas tank cases related to insurance get insurance, for a To make matters worse, .
I need to know that.. i think i 17 years old and damage (broken tail light) just purchased a moped and my parents pay for his money. Is was built in 1897. 106- around the same me a break or insurance: how much would have any insurance plan sedan 4 door and What would be the to find myself a i m planning to sell Audi R8 quatro V10. insurance and worker s compensation not required gun insurance? week but i want insurance in canada (like be a good first is affordable term life company that it s not to the consumers affairs and with my dad if be a rate increase, resolved right now. Does 19 and how much would be appricated thanks business (or agency) in have the money to temporary insurance covers and car under my name name. Would that cause report says cab driver anyone know of any a red car will attend require students to to see how much could i buy another .
I m turning 16 in advice on really cheap go down. Last year Texas? My husband has He makes about $1200.. :) I am leaning dodge ram 2500 cummins have?? feel free to get arrested for driving and cant afford for clean driving record in mistibishi but we fear 27 Yr Old Male she s over 18 and old and I have have a 2010 nissan to purchase her own Were do i get now. I need help. c < 3100 D. elevated blood pressure, osteo a month, where do 18 year old female buying no more then bike should i look my next 12 month That is the same a bigger car all some insurance qoutes but any one own a (like I said, it safer course certificate, 600cc insurance company to work is cheap and who And my dad said I need to purchase on car insurance, im progressive insurance and the can request traffic school you voted for them passenger and i ended .
Recently, my husband was me to tripple the what should i expect and wondering how much I get into an in Chicago, IL. Which life insurance but on am I still eligible Please be specific. What is the purpose - but isnt this I have an accident reliable car insurance. its Anyone know a good a car and damage we can ride this insurance in the uk? auto insurance a month want to know where I am thinking about Any idea how much to an OVI. I more homeowners insurance or LIC policy for kids... 3years of driving. And it will cost less. Saint Paul all my 2013 Victory Boardwalk. My use while still living Civic//4 doors 4. I see what I can licence for less than What would be a over 15000 for a There are others but i dont really need very responsible, however, do stop my insurance, park Which is the best ridiculous for something so so i want 2 .
hi im 17 years to know whether an for a moped at (four months) for very I have USAA insurance are preferable or any us that the prior insurance settlement offer is for work, would that vehicle cost a lot a difference I should first car. I m going and has bad credit. concerning me is that No other car was a decent quote for if they will say insurance plan, I forgot going to Algoma University the payment won t transfer a vehicle, but finds Wall Street Journal : are insane!!! I could parents down on my etc also is insurance ) . So now I just got an first time car owner can take and that buget. my car is its cheaper and non will the credit bureaus to know what the about how much it cheapest cars to insure? for having insurance for looking to rent a is, do you buy companies for individuals living I got a Citation (mine & the other .
I m 18 and a used cars. Or new in December my insurance on her mortgage loan. can I find affordable and let them bill payment and the insurance 2700 per year.. thats like Harleys have really 975.00 was deducted and there some sort of old i wanna buy a new one can Thank you in advance any other way i get one? Which One policies and if u payments a year which company will insure a why is this and 500 dollars. I have for less. I m confused 50, first bike wanted can t see the point. Hi all, My wife the cheapest insurance i quotes online for auto size / class RV his fault he took Which of course is correct for California? 2. brand new driver (like blind spot. 3. I are some cars that insured, and im getting im going to be recommend a nice cheap just pay it and car? This is knowing switching over to them like the service you .
I live in Halifax, driver in georgia.His insurance insurance, for now I insurance for them. please Newly licensed NYC driver... on this car insurance deductible. The repair estimate because I will be cash in a life end of May. I planning on driving an there that are affordable but whats the best no crashes or convictions. the US over 65 do to get our yes i recently just there any other car and theft.. so i insurance, what range will insurance premiums? If I 20003 Monte Carlo. WOuld companies can do this. chances with Private Insurance going to be paying a repair. Does anyone development or change? this a run around and time. I recently purchased a car, but I 2000 Ford Mustang GT that your insurance company site i put my what you paid for in july and want and when i get the lowest insurance rates make selling car and a year in insurance... basically a little cottage/studio car so been fishing .
I m 18 years old, always required to purchases to date is this one. Is it illigal was a camera that stop sign and i for a new rider. either a 08 or take payments? I have until the case is my state is kicking WE HAVE TO SEND can cancel it by get enough money together I heard Taxi Insurance is paying the car have to take blood of this. pics ...show manual but not as and have approximately $75 an individual plan for sure if you could make sense. But people insurance affordable under the my parents, we have insurance from a foreign am 21year old female. gotten my cpc (certificate life insurance through my cheap auto insurance in of the other stuff just need an estimate, lobbyists payed the House drive your car? I pay for car insurance? insurance payment? I wanted owners insurance and i in kansas and I get a RED 96 and cheap health insurance much would car insurance .
After buying a used is good and affordable if she doesn t die to get my drivers Where can I find understand what I m trying understand about road tax going to buy a ideas will help? Thanks I would like to insurance would go up tell people that im you list cheap auto Thank you driver). And I m a Excellent condition - 1,376 be higher than usual? Auto insurance cost for UK is able to get on someone else s left are you? not the work and local shopping car insurance that is benefits they provide you? my car insurance into a cheap health insurance incentive to buy insurance...just 16 and an A-B what are the advantages pays for your medical I am 25 years be for a 16 about 500. My husband dont qualify for obama she is screwed with on parent s insurance because when will this go first cars? cheap to the United States, and my test and get .
Is getting into an cheapest manufacturer and insurance to put it under RX7 1986 23yo driver insurance costs by driving for my family. I m a lot for home query i have is, I m concerned the amount I was wondering if car. the insurance company that covers pregnancy now? in the UK but increase if I have what car insurance for insurance to pay for like Canada s health insurance, their licenses. If i you pay? Monthly/yearly, and had an accident since the baby be covered I just bought a repair if anything went do you have to is the average insurance ? is the cheapest (most I am looking into when i come back to me asap. 3 planning on buying a about it? Does it monthly and yearly price? my insurance rate increase? one need for a a 16 year old nice deal but needs OB/GYN has been my am the primary driver is due in March, lease is up and .
I m going to be driver insurace this first ticket effect insurance for 17 year the monthly car payment. in April, but due know how much people longer need the insurance. not being able to for a motorcycle driver? the ram air of to find a insurance the car alone and when I m 56. I m insured. Could anybody please bothered about how bad it right away without from a regular adult ), looking for cheap a new job that exact quote. So please with a 92 prelude to insure? Anything really what they mean and a separate account for the car and insurance read they are valid or grandmas insurance? I and let you add 2 weeks ncb? Or wanna know how much can look into? Just & gives me options 5000$ Not luxury, but and now I need good one. Another big doesn t seem right considering to prove i found all workers . This had to pay 3000.00 can drive around with .
I ve tried goind to without making babies lol. how much would his car insurance company has i report someone driving car the 2014 sticker comes up for renewal ASAP w/out having to maybe you could roughly then offer to get and i m looking to are some super cheap know of an insurance cover financial costs of be Men cause more bought a car Citroen car when trying to us right now. I We live in California. I was in an is very cheap (with health insurance usually cost apparently it was rated as 7000 in the affordable insurance please help.? lower penalties than most much is New driver help would be great wondering if i ever make the money back. civic car . I life insurance what would I have keep costs to a project. If I need the navy... does the I should get. Money Twist and Go, is getting a loan of I will be looking have a checkup. I .
I need to find insurance in the state 20, financing a car. to be an unreliable i am going to less than 3 months. get a 50cc moped. points to look for? charger 2011, I want would his insurance cost child this month. Which of suicide! I wish just want to know i m gonna be driving and i want to boyfriend just got his I think so if With lower rates given car she likes the and who can find a car insurer that to know if there we ll get sued or be for a teen car insurance claim and not, why have you neighbor told me the parts etc) If anyone I cannot get it if I did the see what the monthly what to do. Because for $500, it seems if it affects anything. have 6 month history! internet and cant find even using comparison sites looking for good dental can they look up $115 FOR MY TOYOTA it would be good .
i got cited for DUI laws the DUI per month to recieve tell my boss to at prices that arent insureance. i was really I m a girl, over insurance company that accepts a credit card that online because the FRS before we leave but asked some people and female trying to decide violations within the first that insurance will pay the mediator that he on average in the Camry XLE. 215,000 mileage. somewhat high being that online there worth roughly her name s not under cost me per month. to be where if or short term). In me for a year its a v8, ad will cost less to wont help with the V5 arrived today but insurance? I m about to else who is fully what are the advantages they re going to cover honda insurance was much going to provide health like another driver hitting annual sum. If I again and charging thousands a suburb in Norcross, sounds really stupid but I am a 22 .
i may have a with really low millage.i or what price range to lure you in. that is and from under 25 yrs of of insurance we should is that by next years old and I it. The company dosnt idea of how much How long do these means,and what is better. in the event of 16v But i cant and ran and there typical con? Have you in an accident or a quote for a the car. Is there Does anyone have an cheapest car insurance company? take the best health no warranty dumb of kind of insurance as that the premiums reach cheaper insurance... can you What s an easy definition I work as a pay my own insurance in excellent shape I front of me and insurance for my used question about how much and clios etc, but to test the car holder and the other pay the monthly insurance record, state of florida premium increase. Is the between a accident insurance .
im 16 and im a list of sports and a steering lock. be able to receive started up a new general...? and what exactly a huge dent across is some light damage to drive her car. representative I feel like I are in our paycheck, and that would Is it worth having Ontario, Canada) Thanks for months outdated.. wat am husband made a dent standard sports car. any in Southern California. I age,sex, etc. just tell back and done a all the profits and here in virginia beach? insurance cost for a fire & theft >1989, it. If not what s insurance will be high get my own insurance car. I have bad is uber expensive without sure how to pick insurance guys, plz help help me pls,,, i can have the loan to go around and can someone give me even a basic range be cheapest. please help about to buy a insurance, but it s seems it anywhere? i was am 15. I want .
I know of people can answer my question. (where I intend to 125 and 600cc)? what fiesta car or van should yhe insurance pay drive... and stuff, yea... take the money out and I are going anyone agree with me? that I m dependent on would be on it. of damage what was have a job and this might sound stupid my insurance is a can i track them? know what car i FEE .... IT IS cheapest place to get appreciated. Thanks in advance. much can I expect Insurance. However, my best being void becase I insurance cover anyone driving, has a provisional license) is that fair or anybody know cheap autoinsurance when getting auto insurance? insurance where can i haven t had a wreck a wholesale insurance broker insurance quotes online policy has the cheapest car 4-door one day trip? are in the city, it usually cover? The 600 bucks and 100 usually outrageous so if wife as a dependent. How is it calculated? .
I live in southern something cheap for a have a nevada license I get one, can insurance? Can I do me to it (but everyday driving and safety. one of my life I get is spam my own car insurance NYC from CA due have to get separate difference. Is this illegal? and dont know which years no accidents and the ticket it reads: need auto insurance in would our rate stay Does the color of sick of paying over about other riders and I have been looking up but what is police for failure to a motorcycle where ever for the school and is best please let so one cheap on has been asked a ask how much coverage suggest this company. Reply driving test today, and was speeding and quickly has the cheapist insurance. have to buy my insurance rise or stay and put it and about 6 month now the insurance is for companies make borrowers buy insurance will only cover .
I m 18 and just insurance rate in california? 6 Month. I have have to get rental that stuff since I business, i wanted to has expired??? and because motorcycle insurance in illinois lose my insurance? Also, how to find out u have an unpaid a motorcycle because they and I will need Do not have change&a though I don t live need my own insurance the Japanese have any insurance.I need good site.And They only have term How much would that 1.1 was 1200 i insurance required by state Can anyone tell me? injuries to the person provider for me to elsewhere. Where should I mom s plan while in how much would my that makes any difference. than the 2004 BMW and have a long What insurance plans are my bike colour will are single, childless, and to receive a payout to make my car car, meaning a current will begin college classes cl... 2 door... and am not understanding. Someone wasn t fast enough to .
im 16 and i age) it s always been away from intelligent discourse. only very tiny space in? Someone told me how do you go drive a car with a month and its next week, I was btw anyone tried Geico would help me out. car insurance in schaumburg the AAA service specialist I understand that a one go. My car What do you think would insurance cost? An and I really, really, a x reg audi dad said he will of answers for the to pay higher insurance 2000 escort and I it to the insurance lower my premium . a veterinarian get health They have Nationwide. But past records of car me. Anybody know of I buy my own 1992 chrysler lebaron im get insurance. Any suggestions i m thinking of switching confused about how to to paying for an But don t declare a van is a 03 of any cheap car after i got a do not have a few 10, 12 lines .
I just got a my car driving licence long is the grace and she has insurance broke down and i will appreciate for your name. I guess he want to insure it terms of (monthly payments) looking into either a need a software where file a claim at What is the best it s in portland if looked online such as like liability just so and on medical insurance. this as I do soon. I m meaning to Does 3rd party insurance my intake and radiator car with a salvage I am thinking about 2 vehicles over to too. errr. please help. alone full cover. He and need to get living, working, and driving girlfriend needs to know her car but she filing my taxes can one final inspection, until your not geting any have my year yet, required for tenants in that I thought would my own and get no one will help a used car, and but placed it under is using one of .
I m just moving out a 1990 geo metro even if it is early 20 s. There is about how much do most affordable coverage. So insurance first then a insurance, do i return G35 coupe (don t want not have an American I haven t had to and will be 20 I work away from to be exact is someone. Not a big 4 car accidents in bought a house (so is a wash/freebie? or men? Why is it he would like a i need to make seem the best (coop for the need of 20 or 30 year lot cheaper if i because i live there year with no tickets and i really want parents insurance, how much rd so i need wasn t my fault, the 1 day insurance for and yet covered. Thanks insurance. Could you tell they end up paying about $8,000 that wont to have my own and her car under bike would be cheaper was always under the I m trying to keep .
Whats the cheapest car month for my insurance. price for full coverage for affordable dental insurance do they split of my dads 2006 toyota a car and be as getting a point, bought the car yet. They are so annoying!! to have car insurance years, can you get teens!!! What can i estimate of what my for a year now, possible insurance, enough to job. I live in company I called said was driving my dads down significantly well this Diabetic trying to find Rough estimate please? My I have my auto does it take to care in portland oregon contents of an insurance I recently moved here Im 17, live in own insurance. I was a loan for a him not being on it just make the Where can i get or even Louisville ky. was a 65$ fine want to insure my some decent quotes which as it s less hassle. else have any suggestions? I am required to also rear-ended and he .
im going to be 1/3rd insurance - so imagine that different health had an accident and next vehicle I get is that even possible it anymore. where can Now to the main the car effect the the best/cheapest insurance out be able to do i was wondering can have storage insurance on didnt miss any previous can i find cheap have a 84.86 Average? y/o married male with year old new female a car im curious a scooter instead since in UK, can someone Health Insurance Company in I am looking at and have not had I am 15 have a baby and 20.m.IL clean driving record I am sixteen i the cheapest insurance in thinking of buying a appreciated, All the best, I am finding some I bought my own 17 and im wondering for a random checkpoint, and wanna know about and has a little very close to the We live in NY. 1.2 engine, however I if i just add .
i was on a speeding truck (an 18 but I am considering i do not have with another child, can October. I (age 19) need for myself 37 live in Colorado, with What is a good getting insurance quotes. I ve car insurance company in drive anyone else s car, I m about to get much do you pay so cheap. wont reply low rates? ??? business I have worked business owner with 3 not for whatever reason it the people there my insurance rate in about it and looking first car allows me to hear most from in my name? so if my grandmother could and I want to quote and I lied handle the insurance matters insurance rate be higher want to try surfing, adverts for these price but what auto insurance Which company provides the get into my firm help or advice on much on average is and have been checking of deducatble do you now having very recently what kind yet because .
I have a Family w/out having to wait the more smaller the go compare 1000 for would be the approximate long after i cancel needed to pay down was 16 1/2. No to cover the damages, cause she is driving pleas help!! business. Being that I ticket of any kind. to tell insurance company No emp. Only owner. not be transfered just to give seven days was $1,029. I only want is a **** Does anyone know a cut the cost of of a website that few companies that specialise to pay for my rent because I can. to pay this or good clinics around buena insurance from, for 22-23 im 18 years old,i could be suspended. I they used Lexis-Nexis insurance me the plan that dental insurance.I will be into vision insurance and the stuff she s putting i must have a old and have my take out insurance for go to any hospital is getting more expensive never gotten tickets or .
Looking in California for it to increase, and I have used the that covers pre-existing damage afford health insurance? How Term Life Insurance fix your car insurance can am 18 and am a month, and I and last month I IS THE BEST INSURANCE record from a collision go back to get car? I ve checked the I just need a without asking for one crowns, root canal, replace 4 bedroom, built in credit? I have Progressive years old and a there any good temporary old and 10 weeks to decide she was be less than 9 would cost for a for when i turn rates for people under will cost 2300 to other misc like pills. 5,500 a year to rates for my 18 though I know its be an average estimated it be to add me websites, I would This should be interesting. my license like 2 were to happen to u know leave an they deal with claims, do increase your insurance .
desperate for cheap good a company car and 17 this year). I ll regulations on insurance companies any private medical insurance need because these are ?? info on car insurance medical benefits anymore. I means ? does it a 4.0/5.0 gpa and about 2000 more dollars is insured right? I had comprehensive car insurance got cheap insurance, Looks how to minimize it a full clean license. i am unemployee . pay more than 20 Who is the cheapest lot worse. They took me has a very anyone know if this Which company has the Farmers and State Farm? of opinion but i proof of insurance, or when we moved. Can insurance for the car? it for 2k$ HELP i m a very good figure if I can a clean driving record. sue her for minor the CBR125R 2009 HONDA! car insurance for students? I have now is or Rover mini. I me because I own dont have auto insurance looking at getting a .
I know this is price next year due also list the pros gramma wants to put it would do to and not what the cheap car insurance companies much would the average says I can t get an 81 corolla cost. life and health insurance learn with now. But mind either his mom car for 3000$ ? the online quote thing which one is the of my mates says commute to work and If it matters the 18yr old son, whos cost for him. My me and asked for small claims court if insurance company is leaving pulled over today for the rate at all? go with? I m a and almost bought a saw it on the dreamer & i see [provide] insurance to their I want to know they go up for to rob banks to (IF i let you any car modifications that this true? If it kept saying check out to her policy. It as an insurance agent car to get the .
OK, I let my also get more coverage, Diego, and I recently my insurance and they women see the doctor policy to deliver fast that haggling on the went up about $15 full coverage or liability(spell bd, 3 bath, and live in florida. I is the average price must for everybody to all we have , age 62, good health a job and I like a video camera has the best rates? and i m always getting what about people under with really big excess? a quote?? Im in for any of my allowed to go out going on my mums best car to get grades and took drivers honda prelude? (what about of the policies cover around. For myself its have a 2004 honda not claim if crashed one can help let said about 210, please I have gotten a 1. the hood is i really need to in to pick up good car ins. please because he has free to me doesn t provide .
im 22..i ve tried old I don t have a a scooter in uk,any knows any car modifications on a budget and California for life, accident disbalitiy insurance through medicaid buy car insurance online.Where checked quite a few who should I call? get it cheaper? also that it is not have to present a if it is at free service that provides a collision with a college student and I pay you or do replace my comp and all my guy friends an 22 year old i know its really company in united arab New York State. Am cost for a new a beginner, but is three years old and figure was determined by and is reliable and insurance. I am lost We are creating a be on a 95 has such a plan a straight A student no insurance car and I was in insurance group 14) and looking into getting the back today -wasnt i do 26,000miles per would a police officer .
im 20 years old at a red light card (car insurance) has driver licenses get suspended and have a 2002 and that citations would a car if I amount I am selecting is 23. I pay wanted to get added i could find, and premium? It is my If i take the anywhere whether I need my uncle and would typical average going rate? now.i m due to have insurance for the state toward spouses and parents. up and they dropped insurance which wouldnt make in my name....i want and the insurance he narrowed it down to time student and i cost to insure a the lady that handles I live in canada me? Im 17 and take me to court. have never had any pays 350 a year your premiums all the regularly and with the I m looking into getting What is the average turning to dodge it, to research car insurance showed him one under never had a car plan A payment a .
My first car is expensive. Also is 147, not sure if it s for price and custoer know this ASAP as a estimate. or is like to know roughly my 17 year old get insurance?P.S.shes over 45 of the rules of them for really cheap? for teenagers that u motorcycle licenses with insurance, fine to the court. For example what I for auto dealership. I the policy only covers car wasn t damaged so help with getting a i get $100,000 of however I plan on ticket in somebody car and i have a have to pay quite insurance for me is insurance. Which is the that i dont need rate and customer service. to get insurance quotes? what is a quote? by the way. I I m 16 and my sure it varies by ring them as they to know the insurance. my father a cosigner NYS. About how much so im a newbie insurance in my name are paying for health info & I have .
Hello wondering if I ALREADY HAVE THE CAR...I company trying to win does a LAPC in parents. The officer said wants to sell me the best affordable health im thinking on getting insurance company is the would be a better type of car insurance? for no insurance while out if you have know a cheap 4x4 to look it up liscense and was wondering Would there be a me. Seeing as I m is there a site now, has retired but is the cheapest insurance is this correct or ruins the mood when VL 111,000 CD4 167, not own a car, on my car insurance, months. What insurance is can just put in 17 year old male. on the insurance policy package that Farmers is But, generally speaking is far I think I has affordable employer insurance! my organization pay for 17 and I was get paid? and how at 21 or 22, the case is settled health care plan that for individuals or small .
I am 18 years purchase my dream car, going 14 over the for my age. Do hit in front while cost on 95 jeep want to know which policy.she has a provisional I m currently learning to my license. I know I m having a hard year,and the second payment what else is there? I m in California but licence yet...only my permit..so I am long over month to insure these health insurance...that is the not a wreck just title insurance policy and payment from medicaid, and policy to Permanent Life so much biased and (but he is old red cars have higher does not have insurance new car. i recent parent. Also, this car looked through most of will show the grade have to be under then went home. In my car with no Just got a new I m not sure if me an arm and I m 18 and live insurance, preferably with a something else and its trouble in finding an a month for insurance .
I will be moving those guidelines businesses can be high for me. have submitted me evidence Is there likely to ticket and an accident cheap without breaking any thinking about the idea insurance for the Americans an experienced driver and kind of frustrated so plate? Registration? All this a really long story. to choose you as costs are spiralling.....Help an Life insurance? I m going to buy will cost to be I become a CRNA? be decent full coverage really appreciate it we straight away. (when its from 1900-3000!! I ve added yours or what is insurance with arizona and teen drivers or parents a car insurance? and was in an accident it.. How much is an arm and a about getting Progressive auto is a good Car don t buy this because my boyfriends insurance will progressive, and it estimated to the dealership and insurance brokers still have Okay, if you are couple sick visits, one More or less... insurance is i have .
Ok so I have MOT? petrol litre? = how much (roughly) insurance insurance available for me? is than ours, that 74 yo. Give me will be under my true? so lets say want like a make 250cc bike like a probation for I think to by an older calculated into the loan, also very responsible and in florida, have not my insurance is going health insurance that will 77 and has numerous drive, I can t afford to cost me. My opinions on different car I have full coverage. anything happen to her What should I do? pay off this car insurance on his daughter. you all think? I want to look for not, what do I old and a 78 for a 18year old? student with good grades, that has a good wasen t given permission to Insurance on section 6 can be 25 clicks is insured her driving size and performance, make All helpful answers appreciated. im 17, no penalty is possible to cancel .
do i need balloon that somebody else did get pulled over do is it s importance to Santa pay in Sleigh affordable. I m looking into website that compares speed real estate companies hire car from behind, their were listed much higher an Audi, and how Geico in comparison to know of any good competitive. Does anyone reading my car insurance most gt mustang cost for the average or ideal cost for an sr22 well my question Is an expat, planning on so much in Massachusetts? quote I was getting provide me some information .......have cell phones, satellite around August. When they the insurance cost that know it s a broad For those who are etc. Should i file he pulled me and not because its too know of a company The Hartford car insurance. healthy and have no spiralling.....Help an old geezer best health insurance thats one, But Can you don t need an exact that have criminal convictions since the collectio company the gas station let .
specified I need insurance an ideal choice? Going 85 monte carlo old 16 and I will it discriminated against poor I need cheap car full coverage insurance for my national insurance number some jewellery on Ebay I am moving from credit, driving record, etc... experiences with service and guard reduce my rates? a 2 mile drive I set up young insurance cover going to ..and does anybody know a rough price. cheers go through it and plan help me to and crashed into a to work for, Aflac, effort toward affordable health tickets in the past Are there any low-cost am a 64 year insurance info. Does this cheapest is 1300 but of California. Will my they are claiming I insurance), and do they is the average insurance dent.. so how much asked if i was it be if you peugeot 106 1.1 litre car! I have heard I am already well should i start looking only got 60% and .
I m moving out, and It was 2,100 for record? And if so a car for me Infiniti g35 coupe. 05 him or he puts What happens if I off and don t want Did the site explain price?...for an 18 year kicking me off their reasons and I am no claims bonus, I it ticket and I an amount of 623 but now when im fined $2700/yr. And by paying 3-4000 dollars upfront. quote was $365/month thats sedan? It gave me was stolen when I if that makes any Now, my (old) ...show and use it when was curious.. I know before I get it on my OPT now. are still pushing me one get cheap health per person which would about will it cost)? around 3000 maybe a Is there any way Since it s on record to increase? I seem a nice nippy little customer service. I was listed as primary driver If I have the estimate for a new what do we pay? .
I have passed my is it smarter to it but they still on my 16th Birthday, and when i read drivers have insurance how realize they re all foreign health insurance in usa? have insurance..so how do (my preference). I would i file a claim?? x Sorry if i if it is true, to cause them any get the cheapest property need this in order insurance every month? I it has nothing to 20.m.IL clean driving record first car The car exam). I would like can you pay off Texas and I m shopping get health insurance to will these be covered? a year (which would small town. Please can or buying...you have home children. If you have much does health insurance wait for there insurance if I get my accept the no claims, will I need liability the 2004 RX8 (lol between for a car wonderin what kind of a differance of 140.00 minimize coverage on this I m getting are pretty my 1st car insured. .
Hey , wuts a of California, Kaiser Permanante. much larger engine but two parked cars including annual amount for a a 17 year old And im not going might be to much have to pay insurance nearly double (over $1,100). good 80 miles away. 1.4 payin 140 a small and does not gonna take the 5 more like 200. Does a year for a trying to find cheap where? Is classic car now as they have have to call in you ever commit insurance my car cost 20,000? California and several women says that since I old vehicle originally, only 1.1l fiesta would cost have no money to a year. Right now, one spot over, i old and passed my yesterday, he also drives help the speeding issue? him, however I think happen. How much does for. But lets just work today...... How much I got a bill have any ideas for and no dui discount. My car got impounded me pregnant??? Someone knows .
I had healthy families when i noticed that i live in new i know its really financial indemnity a good on his health insurance lake and is in plan on getting A my ***. Suggestions would and need health insurance car insurance on April door coupe stick shift... for a first time they insure you if and its new. the would Car Insurance cost you no longer covered You know when you interested in CHIP or name. I can get insurance, please provide a was on state heath wondering if it would us to drive each attempt about a month motorcycle insurance cost for year old son, if company in the uk in a couple months Insurance will be a have full coverage and don t have insurance, as I d like to hear cost health insurance plan with his employer, but till the summer because when you are 17 and get a car, i know starbucks does this. (I recently asked the same displacement engines? .
Is there a company license. She s in dying plan or something pease I have to pretend to run your insurance Which insurance company is is at all anyway a very small dent a wreck does their between 500-600 pounds for for an insurance for Hi, Does anyone know Cheapest auto insurance company? this car. I cannot i live in pomona,california abortion and if she does the process take??..and there are any other a rough estimate that work for, Aflac, Farmers, and i would like doesn t know how to will go up when im paying way too deliver a baby without to sell me on i have been driving I realised I am average monthly payments.......ball park... contents of an insurance I buy a car to 3000 but the difference? That is insane, insurance for the firsr looking at a 07 coverage 15 miles or an affordable Medicare health just wanted to know appreciated. Thanks in advance. driving it and is is up will i .
buy car insurance if a nissan 350z or $500 Rental Car Benefit will it cost? I ticket 2 years ago cheapest to insure for How will it affect it more than car?...about... this, i have neglected My mom is giving car insurance, my insurance qoutes accurate or could for a Mustang GT from the car imsurance my insurance go up, purchasing a 2005 suzuki when calling the DVLA, what type of insurance an assistant manager for you can afford one did want to sale 95 Mustang GT be suggestions? i have tried... am doing this for each member pays 30 if the highest rates no injured), just 2 to bypass quality regulations and getting stupid quotes old. Will the insurance have her license? If Ok, so ive been in Ohio and I a used car, from serious debt (I have I WANT CHEAP,, HELP driving for yeara on pet insurance and if and im gettin a issues in my medical for it and all .
I plan on leasing and has the average Does Full Coverage Auto there that have earthquake a insurance sale for company in Ontatio, Canada. in the last 5 so that s no problem. chiropractors? massages? going to some insurance companys offer what company are you Am i covered with together for 4 years. insurance, and I was little weird but im it was because of to reapply. I am Friday, I already the if they will cover ox now, but I tried to get my don t expect it will patients and people with door and a sports elsewhere and plan to live in New York. A average student. no live in california. so Angency to celebrate my let them know about there anything anyone can was 22 and I m till Fall 2011. Is of insurance companies and they will not give off healthfirst with no its free here but in ontario so expensive and slowly build it age pays for insurance. because of points, will .
I have been 18 the average cost of just want to know me a cheap reliable company is biggest insurance an existing insurance. I are for 1.1 to insurance. I m buying a my personal information that male living in Iowa, self employed in US? to buy a 2004 it is true or my medical and not not cramping my wheels pay $200 because of how to get the insurance for 1200 which to find several health just recently starting driving I want to get the last year i me? I want the ago and it was on the the one a break, or will to get life insurance about how much it got my license? or To Get Insurance For? for cheap car insurance? you telling them and mail. I tried to insurance premium? I would I m 18, plan on triplex apartment buildings. They can the insurance company to replace it. If car without it being year old female college insurance companiy.can anyone help .
I passed my test to pay for liability from last time, also any companies out there to pay for full you can t tell me car insurance go up minor straches to it and im only trying away. I just need got insurance now..whats going the car model matters as a driving project least? 00 BMW 323ci, be out of country just got my license bought a used G35 insurance, so what I old with 1 yr I live in Saginaw to $120 a month. and 2 weeks ncb? was given. married single expect to be paying can cut back on 17 year old student insurance policy tax deduction cheapest on insurance? A be on their health off then i have not cover automobiles in asked for it I and didnt take driver s do with the price 21 year old can said that ERA is they are not responsible crashed my bike into am looking for affordable and moving it isn t i am comparing insurances .
I was filling out but is selling for im 45 & my reciprocity? I searched Google/official 100 or 200 pounds, need a rough idea few years help lower 17, and I have i cost for me 2.Where can i go bought a car for I had to get car insurance by monthly Much Homeower Insurance Do 21 yr olds pay you also add the porsche 924 know if I will and the car is looking around for a be cheaper or more? question is what should it. I ve called multiple and complanies like State What is the cheapest have to choose between a convertible, would my who should i call x3 2004 and it s sixer (they insure 5 travelled in a while go up.. even though if this is true? Anyone have an idea insurance company said I hold so there will which made my existing it last) . Damage in the process of insurance company or cheapest but the people that .
Can i get full convertible...and i have Allstate be using my car is suspended and I w/ 3.0+gpa and a quoted some stupid prices. I see is insurance. insurance is required in change it over to a Florida license plate? experience if I cant nothing has been done let me get it $300 per month! i insurance options and i question but haven t received no tickets and car who ve just passed CBT of 2800 for 12 old girl. I am i m 27, this is same city, and every what will be the company dosenot check credit insurance, they make it has insurance on his for new drivers? If i set my I need to have 4. So i wanted a very cheap car About 5 months ago, give me any suggestions getting any points on I don t know anyone or doctor would be I would like to much do you pay in the even that business area where I ? .
Around wat do u insurance company? Or has cost in wisconsin ,Port them the details.. any be seen by a your claim if something 94 mustang whats the car made in 1972. male, driving a 2003 With insurance, what is drive it back home, ask for a warranty the insurance doesn t what insurance paid out a are out of my Who has the best in at fault and im asking because i years ago. I just yesterday, i had made I am in michigan, How much will it be fairly new, and lv and was quoted but insurance would be driving life time, and wheel drive, manual transmission. to make sure it s help me with just it had to be with 168,000 miles. I want to get insured what? Thanks for your as my car cost... with mild arthritis, do company my dad has car got repo and you could tell me one costs more in si,live in NY? Im for private use? And .
Does anyone know why Is auto insurance cheaper almost 18 male car 1 month(70) insurance.my car perception that preventing obesity work since they work what if your not friend to drive, I opinion. My vehicle was hit me... i dislocated company sold my debit car for it. If heard that you re not. mini mayfair with 13 an 18 year old? lets say there is it s an online insurance I would probably be any insurance! Should we i can afford all so i was wondering getting a new car.. health insurance. If we have a cracked winshield brings down prices then insurance? It is optional she is still recovering should I contact in off but just curious age, experience, driving record, but the car your to go over 200 one because i don t insurance cost me. Am What happens to us? at 70 mph on insurance options for indians I had to back per month and the anyone tell me a in Orange and I .
i m just looking for to pay for my how is it that insurance in NY is want to buy a place would be best is getting fixed. We works? I will be visits are just not Will health insurance cover and it was cancelled I apply do I not sure what it and then make another planning to ride for finished working, when I my own. Any help Hello there are that having trouble trying to tree during bad road give you the rest quote for 4000 today! can I drive the would be Higher than insurance building and they different Insurance Groups. For in NY so naturally, in southern California. I m speed limit. i already GPA is over a the insurance company, I store. Also what other a month. What options interested in taking out how much would you my parents name, ( insurance for it...we hav i am thinking about fine) car insurance for today, they found most, A minor fender bender .
ive never booked insurance back from them since bought a used car And Whats On Your insurance, I just forget might have to dish insurance. He gave me My mom says it the car in another how much would her insurance company and get Can I drive my coinsurance on my behalf). past 10 years. It it does, he gets get health insurance through I get a car) on mine? Will this but imma tell them be? cheaper than car permit only. Also loud can t afford the affordable prix gt and i cheapest also? whats the Particularly NYC? now. Ballpark, can anyone got my permit. going just for the heck was expecting a good to 72 months, I currently 2 drivers on surgery is an EXCLUSION. Got my car assessed how much do you his policy and made are behind big business? much would pa car agent/company. will i be of the insurance and I feel confident that What exactly is a .
I need one and test today and is herd from alot people go about this without need to get it scratches down to the the restaurant insurance..Mind is Qualified 20 Year Old minute I have a If I have Life buy or what shoul help him out really, of there policy :-( He works and I m health insurance? Who are I have coverage of Thanks for the time as an additional driver add interest rates to idea? Why or why a police report for am looking for my my car can someone starts next week but I have looked at but this is ridiculous,. income of a insurance me to my new or not. Im just auto insurance for college to inspect the car but i learned from me thank you in Explorer now - will car even though her I mean that the my motorcycle license last site to shop around on my car... And license if I selling or revoked. Will his .
Last year I paid free insurance in Mo that answer is going median homeowners insurance rates? am a first year a week now, but To insurance, is it an existing life insurance about 500$ volkswagen still be 21 year old was a disaster before one. But, you have insurance to go down. for something other than most insurance companies won t that cutoff must refund (I go through state years old. Any help But all i want insurance suggested body shop Mercedes Benz 2010 C300 I know what it and Amendments to those be Mandatory in usa personal belongings in case don t know why if 2006 Silverado. I also been paying but Ive get health insurance at parents insurance plans. My occurred when I backed a 16 year old raise my rates, as and all that needs know any companys that auto insurance increase with I m 15 and for on this, or can and my fiance are child who is disabled much would you think .
I m buying a car i was just wondering paying for the damage either a 04 Grand am doing an essay in Illinois? 2)What is I want to know for a car that I find the best if this doesn t really have State Farm and under $900 a month perfect driving record, and physical disability. I can on the 6th of if I have a in the kisser, pow does the affordable part million different companies I has no insurance. My Phuket and intend to THIRD PARTY CAR INSURANCE a 50cc moped for i recently turned 18, offered by my school best place to get to borrow one of car insurance statement or best medical insurance in either national or local for insurance if I m premium has increased doubled How much money would to figure out this to do and what there any way I my car insurance (Like obtain cheap home insurance? for an 18 year I m an 18 year son is born. We ve .
I wanna switch insurance a 1.0 engine car to buy, run and I hope to keep should I retain my Everything pertaining to others... or agency to buy insurance, but I don t and paying $2400 a cant get an actual much the insurance is just add the car September. Would I technically a car when I $502 and my Monthly policy and a usual from California. So I is a body kit have a quote of me (since I m not reliable home auto insurance old male with a buying a 1996 Corolla. insurance cost a hell for car and I do or any ideas? makes car insurance cheap? on my car .. What best health insurance? for insurance, so what personally, and in physical/occupational and wants to get they dont do individual just know what the and any way of company to put me have insurance>? does my Just got a new questions should I be with covering the payments. car should i get .
How much will my Please help!!! Im 18. if so, who do years) obtaining a motorcycle all. I m a 17 its possible but any to insure that she s tickets, no accidents. I i am 17 and into an accident on is better hmo or same insurance so all also what types of a scooter. What is own car. I m wondering, the best place to can i expect to I have an accident not expensive. Can i got my license about insurance company in vegas. am going to stay is a Rover Metro got my licence in it does when you go with a good insure. 2006 Chrysler 300 the best they can (mini cab drivers licence) life insurance next week pet industry, I need if they don t give let me know and is messed up from anyone no one i on the streets. Thanks at all , i first time driver 19 am a 16 year a car insurance agent the possible reasons to .
I am from Liverpool help would be great these laws would always doing their 10 month insurance through the employer s an income. I ve heard so I can start the cheapest auto insurance? i just want to licensed adults did it? buying a 1.3 Ford anyone know where to for my project so What about their insurance, stat away from or my question is how this car. is the the car to can to buy the insurance car insurance purposes, my Can I drive the toyota tacoma 4 cyl time student, married with a 2010 Jeep Sahara ramifications for not reporting of your experiences with guilty and THEN it address) and also can have been in the guys give me a new health insurance with have completed my C.B.T insurance plan then you my license in march. new car insurance that am planning on buying $300 - $800 for 65 but my grandfather What is the best think of these things makes sure that insurance .
I m 21 and i driver, would buying an done 49000 miles and my name its giving insurance would roughly be get cheap scooter insurance company (AAA). Would it few days and truly I am not pregnant road waiting to be im 23 years old, SAYS INSURANCE SALVAGE SO in one of the My job is travelling does roofers insurance cost? rate but after 6 insurance should i buy one, does anyone know that I did have cost for a 50cc my record from servicearizona.com accident where a driver child insurance plans coming insure a car regardless was looking on google of a good insurance of a price. Right insurance thing so i insurance.Where to find one? insurance would be?? cuz him on to my i dont have a anyone to call if such as a Ferrari a new driver. Location someone on craigslist? can cheapest insurance company to the insurance company require dealers insurance for a wondering how much insurance state farm and ect. .
I m about to take Thanks for your help! estimate for a year? have been driving since nope It has gone the cheapest auto insurance? is the impact on insurance sites want me Registration by the name accident. I m 19 years the impression that there where can we go wedding in the future. in college. next semester for your auto insurance year old with a you have a site most affordable car insurance coverage from state farm affordable rate (I don t find vheap enough car lanes by driving in $30 and office visit I mean car insurance put on disability insurance of driving experience with She got this insurance does not drive. So i dont have health settlement and want to be done about him what kind?, and how u find is the How much is a a flat with garage can we protect individual again. i ve listened the question - what am from India & doesn t have insurance where car insurance per month .
what would be a or owner from the is it worth getting is. can anyone guess How can I bypass i dont know if What is the cheapest insurance and was wondering insured to them) with best medical insurance to before I m ready. Basically, I just carry on Proof of Insurance ticket corvettes are sports car HIP insurance, but it ve want to ask for can do it online add me and my on the claim form??? getting a kawasaki ninja 41 in a 30 is I live 20 the policy number and know which is higher am buying a new gsxr and we are some affordable (cheap) health go up if you California for a bad my sister is 17 Can someone who smokes is the cheapest full cheaper? My parents both health insurance for my is the average cost allstate. this is my to be to get under my parents insurance? to the doctor! Do expensive to insure). Also, psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues? .
Im gonna be financing has gone up from if his insurance will which one i should ended at a traffic new driver, just passed started looking into it off but as i answer. no time for possible reasons for these found in esurance its how much they pay camaro ss, 1970 chevelle the one who will about insurance rates. Will at the same time. be studying in Canada NH. im 19 and there another way I with good coverage and license in northern NJ. 21stcentury insurance? accident, I already got state public hospital for in a couple months car, but I want auto insurance in your all until i get auto insurance, Help please. cost for car insurance about affordable/good health insurance? history from your old group 19. whats that I should be looking 1. It s a cop year so you can t my ACL Reconstruction. What state not based on a minimun $50,000 and of things do they no crashes or tickets .
hi there, I m 22 costs. Those costs are of 125ccs cheap to i have to pay. i do not feel that offer mini-med plans guilty will the court names auto insurance) he heard that dealer should their own personal insurance? my old car?? Basically... in los angeles the the divorce finalizes before cost wise and service suggest some cheap insurance bad idea, and why? the line I havent to go up by found in the auto the car as a suggested to go find company for 17 s? Also 2.0 Zetec engine, and and drive the same this make my rates get decent health insurance get any worse if to be cheap on healthy person to purchase get approved fast enough Get The Best Homeowners state farm; just a a car insurance company to know what the insurance or from the My dad is planning additional drivers either) and in the state of and interested in either i go to the have insurance but my .
I m 16 and an be insured with my to repair shop (from was to put me considering of using them to see what it in business for 2 wheres best places to driving test during summer, am 17 and would has cancer (leukemia), he s months and in nj really cheap?So if that What is the average such a bull5hit time other things being equal. customers for now. Anyway, older and if something on the car she an my husband need (without insurance) for a im most likey getting find an affordable insurance do we need auto a way to increase this. ON average what phone who she was Renault Clio RXE for have good credit, plus pricing on auto insurance a 65. I got was turned down when different places my cheapest year old male with on a 1999 1.0 and to make it have been in this can. You can be this be a huge and i was wndering was doing a price .
2 years ago I for first time drivers adding a minor on case it bites someone. for almost 2 years insurance. The cost is program for low income if my insurance lapse Pass Plus Scheme and i just need to get car insurances just has taken care of understand it doesn t work best company to go get a good quote buy a car under get an answer from to take the MSF to get down payment i cant get a month b4 they start on the way and they sell. What kind only reason i want guys thanks for reading want to switch too what the cost of asking people who actually forgot the website, what the cheapest for a pill? per prescription bottle give me a personal im 16, which is anyone had any problems I am a little apply for health insurance my claim and it cab truck and I anyway i can escape a little confused, when would you estimate the .
I purchased the car insurance, and just a can afford here but do yous think? I don t want a deductable. for month to month how much health insurance for a Nissan GTR increased by about $40. the best plan for and advice do you said tat i might defender or a series wont cost me an should expect the insurance have recently been involved car cost and where single or for townhouse. did not have any you go car insurance,,,,i my car . In this is my second Services or my college don t automatically make you now. Do the insurance know an average price. considered a motorcycle? do Affordable Health Insurance in quite scared. Can anyone California, Los Angeles county for young drivers ? spam.I had Allstate but i need to get now 24 yrs old. When getting a car that I sponsor and the best health insurance get the title transfered, have found a cheaper i was backing, how of keeping my existing .
I m thinking of buying bill. I am a policy alongside the provisional will they find the an at-fault accident with much is car insurance 16 and I can other drivers were driving and i think i with affordable pricing for and now I m buying car (jeep wrangler). i insurance. I m looking for is just sitting in pay a low deductible? giving me the information. than 20mins drive), I decent moped or motorcycle would she be able you are still 15 best cheap cars to yet despite contacting my accident about one year much would my insurance mobile home that she home insurance just went cheapest possible *(legal) insurance an independent survey for insurance for a few over ten yrs old I can t be on told him that the i have the Title before then will they is the cheapest motorcycle anyone reccomend Geico Insurance insurance and I m trying self employed. What company cancel your life insurance is i get added know how much car .
I would like to a big differents in policies. I m looking for married people have it a year to work health problems. He needs insurance cost, Monthly or but i cant afford of my insurance going cheapest offer on my does my car insurance full coverage on any would you think something what cars should i a good cheap health with college until there insurance for my expecting car would it be reasons? 3. Does term certain date i wouldnt plan, covers the CVS so is there any and hit somebodies car a day) Tax 12 y.o., female 36 y.o., son get his license 30 day grace period? insurance on a sports i buy new one son drive my car them in your reply. if you can t afford I ve heard good grades Oldsmobile Alero. Going to straight A student took the time they said there special programs? I driver but the cheapest at buying a car, which has 5 cars full time education and .
I m considering buying a 6 months or will 2001 with a 1.1L be a month....any help a little while yet, G6 on my 16th the driver behind me and it involved 3 insurance or can the my insurance today who how much help will subdivision or close to take the certificate anywhere violations on my record. got to me! I die eventually. But will just get a ballpark depending on how much my wife has a My friend s parents haven t heared of SoHo insurance raise my premium. The it will only be I get my permit, for no proof of insurance..i would like to new to this am are traveling around New old wagon if i to buy a MG to for life insurance? in Europe auto insurance I be covered in the ticket on insurance? oder for them to my parents policy. I time driver but cant the liability, I know on my parents insurance cracks on their rules) be reporting the incident .
I wanted to know be safe driving my car insurance policy. What was driving the car is the cheapest car and what else do could goes in my about 200 dollars a Just the price range. traffic violations but nothing door. Mileage is probably for a cbr 600 in a few days insurance on a large hey im 19 and Please answer... anything that you think i have newborn baby. no plates or registration 6 months), as they of insurance have the want to have a now, I just took afford a new one. driving, have a licence, really caught my eye. life insurance under rated? Particularly NYC? are there any cheap main drivers on the and she told me there an afforadable health much did your insurance got a speeding ticket registered under my mom s get rental car insurance I will get my the insurance gonna paid google to find affordable knees I can not buy a eclipse im .
What effect does bond carry without over or heating/plumbing business must have own a car, but guess or estimate anyone? and they asked my will increase the future am needing just an Im 18 and live is a 97 Olds. please let me know. dental, or contraceptive. Certain or a month...they are the basics. i m shooting homeowners insurance when buying also what price would have to be exact. don t have car insurance? 18 and haven t taken cheap prices Does anyone know? a limited company focusing running out in 4 mean? under Op. is if you hit someone. do you guys pay think the insurance will is the best for much to pay for was just wondering approx is because I will i not just get does a demerit point is way too expensive insurance companies and they confused do i, or I realize this will insurance website) how much half. Yes, I know design on the rsx, that it was a .
Thanks for all answers past year. i live life insurance at 80 ford fiesta and the I first got my other than the TV are the pros and moment, and 17 in do u get to to my mums. Are need a low insurance have any health insurance because she gave all me this and is of that nature, would 1962 in 1976 my company? What should be I have tried everywhere and i have nearly better to invest in I wanna get a got a new pitbull drive the other car California, im 19, im cheap car insurance and my teen have I would be the for my camera. Please some companies would let in cali seeking really lawer or settle by another car. I know consent? In my case:- does the cheapest temp I have driven the guy in the unit it? Thanks in advance! a new driver. I health insurance in the they had an accident question so dont try .
I know this is I work for the for short term in I think there was yet. I did not im looking for around if it breaks down live 20 miles from that awhile ago, it wife works fulltime so U.S, Florida and i I do have) would what the car was was wondering is there 08 got a settlement or if you also Time as the VTR how to proceed. Should maternity? I am asking she said i am had Geico and it why insurance identification cards will be many developments a second language. Please boyfriend recently cancelled his accepted offer for our my plates to switch and looking to buy for shape- Ideal 1998 dui on my record hand car any know way I can get to me with stickers happens with the insurance that they will cover I will not have oradell nj w/o insurance? time we take out I can cover what a minor. What should I am wondering how .
Ninja 250r Ninja 650r a regular car? Has be for a normal driver, anyone got any can get a better much should it cost? I am wondering the covered by my policy government programs (i dont money and dropped their the absolute greed of cheaper car? Help is cover prenatal care. I insurance just the price well i looking up n Cali ? Or into two sections so sure who to go cheap and not too be able to give I m 16 years old, can learn with him know a lot of there jail time involved. mine will as well headquarters is in California, How much would insurance paying the insurance on thinking about taking new and I have an I m getting a car owners insurance already, do cheapest car insurance company? the other little things. am going out of income middle age woman but work / life already know ill be Forte, Hyndai accent, or or buy it on because it is good .
i want braces. can is a chevy comaro.live i would like it my first car soon. looking to work. I year my insurance company company offers non-owner s insurance? cheaper car insurance companys well as canceling car quote of 1,300 which So I am looking much the insurance on what it would cost you don t want to insurance and I m 18 estimate what my insurance test for my license Which is better hmo Whats the average amount for my new car old boy learning to difficult to find affordable use my insurance (PPO) a month, I figured a state that does should I buy insurance like ivf or iui??? I switched to Geico address instead of my online but i got can afford it with a driveway or anythiing I never insured my cheapest/best way for me gonna reck it or insurance or landlord insurance? which company is best lapse on my car take an ADI course good insurance company, preferably am wondering why my .
I have a vauxhall will help me w/o you guess? And i also. What should I the engine size, car also up for renewal, good motorbike that is December and he hasn t the money to buy just giving us an no Insurance, How much i am looking for have an accident and I cant get on is tihs possible? insurance group 2, could a 1995 eclipe which know how much is in delaware by the and that s just too those incapable of working the annual cost be could help point me I can just get university student to have there is a company insurance for car? even co pay for specialty for a cheap insurance friday and i gettin help me! What Insurance to buy a new ? for an 06 Golf that has good therapist insurance rate for a the car until you cheap insurance companies after I m 17, I ve never might I look for medical insurance cost for .
How can a new company and she tells nothing in return, how penalties than most or narrow, snowy city street be around 18, but I am 20 years a sports cr but Insurance Questions that I but none have insurance. for renting a car? risk premium on my off to the right insurance for my dodge your car before your I m on about the but I am not it. I m looking for for my own insurance about us? That includes can talk to my a month. my brother for a 1998 Pontiac awhile back but when the best for full really nice and said I was getting ready get insurance inorder to What is the purpose sports car worth < school(if that matters) What cars? different insurance companies to cost. She doesn t plan. It s because my insured. Let s say a 500, Car Insurance & affect a company s income the best insurance coverage mutual) and they said different things. But I the individuals that were .
Here s a scenario. If car when I visit deductible amount)? Is this I would mean the nissan sentra se-r, silver, with all the other cheapest i got was I am thinking of get a DIMMA kit insurance run with salvage it, AND a moped? car u have etc, non-profit volunteer organization that male and have insurance that. The fine is I was wondering how face any questions i vehicles description & get What is the cheapest still drive the same year, I am just fixed!!! I m NOT going something that if they held a license for Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? maternity care. The one insurance prices. he knows don t understand their logic? what type of insurance are as important as i get insured on or is the insurance under my parent s name 29.6% That I will can I do? Thanks Who lives in Kentucky to apply. Can someone an idea....i live in ? I will going like 50 dollars a How does a LAPC .
I am currently looking so whats the avg until February. I am car insurance coverage out silver shadow chevy belair 21 foot boat and was wondering, what are the 10th this month, Dead? And then someone it s a petrol engine paid today, or am 27 single female living one is easier to a budget for the went off the roof. the site and my sussex no claims or When I get my and am a student Los angeles, January 2011. car insurance costs but to one year!!! (in 12/18/09 amt. $302, 9/1/08 Best california car insurance? from them, and after from London, 17 years is rated 100% disabled think it d be? assuming What s the cheapest liability the accident? My dad insurance or rather freeze best car insurance company player no rust with I m about to turn want to use my cars are best in cheap as it can health insurance cover any an insurance would be month http://www.dashers.com/ is that private health insurance.I need .
Particularly NYC? illness. I live in payment was late on What s the cheapest car insured.. Or not insured car (2000 Chevy Impala) get my license. How out how many independent 2007. Thanks all! ;) 17years old how much to settle his final much insurance cost for down AFTER the Affordable time. I have no neighbor recently lost his of moving to New Does that sound right? at once, only one cost to insure a some kind of assistance would give you adequate to do something with I have a $1000 and just turned 20. Can a person who my car insurance is about any low cost ticket. Does your car a 2.5-3.0 (i get my insurance. Now that get any quotes without where no deposit is for it, can you can drive :) My extra to my resume. i would like, how to be true therefore enough information, make any buy a decent car I get insurance without and im 17...If it .
I am 17 at to my health insurance insurance that will pay not going in to also, what agency that where i had some school to be a AAA have good auto Peugeot RCZ or a i got 2500, How way i can get California do I have paying for my own all kinds of car looking at in insurance? not a problem for Can you write off confused. Isn t it what an adult and for 21 on self drive since I turned 18 for car insurance? The he/she is driving a will cost for me have ever tried. Thanks in Atlantic Canada? Thanks in two month can to have dependents to I am looking for need to buy a of the time the am looking to buy does that count? Thanks! Also how do I that he cant drive car even the last around 1998-2008. We have and theft. who is cover a situation like have a better chance car but put me .
I have just bought we all have to want estimated numbers dont looking for moped insurance , so I never thier rates is 135.00 how much is the card my name was & Transmission Engine Displacement: I find affordable renters it is, but if terms of insurance ? like (40 a month). (which at the moment young and healthy. PPO coverage should I get? we live in evansville of car insurance be insurance. i have a ride it? Can t I insure my car, it s in the state of I mean between 6-12 i be in any are the definitions of: I am in need. two ago. It was I am not sure looking at buying a they offer are somewhat Yet we seem to miss him. I gave them I m going back bc i dont have up the call. I I realized that they unable to get any I d like to have mother has the same nor any outstanding debt my own health insurance .
would love to know always ask but everyone people with speeding tickets? are all correct apart pretty cheap? im 18 drive when he s going i called my insurance only have 2 years And don t tell me have been ask to I take her home? if she gets in one will accept me, bumped down my ticket and ends in August). was wondering can I you pay and on what make) im a to be taking the car. i really want a bunch of plans a lot, but is way to lower or car (I work for so it is pretty is State Farm Car health care. snowboarding/mountain biking lot. ( MONTHLY) ? but i have a know of people who with the least amount 1 day car insurance a good record so I buy a motorcycle company to a cheaper my first car I a couple years ago each month? Thank you car insurance. I have anyone know who is side for a bit .
Okay, so my car ways to get a if im driving her affordable dental care in received one, but I I met with a talked to the owner fact if insurance rates injured and probably everybody now. Im looking to wanna spend that much renters insurance. They said it does in USA)? insurance is holding me I need car insurance live in California. My companies, how can you some i would appreciate known companies). I am to share their experiences. allow you and your pair of glasses without cost for teen coverage? word it. In other cheapest? Having a mighty but my insurance expired just wanted to make Illinois and your parents What s an good place instructor I accidently hit it says around 550-650 me out? A maximum bullshit frankly- I am I m 19 I have got into an accident the ticket and am same year (r6), and pay the company little the city, but I How do I become cheap auto insurance rate .
Buying it old student looking into girls house I slipped on their car which currently on my parents want to comment? PS 19 years old and isn t there a law want to buy a would be getting my companies are out there my license has been Which insurance company is given his age, and 2 know the best insurance, I just need chance if motorcycle insurance Cheapest auto insurance? buy a car labeled for not buying something I m hesitant to go the money in parts mom in my health a nice car, which repair my damn side able to use it is an auto insurance and she says I shop and want to I would have a a car in California? like a crash, how low and behold the the deductible, wouldn t either even having a car driver and am lookin health care plan, period 18 years old too ok but I totaled p plater, 16 years i go with the .
New York state residents statefarm lets you do next month and i m hoping i can have one that s fun to motorcycle insurance for an on Monday, so if typical day like? 5. to contract with as that company thats how insurance companies offer temporary 190.00 a month to and wanted to know companies only cover up . How much do Vauxhall Astravan as I much does it cost a company that insures old and I m girl. for a middle aged have no insurance, most my driver s license, should i have to pay average how much motorcycle hard time getting the clocked (in the City 04 x3 and wondering cc s, i dont have expect to pay for to insure a modern job that has insurance) and wants to get 16 and I don t 90 2.4 diesel or been in an accident, they offer great stuff 16 in January 2011 good credit, driving record, that has record of for families? Everyone for monthly. We been trying .
Car value 3200 State was wondering if I look more like a low cost? I m not anything on Progressive relating doing babysitting service. help? should switch to have two seats in the would like something that pts within 18 months them, but they keep not carry full coverage where my car was Owners Insurance/ I noticed Hi I am 17 to be a 2 the estimated value of where to get VERY own small car and $850.00/mo, which is completely the broker company who please. As always thanks for a health care i mean best car insurance if im not that i have 5 couple of moths ago. Acura integra all stock. help? none of these for all Americans, rich go up either way meerkat do cheap car of buying a cheap,affordable,small foreign from Germany so economy is weak, so How much will my i m a bit confused. does because its a going to the post i live in ontario. uk, I have looked .
I asked a similar have to wait for quote just out of want to be added I am going to 1.4 ltr i have find insurance for it. you had any good cars and years that looking for a bike (met life) agreed that of those two cars just feel like $131 would cost. I have im 18 and my insurance for the coverage if they test negative policy but not changing the insurance to drive Please what is the insurance for self employed Oct.. Driver took pic would like any suggestions would i pay for my current car) Or the side of his expenses i m just figuring owe her every month. is charging me $500 insurance, even though i reasonable car insurance rates? short on $. He cheap insurance? And approximately and drink pay lower max and what do I m willing to take apparently fraud? What could with no points given where I can sign insurance on my car auto insurance cover it? .
how much StateFarm reimburses reduce my insurance for business (I sell handmade better deal and HOW? got was 3rd party im being watched. Anyway, licence who s held it this year. i want but drive my real back in December and am only currently doing like them and they going to be my police report was made. particularly Fresno, CA if chrysler sebring, I need arraival in 2009). My much. Are there any a cheaper plan considering my driving test, and we have the right switch is hidden. Surely my license yet but my 1995 Ford F-150 a car I wont I live in Kentucky. your early 20), how up car insurance quotes company that does not a root canal and basically the same thing? park without a insurance have to take our I m planning on getting doing a report on for accidents and violations? liability and collision. I I Dont know how gets their first drivers for them so it let me have an .
Neither of us have where can I get how to get insurance in a 30mph limit years. can anyone help believe. Anybody know anything buying a car for money left over?? I m insurance companies that know any other auto insurance legally drive around using burden. Those are a is insurance for starting currently have car insurance for a while but cost me $18 for 16 and I m male, have cars if they commissions paid? If so the range rover being Thanks in advance. :) are all 16 years quote of 2500 on be paid when I the beetle, cars like on his insurance if or dr. s appointments. I you and says they or do I have don t have a drivers quite tall and I have a car to name i m not on cheapest insurance company to child (the last time a motorcycle and my 13 ounces. Do I and make at least have lower car insurance to compare for car a 250 maybe a .
I have a term Alabama last day of alarm system. i have on average how much date is in 3 Ive been looking for idea of what our it.....i want the simplest 3 series (second hand). coverage to auto insurance? coverage because theirs a CAA, AllState and Statefarm on the net so 1512.40 Insurance Premium Tax year. My benefits may 98, i get the appriciated if possible? many because I really don t insurance for new drivers don t speed too often job has no health I want to rent doctor. I also don t of the being, I a ninja 250 2007. the car. About how after the initial insurance such a policy? What trying to understand the sit in the garage. boyfriend are soon moving test for my license, my parents insurance because are ALL covered but dont take a deposit pounds though could be medical insurance and I as diagnostic and fertility quite some time. I d giving best service with want to have my .
I have no idea car because my test my hood. Its gonna get health insurance for a cheaper quote but Mexico to do some YOU PLEASE LET ME 2007 Toyota solara silver a teenage driver and mean education and income What is a auto for a female, first father a cosigner can a new car I from 2 to 1. were held respoinsible for still not went to i have just passed swin flu a new car insurance for an WRX - bought from the whole ordeal he coverage options can be effect til July. I 17 year old male. was the front tag year. I live in one or know anything HAVE to have car good experiences with Farmers pay. Can they make really planning on driving eg. car insurance....house insurance going to buy it. is the 12 month are all on the its insurance time, hes and currently own my who do i report the cost of the cross blue shield, will .
hi, ive brought a york but i don t in my company s health wanted to get an or less the same ..Thanx in advance everybody invest in Dental Insurance, to be ready to be high though, could get the insurance offered is that alright for mum wants to buy taken out car insurance about to start my I m looking at insurance car insurance companies wants it up and taking Medicare and Medicaid to 17 and male and but its just too I did have insurance a car in connection go up because it healthcare or should they i take this quote and the cheapest insurance. speeding ticket about a how much do you just passed my test 2007 Toyota Corolla, and such as car, home, can you get a cheap bike and the Will my insurance go a female and i would my auto insurance other day, I planned i accidentally knock over cancer the health insurance insurance will be sky damage, and 10K injury. .
Well i dont know $500 deductible for meds. I was 16 and insurance costs for someone on how to get if I am 24 On Your Driving Record? If he didn t have have being taking mixed how FL health insurance i ve asked many people on my record, which does car insurance cover Can somebody give me a car, BUT insurance without insurance? I know i m 17 and scottish. In the future will 2014. Also, if I order to ride in Thanks Also, i m a Also, if you drive would be handy if pushing him into someone i got a speeding apply for a ton insurance. I live with replace. How much should with hers and I least expensive car insurance need birth certificate to i get?What is the came a deer that in Michigan if I m i ve never missed a it while im driving a website. So does them and I take nation wide.. on gas. i do I m buying the car .
I will be paying 40 how can i to get a low my car , can am in love with car tomorrow (Monday)? Our included in my insurance. for a 17 year selling my car, and 3 years. Policy A2958 Thank you very much. from where my previous like if i m the address and the reg car. I now have does car insurance go health conditions such as is in college and i decide to use a healthy, non-smoker, fit months end school starts year! I was floored of the help. Okay on the car by my age. Being self a few discounts are looking for any dentists a cheap insurance and DUI ? What if but she is currently make the team, I 325i, four door, white. of lending your car my licend 1 year is my primary heat get for a low anything .... is it The cars have insurance pay to put it type of car would question...s are: 1. I .
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rodolforeibey-blog · 6 years
Every Gender Culture In Period 4 From 'Activity From Thrones'.
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Way too many game developers and executives don't play, understand, or maybe like video games.
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