#record shop halloween 🎃
bless-311 · 11 months
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choi jiung x f!reader
synopsis. who would've thought that the worst part of a mugging wouldn't be the actual mugging? alternately, your best friend gets turned into a zombie amidst an already stressful university life.
▾genre, warnings. pg13, zombie au, non-idol au, uni au, office au but only 4 yn, bf2l, humor, horror, angst/fluff, blood ment, minor talk of injuries, yearning, slow burn i think, slice of life, keeho med student??, yn not korean, this is a series btw, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!🎃
▾word count. 4.3k
series mlist | next part →
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The hairs on the back of your neck stand up, you just laid your eyes on the record.
"Oh my god? Oh my god!? Jiung, come look at this!" you call out, twisting around to hold out your most recent discovery from the mystical and densely packed row of records in your favorite run-down vinyl store. 
His sneakers squeak on the worn linoleum of the floors, he makes his way from the opposite corner of the store with a "No way! You've been looking for this in vinyl forever, right?" 
His fingers run over the grooves of the unsheathed disk and you nod enthusiastically, you breathe in the dusty warm scent of the concrete and pieces of vinyl, the dim strip lights and sunlight streaming through the window illuminating your golden find. The cramped low ceiling can't hold the high spirits that are warming you despite the cool autumnal weather. He resheaths the record and nimbly plucks it from your hands, heading for the register in the back. You scamper quickly to follow him, almost hanging on his arm to keep your view on your newfound baby. 
When he reaches the unvarnished wooden table with a small till atop, he smiles and waves to the old man running the store. The stylishly dressed old man chuckles at the two of you and your antics, he'd been allowing the both of you to loiter here without buying since your sophomore year in university when you'd found the shop. In your defense, being in uni is expensive and you would have needed more funds to get vinyl records every other weekend. He tells you the price of the vinyl and you almost do a spit take at the cost. You're about to say something when Jiung pulls out his already thin wallet –one could even liken it to a balding man's hair– and pulls out the crisp bills necessary. 
"Ji, no. I cannot let you pay for this!" you protest trying to pluck the bills out of his hand, after some effort Jiung prevails and manages to pay.
The old man shakes his head in amusement, cigarette hanging from his lips, he tucks the bills in the register and hands Jiung his change. 
He advises you sagely "Young lady, you should let him pay for you! it's a good thing he's no scumbag, what a good boyfriend!" 
Jiung giggles when your jaw drops, he similarly admonishes you "Yeah you should let me, your loving boyfriend, buy you this nice record."
Jiung pulls you out of the store by the scruff with you huffing and puffing angrily the whole way. 
"Ji- JIUNG!" You swat his hands away from the collar of his coat, he looks at you with a  sheepish smile.
"Choi Jiung! Not only did you pay for that with money you don't have, but you also lied to that old man!" you start to scold him by smacking him on the arm, as you do so his dark brown hair glints in the setting sunlight. 
The two of you look comical as you hit and yell at him and he stands unperturbed if not just regretting the boxing around the ears. You don't see yourself right now, but Jiung thinks he understands why someone could think you're a couple. People had been making this assumption since your freshman year of university, usually the two of you either refuted it or just brushed it off. It's no wonder why, since you two had met at freshman orientation you had been almost inseparable when not in lectures. You had approached him for directions, but you struggled slightly with spoken Korean at the time as a foreign student and he by the grace of god spoke stellar English. Despite your seemingly unrelated majors you had an overlapping class or two and ended up attending the same dance studio! The crazy coincidences served to make you two quickly super comfortable with each other. This translated past school to after you got your degree in advertising and started working and Jiung deciding to pursue a masters degree in music composition, leading up to right now with the two of you supposedly celebrating you getting your full-time contract. 
"Sorry, sorry! Sorry, please stop hitting me now?" He pleads, escaping your violent attacks. 
He secures the record in the front basket of his motorcycle, thankfully it's free of any garish advertising colors despite his food delivery job. In a deep shamefaced bow, he informs you you can pick the restaurant (like he always planned for you to do, but anything to get on your good side). You stick out your tongue and order him to take you to the nearest kbbq restaurant, he quickly submits and puts on his helmet. In a swift motion, he puts yours on for you, securing the strap under your chin. You reel a little, because it was so fast, totally because of that. 
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You walk into the restaurant and let the sizzling mouth-watering scent hit your nose. You all but forgot about the spat you just had with Jiung in the face of food, which made Jiung chuckle. You find yourselves an empty table, settling down you call over a waitress and scan the menu of standard kbbq dishes. Jiung fills her in on your orders, despite being fluent in Korean to a corporate level you still preferred having him talk for you when the two of you were together. You lean your elbows on the table and tuck one arm under your chin as you watch the exchange, not bothering to tune in over the noise. The waitress cracks a joke which earns her a giggle from Jiung, she points a thumbs up his way before gathering your menus and heading to the kitchen. It doesn't really bother you she didn't acknowledge you, but since you're thinking about it it probably does. Jiung removes his jacket as you did earlier and folds up his sleeves, the chill not reaching inside the warmth of the building. You keep observing him until he eventually feels your gaze and looks over, sending you an inquisitive head tilt like a puppy. You shake your head as a response and proceed to tie back your hair as a show of your okayness. He sends you a double thumbs up which you return with childish happiness, the unintentional mood lighting of the dim orangey raw pendant lights in the restaurant causing the scene to have a fuzzy quality. You have a great evening between wing manning Jiung (he wasn't interested), enjoying the meat that made you want to dance it was that good, and answering the latest trending debate questions (you both felt similarly on the perilla leaf matter). You got to pay this time, with your last baby paycheck. 
Jiung stops in front of the nearest train station, waiting diligently for you to unclasp your hands from his shoulders, get off the bike, and rid yourself of your helmet before passing you your vinyl. It's cool to the touch because of the air, which is getting even nippier now that night has fallen.
You smooth down your helmet ruffled hair "I'm off," you inform him, as though he had not just brought you to the station pointing towards the building awkwardly. 
You could have been better at that goodbye, yikes. He nods and asks you to shoot him a text when you're home safe, to which you salute him and promise a timely message. 
Hopping off the bike, he draws you into a hug and you hear "Good job by the way, I'm proud of you," in your ear.
When he tries to pull away after that. You keep him there, which shocks both of you. You release him eventually with a shallow shove, turning heel and running into the station.
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True to your word, the second you walk through your apartment door after a three-station train commute, five-minute walk, and elevator ride, you dutifully text him a simple “Home👍." To which he responds with a like. 
You immediately run to put the record on in the small creamy yellow suitcase-style record player, it lives in the corner of your wooden living room floor next to the console. You try your best to organize your collection in the small metal rack you had purchased but there always seems to be a stack by the player, you see it and smile fondly at the record at the very top of the stack. Coincidentally, this record is not only your first but also one gifted to you by Jiung. Since high school, you had known you wanted to move overseas as a result you’d held back on collecting many physical items like records or even just clothes. When you finally did move to Korea you had resolved to start a collection of some sort, you had confided in Jiung about this right before your semester break, and to your surprise soon after you got your first coursework of the year back with flying colors Jiung had brought you to the record store for the first time and let you choose any record. You wipe the debris off the cover and place it back at the top of the pile, the memory of the record combined with the residual emotions from the night's celebration had you thinking about all that Jiung had done for you. You go through the motions of getting ready for bed with a record blaring in the background, counting the good things you owe him. It's not until the hot water from the shower hits your back that you recall that Jiung's aunt is your landlady, his mom sending you to her, that was the reason you could afford the rent to this place on your previous salary. 
You're hounded by the thought of how deep your relationship with Jiung is, and how you would be not just in hard times but doomed to failure if you hadn't met him. You wish you could help him in tough times too but he never seems to have any, which would usually be a cause for happiness and relief if not for your feelings of guilt and debt. It overwhelms you that you feel unable to help him in return, so you just lie on your bed and scroll mindlessly in hopes of sleep or just reprieve from your thoughts. You haunt the hashtag for one of your high school favorite boy groups who are having a 15th-anniversary reunion, the specter of your thoughts taints the disco pop playing from the screen though. The time passes slowly as you scroll languidly through the carousel of apps you have open, your eyelids are heavy and on the verge of sleep. The sudden loud buzz of a call and flash change of the screen startle you, causing your phone to drop directly on your nose. 
nursing your throbbing nose you pick up the call, which you see is from Jiung, "Ji? What's up?" 
It wasn't uncommon for him to call late at night, but considering you had seen each other just hours before it did seem a bit odd. 
"Oh thank god, you picked up," he sighs in relief, his breath a quick puff "I need to come over, can I come over?" The tremble in his voice was evident.
You were puzzled, why did he seem so off? 
"Yeah of course, what's going on?" You question, trying to glean more details of the situation. 
You don't get an answer and you're about to ask again until you hear a sharp inhale and after a few seconds of heavy breathing a muffled yell.
"Ji, What's going on!?" you repeat your question with an urgent fear. 
The call cuts off. You feel sick to your stomach with fear, what was that yell you just heard? The bile rises in your throat and you only feel it retreat a little when a message 'otw' appears on your phone screen. You walk to the kitchen and open a sprite, leaving a fridge open for a bit of light as you sip. You know it's not really settling your stomach, but it feels like it so you sip. Warily you close the fridge and turn on the lights, too nervous to sit tight you pace by the entrance and rearrange your slippers. You hear the code to your door go through, Jiung long since needing you to let him in, as it opens you look down first taking in his full body. He looks haggard and beat up, he's cradling his hand (and some takeout?), you feel a contraction in your heart. You look up to his face, you almost scream. 
You didn't end up screaming, you did have to halfway catch Jiung though. Dragging his heavy ass to the couch, you feel your heart calm slightly in relief but also with sudden duty. You look at his bloodied face that initially tempted a shriek from you, trying to assess the damage. You decide the cut on his head isn't as serious as it looks and his busted lip should be okay, his hand has a weird jagged kind of cut but other than the scrapes and bruises he doesn't have any major injuries, You sigh in relief when you reach this conclusion. Then you tense up again realizing you're out of your depth, what do you do right now? 
"There's a first aid kit in the bathroom, right?" He asks you quietly, his voice hoarse, this was the first time he'd spoken since he'd been here. 
You smile at him weakly, grateful, and quickly turn to go get the kit in question. you dust it off after retrieving from the cabinet, glad that Keeho in proper med student fashion had decided to get you one as a housewarming gift. Oh shit, Keeho. You make a mental note to call him as soon as Jiung is sorted. Walking out of the bathroom with a damp rag and the first aid kit you feel slightly more confident, which is a start, you lay the contents of the first aid kit out on your coffee table next to the mysterious takeout bag and get to work with the rag. Gingerly wiping the blood of Jiung's pale skin, you swear up and down no tiny cut should bleed this much and take great care to wipe even more gently when you reach the cut on his forehead and the one on his lip. Jiung winces and you whisper a chain of 'sorrys' as you clean it up properly. You try your best to apply the disinfectant with the least amount of discomfort possible and press on the bandaids with similar care. You sigh and stare at your handiwork on his face with apprehension, barely satisfied you pull his hand into the light to see the damage. Upon closer inspection you can tell it's a bite mark, an odd looking one but a bite mark, you pray it's not infected as you put a boatload of antibacterial cream on it before wrapping it in a bandage. You stare at the bandaid on his lips and where the very edges of the cut peek out, you'd never felt comfortable looking at his lips for long but now you were worried enough that the thought of it being inappropriate slipped your mind. 
You had settled Jiung in your bed after passing him a far oversized t-shirt of yours and some shorts he'd left a while back, you'd gone to pack up the takeout and remembered something at the back of your pantry. You're now brewing some medicinal Chinese herbal tea, something you brought with you from home. You can practically taste the bitterness through the smell and hope you don't seem too much like your mom right now, but you didn't know what else to do other than give him gallons of hot water. You stand around holding your cooking chopsticks in one hand, cooking the tea in a brass ramyeon pot was a little unorthodox but you didn't really have a teapot lying around so you made do. After much deliberation and a thought to call your grandmother you decide the tea is ready, you carefully pour it into a mug and make your way back to your bedroom. You tug on the drawstring of your standing lamp tucked in the corner of your room next to your door and let the warm light cast a dim glow on the familiar landscape of your small room making exaggerated shadows on all your usually commonplace furniture. You put the mug on the nightstand as you approach the bed, you lightly shake Jiung's shoulder, regretfully having to wake him. 
"I made you tea, you should drink it while it's still hot" you explain as he opens his eyes and sits up. 
The scent of the tea blends in with the tiger balm you'd slathered across his chest, you know he's not coughing but it never hurts to be safe, right? He tentatively takes a sip and makes a face, you know it's bitter and you give him an apologetic look. You motion him to keep drinking regardless, watching as he drains his cup which takes a great deal of effort. He smiles weakly at you, and you sigh and smile back. 
"I'll go now," he says, making the motions of getting out of your bed.
You push him back lightly, the fabric of his shirt cool on your palms, and tsk him, you're not going to allow him to leave now. 
"Did you see the way you walked in here? I'm not letting you go back to your four person shoebox sized dorm" you tell him patting his shoulder as he forcibly slumps against the propped up pillow behind him. 
Neither of you want to argue, but you're willing to stand your ground. He sighs and gives in, moving to lie down again, you quietly thank him turning off the lamp and slipping out of the room with the mug. You wash it, which is really surprising frankly, it must be all the residual responsible energy from taking care of Jiung. That causes you to sigh, yeah you wanted to return the kindness he had extended to you, but was a crazy mugging really the way it had to be done? You wash the suds off your hands and the sink, chewing on the inside of your cheek regretting the wishes you made earlier in the night. Well, at least the ambiguity of them. You decide to lie down on your couch, exhausted thoroughly from the many and extremely colorful events of the night, you feel your eyelids droop finally drifting off into sleep. 
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You wake up not because the birds are chirping or the sun is streaming, but because of a jab to the ribs. 
"Hey, did you die? Only one of us can die at a time," you hear a suddenly very grating voice ask, accompanying the sharp pokes.
One of the said pokes lands on your cheek when you open your eyes and shoot the doe eyed boy a fat glare. You scratch the back of your head and sit up, as you do you feel a fabric fall away from your body, you look down to see a hoodie that seemed to have been draped haphazardly on your sleeping self. You look up at Jiung throwing him a questioning head tilt, he looks back at you happily but still pale even his hair seems paler. 
"You looked cold," he explained, "like one of those tiktoks of the sleepover where the friend doesn't give them a blanket." 
You stare at him incredulously, even if the gesture did warm not just your upper body (he forgot about your goosebumpy legs) you elect to ignore him and stretch a little before getting off the couch and heading to your bathroom. 
Finally deciding to speak with your dry morning voice, you croak "Can you heat up the congee I have in the fridge?" 
Jiung salutes you and bounds happily towards the kitchen, he's way too happy for someone who just got mugged the night before. What happened to being scraped and bruised up, you wonder. You step onto the ice cold tile of your bathroom and it sends a shiver up your spine, whew you are cold. With that you splash some water on your face and try to wake yourself up a bit more, not really succeeding you decide to brush you teeth. Maybe the minty fresh flavor will wake you? You're not sure where your train of thought is going with that one. You wash and gargle, doing a rushed version of your normal skincare routine not wanting to keep Jiung or your breakfast waiting. You hear the beeping of the microwave, just in time for you to pop into the kitchen all freshened up. 
You clap excitedly seeing that he brought out the century eggs you have too, "Oh that looks so good, I'm starving right now!" 
He nods his agreement and serves you both your individual bowls of the soupy rice, in his usual fashion he dumped way too much chilli in and you gave him a wary stare.
“Not finishing that for you, you know that right?” You scoff lightly, knowing full well it’ll be too spicy for him and you’ll have to finish it.
To both your surprise breakfast goes fast and uneventfully, both of you finishing your bowls’ of congee with no issues other than a small spill on you shirt. You watch Jiung settle down on the couch as you wash the dishes from the meal, he turns on youtube on your tv and plays some music video that he’s been ‘dying to watch’ and you tune into the song. It had come naturally to the both of you to spen the day together, you could’nt let Jiung leave and it was a Sunday so you had both decided on a movie montage. You finish washing and placing the dishes on the rack and hop over to join jiung on the couch, settling in comfortably in your usual spot. You turn to him as the video ends, pausing the tv, you clear your throat and wait for him to give you his full attention.
“Before we do anything, tell me what happened last night.” you command, trying not to sound too demanding but knowing that you can’t just move on without an explanation.
He sighs and purses his lips, he looks at you but darts his eyes away before speaking “I don’t really remember, to be honest. It was a big blur, all I remember is trying to squeeze in one last delivery before heading home for the night,” he rambles.
You nod, urging him to continue, so he does “I stopped at the alley outside the store to situate everything, you know? Out of nowhere this dude comes at me, and everything from there’s a massive blip,” he manages to finish coherently. 
You nod, not wanting to press it any further you mutually decided (read: Jiung just nodded along) to do a chick flick movi marathon. This being part of your continuous effort to educate Jiung on trashy pop culture to which he is a surprisingly active student. 
The sun has long past set by the time the two of you get off the couch and stretch, deciding it’s dinner time. In tandem and like a well oiled machine you head to the kitchen as a team and prepare the stolen chicken from his disaster struck order from the previous night. It seems the person ordering was not feeling spicy because the two options were honey and soy-garlic. Fine by you, you were happy to get free food if nothing else. You happily dig into a drumstick of the ill gotten soy-garlic chicken when you hear Jiung gagging in disgust.
“Dude, what the fork?” you say, not wanting to be so vulgar in front of your food.
“It’s like rotten or something, I don’t know,” Jiung replies, looking like he bit into maggot-y meat.
You shake your head in disbelief, our chicken is just fine, but to appease him you pull a chunk of the opposite side of his drumstick off with your chopsticks. Inspecting it closely you deem it worthy and pop it into your mouth, it’s
“You’re insane,” you report to him, happily munching on your food.
“Biased journalism!” he cries in disbelief. 
You’re not exactly sure why or how this is when the dots connect, but by golly do they. The bite, pale skin, spice tolerance, bad reaction to food? You’ve watched IZombie, you know exactly what this sounds like. This only calls for one thing, you scamper off your chair and towards your spice cabinet, grabbing your gochugaru chili flakes. You pop the container and Jiung’s mouth open, you pour about a teaspoon’s worth of the flakes onto his tongue and order him to swallow. He swallows easily, light work, no reaction. 
You gasp loudly not expecting to actually get the response you’d expected, Jiung freaks out, “What the FUCK? What’s happening, why’d you just try to turn my mouth into meat kimchi?” he asks you frantically.
You hold one hand up to him and dial the only person you can think of, Keeho.
You’re surprised with how fast he shows up to your SOS text, a large duffel bag with a red cross logo showing up with him, “What’s the sitch?” he asks completely out of breath and panting.
You fill him in on your miraculous discovery, making him roll his eyes when you use the phrase ‘code z’. He asks a few more questions going between you and Jiung for answers, this reveals some things, like even though you hadn’t checked on or redressed Jiung’s wounds (oops) they had perfectly healed and also that Jiung had never seen IZombie. Jiung looks completely lost as you and Keeho hold a very unintellectual conversation on what this means and how Liv survived in the show post turning, Keeho leaving you stumped when he pulls out very Ravi-esque medical terms.
Keeho nods thoughtfully and after a long pause simply asks, “So, Jiung, how does it feel to be undead?”
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▾note. honestly i was planning for this to be a loooong one shot but i! am! busy!ïœĄâ :⁠(⁠;⁠Ž⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)⁠:â ïœĄ idk what the update schedule for this will look like, but with the acute pressure off my shoulders ill tentatively say a chapter every week or so? i hope you like it bc i love the dynamics so far, and i have a lot planned (17 pages of notes to be exact) for this series! tyty and have a happy happy halloween!!💕🎃🍬
shoutout @busy-dizzybee for reading my stream of thoughts in real time, soldier onđŸ«Ą
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nets. @kflixnet
©bless-311 | do not translate, copy, or rework any fics or repost fics on any other social media platforms
posted: 311023
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wishingforatypewriter · 11 months
Trick or Treat! Share a snippet, headcanon, art, or vibes with your followers, then pass it on. đŸ‘»
Happy Halloween! And thanks for the ask! 🎃
Let the record show that Lin Beifong had not been drunk when she trashed Air Temple Island. That day, she had been steely and methodical in laying waste to all the things Tenzin had put before her, but still careful enough to avoid Aang’s treasures. That day she overturned fountains and uprooted gardens because after all the years of compromises and sacrifices he was leaving her for a fucking child.
And then, after getting off the island ferry for the last time, she had walked down Harbor Street at dusk, the depths of her yearning for something she hadn’t even allowed herself to think about in years.
“You finally left your monk, huh,” Zolt said when she caught him coming out of the barber shop, a smirk growing on his face. “Missed me?”
“Shut up before I change my mind,” she said as her lips crashed into his for the first time in nearly two decades.
That night she craved him like a cinder moth deprived of fire.
And that night their fingers interlaced in the dark while he breathed, “Fuck, Linny, you’re perfect,” into her ear.
That night her body bore witness to the sacred and the profane and the fact remains that even now she did not regret it.
And now, in the aftermath of that night—or one of the many other nights that had followed—Lin Beifong was pregnant.
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renee-writer · 8 months
Hilarious with more than a hint of truth
🚹😂 Public service announcement
If you are new to Georgia, we are about to experience a “ Georgia Winter”. This is 6 or 7 days of cold, maybe some ice ❄☃and snow🌹. Meteorologist will threaten snow, And It may snow and it may not, but if they say 2 inches it could be 10 or it could be 1/2”. It doesn’t matter how much ❄ Snow it is, we’ll all freak out đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž because we don’t see snow often.
The threat of snow (or ice) is your prompt to head to the grocery store and buy milk đŸ„›, eggs đŸ„šand bread 🍞. It doesn’t matter if you need these items or not you will just buy them đŸ€·â€â™€ïž (milk sandwichesđŸ„Ș anyone đŸ€·â€â™€ïžđŸ€Šâ€â™€ïžđŸ€Ł). It’s just what we do. Rest assured that everyone in town will be there.
You’ll also need to make a mad dash for faucet covers and finding them and getting out of the store will be like an episode of the hunger games 😂 You’re in the redneck district. đŸ€·â€â™€ïžđŸ˜‚đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ș
Don’t look for a sled. You won’t find one. In the rare chance we get enough ice or snow to sled grab some cardboard 📩 or a trash 🗑 can lid and go find the nearest hill.
Just go with it.
You’ll be fine. 😳
We don’t have equipment to handle the winter and weather. The roads will be a mess and even though the state has been telling you for a week they’re ready, they’re not and it won’t work. Just stay home if you can and if you can’t just come to terms with the fact that nobody here knows how to drive in snow and ice.
Whatever you do, DO NOTâš ïžđŸš« talk about snow tires.
If you happen to slide off the road or get stuck, turn your flashers on, take a deep breath and wait. Two Dudes đŸ§”â€â™‚ïžđŸ‘šâ€đŸŠ° in a four wheel drive truck will be along in no time to offer assistance. Don’t try to help them, they live for this stuff 😂đŸ€Ș, and will do what they can to get you back on the road. If either one of them screams “hey y’all watch this " just get back and get your phone out and start recording, you’ll probably have a viral video for TicTok later đŸ€·â€â™€ïžđŸ˜‚
No matter what you do, don’t talk about how they did it back home in any of these scenarios.
Nobody cares.
You live in Georgia now.
Georgians know they live in the greatest state in the country and it’s our way or the highway.
When we act like we’re going to die and start to complain about the 7 days of winter just shut up, we’re serious and we don’t care how much you love it.
You’ll be back in flip flops đŸ©Ž within a week to ten days and it’ll be nice until right around Easter 🐰.
Georgia’s “second winter” will be 2 or 3 days and will hit right around Easter🐰, usually the week before or the week after. This will hit right around the time you plant flowers and a gardenđŸ…đŸŒœđŸ«‘đŸ„’đŸ«›
We know you’re not from around here when we see you’ve planted flowers before Easter and before the “second winter” has hit.
This is why all the people at the nursery don’t sound like us when you’re shopping for plants.
We know better.
During second winter it’ll go from 70 to 25 and you’ll experience all four seasons in one day.
This too shall pass, get used to it and when second winter is over you can enjoy the 3-4 DaysđŸ€Ș of “springâ€đŸŒˆâ˜”ïžâš˜ïžđŸȘ» before summer gets here and it’ll be melt your face off đŸ„”hot until sometime around Halloween đŸ‘»đŸŽƒ.
All 💯 Facts.
Enjoy 😉 đŸ€·â€â™€ïžđŸ˜‚
Copied & Shared!
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h2shonotes · 2 years
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Sunday, October 30, 2022
H2shOâ„ąïž Fitness Invites You to H2sh🎃-ween
Come to a Broadway-themed Halloween fitness event! A CAMP-tastic 🎭 aquatic workout featuring the Original Broadway & Off-Broadway Cast Recordings of these frightfully good đŸ‘»musicals:
Beetlejuice the Musical, the 2022 Revival of Into the Woods, MJ the Musical, Little Shop of Horrors, SIX the musical and The Phantom of the Opera .
Also a special tribute to Sondheim & Angela Lansbury with Sweeney Todd.
All of these Broadway shows are currently playing and/or returning to the marquee.
Sunday, October 30 10am at Equinox, Upper East Side Flagship, East 63rd Street.
RSVP on the EQX Appâ€ŠđŸ’€đŸ‘©đŸŸâ€đŸ’»đŸ˜±đŸ§™đŸœâ€â™€ïžbeginning Saturday, October 29, 8am
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yaffles-world · 2 years
Hello! I didn't answer all of them - some I answered as seperate, longer prompts, some I intend to answer as seperate, longer prompts.
Enjoy :)
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F/O Rainbow Ask Game
Spike Spiegel My Baby
💋 [KISS]- What love language does your F/O have? What about you? And how do y’all express it to each other?
 My love language is quality time, I think. Just
 spending time with Spike is what I want. I like being with him, communicating about fun things and serious things, I like making memories with him and planning fun date nights hehe. Depending how much money Spike has hehe it's some sort of mix between acts of service and gift giving. It's funny, because I know if it wasn't for me, he would live in an absolute mess of a house. I am organized, and clean up, and cook, but it's like since I do it and want it to be done he'll just
 do it, without even being asked. And it's extra special because I know he doesn't mind the mess and he's just being a sweetie and helping out. He's so sweet like
 I'm not a material person but some things I just really love and he loves treating me to those things. I'm a big fan of soft toys and he's given me so many of them over the years, particularly if I'm having a hard day he'll stop by the op shop on his way home and surprise me with something else to cuddle. Even little things, like, if we're going on a walk together and he sees some lavender flowers in the wild (or on someone's front lawn, shh, I don't condone his behavior) he'll grab some and give them to me

🎃 [PUMPKIN]- What’s your favorite holiday to celebrate with your F/O? Or, what’s their favorite holiday to celebrate with you?
 Christmas :) I love forming traditions and doing all sorts of fun stuff and cuddling and cooking and GIFT GIVING ugh wonderful. Also Halloween is an absolute blast. Spike would say his favorite is Halloween, but he's lying, his favorite is also Christmas :)
đŸč [HAMSTER]- Do you and your F/O have a pet? If not, what pet would you like to have with them, or why wouldn’t you want a pet at all?
Yep :) Sunny the black cat and Basil the ginger cat. Also, we kind of co-own Ein, the corgi, although he generally stays with Jet.
🍯 [HONEY]- What flavors or scents do you associate with your F/O? Or, what flavors/scents would they associate with you?
I'm a goddamn broken record but we can't ignore the truth. Spike perpetually smells like cigarettes but in like a good way :P Shaving cream. That one cologne smell. I'm sorry I'm awful at describing scents so in my head it's just like "yes that one" whereas you know, most people dunno what I'm talking about :D He probably associates lavender with me, just because it's kind of become one of those Things about me.
🌟 [STAR]- How do you and your F/O prepare for bedtime? Do you stay up watching TV until you fall asleep? Do you cuddle endlessly? Etc
Generally, we'll do something together, like watch TV, or maybe just lie on the couch together doing our own activities
 we get ready for bed together, and we climb on in and snuggle while talking about our days or just absolute random nonsense hehe. Cats generally included in the snuggling, much to Spike's apparent dismay (he secretly loves it - if the cats aren't snuggling up to each other, Sunny is on Spike's chest, and Basil is anywhere on my side of the bed hehe)
🍃 [LEAVES]- What’s your favorite season to go on walks with your F/O? Why?
I think this is biased because I'm from Australia but Winter/Autumn because it's impossible for me to go on walks in Summer hehe. If we lived anywhere else it would probably be Autumn still.
👖 [JEANS]- Do you ever wear your F/O’s clothes? How does it feel when you do, and have they caught you doing it before?
C o n s t a n t l y. I love his style, I love how he smells, and I love just pulling out clothes from his side of the wardrobe and just
 wearing them. It feels like a very intimate act, to be so close to someone that you can do that with them. The clothes are often too big, unfortunately, and also he has a lot of button up shirts, so it's funny wearing around the house but I always do. I'll often steal a jacket to wear outside in the colder months, though. They all remain his clothes and what I steal is random and unpredictable. He always says something like "You know that's my shirt, right?" and walks up to me and grabs the ends of my fingers that are barely visible due to the size of the long sleeved shirt, "We're going to have to go shopping," he says, laughing softly at my blushing, "people are gonna think we're broke!" Before enveloping me in a big hug and whispering, "you look great."
đŸ‘Ÿ [SPACE INVADERS]- Do you play games with your F/O (board games, video games, other games)? If so, what do you play, and how do those playing sessions go?
I'm a big fan of any kind of game. If it's a board game, weirdly, it gets a lot more competitive
 but all in good fun. Video games
 If it's some sort of co-op campaign, like, Halo or Portal 2 or something then we both get too distracted doing stupid stuff - shooting at eachother and being terrors - then actually playing the game. If it's something like Mario kart, once again, absurd levels of competition. If it's something like Animal Crossing, or Stardew Valley, I have a very particular vision, and Spike sees that vision, and decides to do everything in his power to make it difficult for me to plan it perfectly. I don't play that many fighting games, but there's this joke I saw on a game grumps episode when Dan kept saying to Arin, "come over here, I have to show you something," only to just attack Arin's character and he kept doing it and Arin was like "I'm not coming over again!" only for it to happen again. Yeah. That.
☔ [UMBRELLA]- What do you and your F/O do when you’re trapped in rainy weather?
Oh so many things. Blanket fort. Indoor picnic. Cuddling up with a book. Cuddling up with a book + Basil + Sunny. Cooking cupcakes. I draw him. He draws me (and fails, but cute). Playing outside! It's short because if I kept going it would turn into another fanfiction hehe.
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biderboy · 3 years
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➀ reguluscore’s 1.2k record shop
hi hello ! i hit 1.2k !! can u believe it? i cant ! this account makes me so genuinely happy :p so thank you ! all 1.2k (wow) of you <3 i hope you stick around a bit longer ! okay now onto the fun <3 this celebration is closed
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‷ it’s been a long, long time⏳ ; send me an hourglass and i’ll share a headcanon i have for 40’s stevebucky !
‷ till forever falls apart đŸč (moots only) ; send an arrow and i’ll compliment you because i’m actually in love with everyone !
‷ achilles come down 🌙 ; give me an angel!character and i’ll write a little blurb or headcanon about them !
‷ we fell in love in october 🎃 (moots only) ; tell me your favorite character, and i’ll give you what halloween couple costume i think you’d both wear ! (and maybe a little dialogue prompt)
‷ forever & always 💌 ; no context ships ! send me a fact about yourself and wether you prefer a girl or boy, and i’ll ship you with someone !
‷ daft pretty boys☀ ; send me a fact/random thing about you and i’ll tell you what character it reminds me of !
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tagging some mutuals i GUESS :p : @averychaoticcritter @anywherebuthere @akraziia @babyjordy @bellatrixscurls @dropdeaddeadass @darthwheezely @daisycinema @earlgreydream-main @faephobia @gxtitobxby @gothboutique @ilygw @kirascottage @luvfrommars @luvshack @pinkandbluechats @padfootswife @peachyparkerr @rcwenaclaw @shadesofvelma @thatlaufeydottir @ur-local-reality-shifter and many more <3
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aintmyjewelry · 2 years
I just want to meet you so we can go on a date in person. đŸ˜˜â€ïž
We will go to a coffee ☕ and juice 🧃 shop and then go boutique hopping. We will stop at a comic book đŸŠžâ€â™‚ïž store and vinyl record store and then we will have such a great time that we will go on another date and then another and another
 and I will fall for you and you will like me back and we will be gfs 👭 irl and on tumblr and u can teach me about Star Wars and we can go to Halloween horror nights 🎃 and I can send you flowers 💐 out of the blue and we will move in together 🏘 and have a whole room dedicated to Swiftie stuff and music and art and book stuff. We will then get married đŸ‘°â€â™€ïžđŸ‘°â€â™€ïž after I propose 💍 at a Taylor Swift show during love story and then you will be mine forever and ever and I won’t be alone and you won’t be alone and we will be the power couple everyone needs the journalist 🖋 & the music exec đŸ‘©â€đŸ’Œ
i’ve been reading this over and over and over and im just- im- I-
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18 questions – get to know me
good morning and happy Halloween đŸŒ¶đŸŽƒ because I love talking about myself, I wanted to do one of those mini questionnaire things. I Frankenstein-ed this together out of three similar posts going around tumblr
Name? Gigi
Nicknames? Gigi already is a nickname but I honestly love being called honey, hun, sweet pea, sweet corn, darling, king, sweet boy, malewife, po po, mew mew
 if we’re close you may also call me kitten. in a non-sexual way!! just like as a fun nickname
Favourite color? yellow
Favourite flower? Sunflower, Baby’s Breath, Nasturtium and, of course, Bliss (so either Moonflower, white Brugmansia or Datura)
Currently reading? Men Who Hate Women by Laura Bates and The Book of Joseph
Last song? Honey, Honey by ABBA, but the Mamma Mia! version
Last series? The Simpsons
Last movie? Borat [don’t judge me pls, I have the worst taste in comfort movies and I am in fact a w a r eℱ]
Last thing I googled? degrees of lewdity [don’t judge me pls I was curious]
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate? hot choccy đŸ„șđŸ«â˜•ïžđŸ’•
Sweet, spicy or savory? savoury
Three favourite foods? french fries
 but really everything with potatoes! green papaya salad and tofu + veggies stir fry with rice
Number of blankets you sleep with? usually a duvet and an optional blanket but in winter I put two duvets in one cover and sleep with another extra duvet
Song stuck in your head? Bloodthirsty by Lowell
Relationship status? single/open to date but not pushing it
Dream trip? first to the city! can be any city as long as you can get there without flying or long boat rides and it has cool museums. going to said museums, getting lots of nice vegan food, maybe even going on a food tour and leaving some street art. staying in for at least an evening and ordering food to the hotel room/air bnb. going to nice markets, maybe on a guided tour of the place (I like walking tours) and thrift shopping a little if that’s an option. taking lots of great analog fotos and getting to practice my skills. sitting on a bench with fun local lemonade, fries and local fast food for some people watching. then to the countryside! enjoying nature and some quiet, possibly by the seaside. just watching the tide come and go while listening to music. or escaping to a cabin in a luscious peaceful forest. going geocaching and trying to spot animals. visiting animals and feeding them (I miss chilling with the geese and ducks and other critters at the local water reservoire
 They enjoyed their birdseeds and I enjoyed my temporary pop-star status.) Going for loooong wonderful rides and getting to connect with the horses.
Currently working? I‘m mainly a student, currently doing my bachelor‘s, but I have a job at uni mentoring freshers + I am also slowly easing back into the entertainment industry (acting, singing, modelling)
Anything you really want? a loooong hot make out session, for this godforsaken pandem*c to never have happened and a microphone for song recording
not tagging anyone in this because I know you all like your privacy and I do not want anyone to feel pressured to share anything but if you’d like to please go ahead and use this template ♡
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criminalrecordsatl · 3 years
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#Repost @criminalrecordscomics ・・・ Usual shop hours today: 12-7pm. Mask up. Happy Halloween! 🎃🩇đŸ”Ș🧟💀 (at Criminal Records Atlanta) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVs0hIqr60t/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sugas-sweetheart · 4 years
Scaretrains || Bakusqaud
A/N: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! I hope everyone had a lovely day <3 I refuse to believe Halloween went so quickly and my event is nowhere near finished so you’ll still be getting spooky & fluffy content this month - Btw this also includes you and the extended bakusqaud like shinsou and jirou. Ty @peach-pops for giving me some of the costsume ideas 😚 I haven’t included a costume for the reader of course bc you can imagine whatever you’d liked, I’m sorry that it ends a little abruptly, enjoy!
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The idea of a group costume for your Halloween scare train was quickly dismissed
Bakugou didn’t agree with the others and then it was just decided that 8 people was too many for any good costumes anyway
So everyone chose their own individual costumes!
Bakugou went as a werewolf
Kirishima went as a dragon
Mina went as the mad hatter she’d look so cool in a mad hatter outfit though
Sero went as Howl (from howl’s moving castle) honestly howl! Sero give me life
Kaminari went as Han Solo - only, of course, after trying to force kiri, Sero, shinsou or jirou into a “couples” costume when the group ones failed
Jirou went as a marionette doll
Shinsou went as Aizawa, because why not? he has the eye bags for it.
And off into the night you all went
A group of training and soon to be pro heroes on a hay bale train driving through the night whilst actors jump on an off with props and special FX on. What could go wrong?
Apparently quite a few things.
Out of the group, shinsou kept his cool the most, staying beside you for most of the train because he claimed that he “couldn’t deal with the others screaming” even if you were screaming as well
shinsou just say you love the bakusqaud and leave it at that smh
He was also scared at some moments but he just kept a fairly dead pan expression in his Aizawa/eraserhead costume. He sticks to character.
Especially when one of the actors got spooked by his deadpan expression.
This caused them to go out of character and just sort of question like “why sent you scared me”
He just tightened his capture weapon scarf and took a dip from the coffee in his flask
Bakugo, Denki and Mina were slightly different cases, well, very different.
All three of their quirks have some sort of spray or firing nature, so when they’ve been jumpscared, it doesn’t fare well for the group surrounding
Bakugou screaming and firing off small explosions from his fingertips definitely scared a couple of the actors away a little
“If anymore of these damn actors scare me I’m going to blow this place up”
Denki giving off electric sparks everytime he screamed gave you quite the shock when you were sat next to him basically holding onto each other for dear life, all while Shinsou just chuckled at the sight of you two next to him
Mina definitely didn’t melt a small hole in the train with her acid-
Jirou laughed at Denki sparking throughout the whole train ride. And kind of held onto Mina when she was scared.
Kirishima, acted tough to help calm you and the others, but he was also fairly scared himself and when a new actor jumped ontoo the train there was a clear panic in his face each time.
Half of you are just sitting there chanting “Is it time to leave now”
The way some of you kissed the grass when you got off of that train would be a wonderful sight to see.
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sugas-sweetheart · 4 years
the way i teleported to ur askbox when u said ur halloween requests were still open 😭 but anyways, may i request haunted house and “I’ll come back and haunt you so hard” with akaashi, please? thank you so much! and take ur time with the asks and don’t overwork yourself or else i’m taking a first class flight to ur house đŸ˜œđŸ”Ș — kal
A/N: come to mine I dare you 😳 sad that there’s an ocEAN IN BETWEEN US but n e ways,, enjoy some spooky akaashi headcanons and happy birthday btw đŸ„° since you told me you get scared easily this’ll be fun. I ALSO FEEL LIKE AKAASHIS V OUT OF CHARACTER,, but when I mention teasing I just always remeber when kuroo and akaashi were talking about Bo and kaashi was like must be sad that he’s not one of the top three aces, Yknow?? @estridries <3
Requested prompts: 3. Haunted House + “I’ll come back and haunt you so hard”
Request a Halloween print from our prompts list here
The Haunting of Akaashi Keiji || Akaashi Keiji
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This beautiful setter, would be excited to see you in a haunted house.
He’d be excited to go as well!
I don’t see him as the type to get scared easily, he’s probably also partially resistant to jump scares, his friends are loud enough and he’s probably been hit with a ball quite a few times, so he’s just grown used to it.
This man reads and his dark/light academia lifestyle (dark or light academia akaashi is superior) definitely includes horror and thriller themed books.
He’s a calm and collected person and it will show during times like this.
But he’s also a tease~
Especially when almost everything scares you half to death
The amount of mundane things that make you jump is concerning sometimes
Someone walks up to you silently? You flinch.
So, venturing into a haunted house was probably not the best environment for yourself, but it would no doubt be a funny and slightly concerning experience for him.
And he’s really sweet about it of course, with the little dry and teasing remark
Upon entering the haunted house, one of those houses with actors, you know the ones.
(It was already rumoured to be haunted, so an acting company rented it out and put on a haunted house for all of October)
Why you agreed? Mr pretty setter only had to say he wanted to do something with you for Halloween and you were already agreeing.
In a respectful and teasing way, he asked you if you’d like to hold his hand through the house
Of course you said yes but with an added “I’m not scared” which just made him chuckle
As the actors started jumping out you were not okay
He’s probably never heard you shout and swear more than you did when an actor coated in special FX jumped out near you both.
At this point you’re just clutching his arm like it’s your lifeline.
Although Akaashi’s enjoying it he will make the odd remark of “why did you agree to come again?”
Along a certain corridor, there were no actors jumping at you and it was almost too silent for you to be in the house that usually had people jumping and screaming with props and makeup on them. It was way too silent.
While you took this time to calm down and let go of Akaashi’s arm, taking a step forward to give yourself some space to breathe
Akaashi had the perfect idea.
And that was to make you jump himself.
His plan was simple, he goes up behind you and whispers boo in your ear whilst placing his hands on your shoulders and you will almost definitely jolt, scream or flinch.
And that’s exactly what he did.
He took two silent steps forward and whispered boo as his hands were placed on your shoulders causing you to 1) jolt away from him and elbow him in the face and 2) curse very loudly.
The elbowing also caused him to cheese because he did not expect an elbow to the face.
“”Kaashi. If you scare me one more time and I die of shock, I’ll come back and haunt you so bad”
“I’m sorry, my love, it won’t happen again”
And he’d pull your face into his chest and rub your back to help calm you down again with little forehead kithes
And then you would get out of there as quickly as possible to have a movie and snacks night. With gummy bears of course
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sugas-sweetheart · 4 years
Heyo! First of all, love your work! Second, I'm excited for the Halloween stuff! Could I request 3 for Noya with dialogue prompt 13? Thank you so much!
A/N: Ahh I’ve never written for noya this’ll be fun đŸ„ș AND ILY ISA I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS, KITHES FOR YOU, and happy birthday to Noya! I rlly hope I got this out on his birthday at least - update: his birthday was two weeks ago lmao I hate this and im sorry that it ends abruptly
Requested prompts: 3. Haunted House + 13. “It’s probably haunted and we’re doing to die”
Request a Halloween print from our prompt list here
The House At The Edge Of Town || Nishinoya YĆ«
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What possessed you to agree to do something spooky with Noya for Halloween was beyond you. You should’ve known that he wouldn’t just suggest a simple horror movie or pumpkin patch date.
It had to be an abandoned house.
Specifically, the house at the edge of town that was rumoured to be haunted.
“Come on, it’ll be fun!” He said. Yeah, you regretted listening to that now that you were stood opposite the ancient residence.
It had been abandoned long before you moved here, children were always told to stay away, and as children the fear kept you away. As teenagers or young adults however? Maybe the warnings needed to be revised because no one over the age of thirteen listened to them.
The slight breeze that had picked up on your journey over here made the rusted gates screech at the small force that was applied. And from that moment, you wanted to get out of there. Some of the windows were smashed and cracked, there were old toys, broken and eroded, stranded in the front garden from the last residents, and a large oak door, chipped and sprayed by some teenagers who had visited at some point in the previous years. The red spray was dripped to signify blood oozing and that eased nothing inside of your mind.
As he grabbed your hand to lace your fingers together, he gave your hand a small squeeze and tug as to say “it’s okay, come on”. He flashed a very bright smile your way and began to step forward. You begrudgingly started to follow as he dragged you along.
A screech came from the small front gate as he pushed it open to allow you both into the front garden, as soon as you you were both on the eerie land the gate slammed behind you both.
“Uh, It was just the wind
?” another tight hand squeeze.
Once the oak door had screeched open and closed behind the two of you, you began your walk into the house through the hallway. The hallway was fairly long leading off into many different rooms and with almost every step a creak followed it. Noya took quick glances back at you every few seconds to reassure himself and you that everything was fine.
The wind’s whistling followed you around the house, through the cracks in the windows and the sound of a ticking clock increased with each advancement into the building. Strung up along the hallway and lining the staircases were framed portraits, painted way before you were born, and watching your every move. The feeling of eyes on you never left.
A door caught your eye, right at the end of the passage. A beautifully carved pinewood door. It felt like it was beckoning you towards it with the designs etched across it. With a light nudge to Noya you nodded your head in the direction of the door as an indication to head over there.
The ticking of the clock continued to escalate in volume as you stepped closer, and closer.
You pushed the door open together, both with one hand on the door and other still laced with each other’s, with your eyes squinted shut and waited for something. Anything.
As soon as the door was open wide enough to look in, the grandfather clock that loomed on the back wall stopped and the silence took over. Surrounding the grandfather clock were tens of shelves lined with porcelain dolls.
If it felt like there were the eyes of paintings watching you before, there were definitely another extra hundred pairs of eyes on you two.
“Did one of those dolls’ heads just move?”
“Noya- love of my life, please don’t say that. it’s probably all haunted and we’re going to die in here, can we please leave before something else happens”
“Just because you called me the love of your life, I think we can go” there was a proud smile spread across his face, it was hiding his true fear of the house you were currently in.
“And definitely not because we’re clutching each other like we’re about to die”
“No, definitely not.”
Yeah, you two were never coming here again.
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sugas-sweetheart · 4 years
5. Pumpkin carving Together and 18. “I’ll come back and haunt you so hard” for the halloween prints with suga and fem!reader in a romantic relationship? (I requested a different one earlier on but I'm requesting a suga one just for you. Hope that's okay).
A/N: idk who this was but ily, you get all the hugs and kithes đŸ„ș I’ve been struggling to finish my Halloween reqs so like the fact I have a suga one to relax with was rlly nice to write tysm for requesting him for me <3 and I’m so so sorry that I haven’t finished any of my other Halloween reqs I’ve had so much school stuff going on and ugh motivation? What’s that, anyway, I hope you enjoy!
Requested prompts: 5. Pumpkin Carving together + 18. “I’ll come back and haunt you so bad”
Request from our Halloween prompts list here
Sugawara Koshi x fem!Reader
Small note! Ahoge is his little like stalk bit? Idk my friend calls it a stalk, his little piece of hair that sticks up basically
Pumpkin Competitions || Sugawara Kƍshi
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“I swear to god, Kou. Stay away from my pumpkin, I’m going to beat you”
“All is fair in love and pumpkin carving, princess”
You felt the pressure of his lips against your temple as one of his arms settled around your shoulders.
A small tradition for the two of you was to carve a pumpkin for the local carving competition held at the Halloween fair. It was simple, fun and chaotic. Over the last four years you had both racked up two wins each so this year was a tie breaker, at least until you found out who won next year.
The forfeits tended to change year to year, but this year the loser had to dye at least a strip of their hair orange. For Suga, it was his ahoge, right in the center of his head and would, hopefully, soon be bright orange to compliment his losing pumpkin.
“I hope you’re prepared to dye you hair~ oh my god if we dyed your ahoge green and the rest orange you’d be just as cute as a pumpkin.” as you proceeded to pinch his cheeks there was a small definitive blush but he hid it within his teasing remarks.
“And I hope you, my love, are prepared to have bright, orange tips” was his response before moving your own hands from his face and playing with the tips of your hair.
Everything was laid out across a fairly large table, a large bowl empty and ready to be filled with the insides of your respective pumpkins, some candles lit around the edges for ambience and a speaker placed in the corner playing a Halloween themed playlist. It all looked too perfect with the other spooky decorations that were already up around the apartment.
All the tools were laid out between you two and markers were ready to sketch out your pumpkin designs, and so the competition ensued.
The first few steps were messy, they always have been and will be. Drawing on the design? Easy. Simple. Emptying the pumpkin of its guts? That was a different scenario.
The slimy strands of pumpkin guts were quickly piling up in the bowl and there may have been some stray strands.
One moment of sticky pumpkin changed it all.
“Did you just flick Oogie Boogie’s guts into my hair?” Placing the tool he was using down, Suga started to pull the clump of pumpkin seeds out of his hair as he eyed you snickering beside him.
“It was an accident, Suga. I promise” his teasing smile had returned from earlier and it was wider than before; he was definitely planning something.
“Oh so we’re playing like that this year?” His mocking tone did not put you at ease and you watched him reach into the bowl and pull out a handful of insides and seeds.
“Sugawara Kƍshi, if you throw Oogie Boogies and Toby Tobers guts at me, I swear to any gods watching that when I die, I’ll come back and haunt you so bad” you covered your face with your hands and peaked at him through the gaps in your fingers awaiting his response.
The silence was slightly eerie until you saw a playful light in his eyes as he lowered his hand filled with pumpkin innards; his other hand moved forward to pull your own away from your face. Leaning forward he placed the softest peck on your nose while still keeping hold of your hand.
The next moment was a very unexpected one, on your part at least.
Forgetting that Suga’s other hand was still filled with pumpkin was the worst thing you could have done in that situation, because as soon as he pulled away from his peck, a soggy and seedy mass was smeared across the side of your face.
“You did not—“
“Oh~ but I did”
It was hard to stay even the slightest bit annoyed when his joyful laughter rang out through the apartment and over the music. It was even harder to stay annoyed when he toppled over and off of his chair from laughing. In between your own growing laughter you got out a question of concern.
“Are you okay?” As his laughter ensued, he managed to nod at you through the laughing fits and reached his arm up as an indication for you to help him back up.
You reached out to him and he grasped your hand, and tugged, bringing you down next to him with a thud.
As the laughter between you two died down, you stared at the ceiling together with hands intwined. The music continued to play and the only noise from the two of you was heavy breathing after laughing for so long.
“Well... I don’t know how long you want to lie here, but I have a pumpkin to finish and a competition to win, sweetie” and as he said that he shot up from the floor, leaving you behind and humming along to ‘this is Halloween’ as it played.
“That was a twisted move and I applaud you for it, but I’m still going to win”
“Maybe in your dreams”
“Yeah yeah, just help me up”
He reached down and lifted you up, softly spinning the both of you to the music before letting you settle back in front of your pumpkins.
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sugas-sweetheart · 4 years
Nighttime Demons
Requested by @haikyunicorn
Requested prompts: 16. Demon Au + 10. “Why are you awake right now?”
Request a Halloween print from our prompt list here
A/N: HAPPY OCTOBER 1ST - Kicking off October with a demon AU requested by my lovely moot, Yun 💕 I’m going to aplogise again for publishing it when i had just started it but you liked the snippet in your inbox so it’s fine sndnskcnw, also I apologise because I’m not that happy with ushijimas but I didn’t know how to carry it on - Halloween requests still open probably until the 15th? I’m not too sure atm but enjoy!
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Sakusa Kiyoomi
It was a lonely Halloween for you
So researching different things to do alone at 3AM, on a very strange website led to a demon appearing in your room where the symbol you had drawn lay.
Let’s be honest he was disgusted to have been summoned to some dirty human’s house
“Hi, I’m Y/N. What’s your name?”
“Well, how are you, Sakusa?”
“What do you want?”
You just wanted to make friends with a demon in a lockdown Halloween and he had to be so judgemental of you smh
He was a pretty demon
You really couldn’t deny that
The curls, the eyes, paired with a casual all black and grey outfit, and small horns poking out through the curls.
Just immaculate.
He was very blunt towards you and it took multiple hours to get more than a couple word responses from him.
“Just tell me what you want my demon powers for so that I can leave”
“What if I don’t want you to leave? I was bored and lonely, I don’t need your powers for anything, so you can just go if you really want to”
He’s kind of shocked? Usually someone asks him to do something, hurt someone, fix something and they let him go
But you were just, lonely?
He is: confused.
“I guess I could stay a bit longer”
And so the night continued, mostly you talking, he pitched in once in awhile, he didn’t know much of what was happening in the human world, so you told him why you were alone.
It was a very slow process of him opening up to you
You’d summon him or he’d appear some days, now that you were associated with a Demon it could easily put you in danger and he tended to check on you some nights when you were alseep if he had sensed a predatory presence near you
On one of these nights he obviously wasn’t careful enough and you were still awake.
He was surprised, much like when he first found out you just wanted to talk to someone on that Halloween night
“Why are you awake right now?”
Your eyes were locked with each other’s. Just staring because he knows he’s been caught and you’ve just realised that he has randomly appeared in your room.
“Why are you here, Sakusa?”
“I, um left my mask here?”
“No you didn’t?”
He had to tell you now, which would then expose that he cares about you as more than ‘just that human friend’
“I sensed another supernatural presence near you, being associated with a demon puts you in danger”
“You care about me that much?”
You are the embodiment of đŸ„ș at that point
He’d deny that he has feelings for you but would get more comfortable around you from that point, especially when you mention you may or may not like him too
And the demon-human relationship blossomed
This germaphobe will not kiss you for awhile and it took him ages to feel comfortable even sitting closer to you
he’d regularly check at night to make sure you were asleep, or sit with you resting his hand on your head or cheek until you did fall asleep.
He would continue to protect you from any other supernatural being that found out about you and just overall look after you.
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
Lonely Halloween nights, what more is there to do than summon a demon from a dodgy website you found online?
When Ushijima appeared across the sigil you had drawn out, he was very stoic.
And you were very surprised that he had actually appeared and were kind of scared.
He didn’t have much of a facial expression. Very much just -_-
A burgundy and black suit, small horns poking through his dark hair beauty
You’re not going to stare anywhere else when that is stood in front of you, are you?
“Why are you awake right now, human?”
“It’s the witching hours, best time to try and talk to demons and ghosts”
You’re so nonchalant about it he’s almost surprised but he wouldn’t show it
He doesn’t know much about human culture and continues to talk to you all through the night.
He’s a man of very few phrases but the ones he did give, were small comments on how demons lived or an extra question on the human world
And cue the nightly visits,
You teaching him about humans, him teaching you about demons, learning about each other and talking about your lives
He wasn’t very good with emotions, but he tried, and from what you had described in human novels and movies, he thought he was in love. At least some form of it.
He brought you a rose one night, going completely off of a novel you had told him about and attempted to tell you of these feelings growing in him.
You were very understanding as it took him some time to convey his emotions in the way he had planned and promised to protect you
He would check on you every day and night and would often hold you while you drift off to sleep in his arms and he’d just have this soft smile whilst looking at you and it would be filled with all the adoration that he has for you
Making this demon soft for you
One night a demon with red hair would show up in your room and scare the hell out of you and then ushi would show up after because tendo had been begging to meet “the human that changed ushiwaka”
It’s safe to say you and tendo became friends as well.
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