incendiums · 5 months
recrow-perate { Mitama & Henry
Reply to Mitama's post:
Henry did not seem to think anything was that bad, never letting anything affect the smile that always sat permanently in place. Mitama's contrasting frown persisted. Was he correct? Perhaps. But now it was becoming a matter of principle. "Well it might certainly have been better." Mitama insisted. She held out her hand for him to see. A matching set of cuts on her skin, an indication of the bird's displeasure. "I had helped raised some birds in my deeprealm as a child. I did not expect such a difference in temperament." She pouted. "It stings."
[Henry, Bloodthirsty and Heart Hungry]
"Oooh. Okay, yeah. I can see why that would smite, nyaha! But Crowmathan means well, ya know?" He hardly recognized the cold hands that gently cupped the girl's own. (A trick of the light, a moment of weakness. Whatever and a half, he supposed.) "What are the deep realms? If ya made friends with the birds there, it should translate here just as well."
His smile still persisted, as he hmmm'd and haaa'd at the scarlet cuts that ran over her skin.
"Well how's this for silver lining? Maybe it's a sign that I test out my healing chops!"
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