#recs for what to do tomorrow in Copenhagen welcome
destinationtoast · 6 months
I've been having a lovely vacation in Scandinavia with Mrs. Toasty -- mostly visiting family in Norway, but also briefly meeting up with @keeloca for an excellent Ides celebration full of yummy food and drink in Sweden (yay!!!), and now I'm in Copenhagen before heading home. However, my suitcase got taken by someone else on the trip to Copenhagen, and now I have no clothes. I'm borrowing Mrs Toasty's clothes, which are not a terrible fit (he's a bit shorter than me, but we're otherwise similar in size), and I am very fortunate that my meds and my electronics and everything else valuable to me were in my carry-on. But I'll be very sad if I have permanently lost my Tumblr Ides of March socks, the souvenir T-shirt I bought for Ms. Avocado in Norway, and a few favorite sex toys. If someone accidentally took my suitcase, perhaps they'll return it once they realize their mistake.... but it's now been almost 24 hours and I've heard nothing from the bus company (who acted horrified and promised to let me know the moment they heard anything), so maybe it was just stolen. Oh well! Could be so much worse. It's (mostly) only clothes.
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