#I can get through one and a half more days sharing clothes with mrs t
destinationtoast · 6 months
I've been having a lovely vacation in Scandinavia with Mrs. Toasty -- mostly visiting family in Norway, but also briefly meeting up with @keeloca for an excellent Ides celebration full of yummy food and drink in Sweden (yay!!!), and now I'm in Copenhagen before heading home. However, my suitcase got taken by someone else on the trip to Copenhagen, and now I have no clothes. I'm borrowing Mrs Toasty's clothes, which are not a terrible fit (he's a bit shorter than me, but we're otherwise similar in size), and I am very fortunate that my meds and my electronics and everything else valuable to me were in my carry-on. But I'll be very sad if I have permanently lost my Tumblr Ides of March socks, the souvenir T-shirt I bought for Ms. Avocado in Norway, and a few favorite sex toys. If someone accidentally took my suitcase, perhaps they'll return it once they realize their mistake.... but it's now been almost 24 hours and I've heard nothing from the bus company (who acted horrified and promised to let me know the moment they heard anything), so maybe it was just stolen. Oh well! Could be so much worse. It's (mostly) only clothes.
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montammil · 3 months
June of Doom Day 6 - "They don't care about you."
| Flinch | Broken Promise | Abandoned |
Characters: Rowan, Sawyer
A little AU if this was the way Rowan kidnapped Sawyer. Also shorter than my usual stuff, been in a creative rut for the millionth time lol.
CW: Intimate/yandere whumper, kidnapping, consensual sex (no descriptive nsfw), drugging, implied stalking
Sawyer was never too interested in dating, he had no need to when his life was finally starting to go good. He had friends he actually trusted, got a new apartment that wasn't completely falling apart, and was getting steady income. That was all he needed.
And then Rowan happened.
Rowan was always hanging around the club, watching him with hooded eyes that never dared turn away from him. He would leave huge tips, and tried his hardest to get Sawyer's attention.
For a while, Sawyer managed to ignore him and write him off as one of the usual creeps who saw him as an object to get them off more than a person with feelings.
Yet Sawyer was feeling extra depressed one night, and if he got any more drunk than he already was, he'd just embarrass himself.
He was sitting alone when Sawyer walked over, even if it was more of a stumble than anything. "Hi." His voice was surprisingly clear, though it wavered on the edge of drunkenness. "This seat taken?" He pointed to his lap suggestively.
Rowan sputtered out his drink. It was a little cute, Sawyer had to admit. The same guy who was acting like a total creep was also a blushing mess when his advances were returned.
It gave him an odd sense of control. It was hard to feel scared of a guy whose hands shook whenever he was close to him. Sawyer figured he had little to no sexual experience, given the way he couldn't hold himself together like most people could.
"N-No, of course not. I'd love it if you joined me." He shifted so Sawyer could sit.
Sawyer took him up on his offer. He wrapped his arm around his shoulder, giving him a seductive look. "Rowan, right? You've been coming in a lot. Always watching me. Do you just like watching me or do you think you have a chance with me?"
Rowan practically had hearts in his eyes. "Can't it be both?"
That made him laugh. "Sure. Well, Mr. Rowan, wanna get out of here and continue this in private?" He gestured to the back exit with his thumb. "Free of charge." Rowan jumped up and dragged him out of the club, much to Sawyer's amusement.
When Sawyer woke up the next morning, Rowan was already awake. He was on his side, and Rowan was tracing his collarbone with his fingers.
He barely remembered anything, but judging by how almost half of his body was littered with hickeys, he knew they fucked.
Sawyer stretched and sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Mornin'."
"Morning, my love. Sorry for all of these." He kissed a bite mark on Sawyer's shoulder for emphasis. "I promise I'm not usually that rough, you just have that effect on me." He ran his fingers through Sawyer's hair. "Want me to make breakfast? I make pretty good pancakes."
"Actually..." Sawyer reached over to grab his clothes off the ground. "I should probably get going."
Rowan blinked in shock, then sat up as well. "Really? Oh, well I can drive you home if you'd like. Whenever you're free, we could--"
"Look, this was really nice and all, but this was a one-time thing." He pulled his slacks up his thighs, wincing at how sore he felt. He was still recovering from last night, that was for sure. "You're a great guy and all, but I don't do relationships."
He slipped his t-shirt over his head. Sawyer resisted the urge to look at Rowan. He could feel his eyes burning the back of his head.
"Why not?" It was a simple question, yet it felt so invasive.
Sawyer stood up, getting his shoes. "Because it's just a waste of time. I've had my share of boyfriends, and they always ended in disaster." He adjusted the cuffs of his sleeves. "Relationships are just drama and heartbreak, I'd rather just enjoy what life gives me, without any added problems."
"And I'm a problem to you?"
He wouldn't let himself get manipulated. "No, because we aren't dating."
Rowan didn't respond for a while. Sawyer got up to leave, only to feel a hand wrap around his wrist. He flinched back, but it did nothing to deter him.
"You make me feel alive." He kissed his knuckles, a strange action that came out of nowhere. "I don't see you as just another sex object like all those bastards do. They don't care about you. But I do." He slowly moved his kisses up Sawyer's arm. "I can prove it. Just give me a chance."
Sawyer shifted on his feet uncomfortably. "I'm flattered, but I'm just not mentally ready for another relationship yet." It felt like a cheap excuse, but it was the truth. He was afraid to open his heart to someone else again. "I'm sorry."
"When will you be ready?" Rowan asked. His tone was flat.
"I... I don't know."
Rowan's grip tightened for just a moment longer before letting go. "Okay." He sounded disappointed, but stepped back to give him space.
Sawyer offered a wave and smile. He made long strides to the door, wanting to escape his regretted actions as soon as possible.
As he twisted the knob, an arm wrapped around his stomach and pulled him against Rowan's chest.
Sawyer opened his mouth to scream, when a rag was forced over his nose and mouth. He immediately held his breath, but the substance was already seeping into his lungs.
His knees buckled and Rowan lowered him to the ground, holding him protectively. Sawyer was terrified, his vision was already fading at the corners, his consciousness being sucked away with each passing second.
"Shh, it's okay," Rowan hushed, stroking his hair. He stared down at him with a sickening adoration. "I love you so much."
The last thing Sawyer saw was Rowan leaning down to kiss him, and then was overcome with darkness.
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Nesting Again (Miles Miller x Reader)
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Summary: It's getting close to an important day in yours and Miles's lives but you're determined to make the house as cozy as ever
Two year old Benny ran through the upstairs hall, back and forth from one end to the other, giggling like mad as his father ran hot at his heels. Both of them were covered in paint, more of it smeared all over Benny's little face and his little white t-shirt.
"C'mere ya little ghoul!" Miles called after him.
"No, no Daddy, no bath for me!" Benny exclaimed.
"Oh yes, you're getting a bath Mister," Miles half laughed.
He playfully scooped Benny right up into his arms and hauled him back to the room where you were busy cleaning some of the brushes. At long last, the walls in the new nursery had been redone, the Peter Rabbit scenes on the walls appearing straight from one of Benny's favorite books.
"You ok?" you chuckled when you noticed Miles's reddened cheeks.
"I feel like Wile. E Coyote chasing Roadrunner," Miles answered. "And I've just caught said Roadrunner."
Benny leaned in and kissed Miles's cheek, giggling as he left a paint stain on his father's face. You laughed a little at the sight of it, Benny giggling and the exasperated look on Miles's face.
"I can go stick him in the bath if you want," you told Miles.
"Nope, don't even think about it," Miles warned you. "You remember what Momma said, no heavy lifting."
You laughed again. "Miles, c'mon, I'm pregnant. I'm not made of glass."
"I just don't want you to hurt yourself (y/n)," Miles reminded you.
You couldn't help but move into his arms, wrapping your own around his waist, but slightly inhibited by your bump. Miles's cheek came to rest on the crown of your head, your little one's feet kicking you and Miles's stomach at the same time.
"Now you knock that off," he chuckled, stooping to one knee to kiss your bump. "Your big brother is already wreaking enough havoc, I don't need you doing that as well."
You laughed a little, but you were excited. Everything was coming together perfectly and you knew that all your hard work would pay off. Otis, your father-in-law had already hired two more hands, one from Livingston and another from the Bozeman area while the rest of the ranch had done well enough for you and Miles to make some much needed repairs to the house.
He swiftly carried Benny into the bathroom, stripping off the two year old's clothes and plopping him right in the bath full of warm water, adding plenty of fruity smelling bubble soap and Benny's favorite bath toys.
As soon as he had been thoroughly washed off, Benny was stuck right in his warm little pajamas and sent off to bed with his blankie and his stuffed puppy. Outside it had grown completely dark with the air being far too cool for any more air conditioning or leaving the windows open. Benny was tucked right into bed as the clock downstairs rang in the eight o'clock hour and as soon as he began drifting off to sleep, Miles went straight to your shared bedroom to help you.
"Whatcha up to Mrs. Miller?" he asked.
"Stripping the bed," you answered. "It's getting to be that time of the year again. I walked out this morning and needed my shawl."
"Here, you strip the bed, I'll get everything out o the trunk."
You and Miles stripped the bed of the summer sheets and blankets, hauling out the duvet and the crocheted blankets that you and him would need in the fall and winter. You shuddered a little just thinking about it. Winters in Lake Tahoe were nothing compared to winters in Montana. Though you and Miles had yet to experience it for herself, you had a feeling that this one would be one worthy of the Viking Sagas.
The sheets went on first and then the blankets, so soft and snuggly and always smelling of freshly dried sage, pine and cedar. The blankets weren't horribly old, but old enough for you to know that they had once belonged to Otis and Kathy when they were first married, the knitted and crocheted ones belonging to Otis's mother, Essie Miller.
You felt a dull throb of pain in your lower back, taking in and letting out a deep breath as you turned down the covers. Miles helped you steady yourself on the edge of the bed, his hands gently rubbing up and down your arms.
"I hope the little one comes soon," you sighed. "I had to walk off my swollen feet this morning when I went to go and check the chicken coop."
"Soon my sweet pea, soon," Miles said before he kissed your lips. "You hoping for a little boy? Or a little girl?"
"Either one as long as they're healthy."
"Who knows?" Miles chuckled softly. "Maybe we'll get lucky and have one of each."
He helped you right into bed before drawing the covers up over you and scooted in beside you, his arm tucked protectively around you with one hand coming to rest on your bump. You were both perfectly at ease and content, snuggled in warm beside each other and counting down the days until your little one would enter the family.
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uuchanjustice · 1 year
Ekubo Week Day 4 - Final Form
(Dimple, Mob and Tome, word count: ~700)
"Mob!!!" Tome burst into the office with windswept hair and her cell phone in her hand. "They're showing the ORIGINAL Aliens Vs. Zombies Vs. Salarymen at Fennel Theater tonight!!! They're gonna have snacks and sell keychains and it's gonna be so fun- oh, sorry, Mr. Serizawa..."
Mob was grimacing and gesturing at Tome to stop yelling, but she realized her mistake too late as the stranger in the office jumped out of his chair in surprise.
Serizawa smiled ruefully at Tome, then turned his attention back to the startled client whose cursed plushie he had just exorcised. "Sorry about that! She's my, uh, niece... so, 5000 yen?"
"You have to come, Mob!!!" Tome whispered to Mob as Serizawa ushered the client out. "This movie is the ultimate cult classic!!! Everyone says it's best experienced in a rowdy theater full of nerds! Who knows when we'll get a chance like this again??"
"Uh, Tome..." Serizawa returned to his desk and fixed the picture frame the client had accidentally knocked over. "It sounds fun, but... isn't it a school night? You should be responsible with your schoolwork..."
"I don't have any homework today!" Tome shot back. (It was half true... she didn't have any homework due tomorrow at least.) "And I bet Mob doesn't either!"
Mob nodded. "She's right, I don't."
"But that's not all," said Serizawa. "You also need to get a good night's sleep before school, and..." Tome tuned him out and sat down at her and Mob's shared desk, huffing. She gave Mob a Look that meant "we'll discuss this after work" and hoped he would understand what she meant.
"So there's something else," said Tome once she and Mob were a full block away from the office after closing. "We have to go with an adult to supervise us, it's the theater's policy or whatever. I was going to ask Mr. Serizawa, but apparently he's too 'responsible', and no way are we asking Mr. Reigen..." She took a deep breath. "I know you don't like breaking the rules, but we're gonna have to sneak in. We could maybe pass for adults with different clothes, I can-"
"Tome." Mob's voice cut through Tome's chatter. "I want to go. But we don't need to sneak in." He smiled. "I know someone who could take us."
"I still can't believe you never mentioned this," grumbled Tome.
"It never came up," responded Mob.
A seven-foot-tall, muscly green figure walked next to them, wearing a poorly fitting T-shirt and sweatpants bought from a nearby thrift store. Perched on top of his head was a wig of curly hair.
"Really, I'm more surprised that Dimple agreed to this," said Mob. "He usually doesn't like being asked favors..."
"Are you kidding?" Dimple waved a giant hand flippantly in the air, in a way that he would never admit was influenced by Reigen. "I'd never get in the way of you breaking the rules, Shigeo."
Officially, Mob and Tome were on a job with Reigen and Serizawa. Dimple had called Mob's parents from Tome's phone and done an impressive impersonation of Reigen to explain the situation. Tome's parents only needed a text. She was going to make a great adult one day; she was already living the carefree young adult life.
They approached the run-down theater. Most of the attendees were already inside, so they walked right up to the ticket booth and Dimple slapped the 3000 yen Mob and Tome had given him onto the counter. "Three for the zombies," he said casually.
The attendant looked at Dimple for about one second before deciding that he wasn't paid enough to ask questions. "Go ahead. Concessions on the left, no outside food or drink."
Tome skipped into the theater, dragging Mob alongside her. "Kids, right?" Dimple cracked at the attendant, who was pointedly not making eye contact.
Two hours later, the group staggered out of the theater, surrounded by teens and young adults hopped up on soda. Tome's eyelids were drooping, and Mob was clutching his stomach. "Why... did I eat... so much... popcorn..." he groaned.
Meanwhile, Dimple was as energetic as ever. "You were right, Tome," he exclaimed, clapping a hand each onto the kids' shoulders. "That was an unforgettable experience."
"Haha, just wait... the sequel is even..." Tome trailed off and slumped onto Dimple's shoulder.
He shook her gently. "Kid, wake up. We gotta get you home."
Mob gave him a Look that Dimple understood perfectly. He rolled his eyes and lifted the sleeping Tome onto his back. "You guys will be the death of me, I swear," he complained.
"But you're already-"
"Don't go there, Shigeo."
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abbatoirablaze · 1 year
MSI-Strip It Down, Chapter 4
Word Count: 583
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“Wh-what do you mean I don’t have a reservation?” Jake asked, as though it were the most obvious question ever.  The hostess bit her lip and shrugged, “I specifically made this reservation last week.  I-I-“
“Jake…it-it’s okay…”
Jake looked back to the woman he’d been trying to impress the whole night.  Aubrey had put a hand on his shoulder and was trying to reassure him that it was fine, but he only felt like he was letting her down.
“I-I made the reservation, I swear!” he said with finality as he looked from her back to the hostess, “c-can you check again?”
“Are you sure you got the day right?” she asked sadly. 
Jake bit his lip.
Suddenly he hadn’t felt so sure about his decisions, “I-I think so.”
The girl flipped through the pages for a moment before sighing, “Jensen…party of two…Mr. Jensen you made the reservation for next week…”
Jake paled.  Embarrassment flooded his veins.
Until he heard the smallest of giggles from beside him. 
Aubrey was stifling the giggles behind her hand.
“I-I can get the two of you to-go menus if you’d like.”
“That would be wonderful, Bethany…thank you!” Aubrey smiled, looking to Jake.  He felt a heavy sigh leaving his lips once more and Aubrey leaned up, pressing a kiss to his cheek, “hey…don’t get upset…if anything this means we can forget dinner on your counter and you can give me a private house tour a little earlier than expected.
A blush rose onto his cheeks as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
“I-uh…I share an apartment with Loki, Mischief, and their kid…I doubt it’s a romantic hotspot…could we-uh, go back to your place?”
“Okay!” she smiled softly, “whatever you want, Jake.”
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Jake couldn’t help but gaze longingly at the woman that he’d made love to a few hours ago.  Her skin had this endless glitter to it that made it seem like she was made of literal gold.  A sad longing in the pit of his stomach erupted as she sighed in her sleep.
Jake groaned as he came, his fingers instinctively lacing with hers as his balls emptied inside of her.  His hips thrust one last time and he faltered; his hips giving out as he gave her every last part of himself.  Her legs wrapped around him, keeping him pressed impossibly close as she rode out her own orgasm. 
His lips captured hers and the passion found another bridge between the coupled pair. 
Their tongues worked in tandem. 
Her hips rolled before her lower half shook, convulsing in the aftershocks of their passion. 
“Oh fuck!” he moaned, his head falling forward as he broke the kiss.  Aubrey giggled and Jake peppered her face in a series of kisses, “t-that was amazing…”
“Mmmm.” She hummed in agreement. 
“I want to stay like this forever!”
Jake looked at the clock, frowning when he noticed the time. 
2:13 AM. 
As quietly as he could, he slipped out of the bed and back into his clothes, before swiping his keys, wallet, and phone off the nightstand.
With a heavy heart, he left the bedroom, being sure to close the door as quietly as possible behind himself.  Making his way down the hall, he was surprised to see Johnny drinking a beer, sitting on the counter.
“Dipping out on her?”
Jake paled, “I-uh-“
“Grab a spot, Jensen….we’re gonna have a talk,” Johnny said firmly as he took a sip, “just the two of us.”
Tag List: @lohnes16, @prokey, @tenaciousperfectionunknown
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jiminzfilter · 3 years
slow dancing in the night
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→ Pairing. Taehyung x reader
→ Genre. established relationship, fluff, slice of life, model!taehyung, model!reader, taehyung missed you a lot, he is starving (his words not mine), gets a bit hot by the last 40 lines, mentions of oral (f) so I guess this counts as mature content, implied smut, making out (kinda), there is a bit of swearing
→ Summary. what could possibly be better than coming home after a long day of work to someone you love and missed a lot ?
→ Word count. 3.2k (!!!)
→ because I wrote this over a year ago when I still didn't know what I was doing with my writing, I had to go through a deep process of editing and re-writing before posting it. This might not be my best work but it's still a fic that I really really like :,)
→ song rec. slow dancing in the dark, Joji// still with you, Jungkook
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Fridays have always been exhausting days for both you and your boyfriend, especially on runways weeks. As models, you were put under a lot of pressure.
Pressure to be perfect, to smile but never smile too much, to look good, to not fall on stage.
Falling has to be the most tragic thing that can happen to your carreer as a model, the hungry stares of thousands of photographers and reporters ready to share the latest news to the press.
Yeah, it was exhausting.
This week was no exception... or maybe it was since, this time, you were the only one working until late.
It’s four in the morning and you’re already on your way out - kind of running late, oBviOusLy - quietly wishing your boyfriend a good day.
He is not working today.
That lucky bastard.
He gets to enjoy his free day in bed, lazing around, while you work your ass off all day. He mumbles something that you assume is a sort of goodbye. He is still asleep.
You look at him one last time before leaving the room and smile. He looks so peaceful.
You still remember the day you met, by pure luck even though you both call that fate. That was 5 years ago, when you just debuted your career as a model and were not that comfortable around high heels.
Okay no. Let’s be real.
You hated wearing them because you couldn’t walk in heels higher than 5 cm.
It’s still a wonder how you managed to make it in the first place.
Were you wearing flat shoes for the audition ? Damn you really must’ve done an impression on the judges if they made you pass without the heels try-on.
Your first day at the agency was chaotic to say the least. Your manager made you walk around the building, to visit she said. She made you wear heels. HEELS. That devilish person.
But, thank to that, you got to meet Taehyung. Your eyes landed on him as you were visiting the lounge and couldn’t tear them away from his figure. The poor man had to witness you fall down because you weren’t watching your steps anymore.
I mean.
Who could blame you ??
That was Kim frEaking Taehyung
He even came to help you get back on your feet and asked if you were alright, kind of amused.
It’s not everyday you see someone falling down in here, let alone a newbie
Let’s be honest, you were so embarrassed.
First day of work and you’re already failing falling.
That night when you came home, you spent the night wearing heels and prayed really hard you’d never have to face him again. After all, the building was big enough and there were enough workers that you could avoid Taehyung easily
If only
The NeXt day, you were told that you had a couple shooting, with none other that Kim Taehyung.
He would occasionally tease you about your fall and check on you to see if everything was alright. He watched you carefully as you were walking around with heels.
From up close he looked even more handsome.... :)
After this day, you started talking with Taehyung more and more. He introduced you to everyone around the agency. You met outside of work, got to know each other. You both became regally good friends but there was something lingering in the air, in the way you’d look at each other or stood so close to him after a couple glasses of wine that you could breathe his air.
So what was bound to happen happened and you went from friends a to lovers without really noticing it.
He was still your best friend...somehow
Eventually, you took things to the next level and moved in together... maybe a half and a year ago or so ? You’ve never been happier in your life
And, well, you’d actually be happier if you could spend the day with boyfriend instead of running around trying to find god knows which accessories you need for the rehearsal.
8 in the morning is noT a time to be doing cardio.
Especially while wearing heels
Become a model they said, it’ll be fun they said
“Y/n! Come here please I need you to try on this dress before you go!” Your personal stylist calls “I made sure to fix it yesterday so it’d be a perfect fit for the show”
You stop your tracks and go to her “make this quick i have to go get changed before 9 otherwise I’m screwed. Why did they even decide to do the rehearsals so early today ?” You sigh, frustrated, and put on the dress she’s handing you “thank you”
“Okayyy...it looks great. Gold looks amazing on you.” She smoothes the dress and gives an approving nod, visibly satisfied ; “You’ll look perfect for the Grand Finale. Oh god it’s already 8:30 you better go before Mr.Kim throws a fit because you’re late”
You both giggle ; “thank you for fixing the dress Naeun, see you later today. Well, probably tonight. Byeeee”
The rehearsal seems to never end. You’re squeezed in dozens of different outfits, gorgeous for sure but sO tight. Mr. Kim, the one who organised the runway, is such a perfectionist that you have to re-do some things multiple times before he’s satisfied. One time the lighting isn’t right, the other the models are walking too fast, not on beat and so on.
Everyone hates him for that but he always makes the best shows so you just follow.
After multiple tries, the rehearsal finally comes to an end. It’s already 4PM. You barely get time to breathe and go pee before you’re back into the ‘running-around-to-find-my-dress-and-fix-my-makeup-oh-god-i-gotta-be-on-stage’ crazy mess.
Walking on the runway feels amazing, running backstage is terrible.
It’s so hot and small back there you can hardly move around well.
It takes 2 hours for the whole fashion show to be over, one more for pictures outside the catwalk and chat with reporters. Since you’re kind of a famous model now, you get invited to the afterparty and spend few extra hours interacting with some celebrities that attended the show. Other models were invited and you’re happy to see familiar faces amongst them. Jimin, an old colleague and friend of yours, comes your way and compliments you. You chat with him for a while before deciding you’ve had enough for the day and leave the party. A few more people greet you on your way out.
A taxi takes you back to you company, where you left your stuff in the morning. You spend an extra thirty minutes getting rid of your heavy makeup and striping off that gorgeous but awfully tight golden dress you’ve been wearing ever since the end of the runway.
Now, you can FinaLLy go home. yassssss
It’s almost 12am when you leave the agency and climb into yet another taxi. The ride is quiet, background music playing over the car’s radio, and you take some time to look at what you were gifted for your performance : fancy makeup products, accessories, pieces of clothing-but not those from the runway, you sadly never get to keep those. Being kinda famous has its perks :,)
You then decide it’s time to warn Taehyung you’ll arrive soon and send him a few texts. As if he was waiting for them, he instantly replies saying he’ll be waiting for you and proceeds to spam you with heart emojis. Sometimes, it looks like this man just discovered what emojis were and is trying to use them as much as possible. What a child…
It’s way past midnight when you finally step into your duplex and the first thing you notice is that the place is way too quiet.
Maybe Tae went back to sleep, who knows, it’s super late after all…
You remove shoes and jacket and drop your bags in the entrance before going further and you call out quietly “anyone here? Tae, you sleeping?”
There is a faint glow from the tv on your right but the sound has been muted.
“Taehyung ?" You call one last time
Suddenly, two strong arms wrap themselves around your waist and you’re pulled into someone’s chest. You gasp, almost scream, but soften up when you feel the warmth on your back
“Hi baby” a deep voice says in your ear, sending chills down your spine “I missed you”
You turn around and are very pleased to see a handsome face and a warm exposed chest your boyfriend smiling at you.
“Mhm, missed you too” You wrap your arms around him and rest your head against his chest, happy to hear his heartbeat. Taehyung places his head atop of yours and gently strokes your hair. You tighten your grasp around him and hum.
Few seconds later, he lifts your chin up and gently lays a kiss on your lips.
“How are you doing?” He asks, his right hand cupping your cheek. The warmth of it is comforting.
“Exhausted, but you know how it goes” You shrug and he smiles
“Not too tired for dinner ? I could cook something if you want”
“Mhm... let me just go shower and put something else on” You sadly let go of him
“Sure, go ahead” he whispers and you give him a kiss before regretfully tearing yourself away from him.
You walk up the stairs to your bedroom, where you find the bed undone. You smile, Taehyung never really liked making the bed and, very honestly, neither did you. You slump onto the mattress and bury your face into the pillows, inhaling his scent. Lavender. Relaxing. Just like he is.
After a warm shower, you find a t-shirt Taehyung left on a chair in the room and wear it. It’s big enough to reach your thighs and, if you were more energised, you’d probably stay like this. You grab large pants and put them on.
Once again, you smell lavender all around you.
When you’re back in the living area, you see Taehyung busying himself in the kitchen. He hears your steps and his eyes find yours as a smile appears on his face when he notices that you’re wearing his shirt
“My shirt looks better on you than it’d ever do on me” He teases, his gaze longing on your frame.
“maybe I should keep it then” you smile and ask ; ”Do you need any help?”
“no no no no no, you’ve worked enough already. Go and have some rest. I'll call you when everything’s ready okay?”
Too tired to argue on this anyways -and thankful for the given rest-, you go lay down on the couch, your body oriented to let you look at Taehyung.
As he hums and moves to the chill music that was playing in the background, you start to detail his beautiful figure. From the curl of his dark hair (which you knoW are so so soft to the touch) to his beautiful profile and his nose you love so much down to his broad shoulder and then his tanned abs you see from time to time when the opened shirt of his pyjama moves according to his steps.
oH! Let’s not forget his perfect hands gripping at the pan’s handle while he cooks… vegetables? Something like that yeah.
Taehyung is giving his best into what he’s cooking. Vegetables with rice, that’s the only thing he could do quickly.
Quickly as in less than half an hour, unlike his friend Namjoon who’d take this time just to cook the rice.
The music he put earlier is slowly starting to bore him. After washing his hands, he reaches out for his phone and plays a different playlist. It’s one you name yourself when the two of you were still friends (aka not dating yet). “Taetae fm” because you once joked he should have his own broadcasting channel on the radio. He’d always criticise the music playing so why not have his own channel 👀
“You know Y/n, I actually watched the fashion show live this afternoon. I mean, of course you know because I always do that haha. Anyways, you really were the highlight of the runway tonight. And I’m not saying this in a biased point of view. Okay I might be a bit biased as your boyfriend but I swear that it’s true!! You literally shone back there, especially in that gold dress you were wearing and even the audience was impressed by your looks maybe you didn’t see it on stage but some cameras filmed their reactions and everyone was looking at you. Really, you were so gorge-oh” Taehyung looks at you and smile fondly “Of course you’re asleep, baby”
He lets his phone aside and checks the now cooked food before making his way to the couch. There’s a blanket on the sofa, he covers you with it, scared you might get cold. Taehyung put a loose strand of hair behind your ear and places a kiss on your chin.
You slowly open your eyes and find yourself face to face with him. You both smile.
“Hi there beautiful” He whispers
“what time is it? Did I sleep until the morning?” You’re scared of having slept through the entire nap without realising
“almost 1:20am, I just finished cooking. I thought you might be cold so I went to cover you with the blanket. You should go enjoy the food while it’s still hot, imma go to the toilet”
You nod as an answer and watch him leave upstairs. Getting up from the warmth of the couch is the hardest part so you keep the soft blanket draped around your shoulders and walk towards the kitchen. You grab two bowls and two pairs of chopsticks that you place on the counter along with glasses and a bottle of water.
You then go take care of the rice and the vegetables, which you mix in the pan. The song playing changes and your favourite nighttime tune starts.
“I don’t want a friend, I want my life in two” you sing along
“Waiting to get there, waiting for you” Taehyung’s voice startles you as he grabs your wrists and pulls your back close to him. You smile as he makes the both of you dance slowly. You put his arms around you so it’s like he’s hugging you from the back. You swing around for a little while, enjoying the close proximity as you both softly hum the song, making your body vibrate against each other, moving in perfect coordination.
“I love you” he whispers in your ear and then kisses it, sending chills down your spine, before lifting one of your arm up to make you turn so that you’re now facing him “did my baby sleep well?” You nod as you place your arms around his waist, paying attention to go under the shirt so you’re touching as much skin as possible.
Taehyung chuckles before asking you in that same, chill-sending, low deep voice ; “Still hungry? Because I’m starving”
If you didn’t just wake up, you would’ve definitely caught that lust in his eyes and also the fact that this wasn’t as innocent as it seemed.
As an answer, your stomach growls pretty loudly, making Taehyung laugh . “I’ll take that as a yes. Sit down, princess. Let me take care of you”
You do as he says, jumping on a stool, detailing all of his moves. You only realise how hungry you actually were when you start eating. Rice with vegetables has never tastes better. You eat everything in less than 5 minutes when you’d usually take your time to finish your plate.
“Damn, that was a well needed dinner! Thank you Tae” you mess a bit with his soft locks
“Imagine me who was waiting for you all evening!! I was hungry too” He pouts.
“Oh come on, I was working today. Cardio in heels isn’t the best way to wake up, let alone spend the whole day standing in tight clothes. When I think you has a day off… pfff. I saw the bed, I’m sure you stayed there all day, you lazyyyyyyyyy ass.”
He mumbles some gibberish and you giggle, knowing that you're right. He looks away, crossing his arms and obviously sulking. You leave your stool and stand behind him, wrapping your arms around his neck. You leave a few kisses on his cheek and neck
“- Don’t be such a babyy. You know I love you.
- You do?
- of course, you dummy” you bop his nose "Sooo, what do we have for desert?
- You. Uh I mean!! Yoghurt, fruits, cakes, fruits…anything” he clears his throat
“Great! What do you prefer?” You open the fridge
“ I’d very happily eat you out honestly but an apple sounds good”
“Oh sur- wait whaT!?” You snap your head to him, eyes wide open
what did he sayyyyyyyy?????
whaT am I even supposed to say noW oh my goddddd
You close the fridge’s door, suddenly not so yogurt-hungry.
There’s a sudden silence between the two of you, only disturbed by the music still playing in the background.
“Mhm? What is it?” He turns around to face you, asking so innocently “did I say something wrong ?”
This man knows what he is doing for sure. Has he ever been that straightforward before ?
Taehyung stands and closes the distance between your bodies, now towering over you.
He lowers himself slightly to speak in your ear “what is it baby? Mhm?” You feel his smile on your cheek when he lays a kiss on it “what happened to my all proud and fierce y/n who was so confident telling me I was being lazy all day, huh? Tell me” He lays another kiss on your temple
now he’s being a tease
1 A.M. fluffy and bare chested teaser Taehyung
Anyhow, it’s a good turn on.
Being tired and turned on was definitely not a good mix for you. You could feel the heat rising in your body and hear your heart pounding in your ears.
He laughs gently seeing you silently begging for more, brushing your face with his lips, teasing another kiss.
“Tsk tsk, you gotta speak darling, I cannot guess”
You should calm down and go to sleep, it’s 1am and you have work tomorrow you should definitely-
“Fuck-“ You sigh and grab his face, sealing your lips together while closing your eyes.
It doesn’t take long for that kiss to turn into a heated make out session.
You grab and pull some of his dark curls while his hands travels under his your shirt.
You break the kiss just a second to catch your breath.
“Have i ever told you you have the perfect body?” Taehyung asks
“Did I ever tell you how perfect you are??” You reply
He laughs, deep raspy laugh.
You’re too tired for this
And because you’re tired, you’re even more horny :D
Taehyung puts his hands behind your thighs and you jump, locking your legs around his waist, hands still in his hair, lips against his while carries you to the bedroom.
He leaves your lips to travel down your jaw and then collarbone. You throw your head back.
Taehyung gently lays you on the mattress of your king sized bed and makes it his personal mission to pleasure you tonight.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
hi. can i request something angsty i absolutely love your angst works! so being in a long term relationship with mr ran haitani that's kind of already having fallouts. then reader cheated and confesses to ran about it but he still kind of didn't expect reader would do something like that. thank you very much! pls ignore if you want <3
This hurt to write. But it hurt so damn good.
King of Sorrow: Ran Haitani x Fem!Reader
wc: 1.6k
tw: A N G S T
song recommendation:
Things had been going downhill for a while.
Ran noticed the way you stayed out late, the way you no longer cuddled him in bed at night, the way your eyes wandered when you two were at the club...
But he never says anything.
You two had been together since he had become part of Bonten - and that was five years ago. FIve years of bliss, love, and happiness.
But that all started to fall apart last month.
He can't recall what he did - if anything. Ran tried his best to show you that he loved you, even when he was away. But lately, it'd been met with a half-hearted "thanks" or "I love you, too". Ran knew you weren't saying it because it was inherently true. You were saying it because you felt obligated to.
But he didn't feel obligated.
No, he's convinced he loves you, even if you're falling out of love with him. It's a hard thought for him to grasp, but he does somehow - that you might just have fallen out of love with him.
So he ups his gestures of love in an attempt to stave off the routine. This week, he's taken you on a trip to Italy. No meetings, no calls, nothing that has to do with work. It's just you and him on a cruise ship, sailing from port to port.
"This is amazing," he beams, cutting into the steak with gusto. "I've never had steak like this before."
"It's Wagyu," you mention, looking more somber in the dim lighting of the restaurant than when you both entered. Come to think of it, the moment you stepped onto the boat, you seemed downcast, even more so than when you were at home. You couldn't even look Ran in the eye anymore, and even though he'd made love to you the previous night, it seemed like that didn't have any effect on how you felt today. Usually, you'd be excited and full of life, but...
"Babe," Ran whispers, putting his fork down. "What's wrong?" Your bottom lip quivers and Ran stiffens. No, he thinks. Don't cry. But he also wants to get to the bottom of things, so he continues cautiously. "Things have been really strange for some time now, and I brought you here so maybe we could fix whatever's wrong."
"Nothing's wrong," you lie, wiping your eyes quickly. "Everything's fine."
"No," Ran tuts. "It's not. My love, you've been distant. I'm worried about us." He reaches across the table and touches your hand, and gesture he hasn't tried in a long time. "I'm worried about you." You snatch your hand away, standing and throwing your napkin over your barely touched food.
"It's fine, Ran," you snap, then walk away from the table quickly, rubbing at your eyes furiously as you leave the ship's dining room. Ran sighs, motioning for the waiter as he cuts his losses with the dinner.
"Just send the bill to the room, please."
Ran finds you in your shared suite, sitting in the chair facing the balcony with your head in your hands. You're sobbing, and for a moment, he replays the interaction between the two of you before approaching, holding your purse in one hand.
"Love," he begins, kneeling beside the chair and placing your purse in the other seat beside him. "I need you to talk to me."
"I just..." you start but break off, tears flowing down your fingers. "It's not your fault." You reveal your reddened face, eyes rimmed with smeared mascara. "I didn't mean to..."
"Whatever it is, it's fine," Ran whispers, taking your wet hands in his. "It'll be okay. Just tell me what's wrong." His heart is aching to know why you're so heartbroken, but you inhale shakily, then exhale before opening your eyes.
"Ran, I want to start off by apologizing." Ran shakes his head, his violet eyes unsure, but you stop him, squeezing his hands once. "Just listen to me all the way through, okay?"
"Done," he affirms, shoulders relaxing now that you're finally telling him what's wrong.
"A month ago... I went to Takada's bachelorette party, right?"
"Mmm-hmm." He remembers that night. You looked so stunning in your tight mini-dress and pinned-up hair. He thought about railing you over the side of the banister before you left and was a little disappointed that you came home around eight in the morning instead of that same night.
"I..." You shakily inhale again, shaking your head rapidly. "I got so drunk. I don't know what was wrong with me, I..." You sniff, then remove your hands from Ran's, wiping at a stray tear. "I ended up sleeping with someone. I don't know who they are, I don't know where they came from. But I just remember waking up in the bed, naked, and seeing him there."
Ran stares at you, face empty, still not fully processing what you've said. He is still for a while as the cogs in his mind turn around and around and around and around and around and then
His mouth dries up, and his violet eyes look away from you, at the wallpaper, at the mirror, at the corner of the room, at the ceiling.
"I've felt so guilty since then," you mumble. "I couldn't tell you because I felt so ashamed, I--"
Ran stands, letting out a soft "oh", wavering a little on his feet. He blinks a few times, still not looking at you, then cocks his head to the left, like he's hearing something. But he's just processing. His mind flits from one day to the next, trying to pinpoint any signs, any clues... How could he have been so stupid?
No, you couldn't have cheated. It was a mistake. You'd gotten undressed, the man was drunk and also fell asleep in your bed... No, you couldn't do that. Not to him. Not to Ran Haitani.
But your guilt is written all over your face.
"Oh," Ran mutters again, jaw clenching. His breaths come quick like he'd been running for hours, and he can barely think as he sees red cloud his vision. He can't understand what he's doing when he breaks the table in the conjoined living room, or swipes the vases onto the floor, shattering them and depositing the flowers among them. He can't think about anything as you shout for him to stop, trying to reach him past his haze of red, but he's too far gone.
And the thing that frightens you the most is that he isn't yelling or screaming.
He's quiet.
He's not cursing at you, he's just destroying anything that looks whole, tossing it to the ground and rendering it unusable. You slide down against the wall, tears coursing down your cheeks again as he huffs, standing in the middle of the wreckage, gasping for air.
And then, the clearest thought Ran's had in almost an hour comes to him.
"Let me get you your own room."
"Ran," you plead, stumbling over your feet to get to him as he marches over to the phone. "Ran, please."
"Hello? I need a new suite for Mrs. Haitani. Do you have one available?"
"Ran!" you beg, pulling at his sleeve, but he doesn't move from the phone, gripping the receiver as the person on the other line tries to find an open room for you. You try to reach the button that will hang up the call, reaching past Ran's frame in earnest. He's blocking it, but there's just enough room for your pointer finger to tap the button, ending the call.
Ran doesn't even move. The phone is still up to his ear as if the call is still going on, but no voice is on the other line.
Fat tears roll down from his eyes, and he's frozen there, standing with the phone in his hands as if he were paused in time. But he lets the phone slip from his grasp, walking like a zombie over to the chair by the balcony, and sliding into it slowly.
And he doesn't get up, staring out at the sea with an empty, forlorn look.
"Ran," you whisper, crouching next to him. He doesn't answer, tears running freely down his face. "Ran..." Again, there's no answer, so you hang your head next to his leg, touching his thigh with your right hand. He doesn't move, even when you get up to prepare for bed, the door leading to the carnage of his temper still open.
He doesn't move from that chair all night, and you don't sleep, staring at him as his tears dry. You even succumb to sleep for a brief moment, waking to see him still in that same chair, still trying to think.
But eventually, he moves, walking into the bathroom and staying in there for a while. You wait patiently for him, sitting on the edge of the bed as he emerges, wiping his face with a towel before he inhales sharply.
"As soon as they dock this ship at the next port, we're heading home. Couples counseling or a divorce, it's your choice." You look down at your hands, nodding. You understand the need to cut the trip short. It's for the best.
When you arrive back home two days later, Ran immediately grabs a new bag of things, loading it up with clothing and toiletries, choosing to take residence at Rindou's home instead of sleeping in the same bed as you.
And that hurt the worst, his cold violet eyes not even glancing over at you as he left the master bedroom without any words.
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drakenology · 4 years
“what that mouth do?” - w/ random haikyuu boys. because I dont know all the team names yet.
ft. bokuto, aakashi, kageyama & asahi
🎵 inspo song 🎵
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warnings: oral sex (fem!receiving), cussin’, d+ddy kink, exhibitionism?, slight overstim, spit (yall know me), use of kitten in asahi’s sowwy, dash of somnophilia, a pinch of “cunt”
bokuto (mine)
i feel like bokuto would be the type to just get straight to it.
and believe you me he is a messy eater.
the whole room would be filled with sounds of him slurping and sucking all over your pussy
loves eating it from the back to prep you for the brutally beautiful backshots he’s about to bestow upon you.
also just loves your ass in his face.
fingers you and eats you out at the same time. (demon)
will tongue kiss you when he’s done to make you taste yourself.
talks about eating pussy to his teammates alll day. (much to their dismay)
he just loves eating pussy.
pussy eating experience: 10/10.
bokuto laid on the bed like a sniper with his sights on his target between your legs, hands resting on both thighs to keep you nice and spread for him. his tongue glides over your plush folds, poking and prodding at your entrance as his pretty eyes lock onto your face.
fuck, you were so beautiful like this; face scrunching up with every swipe of his tongue. you whimper as his fingers dive deep into your dripping sex, slurping noises ringing in your ears as he took your clit between his soft lips. you were blinded by pleasure, incoherent sentences flowing out of your lips of how good he was eating you right now.
bokuto nods, a cheeky “mhm.” sending you into a daze. your legs quiver and vibrate around poor bokuto’s head as you cum violently on his tongue. Even as your thighs are squeezing him to death he’s still licking you, riding you through your high and straight to yet another. Your back arched, your fingers entrapping into bokuto’s hair as you try and escape his killer grip on your hips.  “fuuuck, baby!” you cry, sobbing at the assault on your oh-so-sensitive pussy. bokuto can’t get enough of seeing you this way; begging and crying for him to stop. part of him loves your desperate pleas, relishing in every little jumbled swear you let out. 
aakashi (also mine)
another one who devours the pussy.
absolutely insatiable
will eat you anywhere... like anywhere
and will go all out on purpose so others could potentially hear you moan for him eek!
likes to 69 so your pretty mouth pleases him while he pleases you
high-key likes it when you get so tongue dumb that you can’t even focus on sucking his dick. 
loves to praise you; could literally write an essay about how good your pussy tastes
he’s just a damn demon ok?
you’re out trying on cute little dresses for aakashi; short ones to tease him when you go out. you smirk as you watch his face flush, loving the way he looked at you with such hunger. your panties soak at the thought of what he was going to do to you when you got home; what he might do when he sees you all dressed up pretty and ready to go out with your friends.
as you go to change out of the dress you tried on to put your clothes back on, aakashi rushes into the dressing room and pushed you inside. he doesn’t say a word, his feral eyes speaking every filthy desire for him. he kissed you, so hard you both stumble into the wall. clothes molted off your bodies quickly, aakashi lightly pushing you down onto the bench following you down. in an instant you spread your legs for him, panties wearing a wet spot as aakashi moans at the sight.
his lips are on you before you can even speak, a long, sloww drag of his tongue over your panties turning your thoughts to mush. aakashi rests your legs onto his shoulders as he kneeled in front of you as if eating you was a privilege. slowly he peeled your panties off to the side, looking up at you with those fucking eyes of his. he leaves these sloppy kisses all over your sopping wet pussy that were so intoxicating that you completely forget you’re in public with all the noise you start to make.
your slick mixed with his spit dripped down your ass and all over the bench as aakashi traced circles on your clit, leaving only to dip his tongue inside to really taste you. your breathing seemed to stop as you hold back your whimpers, catching your lip between your teeth as he pushed you down to your end. “yess. you taste so good, love. give me more.”
Kageyama (psh.. buckle up)
closet freak
mr. tobio likes to tease a lot
loves when you beg for him
in fact it’s mandatory that you beg for him
will not stop until you cum at least twice and even then you’re pulling him off you
leaves little hickies on your thighs as a reminder of how good he makes you feel everytime he revists your pussy.
Kageyama comes home late at night; a celebration of another successful game still lingering on his breath (probably from drinking all night). He stumbles inside, eager to claim his prize. Tobio shuffled into the bedroom you share to see you sleeping soundly, stomach flat on the bed and your perfect ass sitting right up as if to greet him.
He practically drools seeing you like that all but fully clothed, the only thing covering your body was one of his jerseys. You looked good enough to eat. Kageyama crawls on top of your sleeping body, trying to nudge you awake all to no avail as you snore away completely unaware of the savage beast leaning over you. He starts kissing your body, whispering your name to stir you awake as he trailed down to your ass giving it the biggest kiss so far.
“wakey wakey...” he whispers, snapping the waistband of your panties with his thumb, taking two loving fingers to prod at your clothed cunt. you stir, moaning as he moved you to lay completely flat on the bed. “there she is..” he smiles, looking at your half sleeping face. “T-Tobii. What time is it?” You whine, reaching for your phone only for him to pull you to the edge of the bed. “Doesn’t matter. Bend over.” Tobio groaned, drinking in your body as he prompts you to lay down with your ass up. You bite your lip, doing as your told.
“You’re in a good mood. You guys won?” You ask, eyes closed as he kissed your thighs, licking just below your now aching pussy. He was so needy for you, words only slowing the process of him getting what he wants. He doesn’t even answer your question, only thing he used his mouth for was to devour the woman who lay bent over for him.
Kageyama pulled your panties down about half way, just to get to your cunt as quickly as humanly possible. He prods at your folds, taking in the taste of your sweet juices as he moaned into you. You shudder, leaning into the bed to muffle your noise.
His hands explored your lower half, focusing on grabbing your ass and caressing your thighs then refocusing his attention on sticking his tongue deep inside you; just drunk on your body. You’re quickly reduced to a moaning mess, the massaging of his big hands along with the intense make out session on your pussy was just doing it for you. Tobio lost all composure.
Your pussy was quite possibly the best thing that had ever happened to him or maybe that’s just how it felt. Not a single spot of you wasn’t touched, filthy sounds of him tonguing you down caused you to utter filither things back.
“Tobiii!” You sob into the pillow, almost completely sure you’re crying. You start shaking, arching your back to get him to go deeper somehow, telling him you’re soo fucking close. Keep going, don’t stop, you urge him. He obliged happily, suckling on your clit and sinking his slender fingers inside you in such a way that caused you to boil over as fast as you could dig your nails into the sheets. You feel your slick drip down your leg, Kageyama pulling away from your leaking pussy to lick up your thighs not wanting a drop to go to waste.
fuck.. i’m hot.. i’m hot.
huge slut for foreplay, he just wants to make you feel good
eating you out is now second nature to him
it’s kinda scary how quickly he’s learned your body; what to do and what not to do
ways to get the faucet running smoothly, ya know?
loves when you pull his hair, it’s like a sign he’s got you going crazy for him.
probably the one to stop eating you to get his dick in there, soooo needy.
Something about seeing you in a skirt just makes Asahi want to tear you apart. So when he comes home to you getting dressed to go out with your girlfriends he froze. Not only did you wear a skirt but you also had the nerve to put on some thigh high socks with it. Wherever you were going didn’t matter anymore. All that mattered was getting his face in between those thigh highs.
Asahi takes you by the hand and pulled you away from the bathroom sink, kissing you with sheer lust and passion. Even though your friends were blowing up, call after call falling on deaf ears you didn’t fucking care. You kissing your boyfriend became the only thing that seemed right. Fuck going out to be honest. Asahi whisked you away to the bedroom, laying you carefully over the bed. He crawled on top of you with this starved look on his face, as if he’d never taste you again.
“A-Asahi, I’m gonna be late.” You say, being completely ignored by Asahi. Whatever it was you said though didn’t matter, his hands running up your thighs and lifting up your skirt. You’re flushed, looking down at him as he pulled your panties off in one fell swoop.
“This will be quick, promise. I just have to have you, kitten.” Asahi chokes out, eyeing your pussy. He was usually the calm one; the one who brought you to beg for him but now he’s practically aching to taste you. And so he does, diving deep into your pussy with his tongue. Any rationality left your thinking, the sensation the only thing making sense to you right now.
Asahi now has your thighs pressed into your chest, spread just enough to lick your sweet cunt. Your knees cover half your face as you practically drool on them, his mouth working it’s magic all over your most sensitive spots. He takes his thick fingers and slides them inside with easy feat (its the wap for him.), causing your thighs to quiver. Your eyes roll back as you try holding your legs open for him, thighs quivering as Asahi makes it harder to do so.
“fuuuck, asahii!” you mewl, eyes crossing at every stroke of his tongue; every pump of his fingers. Asahi swore and pulled away, sloppily kissing you with his wet lips.
“I lied. I won’t be quick.”
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starryeyedmunson · 3 years
final lullaby - b.b.
pairing: bucky barnes x female!reader
summary: After being hurt very badly in a mission, you imagine you and Bucky living a better life together.
warnings: angst, light fluff, but the angst is real, mention of wounds, needles
word count: 1.5 k
a/n: this is based off of the song “Final Lullaby” by The Weeknd because I’m absolutely in love with that song and I felt like writing! I know it has been literally so long but I’ve been so up and down mental health wise and finally am gonna start using my blog again sooooo here’s to new beginnings! I hope you all enjoy :)
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“F.R.I.D.A.Y. read vitals, now!”
“Vitals unstable, Mr. Stark.”
“Shit,” Tony mumbled under his breath. After going on seemingly simple mission, you were now lying in the back of the quinjet fighting to stay alive. You tried to speak but only sputtering coughs of blood came out, most likely due to the bullet that had collapsed your lung.
“Shh, don’t speak. J-Just try and breathe,” Bucky stuttered as he looked down at your bruised face. He was holding back tears as Steve and Tony injected you with anesthetics, and he cupped your cheek with his flesh hand. “Everything is going to be just fine, I promise, doll.”
You nodded your head and he half smiled at you, but the smile faded as he looked down your body that was covered in blood. You felt your eyelids growing heavy, but you knew that if you closed them, Bucky would break down completely. You tried your best to keep them open as Natasha and Wanda came up to the table you were lying on, and you watched as your two best friends scanned over your wounds with increasingly worried faces.
“Damnit, Y/N, I told you not to go in there alone,” Natasha said, shaking her head.
“W-We both know h-how bad of a listener I-I am” you managed to get out. The corners of Natasha’s mouth turned upwards as she shook her head, remembering all of the times you had gone against her advice and gotten yourself into trouble.
You looked up at her, and for a moment you shared those memories and smiled at each other. But you were brought back to reality with Tony’s relentless pushing of needles into your body, releasing anesthetics and taking blood with every prick of your skin. Your eyes wandered over to Bucky, who was now standing a little ways away from the table with Steve. You couldn’t hear what they were saying, but judging by the looks on their faces it was nothing good. You took a deep breath, only to have it cut short by a violent cough, and you felt your eyes beginning to close with the newest sedative injection from Tony.
“It’s not looking good, Buck,” Steve said hesitantly. He watched as Bucky bit his fingernails and stared intently at the monitor that was hooked up to his girlfriend. Steve had practically dragged him away from your side, and he saw that Natasha was now doing her best to make you feel better. He smiled sadly at the sight of you two exchanging words, knowing how much you two factored into each others’ stability. “Did you hear me?” Steve said again, snapping Bucky back to reality.
“What? Oh, she’ll make it through,” Bucky said in reassurance. But at this point, he didn’t know if he was reassuring Steve or himself. His thoughts traveled back to the day he first met you, and he reminisced on how perfectly imperfect you looked; your hair a complete mess having just woken up, your dad’s oversized t-shirt stopping just in the middle of your thighs, and the way you blushed furiously and ran away to put more clothes on. Bucky smiled at the memory of you stumbling over your words as you attempted to make up for the embarrassing state you had met him in, even though he wouldn’t have wanted to meet you in any other way.
Steve could tell Bucky was holding on to a broken hope, and when he looked over at your unconscious frame, he knew what he needed to do. He walked over to Wanda and whispered into her ear, to which she nodded her head slightly and the two of them walked back over to Bucky.
“Bucky, she doesn’t have much time left,” Wanda said slowly. Bucky’s eyes grew watery and he said nothing, staring at your body on the table. Your breaths were ragged, yet you still looked so peaceful, so beautiful to him.
“I- I can’t lose her, Steve,” Bucky choked out. Steve took his best friend’s hand in his and tried his best to comfort him.
“I know, pal.”
“There’s something I can do, to make it easier for her,” Wanda said quietly. Bucky looked at her and nodded, following her back to the table on which you laid. She placed her hand on your head and took Bucky’s flesh hand with the other, closing her eyes and beginning to concentrate.
Your eyes fluttered open and you looked around. Somehow you were standing in what looked like an old club, and you looked down at your body to reveal old 1940s clothing. Confused, you looked back up and saw the sign of the building you were in, reading “The Stork Club” in bright, large letters.
“Hi, doll,” Bucky said from behind you, causing you to turn around and smile. He was wearing his sergeant suit, hat and all, and he looked absolutely dashing. He smiled down at you, taking in your beauty as you blushed and looked down. “You look beautiful.”
“Thank you, but where are we?” You asked, still unknowing of what happened and how you got to an entirely different point in time. Bucky shook his head as sadness filled his eyes, and you slowly began to realize what was going on. “Am I–”
“Let’s not talk about it, can we just enjoy this little moment we have to ourselves?” He asked quietly, running the back of his hand down your cheek. You nodded and gave a small smile, allowing him to take you to the dance floor. He spun you around, eliciting a laugh from you as you both danced to the music, taking in all of each other. Bucky had taught you how to dance before during one of the nights you had come to be with him after a nightmare, and you were trying to remember how as Bucky now spiraled you around the floor. You both smiled and laughed, stealing quick kisses as the music played loudly in the background.
“I would have loved the forties,” you said breathlessly once the music had slowed down.
“Yes, doll, you would have fit right in,” Bucky replied, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he pulled you in close. “I love you, Y/N.”
Your smile faded as you looked up at him, noticing the pain in his expression. “I love you too, Bucky.”
“Please don’t go,” he whispered, tears beginning to fill his eyes. “I don’t know what I’ll do–”
This time it was your turn to shush him, bringing his head to yours and pressing your lips against his. His grip on your waist tightened as he deepened the kiss, your lips moving perfectly with each others’ as if they were made to do so. You ran your fingers through the locks of hair that were exposed under his hat, running your nails ever so lightly down the back of his neck. His tongue ran against your bottom lip and you granted him entrance into your mouth, both of you feeling lost in each others’ presence. You pulled away, smiling up at him and running your thumb over the highpoints of his cheek. “If Wanda’s watching we better not give her too much of a show.”
Bucky laughed and pulled you closer, your head resting against his chest as you two swayed back and forth.
“Yes, my love?” he answered, running his fingers through your hair.
“Don’t worry about me,” you said, your words muffled by his chest. You could feel his breathing become more rapid, and you looked up at him and took his face into your hands. “Everything is going to be just fine,” you said, mimicking his words from before. His eyes closed as he sighed, his breath shaky.
“I’m going to miss you so much,” he whispered, pressing his forehead against your own. You smiled sadly and wrapped your arms around his neck, lifting your head to kiss him atop his forehead.
“I know, as will I. But you have to promise me that you won’t go down a dark path after I’m gone,” you said, making him look at you. He opened his tear-filled eyes and nodded his head, looking down at your comforting smile. “I love you forever, Buck.”
Finally letting the tears fall from his eyes, Bucky pulled you in and gave you a small kiss, both of you closing your eyes and savoring the moment you had together.
Wanda loosened her grip on Bucky’s hand as the machine you were hooked up to finally played a lasting beep, and she gave him a sad smile as she got up and joined the rest of the team at the other end of the quinjet. Bucky’s fresh tears had stained the floor where they fell as he looked at your now peaceful body lying on the table, and he took your lifeless hand in his and pressed a small kiss to your fingers.
“I love you forever more.”
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dumdumsun · 3 years
And Dusk
A/N: Just a heads up, the sensitive content in this chapter will be marked "<<<<<<" as the beginning and ">>>>>>" to signify the end. The racial slurs used in this chapter were targeted towards African Americans (and still are) and I chose these because I, myself, am African American and used them as a sort of “default” for any POC readers. ⚠️Please, never use these towards anyone. Whether it be in a “joking” manner or not. They are hurtful and were created to be that way⚠️ I wrote this chapter the way I did to bring awareness. Proceed with caution. Much love ❤️
Warnings: ⚠️racial slurs⚠️, violence, mentions of guns and dying/death
Word Count: 3707
Chapter 3: The Frankel Footage
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Shaking himself out of his shock, Five stood from his seat and hurried after his brother, grabbing onto his arm and stopping his strides. “The hell is wrong with you, Luther? I just told you the world’s gonna end in ten days!”
“Yeah, well, you’re always saying that.” Luther nonchalantly spoke before moving away, but Five intervened yet again.
“And so far, I’ve been right.” He hissed as Luther sighed and shook his head.
“Look, you want to go save the world? Knock yourself out, alright? I already got a job.”
“Wait, you work in this shithole?” The boy furrowed his brows.
“Yeah. Well, my boss owns the place,” Luther only received a nod from his brother, so he clarified. “I’m his body man.”
But this only made Five even more confused. “What’s that? Like, a masseuse or something?”
“Okay, you can make fun all you want, but I take good care of Mr Ruby.”
“Wait, Ruby. The Jack Ruby? The gangster who shot Oswald.”
Despite Five’s concern, Luther proudly smiled a smug smile as he glanced over at his boss. “Yeah. The one and only.”
“Well, it finally happened,” Five sighed. “That gorilla DNA has finally taken over your mind-”
“Hey, watch it, alright? Jack’s a good friend-”
“And you’re Number One. Numero Uno. Remember?”
Luther clenched his jaw and shook his head. “There is no Number One. Not anymore. Not in 1963,” When Five stared at him in disbelief, Luther sighed again. “Look, I’ve been stranded here alone for a year. What did you expect?”
Five scoffed. “I get it, alright? You watched Pogo die, the world exploded, and I marooned your big dumb ass in time. I’m sorry, okay? But I’m asking for your help, Luther. The Umbrella Academy needs you.”
“It doesn’t need me,” He slowly spoke to draw out his words. “It never did.”
“Luther, honey,” The waitress from earlier approached the two. “Jack’s about to lose it on some half-wit. A little help?”
“Ah, shit,” He groaned and began walking away. When Five tried yet again to stop him, he whirled on him, his lips pulled into a thin line. “Listen. You’re the genius who said we should jump, right? You’re the one who got us stuck here. And you’re the one who brought Vanya. So, if there is a doomsday coming, she’s probably the cause. And if I was gonna do something about it, it sure as hell is not gonna be with you. That’s (Y/N)’s job, being dragged around into your messes-”
“I don’t drag her into anything.” Five swallowed, blinking rapidly.
“Yeah? Well, she wasn’t stuck as a thirteen-year-old and constantly worrying about her kids until you showed up. I’m surprised she isn’t sick of you yet.” And with that, he stomped away to his boss. This time, Five let him go, his words sending a pang through his chest as he thought back on it. Grabbing his drink, he sighed and shook his head.
“Dad should’ve left him on the moon…” He muttered, taking a sip of his drink before moving to leave his seat. When he felt his jacket snag on something, he looked down to see an object in his pocket. Taking out the tape, he frowned and turned it over.
Date: 11/22/63
This world was unfamiliar to (Y/N). She knew she had to have been somewhere in America, but she didn’t know where. The cars, fashion and stores bringing the street she walked to life told her she had to have been in the sixties. But she didn’t want to believe it. Surely Five hadn’t time travelled that far? She had to have been dropped during some type of sixties-theme festival. But the voices suddenly beside her quickly prove her doubts wrong.
“What do we have here?”
“Looks like we’ve got ourselves a lost little colored girl.”
Tensing, (Y/N) continued her way down the sidewalk, slightly speeding up her pace, but the men fell into step beside her with ease, flanking her sides.
“You’re on the wrong side of town, girl.”
“Yeah, we don’t like coons around here.” One of them hissed right in her ear. Her eyes welled up with tears before the other shoved her forward.
“Gon now, get!” He ordered as if she were a dog. She realized that’s how they had seen her. An animal. Nothing more. Tripping on a crack in the sidewalk, she fell to the ground, smacking her face on the concrete. She choked out a sob as the two men cackled. And to make matters even worse, she felt the pitter patter of raindrops start to freeze her skin.
(Y/N) gasped out in shock when the men spit two wads of saliva in her face. She knew she must’ve looked a mess with spit and tears sliding down her cheeks and blood oozing from her nose. She hiccupped on her sobs and began to stand, much too tired from her previous fight with Vanya and literally being dropped from the sky to successfully do so. The men backed her up against a wall and one fisted the front of her vest before a voice called out.
“Take your hands off of my child!” Whipping around, the men were half expecting to find another target, but (Y/N) coughed and sputtered nonsense upon the person her gaze fell upon.
Before her was Grace, but… she wasn’t robotic in any sense. She could tell by the raw anger etched into her features. She took a brave step forward. “I said. Take your hands. Off my child.”
And that was another thing: her accent. (Y/N) was immediately comforted by the stern southern accent the woman shared with her attackers. It was a voice she never thought she needed. The two looked between Grace and (Y/N) with smirks. “You mean this lil ol’ jigaboo-”
“Is my daughter. Now you let her go before I call the police.”
“Woman, I don’t care if you call the police-”
Grace took it upon herself to step closer and grab the child by her arms, yanking her into her warm embrace. (Y/N) immediately latched onto her, quivering in her hold. The men scoffed and shook their heads, beginning to walk away. “Make sure to keep that thing on a leash if you’re gonna have it out, ma’am.”
“Oh, fuck off.” She growled before turning and walking back in the direction the girl came from. As they walked past the alleyway, Grace took out a handkerchief and began wiping the girl’s face clean of what the raindrops hadn’t already washed away. “It’s alright, hun, they aren’t gonna hurt you anymore.”
“T-Thank you.” (Y/N) sobbed and gently held her nose in pain. Grace crouched in front of her and gently held her face in between her hands.
“Don’t thank me, darlin’, it’s how everyone should be treatin’ you ‘round here… Where are your parents? I could take you to ‘em.”
(Y/N) thought for a long moment, watching as the rain soaked Grace’s hair and clothing. The woman didn’t seem to mind as she watched the girl before her swallowing thickly. (Y/N) skimmed over her current choices. She didn’t have any choice.
“I don’t have parents. I-I don’t remember them…”
“I’m tellin’ you, Reggie, she’s highly intelligent for a child her age.” Grace proudly presented (Y/N) to the man she had grown fond of over their time working together. (Y/N), however, was frozen in her spot. Sir Reginald Hargreeves. The man whose death she had wished upon for years, whose death had finally graced her existence, was back in her life. She flinched at the disapproving look on his face, much too acquainted with it by this point in her life. “And she’s very respectful. Talented, too, this girl can speak several languages.”
“You seem rather fond of this child.” The man observed as Grace squeezed her into her side.
“She’s my pride and joy.”
“And you cannot remember anything of your past, child?”
“N-No,” (Y/N) shook her head and stared down. “Not a lot. J-Just my name and birthday.”
Reginald hummed and stared her down with an unreadable expression. When she met his eyes again, he was crouched down to her level, his monocle clutched in his fist. “(Y/N), was it?”
“It would be an honor to have your presence within my home, along with your mother.”
“O-Oh, that’s okay-”
“I insist. Besides, you have been living with her for almost half a year, correct? It is highly unlikely that she will share a home without you.”
“He’s right about that, hun,” (Y/N) glanced up at Grace, who was smiling warmly at her. “I’m not leavin’ you.”
(Y/N) could have cried.
And she did.
One year later, (Y/N) had been living quite the comfortable life with Grace and Reginald. She had been introduced to the ape, Pogo, for the second time since Grace first started working with him. As much as she loved being around the chimp, it brought back so many memories. She almost felt silly, looking after him sometimes knowing he had done the same for her in the original timeline.
Her relationship with Reginald was nothing she ever expected. He was gentle, well as gentle as Reginald Hargreeves could get, he cared for her, spoiled her, even. She wouldn’t have to ask for anything half the time. If he were to overhear a conversation between her and Grace about a dress she oh-so wanted, it would suddenly be laid out on her bed the next day. She usually had a say in dinner meals every Thursday and Sunday and Reginald listened intently whenever she would voice any discomfort or concerns with her living conditions. (Y/N) never had a real father, but she assumed this is what it was like to have one. She never wanted to let go of it.
For her birthday in 1963, she was surprised that he had actually gotten her a present. As she entered the parlor, she was met with the tiniest bark and an even tinier golden retriever, bounding up to her. She gasped and stopped low, letting him jump into her arms. She let him lick her face and giggled in the joy it brought her.
“Your mother said you would like it. Though I would never allow dogs in my house, I have come to understand that there are rules I must bend for you, my child.”
(Y/N) turned to her father. Yes, father. Reginald, also growing quite fond of their father-daughter bond formed between them, decided to adopt the girl. As much as his beliefs and his deep distaste for children protested. There was just something about this child. Or perhaps it was Grace’s insisting, reassuring him that he would make a wonderful father. (Y/N) was very hesitant at first for her own reasons she never shared, but eventually came around to the idea of being his daughter again.
This was the same Reginald Hargreeves who locked her in a dark room for five days straight, but also an entirely different man. Perhaps it was her fascination with the differences, or maybe she just wanted a real father for once.
“Thank you, Dad.” She softly smiled, the man nodding in response.
“But this is your pet, (Y/N). It is your responsibility. I will not find it in my study, in my bedroom, you are to train it yourself-”
“Can you-”
“And no, I will not help you pick out its name.”
The girl softly groaned and looked back down at her new puppy. Looking into its eyes, she smiled softly at a distant memory as a small child.
“Welcome to the family, Mr Pennycrumb.”
(Y/N) groaned when she felt the sunbeams of the early morning sunrise hit her eyelids, coloring her black vision with the stinging fire of orange. Rolling onto her other side, she stretched her blanket over her head. They were yanked away the next second, causing a whine to leave her lips. “Mom… Five more minutes.”
“I let you sleep in long enough, hun, it’s time to get up. You have a date with Preston this afternoon.” Grace gently pulled her daughter to sit up, giggling quietly at her look of disgust.
“Preston? Seriously?”
“Yes, seriously, let’s get goin’.” Grace patted her leg and walked to her door, waiting patiently. (Y/N) sighed and rubbed her face, letting her feet slide into her slippers. As they descended the stairs to the kitchen for breakfast, Reginald could hear his daughter’s sleepy complaining from his place at the table.
Setting his utensils down, he turned his head in their direction. “My child, how many times throughout each week must we have to repeat this conversation?”
“Until it starts making sense.” (Y/N) stepped into the dining room, now in her robe, and crossed her arms over her chest. Reginald sighed and stood from his chair at the table.
“You are one of my greatest accomplishments,” He began towards her. “There is no doubt in my mind that you would make a fine successor. I do not believe you will need a husband. In fact, you would be better off without another individual holding you back from what you are truly capable of.”
“But?” She raised a brow.
“But… I have grown to know you more than I expected… and I know that you would need someone to help manage your finances you inherit once I am gone. Preston is a fine young man who was born into this life, made into this life. He will take good care of you.”
(Y/N) knew there was only one person in this world who would truly take good care of her. But he wasn’t here, and she needed to play the part as the amnesiac adopted daughter, so she huffed and nodded. “Fine… I’ll go…”
“Thank you-”
“But only if Mr Pennycrumb can go, too.”
“Very well, but you will not be gifted another animal if you lose it.”
The outing wasn’t entirely bad. (Y/N) didn’t mind the picnic or the art museum, it was the company that made her blood boil. Preston is anything she would have expected out of him. This had been their seventh date, tenth of the ones he planned. (Y/N) sought out any opportunity she could to cancel on him to save herself from the unbearable three hours she would have to spend with the kid. He was arrogant, smug, selfish, narcissistic, and overbearing. Of course, this was not the Preston he presented to her parents. No, to them, Preston was ‘a fine man with a bright future ahead of him’, or as Grace would put it, ‘a delight to have around’. He laughed like a drunk, talked like a husband, and smelled like a man. All at the age of fifteen. (Y/N) had to remind herself on several occasions that she was mentally the older out of the two and to not stoop to his level when he got under her skin.
“Don’t you think, (Y/N)?” The voice brought her attention back to the boy beside her. She looked up from the grass they had been strolling through. When she hummed in question, he amusedly scoffed and side-step closer to her. “Never mind. I should have known you wouldn’t have been interested in politics.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” The girl raised a brow. At her confusion, he laughed and gently tapped the side of his head.
“You’ve always got that head of yours in the clouds. Or turned behind you- like right now.”
(Y/N) turned her head away from where she had been looking over her shoulder. “What? Sorry, Preston, I’m a little preoccupied today.”
“With what, exactly? You don’t seem to be the type of girl to have very many issues. Nothing to worry about.”
“And you wonder why I don’t listen to you.” She sighed as her puppy ran in between her legs, rolling in the grass once he was a few paces in front of them. Preston frowned in distaste and shook his head.
“You should really keep that thing on a leash, sweetheart.”
She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes, clenching her teeth as she folded her hands behind her back. “Really now?”
“Really. You know, I’m not very fond of dogs, so I’m not sure how it’ll work out once we’re married. I think we should get one after we have kids, you know? Just so the kids could grow up with it.”
(Y/N) quickly turned her head to the left, pointing out across the street. “Preston, would you look at that?”
“Look at what?” He gullibly looked in the direction, (Y/N) quickly checking the area before almost silently singing her tune. From her shadow, her clone formed and robotically walked behind the two. She quickly switched spots with it and ordered the clone to walk with Preston before scooping her puppy into her arms and rushing off in the opposite direction. Once she was behind a diner far away from their date location, she let out a sigh and gently patted her dog on the head.
“Were you sick of it, too?” She chuckled. Resting the back of her head against the brick wall she leaned on, she let out a slow breath and began to relax. The sound of guns cocking had her head snapping up so fast, she swore she could have dislocated it. Just down the end of the line of stores were three white-haired men, one in a milkman uniform, training their guns on her. (Y/N) didn’t waste a second tucking her dog in front of her and spinning around, charging down the opposite direction as bullets whizzed past her. She dodged them the best she could, jumping a few feet in the air at the ones that threatened to take their place in her feet. It was like a dance; the twisting, spinning and jumping, and she was to perform this dance until one of those bullets killed her if she didn’t find a way out soon. Sliding to the side of a clothing store for cover, she gently shushed her pet as she caught her breath.
The three sets of footsteps eventually found their destination and rounded the corner with skilled quickness, shooting at the girl until she was nothing more than a bloodied corpse on the ground, bullet holes lodged in almost every inch of her body. The three men nodded to each other and turned around, making their way out from behind the stores.
(Y/N) had already been down the street from her house by the time her attackers found the clone in her place. She couldn’t have been bothered to check herself for any wounds, too worried about Mr Pennycrumb’s potential bullet wounds. But the pup was perfectly, happily nuzzling into her arms and wagging his tail. This left (Y/N) to ponder.
Who the hell were those men?
“Is it on?”
“I don’t know.”
“What do you mean, you don’t know? There’s an ‘on’ button. Just- There’s something over- that jigga-ma-thing, whatever.”
“I hit the jigga-ma-thing!”
“Okay, well, just- Give it to me. I know how to do this.”
“Alright, here, here. Hurry up.”
“Okay, alright, let’s see…”
Lila didn’t look up from her task of painting poor Elliott’s toenails, his bindings he received after threatening the trio with a gun preventing him from moving too much. Which was beneficial to her, as it kept her from ruining the paint job. She softly smiled as she listened to the argument between the elderly couple on the film Five and Diego were intently watching. “They’re so cute,” She commented. “I love old couples. I’m always so proud of them for not murdering each other.”
Ignoring her, Diego turned to his brother from his seat on Elliott’s counter. “Why are we watching this?”
“Shush.” Five replied, eyes trained on the film before him, searching for any clue to the approaching apocalypse, brows furrowed in concentration.
“Yeah, I… I’m Dan Frankel. And…”
“I’m Edna Frankel.”
“...Edna Frankel. We are in Dallas, Texas, to see the president. Today’s date is November 22, 1963.”
Five nodded as everyone’s attention was brought to the projected screen before them.
“That’s six days from now.” Lila spoke as Elliott thrashed about more against his bindings. Diego sat forward in interest.
“Holy shit. This is it. The grassy knoll. Kennedy’s about to get shot. How do you have this?”
“Hazel died to get me this footage,” Five answered. “It must be the key to stopping doomsday.”
“Hazel…?” Diego frowned, remembering the man he spent hours searching for and planning to kill to avenge the death of Eudora Patch.
“Long story.”
“What’s doomsday?” Lila looked up at the boy.
“Longer story.”
“What exactly did he say to you?” Diego asked as Lila turned her head back to the film.
Five shrugged. “Well, he was killed before he could explain. But whatever he wanted us to see, it’s on this film.”
“This is very exciting.” The old man smiled before the sound of gunshots and screaming could be heard, the camera moving around in blurs due to the shock of the old woman filming.
“Oh, my god!”
“Oswald…” Diego whispered, setting his knife down as Five leaned in closer.
“The president!”
When the camera was steadied to record across the street, Five and Diego both stiffened in their spots at what their eyes caught. “Oh, no…” Five breathed and moved behind the projector, rewinding the film and scooting the cart backwards to zoom in closer. The room was silent as Diego stood to his feet and Five rounded the cart before standing beside his brother, directly in front of the film. “This can’t be…”
“Okay, you gonna fill me in now, boys?” Lila glanced between the two. “What the hell is this shit we’re watching?”
But she was ignored yet again.
“No, that’s impossible…”
“Clearly, it’s not.”
“What… What is it?” Elliott muffled past the gag in his mouth.
A beat of silence went by before the two Hargreeves whispered in unison,
Taglist: @unfortu-nate-ly @sapphicsyn @m00n-sh @starcurrent @alexander-hamilhoe @youcandalekmyballs @wonderlandfandomkingdom @yrdadjstcallsmekatya @sm0kingcrack @a-t-h-r-e-e-n-a @moatsnow @bubblegumflamingos @starstormssymphony @meowiemari @magicalgothpandamaker @simping-4-fictional-men @hehehehannahthings @harrystylescherrie @rhain3 @himikaphoo @zerocanonlywriteshit @xxeiraxx @camerondiaz48104 @isawachickeninatree
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The Husky and His White Cat Shizun - Chapter 21
Original Title:  二哈和他的白猫师尊
Genres: Drama, Romance, Tragedy, Xianxia, Yaoi
This translation is based on multiple MTLs and my own limited knowledge of Chinese characters. If I have made any egregious mistakes, please let me know.
Chapter Index
Chapter 21 - This Venerable One Will Tell You a Story (Part 3)
Yao Qianjin had quite a temperament. When she got back, she didn't even think about eating and went straight to pestering her father to inquire about Chen Bohuan. Although Chen Bohuan was already married, it was done behind closed doors. Who knew about it? Even when their marriage had been arranged, the town never knew about their relationship.
So Yao Qianjin learned that the eldest Chen son "wasn't married yet."
The county magistrate made several inquiries and found that Xiao Chen was capable, gentle-tempered, and his familial situation was good, so he sent someone to talk to the Chen family about the marriage.
Mr. Chen was filled with regret. They politely told the county magistrate they would think about it first. They closed the door and the two old people immediately started to quarrel.
Mr. Chen said: "Look what you've done! The poor scholar died early and his daughter should have mourned him for three years. If you hadn't been in such a hurry for them to get married, our son wouldn't have to regret it now! Look at what happened!"
Madam Chen was also anxious: "You're blaming me? Weren't you the one who wanted to arrange the marriage in the first place? Now there's a better option: the daughter of the county magistrate! Can. . . can Luo Xianxian compare to that?"
The two elders closed the door and quarrelled until they were red in the face. At the end of the quarrel, they were exhausted and panting across the table from each other.
Mr. Chen asked: "What should we do? Should we call back the magistrate?"
Madam Chen said: ". . . We can't do that. Our family is relying on Yao Qianjin's money."
Mr. Chen said angrily: "Then will the daughter of the Yao family be a concubine? Will she? Our son already has somebody, how can we add another? Look at how in love they are!"
". . ." Madam Chen didn't say anything for a while. Her eyes suddenly lit up, and she murmured, "If you think about Luo Xianxian and our son, except for our family, no one knows about them. . ."
After a few moments of silence, Mr. Chen was shocked when he suddenly understood his wife's intentions.
He was trembling, half from panic, half from anger.
"You - you mean. . ."
"If no one knows about it, it doesn't count as a real marriage." Madam Chen said. "Let's try to find a way to get rid of her. We can do whatever it takes. All the surrounding villages think he's unmarried. Do you remember how she stole oranges from us as a child? As long as we all stick to that story, no one would believe her word over ours!"
Mr. Chen strode to the door, confirmed that the door was closed tightly, and hurriedly rushed over. The two people who had been arguing like two chickens in a cockfight were nestled together again, quietly lowering their voices, and discussed.
Mr. Chen said: "This method of you, I'm afraid it won't work."
"What's wrong?"
"Our son won't agree. He's had a crush on Luo Xianxian his whole life. Why would he agree to drive her away for someone else?"
Madam Chen thought for a while. She patted her husband's hand and said, "Don't worry, I'll take care of it."
After a while, Madam Chen suddenly became seriously ill. It was a strange illness. The doctor couldn't explain the reason, but she just would have fits all day and talked nonsense, saying she was possessed by a ghost.
Mr. Chen was terrified so he asked a Daoist priest to come. He carried a whisk on his back and said that there was something negative in the Chen family directed at Madam Chen. If it wasn't resolved, Madam Chen wouldn't make it to the new year.
Chen Bohuan, who was the most filial, anxiously asked: "What attacked my mother?"
The Daoist priest pretended to be mysterious and hesitated for a while. He said it was a "beauty who couldn't see the light of day."
Everyone in the room froze. The Chen family's sons all turned to look at Luo Xianxian standing on the side.
Luo Xianxian also froze.
She has been told many times when she was a child that her life is cursed. She brought tragedy with her. As soon as she was born, she killed her mother, then her brother, and later her father.
Now, she was being accused again, saying that she was going to kill her mother-in-law.
The Chen family was petrified. The sons took turns telling her to leave the Chen family. Besides, no one outside the family knew that she was married and had an innocent reputation. They would give her some money and let her find another good family.
Luo Xianxian was anxious and afraid. She was really worried that she was killing Madam Chen and she couldn't control her tears.
Chen Bohuan was heartbroken. As he watched his mother grow weaker, he was caught between a rock and a hard place. He didn't want to leave Luo Xianxian, but he couldn't bear to watch his mother suffer. She had lost so much weight in such a short amount of time.
The brothers of the Chen family quit trying to be civil. One day, while their elder brother was away, they sought out their sister-in-law. Luo Xianxian was mixing butterfly fragrant powder in the greenhouse. They rushed up and knocked over her utensils. The fragrant powder fell on her. The pungent aroma seemed to instantly seep into her bones and she couldn't wash it off.
The brothers surrounded her and talked about the most important duties, such as "a woman's virtue", how a wife and daughter should be humble, parents should be respected but Luo Xianxian was very tough. Although timid, she was very stubborn. She cried and said she didn't want to leave, begging them to think of another way.
The second son of the Chen family was impatient so he went up and slapped her. He said: "You're going to kill our mother, you cursed bitch. If there was another way, would your father have died? Would your mother have died? Would your brother be dead or alive?"
As soon as he beat her, the rest of them rushed up, punching and kicking Luo Xianxian, shouting things like "get out", "vermin" and "quick fuck".
These sons had the same idea as their mother. In fact, they had known about their mother's idea for a long time. At this time, taking advantage of their elder brother's absence, they worked together to expel Luo Xianxian from the house. They threatened that if she dared to come back, they would beat her every day. She didn't have a family anyways. If she was beaten to death, no one would care.
It was a snowy night. Luo Xianxian was thrown into the snow covered in bruises and one of the embroidered shoes on her feet had fallen off.
She slowly crawled forward, a muffled choked sob escaping her lips, like the low howl of a dying cub.
It was late at night. Few people would be outside on such a snowy day. She crawled through the vast world, not knowing where she was going, not knowing where else she could go.
The Chen brothers were right.
She had no family; no father, no brother. No one to stand up for her, no one to take her in.
There was nowhere she could go in this white, awe-inspiring world.
Her bones were weak, and she was wearing thin clothes when she was thrown out, so her legs and feet quickly became numb and useless.
Crawling all the way to the outskirts of the city, she came to the earth temple where the Master of Ceremonies Ghost was enshrined. She curled up in the temple to hide from the snow. Her lips were blue and frozen, and her heart felt even colder.
Looking up at the clay statue with gorgeous red makeup, she couldn't stop the tears rolling down her face. It made her think of the rules of the Lower Cultivation World, and how a married couple should have a master of ceremonies to witness it.
At that time, all she had was a red flower hairpin, a beautiful smile and Chen Bohuan kneeling next to her.
Was this closed-door marriage all a big dream? That day, the beauty in the brass mirror was picturesque. Was it just a greedy joy that she had concocted deep in her mind?
She knelt in front of the Master of Ceremonies Ghost, dragging her increasingly heavier and cold body. She bowed three times, crying and laughing.
"Married as husband and wife. No doubt about their love. Rejoice. . . in this. . . tonight. . ."
She started to feel dizzy and her vision was getting blurry.
A thin layer of moonlight seemed to sprinkle in front of her eyes. In the small courtyard from her past, she cried and said: "I didn't steal. I didn't steal. I didn't steal the oranges."
However, three men make a tiger* and everyone was terrified. No one would believe her side of the story.
*(T/N: 三人成虎 - means that the more someone repeats something absurd, the more likely people are to believe it)
To this day, she knew that even if she ran up to every person she saw and screamed that she was Chen Bohuan's wife, no one would believe her. She was still the same little girl as back then, stuck behind the mud wall with no one to share her grievances with.
Nothing had changed.
But there was still that person, looking over the wall, holding a white steamed bun, stuffed into her palm, saying: "If you're hungry, eat a steamed bun to curb your hunger."
Now. . . that person. . . where was he. . .
When he came back and couldn't find her, would he be worried, or would he secretly breathe a sigh of relief because his mother would be safe from her?
Luo Xianxian curled up in the earth temple, eyes dripping with gradually drying tears, and whispered: "Madam Master of Ceremonies, I want to be with him. I'm his wife. . . When we came to the temple, we didn't have a master of ceremonies with us. You're a Master of Ceremonies Ghost. You can't control the living, but I. . . You're the only one I can talk to. . . and I can tell you. . ."
She whimpered in a broken voice, the last sound coming out of her throat: "I didn't lie. . ."
I didn't lie.
The heavy snow was silent, and the long night was quiet.
The next day, the townspeople who passed by the earth temple on the outskirts of the city found Luo Xianxian's cold body.
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jungle-angel · 10 months
A Chef's Home Is His Kitchen (Miles Miller x Reader)
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Summary: You and Miles are busy prepping the house for one event and another that's around the corner
Miles's eyes fluttered open, the morning a steely grey as giant, fat snowflakes fell hard and fast from the cold skies above the home you two shared. He moved himself closer to you under the covers, kissing your cheek and pressing himself closer to you. You could feel him smiling into each kiss and a flush of heat rushing through you as his warm lips met your cheek.
"Good morning Mrs. Miller," he whispered. "You doing ok?"
"Mmmm happy as always," you sighed happily.
Miles littered your cheeks with kisses before you felt his hand trailing up your pale pink satin nightgown, rubbing softly up and down your thighs. "Is today the day?" you asked sleepily.
"Uh-huh," Miles answered. "M'gonna go downstairs and get everything ready."
"You want help?"
Miles had been about to answer when the soft cooing of your newborn son, had him tossing aside the covers as he went to the crib at the foot of your shared bed, gently lifting Baby Jesse to his bare chest. Part of you had forgotten how strong Miles was, his well formed muscles evident beneath his clothes and when the two of you engaged in the nightly lovemaking. You clenched your legs a little at the sight of your husband snuggling the baby against his broad chest.
"Shhhh, go back to sleep my angel," Miles murmured softly. "You, your brother and your momma need your sleep."
Baby Jesse quieted right down before Miles handed him off to you. "I'm not sure if he's hungry but...."
"I'll take care of that," you assured him.
Miles pressed a sweet kiss to your lips before slipping into a pair of navy blue plaid pajama pants and a white t-shirt. As soon as he could, he headed downstairs to the kitchen to start the dinner preparations. Thanksgiving was always a chaotic time in the house what with Benny running wild and Jesse needing as much attention as possible.
Miles had just stuck the pot full of potatoes on the stovetop, switching on the burner and letting them simmer. The door opened and a flash of cold air entered the house, followed by his father, Otis who slammed it shut behind him.
"The hell you doin up this early?" Otis chuckled.
"Dinner prep, Dad," Miles answered.
"Miles it's six-thirty in the morning," Otis pointed out. "You and (y/n) should be down here together, drinking mimosas and watching the Notre Dame football game."
"Isn't Momma in charge of that?" Miles asked, his hands already wrist deep in the bird he had taken out of the fridge.
"Yeah but I know that when your uncles show up that house is gonna be a shitshow," Otis half laughed.
"So you came down here to mine and (y/n)'s place just to hide?"
"Just like I always do," Otis answered.
"Alright, well since you're here," Miles said rather cheekily. "Perhaps you'd like to help with this monstrous bird that needs to go in the oven?"
"Make me a drink first and then I'll do it," Otis told him.
Miles just smiled and rolled his eyes.
The two men of the house worked at the dinner prep until you came downstairs, fully dressed but still sleepy. "Well, well, look who decided to drop by this morning," you remarked happily.
"Well good morning (y/n)," Otis chuckled. "The boys still asleep?"
"They will be for a few hours," you answered. "Anything I can help with?"
"Mind helping me with the pies (y/n)?" Miles asked.
You jumped right in to help your husband and father-in-law, the three of you enjoying the morning as the snow pelted the house. Kathy came up the path just a few minutes later, kicking off her snow boots in the entryway before she shut the door and came to help. You and Miles were happy beyond all words to be enjoying the morning with your in-laws while Benny and Jesse slept away upstairs and even more so, knowing your whole family would be gathered there soon.
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pascalpanic · 4 years
Here for the sentence starters!! "I can’t get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name and now you’re having breakfast with me in my sweater" and "I’m so in love with her/him, I don’t know what do do." Feel free to do both or either or whatever you prefer with either of the Marcuses! I'm in such a fluffy mood rn and these will make my day :)) (PS I adore you and I hope you have a good day xx)
Making Moves (Marcus Moreno x f!Reader)
Summary: Your neighborhood superhero, Marcus Moreno, is being nagged by his daughter to find love. Lucky for him, just the right woman moves in down the street.
W/C: 2.7k
Warnings: language, brief talks of death (just to refer to Marcus’s wife who passed away), brief mentions of sexual stuff. it’s tame.
A/N: THIS WAS SO FUN. I love some good Marcus Moreno. He’s such a cutie and these prompts made it so fun! You can still send me prompts from this list with a character, just mind the taken ones! p.s. my emotional support Brit @maxlordsgf see how I used patio/backyard??
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The Moreno household was cozy. You wondered if it was Marcus who’d decorated the beautiful home, or if his late wife. You supposed it didn’t matter. You would’ve liked the former Mrs. Moreno, if Marcus could love her like he did. 
He lived a few houses down from you. You’d moved in a couple of months ago, into the nice Craftsman style home you currently rented. The best thing about the house was the beautiful front porch, which exposed the lovely suburban neighborhood. The porch had come with a swing, and you’d decided that it’d have to be your new morning coffee spot. After all, this is California, where the sun was plentiful and the air was just cold enough to be refreshing in the mornings.
The time that you drank your coffee on the porch also happened to be the time that your neighborhood Heroic, Marcus, went for his morning runs. He’d been excited to see that the house was sold, and Missy was too. They planned on bringing over some sweets once you were settled. Several weeks after the sold sign went up, he saw you for the first time. 
You looked like an angel, he thought. You wore a fuzzy robe with patterned capri pajama pants peeking from beneath it. Your glasses rested on the bridge of your nose, slightly fogged from the steam of your coffee. You sat on your porch swing, knees pulled to your chest, reading from your tablet. He was immediately caught off-guard. Your new home was at the beginning of his running path, but his breath was already gone from his lungs from your beauty. 
Pushing his own glasses up his nose, he gave you a little wave as you looked up. You’d smiled at him, a grin with your teeth visible. The man was handsome, you’d noticed. Dark hair, a little scruff, eyes that scrunched when he smiled at you. He was fit, too, his muscles evident beneath his tight t-shirt and running shorts. He kept running, unsure what he could say to you. 
Marcus returned home some thirty minutes later to find Missy awake. “Hey, the new neighbor moved in,” he told her as he walked to the counter, pouring himself a cup of coffee.
“Ooh, tell me all about them.”
“Well, we didn’t talk. I still don’t know if it’s a family or anything,” he admitted. “But there was a woman sitting on the porch.”
Missy’s eyes lit up. “How old?”
Marcus shook his head. “I don’t know, muñeca,” he told her and kissed her head as he walked past her to sit at the table. 
“Old enough to date?” she asked, raising an eyebrow and stuffing her mouth full of cereal. “Did she seem single?”
“Stay out of it,” he teased her and poked her forehead, right between the eyes. 
She flinched back a bit but laughed. “Dad, come on.”
He shook his head. “We can bring over a housewarming gift tonight, huh? Then we can see.” -
Well, it turned out that night was too busy to do so for the Morenos.
You saw him the next morning as he ran past again. You wore different pajamas but sat in the same position. You’d waved back.
That’s how the next couple mornings went for the two of you. Every day, Marcus could swear you looked prettier. With you looking like that in your pajamas, he couldn’t imagine how beautiful you’d be at any other time. 
Finally, Friday night, he and Missy put on some music and got to baking.
“What does she look like?” Missy asked curiously as she cracked an egg into the bowl- she’d learned the hard way that her father was not to be trusted with egg duty.
Marcus described you to his daughter, his eyes far off and a small smile on his face. “She’s very pretty.”
“Well, duh. You’re simping over her, of course she is.”
“What’s a simp?” He’d asked, brow furrowing.
The knock came an hour or two later. You’d gotten home from work an hour or so earlier, so you were in relaxed clothing, the remnants of your makeup on your face. 
Behind the door stood the handsome runner you saw every morning, and a miniature, carbon-copied version of him with longer hair and more feminine features. “Hi! We’re the Morenos. We live in the blue house down the street. I’m Missy, and this is my dad, Marcus,” she introduced herself cheerfully. She held a tray of brownies. He held a bouquet.
“We just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood,” the man- Marcus- says with a warm smile on his face.
“Oh, thank you!” You grinned and took the tray Missy held out. “Well, come in, please,” you invite them. “Do you drink, Marcus? I was just having some wine. Oh, and Missy, I have some soda if you’d like that.”
The three of you sat in your half-constructed living room for a while and chatted. You learned about the former Mrs. Moreno and how she’d passed a few years ago. You shared that you were living alone and single, due to a bad breakup that led you to move here. The two were good company, you learned quickly, bantering back and forth more like siblings than a father and daughter.
As they stood up to leave, you apologized for the mess. “Sorry. I’ve been trying to hook up my TV lately, and I haven’t done anything else yet. I want to get the TV up first, but I’m practically useless with electronic stuff,” you admitted with a chuckle.
“Oh, Dad is great with electronics,” Missy told you with a grin.
“Not great. Competent would be a better word,” he chuckled. “I could help you set it up, if you’d like that.”
“I would, if it’s not too much trouble.”
“No trouble at all. Here, we can exchange numbers, you can text me when you’d like me to come over,” he offered and pulled out his phone.
“Sure,” you said and told him your number, which he enters into his phone and sends you a text. “Perfect,” you nodded and saved his phone number. “I’ll see you two soon, hopefully.”
They said goodbye and you heard Missy giggling as the door shut behind him. It’s muffled, but you thought you can hear Missy anyway: “That was smooth, Dad!”
That was months ago now. You’d developed a relationship with the both of them, visiting each others’ houses often for dinner or just to chat. 
When summer rolled around, Missy invited you over for days at their pool. You two had enjoyed yourselves, Marcus playing the role of your butler for the day, serving you mocktails and teasing his daughter. It became a common occurrence during the summer. You even had a reverse day on Marcus’s birthday (July 12th) where Missy served the two of you. It was almost like a date. That was the day you both realized you’d fallen hard for the other.
As much as you spent time with Marcus, the girl positively adored you, and always sent you texts from her father’s phone.
We’re having pizza tonight! Wanna come over?
Dad says he sucks at math. Can you help me with my homework?
My friends canceled on me. Are you free to eat Ben and Jerry’s and watch Mamma Mia with me? 
You’d become like a mother figure to her, helping her when she got her first period, taking her shopping for middle-school dances, giving her boy advice.
Marcus liked you just as much, if not more. You liked him too. He was a funny man, kindhearted and warm. He’d listen to you talk when you’d had a shitty day, bring over a bottle of wine when he needed some comfort, cook dinner for the two of you when Missy was at Anita’s.
One night, you’re eating dinner with them on their patio. It’s nice, overlooking their backyard and their pool. Missy is going to a friend’s later, to sleep over, but Marcus had cooked food for the three of you on the grill, something you’d learned he was fantastic at, and you’re inside getting more food. The door is slightly cracked, and you can hear the two of them talking. 
“Dad. You have to make your move, and you gotta do it tonight! Otherwise, she’ll go for Kent a couple doors down. You don’t want that, do you?” she asks in a hushed voice.
“It’s not that easy, muñeca. I’m so in love with her I don’t know what to do.”
Your heart catches in your chest, fluttering. Marcus likes you. Not only that, he’s in love with you. The past few months race through your head, and you hyper-analyze every little interaction the two of you have had. It’s clear now, in hindsight. You swallow hard, putting back down the skewer of vegetables.
He’s been the only thing on your mind the past few weeks, you have to admit. Your visits to each others’ homes had increased, with you spending more and more nights a week at the Morenos’. His laugh makes your stomach flutter as Missy says something else to him outside. You bite your lip. Tonight’s the night. If he doesn’t make his move like Missy insisted, you’ll do it first.
The conversation is light for the rest of dinner, and you’re a bit detached. Marcus can tell, but he doesn’t comment on it. You simply stare out into their pool, listening to Missy ramble on about the plans that she and her friends have for tonight.
A while later, her friends’ parents pick her up. You stand in the driveway and wave a thank-you to the girl’s parents as they drive off with Missy and her friend in tow. “Love you guys,” she shouts out of the window. You grin and shout it back, in sync with Marcus.
The two of you return to the backyard. You walk a little farther apart from Marcus than normal. “Hey,” he says and stands right next to you, his shoulder nudging yours. “What’s wrong? You’ve been off all night,” he mumbles softly.
You shake your head. “It’s nothing, really,” you chuckle, looking down at your feet. 
Marcus is oblivious to the fact that you heard the two of them earlier. You and Marcus have always had a playful relationship, and the idea strikes him to help cheer you up. “Hey, vecina.”
“What- ah!” You squeal as Marcus lifts you in his strong arms. He walks the two of you to the side of the pool as you wriggle in his grip, laughing. “Goddamnit, Marcus! Let go of me!” You screech as he holds you over the pool, though you’re giggling the whole time.
“Not until you tell me what’s wrong,” he laughs, your feet kicking as they dangle over the chlorinated water. 
“No, you asshole!” You laugh, wriggling. “Put me down, Moreno, or God help your poor soul when I-” 
He sets you down on the edge, backing up a bit. “There, fine. Just trying to help,” he teases. He did, he thinks to himself. You’re smiling again. 
You’re painfully close to him. Your hands find his hips and he looks down at your hands in confusion as you pat the pockets of his shorts. No phone. Perfect. There’s a devilish grin as you wrap him in a bear hug and fall backwards into the pool, taking him with you.
You let go once you’re underwater, shooting up to the surface from under him and laughing. He comes up moments later, wiping his eyes and pushing his hair back. Your laugh is maniacal and loud, completely content and proud of yourself. “There, I cheered you up at least,” he shakes his head and smiles. He walks to the shallower end of the pool, and you follow.
“I wasn’t in a bad mood,” you shoot back.
“Well, something was off. Will you tell me now?” He asks, your eyes wandering to his- oh, he’s ripped, goddamn- abs beneath his wet t-shirt. His eyes remained trained on yours, ever the gentleman.
Swallowing hard, you nod and walk closer to him with a smile. “I heard you and Missy when I was inside getting more food,” you tell him, biting on your lip to hold back an excited giggle.
His brows furrow in confusion then lift in surprise as it hits him. “Oh.”
“Yeah,” you nod, wading a little closer and then even closer. You can hear his heavy breathing and look into those big brown eyes with a grin. 
“Well, I-” he starts stammering, unsure of what to say, until you place your hands on his shoulders.
“It’s okay, Marcus,” you mumble soothingly, your arms wrapping around his neck. “I know you said it’s not that easy. Why don’t you let me take the reins then, hm?” You ask teasingly, bringing your face close to his. 
He grins, taking the opportunity as he sees it. His lips crash to yours happily, his hands finding your waist over your sopping wet clothing. You smile softly against his lips. They’re so soft and warm, the very lips you’ve been staring at for a long time, imagining this. He’s gentle but loving and you deepen it. He follows immediately, parting his lips against yours and he sighs into your mouth. 
The two of you stand there, in his pool, making out, for quite a while. Finally, when he breaks away, looking at you through his water-drop-stained glasses, you grin. “This is your fault, you know. I’m gonna have to go home and change into dry clothing.”
“Or you could borrow some of mine,” he offers with a shy smile, and you grin.
“That works too.”
He kisses you one more time. “Will you stay the night? We don’t even have to… to do anything. I don’t even really want to yet. I just want to keep holding on to you.”
You nod and kiss him softly, for just a moment. “Of course I will.” -
You awaken in the morning to the smell of cooking. You live alone, and it makes your brow furrow in confusion, eyes still shut, until they open and you find yourself in Marcus’ home. His bed, specifically. 
You smell like chlorine and your hair is damp still, but you’re wearing a big black sweater that smells like detergent and cologne and sleep. It’s Marcus’s, you realize with a smile. 
Last night was truly perfect. No, you didn’t sleep with him yet, but it was still perfectly intimate, the way you held each other and whispered sweet words and pressed soft kisses all over each others’ faces and torsos. You’d made out for a fair amount of time too, just like teenagers again, but it was meaningful. 
You pad down the stairs, wearing just your underwear and one of Marcus’s big sweaters. He’s cooking breakfast in the kitchen, and your heart melts as you see him. “Good morning, superhero,” you coo as you wrap your arms around him from behind and press a kiss into his neck.
His body warms and melts into your touch. “Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?”
“Amazing. Your bed is insanely comfortable,” you chuckle and snuggle in against him, resting your head against his back. 
“I’m glad. Go sit down, breakfast will be ready in a bit.”
You nod and do exactly that, sitting across the kitchen island from him. He puts some pancakes on a plate, drizzles them with syrup, and slides it to you. “Bon appetit.”
“Thank you,” you grin and waste no time in cutting into them with a fork and taking a bite.
You sigh happily and Marcus’s heart can barely take the sight of it. “I can’t get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name and now you’re having breakfast with me in my sweater.”
“I can’t get over how cute you are,” you tease and pop another bite in your mouth. “The good news is that you can get over it, because I’m coming over here for breakfast in your clothes every day now.”
“Or you could live here.”
The proposal is so quiet, so sudden and nonchalant that it takes you aback for a minute. “What?”
He shrugs. “I know we’ve only been together for, what, 10 hours now, but Missy and I both adore you. You’re over here all the time anyway. Why don’t you? Save us both some money, too.”
You bite your lip to hold back a grin. “I might have to think about it.”
He nods. “I get that, I-“
“Done thinking. I’ll do it,” you grin happily. 
“Really,” you nod, giggling excitedly. 
Marcus leans across the kitchen counter and kisses you softly. “Be prepared for a lot of Moreno loving. Missy’s a cuddler.”
“I think I can take it,” you smile and press another kiss to his lips, with all of the love in your heart. 
vecina- neighbor (female)
muñeca- in this context, doll
hey taglist, come get y’all’s juice
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @softly-sad @blo0dangel @luxurybeskar @binarydanvvers @sleep-tight1
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sainz-zayn · 4 years
Anagapesis (n.) no longer feeling any affection for someone you once loved
Warnings: cheating please if you're sensitive towards this kind of topic please don't read it, alcohol usage, suggestive and sexual themes, toxic relationship, swearing, cheating is not good please don`t take this seriously in real life.
Word count: 5k+
Disclaimer: All Characters and events in this story even those based on real people are entirely fictional.
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"Tell me have you ever love me!?" I whispered timidly.
"I've never loved you not even once!" He answered.
Those words came out from his beautiful lips like nothing ever happened between the two of us.
"Leave! I hate you!" my tears starts to fall from my eyes. I`ve never felt this broken before but the one and only Jung Jaehyun made me feel like my heart is shattered into pieces.
Well, how did it all started?
Sitting on my chair signing a contract all day long is hella hectic and surely stressful. I surely need an award tonight for this, maybe going out with the girls tonight is one of the greatest ideas.
Arriving at the club, a tall handsome man with great features already attracts my attention. The both of us checking out each other shamelessly is a wholesome scenery for my best friend.
"Looks like my best friend took a liking at someone huh?" Yoona said, then she  smirk at me before handing me a glass of wine. I rolled my eyes at her playfully.
"Why, do you know him?" I asked her as my attention goes back to where the man is sitting while talking to a girl, who I assumed is his girlfriend.
"No, I don't know him but my boyfriend Johnny surely does. his name is Jaehyun, Jung Jaehyun to be exact." Yoona exclaimed as I drink my fourth glass of wine.
"Johnny do you know the girl beside him?" I asked. 
"Yeah, that's his girlfriend Yerim. I kinda don't like her though. Want me to introduce you to him?" Duh, Yes, I`d like to. 
"Sure" but before I can stand up, Jaehyun is already walking towards our table  then he greets Johnny and do their handshake.
"You look like you've gotten into a fight" I said eyeing him, Jaehyun. 
"I'm Mayjun, Han Mayjun. Nice to meet you Mr. Handsome" I wink at him before grabbing another drink. He noticed that I`m flirting so he decided to go with it.
"I'm Jaehyun, Johnny's best friend and yeah... me and my girlfriend fought earlier" Jaehyun sighed then I gave him a glass of wine.
"Here drink this" 
 Yoona and Johnny told us that they are gonna dance for a bit. Tsk, a bit my ass huh. I know that they will be gone for a whole night.
"I guess we're alone now" He said then smirked.  Because of that decided to tease him.
"That guy kinda looks hot don't you think so?" 
"Tsk" Jaehyun replied.
"Awe is someone`s jealous now Mr.handsome?" I playfully chuckle.
"Wanna go for a dance?" I asked him making my way to the dance floor.
"Sure wait for m-" before he could finish talking I already started dancing. swinging my hips to the beat seductively while looking at him deep in the eyes makes him feel some kind of things that he shouldn't be feeling at this point.
 "You have a girlfriend for fuck sake Jaehyun" he  murmured under his breath but I heard it. 
He lost it when I and bite my lips. He approach me and holds my hips like I`m his. Everything happened so fast his soft plump lips are kissing mine roughly while I`m slowly grinding against his hard erected manhood.
That's how I ended waking up on Jaehyun's bed early in the morning in his masculine pair of arms. Wrapped around your waist just how I want it to be.
I faced him and greeted by a half-naked Jaehyun making me blush so hard.
"Like what you see?" He said mockingly while slowly showing his beautiful dimple that makes me love him more. This is wrong but it feels so right. Well, bad feels good, good feels bad.
He stands up making me see a more clearer view of his muscular body.
"I-i know this is wrong. I'm sorry for seducing you I am sorry we're both drunk last night and you know it too." I look down shyly and guilt is washing over my  body.
"Hey, what are you saying!? You don't need to be sorry. We both chose to do this and we're gonna continue it." He hugs my waist. I look at his eyes and pissed is clearly written all over his face.
"But you have a girlfriend I can't share a man with that girl!" I rolled my eyes at him. I push him through his chest and that made him more pissed off.
"We already did it so what's the point of turning back!?" He pinned me to the wall harshly making me hiss in pain before crashing his lips to mine. Without knowing you kissed him back. After a minute of our hot make-out session he pulled you into his embrace.
"So?" He whispered.
"Fine let's continue it, it's not like I don`t have a choice" I sigh before putting on my clothes.
"Stay I'll cook breakfast" He demand.
"No, I will not!" I exclaimed.
"Yes, you will" he said while approaching you.
"Jaehyun I'm already late. I'm the company`s CEO, I don't have a choice it's been a hectic week for our company."
"How about a dinner tonight?" He asked while fixing the watch on his wrist. Dinner sounds good.
"Okay, I'll eat dinner with you" I gave him a peck on his lips before leaving his house.
Sighing at myself, I rub my temples softly if yesterday was hella hectic then today is hella hell. A meeting here and there a contract to sign. I don't even get to eat lunch. I only have coffee and a subway burger that my secretary gave. 
I watch as the sun set a lot happened in a day. When the realization hits me, I don't even give Jaehyun my number nor my address. I consciously think of a way to contact him but it all stops when a soft knock interrupts my thoughts.
"Come in" I said clearing my throat, as my office door opens I see a glimpse of Jaehyun`s side profile.
"H-how?" I tried to remember if I gave him my address but no. 
I can`t recall anything. I stand up and he opens his arms for me to hug him but I walk pass him.
"Hey, I'm right here as you can see" he furrowed his eyebrows at me.
"duh! I know that I'm not blind" but deep inside I`m thinking how the heck he found out where I am.
"if you`re thinking how I get here, it`s because I tell my secretary to find you and here I am" Jaehyun admires my office for a bit. His taste is kinda similar to mine I think.
"by the way since last night I still didn't introduce my self properly I`m Jung Jaehyun the owner and CEO of Neo tech enterprises" Jaehyun smirk at my reaction.
 I can`t believe it the one whom I hook up with last night is one of the richest men I`ve ever know. His the owner of the number one technology company in South Korea with a New York branch. My company is ranked top 2 before his.
"and? that doesn`t change the fact that you`re cheating on your girlfriend with me." I huff in annoyance as the word "your girlfriend" slides to my tongue bitterly.
"I'm not here to argue with you okay? I`m here to have dinner with you. Now if you don`t want me here then bye" I`m shocked at his sudden change but you won`t easily chase him and lose. He wants to play? then let's play. But after thinking you decide not to play hard to get.
"Jaehyun I'm sorry okay? I-I`m just stress." then he smiles knowing that he already win. 
"Okay now don`t just stand there and let`s go." he emotionlessly said.
It`s been almost 4 months my relationship with Jaehyun is still going on. Everyone notices the tension every time we have a friend gathering. of course, we hook up here and there or whenever he wants to but today is different this past few weeks it`s like he been avoiding me. Not like the old days he always takes me to date and cuddles with me. He always makes me feel love, my friends already warn me that I might regret what we`re doing now in the future but I could care less.
Admiring my expensive dress in the mirror I sure do look mesmerizing, I always do. Many men are ready to give their love to me, many of them have already court me but none of them is in my standard. Yes I admit it I`m a picky and choosy person when it comes to my love life or personal affair but what can I do? when there is only one Jung Jaehyun in the world. The thought of him with another woman is making me jealous but that's not the point you already have him wrapped around your fingers. You're Han Mayjun and what Mayjun want, Mayjun get. You have it all powers, wealth, beauty, and most importantly Jung Jaehyun one of the richest and handsome men you've ever known. 
While sipping my favorite wine, I heard a light knock from my door assuming that it`s jaehyun but I remind myself that it`s not him because he already told me that he`s going to the gala with his girlfriend. Yeah, the girlfriend who he always takes to the gala with him. Because of this we argue with each other and I didn`t hear anything from him in 2 days but what can you do about it your relationship with him is all hidden from the public.
"Come in" the door open and my date for the night who is my Ex Jungwoo. I gotta admit, it took me so long to move on from him because of what happened between the two of us. He just suddenly leave me like nothing ever happened between the two of us. He leaves me without saying goodbye. almost 3 years ago he goes to the US to take over his dad company and comeback after a year and us two got into good chemistry and became a best friend that`s why he`s the one who I choose to be my date tonight at the gala. 
"Pleasure to meet you my love" Jungwoo holds my hand and kisses the top of it gently. It makes my heart flutter, I gotta hide it.
"No need to be so polite you know, I miss you Kim Jungwoo" I give him a big teddy bear hug who he accepts gladly. I take my time hugging Jungwoo it`s like his my comfort. The moment stops when his assistant interrupts us.
" Sir we have to go or we`ll be late for tonight's event" Jungwoo`s assistant clearly said for the both of us to hear.
"Shall we princess?" He smiles teasingly and I hate it. But I also find comfort in it.
"Oh, come on Woo stop with the pet names and let`s go" Slapping his arms playfully we go straight to Jungwoo`s car going to the Gala. It only takes a minute to arrive. Jungwoo immediately go outside of the car to open it for me and a thousand of lights flicking and clicking towards our direction. and Jung-woo shield me from it before walking in the red carpet we post while his arms are wrapped around my waist. Tomorrow the both of us will be surely the hit topic on social media and magazines almost in all newspaper headlines. Because they all know about our public relationship how it works out and how it ended.
I go inside the building with Jungwoo beside me and I see our group of friends waving at us and we approached them. I heard a whistle from Lucas and Yuqi my best friend. They started dating weeks ago, Lucas is Jaehyun`s best friend and Yuqi is my long-time friend just like Yoona.
"You look sexy tonight babe" Yuqi honestly said and all of them agreed. I`m  kinda shock that Lucas and Jungwoo know each other, almost all of them know each other.
Y`all are having fun talking to each other or whoever approach our table. Every minute, different Ceo. My friends notice that almost all of them is flirting with me but I shrugged it off and go on with having fun when the atmosphere suddenly changes. I turn around only to see Jaehyun approaching our table. He looks good tonight his hair is neatly done, the tuxedo that his wearing fits him well. Jungwoo notices the way that I look at Jaehyun. I used to look at him like that too. Sometimes he wonders what if he didn`t leave and break your heart? maybe I will still gonna be his.
Jaehyun is looking at you without thinking about others. He just wants to hug you, kiss you, and feel you on his body. But this day guilt is been washing all over his body that`s why he's trying to distance himself from you and he feels sorry for that but knowing that you go here with Jungwoo, makes him feels some kind of things that might not help in this kind of situation.
"Yow, what`s up dude?" mark happily greets him and invited him to sit he also knows what`s going on between the two of you. 
"Where`s Yerim?" Seulgi asks while the others shift their attention to Seulgi and Jaehyun, yeah you`re curious to where is Yerim? doesn`t she come here with jaehyun?
"She`s in the restroom" Jaehyun replies to them they ask him more things but he can only think about you, do you think about him too? the answer is probably yes but you can`t bring yourself to look at him you`re scared that you might cry in front of them and your pride will not let you.
"Hi babe sorry I need to go to the restroom and leave you alone" and that`s when Jaehyun finally talks normally and not dryly he`s usually not like this towards his friend but tonight is really different.
"It's okay baby come and sit here with me" my group of friends cheers for them playfully and that`s when I finally look at him with jealousy burning in my eyes. Everyone suddenly stops cheering realizing what`s going on between the two of us. Jaehyun smirked at me and this time I hate it. he wants to play a game? then let`s play.
I didn`t hesitate to roll my eyes at him and I turn to my side to face Jungwoo who is now in his 5th drink.
"Baby slow down you`re getting tipsy" I know that Jung-woo has a high alcohol tolerance but the show must go on. 
"I`m fine baby don't worry" Jungwoo only grins at me making you soft. When he suddenly gave you a peck on the lips, and you gave him one too. Oh, I know how much Jaehyun hates hearing somebody else calls me baby. Because he`s the only one who called me that. 
"Hey, you two if you`re going to get back together then don`t make it long! just do it." Yoona said making Yuqi, and Seulgi coo with their boyfriend. Jaehyun hates how you blush with their sudden statement but little did you know everyone is doing it on purpose so that Jaehyun can get jealous.
Jungwoo whispers in my ears, asking me if I wanna go home too but I hesitate.
"If you`re uncomfortable right now, I can take you home" I hesitantly look around and you see everyone talking about business, and you look at Jaehyun to only see him avoiding Yerim`s touch. My plan work I thought so I decided it`s better if I let Jungwoo take me home.
"Guys we`re going home now” Jungwoo and me bid our Goodbye to them and other businessmen in the party.
"okay, make sure you drive well Jungwoo if anything happens to my best friend I`ll kill you" Yuqi said before the both of us go outside to Jungwoo`s car.
We arrive at my house and I thank Jungwoo for helping me out tonight, and for driving me home. I don`t know why, but I`m excited to know if anything will happen tonight.
I go to my room to change into my night sleepwear. Silk shorts and an over size shirt to make me comfortable.
 Someone suddenly loudly knocks in the door making you startled.
"who`s there!?" 
"Just fucking open the door Mayjun!"
I hear his voice and that`s enough to know who he is. Opening the door a soft pair of lips land to mine kissing me roughly as if there's no tomorrow for it.
“Jaehyun stop! I`m tired!” I tried to push him but he`s stronger than me. He pinned me to the wall harshly, leaving wet kisses on my neck.
"Do you think ignoring me is fun!?" Silence.
"Do you think making me jealous with your  jerk ex is fun huh!?" Silence.
"Talk to me for Fuck sake! Don`t give me cold shoulders, look at me just once. Fuck just fuck this!" and that is my breaking point I can`t stand this argument anymore.
"I already told you Jaehyun that I`m tired so what`s the point of arguing here!?" am i scared? yes, I`m scared of him when he`s mad but I can`t let him win this time. He look so hot when he's mad but I can set that aside.
"Why does he already fuck you that`s why you`re tired?" He`s really mad now. No, he`s furious right now. He has said a hurtful and harsh word to me in the past but he never degrade me like this. I can`t let him belittle and look down on me. With the power I had, I slap him.
"You`re always like this when you`re jealous but today!? I don`t even know you, you only call for me whenever you need me. And when you need someone to comfort you or to fulfill your needs. I`m not you`re fucking toy Jaehyun!" I finally cried out and I said the unspoken words to him but at this point, he doesn`t know what to feel anymore he let his anger took over him.
"So what do you want me to do? always go to you!? for fuck sake we don`t even have a label Mayjun wake up! I have a girlfriend and you know that. You`re just someone I know who can fulfill my needs" He yells at me making me break into tears more.
"So that`s what I am to you? someone who can just fulfill your needs?"  you yell back and now I don`t even know what to do. I need to confirm something and his answer is what I need.
"T-tell me have you ever love me!?" I whispered timidly.
"I`ve never loved you not even once!" Those words coming out of his beautiful lips like nothing ever happened between the two of us.
"Leave! I hate you!" My tears starts falling from my eyes. I`ve never felt this broken before but the one and only Jung Jaehyun made you feel like your heart is shattered into pieces.
"If I didn`t make a move on you that night you`ll probably not gonna figure out that the girlfriend you love cheated on you first." his eyes widen in shock.
"Say that again!" 
"I said what I said Jaehyun, now leave!" He turned around and slam the door shut.
He`s really sorry and guilty for what he said to you during the argument. All of that? he didn`t mean it and knowing that his girlfriend cheated on him first makes him sadder. That night the both of you spend the cold night without each other embrace crying all night silently. 
I should have listened to what my friend already warned me. But I`m thankful for them for supporting me after finding out that Yerim is not as good as we think.
Meanwhile, Jaehyun is crying his eyes and heart out in the middle of the night he`s blaming his self for hurting you.
 "I'm such an asshole!" He groaned and run his finger through his hair. 
he regrets all the things he said to you he cry and cry just like you. He throws all the things that he grabs on the floor making his hands bleed. But he could care less. There`s only one thing that he knows, he will get you back no matter what it takes. that night he called Yerim and break up with her.
It's been three days and I let my secretary do the works while I`m gone. A one-week break won`t hurt anyone when I`m the the one hurting right?
"Yoona can you please come to my place right now? I really need you right now" I try hard to hide my sob making Yoona concern but what can she do? she`s in the Maldives right now arranging her wedding with Johnny.
"Babe I`m sorry, I know you can overcome it. You`re a strong person Mayjun and you know it too. I`m sorry that I`m not on your side right to comfort you, I have to go Mayjun please eat well and take care of yourself the wedding is in a few days I love you!" and the line got disconnected even though Yoona is away from me she always makes sure that I`m okay. 
Suddenly the door of your room opens widely.
"Please didn`t I tell you that I want to be alone!" Not bothering to turn around because you thought that it was your brother Seojun.
 But no, the person who enters my room suddenly pulls me into a tight hug whispering comforting words to my ears. I know it`s Jungwoo he always does this when I need comfort. Without hesitating I let my emotions come out because I know that Jungwoo will not judge me.
"H-how?" I ask him between my sobs.
"Shh... Yoona called me and told me everything. It`ll be fine Mayjun I`m here" Jungwoo pats my back back softly to make me comfortable.
"J-Jung-woo why? am I not worthy enough to be loved? why do they always leave me?" 
"Hey, princess listen you`re beautiful, you`re worthy. I`m sorry for hurting you, I`m sorry that we hurt you" He kissed the top of my head and he let me fall asleep on his arms. 
A soft smile is written all over his face, he hopes that no one will hurt you anymore. He knows that you love Jaehyun dearly even though it hurts him he will help you get back together.
 6 days already passed and Jaehyun can`t focus on his work. You`re all he could think about he knows that he can see you on the wedding day but were you ready to face him? he`s scared that you might not even let him get close to you. so he keeps himself from working and working until he's exhausted.
Me on the other side is getting ready for my flight I will go there with Yuqi, Lucas and all of Nct members. It`s what they called the group, group of young tech CEO and one of the finest and richest men in South Korea.
"You don`t need to be nervous Mayjun. We`re here don`t worry" Yuta smile at me reassuringly. I sighed and after a long flight we headed to our designated car taking you to a beautiful beach. 
“You should enjoy this day Mayjun, you need to relax” I said and to myself. I hear my brother Seojun calling me from afar. And yeah, he`s still single is he?
I look around and I make eye contact with whom I want to see from the start but can`t admit it. I quickly look away, I try to find Yoona only to see her at her hotel room. Y`all girls are in the same room and it makes me feel at ease. 
"I think we should get wasted tonight!" Seulgi said happily and we agree with the idea. 
"We should celebrate before the wedding because this is the last day that we will call you Ms. Im. Because tomorrow you`re gonna be Mrs. Suh" I wink at her and y`all agree with the idea. So I change my clothes, I wear a sundress before going out with the girls and I avoid any interaction with Jaehyun.
"Johnny, do you think she will forgive me?" Jaehyun asks his friend while looking up in the sky feeling the cold breeze.
"Jaehyun I know what you did is wrong but let`s hope that she will forgive you just give her sometimes" Johnny then pats Jaehyun`s shoulder before giving him a small smile. 
"I have a plan and I`m determined to do this but I need your help" said Jaehyun.
Jaehyun then tells all the boys his plan for tomorrow and they`re more glad to help him out because they can see and feel how you love each other dearly.
It`s past midnight and  and the other girls are still having fun dancing and drinking until we get wasted. I drink a lot compared to them and they try to stop me but I just keep on dancing until all the girls got drunk. 
 Johnny suddenly realize that y`all are in the club and the boys got worried so they try to find y`all. Only to find all of us dancing like a sexy goddess, they hate how other men stare at my hips.
"Jaehyun you get Mayjun. Me, Lucas, and Mark will get them" Johnny goes to Yoona to cover her with his jacket and the others do the same.
"Oh, guys look it`s Jaehyun! doesn`t he look so handsome?" I grin at them making them laugh because I`m really not myself right now.
"Yeah, it` me now let`s go you need to take some rest" He clung me into his arms and I hug him tightly as I could. "Baby I can` breathe"
"Let`s stay like this for a minute please." I softly said.
"I miss you, you know every day I`m always thinking about you" I said while my  eyes are floating in tears. Making them all silent they just let me because they know how badly I was hurt. Yuqi, Yoona, and Seulgi is sobber now but here I am are crying in front of them.
"I miss you so much, my day is not complete without thinking of you. Everything reminds me of you even though you hurt me even though you didn`t love me I`m so thankful that I met you" I said weakly while softly caressing his face, tears is visible on his eyes too.
"No, all I said to you was a lie since the day that I met you I`m ready to risk everything for you that`s when I realize that cheating is my choice thank you for completing half of me thank you for letting me know that she cheated on me first I Love You so much Mayjun" I slowly nod at everything he explained to me and I gave him a peck on his lips.
 He wish, no, everyone wishes that you will remember all of this tomorrow. Your friends can`t help it that they start to tear up too.
It`s 6:00 am now and here I am comforting and thanking Yoona for staying by my side and I tell her not to get nervous.
"Yoona it`s okay you`ve been waiting for this, this is one of your biggest dreams and it came true now I`m so happy for you" I hug her as I admire her in her dress she looks beautiful and she always does.
On the other side of the room, there are the boys who are super chaotic they`re laughing and teasing Jaehyun and Johnny because of what happened last night but deep inside they`re so proud of each other.
"You`re getting married now Johnny I can`t believe it. And you`re marrying Yoona the woman of your life" Ten said while proudly smiling at him 
"Jung Jaehyun you better take care of Mayjun or else you know what will gonna happen" Jungwoo and Seojun said in unison they`re laughing at how they`re thinking the same thing.
"Hyung I`m the one who is supposed to say it!" Jungwoo said and Seojun only rolled his eyes at him.
"I heard you and Chaewon are dating" Jungwoo said making Seojun widen his eyes. He`s supposed to say it after the wedding but Jungwoo already said it.
"Kim Jungwoo you bastard!" Seojun glare at Jungwoo making everyone laugh in the room.
You may now kiss the bride. 
Y`all cheered for Johnny and Yoona when Yuta said. 
"G-guys J-jaehyun he got into an accident" Yuta is breathing heavily while saying it and I feel like my whole world stop.
" What!? How!?" I said.
 Concern is creeping up on my body. Yuta ask us to follow him and I run as fast as I can, I don`t really know where we`re going but I just keep following him. I want to see Jaehyun safe.
I run and run until I a see flower petals scattered in the sand with candles lighting the place up and I can`t help but to tear up. I turn around and I see my group of friends standing happily while holding a balloon that`s forming a word saying " Will you marry me"
And that`s when Jaehyun finally showed up while holding a bouquet of flower giving it to me while I cry, smiling at him he kneels in front of me and I cover my lips with my hands. I can`t help it but tears of joy are coming out from my eyes right now.
"Mayjun I know I hurt you, I know I said that I don`t love you but the truth is I`m scared. I`m scared that time that if I tell you my real feelings you will not love me back but I'm so fool to even think about your feelings. Now that I`m here and ready to give you more than my everything and stay with you" Jaehyun takes a deep breath to take more courage.
"Han Mayjun I Jung Jaehyun is asking you Will you marry me?" Jaehyun asks me wholeheartedly. And who am I to say no? when all of our friends are rooting for the both of us?
"Yes, Yes Jaehyun I`ll marry you" He put the diamond ring on my finger and he finally stands up and he spoon me around.
" I LOVE YOU JUNG JAEHYUN" I shout happily while showing my finger to my friends and they clap. 
They stand there proudly looking at us, This will not happen if they`re not here by our side. Strangers who watch the scene clap along with them and that`s how my story with Jung Jaaehyun starts again.
Always remember this "Everyone has a friend during each stage of life. But only lucky ones have the same friends in all stages of life.”
and that`s how Mayjun and Jaehyun with their friend life goes on.
150 notes · View notes
pairing: sheriff lee bodecker x younger! reader
warnings: cheating, age gap
a/n: i wanted to write this chapter to show how y/n’s and lee’s affair began and to show how y/n shaped lee or his point of view. this song is mostly based off august from taylor swift (bc we all know at this point that i’ll just write fanfics based of any folklore/evermore songs) and war of hearts from ruelle. this one is not smut, the next one (illicit affairs) is gonna be.  additionally, i’ve come to the conclusion that knockemstiff y/n dressed like betty draper and after-knockemstiff y/n dresses likes meg draper and that is canon. btw if you’re interested in what she’s wearing in this chapter here [x] p.s.: lee’s not captain yet in this chapter
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Salt air and the rust on your door, I never needed anything more. Whispers of are you sure? Never have I ever before. But I can see us lost in the memory, August slipped away into a moment in time ‘cause it was never mine
August was an odd month this year; the godless and sunless town was going through the biggest heatwave anyone could remember. Most habitants were in the parks and outside their homes in plastic chairs enjoying the heat, however, in Y/N’s house, they were baking apple pies with the apples leftover from the little apple tree farm they had a bit south from the town centre. Y/N had suggested they just gave away the apples but her grandmother, ever the traditional woman, believed the best way to show appreciation would be to bake something. “It shows you care, Y/N” as if she cared about anyone in this god forbidden town. She couldn’t wait to pack her bags and go to the big city where she can be something other than a trophy wife. Besides, it wasn’t like there were any available suitable husband options around. 
She wiped the flour out of her forehead as she placed the last pie in the oven. 24 pies, surely that would account for a high electricity bill at the end of the month. Not that it mattered anyway, her grandmother could more than afford it after all she was the woman right now sat at the kitchen table, giving out plates as if they cost nothing. 
     - Y/N, sweetheart, can you go and deliver the pie on the living room. It’s already cold and I don’t want it to go stale.
     - Yeah, sure. 
     - To Captain Bodecker’s house. Promised Jane I’d send her one. 
     - Captain Bodecker’s? But that’s in town. - she scratched her elbows. She’d rather not go to Captain Bodecker’s house yet again he probably wasn’t even around, always busy in the station. - Can I take the car?
     - It’s a 20 minute walk, it’s sunny outside and you’re young. Save on gas.
     - But ...
     - Y/N, you better be outside with that pie in 5 seconds or we’ll have a problem. - she interrupted.
Y/N sighed, unlacing the back of her apron and placing it on the hook. Just great, that’s all she needed today, to walk to the town centre to deliver one of the pies she had just spent the whole morning preparing. She guessed it could’ve been worse, she could’ve had to go deliver it to the police station then Captain Bodecker would’ve definitely been there. It wasn’t that she disliked him, quite the opposite. Back when she volunteered at the precinct he was the only one who was nice to her or at least the only one who wouldn’t try to put his hand under her skirt. He’d even memorised her name which not even the Sheriff who had hired her knew, to this day whenever he saw her he still called her Bella. He was nice to her and she couldn’t say she hadn’t developed a little school girl crush on him, despite the fact he was married. He’d even stood up for her when her manager started screaming at her. Nevertheless, she couldn’t stand being in his presence, feeling like whatever she said would get her in trouble. His wife wasn’t someone she enjoyed either; Jane Bodecker was known for having quite the sharp gossiping tongue. Most of her friends commented their “men friends” would comment how she used to have quite the reputation while at high school and whenever she saw her at the shop, she’d always call her Little Miss Perfect or make some side comment about how she was occupying a job that someone else needed. Still, Y/N could deal with Jane, a little smile, a nod and she was ready to deal with the devil.
The sun scorched her skin as she walked her last minutes til the Bodecker residence. It was a nice home, recently painted with some nice flowers in the front garden yet there were rumours of Captain Bodecker wanting to move to Brewer Heights. Y/N didn’t know how she’d react if during her morning walks she passed by him, so she counted it only as rumours. Standing in front of the red door, she held the pie in one hand and knocked against it with the other one. She stood there waiting for someone to come in until footsteps made her wake up from her dream-like state and prepare to deal with Jane. However, as the door open, a familiar silhouette had her heart racing. 
    - Y/N, what brings you here? - she watched him dressed in casual clothing, something she barely saw if she had ever seen; jeans and a white t-shirt. 
   - Captain Bodecker ... I ... I was looking for your wife. My grandmother sent this. - she held up the pie in front of her.  - She said Mrs. Bodecker wanted one. 
   - Jane’s ... out. Come in. - he opened the door wider for her but she remained in the same place like a statue. - Come on, it’s too hot out. Don’t want no fainting lass complains on my day off. ‘Sides, don’t you want a slice of pie?
   - I really shouldn’t.
   - You can say no if you want to. No need to be afraid of me, Y/N. - he leaned against the doorframe. - Thank you for the pie, though. 
   - I guess I can stay a bit. - she tucked a bit of hair behind her ear. Lee couldn’t help but shamelessly check her out as she walked inside his home. It was no secret she was a beautiful woman, heck, Lee thought her to be the prettiest little thing to ever arrive into town, with her sunny smile and pretty dresses. This one was no different, lavender which complimented her so well with a little white rope tied around her waist into a bow, like a little present. Nevertheless, he kept it under wraps he was a married man besides every man in town shamelessly harassed her, despite the side eye he gave them.
He watched as the fabric of her dress swung with the movement of her hips. Lee surely didn’t expect such a pretty girl to walk into his home, had he known he would’ve made an effort to fix the mess that was his house. Normally Jane tended to keep that sorted as he usually spent the day and night at work, but with her staying with her mother after their last fight. It wasn’t anything new, she always did that whenever they fought and then would return after Lee made a fool of himself by begging her to return and that he was wrong during the fight. Still, she placed the pie on his kitchen table with a gentleness and posture which mirrored her privileged upbringing. He couldn’t lie and say his mind hadn’t wandered around how she would look when she eventually got married, after all that was the future of all Knockemstiff women. He also couldn’t lie and say he hadn’t wondered how she would look as his wife. She was sweet, with a sharp mind which definitely had not been appreciated in the precinct. Despite this, productivity seemed to raise whenever she called out any officers who had their feet on top of their desks instead of doing paperwork. He still remembered having to always keep an eye on her, were any officers to get too rowdy with her. Yet, she didn’t care and she held herself and believed herself to deserve the same respect as every working man in Knockemstiff. Although he imagined how she would be as a wife, he had to admit he couldn’t see her ever being some Knockemstiff’s man’s wife and with the example from her grandmother, she was surely on the path to be a rebellion starter. 
    - Big fan of apple pie, Y/N?
    - My grandmother refuses to sell the apples so instead I woke up at 6AM and have been baking apple pies nonstop. She says it shows I care. 
     - Never thought you to be found of Knockemstiff residents. 
     - And I am not. - she spoke as if the mere thought of it offended her.  - She said she promised Jane one. 
     - Don’t think Jane will be back for a while. - he leaned against the kitchen door, watching her place the pie onto his kitchen table. - You can take half that pie, if you want.
    - Trust me, I have my share of apple pie at home. - she folded her hands on top of her stomach. - Uhm ... Do you want me to cut you a slice of pie? I normally take mine with a bit of vanilla ice cream on top. It’s gorgeous, the warmth of the pie and the cold of the ice cream. You should try it?
    - You’re just full of ideas, aren’t ya? - he sat on the wooden chair as she sliced the pie to the best of her abilities. - Shouldn’t you be at university, or someth’ng? 
    - Well, grandma had the stroke and she’s not as motile as she used to be. I’ve been taking some classes at Ohio University but it’s not the same, it’s ...
    - It’s not the big city, ain’t it? - he added. 
    - It’s not that I dislike Knockemstiff, Captain ...
    - Yeah you do. - he interrupted her. - Just don’t let the Sheriff hear it. He already ain’t too found of ya. 
    - Nobody in that precinct liked me. - she rolled her eyes. - Well, they did but I did not like them in that way. 
    - I liked ya. Whenever you screamed at Leroy it always made my day. 
    - Leroy’s the most incompetent person I know. All he does is pimp girls out as if he discovered prostitution. I feel sorry for the girls. 
    - He does a good service.
    - Of course you’d know. - she pushed her hair away from her shoulders, feeling the sweat roll down her neck. God it was, too hot. Lee furrowed his brown, laying the fork onto the porcelain plate. She caught his look, brow raising over in a playful, smug kind of way, before she laid her hands on the table. - I’ve seen it before. 
     - You’ve seen it before?
     - Don’t worry, I didn’t see IT, but I saw Jenny get in the car with you just after graduation. I know what she does, she would call me all the time whenever Leroy was being an ass. 
     - Oh ...
     - Don’t worry, I’m not gonna say anything. Everyone in this town cheats, mostly because everyone in this town marries someone just because they think that will save them from Hell. No one is saved if they’re born in Knockemstiff, not even me. 
     - You mean to tell me you’ve done bad things, Y/N? ‘Cause I don’t believe it.
     - I’ve never done it but I’ve thought bad things. All the time. - her gaze lowered from his face to his waist before returning back to his eyes. It was a millisecond gaze, something she herself knew but he didn’t notice, no matter how observant he was. There were no perfect men in Knockemstiff, but in Y/N’s mind he was her perfect man. After all, there are no perfect men anywhere, even Saints sin and then die heroically to get into heaven. Y/N would rather sin than die for people who would’ve had her accidentally killed many times if it weren’t for her grandmother’s name and status in town. What’s the fun in being good? Every time she was good she got yelled at, someone put her hand under her skirt or tried to pin her against a wall. She was good, she would just rather sin so people wouldn’t taint her goodness. It’s a question of self preservation, at least that’s what she told herself. 
    - That doesn’t make you bad. If so there wouldn’t be good people.
    - There are no good people. - she added, ever the negative person she was, something she had inherited from her mother and which everyone who knew her could trace back to. - All people are born so they could be buried. Everything you do ... in a 100 years they won’t remember everything and all that be left of you is your burial site. That’s your legacy. 
    - Such negative views for someone who wants out of Knockemstiff. I thought you’d have a better outlook on things.
    - I’m never getting out of here. - she sighed, almost used to the idea that she was going to stay no matter how long she fought it. - I’m gonna die here. 
    - Dying ain’t so bad. - he leaned against his chair. Y/N smiled at him, looking around his home. It was messy yes but it was still a good home yet that wasn’t what she noticed. Looking out the window, she saw a built in pool. She didn’t remember hearing the Captain had a pool. Sure, he had a the better salary compared to everyone else in town except for the Sheriff, Mayor, and her grandmother. Yet she had never heard of him having a pool, not even she had one. 
    - You have a pool? 
    - Yeah, built it back when Sandy used to come over to wind up from the dinner job. She’s married now so I don’t think she wants a pool at her big brother’s home anymore. 
   - I don’t think anyone in town has a pool. - she rose from her chair and walked to the window in a lavender rush. - It’s gorgeous.
   - You can come over whenever you want, Y/N. 
   - Can I go now? - she looked over her shoulder to him. The idea of being able to swim while the boiling august heat continued to shine down onto the hellish town. Somehow it made sense yet it didn’t. Lee cocked his head to the side, wondering if he’d misheard her words or if she was really considering swimming into his pool. Unwanted feeling stirred south of him and he punished himself mentally for imagining the lavender flower girl in such ways.
    - Well, uh ... you don’t have a swimming costume. - he babbled like a confused, stunned child.
    - I can swim on my undergarments. It’s pretty much a lace embroidered swimming costume. - Lee merely nodded, not knowing exactly what to do but knowing he was flirting with sin, looking at an abysses and seeming not to fear that he was going straight into it. 
Y/N walked from the window up to the kitchen door which led over to the garden. The once white door had withered with time, turning slightly yellowish with rust on the borders, the glass of the small see through windows cracked yet remaining its shape. The door seemed to be a small reminder of what was still wrong in the Captain’s life but she chose not to dwell over it, no to think about it. She felt the cobblestones against her feet covered by an old pair of white ballerina slips as her mirrored image became clear in the crystalline pool water. 
Lee on the other hand watched like a hawk, from the rusted door he’d broken so many bottles of liquor against, as her lavender fabric fell to the dirty cobblestones. The contrast of the prim expensive dress against the cobblestones which had aged as badly as he had done was telling. At least it was telling enough for him and he wondered if this was a gift from God or if the devil was toying with him. The devil is in the details, his mother used to say, yet as she emerged from the water, hands pulling down her hair, he was almost entirely sure the devil was the girl in his pool, the same girl who had worn white dresses until her 18th birthday. Yet again, the devil was once an angel and to him, she was closer to becoming a fallen one than continuing to wear shades of white. 
    - You don’t swim, captain? - she asked as she swam to the border of the pool. 
    - I don’t enjoy doing it. - he stayed glued to the door, a good distance from her to ensure he didn’t get tempted. - You gonna just swim around like a mermaid, huh?
    - It’s better in the water than on the cobblestones, I tell ya. - she dipped into the water once again only to return to the surface, water droplets rolling down from her plump skin. - Come on, captain. You’re gonna leave me swimming by my lonesome? During the hottest day in Knockemstiff?
    - You’re a trouble stirrer. 
    - Maybe I’m just bored. - she smiled at him. He knew she wasn’t tempting him, he knew Y/N. She liked to tease around, she enjoyed the freedoms which she imposed onto herself and as such she was much different from the women he knew. Not that he knew any women outside of Knockemstiff. He’d been born and raised here and all the women he saw from out of Knockemstiff were on his television screen. - Come on, Captain. It’s your pool. 
    - I don’t want you to see my belly.
   - I don’t care, besides, if it’s that bad then come into your clothing. - her arms rested upon the pool border, wondering eyes tempting even the saint of all saints. Lee looked at the cold water reflecting the afternoon sunlight beams, trying to avoid the thoughts that crossed his mind before turning around. He let his jean trousers pool to the ground along with his shoes before entering the water using the ladder. He was almost sure he’d make her laugh if he were to jump into the water. 
The water was cold and dripped from his skin in crystal like drops. Y/N offered him a playful smile, swimming close to him with that wide eye child naughty fun look only she managed to still hold intact. She held her hands slightly back before pushing the water towards him. 
    - You tellin’ me you invited me in for a water fight? - he chuckled at her actions. 
    - Afraid I’ll win?
    - Kid, you’re much too tiny to win against me. 
    - Wanna bet? - she threw water again at him, swimming closer and closer to him before anchoring herself against him, hands on his shoulders. - I bet you as many apple pies as you want. 
    - Yeah, I’m trying not to gain any more weight, kid.
    - You have beautiful eyes, I’ve never noticed. - she made eye contact with him, seeing her own reflection in his light blue eyes. Maybe she’d never notice because the uniform was so dark blue his eyes reflected it like mirrors, yet they were light. - They’re gorgeous. 
    - Trying to make me blush, kid? 
    - Just never noticed. 
    - Well huh ... - he could listen to his heart beating and drumming against his chest along with the soft movement of the water. All his eyes could see was her, her hands holding onto his shoulders and her angelic face looking at him. - Thanks, you have nice eyes too.
    - You can’t take a compliment, Captain. - she teased.
    - I don’t think I’m deserving of any, specially coming from you, kid.
    - What is that supposed to mean?
    - You know what the men say in town. They think you’re the prettiest thing in a skirt to ever pace around here. Pretty sure they’ll kill each other trying to get your favour.
    - My favour? Is that what you think I’m good for?
    - No ... I ... That’s not what I meant. - his face creased. - I’m just telling you what I hear. 
    - You seem to know a lot of gossip about me, captain. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you’ve been asking around.
    - What if I have? - Lee watched for the first time her mouth shut close. She didn’t know what to say next, eyebrows furrowed together as she inspected his face, slow blinking. Her eyes left his to look at the water back at him. - Just looking out for you ... not a lot of people like you ‘round town. 
He hands gripped his shoulder as she swam closer to him. Her intention was to hug him thank you. Of course she didn’t expect no one to look out for her, she didn’t care about what a bunch of housewives and hopeless alcoholics thought of her. She knew he didn’t inspire adoration in them other. As she got closed to him, he leaned down, capturing her lips into his. Her hands slide from her shoulders to his chest, almost as if she wanted to be the good one and push him away. He was married after all. However, as his lips moved against hers she found herself incapable of pushing him away, hands relaxing just resting against his chest as she found herself acting on her sinful thoughts for the first time. 
So much for summer love, for saying us, ‘cause you weren’t mine to lose.
taglist: @lookiamtrying​
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somenewsarah · 4 years
Dear Draco ~ Part One
Summary: Ten years ago, Draco was sure you were dead. But after receiving a letter from none other than you, his world is flipped upside down.
Pairing: Draco x Reader
Word Count: 4k+
Genre: Fluff, a lil angsty
Requested: No, requests currently closed while I finish my sitting requests :)
Warnings: None
A/N: I know it’s been a while, and this is likely all over the place~ just something that’s been on my mind for a while and finally had some time to sit down and plot it out! Part 2?
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The warmth of the fire can’t drive away the cold. It creeps in, starting from his toes and runs all the way to his chest. That cold that can only be associated with his own sadness. Draco sits in his favorite chair by the hearth, his eyes scanning the letter over and over again. Surely he’d seen this before.
“Darling,” Astoria, his wife of six years starts. “I’m putting Scorpius to bed, are you coming?”
“Not tonight,” he says. It’s firmer than intended, but he can’t even drag his eyes away to apologize.
Astoria lingers in the doorway of their meager living room of their meager cottage that they’d fallen in love with when they first saw it, but now needed more space. She eyes her husband warily and the letter in his hand, that smelled of the sweetest perfume and has him in a tizzy. She knew there’d been someone before her. Someone that never made it out of the war. Someone he loved more than anyone.
Astoria sighs, her eyes still watching her husband for a single second before she slips down the hallway.
Draco brings the letter to his lips, kissing the very paper it was written on, his mind wandering back to all the kisses he gave to you, all the times he’d kiss your forehead and hold you and tell you how much he loved you. He can’t believe the letter had even come.
Dearest Draco,
I’m sorry if this letter reaches you late. It is now May 10th, 1998, and by now you must be sure that I am dead.
Draco puts the letter down for a moment, his heart almost completely stopping in his chest. Alive? Is she alive? Should he leave now?
I hope someday you can forgive me for letting you think I’d ever meet such a fate in a war, but I assure you I am, for now, safe and sound. I made a deal with Dumbledore before your task. I’m continuing his work, growing my own power and studying as much as I can. I’ve followed the knowledge, as I always told you I would. I wrote the first half of this letter once I’d gotten out safely, but couldn’t bring myself to finish it. It is now August 25th, 2008. Ten years since I started.
She’s alive. She must be, if he’s receiving this letter now. He sets it on the arm of his chair and stands, pacing in that Draco Malfoy way. He stoops at the chair for his whiskey and the letter, his eyes scanning it.
I’ll be returning to London soon. I’ve taken up the Potions Master position at Hogwarts under Mrs. Granger’s rule, and I wanted you to be the first to know that I’ll be coming back. I hope to see you in Hogsmeade on the 29th of August. You know where. I’ll be there at 3pm, and I hope you show. I want to hear all about your life, Draco. Did you ever marry? Are you happy? I miss you, and I hope that you’ve built a life for yourself.
See you?
Draco sits down in his chair again, his eyes wide and his heart pounding. Seeing you. Tomorrow. For the first time in ten years. The longest ten years of his life, thinking you were dead. The worst ten years. No, he married. He has a son. He became one of the most well-respected and astute healers in the entire wizarding world. He’s had a wonderful ten years. Right?
He stands again, pacing and pacing and pacing. Alternating between his drink and smelling your sweet, sweet smell that he’d tried so hard to preserve in one of his t-shirts you always wore to bed.
Astoria leans against the doorjamb, watching Draco pace and pace. She knows that pace. He’s stressed and conflicted and terrified. That look on his precious face…
She walks to him, taking his face in her hands.
“Draco,” she says firmly, catching his attention. “What is it?”
He’s quiet for a moment and she holds her breath, searching his face for any kind of answer.
“It’s Y/N,” he says, his voice almost a ghost of a whisper. “She’s alive. And she’s coming back. And she wants me to meet her tomorrow.”
Astoria drops her hands from his face, taking in his words. So, this was it, then. She knew who he would choose should it come down to it.
“That little twit,” Astoria breathes. “How selfish can she be?”
Draco, taken aback, gazes at his wife. “Selfish?”
“You were in hell for the first years of us being together because of her! You moped at our wedding. You won’t dare allow me to do simple things like wear your clothes to sleep in or go through your old Hogwarts trunk. All because you thought she was dead!” Astoria roars, finding her voice now.
“Darling, calm down,” Draco starts.
“Calm down?” Astoria roars, growing louder. “You’re going to tell me, your wife, to calm down, after telling me you’re going to meet the woman you’ve secretly wished I was for the last ten years? Don’t tell me to calm down, Draco. Don’t.”
Draco sighs. He paces the length of the family room, only stopping to sink into his chair.
“Astoria, I don’t know what to say,” he sighs. He drags his hands down his face, haunted almost. “She was the love of my life. She taught me everything I know about love and how to do it. That I was capable of it.
“Would you leave me for her?” Astoria asks suddenly, eyeing her husband.
“I wish I had an answer for that,” Draco relents.
 Astoria nods. She squares her shoulders, holding her chin high as her eyes water. “Then you can sleep on the sofa tonight.”
She turns and exits into the hallway, and Draco can hear her stalking to the bedroom and the telltale door slam.
Astoria doesn’t speak to him all morning. She gets Scorpius ready for his mid-day lessons and ignores Draco.
So, he gets up, showers, tousles his hair, and squirts on some of his best cologne. He’d look like the happiest man in the world today. Maybe because he is.
He leaves the house without a word to Astoria, only stopping to kiss Scorpius on his head and whisper a quick “I love you,” words he never heard from his own father.
Hogsmeade bustles with shop owners and consumers and students, all exploring the new world and everything it has to offer. Draco walks amongst the crowd, his teeth chattering despite the warm August day. His nerves make every step feel longer than it is, and his palms sweat profusely. He allows his mind to wander as he forages down the cobblestone pathway; what would you look like? What would you be wearing? Would you smell the same? Did you ever marry? Are you happy?
His train of thought is halted as he approaches the place that you used to call your spot. The little ice cream shop across from Creepy Cauldrons, a vehement Halloween only shop. You and Draco would go on ice cream dates almost every Hogsmeade trip since fourth year when you admitted you fancied him, and he you. It was the one spot he couldn’t bring himself to walk into when he thought you were dead. Not even with Scorpius.
He pushes open the door, the little bell jangling as it always does. It doesn’t take long for him to spot you. You were in the same booth you were always in when you’d meet up. Your booth you shared together.
Draco approaches you, though your back is to him. He wonders if it’s a dream. Could it really be you? Is this a cruel prank?
Upon hearing his footsteps, you turn, Y/E/C eyes locking with his grey ones. Draco stops. His heart stops, his mouth dry, his eyes watering. It’s really you.
 You stand and move to hug him, but Draco is stiff. He doesn’t hug you back.
 “Draco,” you start, pulling away from him. “I’m sorry this is so sudden. I understand if you don’t want me back in your life at all, I just wanted a moment to explain myself.”
 Draco nods. He takes his old seat, and you sit across from him.
 Over his shoulder, Sir Harrington- the owner of the ice cream parlor- gives you a thumbs up. He’d been serving you ice cream since you were kids, and you had no doubt he would forget you or Draco.
 “So,” Draco begins. He hides his shaking hands underneath the table. “You’re back? For good?”
 “For good,” you relent.
 “I thought you were dead,” Draco says. His voice betrays him and cracks. He clears his throat, but doesn’t continue.
 “I know,” you say. You reach across the table for his hand, but he doesn’t move. You withdraw your hand, knowing he’ll be cold as ice until you can crack him. “I know what everyone thought. I knew the repercussions of what I did, but I’m only sorry to you.”
 “Sorry to me?” He asks. “You’re sorry? You came here to tell me you’re sorry?”
 “Draco,” you start, but he cuts you off.
 “Don’t. You don’t know what it was like. I thought you were dead. I moved on. I lived in hell every single day that you were gone. I can’t even look my wife in the eye without wishing it were you,” he says through his teeth.
 “You married, then,” you say. Your resolve weakens, and you know it’s hopeless.
“I did. Astoria Greengrass and I wed in 2001. It’ll be seven years in December.”
 “I see,” you say. “I’m happy for you, Draco.”
 “We have a son. Scorpius.”
 You nod, chuckling to yourself. “The name we picked out for our first son?”
 Draco nods, and has the grace to look slightly embarrassed. “Astoria knows what you meant to me. I wanted to keep you alive in my memory somehow.”
 Draco remains silent, his eyes on his hands as he considers his own words.
 “Mean,” he says, finally meeting your gaze.
 You sigh and allow yourself a moment to get lost in his eyes the way you wanted to every minute you were gone.
 “I didn’t want to leave you, Draco,” you admit. “But it was for the best. I was doing dangerous potions work. Collecting samples of serums from creatures that can only be found in the deepest, darkest corners of the world. It was the type of exploring that I had to do alone.”
 “You could’ve at least told me you were alive,” Draco says. He leans across the table, taking your cheek in his palm. “I died over and over again every day that I thought you were gone.”
 You bring your hand up, holding onto his wrist, letting his words soak into your brain. You know you’ll likely never hear them again.
 “I didn’t know if I would ever come back,” you whisper, your voice catching in your throat. “So many times I was sure I was dead, but I kept fighting. I wanted to come back to you.”
 Draco drops his hand, though you had the feel of his warm palm on your skin already committed to memory.
 “What are we to do?” He asks, reaching for your hand.
 You trace the silver wedding band sitting on his left hand, fourth finger. “We go on with our lives. I’m sure I’ll be teaching Scorpius someday. I’m glad that you found love, Draco, and I’m sorry that it wasn’t with me.”
 You stand, turning your back on the boy you love so dearly, and walk out of the shop.
 Draco sits for a minute, taking everything in. Why hadn’t he tried to stop you? Why hadn’t he reached out for you? Why did he let you walk away from him again?
When Draco enters, Astoria rises from her place at their dining room table. She’s prepared for the worst, but Draco doesn’t look haunted anymore. For the first time in her life, he looks alive.
 His head whips to her, like he hadn’t seen her.
 “Oh,” he says. “Hello.”
 “How was it?”
 “It was… good?” he says. He takes a seat at the table, his eyes trained on his hands, recalling the feeling of her finger on his wedding band. “She said she’s happy I’m happy.”
 “What else?” Astoria pries.
 “She just wanted to let me know she was alive,” he says. “She’ll be teaching potions at Hogwarts. She likes that we used her name for Scorpius, said she looks forward to teaching him someday.”
 “She didn’t… she didn’t ask you to be with her?” Astoria asks. She can’t hide the shock from her voice.
 “No,” Draco says. “She didn’t.”
 “Well,” Astoria starts, her voice returning to normal. “I’m happy she’s okay. Come now, let’s shower.”
 Draco rises, follows his wife into their bathroom, all the while in a daze. His mind wanders to his time at Hogwarts with you, how much he loved you then and he wonders if maybe he still does.
 You look back at Draco, giggling as you pull him through the snow, trying to outrun Crabbe and Goyle to Hogsmeade.
 “Darling, come on!” You grin back at him. “They’re going to eat all the chocolate chip, and you know it’s my favorite!”
 “Slow down,” Draco laughs, pulling you to a halt. He wraps his arm around you, pulling you into his side. “You’re freezing!”
 “Oh, it’s just a little cold,” you smile up at him. “We’re going to get ice cream, come on!”
 “Maybe we should get some soup or something?” Draco asks, keeping you tucked into his side. “I don’t want you to get sick.”
 You lean up, kissing him sweetly. “I love the way you take care of me, even when you’re stressed.”
 Draco’s cheeks redden as he smiles down at you, his blond hair flopping in his eyes as he kisses your forehead. “You’re my love. I’ll always take care of you.”
 Your returning smile is dazzling as you stop in the snow to hug him tightly, relishing in his warmth.
 “Just two more years and we can graduate and be married!”
 Draco towel-dries his hair as he sits on the edge of his bed. His mind feels like an unraveled ball of yarn, but he can’t ever remember feeling so happy?
 “What’s on your mind, love?” Astoria asks, crawling behind Draco on her knees. She rubs his shoulders softly, kissing at his shoulder blades.
 “Her,” he admits. “I was just thinking about some of our time together in school. Just some memories, that’s all.”
 “Let’s have another baby,” Astoria says suddenly.
 Draco turns to look at her, his heart torn. “I don’t think now is really a good time, Astoria.”
 “Why?” She pouts. “I think it’s as good a time as any.”
 “I don’t,” Draco says. He removes himself from her grasp, standing so he can properly look at his wife. “I just… I can’t right now. I know you can’t understand this, but I’m really trying to be the husband that you expect me to be.”
 Astoria gazes up at him. “You’re rejecting me?”
 “No, Astoria, I-“
 “If you wanted to meet my expectations as my partner, you’d give me another baby,” she says, determined.
 “I don’t want another baby with you,” Draco says almost immediately. His eyes are wide as he takes in the enormity of  what he’s just let slip. “Astoria, I’m sorry-“
 “Don’t,” she hisses. She closes her robe and moves to the bathroom, locking the door behind her.
 Draco sits on the bed again, dragging his hands down his face once more. There it is, then. He doesn’t love his wife, he’s a terrible father, and everyone at St. Mungo’s would hear about this. With Astoria’s connections, he doubted there was a way out of this one.
 Knock knock knock.
 The door swings open and Narcissa Malfoy stands in the doorway, looking at her son who looks like he’d just walked miles and miles to even be at the manor. She takes him in her arms immediately.
 “Hello, my darling boy,” she smiles, kissing his hair.
 “Mum,” Draco says.
 Narcissa ushers him inside, closing the door behind him. The manor had changed significantly since Lucius’ trip to Azkaban, where he remains for conspiring against the ministry. Everything is white and crème, no more blacks and greys, though the telltale Slytherin green still decorates the throw blankets and some statues.
 “To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?” Narcissa asks, sitting comfortably on the sofa.
 Draco takes a seat across from her.
 “Do you remember Y/N?”
 “Oh, how could I forget? She was fierce. It’s a shame what happened to her, I quite liked her,” Narcissa says, reminiscing to herself. “She would’ve done incredible things.”
 “I saw her today,” Draco says. “She’s alive.”
 “Oh, darling, are you still mourning her? I can get you some help, though you are the healer of the family,” Narcissa rambles.
 “No, mum,” Draco says. He wipes his palms on his pants legs. “I mean, she wrote to me, and we met at the ice cream parlor. She’s alive. And she’s come back to teach at Hogwarts.”
 Narcissa sits up immediately.
 “Draco…” she starts, choosing her words carefully. “But, what about Astoria? Scorpius? You have a responsibility to your family.”
 “I know,” Draco says. He rests his chin in his palm. “If she’d just told me she was alive… If she’d just… I would’ve waited.”
 “Don’t say that,” Narcissa goads. “Then you wouldn’t have Scorpius.”
 “I can’t pretend that I don’t love her, mum. Astoria wants another baby. I just… I would’ve waited.” Draco sighs. He runs a hand through his hair.
 “Does Astoria know?”
 “Yes,” Draco nods. “She’s not happy about it.”
 “No one would expect her to be,” Narcissa says. “She’s just found out the same news that you have, but now it’s a waiting game for her.”
 “A waiting game?” Draco asks, looking up at his mother.
 “Draco,” Narcissa smiles. “When have you ever picked anything over that girl? You were almost killed trying to protect her. It’s only a matter of time until you can accept the consequences and chase after her.”
 “I’ll lose everything,” Draco says, his eyes searching Narcissa’s. “I’ll lose my life, Astoria will make sure of that.”
 Narcissa stands and crosses the space between them to sit next to her son. She takes his hands in her own.
 “Answer me this, darling,” she starts. “Are you happy?”
 Draco takes a moment to consider this, chewing on his lip.
 “I love Scoripus, and-“
 “That’s not what I asked,” Narcissa interrupts. “Can you honestly look at me and tell me that you’re happy.”
 “No,” Draco admits. “I’m miserable. I’m stuck. I don’t love Astoria, she was just a good option, as harsh as it is. She deserves better, but I can’t lose my son.”
 “Go to her,” Narcissa instructs. “Tell her how you feel.”
 “Which one?” Draco asks, holding onto Narcissa’s hands for dear life.
 “That’s up to you,” Narcissa advises. “But always remember this: You’re a Malfoy and no matter what, there’s respect given for the name alone. I can spin a bad reputation, but I can’t heal my broken boy.”
You flit around your kitchen- though it’s not really a conventional kitchen- throwing herbs and animal parts into the large cauldron that adorns the middle of the room. Who needed a dining table when you can eat in bed?
 Taking a whiff of the potion, you smile- it’s perfect. You’re just about to extract it when there’s a knock on your door.
 Draco stands behind it, hands in his pockets, cheeks rosy, hair perfect.
 “Draco,” you smile. You hold the door open, inviting him in. “What a pleasure! I would’ve tidied a bit had I known you’d be dropping by.”
 “Pardon the intrusion,” he smiles. “I called in a favor with the Weasleys to get your address. Still messy as ever?”
 You laugh that cathartic laugh of yours, throwing your head back momentarily as you gesture around you. “Would you expect anything less?”
 “Frankly, I don’t know how you function,” Draco laughs. “How do you find anything?”
 “Organized chaos,” you shrug. “I’m sure you didn’t come here to goad me into cleaning, though. Is everything alright?”
 At your question, Draco is pacing again. Honestly, this boy could pace a hole in the floor, but you only lean against the kitchen counter, your arms folded, watching him in all his amusing glory.
 “What I’m about to say is going to sound daft,” he starts, chewing his thumb. “But I think I might still be in love with you.”
 He stops pacing and looks at you finally, but you can only raise an eyebrow at him.
 “Draco, you’re married.”
 “I know. And it feels so wrong,” he admits. He closes the space between you, taking your face in his palms so gently. “But I’ve never felt as alive and free as I do when I’m with you.”
 You pull away quickly, trying to be as gentle as possible as to not offend him.
“I know how you feel, because I feel the same way,” you start. Draco’s eyes light up. “But… I can’t be with you.”
 “Why not?” He asks, visibly shrinking.
 “You’re married!”
 “What if I weren’t?” He counters.
 “That’s not the situation,” you retort. “You are married. Had I known, I likely wouldn’t have written you. I would’ve let you find out on your own. I never meant to come between you and your family.”
 Draco runs his fingers through his hair, clearly frustrated.
 “You are my family,” he growls. “Can’t you see? You and Scorpius and my mum are the only people in this world who truly matter to me. I married Astoria because it was what was expected of me.”
 “I’m afraid that’s not the way the world works,” you sigh. “I love you, Draco. I always have. I’ll probably love you forever. But I’m not a backup plan. You thought I was dead, you moved on. That’s something I’ll have to live with.”
 “Y/N,” Draco starts. He folds his hands in front of him, and he grows more and more flustered by the second. “I’m standing right in front of you, telling you that I choose you.”
 “And have you told your wife that?” You counter, folding your arms again.
 “I wanted to see how you felt first,” he confesses. “I was leaving either way, or so it seems. I just wanted to see what you thought.”
 “Draco,” you sigh. “Worry about your family for now. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.”
 Though the night is calm and peaceful, a storm brews in Draco’s mind at the thought of walking inside of his home. He sits outside on the front steps, encased in darkness, when it occurs to him that the home shouldn’t be dark.
 Curious, he stands and pushes open the front door with no resistance. It should’ve been locked. Flipping on the lights, Draco chokes back a sob. The home is empty of any presence of anyone other than himself. No photos on the walls. No dishes in the pantry. No drawings or lesson reports on the table from Scorpius. Everything lay bare and abandoned and sad. Everything but one envelope sitting on the small kitchen table, now devoid of any flowers or vases.
 Dear Draco,
After hearing of your escapades with Y/N, I’ve taken Scorpius away. I don’t know for how long we’ll be gone, or where we’re going, but I will not be a second option. I’ll allow you to decide: Me, your wife. Your son. Your home. Your career. All of your dreams. Or her.
Should you make a decision, send my owl immediately, as I’m sure she will have no problem finding me.
With all the love in my heart,
Your Wife
Astoria Malfoy
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