unminecraftsyourfic · 2 years
Fic Review: what it's like to create choas by eternalempires
Word Count: 19,707
Important Tags: Superhero AU, Dark SBI, Villain SBI, Civilian Tommy, Vigilante Bee Duo
Warnings: Torture, Abuse, Dehumanization
Fandoms: DSMP
THIS FIC /pos.
Of all the superpower AUs I’ve read (and I’ve read a TON), this has one of the most interesting and unique ways of telling the story I’ve seen.  The flipping between Tommy’s truths and lies in between relevant plot beats fleshes out both Tommy’s character backstory and the character relationships.  The few scant details we get about Tommy’s actual backstory makes his actions feel that much more believable and sympathetic.
Starting from the beginning, the reader’s introduction to the Angel is just perfection.  Most of the time in fics, Phil is completely in his element.  He’s untouchable and in control.  But here, he isn’t.  He’s far from his all powerful supervillain self that most of the world knows.  Rather, he’s at his most vulnerable, injured and unconscious in a stranger’s apartment.  And while Tommy could take advantage of it, he doesn’t.  Because from what we can tell, Tommy’s been in Phil’s shoes, vulnerable and at another’s mercy, and he refuses to stoop to that level.  He helps him, regardless of the fact that he’s a villain.
Then, readers are introduced to Blade’s powers, which are so different from the typical Techno powers and fit him so well.  The ability to manipulate both shadows and fear matches the character perfectly, and I appreciate it so much.  The little bit of banter between Phil and Techno is lovely, and then we get our first hint of Birb Instincts.  Which is just.  Such good food.  Such good food.
I absolutely adore the cafe scene, for both introducing the Bench Trio Dynamic and showing Tommy’s inherent protective nature.  He’s not one to take shit sitting down, and will throw hands with just about anyone if he feels like he can help.  Regardless of hero, villain, vigilante, or civilian, if Tommy can help in any way, he will.  
The descriptions of Tommy’s relationships to the different members of SBI are just *chef’s kiss*.  All of them are so different from one another (just like each person) but are so similar that they compliment each other perfectly.  They’re all pieces of a puzzle that fits together perfectly. 
I gotta say, I was so happy to see Tommy put the pieces together so quickly.  As much as SBI likes to think they’re the smartest ones in the room, they aren’t as careful as they think they are.  And Tommy is an incredibly intuitive person.  He totally would be able to piece together secret identities like that, despite the fact that he acts totally unaware sometimes.  And that protective instinct returns, determined to protect everyone he cares about, at the risk of his own safety and happiness.  (Which often comes back to bite him in the ass, but that’s the one of the tastiest sorts of angst imo).  Bravo to you, author, for showing Tommy’s intellect and insight.
Paternal Phil hits me so hard, especially when he acts so paternal when Tommy or someone is injured/incapacitated in some way.  It just scratches this itch and I don’t know why, but this fic has that in SPADES and I can’t thank you enough for that.  GOD it hits all the right notes for me and I fucking love it so damn much.
The dream sequence has this unnerving quality to it that sends a shiver up my spine every time I read it.  The fact that George is so close to real life that it nearly trips Tommy up a few times is so unsettling in the best kind of way.  The “dreams are almost indistinguishable from reality except for that One Thing” is such an underutilized trope, and I love it when I see it in the wild.  The way each scene plays out is wonderfully described, vivid and dreamlike while still creepy.
And then there’s the torture scenes. OOOOOOOOOOO the torture scenes /pos. Dream is a little bastard and a bitch and I hope it fucking hurt when the Syndicate came calling.  Bastard.
I’m pretty sure the scene in the van on the way back from rescuing Tommy is my favorite scene in the whole fic.  There’s the tension of everyone’s distress at Tommy’s current state paired with Phil’s obvious affection for Tommy that just works so well together that I can’t stop thinking about it, even after I’ve read this fic 20 times.  Just.  AAAAAAAAA I love this scene.
Instincts.  Getting lost in the hybrid sauce.  Nothing more I really have to say about that but thank you for Soft Tommy <3.
(SBI is so soft for the boy it’s ridiculous XD)
The final reveal that it was Bee Duo that brought the whole superpowered society down on the Dream Team’s heads makes so much sense and fits so well with the overall narrative.  And the little bit about Tommy treating everyone like people, regardless of which “side” they fall on, is perfection.  Absolute perfection.
The only thing I have to say about the ending is they’re his, and he’s theirs, and they will never let each other go again.  And I fucking love it.
Overall, this fic does so much right that it’s probably in my top 20 fics I’ve ever read for this fandom.  The execution of the superpower tropes with a fresh, unique spin on enough that it makes the whole fic memorable, the superb characterization and plot, the incredible writing itself: everything in this fic works so well together that I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys SBI/Tommy-centric fics.
Amazing job author!!!!
link to fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36315184
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unminecraftsyourfic · 2 years
Meet The Mods
We're Happy To Have You~
This is an extension of our introduction post for Unminecrafts Your Fic that goes over the mods helping to run this blog as well as a couple details you might find interesting about this blog.
First and foremost, we'll usually be avoiding "first page fics". What this means is that usually we'll be avoiding fics with the most kudos are their tags since those fics already get a lot of attention and we'd like to share some of that attention with smaller and newer fics. We will make exceptions for fics that are requested though! I.e. we'd usually avoid fics like Shells In The Foam or Passerine unless requested.
Secondly, this blog is centered around positivity. While we will be "reviewing" fics as mentioned in our pinned post we won't be rating them. Reviews are just extended recommendations. They'll often include spoilers and our personal thoughts about the fics, but the primary aim is to provide positivity and compliments for these authors.
Third, we don't review unfinished fics. We will recommend them happily and talk about them as in progress pieces, but fics that are in progress will be clearly noted as such considering we can't talk about them as a finished work. Works that become boundary breaking will have their recommendation immediately removed the moment the mods become aware of it. Discontinued fics fall under the same category as unfinished and will be noted with the tag #UYFdiscontinuedorinprogress.
Now, on with the Mods
Mod Tommy Pronouns: Any Neo's Tag Specialization: discduo, bitterduo, awesamfam, rocketduo, souptrio, superhero aus, space aus, and will handle the fics with dark/serious/or potentially triggering topics most of the time, About: Hey! Mod Tommy here. I'll focus on anything with hefty amounts of angst! I'll probably tend to keep any reviews short and sweet, but if you need something to read that makes you go "Woah, that was fucked up" I'm your guy!
Mod Ranboo Pronouns: she/her Tag Specialization: crimebois, angelduo, octopusduo, dadbur, mer aus, fairy tale aus, kristin content, About: Hello hello! It's Mod Ranboo :D I'm really excited to help give writers the positive attention they all deserve! I plan on using my English degree to the fullest extent to point out all the amazing things people create! I'll be focusing on anything angst with a happy ending, and especially things like mer aus and fairy tale retellings! Side note UNFRIDGE THINE MUMZA!
Mod Tubbo Pronouns: Genderfluid, stick to She/They/He Tag Specialization: bedrock bros, alliumduo, benchtrio, winged tommy, familiar tommy, grian content, fae aus, foster aus, About: Your friendly Mod Tubbo here! As is indicative of my name I'm here to help inspire chaos, but also action. A lot of longer form rec and review posts are going to be mine. I adore requests so if you have a specific fic you'd like me to take a look at feel free to send it in as an ask! I love bullying Tommy, love turning him into nonhuman species, and the more unhinged your plot ideas the better.
Mod Purpled Pronouns: They/Them Tag Specialization: Paranormal and ghost aus, mystery fics, werewolf aus About: Hello, mod Purpled here o7 I adore fics centered around a mystery waiting to be solved, especially if it's paranormal or supernatural related. Small town horror or magic with a sense of dread or longing? Sign me up. I want to share what makes fics so enjoyable, and help uncover some absolute bangers that are often overlooked.
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unminecraftsyourfic · 2 years
Cringe Is Dead, But Minecraft Isn't!!!
Hey there and welcome to the worst group project on the face of the planet! Also known as the Unminecrafts Your Fics fic recommendation service. Here at UYF we recommend quality fics with detailed posts about why these fics are good and wrap them up in an ugly cringe little package! We also have an associated Twitter you can reach out to us at (which half of the mods are scared off so it'll probably rarely see any posts) as well as an official Ao3 where you can see our bookmarks and comments.
We provide a number of different services to the good people of the fandom!
#mcytlostandfound, where you can send in a description of a fic you read a long time ago and we the mods try to find it for you. Please try to provide as many details as possible and we'll do everything in our power to find the fic if it wasn't deleted.
#recsandreviews, where various members of the mod team read fics and recommend them. We also review these fics. No we do not rate them on a scale from 1 to 10. Our reviews are more like love letters to the authors. They're intended to be encouraging and mention all the great things about fics that might not get as much attention!
#helpusmakemorewords, where from time to time the mod team might post fic ideas. Especially if we don't have the time to write the fics ourselves.
#ramblingnonsensecuscringeisdead, for anything off topic.
#bigkidscreamingcorner, all the mods for this account are 18+ so as long as you send us something that doesn't violate content creator boundaries we're willing to read fics including shipping or explicit works. Any of those fics will include this tag so that it can be blocked by those who don't want to see that kind of content. That being said, any content falling into this category will likely need to be request since none of us actively seek it out.
We will also be working on a Fic Master Post to remain organized and help all of you find what you want to read a little bit easier!
If you'd like to stick around then please head on over to Meet The Mods, a post which includes a little bit about each of us as well how our blog works. If you'd like send us some submissions or asks with your favorite fics!
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