unminecraftsyourfic · 2 years
Fic Review: what it's like to create choas by eternalempires
Word Count: 19,707
Important Tags: Superhero AU, Dark SBI, Villain SBI, Civilian Tommy, Vigilante Bee Duo
Warnings: Torture, Abuse, Dehumanization
Fandoms: DSMP
THIS FIC /pos.
Of all the superpower AUs I’ve read (and I’ve read a TON), this has one of the most interesting and unique ways of telling the story I’ve seen.  The flipping between Tommy’s truths and lies in between relevant plot beats fleshes out both Tommy’s character backstory and the character relationships.  The few scant details we get about Tommy’s actual backstory makes his actions feel that much more believable and sympathetic.
Starting from the beginning, the reader’s introduction to the Angel is just perfection.  Most of the time in fics, Phil is completely in his element.  He’s untouchable and in control.  But here, he isn’t.  He’s far from his all powerful supervillain self that most of the world knows.  Rather, he’s at his most vulnerable, injured and unconscious in a stranger’s apartment.  And while Tommy could take advantage of it, he doesn’t.  Because from what we can tell, Tommy’s been in Phil’s shoes, vulnerable and at another’s mercy, and he refuses to stoop to that level.  He helps him, regardless of the fact that he’s a villain.
Then, readers are introduced to Blade’s powers, which are so different from the typical Techno powers and fit him so well.  The ability to manipulate both shadows and fear matches the character perfectly, and I appreciate it so much.  The little bit of banter between Phil and Techno is lovely, and then we get our first hint of Birb Instincts.  Which is just.  Such good food.  Such good food.
I absolutely adore the cafe scene, for both introducing the Bench Trio Dynamic and showing Tommy’s inherent protective nature.  He’s not one to take shit sitting down, and will throw hands with just about anyone if he feels like he can help.  Regardless of hero, villain, vigilante, or civilian, if Tommy can help in any way, he will.  
The descriptions of Tommy’s relationships to the different members of SBI are just *chef’s kiss*.  All of them are so different from one another (just like each person) but are so similar that they compliment each other perfectly.  They’re all pieces of a puzzle that fits together perfectly. 
I gotta say, I was so happy to see Tommy put the pieces together so quickly.  As much as SBI likes to think they’re the smartest ones in the room, they aren’t as careful as they think they are.  And Tommy is an incredibly intuitive person.  He totally would be able to piece together secret identities like that, despite the fact that he acts totally unaware sometimes.  And that protective instinct returns, determined to protect everyone he cares about, at the risk of his own safety and happiness.  (Which often comes back to bite him in the ass, but that’s the one of the tastiest sorts of angst imo).  Bravo to you, author, for showing Tommy’s intellect and insight.
Paternal Phil hits me so hard, especially when he acts so paternal when Tommy or someone is injured/incapacitated in some way.  It just scratches this itch and I don’t know why, but this fic has that in SPADES and I can’t thank you enough for that.  GOD it hits all the right notes for me and I fucking love it so damn much.
The dream sequence has this unnerving quality to it that sends a shiver up my spine every time I read it.  The fact that George is so close to real life that it nearly trips Tommy up a few times is so unsettling in the best kind of way.  The “dreams are almost indistinguishable from reality except for that One Thing” is such an underutilized trope, and I love it when I see it in the wild.  The way each scene plays out is wonderfully described, vivid and dreamlike while still creepy.
And then there’s the torture scenes. OOOOOOOOOOO the torture scenes /pos. Dream is a little bastard and a bitch and I hope it fucking hurt when the Syndicate came calling.  Bastard.
I’m pretty sure the scene in the van on the way back from rescuing Tommy is my favorite scene in the whole fic.  There’s the tension of everyone’s distress at Tommy’s current state paired with Phil’s obvious affection for Tommy that just works so well together that I can’t stop thinking about it, even after I’ve read this fic 20 times.  Just.  AAAAAAAAA I love this scene.
Instincts.  Getting lost in the hybrid sauce.  Nothing more I really have to say about that but thank you for Soft Tommy <3.
(SBI is so soft for the boy it’s ridiculous XD)
The final reveal that it was Bee Duo that brought the whole superpowered society down on the Dream Team’s heads makes so much sense and fits so well with the overall narrative.  And the little bit about Tommy treating everyone like people, regardless of which “side” they fall on, is perfection.  Absolute perfection.
The only thing I have to say about the ending is they’re his, and he’s theirs, and they will never let each other go again.  And I fucking love it.
Overall, this fic does so much right that it’s probably in my top 20 fics I’ve ever read for this fandom.  The execution of the superpower tropes with a fresh, unique spin on enough that it makes the whole fic memorable, the superb characterization and plot, the incredible writing itself: everything in this fic works so well together that I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys SBI/Tommy-centric fics.
Amazing job author!!!!
link to fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36315184
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unminecraftsyourfic · 2 years
The Chocolate Scale, A Citrus Scale For Dark Characterization
If you've been in fandom spaces for any significant amount of time, then you probably have heard about the citrus scale in passing. Or more accurately, you probably know about the infamous lemons. When we talk about "old fandom" one of the first things people tend to think about are lemons. However, lemons were actually one piece of a four part scale used to indicate how nsfw a fic got. Most people only know about lemons (and a select few might be familiar with limes), but as mentioned it was part of a four point scale. This scale consisted of orange, lime, lemon, and finally grapefruit.
Tagging was nowhere near as effective in the days of ye old fandom, so the citrus scale as a quick and easy way of communicating to readers the nature of your fic. It also served a dual purpose of protecting the author in a time when adult content was being pushed out of fandom spaces (and arguably it still is). The citrus scale was really useful though, because it set the expectations of the readers ahead of time.
Recently we've seen the emergence of dark characterization. In the MCYT spaces for example we've seen the emergence of Dark SBI. Fics like these are fun to play with as they allow authors to explore heavier themes and unique settings. But much like with early day nsfw, you never quite know what you're getting into when you click on a fic with dark characterization. There's a scale of just how "dark" things get, and it isn't always easily communicated when you first glance at the tags. So we here at UYF created sometime to help us when we discus fics and we'd like to share it with all of you, The Chocolate Scale!
White Chocolate
White chocolate is the lightest end of the spectrum to a degree it almost doesn't count as dark characterization. Maybe it's just one or two unhealthy character traits that make you quirk an eyebrow, but otherwise you wouldn't ask too many questions. Fics that have "dark (insert character) except not really" usually fall somewhere between this and milk chocolate. White chocolate fics make for a really good starting point though, as they begin to establish some of the consistent running themes found in dark characterization without throwing you in the deep end.
Milk Chocolate
Arguably the most common form of dark characterization, milk chocolate in some senses could be considered the standard. The character might act in way that are questionable but ultimately they're still able to forge healthy relationships with other characters by the end of the fic. You can find a lot of good examples under the vampire or fae tags since often the moral of these characters don't line up with typical human morals. One of the most common traits you'll see in a milk chocolate fic is possessiveness. Occasionally you'll see some works start to veer towards the heavier end of things, such as fics where one character is turned into a vampire without consent a la forced adoption, but overall the content doesn't raise too many ethical questions long term.
Dark Chocolate
This is where you start getting the actual dark characterization. Dark chocolate is characterized by the fact that more often than not this relationship isn't going to be healthy. Possessiveness and control issues go hand in hand with dark chocolate. Most of these fics will have an underlying sense of psychological manipulation and endings might be bittersweet depending on whether the nondark character is able to escape the dark characters or not. That being said, there's still room for a happy ending even if the characters still end up together. Sometimes the dark characters learn how to tone it down and slip into the milk chocolate range. Sometimes (even if it's not quite healthy), the nondark character learns to love the dark character regardless. These fics aren't meant to be healthy though, they're meant to be fantasy.
Bakers Chocolate
You ever try bakers chocolate before? It is easily one of the most disgusting things I've ever tried in my life. It's made worse by the fact it's supposed to be chocolate. It is bitter and uncomfortable where it's supposed to be sweet and that's what make it all the worse. It feels like a betrayal. Bakers chocolate characterizations follow a similar theme. While dark chocolate might try to make itself subtle, bakers chocolate is upfront with the fact that the relationships found between characters are probably abuse. It's written with the intention of being an assault to the senses, and more often than not the bakers chocolate characters are cast as villains. The nondark character either gets away from them or there is no happy ending.
Characterization vs. Plot
Keep in mind that the chocolate scale is for dark characterization, not over all plot points. A perfect example of this is Oh, These Blood Stained Hands of Mine by deathcapshrew. The first chapter is a nightmare. Your first assumption is that Dream is going to be a milk chocolate character if not an outright dark chocolate character. But he's not. The tags might express darker themes, but in terms of characterization, we can see how much the situation is one that he's not especially happy with. Sometimes it can be hard to tell where one stops and the other begins, but when using the chocolate scale it's important to understand the difference between the fic as a whole and it's tags vs the characterization of specific individuals.
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unminecraftsyourfic · 2 years
Ao3's Filters Are Amazing, Here's How To Use Them Better
In my opinion, ao3 is by far the best website for fanfiction to date. As someone who's been actively participating in fandom spaces since they were 12 (longer if you count the years when I would only watch and read), I've been through my fair share of websites trying to find the best. Without a doubt, ao3's filter system is what makes it the cream of the crop. In ye old fandom days, there was no telling what you'd run into which gave rise to specific terminology that'd go in fic titles. Think lemons. Even then there was always the chance you'd get hit with a surprise. If you think untagged character death is bad, then I need you to understand, there is nothing that will prepare you for the sudden whiplash that comes from reading something soft and fluffy that hard veers into the most violent and raunchy piece of work you've ever set your eyes on.
Fanfiction.net, Wattpad, if you were a special breed you might have used Quotev of DeviantArt. There's a reason a lot of older fans lord ao3 as the king saviors, and that's the tagging system. The problem is, especially for a lot of younger fans, learning how to use that tagging system. So for newbies and old hats alike, consider this a comprehensive guide to hunting for fics on ao3 without accidentally slamming face first into a tag you want nothing to do with!
The Basics Of Tags
While just about everyone has seen the search by works function of ao3, there's actually other search functions ao3 provides if you scroll up to the search tab.
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Ao3's most popular search function is obviously works, but bookmarks and people also exist. The most useful to explanation and what we'll be talking about today is the tags.
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Going to the tag search function tells us a lot about how tags work on ao3 and how we as users can best utilize them to find what we want. On ao3, there are four major "types" of tags. These are fandom, character, relationship, and freeform. The first three are rather straight forward, and most people know how to use them, however freeform is usually where people struggle. Freeform tags can include anything from specific aus like soulmates to more specific tags like "Winged Character" or "Dragon Hybrid Character".
Tags themselves fall into two major classifications, canonical and non-canonical. Canonical tags are tags popular enough to be actively recognized by the website. The tag "Dragon TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF)" is a canonical tag because the website recognizes it as an official tag and will pull it up in autocomplete. Non-canonical tags are usually in their current state for one of two reasons. The first is that there just aren't enough fics in the tag for wranglers to canonize it or they haven't had the time to get to the tag yet. The second reason is that the tag may be categorized under a different canonical tag that has the same meaning. For example Tommyinnit is a dragon wouldn't be a canonical tag because it has the same meaning as our already existing canonical tag.
This is also where we start to experience meta tags, parent tags, and subtags.
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If you go to the page for the canonical tag "Alternate Universe - Apocalypse" the first thing you'll notice is a lot of tags with the same meaning. Any apocalypse au is going to get filtered under this tag. However, the Apocalypse AU itself belongs to what's known as a meta tag. Meta tags help with organization since a meta tag will usually have a collection of sub tags. Apocalypse doesn't just have the Apocalypse AU as a subtag but it includes other apocalypses like zombie apocalypse or nuclear apocalypses and depending on what you use in your search criteria, fics like these may show up.
The final important aspect of tagging you want to know about are parent tags. In the case of Apocalypse the parent tag would be No Fandom. If you go to specific fandom tags you'll see the parent tags are whatever form of media it originates from like books or video games. Character relationships will often have the tags of both characters separately as a parent tag. This is again to further help with the nesting of ao3 tags so that when you're searching for a fic the results are comprehensive. If you got to the tag faq for ao3 then it provides an example of how tag nesting typically works
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All About Search and Filter
Your average ao3 user is going to feel pretty comfortable using the basic search functions.
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To start off with you can decide how you want to sort the results. Your average user is going to sort by either updates, kudos, or occasionally bookmarks since they've either exhausted a tag and are looking for new content or are trying to track down the best of the best. However users also have other options such as author, title, date posted, word count, hits, and comments. If you're looking for something specific these options can still be helpful.
Moving on you have the include and exclude. They have the exact same options nested under them and they're pretty much what they say on the tin. Anything you select under include and ao3 will specific find you those fics and only those fics. Anything you select under exclude and ao3 won't show you any of those fics. So as long as they're properly tagged you find exactly what you want without getting near anything you do. Ratings, Warnings, Categories, Fandoms, Characters, and Relationships are once again pretty self explanatory and are what they say on the tin. Ao3 organizes the options under these categories by most popular, so for ratings you'll see them in order of how many fics fall under that category and for things like relationships you'll see a top ten list of the most popular relationship tags.
Additional Tags are your freeform tags. Again, ao3 will present you with an option of what the top ten are. Now, this might not be all of the fics you want to include or exclude. For example, certain aus aren't going to be in the top ten, so they won't show up. This is where the other bar comes into play. If you begin typing into the other section than ao3 will provide you with canonical tags it thinks are related to what you're typing in. If you start typing in soulmates then it'll suggest the canonical tag for soulmates.
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Now we reach what I personally consider to be the advanced options. While they for the most part are what they say on the tin, these are the tags that you're going to end up most familiar with when it comes to narrowing your search outside of freeform tags. If you're lookin for a lost fic? Search within results is going to be your best friend.
Sometimes you lose fics because they aren't tagged correctly or you don't remember all of the details about them. Search within results is your one stop shop, consider it the web browser of ao3.
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Search with results will pull up any matching results within your filter that match the key word, be it something in the tags, notes, or summary of the fic. The only thing it doesn't search is the full fic itself. You can refine your search even farther by using the special characters.
Ao3's tagging system is extensive. But it relies on users and wranglers to help maintaining it, which is where we get to user responsibility.
Author Responsibility
Now, we can debate ethics for hours, but at the end of the day an author only has two responsibilities. Those are: tag extensively, and don't post anything against ToS. That's it. Ao3 is special because authors are allowed to write whatever they want as long as it remains within the boundaries of ToS. Of course, certain fandoms may have unofficial rules, but the other responsibilities the author has is to making sure they aren't breaking Ao3's official rules and that whatever content they might be producing is tagged as thoroughly as possible.
For all the authors out there who might struggle with tagging, keep this guide in mind. You can search for canonical tags and if nothing is fitting with what you want to create, you can always make a new tag. Wranglers are our friends, our best friends. You just make your tags as comprehensive as possible and they'll connect all the little strings to make sure non-canonical tags are falling under the proper canonical ones.
If you want to make it easier on yourself and them, go ahead and check out the Wrangling Guidelines. It goes into a lot more detail on the formatting of tags and how all the pieces fit together. Whether you're looking to be wrangler or not, knowing these guidelines can be helpful in tagging you fics. Remember that a better tagged will tend to get more kudos, hits, and bookmarks than a poorly tagged fic. Ao3 doesn't have an algorithm, the attention a fic gets is entirely dependent on whether it's showing up or not when people search out certain tags.
Reader Responsibility
Just like authors are responsible for tagging their works, readers are responsible for using those tags. Do not consume anything you don't want to consume. Use the filters that have been provided to you. If you think a certain tag is problematic then it is your responsible to filter it out and ignore it. Don't interact with it, just pretend it's not there.
In the old days of fandom, we had a saying. Don't like, don't read. In some ways that phrase has kind of become a meme for bad or questionable fics, but when you think about it there's a lot of validity in the thought process. If you don't like a piece of content just don't engage with it. There are better uses of your time. If you consume something that you didn't like, but it's properly tagged, then that is on you and not the author. If you especially hate specific tags then a lot of browsers have plugins you can download to make sure they don't show up anymore.
That's the major responsibility of the reader, but we also have a responsibility to just generally be polite. Readers are not entitled to free content. Authors don't owe you anything and they never will even if you comment on every chapter. Remember that there are human beings on the other side of the screen. They can see your comments. They can see your bookmarks. Especially be mindful with your bookmarks, because unlike a comment, an author can't delete those.
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unminecraftsyourfic · 2 years
Meet The Mods
We're Happy To Have You~
This is an extension of our introduction post for Unminecrafts Your Fic that goes over the mods helping to run this blog as well as a couple details you might find interesting about this blog.
First and foremost, we'll usually be avoiding "first page fics". What this means is that usually we'll be avoiding fics with the most kudos are their tags since those fics already get a lot of attention and we'd like to share some of that attention with smaller and newer fics. We will make exceptions for fics that are requested though! I.e. we'd usually avoid fics like Shells In The Foam or Passerine unless requested.
Secondly, this blog is centered around positivity. While we will be "reviewing" fics as mentioned in our pinned post we won't be rating them. Reviews are just extended recommendations. They'll often include spoilers and our personal thoughts about the fics, but the primary aim is to provide positivity and compliments for these authors.
Third, we don't review unfinished fics. We will recommend them happily and talk about them as in progress pieces, but fics that are in progress will be clearly noted as such considering we can't talk about them as a finished work. Works that become boundary breaking will have their recommendation immediately removed the moment the mods become aware of it. Discontinued fics fall under the same category as unfinished and will be noted with the tag #UYFdiscontinuedorinprogress.
Now, on with the Mods
Mod Tommy Pronouns: Any Neo's Tag Specialization: discduo, bitterduo, awesamfam, rocketduo, souptrio, superhero aus, space aus, and will handle the fics with dark/serious/or potentially triggering topics most of the time, About: Hey! Mod Tommy here. I'll focus on anything with hefty amounts of angst! I'll probably tend to keep any reviews short and sweet, but if you need something to read that makes you go "Woah, that was fucked up" I'm your guy!
Mod Ranboo Pronouns: she/her Tag Specialization: crimebois, angelduo, octopusduo, dadbur, mer aus, fairy tale aus, kristin content, About: Hello hello! It's Mod Ranboo :D I'm really excited to help give writers the positive attention they all deserve! I plan on using my English degree to the fullest extent to point out all the amazing things people create! I'll be focusing on anything angst with a happy ending, and especially things like mer aus and fairy tale retellings! Side note UNFRIDGE THINE MUMZA!
Mod Tubbo Pronouns: Genderfluid, stick to She/They/He Tag Specialization: bedrock bros, alliumduo, benchtrio, winged tommy, familiar tommy, grian content, fae aus, foster aus, About: Your friendly Mod Tubbo here! As is indicative of my name I'm here to help inspire chaos, but also action. A lot of longer form rec and review posts are going to be mine. I adore requests so if you have a specific fic you'd like me to take a look at feel free to send it in as an ask! I love bullying Tommy, love turning him into nonhuman species, and the more unhinged your plot ideas the better.
Mod Purpled Pronouns: They/Them Tag Specialization: Paranormal and ghost aus, mystery fics, werewolf aus About: Hello, mod Purpled here o7 I adore fics centered around a mystery waiting to be solved, especially if it's paranormal or supernatural related. Small town horror or magic with a sense of dread or longing? Sign me up. I want to share what makes fics so enjoyable, and help uncover some absolute bangers that are often overlooked.
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unminecraftsyourfic · 2 years
Cringe Is Dead, But Minecraft Isn't!!!
Hey there and welcome to the worst group project on the face of the planet! Also known as the Unminecrafts Your Fics fic recommendation service. Here at UYF we recommend quality fics with detailed posts about why these fics are good and wrap them up in an ugly cringe little package! We also have an associated Twitter you can reach out to us at (which half of the mods are scared off so it'll probably rarely see any posts) as well as an official Ao3 where you can see our bookmarks and comments.
We provide a number of different services to the good people of the fandom!
#mcytlostandfound, where you can send in a description of a fic you read a long time ago and we the mods try to find it for you. Please try to provide as many details as possible and we'll do everything in our power to find the fic if it wasn't deleted.
#recsandreviews, where various members of the mod team read fics and recommend them. We also review these fics. No we do not rate them on a scale from 1 to 10. Our reviews are more like love letters to the authors. They're intended to be encouraging and mention all the great things about fics that might not get as much attention!
#helpusmakemorewords, where from time to time the mod team might post fic ideas. Especially if we don't have the time to write the fics ourselves.
#ramblingnonsensecuscringeisdead, for anything off topic.
#bigkidscreamingcorner, all the mods for this account are 18+ so as long as you send us something that doesn't violate content creator boundaries we're willing to read fics including shipping or explicit works. Any of those fics will include this tag so that it can be blocked by those who don't want to see that kind of content. That being said, any content falling into this category will likely need to be request since none of us actively seek it out.
We will also be working on a Fic Master Post to remain organized and help all of you find what you want to read a little bit easier!
If you'd like to stick around then please head on over to Meet The Mods, a post which includes a little bit about each of us as well how our blog works. If you'd like send us some submissions or asks with your favorite fics!
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