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The Daily Snitch - Weekend Edition, October 8, 2017
Happy Belated Birthday, Professor McGonagall (born 4 October 1935) Joanne K. Rowling – Life and Books: • Prisoner of Azkaban Illustrated Edition Release Day Previews. (video) • A closer look at the new illustrations by Jim Kay. (MuggleNet) Harry Potter – Actors and Movies: • Rupert Grint (Ronald Weasley) hates running but loves his role in 'Snatch'. • Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) talks about getting out of Ron Weasley mindset. • Ian Hart (Quirinus Quirrell) celebrates 53rd birthday. • David Yates (HP director) celebrates his 54th birthday today. • HP and Cursed Child actresses and actors nominated for the 2017 BroadwayWorld UK Awards. • The Music of Harry Potter takes over an upstate New York theater. (MuggleNet) • Actor Weekly Roundup: Emma Thompson, Jim Broadbent, Ezra Miller & others. Fantastic Beasts – Actors and Movies: • Fantastic Beasts 2: Ministry of Magic will appear, Newt Scamander's address and birthday revealed. • New Fantastic Beasts characters announced: Nicolas Flamel and others. More news on new FB characters. • Carmen Ejogo (Seraphina Picquery) confirms to return to Fantastic Beasts 2 as MACUSA president. Prompt Challenges: • hogwarts365 posted Prompt #213 (due on or before October 14): “Home's where you go when you run out of homes.” ― John le Carré, The Honourable Schoolboy, Wasted Hours and Overeducated. • @introvert-club posted Wolfstar Prompt #22. • themasque posted info about their A Discovery of Witches Erotica Contest. (all fandoms and original fic) Communities: • Sign-ups end today at hp_halloween! Sign-up for a 200 words Halloween double drabble now! • dramione_remix posted: Time to Vote on the Round 8 Awards. • one_bad_man posted their weekly Sign-ups for the upcoming week. (The Monday spot is still free.) • themasque posted News from the Masque, WKITT and the Garden Archives, and a call for help to cover hosting costs. • rs_small_gifts are moving to Dreamwidth as small_gifts. • Sign-ups for the 12th Annual Remus/Sirius Small Gifts Exchange are open at small_gifts. Masterlists and Weekly Round-ups: • hogwarts365 posted the Prompt #212 Masterlist. Fandom Recs: • madeleone recced a Hermione Granger/Severus Snape fic (NC-17). • madeleone recced Hermione Grange/Severus Snape fic (NC-17). • capitu recced a Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter fic (NC-17). • capitu recced another Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter fic (NC-17). • rosevalleynb recced a Katie Bell/Marcus Flint fic (R). • kellychambliss recced Severus Snape art (G). • rzzmg recced a Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy fic (NC-17). • themightyflynn recced a Lucius and young Draco Malfoy gen fic (G). • toblass recced a Severus Snape art (G) • reynardo recced Hermione Granger/Severus Snape craft . • lijahlover recced a Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter fic (PG-13). • nearlyconscious recced a Daphne Greengrass/Ginny Weasley fic (NC-17). • nearlyconscious recced a Katie Bell/Marcus Flint fic (NC-17). • nearlyconscious recced a Lavender Brown/Padma Patil fic (NC-17). • nearlyconscious recced a Ginny Weasley/Pansy Parkinson fic (NC-17). • nearlyconscious recced a Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter fic (NC-17). • nearlyconscious recced a Draco/your choice fic (PG). • smirkingcat recced Severus Snape art (G). • gracerene recced five fics: 2 x Drarry, 2 x Draco/Severus, 1 x Harry/Remus (R to NC-17). Resources: • Schedule of Upcoming Events from October 8 to 14 at potterfests. • hd_prophet: October 7, 2017 edition. Archive News: • The Organization for Transformative Works (OTW) is recruiting Graphic Designers and Translators. • OTW Guest Post: Betsy Craig, the founder of the FannibalFest Toronto. (not HP obviously ;)) • OTW Q&A: Five Things SoyAlex Said. SoyAlex is a volunteer at Fanlore. • OTW Newsletter: September 2017, volume 117 Discussions: • hpboy13 wrote The Dying of the Red Moon, discussing Luna Lovegood, Ron Weasley and Luna/Ron as a ship (that never sailed). (MuggleNet) General Fandom News: • The memoir of the supposed 'My Immortal' author was canceled amid accusations of falsehoods. (HP fandom, Drarry ;)) Have a Laugh: • bella collected Six Reasons Why the Halloween Feast is the Best Feast. (MuggleNet) Nifty: • Survive this ridikulusly hard Halloween Potter Quiz. (MuggleNet) Searches: • A search for a specific Hermione Granger/Remus Weasley was posted at remus_hermione. • @daily-snitch is looking for your recs (fic, art, podfic, meta ...) for the Special Edition: Newt Scamander. Please send your fandom news to the Daily Snitch.
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