#red velvet fluff
The morning Shift - Hybrid AU
Hello there! Before the next part of the Aespa Au and the TripleS fic(still deciding which members), I wanted to drop this work of mine. I don't if the Hybrid AU is something my public is interested in, but I still wanted to give It a try. So let me know if you liked this and if you want more❤️
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Can someone be employee of the month and the same time the biggest problem of the workplace? I know it sounds absurd, but it's the truth. One first hypothesis would be a case of nepotism: someone working there just because a parent or a friend is a top name of that agency; but no, it was not definitely your case. You really love this job and anything related to it. You always give all yourself, making the biggest effort to always execute your duty in the best and most correct way. But let's take one step at a time: what even is your job?
The answer is technically very easy: you work in a shelter, just not a normal one; the one where you are employeed takes care of hybrids, half-animal, half-human. Said in this way someone could believe we are talking about centaurs or mermaids, but they are not that mythical. Let's take in example the race you working with, the cat-hybrid race: they are basically normal people with few animals features like tails or cat ears. The rest of their "being hybrid" is really showed in their behaviour and antics, rather than in their body. I'm sure a description of a typical work shift of yours will be enough to make anyone understand.
Your routine starts kinda early in the morning: at 7 a.m. you arrive at the shelter, still kinda sleepy and groggy. Luckily you are immediately welcomed by one of the guests of the building. Two long arms takes you in a soft embrace, keeping you close from snuggling against your chest. "Good morning, Sakura, already out of your room today?", you asked, giggling, while kindly stroking her hair, making her cat hair move in response out of excitement. "Mmh, good morning. Yes, I felt like I had sleep enough tonight", she mumbled against your body, eyes closed in relax. You knew very well that she was lying: Sakura was very affectionate towards you and she had nightmares when you were not there for the night shift. You kinda solved the problem spraying her cushion with your perfume, but still her sleep was not the best; so her way to compensate that was literally waiting for you behind the entrance door. She had a very calm personality overall, so the staff of the place just let her be. "I see. Should we go wake up your roommate?", you proposed patting her head. Kkura just nooded and let you, starting to follow you really close from behind.
Despite this initial moment, Sakura was very mature and she rarely let herself go to these affectionate moments, especially in front of other guests. She often help you with your duties and kinda keeps everyone in check, so it's not easy to see her softer side, maybe the only one, except you, who know the japanese so well was her roommate and best friend. "Goooood morning, babyyyyyy", a loud and high voice shouted, someone jumping with so much strenght at you to send you on the floor. "Chae, be careful, you're hurting our caretaker", Sakura scolded her younger friend, crossing her arms. "Don't worry, she didn't hurt me, she just needs her morning cuddles", you reassured, hiding the pain with a big smile and focusing on scratching the forehead of Chae, making her cutely growls in satisfaction, her tail moving quickly. Chaewon story was particular: in fact despite she arrived in your shelter by mistake, because she was not a cat hybrid like all the others, but a cheetah hybrid. It was kinda a common mistake when they are young, but she was in fact different. At the start she was very aggressive and she didn't trust anyone, so she was about to be sent away...then you tried to get closer. You have always been kind and sweet, even when she was showing her worst behaviour, even hurting you, but you already knew that she was not bad, just very scared. And you were right: in no time she got very affectionate to you and also kinda protective. Not a single scratch would have appeared on your body under sight...well, except the ones caused by her cuddles.
After being held down by the blondie until her her cuddles hunger was satisfied, you slowly got up, helped by Sakura."Well, you already know at this point, I have to go to check the others", you explained, trying to go out of the door; however a pouting Chae was helding your hand to not let you go, her cheetah ears down. Even the mature Sakura was not completely enthusiast of the idea of you not being with them. "Oh, come on, don't make those faces, you're gonna break my heart. We're gonna see again in like 15 minutes. Breakfast, do you remember?", you reassured them, instantly bringing their smiles back and their ears up. You don't get how this scene repeats itself at every morning shift, but you could tell the separation anxiety was real for them, probably later they would asked for more of your attentions. However this sounded like a problem for your future self. You directed towards the next room, you knocked, asking for the permission to go inside. A soft "come in" was received as answer.
Opening the door, such a mesmerizing sight was waiting for you: this long figure was sat under the window, reading a book in silence. Her pale skin shining under the light of the sun, her long black hair almost covering her cat ears and falling on her shoulder, her black tail hidden between her legs. "Here you are, you are some minutes late today", she made you notice smiling elegantly, before closing her book and and shift her gaze towards your face. She gently patted the spot next to her, signaling that she wanted you close to her. Mina is not the biggest yapper between the guest, but you know her well enough to always understand perfectly her body language and her intentions. "You don't miss a thing, uh? I feel like I'm the one under your control", you joke, sitting next to her, your arm brushing against your skin. "I'm just very careful with things I like", she smirked before placing her head on your shoulder and humming softly. Yeah, Mina thought about you as her stuff, it was not rare for cat hybrids to be possessive, but it was quite surprising from the most introverted between the guest. You two just stayed her, enjoying each other company and the fresh wind entering from the window.
"Where's the baby?", you asked suddendly after few minutes. The cozy atmposhere created thanks to Mina almost made you forget that it was also the room of someone else with a very different vibe. "Oh, probably right now she's playing with Ka-", Mina' sentence was interrupted when someone thrown herself over you two, squeezing both of you in a pressing hug. "Oof-, I wish I could have your energies in the morning, Kyujin", you sighed, gently patting the back of the youngest guest, that was being lively and energetic as her usual. "But you have the whole me instead, isn't it even better?", the young girl replied, affectionately rubbing her head against your neck, enjoying the warmth feeling. Mina gave you an apologetic look, but you just shrugged and shaked your head to reassure her that everything was fine. It was your idea to put the calmest and the most chaotic catgirls together in the same room, and so far Mina had made a great job in taking care of Kyujin; and on the contrary, the youngest was the right person to energize the soft girl, given that often she would just lay and don't socialize at all. "You're lucky you're a cutie or I would have scolded you", you said, sitting up and caressing the ears of a purring Kyujin. "I don't believe you a tiny bit: you're too kind to scold me", she chuckled, making you roll your eyes back playfully. But she wasn't wrong tho, you rarely get mad at them and maybe that was the reason you go along with all of them.
"Come on, baby, let the caretaker go: we have to get ready for breakfast too", Mina said softly, caressing the hair of the younger girl. "Oow, fine. See you later then", she nodded, listening well to Mina words. You gave both of them few more pats before heading out. The positive side of the morning shift is that there are only few guests to take care of, just six to be precise; many others are going to wake up just for lunch and even after. At this point there are just two girls missing to check up and to call for eating all together; however even before reaching their room, you met one of them in the hallway: she was at the exact center of the passage, standing and staring at you, her tail moving left and right uncontrollably. "Karina, what are you doing here?", you asked, walking towards her, stopping just at few steps away from her. "I smelled your scent, so I just ran in your direction", she explained proudly, a silly smile printed on her face, her pupils basically taking the shape of a heart while looking at you; Karina was with no doubts the worst at hiding her feelings. "Good job, I was coming to you anyway, so you made my life more simple in this way, good girl", you praised her, scratching her chin, making her melt in your touch. If before her tail was already moving without control, now it was going totally crazy. She was so lost in the moment that she didn't even realize when she let out a loud meow, that echoed in the hallway. "I love when you call me a good girl", she admitted, beaming in your vision. "Then keep being one and wait for me and the others in the kitchen, alright?", you winked at her, making her heartbeat rise. She quickly nodded and then ran as fast as she can towards the kitchen, leaving you amused.
After seeing Karina disappear at the end of the corridor, you kept going your way, till reaching the final room: the door was open but you still need to get prepared for it. "I'm coming in, Irene", you warned from outside, but you got no response. You stretched your neck, took a big breath and finally went in. The moment you put your foot inside the room, you could feel her gaze penetrating your soul, a cold smile used like a mask. She silently got up and started walking in a circle around you. "Why am I always the last that you greet at morning?", she inquired, her eyes judging you. "Always is a big word, it's just something that happens sometimes", you chuckled nervously, trying to not fold under her gaze. "Mmh, is that so? Are you not avoiding me?", she shoot her next question, this time stopping and taking your hand in yours. You were not lying honestly, it simply was that her room was the most distant from the entrance of the building. "Yes, Irene, I assure you. You know that I care about you", you tried to convince her about your sincerity. Irene cold smile seemed to turn into a softer one...and yet, she still decided to take a bite of your hand. It was nothing too strong or dangerous, just painful enough to remind you she was not fooling around. "Ouch, why? I'm being honest", you yelped in pain, confused by her act. "I know, but I'm still pissed at you for being the last", a hint of cuteness in her voice, before licking the spot where she bit you.
You waited until Irene finished to medicate the wound that she made herself. Irene was the oldest of the bunch, she was also older than you, so for her it was natural to see you as someone to take care of, even if her jealousy attacks were the biggest threats for you at work. Being on Irene bad side meant to have an hard time everyday, luckily it was not your case: she seemed interested into you since your first day of work. Your kind ways to interact with everyone quickly made Irene have a soft spot for you. "All done, you're like new. Now let's go eat or I'll take another chomp from you", she teased you playfully, licking her own lips. "Alright, let's go, I bet they are waiting for us in th-", you tried to lead the way, but you felt Irene body remaining still; you looked at her, once more confused. "Today I don't feel like walking", she said with a sly smile. You knew exactly what she had in mind, being the oldest didn't mean acting like it in Irene vocabulary. You gave her your back and squatted: immediately Irene got up on your back, putting her arms around your neck to keep her balance and using your body as a pillow for her head. With Irene on your back, you finally went for kitchen, ready to give a start to the day of the shelter.
Now, as everyone can see, you are perfect for this job: you're kind and understanding, you know how to behave with every girl, and the guests love you and listen to you well. Of course you are the employee of the month...since months. Then what is the deal? Why are you the biggest problem of your workplace? Well, the girls love you too much! They are so affectionate towards you that they don't want to get adopted and leave the place. But honestly in a world where the hybrids are not accepted by everyone being so different from "normal people", the boss is just satisfied of how happy the guests are in the shelter. And maybe a promotion will arrive soon...
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alcoholfreenayeon · 2 months
can I request irene gf headcanons pretty please? 🥹
Irene Girlfriend HCs
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Irene is always concerned about you, even though she doesn’t always show it, whether you’ve eaten or had enough rest or are working too hard, she’s always worried about you.
She likes to pamper you occasionally but if she thinks she’s being too obvious with it or if you or anyone else points it out, she’ll go red faced and push you away, too embarrassed to face anyone.
She likes to cook for you.
She absolutely loves any gifts you give her, smiling ear to ear whenever you present it to her.
She can be quite sensitive sometimes and never likes to seriously fight or even argue.
She leaves little notes for you containing her appreciation for you. It can range from her basically writing a love letter to her just saying thank you for something you did for her the previous day.
She’s quite shy about PDA and doesn’t like to go beyond holding hands in front of others.
Whenever you both are going out for anything, she always steps out of the room, slightly hesitantly waiting for you to comment on her outfit so she can see if you like it or not. She now has a pretty good idea of what clothes you like her in and tries to dress accordingly.
She never says it but she likes it when you do her hair for her.
The other members tried to tease her about you once but the death glare she gave despite being red faced was enough to put them off…for now.
She’s quite shy about initiating sex but sometimes when you both are cuddling she’ll just shift or turn towards you in a particular way and you can tell from that, that Irene is feeling in the mood.
She prefers to have short but intense sessions and looks forward to cuddling and aftercare a lot.
She likes to bite your fingers.
She likes to whisper in your ear, sometimes it’s praise and sometimes it’s just the things she wants to do to you or things she wants you to do to her.
She likes roleplaying and tries out different scenarios often.
You were always surprised by how good Irene does in the roleplay especially when you both are trying out something new. Until you came home early one day and walked in on her fully dressed up and practicing the lines she was going to use.
You nearly went deaf with the squeal she let out when she spotted you, frozen in panic, unable to decide whether to hide her face from embarrassment or to hit you for laughing at her.
She doesn’t mind a bit of feet play and becomes quite bratty and playful with it.
She wants you to leave marks all over her neck and shoulders.
Lately she’s been thinking of trying out some bondage with you but isn’t sure how to bring it up.
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i-luvsang · 10 months
when she's by your side — unspecified fem!idol
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pairing : unspecified fem!idol x gn!afab!reader ➖⟢ genres : fluff, comfort, established relationship ➖⟢ cw : period cramps, mention of pain meds ➖⟢ wc : 0.5K
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she hates when she has to be away at work all day, knowing you’re probably curled up in bed, dealing with the pain of your cramps on your own. sure, it’s something you’re used to, but sometimes it’s like she’s more sensitive to your pain than you are. that’s why, the moment she’s home, your girlfriend goes straight to your room, a bag of your favorite snacks and drinks in hand. she sets the bag down, quick to gently pull up the covers and slip in bed beside you.
“hi, darling,” she whispers, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead as she carefully pulls you into her. with her arms around you and your head on your chest, you finally feel a bit of relief after a bad day. your pain meds didn’t do much, and even with your heating pad, it’s been hard to find a comfortable position. but in no time, her hand rubbing your sore back and her sweet words have you far more relaxed than you have been all day.
she loves to see the furrow of your brow fade away and the subtle grimace on your lips curve into a far more contented, albeit small, smile. that’s when you can start to ask her about her day, happy to hear her voice instead of the tv characters who’ve served as your entertainment and distraction for the day. by now, she knows that her voice relaxes you, and secretly it makes her heart flutter. so, she gladly goes on and on, laying out the details of her day at work and happily making you laugh softly with silly little happenings between her and her members.
anytime an extra pang of pain interrupts your relaxed state, and your brow creases again and you clench your fist around the fabric of her shirt, she frowns, pausing her stories. if it’s particularly bad, she shushes you softly, running her thumb over your brows and cheeks to relax your face before putting more attention into massaging your back. if that irritates you more, as it sometimes does, she shifts the both of you around until you’re comfortable again. then she’s sure to kiss you softly and remind you how well you’re holding up or ask if there’s anything else she can do for you. she smiles when you just ask for her to keep talking about her day.
but eventually, she only has to stop talking to make sure you don’t fall asleep too early in the evening, gently sitting you up and interrupting herself to get you a light meal that she knows you can easily stomach. in reality, you’d be fine to eat at the table, but she always insists on doing everything she can to make you the most comfortable you could possibly be at every moment. she pulls up your comfort show on her laptop as you eat, and this time it’s much nicer to watch. everything’s just far, far better when she’s by your side.
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nanawritesit · 2 years
Irene Girlfriend Headcanons!
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She prefers that you call her “Joohyun” rather than Irene. She wants to feel like you know the real her instead of her stage presence.
Speaking of which, she often slips into her Daegu dialect around you
You were never intimidated by her like everyone else was, you were warm and loving regardless of how “scary” she seemed
It took her a while to open up to you about her inner thoughts and feelings. She’s so used to bottling it all up in order to be a good leader that she doesn’t stop to think when she might need help
But you help her with that, constantly reassuring every single one of her insecurities. Even when she doesn’t ask, you’ll always be the first one to tell her she’s done well!
She cooks you seaweed soup every year for your birthday just like she does for the members 💚
Ordering her tea for her whenever you’re at a coffee shop because she’s too afraid of being judged by the barista for not liking coffee
Eating her vegetables for her (if you like them ofc)
Finally convincing her to stop dying her hair and stick with her natural black color because it’s her favorite and it suits her best
It took her a long time to accept it, but Joohyun is a lover of the simple things in life. You guys don’t need any extravagant outings or fancy gifts to be happy! Things like reading together, watching the sunset, taking walks, listening to music, cooking her favorite tteokbokki… those are what draw you together.
Holding her while she cries watching “The Notebook”
You started keeping perfumes in your car and carrying essential oils with you everywhere since she’s so sensitive to smells
You also help bring her back down to Earth when she starts spacing out, waving a hand in front of her face and never making a huge fuss over it. You just remind her what she was talking about and continue on with your conversation
Joohyun is also a lover of solitude. However you’re the only one she makes an exception for. She loves taking you to Ttukseom Island or the Folk Museum in Bukcheon. They’re her happy places and she wants to share them with you!
Because of her, you started keeping a journal. The two of you have nights where you just sit in silence and write together 🥰
She won’t hesitate to correct you on your spelling and grammar, even over text 😑
You feel like you learn something new about her every day. She’s always so reserved, and her mind runs at a mile a minute, so every once in a while she’ll just drop this huge piece of Joohyun lore that takes you by surprise
Always giving her your fortune cookies and lottery tickets because she just has so much good luck
If you play video games or do puzzles, and you just can’t get pass a certain stage, she’ll just walk over and figure it out for you in seconds, and it leaves you baffled every time
Making her show you how the heck she can draw a perfect circle (you still can’t understand after a thousand times)
She has a tendency to “mother” you. (Doing your laundry, making you go to bed early, telling you take your vitamins and drink water…) You’ll have to explain to her that while you appreciate her trying to help, she doesn’t need to worry about you so much!
She’s still going to do your laundry though. She just loves doing it too much not to.
I hope you don’t mind having a high heat bill, because Joohyun cannot handle the cold! (If not, you’ll have to loan her several of your hoodies and blankets!)
Comforting her whenever she encounters heights, water, or loud noises
Her manager tried to tell her to avoid PDA with you to protect her image and avoid a scandal, but she just can’t stop herself from holding your hand or clinging to your arm!
Once word gets out that the two of you are dating, she really has no problem telling the fans that while she hopes they can be supportive, she’s going to be with you whether they like it or not.
She would give up everything if it meant she could stay with you, and you would do the same for her in a heartbeat 💜
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purecantarella · 2 years
Red Velvet Reaction : Almost First Kiss
i thought to do this on a whim and i think it'd be rather cute so i hope you all enjoy!! i do base everything on the first meeting so if there are bits of confusion you can read it but its not necessarily needed red velvet members x reader disclaimer/s : a few curses but in terms of content we're good. fluffy and angsty content, wbk.
Bae Joohyun / Irene
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Social cues weren’t exactly the oldest member of Red Velvet’s specialty. Of course she was intelligent and very aware of her own social image when it came to her idol persona. But she was still often lost when it came to relating to others.
You loved that about her, but also it made being her girlfriend an uphill battle.
Like during your first getaway as an official couple. It had been a perfect night, you and her having a quiet night going from food stall to food stall. Her dietary restrictions shot to hell with her wrapped in your arm as you walked by the cool ocean.
Once she was feeling tired of walking, you halted and placed your overcoat on the sandy beach. Irene felt a rush of heat flood her cheeks as you plopped down and opened your arm to her with a loving and warm smile on your lips. The crashing of the waves against the shore relaxed the singer to no ends, your warmth only adding to the sensation.
“I think you needed this, with all the performances and dealing with the girls,” Irene giggled beside you as you imply her members are more mischief than their worth. “You haven’t had much time to unwind and be yourself.” You place your lips on the crown of her head.
Irene says nothing for a moment, only moving to wrap her arms around your waist. “All of that was fine…” She whispers quietly before shyly pressing her nose into your neck. “I just hated being away from you.” You smile and pull her closer to you as the night moves in front of the both of you, enjoying the calm it brought.
Irene soaks in the moment, bliss was the only thing on her mind. You on the other hand, can’t you’re your eyes off her lips, wondering just how they would feel against yours. If when you two did kiss would it be warm like she’d always imagined or if when she smiled you would too. You breathe a shaky breath before you clear your throat and pull away slightly, much to your girlfriend’s dismay. Evident by the complainant whines.
Unable to hide the smile on your face, you lift your hand, brushing the stray hairs from her face. The charming smile on her face only makes your heart soar even higher than it already had. “You are the most amazing and perfect person I’ve ever come to know, and I’m so glad you chose me out of everyone who came your way.” You gush making the older woman smile even brighter.
Before you can lean in or do much of anything, something shoots up from a distance, illuminating the sky with a series of brightly colored lights. You both gasp and your quick to cover her ears from the sound. You look back down at her, the serenity of the moment shattered, but the childlike glee on her face makes you forget anything else.
“Look at that, N/n!” She says with an unbridled sense of joy. You feel a sense of hope, maybe you could salvage this. But once again, the mood is ruined as she squeals in shock and fear from another firework shooting up in the sky. You smile and shake your head, covering her ears further and pulling her closer. “I’ve got you, Joohyun.”
It wasn’t long until you both made your way back to the hotel, Irene needing some rest after the long day of walking around and spending time together. While you went into the bathroom to take a shower, Irene excitedly told her members about your day spent together as a couple.
“Then there were literal fireworks! It was magical and Y/n…” She sighs dreamily, “Y/n was absolutely amazing. Gosh I’ve never felt this way before…” Yeri giggles and takes the phone from where it was propped up in the kitchen. “Oooohh, somebody’s in loooove!” She teases in a childish manner. Irene blushes and rolls her eyes before the phone is snatched from the youngest member.
“Wait. Did you two kiss?” Seulgi asks with a teasing smile. But Irene’s expression quickly shifts into one of confusion. “…No…? Did she want to kiss me?”
There’s a silence before a loud whine comes from the phone, most definitely from Wendy. Snatching the phone from Seulgi, the vocalist was now the focus of the camera. “How could you have not wanted to kiss her?!” She pauses to laugh ridiculously. “The ocean, what she said, the serendipitous fireworks?! It was straight out of a movie, unnie!”
The realization of the romance of the moment suddenly dawns on Irene and she feels the need to smack herself in the head. “Shit.” Irene mumbles, amusing her members on the phone.
“You really are clueless, aren’t you unnie?”
Kang Seulgi
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Seulgi liked you, a lot. But more than that, she liked getting involved with your life, friends and family, and most of all, your work. Popping into your bakeshop so much that patrons thought she was the manager, thankfully they weren’t aware of her identity or fame.
Her days off were spent there, tirelessly watching you in amazement and adoration. Today was no different. You began frosting the tops of your order’s cupcakes when you realize your girlfriend’s subtle gaze. You giggle to yourself before shooting her a playful glare. “Stare at me any longer and I’ll have to ask you to pay a fine.”
Seulgi merely smiles and props her cheeks up on her own hands as she continues to stare at you lovingly. “I’d happily pay millions to see that smile every day.” You roll your eyes before placing the piping bag down and motioned for her to come close. She stands upright and places a hand on her chest, feigning confusion to which you laugh and beckon her to hurry.
"If you're going to be here as often as you are, you can at least help." You complain jokingly. She looks at you nervously before tentatively picking up the bag filled with icing. You watch, holding back laughter, as she sloppily iced the top of your cupcakes. Feeling a twinge of guilt when you hear Seulgi wince when she squeezed the bag too hard.
Quickly and carefully, you take her hands in yours, guiding her movements in a fluid motion. Your lips press gently against the shell of her ear, innocently whispering, "Take it slow, there's no need to rush it."
Your girlfriend blushes and silently follows your movements until there's a clean swirl atop the pastry, confidence from moments ago melted away. She turns to face you and is flustered to see you as close as you were.
Only a mere breathe away.
Seulgi looks down at your lips, the light sheen from your lipgloss and the scent of cherry made her head spin. Her eyes look for yours, which are glued to the cupcakes bellow the both of you. The warmth of your radiant smile and general body heat made the dancer even more flustered.
Realizing she hadn't spoken since you stepped in to help, you refocus your attention to Seulgi. Your smile brightens as you watch her gazing at you, so flustered and so cute. You lean in to brush your nose against hers.
"There you go again with the staring, Seul." Your girlfriend smiles as she inches closer, until your noses are pressed against one another. Her eyes find yours as yours watch her lips.
Before your lips can really connect, the bell of the bakeshop rings out, your client's voice pulls you both out of the moment, "Y/n? Are the cupcakes ready?"
Your eyes widen before panic runs through your veins. You pull away from the dancer to prepare the boxes. "They'll be out in a few! I'm sorry for the wait."
Once again, Seulgi watches as you dash around the kitchen with admiration oozing from her eyes. She continues to ice the cupcakes beside her carefully. Her mind lost in imagining what your real first kiss will be like.
(you and me both seul)
Son Seungwan / Wendy
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"You've been hauled up in here for days..." Wendy mused as she leaned against the doorframe of your office. Your head shot up and your glasses fell down the bridge of your nose. A low laugh falls from the singer's lips as she approaches you. "Were you really not going to pay me a visit?"
You chuckle, staring hopelessly at your laptop. The draft of your unedited chapter staring at you, taunting you for it being left uncompleted for as long as it has. Your attention is pulled from the semi-blank page when Wendy plucks your eyeglasses from your face.
The singer pouts before propping her head on her hand, staring up at you with soft puppy dog eyes. "Can't you take a break? Even for a few minutes?"
You chuckle softly before taking her free hand in yours, "Editors want these chapters by the end of the week." Squeezing her hand in yours apologetically, you look down back at your screen. Much to Wendy's dismay.
Half an hour flies by, inspiration slipping away from you, but Wendy only sat there, either on her phone or roaming around your office. Patiently waiting for your attention like a pup. You look at the time on your screen, a flourish of guilt building in the pit of your stomach. You wanted to give her as much attention as she needed.
You breathe a soft sigh, before pushing yourself out of your desk, catching your girlfriend's attention. Her eyes brighten as you smile up at her, "I could use a break. After all who better to spend my day with than my muse." You stand and walk over to Wendy, who can barely contain her joy of being called your muse.
You place a soft kiss on her temple before wrapping your arm around her, pulling her into you. She smiles up at you and begins to ramble on about the things she wants to do with you, your mind wrapped around the look of her lips as she does.
Realizing that you were zoning out, she places a hand on your cheek, thumb brushing your cheekbone gently as she stared up at you with adoration and love in her eyes. Your heart felt like it would combust in your chest.
"You alright?" The singer asks, her English accent sending another wave of bliss over your body. You're unable to say anything or hide the smile that creeps up on your lips. You place your hand on hers, leaning into her touch.
Then a stroke of genius hits you.
Your eyes burst open and you abruptly pull away, and laugh madly to yourself. "That's it! That's what I've been trying to find." You plop yourself back into your desk chair and begin typing madly, the blank page filling almost instantly. You smile up at her proudly, seeing only a look of confusion on her face.
You smile even brighter, "Go get ready, baby. We're going out tonight, and we'll do everything you want and more." She approaches with a warm expression, one that only overflows your heart at this point. "I just need to send this over to my editor..." You pause, reaching over the desk, caressing her cheek lovingly.
"I really would be lost without my muse." Wendy merely blushes and turns a heel before skipping happily over to your closet in hopes to find some clothes she'd left at your house while you excitedly type an email to your editors.
All the while, you can't stop thinking about Wendy and just how much you were going to kiss her later that night.
Park Sooyoung / Joy
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Three months more of absolute torture and Joy still couldn't fine it in her heart to break-up with her boyfriend. Each time she tried she was met with immense guilt or something got in the way before she could end it with him.
None of that irritation could really make up for you though.
You were somehow more and more insufferable every time Joy saw you. A cocky smirk, a passing snide comment, and on the rare occasion, flirtatious actions that made the singer question her own morals. You were an absolute pain in the ass, but she couldn't get enough of you.
"Are you actually going to do it this time or are you going to chicken out like you did last week?" Irene chastised over the phone as Joy pushed her way into her soon-to-be ex-boyfriend's apartment. She scoffs at her leader's sarcasm, "After last nights 'date' I don't think I can stand another minute dating him, unnie. It has to end today."
The conversation doesn't last for too long after that given Joy needed to ride the elevator up. Her mind raced at what she was going to say to him, what he would feel. Another pang of guilt rings in her chest as the rickety steel doors open for her. Walking in, she presses the floor number and leans back on the metal frame before pulling out her phone again to feed her boredom.
As the doors begin to close a hand thrusts itself through the metal, making Joy squeal in terror. Only for the doors to slide open to reveal you, grinning proudly at the chaos you'd ensued. "Hey there, pretty girl." You pause, taking an almost playful step into the elevator with her, "I like you screaming like that, you should do it more often in front of me." You tease, the shit-eating smile still very present on your face.
It pissed Joy off to no end. She had no idea why though.
She crossed her arms and forces herself not to look at you. From the corner of her eye though she sees you looking at her shamelessly, grin still prominent on your face. Joy looks over at you, eyes dripping with frustration. "Are you just going to stare at me the entire time?"
You laugh and push yourself from the metal railing of the elevator, "I could do much more if that's what you're asking me, Joy." You tease, her name slipping from your lips in the most irritatingly attractive way she could imagine.
"Please, like you could." The singer snaps, only goating you on. You laugh heartily before leaning uncomfortably close to her. She remembers how you did something similar the night you first met her and her heart rushes as the smell of your earthy perfume reaches her nose. Your smile falls, a sense of seriousness looming over your expression.
The foreign expression on your face makes her nervous. You press your lips firmly together. She watches as your eyes fall from hers to look down at her lips. "I've told you before, Joy." You pause, your voice firm, "Don't test me. I might not be able to control myself."
You inch closer, testing the waters. Joy was conflicted, you were so annoying to her but she couldn't help but wonder how your lips would feel against hers.
A sort of magnitism she figures.
"You're trouble." Joy whispers before a small smile etches on her lips. You mirror her expression, leaning in closer. "So I've been told."
You hesitate as her breathe hitches. Your eyes find hers, desperately looking for an answer to the questions you had from the moment you first laid eyes on her.
Slowly, but with conviction, she nods, giving you the go ahead. Before your lips can meet though, the elevator dings pleasantly as the doors slide open. Your brother standing on the other end of the steel frame, eyes down on his phone as Joy squeaks and you jump away quickly.
Your brother looks up and smiles, "Joy! Y/n! You two just get here?"
Joy sputters as you simply stare at him, ashamed of yourself. Guilt reeks from you as you laugh awkwardly. "Yeah, I saw Joy a couple blocks down and decided to drive her here. Make sure she's safe." You rush out before stepping out of the suddenly hot metal box.
Your brother quirks a curious brow before you usher him to his unit, "Give me a second, I left something in the car, I'll be right back, oppa."
Not thinking much of it, he shrugs and walks to his unit, leaving you and Joy alone again. You breathe a sigh of relief as Joy laughs nervously. "I guess that was a close call, huh?"
You don't speak. Only brushing past her gently. You hold the elevator doors open as Joy turns to speak flustered. "I uh...look I didn't mean for things to get too far and I hope you don't think badly of me-"
You cut her off, all brightness in your voice instantly evaporated. "It was just as much my fault. Don't worry about it." You pause before looking her sternly in the eye. "If you don't want to be with my brother. I suggest you make that obvious to him."
"And until you've figured that out...I think it's best I don't show my face." Joy hesitates at your words but she hears a slight tremble in your voice. "I would have never done this to my brother but you...you have some sort of pull on me, Joy. And I can't stop myself around you."
In attempts to lighten the mood, Joy whispers, "Bad girl has a heart?"
You laugh bitterly before reaching out to caress Joy's face, bringing her an odd sense of comfort. One she'd never felt with her boyfriend. You bite your lower lip and look down, "Go back to your boyfriend, Joy." Pulling your hand back, and locking eyes with her as the doors shut.
"Bye Joy."
The door closes and Joy takes a moment to recollect herself as she finds herself in front of her boyfriend...your brother. He looks over his shoulder with a warm and kind smile. Upon seeing her confused face, he approaches her and places his hand on her cheek.
It was cold and foreign to her. Her mind races, wondering why she ever got together with him in the first place when you were there, just waiting for her. You could be everything she'd ever needed.
"Are you alright, sweetie?" His voice breaks her focus, and she sees his warm smile...the innocence in his eyes. She smiles up and shakes her head. "Just a little tired."
All the while you sit in your car for a couple minutes, hoping she'd walk out of the elevator and come looking for you. You close your eyes and breathe out your disappointment.
"That's karma for you, N/n..." You whisper to yourself as you start your car and drive off.
Kim Yerim / Yeri
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You felt her eyes on you the entire evening, at first it was rather flattering. But then as the night wore on, you began being worried and a little insecure about yourself.
Finally having enough of it, you look over to your girlfriend with a exasperated expression. Yeri's taken aback and begins to flush as you look at her. You chuckle at her expression before reaching for the TV remote, pausing the movie on screen.
Adjusting yourself to face her better, you lean on your shoulder as you smile at her sheepishly. "Everything alright on that side of the world?" You ask jokingly, making her giggle and shuffle towards you.
You can tell she's thinking hard and it's bugging her. "Hey..." You pause, placing your hand on hers, weaving your fingers into hers, squeezing and offering her a bit of comfort. "What's wrong?"
Yeri hesitates, jolting forward but pulling back. Her member's words reverberating in her head.
Earlier in the week, her members and her were enjoying a break from their rehearsals. While they drank water and picked up some light snacks, the youngest member immediately pulled her phone out and giggled to herself. Her member's stare at her curiously before she waves them off, "Y/n just sent me a funny picture of her when she was younger."
Wendy and Irene share a look as Joy and Seulgi giggle to themselves, playfully kissing the air to tease the young woman. She simply rolls her eyes and continues to type away at her phone and smiles so brightly. It makes her groupmate's hearts melt.
"So just how serious are you and Y/n?" Irene asks, motherly instincts kicking in. Yeri flushes a deep red before putting her phone away, playing with the case. "I don't know exactly...I like her though." Unable to repress her smile, she shyly turns on her own axis, "I really like her."
Before any of them could tease her though, she began, "But..." The girls watch her intently. Wordlessly, she lifts her hand up to her lips. A chorus of gasps pull from the girls's lips before a barrage of questions flow between the five women.
Suddenly feeling the pressure to show you her affection, Yeri decides to text you asking if you want to sleep over soon.
Back in the moment, she hesitates and practically rocks back and forth. You watch her eyes, gazing down at your lips. You smile and raise her hand to your mouth, placing a delicate kiss over her soft knuckles. One on each finger before you stare up at her with a warm smile.
"There's no rush Yerim...It can wait." You pull her closer, wrapping your arms around her shoulders, leaving feather light kisses over her shoulder, the corner of her jaw, "I can wait, alright? I like you a lot, and I want our firsts to be special...not out of compliance."
Yeri pulls away and smiles at you, shifting to leave a lingering kiss on your ever redenning cheek. "You're a gem, N/n..."
The smile on your face brightens before she curls up into your lap, grabbing the remote from you to play the movie from the beginning. In spite of your complaints, you settle down quickly and pull her impossibly closer, savoring the feeling of the young woman in your arms.
why did joy's come out the longest ? HAHAHAHA i hope you all enjoyed!! i love you all and see you all vv soon!! byeeee 💖 oh and if there are any filo fans here who are going to the itzy or mamamoo or blackpink concerts in the Philippines, let me know and we can meet up maybe. - r
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rvlwrttn · 1 year
Reaction: Red Velvet - You Can't Fall Asleep Without Them
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Idol: Red Velvet
{ Fluff }
Requested: Yes!
- - -
Note: Thank you to the anon that requested this! And to other people that requested, I'll write as many as I can. Enjoy~
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When she came home after a long practice session with the girls, she found you curled up on the bed, humming mindlessly to yourself.
Her heart warmed at the sight and warmed even more once you spotted her, inviting her into your now open arms.
“I’m home.” She murmured softly, settling herself against you.
“Mmm, finally, I can sleep.” You mumbled into her shoulder, before closing your eyes and tightening your hold on her.
Irene felt her heart fill with joy (no pun intended) and she drifted off to sleep herself, secretly loving the fact that you needed her.
. . .
Seulgi sat on the couch, basically on the edge of her seat and mussing her hair constantly as she watched the last few episodes of her favorite drama.
“No no no! He was dead, wasn’t he?!”
“Seulgi, pleaseee.” You whined for the third time. “Let’s go to sleep, I’m exhausted! Work was horrible today.”
“One second, Y/N. There’s just 2 more episodes to go.”
“But I’ve told you, it’s really hard for me to fall asleep without you there.” You yawned. Seulgi quickly paused the episode.
“Wait, really? You can’t sleep without me?” Seulgi cooed.
“Okay, then. Let’s go to bed. I don’t want you to be too sleepy tomorrow.”
. . .
It was 11pm and Wendy still hadn’t returned from the kitchen. You sighed, deciding to go see what your girlfriend had gotten herself into at this late hour.
You couldn’t say you were surprised to find her mixing a bowl of some kind of pastry dough. Wendy usually made sweets whenever she was under stress.
Wendy took one look at your tired face and confessed her worries.
“Our new choreo is so complicated. Which is a good thing because our Luvies have always wanted better for us!” She rambled on. “But at the same time, I’m worried I can’t keep up with the members. They’re just such good dancers and our comeback is in 2 weeks and-“
She was interrupted by the feeling of your arms hugging her from behind.
“Wendy, I’m sure whatever you’re making is delicious and normally I’d help you finish it. But I’m really, really tired and…I have trouble sleeping without you.”
“Your best is enough, Wendy. I know you’re gonna kill this choreo. And all the fancy vocals.” Wendy leaned back into you, before letting out a sigh of relief.
“I know you’re right, Y/N. Here, let’s put this in the fridge and go back to bed, since you know, you can’t sleep without me.” She gave you a cheeky smile.
. . .
“I’m home!”
You looked up from the book you were trying to read, smiling at your girlfriend. She seemed bouncier than usual, and you suspected it was because of the numerous shopping bags she had in each arm.
“I see you went shopping. Did you go with the girls?” You asked, trying to suppress a yawn. The sun had gone down hours ago, and you’d had a long shift at work.
“I did! But you shouldn’t have waited up for me if you’re this tired. Didn’t you work overtime today?”
“Yeah, but..” you yawned. “I kinda have a hard time going to sleep without you.”
Joy was quiet for a moment, before tossing all the bags onto the couch and speedwalking her way to you.
“Let’s get you to bed then.” She cooed, her arms around your waist and her head on your shoulder. “I can’t let my love be too sleepy for our date tomorrow.”
. . .
“To be or not to be, that is the question!”
“What…I thought we were rehearsing for your drama?” You laughed, and soon Yeri began to laugh with you. You’d been up helping her for her latest drama, which would begin to shoot the following day.
“I know, I know! I just wanted to see if you were paying attention.” Yeri gave you a cheeky smile. “You seem pretty tired.”
You yawned. “A bit, but the more I help you rehearse, the faster we can get to bed.”
“That’s very sweet, but if you’re this tired I can practice by myself?” Yeri put an arm around your shoulders, stroking a finger against your arm.
“I could try, but I can’t really fall asleep without you there with me.”
Yeri’s face lit up.
“Really? That is so cute.” She pinched your cheek. She stood up, taking the script from your hands and putting it aside, along with hers.
“There, I think I’ve rehearsed enough. Besides, I’m really craving some cuddles right now.”
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solecize · 2 years
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐑𝐄𝐃 | 𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘.  as  you  attempt  to  claw  away  at  keeping  your  title  as  the  nation's  sweetheart  following  a  dispatch  scandal  that  put  a  pause  on  your  career  for  a  nearly  year  long  hiatus,  everyone  in  your  circle  and  your  company  seems  to  tip-toe  around  you.  you're  a  monster,  a  diva,  an  explosion  waiting  to  be  set  off.  they  go  on  to  release  the  staff  around  with  NDAs  regarding  your  dating  leak  and  hire  a  new  team  altogether  out  of  necessity.  amongst  them  is  the  straight-faced  irene,  the  quiet  stylist  with  a  mastermind  that  vows  to  help  you  in  your  return  every  step  of  the  way.  she  guides  you  through  the  next  chapter  of  your  career,  becoming  your  bravery  when  you  couldn't  be  your  own.     𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆. irene x idol!reader 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒. swearing 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓. 2.0k 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒.  this is probably the first piece of fiction i’ve written in 2 years so its a lil rough sorry lol anyway this is gonna be a short series, probably around 5 parts or so maybe less idk 
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  PART 01/05.
she always asked what you were giggling about - seemingly every time she painted lip gloss across your smile, you were holding back a laugh. it was mostly to her own exasperation, as the crease that formed between her brows was supposed to show just how much harder you were making her job for her. irene didn’t actually ever mind, though. it was you, how could she? 
after returning to your group to take part in the preparations for your fourth mini album comeback, it was made evident to you that management was taking each step with caution. not in regards to your wellbeing, no, it wasn’t definitely not that. it was the way it seemed as though the world began walking on eggshells around you after your forced hiatus. it was also the way the world seemed to be constantly giving you a side eye, going over all the variants of the word ‘diva’ in their heads.
not irene, though.
since pre-debut, you were used to certain personalities from idol staff. there were all sorts - from the older, stricter company employees that scrutinized your every move, the staff that were too scared to even speak directly to you, the staff that were big fans and did everything in their power to please you. some of the long term faces that stuck by your group for the past few years had even become your friends. 
when irene came along, you nearly picked a fight with her for no reason. frustrated and on your first day back from “vacation,” you were met with the stunning irene and immediately grew territorial. who was this beautiful stranger and why was she taking up space in the middle of your trailer? she, of course, looked back at you with a blank face and proceeded to tell you to strip without any hi or introduction.
“strip,” irene commanded, as she rifled through the rack of clothes in front of her. 
her hands swiped between flashes of different shades of purple - the theme for the first couple of scenes of the music video .  you were left speechless for a second, tongue tumbling on any form of introduction, which irene had promptly skipped over. she met your eyes, making you snap out of your stutter, and her pointed look towards your left showed that your other members were already getting their video shoot clothes on.
“um, i’m y/n. what happened to cha - “
“i don’t know and i don’t really care. take off your jewelry, too.” in the middle of buttoning your jeans down, you saw that irene had quickly laid out what you would be wearing on camera. an off the shoulder lilac gingham piece that would brush against your ankles with puff sleeves, paired with freshwater pearls. it screamed sweet and loving “girl next door” all over - although, in your eyes, it was the perfect “please forgive me” look to your fanbase following the dating scandal that halted your career for multiple months. irene knew what she was doing.
you were able to get a good look at irene for the first time - or at least, the best you could with the way she moved so quickly. she was definitely around your age and definitely gave the impression of an idol herself. she was naturally beautiful, maybe one of the most beautiful girls you’d ever seen, and even in her work clothes of a simple long sleeve and jeans, irene looked like a model herself. her long black hair was pulled into a low ponytail, with a few strands of hair framing her face. you noticed her identification lanyard was decorated with hello kitty stickers.
your shoes were finally off, but you were still stunned silent. your group mate, sohye, glanced over at you with a puzzled expression. you noticed she was already in her dress and you hurriedly grabbed your own to hop your feet in. she was still staring at you, as her own stylist began doing as well. however, the latter seemed to be fighting a smirk. 
sohye met eyes with her stylist and mirrored the same devious look. “nothing! you’re just really quiet, y/n....”
it was true. you were the fire cracker of the group, the one who’s laughter rung throughout the entire venue alone. boisterous and proud, you were made silent at the unique nature of the group’s newest staff member. this caught the attention of a few others in the room, a bit confused, as you were often the loudest voice in the room. you would at least be cracking some good-hearted jokes about your time off or practicing runs with sohye. you still weren’t sure why she was smirking at you and irene, though. 
“...met her match....”
“ladies! can we get a move on? mio, you still have to get your extensions in! bora, are you taking those pics for instagram? fantastic! and...y/n, you’re still getting your outfit on?” it was your manager, also known as the second loudest voice in the room. he seemed to take on a permanently frantic state across your group’s life span, as he dashed in the room out of nowhere, murmuring things at the appearance of his idols and scribbling things on a clipboard. 
he sighed, looking over at irene. “she’s not giving you a hard time, is she?”
“no, she’s been fine,” was irene’s reply, as she plugged in a curling iron on the pastel pink vanity in front of the two of you, not missing a beat. your manager looked at you, then back at irene, and simply shrugged and continued rambling about your group’s schedule for the next two hours. 
you let out a deep sigh that went unnoticed by the others in the room, except irene who raised an eyebrow at you, while simultaneously ushering you to the makeup chair. it really should have been you looking at her like that, as you were taken aback by how on her feet she was - in multiple ways. irene moved like a machine, weaving back and forth in the small space allocated to the both of you at the speed of light. she called over some assistant makeup artists to begin their work on you, as she ignored you in favour for directing the look that they were going for on you. irene was also on her feet against your group’s manager, the head honcho that typically leaves staff members unnerved. she was swift and she was direct. that was the first thing you ever noticed about her.
bora sauntered over and peered at you with a frown. “hey. why does y/n get the nicest set?” between the three other members, it was clear that bora still wasn’t over the fact that you got caught with a dating scandal. it looked bad on all of them as a group and you had apologized profusely to them for being a hinderance, but she was still showing the same level of disdain she had before. you two were never the closest in particular and now, it seemed like your friendship, or even profession relationship at  the least, was beyond repair.
you rolled your eyes at her. “go back to your own space, damn.” 
“well, you’re the one that messed up, i just don’t see why the company gave you irene. she’s the best of the best and my stylist is dressing me up like dora the explorer,” she grumbled the last part under her breath, returning her attention to her phone screen, where she was undoubtedly scrolling through social media to see what the fans were posting about her. 
it was technically your first day back. you and the girls quickly recorded your album in under a month and were thrown into the wolves that were better known as a kpop comeback. it was a record, basically unheard of in your company. however, plans changed following the scrapped debut of what was supposed to be a new boy group and a slot was left wide open for your group. everything had been a whirlwind so far and there was definitely an air of extra pressure following your hiatus, the need to prove yourself almost. it was your first day back and nearly everyone around you was giving you shit and you were exhausted. 
“it’s my first day, too. i’m taking it easy,” irene’s velvety voice chimed in out of nowhere, lowered to a volume that could only heard between the two of you, as she gently wrapped a section of hair around the curling wand, “and you should also, especially after everything.”
you were taken aback by the sudden words of wisdom, but realized fast that she was right. “you have a point, um, irene.” 
at this point, she had yet to introduce herself and you caught her name from bora, who seemed to already be acquainted with irene’s good reputation as a stylist. the name fumbled a bit off your tongue in your vulnerable state, a bit anxious for a variety of reasons. to your surprise, irene frowned a bit, which was her first display of any emotion the entire time.
“i’ll admit, i had to look into the group that i was going to work for,” irene began and you were prepared to wince at her opinion of the whole hiatus mess, “and i’ve seen you. you’re really strong-minded, why are you letting them get to you?”
“you’ve seen me?” that was the only thing you really focused on for a second, ignoring a flutter in your stomach. flattery was what you thought it was, as you wondered what irene thought of you and your talents.
this conversation was happening as you let the other two assistant makeup artists continuously flicked and dabbed with brushes and sponges on your face in silence. you noticed they didn’t even look at you in the eye, something you had seen many times before in the past. however, this time, you felt as though it wasn’t out of shyness or being starstruck. everyone had been continuously giving you a certain look after your return from hiatus and you only assumed the artists were participating in this cold-shoulder fest, between your manager to netizens to even your own group member. their opinion of you, though, wasn’t as important to you as irene’s opinion.
you caught yourself and cleared your throat. “i mean - well...i don’t know what you’re talking about.” it was a lie right through your teeth.
“chin up,” she commanded once again and you immediately did so, as she approached you with a beautiful strawberry-coloured lip pencil. 
you met her eyes as she began carefully carving out the outline of your lips with careful movements. something in you was glad that you got a new stylist and especially more so that she was in charge of you and only you. despite this feeling of welcomeness, you remained confused as to what irene was getting to.
“don’t let them give you shit,” irene replied, as she finished the last touches of your lip liner and had reached over for a matching lipgloss. she leaned over and resume her place right in front of you, still decorating your features with the gentlest of moves. 
that was the second thing you ever noticed about irene. from the moment you walked in and met her, you saw that she took absolutely no shit from anyone. that included you, your manager, and anyone else who dared. she stood her ground and did so gracefully. you were instantly envious of the way she held herself.
however, she saw that you could do the same. you smiled a bit and while irene also cracked a bit of a smile, just nearly tugging on the corner of her lips, it quickly turned into a sterner look.
“okay, but i didn’t say move. stop smiling or laughing or whatever.” 
time was ticking, as the camera crew wanted to get the good shots in before the forecasted rain began later in the afternoon. everyone was engaged in the hustle and bustle of the day ahead, but for the first time that entire day, you were able to breathe freely and smile. well, smile as much as you could until irene tsked you because you were moving and ruining her vision. this would be the first of many iconic looks that irene would craft for you for the comeback ahead. more importantly, it was the first time you became her muse and she became your rock.
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ch3rryc4ndy · 2 years
The First Taste
Relationship - Best Friend Seulgi Sub! X Fem Reader Dom! [gXg]
Genre - Smut and Fluff
Summary - A girls night at your apartment with your best friend turns into you having her wrapped around your shoulders.
Warnings - Over stimulation, language, semi aftercare
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“Oh come on seulgi do you really need to bring up Johnny right now, you know I hate talking about my ex’s” I sigh as I see seulgi smiling at me as she lays on my lap “I know I just like seeing you annoyed” she coos as she goes back to watching the show playing on my tv.
“You never told me why you broke up with him” she adds making me frown “too personal” I reply “COME ON I’m your best friend how can anything be too personal” she whines, now sitting up and pouting.
“It’s kinda embarrassing” I shrug “I don’t care I’ll never judge you, you already know that” she smiles as she lays on my shoulder “well…I didn’t wanna lead him on you know? I knew I wasn’t feeling the relationship as much as he was. And I kinda have feelings for someone else” I reply.
“Feelings for someone else? Who?” She asks in a frown she was trying to hide “that’s the personal part” I chuckle as I try and hide my blushed complexion, she was oblivious to the fact that I’ve had feelings for her for the past 2 years. “Oh come on” she whines “promise you won’t think anything of it?” I sigh as I realize the best thing to do is to be up front.
“I promise, pinky promise even” she nods as she sits up on her knees and holds a pinky out. I smile and wrap my pinky onto hers “ok now tell me” she smiles as she pulls her hand back. “The person I like is you seulgi, I know you don’t feel the same but it’s best to be up front right?” I mutter out as I avoid making eye contact.
“Wh- what? I’m the person you have feelings for?” She asks “yep…” I chuckle awkwardly as I look up at her. Seulgis face is flushed a light pink color, mouth slightly open and eyes furrowed in confusion “pretend I never said anything” I shake my head as the realization starts to sink.
I jerk back and my eyes widen as seulgi jumps onto my lap, cupping my face and hungrily kissing me. Both of us moaning into the kiss as my eyes close, taking in her sweet salvia that tasted of ice cream from our snacking a few minutes before.
“You don’t know how long I’ve been wanting you to say that” she moans against my lips “mmh?” I reply as I pull back and take in what she just said “you like me?” I ask with my eyebrows raised “yes god yes you have no idea” she whines as she kisses me again, this time I wrap my fingers into her hair, pulling her slightly back as I scatter kisses and bites onto her neck.
Her soft whimpers and moans making me needier as she slowly grinds onto my lap “shirt off” I hum as I pull back, smiling at the sight of her cheeks a bright shade of pink and my saliva coating her lips. She nods eagerly as she pulls her shirt off followed by mine hitting the ground.
“Always so fucken pretty for me aren’t you?” I chuckle as I push her onto the couch causing an excited squeal to escape her lips. “You wore this skirt for me didn’t you? You knew I wouldn’t be able to resist spreading you out and eating this pretty pussy mmh?” I purr as I run my hands up her warm skin, a quiet whine coming from below me as seulgi squirms at my touch.
“Please y/n” she begs as I play with the hem of her panties, snapping the band onto her skin as I see the wet spot on her panties “all soaked and ready for me huh?” I hum as I bury my head in between her thighs, kissing the inside of her thighs and scattering kisses onto her clothed cunt.
“Yess” she mewls from above as her hands tangle into my hair, I look up and see her eyes closed shut with her lip in between her teeth as she try’s to conceal her whines. I smack her thigh hard causing her to wince “don’t hide those pretty sounds for me doll, I want to hear you” I purr as she nods, her eyes watery as we lock eyes. I chuckle as I see her get shy from the eye contact, she buries her face into the pillow, eyes squinted from my fingers rubbing against her clothed pussy.
“Look at me” I demand as I pull her panties down slowly “I want you to watch me eat this pretty pussy sweetheart, what type of best friend would I be if I didn’t make my pretty girl cum?” I coo as she moans at my words. My mouth waters as I see her puffy folds glimmering in her wetness as she squirms under me.
“Remember don’t hide those pretty moans” I purr as I throw her legs over my shoulders, licking my lips as I kiss her needy cunt. All I can hear are whines from above as I feel her body heating up from the contact “good girl” I chuckle as my tongue runs up her cunt.
“Fuckkkk” she whines out as I bury my face into her soaked pussy, her fingers tangle into my hair as I suck and slurp her throbbing clit. I feel her shaking and jerking back as I moan into her, her intoxicating smell and taste taking over all my senses.
I feel myself getting needier by the second as all I can hear is her wet pussy begging for more “shi- shit y/n” she whimpers out as her nails scratch up my shoulders. I look up and see her eyes clenched in pleasure, eyebrows furrowed and mouth wide open as sweet moans spill from her lips.
“Look at me” I muffle into her pussy, continuing my pace as her watery eyes look down, her puffy pink lips dented with teeth marks as she bounces slightly from my pace “I ca- can’t” she whines out as I smile onto her, pushing two fingers into her cunt, pumping them in and out.
Her tight cunt squeezes around my fingers as her wetness coats them with need. “Go on let it out” I hum as her breaths get shaky “OH MY GODD” she cry’s out as my tongue circles her clit softly. My pace continues as a smile grows on my face, now that she’s came I can enjoy and indulge myself for as long as I want.
“No no I ca- fuckk” she moans out as she tries to close her legs. “Keep them fucken open” I hiss as I bury my face deeper into her pussy. My mind blocks out her whines of overstimulation as all I can hear is her wetness “you thought we were done?” I purr as I fasten the pace of my fingers.
Seulgi whimpers above me, shaking uncontrollably as she cry’s out my name “we aren’t done if you can still talk” I smile as she pulls my hair harder “keep doing that doll, I don’t mind” I groan as I feel her clit throbbing against my tongue “pl- please” she whines out as I look up at her.
Her eyes foggy with tears and spit running down her chin as she gives me those pleading eyes. I scoff as I indulge myself more, bobbing and swaying my head as my tongue and lips ravage her warm cunt. “Keep whining I love it” I moan as she squirms side to side.
“I don’t want one thought in that pretty head of yours, I want you broken” I purr as she clenches around my fingers yet again, a quiet squeal coming out of her as her back arches. My arms stay wrapped around her legs, pinning her onto the couch as she tries to squirm her way out of my grasp “just one more” I whimper as she lays there fucked out and foggy headed.
I chuckle at the sight of her stomach clenching and legs covered in her wetness, cum spilling out of her tight cunt as I pull my fingers out slowly and focus on her clit. She squeals as I pull my fingers out “missing my finger filling you up already?” I coo as I bob my head yet again. A silent cry can be heard from above, letting me know she was close. I hum onto her cunt as my eyes roll back at the taste, she shakes uncontrollably once more, crying out in pleasure as she rides out her orgasm.
I pull back slowly, her cum stringing off my face as I lick my lips “god who knew my best friend would taste so good” I purr as I watch her pussy seeping warm cum onto my couch. Seulgi lays there breathing heavily, eyes droopy and shaking. “Did I fuck you brain dead sweetheart?” I coo as I sit up, pulling her up and laying her on my chest.
She nods, almost unnoticeable as she buries herself into my neck “rest doll, I know it was a lot, you were perfect for me” I hum, kissing her cheek as she smiles onto my neck. Her pussy still dripping of cum, a wet spot growing on my sweats as she sits on my lap.
Within minutes I hear seulgis light snores, her chest rising and falling softly as she smiles through her dream “I love you” I whisper onto her cheek, kissing her cheek one last time as I carry her towards my bed.
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panda-writes-kpop · 11 months
if you are taking orders I can order Fluff Alphabet Wendy red velvet 🥺
Fluff Alphabet ~ Wendy
A/N: darling, I am sorry that this took so long! I hope you're satisfied with the final product. 💕
TW: Food mentions
♡ Masterlist ♡
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- Affection (How do they show their affection? What love language(s) do they use?)
As greasy as always, Wendy’s love language is her words of affirmation and physical touch. A teasing comment, a slick arm around your waist, or a night cuddled up together sharing sweet words is how she shows her affection.
- Beauty (What do they admire about their S/O? What makes their S/O beautiful?)
What isn’t she admiring about you is a better question. Physical or mental, she often tells you how much she adores every bit of you.
- Comfort (How would they help their S/O if they were having a rough day?)
Wendy likes to surround you with her love while doing something that you adore together. There is nothing better than the company of your favorite person doing your favorite activity.
- Dreams (How do they picture their future with their S/O?)
She’s the more traditional type, so I think she would like to settle down and get married some day. A family would be nice - whether of animals or kids is up to you - but she just wants more time to spend with you.
- Equal (Do they tend to be more dominant or passive in the relationship?)
She tends to be the more dominant person in the relationship. Opening the door for you or being the one to initiate things first is her thing, and Wendy would much rather do it for you then you for her.
- Fight (Would they easily forgive their S/O after a fight? How would a typical fight go?)
She’ll give you space or talk things out, depending on what you need or request. Either way, she usually takes the time to go through everything and make sure that you’re both doing okay with no hurt feelings on either side.
- Gratitude (How grateful are they for everything that their S/O does for them?)
Wendy will tell you how much she loves you, repeatedly, if you do anything for her. Like a small puppy dog, she clings to you and gives you attention when you take the time out of your day to do something special for you.
- Honesty (Do they tend to keep secrets from their S/O, or do they share everything?)
You’d be surprised if there was a thought in her head that she didn’t say to you. Wendy is very open, romantic comments and teasing aside, and she likes to tell you what’s on your mind.
- Inspiration (Did their S/O change them, or was it the other way around?)
Her hard work and artistry inspires you daily, and your kindness inspires her to be a better person for you daily.
- Jealousy (Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
Wendy gets jealous, a lot, but she knows how to handle herself. If it bugs her enough, she’ll pull you aside and you two can talk about it (kisses after are mandatory, however).
- Kiss (How often do they kiss you? Where do they like to kiss you?)
All-day, every day, anywhere, if it were up to her. A good morning kiss, before she leaves the house, kissing emojis on the phone, and about a hundred after she’s done working.
- Lazy Day (How do they like to spend days off with their S/O?)
Shopping and spoiling each other is a good lazy day with Wendy, and it’s even better if it’s raining outside. Just a warning: she will pull you out of the safety of your umbrella and dance with you in the rain while you call her the cheesiest person alive and go along with her antics.
- Marriage (Do they want to get married? How often do they think about marrying their S/O?)
ABSOLUTELY! Once you two are on the same page about your life goals, she’s constantly thinking about when is the best time to be with you.
- Nicknames (What do they call their S/O?)
Honey, jagi, baby, darling, dearest, or whatever sweet nickname strikes her at the moment.
- On Cloud Nine (What are they like when they are in love? Is it extremely obvious to others?)
Wendy is always around you, and it’s like her world orbits right around you. The members tease her about it, but she takes it in good nature and uses their teasing to tease you as well.
- PDA (Are they very upfront with their relationship, or do they prefer to keep things quiet?)
Enjoys PDA, but will tone it down if you’re not comfortable. Gentle kisses on the cheek, a hand around the waist, or a quick side hug will keep her happy until you get home.
- Quirk (Some random personality trait that makes them an excellent partner.)
You have an album in your phone gallery named “Wendy is the weirdest person I know”, and it’s filled with every weird thing she’s texted or said on camera. She, in turn, has one of you doing strange things so the two of you can be weird together.
- Romance (Are they a born romantic ready to woo their S/O at any moment, or do they struggle to spark romantic moments with their S/O?)
Very romantic, will happily serenade you while you’re making dinner or doing the laundry. Will sometimes just take your hand and lead you on a wonderful date that neither of you will forget.
- Support (How do they help support their S/O to reach their goals?)
Due to busy schedules, she can’t always be there, but she tries to show you that she’s thinking of you. A small voice note of her singing your favorite song, a weird video she took of herself to cheer you up, or a phone call to let you know that she’s here for you.
- Thrill (Do they like trying out new things to spice up their relationship, or do they prefer to stick to a routine?)
Wendy is someone who likes to try out new things while keeping a bit of a routine. Helping each other with dinner is a must every night, but you’ll switch up the recipes or go out for dinner instead.
- Understanding (How well do they know their partner?)
Wendy knows you much better than she lets on, or you even know. She happily spouts off random facts about you to her members (they didn’t ask) and you’ll then have one of the members text you a very obscure piece of information about you that you don’t even remember sharing with Wendy in the first place.
- Value (How important is the relationship to the person versus other relationships and things in their life?)
Your relationship is the most important thing to Wendy! She would much rather cancel a schedule than cancel something with you, but she can’t, so Wendy always makes it up to you with lots of affection afterwards.
- Wild Card (A random fluffy headcanon that you have about the relationship?)
She looks like she gives the best hugs ever. Do I have any solid evidence for this? No. It’s just a gut thing, but I think she gives warm, welcoming, and comforting hugs that always calm you down and make you feel better.
- XOXO (Do they like to kiss, hug, and cuddle you? How often do they do so?)
Wendy is very… handsy, and she likes to have her hands or lips on you as often as you can. This is impractical when you’re trying to be productive or are embarrassed, but she likes when her eyes are on her and her alone.
- Yearning (How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?)
When on tour, Wendy sends you texts at all hours of the night, and although she doesn’t expect you to respond, she does like hearing back from you. She also buys trinkets for you, especially if they’re cute or if they make her think of you.
- Zeal (Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?)
Wendy does go to great lengths for your relationship, but she’s practical about everything. She can’t give you the moon and stars, but she can offer you all of her love and all of herself for you to adore and cherish.
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dollechan · 1 year
𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ❀·.・
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GET BLONDED 👱‍♀️ - serie
[ sex, drugs & etc - taeyong ]
[ ciao amore - jaehyun ] [ in the summer rain - jaehyun ]
[ gatinha - mark ] [ meu amor - mark ]
[ meus olhos ainda te vêem - renjun ] [ sweet like - renjun ]
[ 🗯️ namorado!jeno ] [ bright baby blue - jeno ] [ bagunça - jeno ]
[ malandragem - haechan ]
[ 🗯️ jaemin!pai ] [ ain't no angel - jaemin ] [ who cares? - jaemin ]
[ fofo - chenle!idol ]
When I Fell In Love - serie
[ bad idea, right? - eunseok ]
[ so sweet - wonbin ]
[ 🗯️ sungchan!rival ]
[ Take Me Anywhere - seulgi ]
[ Hope They Catch Us - Enzo Vogrincic ]
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alcoholfreenayeon · 3 months
You and Irene have been dating for a while now but only have gone as far as making out because you wanted your take things slow and of course, she was ok with that. But, one day during a heated making out sessions where things started escalating further and Irene tried to pull away, you told her you were ready to take the next step with her which led to your first time together(soft smut please)
Eyes locked, hands locked
CW: Irene x gn!reader, fluff, soft smut, suggestive, nsfw
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You take a deep breath as your eyes open, the lights blinding you immediately. You look around in confusion for a moment before you realize where you are. Stretching, you sit up, feeling a bit refreshed from your nap. You yawn and pick up your phone, scrolling through it for a minute before you get up and head to the kitchen where you hear the clattering of the utensils and find Irene there, mixing the batter of a cake.
“Baby”, you greet her, hugging her from behind and slump your head on her shoulder.
She giggles, “you are awake already? I was hoping to surprise you with a cake.”
“This is why you are so amazing. But why a cake all of a sudden?”, you ask squeezing her a little.
She then pulls away a little from you and frowns, “You forgot?”, she keeps frowning and sighs.
Your entire life flashes before your eyes, “No I didn’t, it’s….its the day”, you struggle while Irene stares at you blankly, “our anniverrr”, you notice her slight shake of the head, “-sery is obviously not today so it’s..your birthday-I’m just kidding, it’s…”, you rack your brains trying to remember what on earth could the occasion be.
Then Irene breaks down in laughter, “I was just teasing, I’m making the cake for fun silly”.
You sigh in relief and then stare at her in disbelief which only causes her to giggle more. “You’ll pay for that”
She smiles, “how”, she asks as she puts the batter in the baking tray and in the oven.
“With kisses. So many. I hope you have enough or else”, you try to look menacing but she just chuckles and pinches your cheeks.
“I guess only one way to find out”, she says, poking your nose and running off to the bedroom invitingly.
You follow her, trying not to smile and find her sitting on her bed, smiling and beckoning you to join her and you oblige.
Moments later you both are making out lovingly, both of your hands wandering aimlessly at each other’s body. You pull away from her lips and begin to kiss her neck. Gently biting to leave a mark and Irene whimpered and moaned as you did before pushing you away all of a sudden.
You look at her confused and she’s completely red. “W-wait,…what are you doing”, she asks not making eye contact.
You smile and sigh, “what do you think”.
“But….”, she cuts herself off and purses her lips, considering your words…looks up at you for a second and then jumps at you kissing you deeply and you both continue from where you left off.
Within a minute she’s on top of you, unwillingly to let your lips part while she runs her hands over your bare chest. She then yelps as you push her back and get on top of her again, her hands and legs wrapped around you tightly as you begin to show her a whole new world.
About 20 minutes later, somehow between all the panting and moaning, the two of you are interrupted by the alarm Irene had set for the cake. You sigh, hesitant to move away from between her legs.
“Hey….the ca-…the cake”, Irene pants out, her face sweating and flushed as she reaches down to tap your head.
You kiss your teeth and she chuckles, standing up shyly and shakily, covering herself with the blanket as she goes to switch the oven off. When she comes back, she sits on the edge of the bed nervously, pursing her lips and looking at you through her peripherals, not letting go of the blanket.
You smirk at her shyness, “what’s with the blanket baby?”.
She sighs and rolls her eyes dramatically, shifting away from you.
You chuckle and sit up behind her, wrapping your arms around her, “Feeling shy now?”
“Shut up…”, she says not looking at you. “You just…without any hesitation…making me feel that way.”, a slight pout on her flushed face as she glances at you.
“You taste amazing if that’s what you were-hey!”, you laugh as she interrupts you by turning around and pushing you over, climbing on top of you.
“And teasing me so much when it’s my first time. And then you wonder why I’m shy. I bet you would be a mess too if I did that to you.”, she blurts out impulsively but her voice quietening down with bc every word.
You bite your lips and grin, “if that’s a challenge I accept-wh-”, you get silenced as Irene shushes you her finger.
“Yes. That is a challenge. And if I can’t..well I’ll keep going till I can do that to you. So..”, she begins to sink lower, heading towards your waist, “be good and don’t make much noise or else I’ll have to”, she bites her lip, “or you know what, make whatever noise you like. I want to know I’m making you feel that way”.
And then the really long night for you began, not that you were even going to think of complaining…
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daemour · 8 months
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Pairing: heiress! Bae Joohyun x gn! Reader
Genre: Angst, light fluff, mentioned arranged marriage
Warnings: arguing, some manipulation, suggestive content (13+)
Summary: When faced with a marriage she doesn't want, Joohyun decides to take matters into her own hands
Word Count: 713
Tipsy drabbles are back with a vengeance! Hope you guys enjoy it <3 its a short one hehe
“Miss Joohyun,” you practically sprint after your friend and employee, the soon-to-be wife of the business mogul Beomjun Kim. “Whatever is the matter?”
Joohyun spins around, her brows furrowed and her lips pursed in a perfect display of discontent. In this moment, you’re struck with her ethereal beauty once more. Having worked with her for almost half your life, you’re rarely caught off-guard by it. But at this moment, she looks ready to strike you down, like the queen she is supposed to be.
“‘Whatever is the matter’, you ask? The matter is that I have no choice in my future. No chance at finding my own love!” Joohyun’s eyes flash. “And that, that pig is going to be my husband? He has no clue how to run his business, much less the combined efforts of both our families. And yet, my parents decided to have him be the one for me to marry?”
Your eyes widen at the blatant disrespect Joohyun has displayed, your eyes darting around to make sure no one else is within earshot. “Miss Joohyun! You know he’s already part of the board of your father’s company! You can’t say such things.”
Joohyun scoffs. “I’d much rather die than be with him for the rest of my life.” She stalks forward, reaching out to grab your hands. “(Y/N), you’ve got to understand me. You can’t possibly want me to be married to that thug either.”
Your mouth opens and closes as you stare at her. “I–” Joohyun blinks at you, the epitome of innocence although you both know that’s far from the truth. In the many years you and your family have served the Bae family, you’ve grown fond of the young woman who grew up alongside you. And she has found company in you as well. But her feelings surely do not match yours. “I’d rather you found someone you genuinely cared for, Miss Joohyun. But I cannot sway your parents’ decisions.”
Joohyun’s eyebrow raises. “I’m not asking you to. Lord knows their decisions will never change. But there is something we can do.” She leans in, her breath fanning over you and everything in you stiffens. “Run away with me.”
You blink once, twice. “What?” It comes out as a whisper, and Joohyun chuckles at the look on your face.
“Run away with me, (Y/N). Come on. Ever since we got older, we’ve hardly had time to spend with each other. I don’t want to marry Beomjun, and you can’t possibly want to work for my family for the rest of your life. It’s mutually beneficial.”
A frown pulls at the corner of your lips. “But I can’t possibly upend my life like that. My family would be devastated. I want to go with you, but I can’t bring myself to.”
Joohyun’s facial expression changes. Not to disappointment, or anger, but something else you can’t place. Something akin to a cat getting ready to pounce. “(Y/N),” she hums, leaning in just a tad more, and your breath catches in your throat. “Couldn’t you come with me, because I want you there?”
And before you can protest any more, Joohyun leans in and presses a soft kiss to your lips. Your eyes squeeze shut. It’s what you’ve dreamt of at night when no one is away but your shallow breaths as you sneak a hand down your pyjama pants. A daydream you find yourself in as you clean the kitchen, imagining her slender arms wrapping around your waist as she presses kisses below your ear.
Deep in your mind, you know she doesn’t love you, not in the way she’s promising. The daughter of a business mogul, Joohyun is an expert in manipulating feelings. But maybe you’re so far gone, that if she wants you to believe she loves you, you’ll let yourself fall.
“If you want me, you can have me,” you murmur, and Joohyun’s face brightens at your quiet defeat. The sight of it makes a warmth bloom in your gut and you let a smile grace your face although your brain is screaming for you to pull back.
Living in a lie is worth it as long as she looks at you. Even if it’s not the way you look at her.
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nanawritesit · 2 years
Red Velvet Imagine: The Moment They Realize They’re In Love With You
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Irene: The first time you hold her hand
It was going to be her first time meeting your friend group, and she was pretty much having an internal anxiety attack. Irene had never been great at first impressions, she was surprised she even managed to get you as a partner after your first meeting when she had spilled her drink all over you at a party. She wanted so badly for your friends to like her, and she was just so scared of blowing it.
She kept it all inside around you, not wanting to spoil your fun with her anxiety. She fiddled with the hem of her skirt and bit her ruby red lip, looking over at you from the passenger seat. You looked so excited and relaxed, she couldn’t possibly ruin this for you.
But somehow, you knew exactly what she was thinking. As you pulled into the parking lot, she was about to exit your car when you reached over and took her hand in yours. As you smiled at her warmly, she realized this was the first time you had done this particular gesture. Normally, you would share a hug or a peck on the cheek. Holding hands wasn’t something you two usually did, and it made this moment special for her. It was exactly what she needed in a moment of weakness.
“Hey, everything’s gonna be okay Rene. My friends aren’t the kind of people to judge you based on a first meeting. And even if they did, I’m sure they’d see nothing but the beautiful, kind, fun woman that I see.” you told her, rubbing your thumb along the back of her hand.
She gave you a small nod and smiled brightly, squeezing your hand a bit. “You’re the best. I love you.”
You couldn’t help but break out in an ear to ear grin at her confession. “I love you too. I guess our relationship just got serious huh?”
She giggled, then let go of your hand. “Come on, let’s go have some fun my love.”
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Seulgi: When you play with her hair until she falls asleep
She had been ridiculously overworked lately. Red Velvet had just released their new album and she was already preparing for another comeback with GOT the beat. She barely had enough time to take care of herself, let alone sleep a decent amount.
You hated watching her struggle and wanted to tell her to slow down, but it was hard when she was doing something she loved so much. You didn’t want to stand between her and her passion for performing, but it wasn’t easy watching her run herself ragged. Plus, you didn’t get to spend much time together.
Like tonight, she came home even later than usual, still wearing her dance practice clothes and completely exhausted. She threw her duffel bag down with a heavy sigh, then threw herself down on the couch next to you. Her head went straight into your lap, making you chuckle.
“Rough practice, bear?” you asked, turning your attention towards her.
“Of course.” she grumbled, nestling into the plush of your thighs. “Three hours in the studio followed by three hours of dance practice, then doing it all over again for my other group? It’s a little rough.”
“Awh, I’m sorry babe.” Your hand instinctively went to her head, making her freeze. You started running your fingers through her hair and lightly rubbing her scalp. She didn’t know how, but it was making her feel the most relaxed she had felt all week.
“Mm, that feels so good honey.” she whimpered, relaxing every muscle in her body until she was completely limp in your lap.
“My poor baby…” you began, petting the back of her head. “You must be exhausted if something this simple is making you relaxed. I wish you wouldn’t push yourself so hard.”
“I suppose I could ask for a break…” she groaned, half asleep. No one else in the world would ever have been able to get through to her like you did. If anyone else asked her to take a break, she would have laughed in their face. But with the way you were playing with her hair, she was starting to see the appeal of spending less time at work and more time with her partner. Soon, she was seconds away from passing out on top of you. “I love you so much Y/N.”
You were taken aback at her confession, not knowing how to respond at first. You kind of just panicked and looked around the room frantically for a while, then stammered out a response. “Do you really mean that Seulgi?”
There was no response, and you were scared you had offended her somehow.
“Bear, I said are you sure?” you asked, rolling her towards you. It was then that you noticed, she was fast asleep in your lap. You smiled to yourself, then patted her head. “I love you too babe. Enjoy your rest, you deserve it.”
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Wendy: The way you look at her when she gets all dressed up
You had both been invited to one of your closest friends’ weddings, and were very excited for the chance to dress all fancy and party. Right now, you were waiting in the living room for your girlfriend to finish getting ready, just scrolling through Instagram on your phone.
“Honey, do you know where my clutch is?” you heard her ask as she entered the room.
“Yeah it’s on the-“ you stopped mid-sentence as you looked up at her. She was absolutely stunning in her tight fitting black dress, her long, fit legs adorned with tights that led the eye down to her sexy red bottom heals.
“What’s wrong?” she chuckled, tucking a piece of her bob behind her ear hesitantly.
“Nothing, it’s just…” you got up and started walking towards her. “You look absolutely gorgeous, honey. Makes me speechless.”
She could drown in the look in your eyes right now. There was so much admiration in your expression, from your big, sparkly eyes to your bright, toothy grin. No one had ever looked at her like that, like truly looked at her. It was like you were taking in every little detail of her and loving it all unconditionally. It wouldn’t have met so much if it was from anyone else, because she… she loved you.
She didn’t feel comfortable telling you until after the wedding. You were both sitting under a pergola under the starry sky at the reception, drinking wine and talking.
“Y/N, I need to tell you that I’m in love with you. It’s okay if you don’t want to say it back, but I thought you should know. After all, no one looks at me the way you do.”
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Joy: When you protect her from a stranger
You were having a date in the city, just walking around from shop to shop, when all of a sudden you got a call from work. Apparently your coworkers needed help with an issue that only you knew how to solve, and they wanted you to pop in for a bit while you were in the city. Joy was perfectly fine with it, after all it would only take a few minutes.
You gave her hand a quick squeeze before disappearing into your workplace, leaving her to wait outside. After she had been standing there for a few minutes, a man approached her and began hitting on her. When she refused, he started to get violent and try to drag her away.
“Hey, get the hell away from her you asshole!” you practically roared, sprinting out from the doorway towards them. You immediately ripped him away from Joy and stood protectively in front of her, still gripping onto the man’s arm tightly. You looked him dead in the eye as he struggled in your grasp. “If you ever touch my girl or any other woman like this again, I’ll rip your damn arm off, you hear me? Now get the hell out before I call the authorities.”
The man ran off like the coward he was, and you immediately turned around and hugged your girlfriend with a sigh. “Thank god I came out soon enough, are you okay? He didn’t hurt you did he?” you asked, putting your hands on her cheeks and examining her face.
Instead of looking scared, she looked very calm, and was looking up at you with the widest for eyes. “You just protected me from that guy. You must really love me.” she said dumbfounded.
You widened your eyes before chuckling nervously, dropping your hands back down to your hips. “Yeah, I do. I love you Joy, that’s why I can’t let anything happen to you.”
“Well I love you too Y/N. I just can’t believe it took some random creep harassing me for me to realize it.” You both erupted into laughter, letting your foreheads fall against each other. You shared a chaste kiss, then looked into each other’s eyes lovingly for a moment.
“Come on, let’s continue our date.” you told her, gesturing towards the sidewalk. “No more interruptions, I promise.”
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Yeri: When you share everything with each other
The two of you always joked that if a stranger walked into your shared bedroom, they wouldn’t be able to tell who’s side was who’s. There was a mutual understanding that what’s yours is Yeri’s and what’s Yeri’s is yours. Your dressers were a perfect blend of each other’s clothes, and the vanity was covered in shared beauty products and perfumes. You guys shared everything. Makeup, hair ties, sunglasses, shampoo, shoes, books, food… it was all mutually owned, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
One particular night, Yeri was sat on the bed helping you get ready for a night out with your friends.
“Y/N babe, if you pair those embroidered jeans of yours with my leather jacket, that outfit will really stand out.” she observed, smiling at you through the reflection of your mirror.
“Oh that would be so cute!” you squealed, getting changed. “I bet your yellow shoes would look perfect with this. And where did you put my black handbag?”
“Let me get it for you, I took it out a few nights ago and left it in the kitchen.” you explained, getting up and leaving the room. She quickly found the handbag on the counter and made her way back to your room. However, the sight of you caught her off guard, making her freeze in the doorway.
“What do you think?” you asked, holding out your arms to show off the completed outfit.
She shook her head in disbelief at how wonderful you looked. “I think you need to stay home because everyone’s going to be checking you out in that.” she giggled, holding your bag out to you. “You look hot as hell in a combination our stuff. It’s like… we belong to each other you know. I love that. And I love you.”
You scrunched your your nose in a smile, putting your hands over your face. “Kim Yerim, did you just confess your love to me?” you squeaked.
“I did.” she told you, wrapping her arms up around your shoulders. “Do you love me back?”
“Of course I do.” you giggled, feeling happy tears prickle your eyes. “You know, maybe I don’t need to go out tonight. I’d much rather be with the woman I love.”
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jenniejjun · 1 year
Aaa tua escrita é perfeita, não consigo sair do teu perfil!!🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Gostaria de saber se você poderia escrever algo com a Irene?
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PAR: bae joo-hyun (irene) x leitora!fem
GÊNERO: smut, fluff e um tiquinho de angst
avisos: inspirado levemente em “o príncipe cruel” de holly black, casamento arranjado, irene e leitora são princesas, elas se odeiam, irene é feérica, leitora é humana, tem uma referência pequenininha a "queen charlotte" da netflix, menções à sangue e um toquinho de leve no que é a construção patriarcal que se chama virgindade e tudo que isso envolvia na época mas eu nem me aprofundo muito (é mais um adendo caso você ache essas coisas meio bleh mas é uma fantasia então eu adaptei bastante coisa do nosso mundo nessa fic), masturbação feminina (irene recebe), voyerismo, uma orgia básica (leitora não participa), oral!fem (irene recebe). vai ter continuação, se vocês gostarem ❤️
ME PERDOA PELA DEMORA SÉRIO! primeiro, queria agradecê-los pelos 100k 😭😭 vocês são uns amores e eu adoro escrever pra vocês. em segundo lugar, obrigada pelos elogios!! queria pedir desculpas pela demora catastrófica que esse pedido levou pra ficar pronto mas estava sem ideias e precisei pensar em algo um pouco novo pra desenvolver o pedido. não sei se ficou exatamente como você queria ou se você conhece a obra no qual essa história foi inspirada mas eu espero que você tenha gostado! curtam o pornô de fada 💀
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Você era a princesa mais cobiçada do reino humano. Tão bela que parecia ter sido esculpida pelos próprios Deuses, cada detalhe. Desde o fio mais fino de cabelo até as perfeitas imperfeições que a tornavam tão real e individual. Desde pequena, tinha conhecimento de que seu grande dever seria casar-se bem, considerando que seu pai já possuía filhos homens para ascenderem ao trono. Sua tarefa era manter o status social da família. A graciosidade que carregava sempre ajudou nas milhares de propostas nas quais recebia.
Entretanto, sabendo que o pai nunca admitiria isso, uma das razões que explicavam a existência de tantas negativas em suas proposições matrimoniais era a falta de dinheiro que seu reino enfrentava. E nenhum dos reinos humanos ao seu redor parecia muito melhor do que o de vocês. Logo, requeria a combinação perfeita em seu casamento. Decente e rico.
A única esperança restante da parentela, seu irmão já casado não podia fazer muito pelas condição financeira de vocês. Você já não guardava rancor, mesmo que achasse engraçada a situação em que um futuro rei fosse tão impotente para com o próprio reino, até escolherem sua salvação por você.
"Vamos, irmãzinha, desfaça essa cara. Você sabe que papai vai ficar bravo se você receber a princesa Joo-Hyun assim", Taryn se senta ao seu lado, a camisa amassada é um indício claro que passou a noite fora. O pai de vocês ficará mais bravo com isso do que com qualquer careta que possa direcionar à princesa. "Entendo que a odeie, mas se lembre que estamos fazendo algo grande aqui. O Grande Experimento é como papai está chamando. Feéricos e humanos pela primeira vez em séculos."
"Não, você não entende porque não está casando com ela. Todos ouvimos os rumores de como eles são, creio que haja um motivo insanamente plausível pelo qual não nos misturamos há séculos", você rebate, irritada demais para distinguir que estava agindo feito criança. "Meu casamento deveria servir de segurança financeira para nossa família e não ser um experimento onde posso acabar morta."
O que poderia acontecer se alguma coisa desse errada? Seu irmão não lhe poupou esforços em responder mesmo que tivesse certeza de que nenhuma dúvida tivesse sido esboçada verbalmente.
"O pior que pode acontecer é ela acabar te matando", revelou ele zombeteiro.
Revirando os olhos, você respondeu: "Isso não parece muito desagradável pra você."
"Não diga coisas de tamanho descortês, querida", uma terceira voz se fez presente fazendo com que você e seu irmão virem suas cabeças em direção a ela. 
Thomas é seu pai e o único que consegue separar as alfinetadas entre você e Taryn por tempo suficiente até que ele se canse, é uma dádiva. Você sempre diz isso. O irmão ao seu lado faz uma careta pelo que você vê no canto do olho e seu pai logo o repreende. Em ocasiões assim você quase, e enfatizando o quase, fica com pena de seu sangue. Preso em um casamento sem amor e sempre procurando satisfação na calada da noite.
Contudo, seu pai estava assinando-a para um destino não muito dessemelhante. Não ocorriam-lhe motivos para ser diferente de Taryn agora.
"Você está fedendo a uísque, trate de se trocar antes que a família Bae chegue e resolva desmanchar o casamento de sua irmã por conta de seus comportamentos vis", o patriarca ataca com um semblante sério e você não consegue disfarçar a carranca. "Já conversamos sobre isso, tesouro, está feito."
É claro que estava. Você nunca tinha chance nenhuma de dizer nada nos últimos tempos, seu pai parecia empenhado em amenizar a repulsão entre humanos e feéricos e, com isso, destruir sua possível felicidade. Como uma jovem teimosa, você bateu o pé ignorando o farfalhar das saias de seu vestido.
"Acho que são nulas as chances de tentar convencê-lo do contrário, papai", você responde amargurada.
"Você sabe que não me traz ventura alguma mandá-la para aquela Corte, mas...", e honestamente precisaria de algum acréscimo após tal revelação? Não tinha dúvidas de que era amada, seu pai nunca havia sido uma má figura para si enquanto crescia. Mas não deveria existir um 'mas' ali.
Não importava o quão complicada fosse a situação.
"Mas sua alternativa de paz é enviar sua única filha para lá em troca de não morrermos de fome", resmungando você se virou para frente. De repente rezando para conhecer sua noiva logo e acabar de uma vez com tudo aquilo. "Foi para o que eu nasci, de qualquer jeito."
Sua cunhada, que raramente aparece, estava certa, afinal, você pensa. Poucas pessoas em sua pele deviam casar por amor, tinha de se acostumar com sua realidade logo. O que deveria ser um conto de fadas se tornou o tipo de história que suas amas lhe contavam antes de dormir afim de torná-la mais obediente. Existiu um período de tempo em que criaturas mágicas e humanos conviviam em harmonia, você deve achar, mas há muito teria deixado de ser como tal. O reino feérico e o reino humano eram dois mundos separados por um portal pequeno, no qual eram proibidos de atravessarem a não ser que desejassem a morte eminente.
Lá, conheciam apenas a escuridão da noite e eram tão infames quanto eram devassos.
Nenhuma alma viva sabia dizer exatamente quando o desprezo entre mundos teria dado início a uma era insaciável de guerras, mas rumores corriam que um deles teria exterminado uma vila mundana há milênios atrás. Desde então, era inconcesso o contato entre seres mundanos e seres mágicos. Seu trabalho era extinguir tal inimizade. Por isso, trajava vestes diferentes das costumeiras. Escutou histórias sobre o estilo de vida dos feéricos e como encaravam o código de vestimenta mundano.
Era impróprio mostrar mais que centímetros de sua canela, quem dirá ter tanta pele exposta como tinha ali. O vestido de mangas compridas era de uma tonalidade tão escura de azul que poderia ser confundida com a noite, um low cut que mostrava bem o formato de seus seios formados e a fenda lateral expunha sua perna causando-lhe arrepios de frio. Os cabelos caíam como ondas por suas costas com uma tira dourada e enfeitada de cobras, o dourado ornava perfeitamente com a vermelhidão aplicada nos lábios.
Uma maneira de agradá-los por irem até ali, coisa nada costumeira da Corte.
O som das portas se abrindo te fez despertar. A família real feérica era incrivelmente longa, você se deu conta, quando viu pelo menos quatro cabeças femininas adentrarem o cômodo após os mais velhos e atrás delas, três homens idênticos. Provavelmente trigêmeos. Eram apresentados em retrospecto, mas você mal podia ouvir alguma coisa. Sucedia-se de recordar dos contos sobre a beleza feérica, as orelhas pontudas e os traços mágicos que pareciam desenhos de tão surreais. Sem embargo, jamais urdiu tamanha beleza em seus sonhos mais selvagens.
Uma princesa em particular chamava sua atenção, como o canto de uma das sereis das histórias de suas amas. A pele tão pálida que podia assemelhar-se à luz do luar em um dia de lua cheia, os olhos castanhos, não tão escuros mas não tão claros tinham o desenho perfeito para suas pálpebras. Cada fio de sua sobrancelha cabalmente alinhado. Todos esses detalhes que pareciam se fechar com a boca que formavam uma carranca, aos seus olhos, intencional.
Contudo, sua maquiagem não remetia aos anjos para os quais rezavam todas as noites. O que seus olhos tinham de suaves, o delineado preto fazia com que se tornassem felinos e sua pele brilhava em cantos que jamais ponderou serem possíveis. Um brilho quase dourado, os lábios pintados de uma cor tão nude que remetiam ao marrom. Os acessórios em suas orelhas, braços e pescoço todos eram ouro puro.
O vestido preto continha uma fenda desde o vale de seus seios até o umbigo, com detalhes dourados cercando a abertura. Ombreiras auríficas portavam uma enorme capa preta, se conectando diretamente ao seu colar de serpente. Quase que por instinto, você tocou os cabelos indiretamente. Então, aquela seria sua noiva. Bae Joo-Hyun.
"E essa deve ser a adorável jovenzinha que estávamos falando durante todas essas luas! Oh, querida, é um prazer conhecê-la!", o que você assumiu ser a matriarca da família silvou em sua direção. Os olhos pareciam com olhos de cobra e você se assustou um pouco, não perdendo a forma como a mulher agarrou seus braços em um abraço apertado ladeado.
Você olhou desnorteada para seu pai, que sorria encorajando-a, e por isso, respirou fundo. Necessitava de aproveitar o máximo que pudesse, teriam um jantar onde conversariam sobre melhores formas de juntar os dois povos e então, não veria as paredes deste castelo por um bom tempo. Estaria presa lá, sabe-se quanto tempo permaneceria viva na Corte Feérica, tão diferente da sua.
Era sua última chance de estar em casa.
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Descobriu posteriormente, os nomes de suas futuras irmãs e irmãos. Ainda que a explicação viesse de uma forma um tanto confusa. O rei de Attadolon teria se casado cinco vezes, uma para cada herdeiro sentado em sua mesa. A última esposa era a mulher com cara de cobra e um silvar estranho em sua língua. Seu irmão parecia estranhamente atraído por ela ao seu lado. A cada cinco minutos, se lembrava de chutar distraidamente sua perna para que ele não causasse outra guerra entre raças.
Kim Yerim é a mais nova e, portanto, a mais entusiasmada de todos. A princesa sempre pareceu absurdamente interessada em quaisquer assunto mundano puxado por seu pai e, por isso, não admitiria mas teria ganhado seu coração. Um pouquinho. Com ela, talvez, não fosse tão difícil fingir sorrisos gentis e educados. Park Soo-Young era mais reservada e parecia conter Yerim continuadamente quando via que a irmã assustada algum de vocês com sua exultação. Existiam os trigêmeos, que não falavam muito, mas você teria descoberto seus nomes. Lee Taeyong, Lee Hong-gi e Lee Hyuk-jae. Kang Seulgi era a que encarava toda a situação com deboche e provocava um comentário ofensivo de vez em quando, era bastante bonita. Você era incapaz de notar, todos eles eram. Mas a beleza de Seulgi era semelhante a da irmã ao seu lado, algo quase mítico.
Referindo-se a ela, Joo-Hyun te encarava a todo o momento. Tinha a certeza de que previamente a se sentarem à mesa, os olhos castanhos dela já seguiam cada passo que ameaçava dar. Mas ao contrário de Kang, a princesa Bae não carregava um sorriso escarnioso em sua face. Permanecera com a mesma expressão impassiva de antes, a postura reta intocável lhe atraía ainda mais pela forma como seus seios quase pulavam pelo decote. Você sentiu seu rosto corando quando ela desceu o olhar lentamente de você para o próprio busto, notando seu particular interesse.
Foi a primeira vez que viu um brilho malicioso no olhar da feérica. Também tinha a certeza que teria sido a primeira vez em que ela veria seu rosto vermelho de vergonha, o que a fez notar que ela não era a única lhe olhando.
Falavam contigo.
"Sim?", quis saber desconectando-se de qualquer possibilidade de que tivessem visto qualquer interação entre você e a futura mulher que chamaria de esposa. As mãos em seu colo se apertavam tanto que os nós de seus dedos estavam brancos.
A rainha sorriu gentil. "Perguntei se está contente, querida? Afinal, logo partiremos para Attadolon!"
"Ela provavelmente nos odeia, mamãe, duvido que esteja animada para pisar os pés em uma terra no qual ouviu atrocidades sobre a vida inteira", Seulgi respondeu por você. A pequena sementinha do caos, você decidiu apelidá-la em sua mente.
Respirou fundo, vendo seu pai tomar partido.
"Não, jamais! Minha filha está apenas sem palavras, sempre foi uma criança quieta e tímida como lhe informei sobre nas cartas. Especialmente após a morte da mãe, pobrezinha. Se fechou tanto", continuou ele fingindo pesar. Desacreditada, você o encarou.
Ele mal tinha o hábito em mencionar a falecida esposa que lhe chocava a maneira natural como teria-na usado para uma desculpa tão banal, fazia sua respiração tropeçar e falhar visivelmente. A cena pareceu interessante para Joo-Hyun que se inclinou minimamente, os olhos presos em você. Queria gritar para que ela se virasse.
"Meu pai está certo, é apenas tudo muito novo para mim. Contudo, tenho certeza de que vou amar a Corte Feérica assim que a vê-la. Pelas histórias, parece encantadora", você retrucou encarando Kang Seulgi diretamente.
Ela riu alto. "Isso, eu vou gostar de ver."
Yerim, no entanto, pareceu pressentir a confusão se formando e interrompeu com sua voz suave e sobressaída perante ao mínimo murmúrio que se formava entre os trigêmeos.
"Talvez seja sábio que começasse a arrumar suas coisas, deixar tudo organizado para quando formos", ela proferiu gentil. E você, aproveitando a oportunidade de sair dali, assentiu.
Agradecendo e se retirando brevemente da sala de jantar, onde o clima era tão pesado que podia ser cortado com uma faca.
O caminho para seus aposentos não deveria demorar tanto quanto demorou, mas ali estava você abrindo a porta de tais e encarando as bagagens empilhadas. Não havia mais nada a ser feito, a não ser esperar a hora, mas gostava de fingir que precisava de alguma coisa daquele quarto para tornar aquele lugar mais parecido com sua casa. Portanto, permaneceu ali dedilhando seu espelho. O silêncio é bem recebido ao mesmo tempo que não é. Por um lado, você consegue respirar fundo agora, suas mãos secando rápido em comparação ao ar gélido. Pelo outro, você sabe exatamente quando passos contidos e elegantes são dados em direção a onde você estava.
Seu pai ou irmão.
Bae Joo-Hyun não podia ser vista com você, pelo menos não sem uma acompanhante. E os passos eram únicos. Contudo, sua futura esposa não assemelhava-se a alguém que se importava com regras, aparecendo de forma sobejante ao batente da porta. Despojava seus braços cruzados e as unhas pretas e gigantes eram visíveis agora.
"Não julgo necessário tantas malas assim", foram as primeiras palavras que proferiu em sua direção. A voz dela não era nada do que esperava, grossa ou sedutora como a de Seulgi. Sempre à espreita para atingi-la. Não obstante, era semelhante. Joo-Hyun continha um vocábulo suave e silencioso. Como se sussurrasse. Ser humilhada por alguém assim deveria ser bem pior. "Temos roupas para você em Attadolon."
A julgar por sua expressão nada surpresa, massageou o vão entre suas sobrancelhas disfarçadamente afim de dissipar o franze entre elas.
"Agradeço a gentileza, princesa, mas gosto das minhas roupas. Estarei as levando comigo", teimou. Joo-Hyun, todavia, suspirou expirou pesadamente. Mas se estava irritada, sua face não demonstrava.
"Não serão necessárias. Serão descartadas assim que chegarmos a Corte", ela insistiu tomando dois passos em sua direção. Os ornamentos dourados em sua orelha brilhavam, dando destaque perfeito a forma pontiaguda da mesma. Parecia uma figura direto de um livro infantil, sua expressão não afetada, no entanto, nada se assemelhava.
Seu choque, aparentemente, não surtia efeito ali.
"Como é?", questionou.
"Você se casará comigo, a herdeira do trono. Será a futura rainha consorte de Attadolon e deverá se vestir como tal", explicou a princesa. Deixando com que digerisse suas palavras, Joo-Hyun se aproximou de você levantando a mão fina e assustadora com suas unhas, que mais pareciam garras de perto, e enrolou alguns fios de seu cabelo no próprio dedo. "É metade feérica agora que entrou para a família real. Aconselho que se acostume com isso."
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O sendeiro pedregulhoso foi um obstáculo e tanto em sua viagem, mas vez por outra a voz de Yerim tagarelando durante todo o percurso foi uma boa distração. A carruagem que a levou não equiparava tamanha grandiosidade, porém, era de se esperar que a partir dali a magia fosse um detalhe obstinado de sua vida. Com certeza, maior por dentro, o condutor branco e dourado levava toda a família de Joo-Hyun e você.
As lágrimas da despedida ainda estavam secas em sua bochecha quando se virou lentamente e viu seu pai acenando ao longe, seu irmão continha uma careta que você já sabia reconhecer como choro e sorriu afetada com isso. Apenas carregava consigo uma pequena sacolinha com seu espelho favorito e colar de pérolas que pertenceu à sua mãe. Joo-Hyun estava certa, as malas foram dispensadas quando tomaram consciência de que suas necessidades ali eram roupas.
Deixava ali sua parte humana para trás.
“Você vai amar Attadolon, estão todos muito ansiosos para conhece-la”, tentou Yerim. Você esforçou um sorriso trêmulo, que claramente atingiu a boa fé da menina que pareceu receosa em ter te magoado. Soo-Young interferiu repousando sua mão sob a da irmã, com um sorriso contido indicando apoio.
“A fiança de que será uma incrível consorte para nossa irmã, princesa, é tamanha. Perdoe-me a falta de jeito de Yerim, estamos apenas tentando-lhe fazer sentir-se em casa”, a Park concluiu. Era a primeira vez que ouviu sua voz. Um pouquinho nasalada, mas te lembrava as breves melodias tocadas no piano por seu pai.
“Obriga…”, mas você foi interrompida antes que pudesse agradecer propriamente as duas. Pareciam tão gentis, mas Seulgi grunhiu deslizando brevemente em seu assento ao lado de Joo-Hyun.
“Essa distribuição concórdia entre vocês está me deixando nauseada. Hospitalidade não vai transfigurar o que somos para ela”, balbuciou entediada.
Um estalo foi ouvido e você viu a rainha sibilar algo em voz baixa para a menina antes de se virar para você, os olhos mais claros do que nunca. Eram como os de uma víbora pronta para o ataque, mas não carregavam maldade. Apenas irritação. Esperava que não fosse direcionado a si.
“Absolva-nos do julgamento por desmedida malcriação de minha filha, princesa”, ela silvou em questionamento. Você apenas assentiu tímida. Não existia uma escolha onde não os perdoava, seria parte daquilo agora. Facilitaria sua vida se não os fizessem odiá-la.
O rei de Attadolon suspirou vagamente colocando a mão no rosto e, rapidamente, você pôde ver marcas de queimadura em sua mão. Franzindo o cenho, divagou consigo mesma antes que sentisse um olhar em sua direção. Joo-Hyun tinha as mãos conjuntas em seu colo e lhe observava firmemente. A expressão vazia permanecia, mas por trás de tudo, via faíscas de raiva pegando fogo por suas irises escuras. Os lábios carnudos naquele tom caído de sempre apenas ajudando na carranca natural.
Quiçá, não seria somente os pedregulhos que dificultariam sua chegada.
Mas o castelo não era muito longe assim que atravessaram o portal, era visível há quilômetros de distância. A neblina o tornava mais macabro do que parecia assim como toda sua terra, mas ele tinha uma tonalidade mais preta quase que puxada ao verde e as torres eram infinitamente mais pontiagudas. Ao sair da carruagem com a ajuda do cocheiro, sentiu o cheiro pressentido de barro molhado mistura com lavanda. Era bom e ruim ao mesmo tempo.
O interior do castelo era mais amistoso, decorado em tons de dourado e vermelho, continha uma escadaria enorme que davam para os quartos e milhares de serviçais andavam para lá e para cá. Os trigêmeos já se dispersavam quando foram chamados pelo rei.
“Nem pensem em fugir dessa vez, quero todos os três prontos em duas horas”, foi a rainha quem se pronunciou. Um deles, o mais polido de todos, assentiu reverenciando a mulher. Um sorrisinho debochado adornando a face. “Taeyong..”
“Como queira, minha rainha”, zombou ele se afastando com os irmãos. Ao passar por você, assentiu brevemente com a cabeça. Você viu triplicado mas sabia que seria um hábito quando estivesse perto deles agora. “Princesa.”
“Ah, e você querida! Suas damas de companhia já estão à espera para prepará-la, peço que suba o mais rápido possível. Estão esperando”, ela pediu afobado. As mãos finas te empurrando escada acima.
Confusa, você olhou de um lado para o outro. Esperando? Tinha a noção de que a noite naquele lugar era infinita mas aquelas pessoas certamente deviam ter momentos de descanso, não? Ou saberiam esperar que sua futura rainha estivesse exausta da viagem? Teria de encará-los hoje?
“Me esperando? Pensei que fôssemos recebê-los amanhã”, murmurou. A monarca sibilou uma risada que mais parecia uma cobra aprontando o ataque.
“O tempo se move diferente aqui, preferimos nos referir somente em horas e minutos. Dias não são úteis para nós, olhe em volta, querida. Vivemos na noite eterna!”, ela cantarolou. “Agora, ande! Ande!”
“Vamos leva-lá, mamãe! Não acho que a princesa saiba chegar aos próprios aposentos sozinha num castelo desconhecido”, Yerim exclamou arrastando Soo-Young junto.
A mulher não pareceu discordar, deixando que fosse levada pelas duas outras filhas. De relance, você viu o momento em que Kang Seulgi enlaçou os braços com os de Joo-Hyun murmurando algo com um sorrisinho ladino. Ela retribui levemente, quando achou que ninguém estava olhando. Por alguma razão, você se sentiu ofendida. Era mais reação do que jamais poderia esperar dela. E não direcionada a você.
Contudo, era sua irmã ali. E você era uma humana estranha.
“Ficará a mais bela dama de todas, tenho certeza”, pulou Yerim.
“Vai assustá-la, Yeri. Se acalme um pouco”, pediu Soo-Young com gentileza.
Vocês subiam as escadas lentamente, os saltos mortalmente altos faziam suas pernas tremerem e se não fosse a segurança dos braços de ambas em cada lado de seu corpo, teria a impressão que rolaria aqueles degraus de forma patética. Soo-Young te lançou um olhar caloroso e gentil.
“Já fomos apresentadas mas pode nos chamar de Yeri e Joy, assim soa menos informal agora que seremos irmãs”, ela riu fraquinho. “Vossa Alteza, a rainha, pediu para que sua damas separassem três vestidos para que assim tivesse opções de escolha.”
“Eu não entendo, precisamos mesmo recebê-los hoje? Não me levem a mal, mas estou tão cansada”, você mentiu. Esperava que elas não conseguissem ver a fachada de insegurança por trás de sua primeira mentira, mas não imaginava como ver um povo pelo qual passou anos temendo e tendo de recebê-los de braços abertos como sua futura rainha pudesse acalentar seu coração inundado.
Joy e Yeri compartilharam um olhar antes de rirem juntas. Você franziu o cenho em balbúrdia.
“Perdão, mas o que é engraçado?”
“Você realmente acha que irá somente receber o povo?”, Yeri perguntou. Embasbacada com sua inocência, ela riu mais. “Eles esperam o casamento, princesa. Por isso, precisa se arrumar logo!”
Inesperadamente, você demonstra seu choque por meio de um engasgo em sua respiração. O coração acelerado mostra a forma repentina de como recebeu a notícia. Se casaria aquela noite. Certamente, havia algo de errado com aquelas pessoas. Reinos esperavam semanas para grandes casórios, a família completa se mostrava presente. Uma celebração de votos, uma comemoração da união entre duas almas. Mas ali não.
Joo-Hyun não brincara quando lhe aconselhou para que acostumasse com tal. Humana já não era mais, no momento em que teria deixado sua família nos grandes portões de seu reino.
Serviria de uma espécie de atração humana para aquele público feérico, a noiva da futura rainha de Attadolon. Teria de ser graciosa e aceitá-la sem ao menos conhecer sua cultura, seus costumes. Uma boneca para que investigassem se seria apta ao governo sem ao menos uma preparação ou teste antes. E não poderia reclamar. Resmungos seriam inúteis ali. Não a escutariam.
Sua vontade não seria feita. Você se casaria aquela noite.
A mão de Joy em sua cintura lhe trouxe de volta e você percebeu que haviam parado, nem mesmo a metade da escadaria havia sido percorrida mas a expressão de preocupação em seus traços asiáticos indicava de que sua fisionomia apaziguava o afligimento que tomava conta das irmãs ali. Dispensando toques, apresentando-se com uma sensação horrível de abandonamento quando viu o semblante triste de Yerim preencher seu campo de visão, você endireitou a coluna como seu pai havia te ensinado e sorriu.
"Está tudo bem, princesa?", ela ainda assim quis saber.
"Está sim, peço que continuemos, por gentileza. Eu odiaria deixar seus súditos esperando", firmou segurando as saias do vestido.
Desassociou-se do mundo pelo que pareceram-se horas, mas sabia captar vez ou outra o quarto ao seu redor. Uma cabeceira, uma cama grande o suficiente para caber você ali e um armário de madeira com pequenas fadas encravadas no desenho ali. Memoriou vagamente a sensação de cerdas sob seu rosto e uma consistência pesada que podia conhecer como o pó de arroz que usavam em seu reino. Entretanto, aquele tinha um cheirinho engraçado.
Quando foi posta sob a grande plateia, era como um pedaço de carne que eram apresentados no vilarejo. Aqueles novinhos que ainda não continham moscas onde eram passados. O lugar que deveria ser de seu pai era tomado por Lee Taeyong que acompanhava lentamente seu ritmo, o braço enlaçado ao seu.
"Talvez fosse de bom tom se lembrar de sorrir, princesa, todos estão olhando", ele sussurrou em seu ouvido com um sorriso dócil o suficiente para enganar as moças mais inocentes de uma aldeia qualquer. Taeyong era o que mais se destacava entre os trigêmeos, com sua áurea naturalmente bela e a pele que parecia vir com um brilho consueto em si. A cicatriz debaixo de um dos olhos deixava a aparência angelical com o toque perfeito de imperfeição. "É o dia do seu casamento, afinal. Não deveria estar infeliz."
Você teria lhe lançado um olhar se não estivessem em frente a milhares de criaturas mágicas, mas ao invés disso, apertou seu braço e forçou as pernas a se moverem com mais lentidão. O sorriso brotando lentamente nos lábios brilhosos. Sua pele tinha uma sensação térmica quente terrível, que podia se dar graças ao clima úmido da terra, mas que fazia com que o brilho adicionado em você fosse ordinário.
O tecido tão bege bem a sua pele com os detalhes dourados. As mangas abafavam a sensação calorenta dentro de si.
Olhando para o altar, ali estava Joo-Hyun. Como um cisne negro perante à luz. Os lábios agora trajavam um batom vermelho enquanto os seus carregavam um brilho básico, invertendo-as nas posições. Te voltando como a pueril donzela enquanto ela era a rainha que te dominaria a partir dali.
Pateticamente, assumiria para si mesma que não tomou muito de si para dizer aceito no altar.
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Os feéricos certamente tinham um jeito de festejar. Você ainda se recordava da cerimônia suas damas de companhia a despiam das roupas pelos corredores mesmo, era algum tipo de tradição, você as escutou dizer. Havia se sentado junto da família real e observado enquanto as criaturas ao seu redor dançavam e aproveitavam da noite eterna, a sensualidade em seu chacoalhar de quadris. Era uma dança muito bonita, você pensou consigo mesma.
Pétalas vermelhas caíam de um céu encantado e rodeavam o salão, desenhos que pareciam tão astrais quanto a biblioteca de seu pai guiavam cada fada, gnomo e feérico presente ali. Cada integrante daquela linda peça parecia tão empenhado e apaixonado, quase surtia o efeito de fazê-la levantar e se juntar a eles.
"Se chama O Encanto do Amor. É uma dança na qual usamos para homenagear casamentos em nossa cultura", Joy explicou risonha. Ou talvez, bêbada, devesse admitir. Sua taça de vinho já estava vazia. "Receio que possa parecer um pouco provocativa aos olhos humanos."
Ao longe, viu quando uma das mulheres dançando se encaminhou até a grande mesa depositando uma coroa de pétalas na frente de Bae Joo-Hyun. Livrando-se do espartilho, você se perguntou o que aquilo significava. Porventura, um presente a sua futura rainha a parabenizando pela união entre dois mundos. Mas dificilmente seria vista como um prêmio por qualquer uma daquelas criaturas.
Um sentimento estranho se apossou do colo de seu ventre e você tentou o espantar para a fora, com ele a raiva que borbulhava dentro de si. A princesa de Attadolon não a conhecia, o casamento era um arranjo político e já havia sido feito. Não teriam mais problemas em provar aos dois povos que humanos e feéricos poderiam se misturar a não ser pela consumação.
Você imaginava como aquilo tomaria rumo. Tinha consciência de que em casamentos mundanos, as damas de companhia checavam os lençóis no dia seguinte em busca de sangue. Suas damas lhe explicaram tudo sobre a reprodução feminina e o que deveria esperar de sua noite de núpcias. Quando se tratava de um homem. Não ocorria de incômodo algum o fato de se casar com uma mulher, já havia conhecido alguns reinos que o faziam.
Outros achavam extremamente inadequado, mas você não se implicava à tais discussões. Apesar disso, não era o tipo de conversa que suas damas tinham contigo. Mal sabia como beijar uma mulher direito, a vergonha quase te afogou quando sentiu os lábios joviais e ardentes de Joo-Hyun tomando os seus com agressividade durante a cerimônia.
Encarou o rastro de roupas atrás de si encabulada antes de entrar direto nos aposentos que dividiria com a princesa pela noite, a encontrando ali. Você trajava uma camisola transparente que ia até os seus pés, pelo reflexo do espelho ao lado da cama na penteadeira, era capaz de ver o desenho esculpido de suas auréolas pelo tecido branco e fino.
"Princesa", você saudou fazendo uma breve reverência. Ela vestia trajes semelhantes aos seus, porém os dela eram infinitamente mais justos. Deixavam pouco para sua imaginação fértil que podia ver os seios de Joo-Hyun quase pulando para fora do decote.
Ela reconheceu sua presença com um murmúrio, retirando o batom vermelho dos lábios. Você franziu os lábios em uma linha reta em irritação.
"Como prefere que seja feito, Vossa Graça? Posso me deitar, se quiser...", você empeçou.
"Não preciso que faça nada, não vamos fazer nada", Joo-Hyun retrucou brusca. Ao se levantar, viu a mulher pentear os cabelos e se livrar das joias. De repente, fazendo com que se perguntasse o motivo de estar ali. "Poderá esperar um pouco nestas câmaras e então, retornar aos seus aposentos. Não nos veremos de novo hoje."
Você odiava se sentir de fora ou interpretar algo de forma errada, mas Joo-Hyun não se preocupava em lhe dar explicações o suficiente para que não tomasse conclusões precipitadas. Ainda assim, você tentou:
“Implementei entes que lograssem-lhe importuno?”, você quis saber. Curiosa se havia algo que teria feito pra ofender a princesa. Nada obstante, era o fato de que Joo-Hyun não carecia de motivos pra despreza-la tal qual como o contrário. Não havia esboçado uma fagulha em reação quando se tratava de si, o mais próximo que tivesse visto de um sorriso na face da menina teria sido direcionado à Kang Seulgi.
Poderia simplesmente não querer vê-la aquela noite e isso seria motivo suficiente para dispensá-la para seus aposentos. Todavia, Joo-Hyun não se importou em te avultar da razão pela qual estaria se distanciando aquela noite. Também teria escutado histórias de casamentos infelizes, homens que retornavam às suas casas tarde da noite após passarem suas madrugadas em prostíbulos.
O casamento para pares como este eram a segurança de uma vida de luxo, pois a junção das posses significava muito naquele tempo, no entanto, um pressentir infeliz pelo restante de suas vidas eram o que lhes restavam depois de tais acordos. Vareite em pensar que isto seria sua realidade.
“Não. Importuno algum, estarei me juntando aos meus em uma breve comemoração e não deve me esperar aqui quando retornar”, ela informou. Sem muitos detalhes, sem expressão. Neutra como vinha sendo desde que a conheceu. “Peço que se retire para os seus aposentos, milady.”
Joo-Hyun não aparentou paciência em esperar uma concordância, apenas te deixou ali durante sua saída. Estranhamente, não se retirou pela porta frontal mas sim por uma breve passagem que se encontrava perto de uma estante de livros. O vestígio de seus fios morenos foram a única coisa que viu durante o tempo em que deixou-se impregnar com o cheiro dourado que ela emanava.
Tinha experimentado um gostinho festeiro dos feéricos em seu baile de casamento, as danças e todo o ar depravado. Neste ínterim, não era compreensível a presença de Joo-Hyun ser requerida e a sua não. Existia um plural em noivas e ao mesmo tempo em que entendi a importância da princesa para Attadolon, teria de ser inclusa agora que eram casadas.
Afinal, eram casadas. Que tipo de baile seria mais vultoso do que a consumação de seu matrimônio? Certamente, coexistiam leis naquele mundo que as forçassem a provar a legitimidade de sua união para as forças maiores do reino.
Imagens voaram por sua mente como flashes quando se recordou da bela dama que depositou uma coroa de flores na frente de sua esposa, um sorriso ladino adornando a boca. Forçando bem agora, podia se lembrar da risada cínica de Seulgi ao lado da irmã. A boca fina estampando um sorriso vermelho.
Agarrando um robe sedoso ali, você se cobriu não querendo distribuir a vista de seus seios para o restante do castelo e saiu porta a fora ignorando a expressão confusa dos guardas que protegiam o cômodo. Passando por suas damas de companhia à sua espera, procurando a única pessoa que poderia lhe dar respostas naquele momento. Não saberia muito bem dizer onde atinaria-na, porventura, se questionasse Joy ou Yerim.
Mas não precisou.
Kang Seulgi fechava a porta de seu quarto sorrateiramente com uma taça de licor na mão quando você se aproximou, mal dizendo alguma coisa antes que ela reconhecesse sua presença.
“Que as Fadas contemplem a noivinha indigente! O que devo o prazer da sua companhia?”, a mulher sibilou se escorando nas portas de madeira. Pode reparar que ela trajava roupas de dormir como as de Joo-Hyun.
Uma camisola de seda preta, a dela, no entanto, assimilava um grande vestido gótico. Os cabelos lisos ao lado da face, sem muito volume, acarretando na expressão esquelética e maldosa da mulher. As unhas grandes pintadas de um vermelho que se juntava ao preto no final. Uma verdadeira deusa demoníaca.
Ela levou o copo aos lábios com um sorrisinho macabro de quem sabia demais.
“O que está acontecendo?”, você pediu cruzando os braços. Não se importando se pareceria rude ou não.
“Terá que ser mais específica, princesa. Como pode ver, eu não tenho uma bola de cristal. Só orelhas pontiagudas”, Seulgi devolveu.
“Onde está Joo-Hyun? Deveríamos perfazer nossos deveres e ela me deixou sem explicações claras. Apenas me informou tinha planos para essa noite”, proferiu agressiva. Kang riu melodiosamente, como um canto de sereia te arrastando para as profundezas.
“Não pensou que minha irmã fosse realmente dormir com você, pensou? Está mergulhada demais em suas histórias mundanas, princesa. As coisas não são assim aqui em Attadolon.”
É, você já estava consciente disso. Ofendida, dispensou mais insultos se negando a ruborizar com a maneira lasciva que Seulgi te encarava. Imaginou se todas as fadas continham esse olhar caído e sedutor como o dela, ou se Joo-Hyun se incomodaria em ver a irmã dela olhando para você dessa forma. Mas, aparentemente, a resposta era um claro ‘não’.
“Volte para seus aposentos, as noites aqui são longas”, aconselhou ela te deixando no meio do corredor.
Você encarou os saltos de Seulgi desaparecendo pelas escadarias e se questionou se deveria segui-la, quiçá, estivesse se encaminhando ao mesmo local de sua noiva. Tinha de saber. Habituou-se ao que achava uma maneira sorrateira de se mover pelo castelo, seguindo a feérica. Os pés descalços entravam em contato com o tecido felpudo dos tapetes que enfeitavam todo o chão do castelo e volta e meia, você se escondia entre um pilar e outro até estarem fora do grande palácio.
O clima era mais frio agora, mas ainda assim possuía quentura em si. As folhas e terra sujando as solas de seus pés conforme você se movia pra dentro da flertes atrás de Seulgi, percebeu enquanto andava que a cada passo, uma peça de roupa era descartada. Os sapatos já estavam esquecidos e logo teria sido o robe. Olhando ao redor, viu centenas de outras roupas caídas por ali.
Uma grande iluminação vinha do centro de tudo, onde, quando chegaram, viu os desenhos nus dos feéricos que teriam parabenizado-na horas atrás. Homens e mulheres se misturando em pequenos grupos entrelaçados que se abraçavam e se amavam a luz do luar. Certamente, sentiu as bochechas queimaram com a visão. Isso era mais do que já teria visto em sua vida frágil e humana.
Pessoas como ela não se reuniam assim. Intimidades eram guardadas para o quarto. Entre quatro paredes, sequer eram proferidas em voz alta no mundo feminino.
Todavia, estavam ali. Prelados com as peles brilhosas reluzindo em frente à grande lareira, viu corpos conhecidos ali. O mais recente era Seulgi se misturando com outra mulher de cabelos loiros, seu corpo nu cobriu o da companheira e você arregalou os olhos ao ver ela se ajoelhando em frente a mulher. Uma trilha de beijos dourados sendo marcados em sua pele enquanto sua boca se enterrava naquela parte tão íntima.
O som devasso te tirou de sua observação. Lee Taeyong estava ali, não mantinha em grupo algum mas dispensava suas roupas como todos ali. Uma taça de ouro em mãos e os lábios manchados da mesma cor. Parecia Apólo, o Deus do Sol.
E mais no canto, seus olhos focalizaram a visão que procurava. Joo-Hyun estava sentada em um tronco de árvore, despida como no dia em que veio ao mundo. Os cabelos com pequenas ondas desciam pelas laterais de seu corpo e as pernas estavam arreganhadas enquanto duas mulheres se ajoelhavam a sua frente, tomando tempos em devastá-la. Os mamilos enrijecidos eram rosinhas e torcidos por ela, era o semblante mais animado que já teria visto dela.
Os olhinhos curtos revirados em prazer e a boca mordida, sons baixinhos ecoavam de sua garganta e você via de relance a vermelhidão de sua intimidade pulsando quando uma de suas companheiras se afastando o suficiente para apreciar a visão de sua esposa. Um dedo esguio esfregava aquela parte esponjosa e grudentinha, um líquido branquinho se afastava dela e grudava nos dedos da mulher.
Uma sensação quente se apossou de seu ventre e você precisou fechar mais as pernas. Sentia sua intimidade pulsar junto com a dela, as bochechas deviam estar tão vermelhas que pareceria que correu uma maratona. Até mesmo se sentia meio ofegante. Os bicos de seu peito estavam tão tesos que doíam com o peso. Você arfou.
“Prefere se juntar a nós também, princesa?”, uma delas perguntou se virando para você. Seu rosto era delicadamente traçado com linhas verdes assim como sua pele. Os cabelos eram ruivos e ela cheirava as ervas de hortelã que cultivavam perto de seu castelo.
Olhares se viraram para você, Seulgi riu esganada em meio a um gemido antes de se desligar da cena e você desviou o olhar. Sabia que a mulher não devia ligar para privacidade se se encontrava ali, contudo, não pôde evitar de dar isso a ela. Mesmo que inconscientemente. De longe, podia ver Taeyong se apoiando nos próprios joelhos para observar a cena. Atrás dele, os gêmeos Hong-gi e Hyuk-jae apareciam de supetão.
“Eu… Sinto muito pela interrupção, mas..”, a vergonha te impedia de falar mas nada mais foi necessário. A fúria que Joo-Hyun demonstrou ao fechar as pernas e se levantar foi reação suficiente para o restante de sua vida mortal, se era isso que esperava.
“Não fique acanhada, princesa, junte-se a nós”, chamou a mulher verde novamente. A princesa de Attadolon, no entanto, murmurou alguma coisa em uma língua irreconhecível que fez com que essa se calasse e se desculpasse.
“Ela não fará nenhuma dessas coisas”, proferiu ríspida. “Venha comigo, agora.”
Joo-Hyun agarrou seu pulso te arrastando dali. Os cabelos iam de um lado para o outro e a carne macia chacoalhava um pouco com a força de sua pisada, você perdeu na voltinha suave que a bunda dela nua dela dava. Vez ou outra, tinha um vislumbre dos seios. Passaram alguns minutos caminhando até que se visse completamente desligada da cena que acontecia há alguns metros dali.
Foi então que se deu conta da situação em que se encontrava. Uma frágil mortal perdida em uma floresta desconhecida, numa terra desconhecida, com uma feérica furiosa. Você, silenciosamente, rezou por duas coisas ali.
Que chegasse viva ao castelo e que, por alguma razão, o ódio de Joo-Hyun se dissipasse. Você não sabia se seria atendida.
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How would irene react to her s/o being reserved and quiet with others but comfortable and touchy with her?
Red Velvet headcanon: Irene reacting to her reserved S/O being touchy with her
Requests are open
Hello Anon, thank you for your request and enjoy the the result 😄
Red Velvet Irene X GN!Reader
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Irene knew that you were a quiet and reserved person since the first time she saw you
You were hanging out with you friends
They were all acting silly, while you were just relaxing while watching them doing crazy stuff
And yet just your being so chill is what attracted Irene's attention
She needed as her partner a person who had a similar aura to her
So she decided to do the first step
And in the most natural way you two became a couple
In the beginning you acted like you did with your friends
Being calm and comfortable around her, giving her the attentions she needs but with composure
Things changed when she introduced you to her members
You were so shy, you seemed a kid
Avoiding their gazes and answering to their question with yes or no
For Irene it was not a problem, she knew well your personality
Or at least the majority of it
That same day she was preparing the dinner
When she felt a couple of arms around her waist
She turned armed with ladle
She was so surprised when she saw that the arms were yours
"What's wrong, babe? Don't you want my hugs?" "It's not that, Y/N...just not expecting it"
That night she was surprised even more because you continued to be sweet and touchy with her
She even checked if you had fever lol
But no, evidently you just wanted to cuddle
Taking her hand in yours, showering hers with kisses, laiding on her on the couch
She thought that it was you response to knowing new people
Instead you continued to act in this way when you two were alone in her or your house
And you know what?
She is ok with it
Obviously she loves the person you are when you are outside
Nothing too exaggerated, just a loveable person to pass time with
But now she loves even more the person you are in private
It's so comforting to see you being so affectionate with her
After a long and tiring day of work, returning home and finding you ready to welcoming her in your arms is her biggest happiness
Plus, also her started being more sweet and cuddly with you
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skyrohyucks · 1 year
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"We could be lovers in the night
We could be strangers in the light"
You ran along with Yeri as she pulled you by your arms, tugging you behind her as she made her way through busy streets. Giggling while catching your breath, you ignore the frowns and stares from passersby drilling through your soul. It was an ungodly hour for running around but the buzzing crowd and the blinding lights from the giant buildings surrounding your small frames made the dimly lit streets roar with life.
The pair of you kept running till the path led you to an isolated dead-end. The surroundings were quiet and serene, giving your earbuds a rest unlike the noisy routes you ran through. The walls around you were covered by paintings in loud colors, alive and roaring even in the weak lighting. The designs were all abstract and beautiful nothings, each of them hiding a fragment of the soul of their creator.
Yeri, being an art fanatic, went ahead and took out her camera to capture the piece. You walked behind her to keep up with her, sliding your hands around her waist. You rested your head on her shoulder, letting out a sigh you didn't know you've been holding in. Yeri took your hands into her clammy ones and interlocked them, her giggles fading away slowly.
You closed your eyes, burying your face into her neck, taking slow deep breaths. Yeri tightened her hold around your hands. You both stayed like that, standing in the middle of nowhere in peace, relishing the moment with every fiber of your being, knowing you have to go back to your flawless facade of being no more than 'friends' the next day.
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